To support the verbatim representation, we need to add some syntactic sugar.
The parsed internal representation of Michelson contains nodes like explicit empty lists, e.g. .AnnotationList
, and tokens to be wrapped using the #token(...)
Here we implement a simplified parser that introduces what is necessary to paste the contract code directly.
All the rules are macros, and they insert the .AnnotationList
and #token(...)
elements where necessary.
The macro processor has problems inferring the type of nullary instructions.
We get around this problem by explicitly declaring every NullaryInstName
an Instruction
, and giving each a separate macro.
requires ""
syntax Instruction ::= "DROP" [macro]
| "DUP" [macro]
| "SWAP" [macro]
| "SOME" [macro]
| "UNIT" [macro]
| "PAIR" [macro]
| "UNPAIR" [macro]
| "CAR" [macro]
| "CDR" [macro]
| "CONS" [macro]
| "SIZE" [macro]
| "MEM" [macro]
| "GET" [macro]
| "UPDATE" [macro]
| "EXEC" [macro]
| "APPLY" [macro]
| "FAILWITH" [macro]
| "CAST" [macro]
| "RENAME" [macro]
| "CONCAT" [macro]
| "SLICE" [macro]
| "PACK" [macro]
| "ADD" [macro]
| "SUB" [macro]
| "MUL" [macro]
| "EDIV" [macro]
| "ABS" [macro]
| "ISNAT" [macro]
| "INT" [macro]
| "NEG" [macro]
| "LSL" [macro]
| "LSR" [macro]
| "OR" [macro]
| "AND" [macro]
| "XOR" [macro]
| "NOT" [macro]
| "COMPARE" [macro]
| "EQ" [macro]
| "NEQ" [macro]
| "LT" [macro]
| "GT" [macro]
| "LE" [macro]
| "GE" [macro]
| "SELF" [macro]
| "SET_DELEGATE" [macro]
| "CREATE_ACCOUNT" [macro]
| "NOW" [macro]
| "CHAIN_ID" [macro]
| "AMOUNT" [macro]
| "BALANCE" [macro]
| "BLAKE2B" [macro]
| "SHA256" [macro]
| "SHA512" [macro]
| "HASH_KEY" [macro]
| "STEPS_TO_QUOTA" [macro]
| "SOURCE" [macro]
| "SENDER" [macro]
| "ADDRESS" [macro]
| "SWAP" [macro]
rule (DROP):Instruction => DROP .AnnotationList
rule (DUP):Instruction => DUP .AnnotationList
rule (SWAP):Instruction => SWAP .AnnotationList
rule (SOME):Instruction => SOME .AnnotationList
rule (UNIT):Instruction => UNIT .AnnotationList
rule (PAIR):Instruction => PAIR .AnnotationList
rule (UNPAIR):Instruction => UNPAIR .AnnotationList
rule (CAR):Instruction => CAR .AnnotationList
rule (CDR):Instruction => CDR .AnnotationList
rule (CONS):Instruction => CONS .AnnotationList
rule (SIZE):Instruction => SIZE .AnnotationList
rule (MEM):Instruction => MEM .AnnotationList
rule (GET):Instruction => GET .AnnotationList
rule (UPDATE):Instruction => UPDATE .AnnotationList
rule (EXEC):Instruction => EXEC .AnnotationList
rule (APPLY):Instruction => APPLY .AnnotationList
rule (FAILWITH):Instruction => FAILWITH .AnnotationList
rule (CAST):Instruction => CAST .AnnotationList
rule (RENAME):Instruction => RENAME .AnnotationList
rule (CONCAT):Instruction => CONCAT .AnnotationList
rule (SLICE):Instruction => SLICE .AnnotationList
rule (PACK):Instruction => PACK .AnnotationList
rule (ADD):Instruction => ADD .AnnotationList
rule (SUB):Instruction => SUB .AnnotationList
rule (MUL):Instruction => MUL .AnnotationList
rule (EDIV):Instruction => EDIV .AnnotationList
rule (ABS):Instruction => ABS .AnnotationList
rule (ISNAT):Instruction => ISNAT .AnnotationList
rule (INT):Instruction => INT .AnnotationList
rule (NEG):Instruction => NEG .AnnotationList
rule (LSL):Instruction => LSL .AnnotationList
rule (LSR):Instruction => LSR .AnnotationList
rule (OR):Instruction => OR .AnnotationList
rule (AND):Instruction => AND .AnnotationList
rule (XOR):Instruction => XOR .AnnotationList
rule (NOT):Instruction => NOT .AnnotationList
rule (COMPARE):Instruction => COMPARE .AnnotationList
rule (EQ):Instruction => EQ .AnnotationList
rule (NEQ):Instruction => NEQ .AnnotationList
rule (LT):Instruction => LT .AnnotationList
rule (GT):Instruction => GT .AnnotationList
rule (LE):Instruction => LE .AnnotationList
rule (GE):Instruction => GE .AnnotationList
rule (SELF):Instruction => SELF .AnnotationList
rule (TRANSFER_TOKENS):Instruction => TRANSFER_TOKENS .AnnotationList
rule (SET_DELEGATE):Instruction => SET_DELEGATE .AnnotationList
rule (CREATE_ACCOUNT):Instruction => CREATE_ACCOUNT .AnnotationList
rule (IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT):Instruction => IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT .AnnotationList
rule (NOW):Instruction => NOW .AnnotationList
rule (CHAIN_ID):Instruction => CHAIN_ID .AnnotationList
rule (AMOUNT):Instruction => AMOUNT .AnnotationList
rule (BALANCE):Instruction => BALANCE .AnnotationList
rule (CHECK_SIGNATURE):Instruction => CHECK_SIGNATURE .AnnotationList
rule (BLAKE2B):Instruction => BLAKE2B .AnnotationList
rule (SHA256):Instruction => SHA256 .AnnotationList
rule (SHA512):Instruction => SHA512 .AnnotationList
rule (HASH_KEY):Instruction => HASH_KEY .AnnotationList
rule (STEPS_TO_QUOTA):Instruction => STEPS_TO_QUOTA .AnnotationList
rule (SOURCE):Instruction => SOURCE .AnnotationList
rule (SENDER):Instruction => SENDER .AnnotationList
rule (ADDRESS):Instruction => ADDRESS .AnnotationList
rule (SWAP):Instruction => SWAP .AnnotationList
syntax Instruction ::= UnaryIntInstName Int [macro]
| UnaryTypeInstName Type [macro]
| UnaryBlockInstName Block [macro]
| BinaryTypeInstName Type Type [macro]
| BinaryBlockInstName Block Block [macro]
rule I:UnaryIntInstName P:Int => I .AnnotationList P
rule I:UnaryTypeInstName P:Type => I .AnnotationList P
rule I:UnaryBlockInstName P:Block => I .AnnotationList P
rule I:BinaryTypeInstName P1:Type P2:Type => I .AnnotationList P1 P2
rule I:BinaryBlockInstName P1:Block P2:Block => I .AnnotationList P1 P2
syntax SpecialInstruction ::= "PUSH" Type Data [macro]
| "LAMBDA" Type Type Block [macro]
| "CREATE_CONTRACT" "{" Contract "}" [macro]
| "DIP" Int Block [macro]
rule PUSH T:Type D:Data => PUSH .AnnotationList T D
rule LAMBDA T1:Type T2:Type B:Block => LAMBDA .AnnotationList T1 T2 B
rule CREATE_CONTRACT { C } => CREATE_CONTRACT .AnnotationList { C }
rule DIP I:Int B:Block => DIP .AnnotationList I B
The macro processor has problems inferring the type of nullary types.
We get around this problem by explicitly declaring every NullaryTypeName
a Type
, and giving each a separate macro.
syntax Type ::= "int" [macro]
| "nat" [macro]
| "string" [macro]
| "bytes" [macro]
| "mutez" [macro]
| "bool" [macro]
| "key_hash" [macro]
| "timestamp" [macro]
| "address" [macro]
| "key" [macro]
| "unit" [macro]
| "signature" [macro]
| "operation" [macro]
| "chain_id" [macro]
rule (int):Type => int .AnnotationList
rule (nat):Type => nat .AnnotationList
rule (string):Type => string .AnnotationList
rule (bytes):Type => bytes .AnnotationList
rule (mutez):Type => mutez .AnnotationList
rule (bool):Type => bool .AnnotationList
rule (key_hash):Type => key_hash .AnnotationList
rule (timestamp):Type => timestamp .AnnotationList
rule (address):Type => address .AnnotationList
rule (key):Type => key .AnnotationList
rule (unit):Type => unit .AnnotationList
rule (signature):Type => signature .AnnotationList
rule (operation):Type => operation .AnnotationList
rule (chain_id):Type => chain_id .AnnotationList
syntax Type ::= UnaryTypeName Type [macro]
| BinaryTypeName Type Type [macro]
| BinaryPlusTypeName Type NeTypeList [macro]
rule N:UnaryTypeName T => N .AnnotationList T
rule N:BinaryTypeName T1 T2 => N .AnnotationList T1 T2
rule N:BinaryPlusTypeName T TL => N .AnnotationList T TL
The boolean literals from Michelson needs to be wrapped in #token
, since they are not part of the usual internal syntax.
syntax MichelsonBool ::= Bool
syntax MichelsonBool ::= "True" [macro]
| "False" [macro]
rule True => true
rule False => false