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WG Directory Listing

Vue application (v 2.5.5) for filtering and sorting published companies.

Drupal 8 outputs JSON for live filtering and sorting.

  • JSON output url: /api/company/russom_example_listing_endpoint.json?_format=json
  • Drupal 8.5 and higher require ?_format=json appended to the URL.

Vue application filters on JSON output, located in src directory.

Vue application

  • Vue application is located in js directory.

Methods, computed

  • Methods:
    • orderByInteger, function to order integer values.
    • orderByString, function to order string values.
    • taxonomyOptions, provides array for taxonomy select options.
    • multipleValues, filters on multiple values.
    • yearFounded, calculates years in business from year founded value.
    • formSubmit, resets form options.
  • Computed:
    • filter, handles filtering of input and select fields.
    • locationOptions, provides custom array of company locations - grouped by state.
    • teaserImage, handles image teaser as background image style. Falls back to no image css treament.


  • select-chosen - Handles chosen.js implementation of select field.
  • star-rating - Outputs rating average of company.


This module loads the following libraries via composer:

  • Chosen.js
  • Vue.js

PHP library from the votingapi_widgets module is used to get voting averages of company nodes.

Developer notes

To enable developer mode:

  1. Add the following to russom-example-template.html.twig file:
    <script src=""></script>
  2. Comment out the following in russom_example_listing.libraries.yml lines:
      version: VERSION
        /libraries/vue/dist/vue.min.js: { minified: true }

This will output a console log message in your browser to indicate developer mode as been activated.