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241 lines (215 loc) · 11.2 KB

File metadata and controls

241 lines (215 loc) · 11.2 KB


To support the verbatim representation, we need to add some syntactic sugar. The parsed internal representation of Michelson contains nodes like explicit empty lists, e.g. .AnnotationList, and tokens to be wrapped using the #token(...) production. Here we implement a simplified parser that introduces what is necessary to paste the contract code directly. All the rules are macros, and they insert the .AnnotationList and #token(...) elements where necessary.


Pretty Nullary Instructions

The macro processor has problems inferring the type of nullary instructions. We get around this problem by explicitly declaring every NullaryInstName an Instruction, and giving each a separate macro.

requires ""

  imports BOOL-SYNTAX

  syntax Instruction ::= "DROP" [macro]
                       | "DUP" [macro]
                       | "SWAP" [macro]
                       | "SOME" [macro]
                       | "UNIT" [macro]
                       | "PAIR" [macro]
                       | "UNPAIR" [macro]
                       | "CAR" [macro]
                       | "CDR" [macro]
                       | "CONS" [macro]
                       | "SIZE" [macro]
                       | "MEM" [macro]
                       | "GET" [macro]
                       | "UPDATE" [macro]
                       | "EXEC" [macro]
                       | "APPLY" [macro]
                       | "FAILWITH" [macro]
                       | "CAST" [macro]
                       | "RENAME" [macro]
                       | "CONCAT" [macro]
                       | "SLICE" [macro]
                       | "PACK" [macro]
                       | "ADD" [macro]
                       | "SUB" [macro]
                       | "MUL" [macro]
                       | "EDIV" [macro]
                       | "ABS" [macro]
                       | "ISNAT" [macro]
                       | "INT" [macro]
                       | "NEG" [macro]
                       | "LSL" [macro]
                       | "LSR" [macro]
                       | "OR" [macro]
                       | "AND" [macro]
                       | "XOR" [macro]
                       | "NOT" [macro]
                       | "COMPARE" [macro]
                       | "EQ" [macro]
                       | "NEQ" [macro]
                       | "LT" [macro]
                       | "GT" [macro]
                       | "LE" [macro]
                       | "GE" [macro]
                       | "SELF" [macro]
                       | "TRANSFER_TOKENS" [macro]
                       | "SET_DELEGATE" [macro]
                       | "CREATE_ACCOUNT" [macro]
                       | "IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT" [macro]
                       | "NOW" [macro]
                       | "CHAIN_ID" [macro]
                       | "AMOUNT" [macro]
                       | "BALANCE" [macro]
                       | "CHECK_SIGNATURE" [macro]
                       | "BLAKE2B" [macro]
                       | "SHA256" [macro]
                       | "SHA512" [macro]
                       | "HASH_KEY" [macro]
                       | "STEPS_TO_QUOTA" [macro]
                       | "SOURCE" [macro]
                       | "SENDER" [macro]
                       | "ADDRESS" [macro]
                       | "SWAP" [macro]

  rule (DROP):Instruction             => DROP             .AnnotationList
  rule (DUP):Instruction              => DUP              .AnnotationList
  rule (SWAP):Instruction             => SWAP             .AnnotationList
  rule (SOME):Instruction             => SOME             .AnnotationList
  rule (UNIT):Instruction             => UNIT             .AnnotationList
  rule (PAIR):Instruction             => PAIR             .AnnotationList
  rule (UNPAIR):Instruction           => UNPAIR           .AnnotationList
  rule (CAR):Instruction              => CAR              .AnnotationList
  rule (CDR):Instruction              => CDR              .AnnotationList
  rule (CONS):Instruction             => CONS             .AnnotationList
  rule (SIZE):Instruction             => SIZE             .AnnotationList
  rule (MEM):Instruction              => MEM              .AnnotationList
  rule (GET):Instruction              => GET              .AnnotationList
  rule (UPDATE):Instruction           => UPDATE           .AnnotationList
  rule (EXEC):Instruction             => EXEC             .AnnotationList
  rule (APPLY):Instruction            => APPLY            .AnnotationList
  rule (FAILWITH):Instruction         => FAILWITH         .AnnotationList
  rule (CAST):Instruction             => CAST             .AnnotationList
  rule (RENAME):Instruction           => RENAME           .AnnotationList
  rule (CONCAT):Instruction           => CONCAT           .AnnotationList
  rule (SLICE):Instruction            => SLICE            .AnnotationList
  rule (PACK):Instruction             => PACK             .AnnotationList
  rule (ADD):Instruction              => ADD              .AnnotationList
  rule (SUB):Instruction              => SUB              .AnnotationList
  rule (MUL):Instruction              => MUL              .AnnotationList
  rule (EDIV):Instruction             => EDIV             .AnnotationList
  rule (ABS):Instruction              => ABS              .AnnotationList
  rule (ISNAT):Instruction            => ISNAT            .AnnotationList
  rule (INT):Instruction              => INT              .AnnotationList
  rule (NEG):Instruction              => NEG              .AnnotationList
  rule (LSL):Instruction              => LSL              .AnnotationList
  rule (LSR):Instruction              => LSR              .AnnotationList
  rule (OR):Instruction               => OR               .AnnotationList
  rule (AND):Instruction              => AND              .AnnotationList
  rule (XOR):Instruction              => XOR              .AnnotationList
  rule (NOT):Instruction              => NOT              .AnnotationList
  rule (COMPARE):Instruction          => COMPARE          .AnnotationList
  rule (EQ):Instruction               => EQ               .AnnotationList
  rule (NEQ):Instruction              => NEQ              .AnnotationList
  rule (LT):Instruction               => LT               .AnnotationList
  rule (GT):Instruction               => GT               .AnnotationList
  rule (LE):Instruction               => LE               .AnnotationList
  rule (GE):Instruction               => GE               .AnnotationList
  rule (SELF):Instruction             => SELF             .AnnotationList
  rule (TRANSFER_TOKENS):Instruction  => TRANSFER_TOKENS  .AnnotationList
  rule (SET_DELEGATE):Instruction     => SET_DELEGATE     .AnnotationList
  rule (CREATE_ACCOUNT):Instruction   => CREATE_ACCOUNT   .AnnotationList
  rule (IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT):Instruction => IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT .AnnotationList
  rule (NOW):Instruction              => NOW              .AnnotationList
  rule (CHAIN_ID):Instruction         => CHAIN_ID         .AnnotationList
  rule (AMOUNT):Instruction           => AMOUNT           .AnnotationList
  rule (BALANCE):Instruction          => BALANCE          .AnnotationList
  rule (CHECK_SIGNATURE):Instruction  => CHECK_SIGNATURE  .AnnotationList
  rule (BLAKE2B):Instruction          => BLAKE2B          .AnnotationList
  rule (SHA256):Instruction           => SHA256           .AnnotationList
  rule (SHA512):Instruction           => SHA512           .AnnotationList
  rule (HASH_KEY):Instruction         => HASH_KEY         .AnnotationList
  rule (STEPS_TO_QUOTA):Instruction   => STEPS_TO_QUOTA   .AnnotationList
  rule (SOURCE):Instruction           => SOURCE           .AnnotationList
  rule (SENDER):Instruction           => SENDER           .AnnotationList
  rule (ADDRESS):Instruction          => ADDRESS          .AnnotationList
  rule (SWAP):Instruction             => SWAP             .AnnotationList

Other Pretty Instructions

  syntax Instruction ::= UnaryIntInstName Int [macro]
                       | UnaryTypeInstName Type [macro]
                       | UnaryBlockInstName Block [macro]
                       | BinaryTypeInstName Type Type [macro]
                       | BinaryBlockInstName Block Block [macro]

  rule I:UnaryIntInstName    P:Int             => I .AnnotationList P
  rule I:UnaryTypeInstName   P:Type            => I .AnnotationList P
  rule I:UnaryBlockInstName  P:Block           => I .AnnotationList P
  rule I:BinaryTypeInstName  P1:Type  P2:Type  => I .AnnotationList P1 P2
  rule I:BinaryBlockInstName P1:Block P2:Block => I .AnnotationList P1 P2

  syntax SpecialInstruction ::= "PUSH" Type Data [macro]
                              | "LAMBDA" Type Type Block [macro]
                              | "CREATE_CONTRACT" "{" Contract "}" [macro]
                              | "DIP" Int Block [macro]

  rule PUSH T:Type D:Data => PUSH .AnnotationList T D
  rule LAMBDA T1:Type T2:Type B:Block => LAMBDA .AnnotationList T1 T2 B
  rule CREATE_CONTRACT { C } => CREATE_CONTRACT .AnnotationList { C }
  rule DIP I:Int B:Block => DIP .AnnotationList I B


Pretty Nullary Types

The macro processor has problems inferring the type of nullary types. We get around this problem by explicitly declaring every NullaryTypeName a Type, and giving each a separate macro.

  syntax Type ::= "int" [macro]
                | "nat" [macro]
                | "string" [macro]
                | "bytes" [macro]
                | "mutez" [macro]
                | "bool" [macro]
                | "key_hash" [macro]
                | "timestamp" [macro]
                | "address" [macro]
                | "key" [macro]
                | "unit" [macro]
                | "signature" [macro]
                | "operation" [macro]
                | "chain_id" [macro]

  rule (int):Type          => int        .AnnotationList
  rule (nat):Type          => nat        .AnnotationList
  rule (string):Type       => string     .AnnotationList
  rule (bytes):Type        => bytes      .AnnotationList
  rule (mutez):Type        => mutez      .AnnotationList
  rule (bool):Type         => bool       .AnnotationList
  rule (key_hash):Type     => key_hash   .AnnotationList
  rule (timestamp):Type    => timestamp  .AnnotationList
  rule (address):Type      => address    .AnnotationList
  rule (key):Type          => key        .AnnotationList
  rule (unit):Type         => unit       .AnnotationList
  rule (signature):Type    => signature  .AnnotationList
  rule (operation):Type    => operation  .AnnotationList
  rule (chain_id):Type     => chain_id   .AnnotationList

Other Pretty Types

  syntax Type ::= UnaryTypeName   Type [macro]
                | BinaryTypeName  Type Type [macro]
                | BinaryPlusTypeName Type NeTypeList [macro]

  rule N:UnaryTypeName      T     => N .AnnotationList T
  rule N:BinaryTypeName     T1 T2 => N .AnnotationList T1 T2
  rule N:BinaryPlusTypeName T TL  => N .AnnotationList T TL


The boolean literals from Michelson needs to be wrapped in #token, since they are not part of the usual internal syntax.

  syntax MichelsonBool ::= Bool
  syntax MichelsonBool ::= "True"  [macro]
                         | "False" [macro]

  rule True  => true
  rule False => false