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2140 lines (1402 loc) · 55.9 KB

File metadata and controls

2140 lines (1402 loc) · 55.9 KB

Contributing to Rust Utilities

Thanks for even thinking about it!

The text within this document are not set in stone rules but guidelines, and much like other files maintained by Rust Utilities the following may be edited via a Pull Request.

Table of Contents

Code of Conduct

## Scope

This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.

Review the whole thing to see what is expected of those that maintain code with Rust Utilities

How to Contribute

The goal is, as always, useful code and documentation, though Support is always appreciated. Sharing Repositories maintained by this Organization is an excellent way to contribute if none of the following options are applicable, because the more eyes on a Code Base the more likely it seems that bugs will be found and fixed.

Open Issues

Join the Contributors issuing Pull Requests that close available Open Issues. New Issues may be opened for Reporting Bugs and Suggesting Enhancements. However, please search for existing similar Issues first; example search for memory-leaks from the .github repository.

Report Bugs

The Template should when opening a New Issue. Please be detailed and try to include all relevant information within the OP (Original Post). Additionally, if clarifications or more information is requested or discovered, then editing the OP is preferred to adding another post or opening a new issue.

Bugs may also be reported via a Pull Request that suggests fixes, in which case skip opening an Issue and instead use the :bug: emoji_word as the first word of the fix commit.

Example Bug Report Pull Request

git checkout master
git merge --strategy-option theirs --squash dev-master

git commit -F- <<'EOF'
:bug: memory leak `cow_bell(solo_count_down)` when `solo_count_down=<NaN>`


- `` file, fixes `cow_bell(solo_count_down)` being called before previous solo has ended

- `` file, removes warnings about excessive cow_bell solos causing memory leaks

git push forked master

Suggest Enhancements

The Template may be used when opening a New Issue. Whenever possible provide example/pseudo code along with a detailed description of what needs solved. Or in other-words; napkin-sketches are permitted if it helps readers better understand the scope.

Or for faster consideration and adoption of new code, try adding new features via a Pull Request

Example Enhancement Pull Request

git checkout gh-pages
git merge --strategy-option theirs --squash dev-gh-pages

git commit -F- <<'EOF'
:apple: Cow Bell solos supported on Mac OS


`` file;

- feature detection for Mac OS, uses default media player for solos

- feature detection for MS, however requires Bash sub-system to be installed

git push forked gh-pages

Style Guidelines

No-one should get offended if a new line is forgotten or similar, but please do not break anything when issuing Pull Requests.

  • Code that operates as intended is as important as documentation that is comprehensible, so do not sacrifice readability for anything

  • In most cases two (2) should be used between sections, one (1) between sub-sections, and three (3) between headers and footers or boilerplate sections

  • URLs may break column width limits

  • Tabs shall be a sequence of four spaces ( ), generally no literal tabs (\t) will be permitted within code or documentation

  • Project, File, and Directory names should be lowercase, with hyphens (-) in place of spaces ( ) except where GitHub requires otherwise

  • Documentation should be no more than 1024 lines per file

  • Code specific (.sh) files should aim for less than 512 lines of actionable code, and doc-strings/comments should not exceed 20% of total lines within such files

  • Unix-ish new-lines (\n) are to be used within all files, Pull Request using other line-breaks will be rejected until corrected

Awk Style Guidelines

  • Lines should not exceed 120 columns wide for code and no more than 80 columns wide for comment blocks

  • Comments in most cases should precede code

  • Tabs shall be a sequence of four spaces ( ) each


#!/usr/bin/awk -f


    for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++) {

        if (ARGV[i] ~ "^--from=") {
            _from = substr(ARGV[i], 8)
            delete ARGV[i]

        if (ARGV[i] ~ "^--till=") {
            _till = substr(ARGV[i], 8)
            delete ARGV[i]


    ## Default variables used immediately within script _body_
    _buffer_index = 0



    if (_matched_from) {
        _lines_buffer[_buffer_index] = $0
        if ($0 ~ _till) {
            _matched_till = "true"
    } else {
        if ($0 ~ _from && $0 ~ _till) {
            _lines_buffer[_buffer_index] = $0
            _matched_from = "true"
            _matched_till = "true"
        } else if ($0 ~ _from) {
            _lines_buffer[_buffer_index] = $0
            _matched_from = "true"

    if (_matched_till) {
        for (i in _lines_buffer) {
            print _lines_buffer[i]

        ## Default variables prior to reading more from inputs
        _matched_from = ""
        _matched_till = ""
        delete _lines_buffer
        _buffer_index = 0


Bash Style Guidelines

  • Lines should not exceed 120 columns wide for code and no more than 80 columns wide for comment blocks

  • Comments in most cases should precede code

  • Variable and function names should be descriptive and underscores (_) in place of spaces ( ) or hyphens (-) between words, please do not issue Pull Requests with camelCased names

  • Use declare -g sparingly, and local variable assignments where necessary

  • Return something from Functions even if that is a boolean status of success or failure

  • Properly handle errors and/or allow errors to bubble up, ask permission when necessary, and fail fast

  • continue past non-matches within loops to avoid over-nesting of conditional logic


#!/usr/bin/env bash

## Outputs Front-Mater formatted failures for functions not returning 0
## Use the following line after sourcing this file to set failure trap
##    trap 'failure "LINENO" "BASH_LINENO" "${BASH_COMMAND}" "${?}"' ERR
    local -n _lineno="${1:-LINENO}"
    local -n _bash_lineno="${2:-BASH_LINENO}"
    local _last_command="${3:-${BASH_COMMAND}}"
    local _code="${4:-0}"

    ## Workaround for read EOF combo tripping traps
    if ! ((_code)); then
        return "${_code}"

    local _last_command_height="$(wc -l <<<"${_last_command}")"

    local -a _output_array=()
        "lines_history: [${_lineno} ${_bash_lineno[*]}]"
        "function_trace: [${FUNCNAME[*]}]"
        "exit_code: ${_code}"

    if [[ "${#BASH_SOURCE[@]}" -gt '1' ]]; then
        for _item in "${BASH_SOURCE[@]}"; do
            _output_array+=("  - ${_item}")
        _output_array+=("source_trace: [${BASH_SOURCE[*]}]")

    if [[ "${_last_command_height}" -gt '1' ]]; then
            'last_command: ->'
        _output_array+=("last_command: ${_last_command}")

    printf '%s\n' "${_output_array[@]}" >&2
    exit ${_code}

CSS Style Guidelines

  • Try to be concise because Organizations such as [Liquid Utilities][liquid_utilities] and [SCSS Utilities][scss_utilities] should be contributed to for compiling HTML and CSS from complex data structures and/or building Templates

  • Lines should not exceed 120 columns wide whenever possible

  • Use BEM or similarly descriptive formatting for class names


 * Style container__ classes
.container__footer {
  margin-left: 50px;
  margin-right: 50px;


.container__main_content {
  margin-top: 100px;
  margin-bottom: 100px;

.container__footer {
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 0;
  max-height: 100px;

 * Style header__ classes
.header__title {
  text-align: left;

.header__description {
  text-align: right;

Docker Style Guidelines

To avoid odd bugs Dockerfiles should be as minimal as possible...

FROM ruby:2.5

ENV GEM_HOME="/usr/local/bundle"

RUN gem install bundler -v '< 2'


CMD ["/"]

... feel free to add comments where necessary and please review relevant style guidelines for project specific entrypoint scripts.

HTML Style Guidelines

  • Use HTML5 tags that are well supported and pre HTML5 tags anywhere else

  • In-line <style></style> and/or <script></script> tags for quick examples, otherwise split things into separate Labeled Code Blocks and include relative src="script.js" or href="style.css" attributes


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <title>Words for Tab or Window Title Bar</title>

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">

    <link type="text/css" href="assets/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/javascript-modules/deep-thought/deep-thought.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
      import DeepThought from 'assets/javascript/deep-thought/deep-thought.js';
       * Example usage for DeepThought class
      const thinker = new DeepThought('multiply');

       * @param {number} n - Number of iterations and length of returned list
       * @returns {list}
      function think_until(n) {
        let thoughts = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          thoughts.push(thinker.calculate_meaning(5, i))
          console.log('Thought ' + i + ' -> ' + thoughts[i]);
        return thoughts;


  <body onload="think_until(5);">
    <header class="container__header">
      <h1 class="header__title">Title of Document</h1>

      <p class="header__description">
        Short description about content of document, project, and/or code

    <div class="container__main_content">
      <h4>Table of Contents</h4>
        <li><a href="#first-section">First</a></li>

      <h2 id="first-section">First Section</h2>
      <p>A thing or two about git...</p>

    <div class="container__footer">
      <h2>Site Footer</h2>

JavaScript Style Guidelines

  • Lines should not exceed 120 columns wide for code and no more than 80 columns wide for comment blocks

  • Comments in most cases should precede code and be formated for digestion by [JSDoc][jsdoc__block_tags] or similar tools

  • Use var sparingly, and const/let variable assignments where necessary

  • Return something from Methods or Functions even if that is a boolean status of some object mutation

  • throw and except errors! Preferably of specific types or of a descriptive nature

  • continue past non-matches within loops to avoid over-nesting of conditional logic


class DeepThought {
   * Does some classy things with numerical objects
   * @copyright S0AndS0 2020 GNU AGPL version 3
   * @param {string} operation - Mathematical operation to perform
   * @this DeepThought
  constructor(operation) {
    this.valid_operations = ['multiply', 'divide', 'subtract', 'sum', 'add'];
    if (this.valid_operations.indexOf(operation) == -1) {
      throw new Error('Valid Operations are -> ' + this.valid_operations);
    this.operation = operation;

   * @param {number} life         - First number to apply `this.operation` to
   * @param {number} the_universe - Second number to apply `this.operation` to
   * @returns {?number}
   * @this DeepThought
  calculate_meaning(life, the_universe) {
    let results_of_everything = NaN;
    switch (this.operation) {
      case 'multiply':
        results_of_everything = life * the_universe;
      case 'divide':
        results_of_everything = life / the_universe;
      case 'subtract':
        results_of_everything = life - the_universe;
      results_of_everything = life + the_universe;
    return results_of_everything;

Kivy Style Guidelines

See Python style guidelines for Python files

  • Utilize Python for logics and dynamic UI elements

  • As much as possible, utilize .kv files for styling and default configurations


## Check the Python methods for all of the fanciness this widget has.
    spacing: 10
    row_force_default: True
    size_hint_y: None
    rows_minimum: self._calc_rows_minimum()
    height: self._calc_min_height()

## Inherits from Adaptive_GridLayout
    cols: len(self.children) if len(self.children) > 0 else 1
    rows: 1
    spacing: 0

    synopsis_line_limit: 2
    use_bubble: True
    allow_copy: True
    size_hint_y: None
    height: self.minimum_height

Liquid Style Guidelines

  • Comments in most cases should precede code

  • Variable and function names should be descriptive and underscores (_) in place of spaces ( ) or hyphens (-) between words, please do not issue Pull Requests with camelCased names

  • continue past non-matches within loops to avoid over-nesting of conditional logic


{% capture workspace__filthify %}
  {% comment %}
    This attempts to stupify and filthify content that
    spent time with smartify and sanitation filters.

    Note, this will add one blank line at the end of output.
  {% endcomment %}

  {% assign input = include.input | default: nil %}
  {% assign strip_html = include.strip_html | default: false %}
  {% if input %}
    {% assign html_sanitized = '&amp;:&, &lt;:<, &gt;:>, &#126:~' %}
    {% assign smartified = '“:", ”:", –:--, —:---, …:...' %}
    {% assign smartified_quotes = "‘:', ’:'" %}

    {% assign characters_list = html_sanitized %}
    {% assign characters_list = characters_list | append: ', ' | append: smartified %}
    {% assign characters_list = characters_list | append: ', ' | append: smartified_quotes %}
    {% assign characters_list = characters_list | split: ', ' %}

    {% if strip_html %}
      {% assign filthified_input = input | strip_html %}
    {% else %}
      {% assign filthified_input = nil %}
    {% endif %}

    {% for character_pare in characters_list %}
      {% assign sanitized = character_pare | split: ':' | first %}
      {% assign filthified = character_pare | split: ':' | last %}
      {% if input contains sanitized %}

        {% if filthified_input %}
          {% assign filthified_input = filthified_input | replace: sanitized, filthified %}
        {% else %}
          {% assign filthified_input = input | replace: sanitized, filthified %}
        {% endif %}

      {% else %}

        {% unless filthified_input %}
          {% assign filthified_input = input %}
        {% endunless %}

      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

  {% endif %}
{% endcapture %}{% if filthified_input %}{% endif %}{% assign filthified_input = nil %}{% assign workspace__filthify = nil %}

MarkDown Style Guidelines

  • There is no set column width limits for MarkDown files, but do not get carried away because the focus should be on getting readers up to speed

  • External links are permitted but try to keep it to a minimum; instead refer to built-in man and/or help documentation wherever possible

  • Relative links to other files or locations within documentation is preferred; except for cross-branch linking in which case absolute links are preferred

    • Links be should organized into a Links Section bellow the Content, after three (3) blank lines
    • Link Names should use two underscores between base location and file or title
  • Lists should have one blank line between first layer of items

    • Inner lists should be tabbed in by two (2) spaces and have no blank lines between items of the same level
    • Nesting lists beyond one layer is discouraged and information should be restructured when it becomes tempting to do otherwise
  • Provide a Table of Contents section when headings become numerous and use three underscores (___) as Dividers between main sections

    • Each heading should have an internal MarkDown tag, see following example, used for linking within the document
    • Only one level one heading (lines prefixed with a single # one hash-sign) may be included in a MarkDown document and only when no FrontMatter defines a title: property
    • Main Sections should have a level two heading (prefixed by ## two hash-signs)
    • Sub-Sections should have a level three heading, and nesting beyond this is discouraged
  • Code Blocks should have the related language defined as proper nouns, eg. Bash not bash

    • Formatting within code blocks should follow related guidelines for that language
    • Code blocks should not exceed 120 lines in length
    • Use links to files instead of copying files into Code Blocks
    • Title code blocks with bold back-ticks and example path for re-use elsewhere within documentation...
  • Two blank lines should go between Sections, Sub-Sections, Dividers, Code Blocks, and List Blocks.

  • Three blank lines should go between Description, and between Content and Links Section

# Title of Document

Short description about content of document, project, and/or code


#### Table of Contents

- [First][heading__first_section]

- [Second][heading__second_section]

  - [Bash Time][heading__bash_time]
  - [Bash Variables][heading__bash_variables]

- [End][heading__end_section]


## First Section
  "Link hover-text for first section"

A thing or two about `git`...


git clone [email protected]:${_name}/${_repo}.git

Maybe a table with some columns to organize something...

| Column One | Column Two |
| cell       | cell       |
| cell       | cell       |


## Second Section
  "Link hover-text for second section"

Some notes about _`Bash`_

### Bash Time
  "Link hover-text for Bash time"


time_stamp_date() {
  local _date="${1:-$(date)}"
  printf '%s\n' "$(date --date="${_date}" +'%Y%m%d')"

### Bash Variables
  "Link hover-text for Bash variables"

Interactive console examples...

printf '%s\n' "${_now_time_stamp}"
#> 20191125

_past_time_stamp="$(time_stamp_date 'July 01, 1970')"
printf '%s\n' "${_past_time_stamp}"
#> 19700701


## End Section
  "Link hover-text for end section"

In summation this is the general outline of MarkDown formatting.

Check [`gh-pages`][branch__gh_pages] branch for example usage and documentation.

See [Somewhere Else][example__somewhere_else] for more details on something else.




Note, any prefixed back-slashes (\ ) should be removed from above example

MustacheJS Style Guidelines

MustacheJS is only as complex as a project and author(s) require, following is a cheat-sheet for utilizing and customizing templates.


  "name": "development-tutorials",
  "license": "AGPL-3.0",
  "code_of_conduct": "contributor-covenant",
  "languages": [
      "name": "Awk",
      "emoji_word": ":tophat:",
      "emoji_code": "&#x1F3A9;"
      "name": "Bash",
      "emoji_word": ":shell:",
      "emoji_code": "&#x1F41A;"
      "name": "CSS",
      "emoji_word": ":paintbrush:",
      "emoji_code": "&#x1F58C;"
  "files": [
      "in_path": ".mustache/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/",
      "out_path": ".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/"
      "in_path": ".mustache/",
      "out_path": "",
      "partials": [


#!/usr/bin/env node

const File_System = require('fs');
const Path = require('path');
const Os = require('os');

const View = require('./dataView.json');
const Mustache = require('mustache');

const Helpers = {
   * @function toLowerCase
   * @returns {render_callback}
   * @this {View}
  toLowerCase: () => {
     * @function render_callback
     * @param {string} text - Text that is encased within Mustache tag
     * @param {View} render - Reference to `View` configurations
    const render_callback = (text, render) => render(text).trim().toLowerCase();
    return render_callback;
   * @function includeConduct
   * @returns {render_callback}
   * @this {View} - AKA `dataView.json` configurations
  includeConduct: function() {
    let conduct_include_path;
    if (typeof this === 'object') {
      conduct_include_path = Path.join(__dirname,
    } else {
      conduct_include_path = Path.join(__dirname,

    if (!File_System.existsSync(conduct_include_path)) {
      throw new ReferenceError(`Cannot find conduct file -> ${conduct_include_path}`);

    const conduct_data = File_System.readFileSync(conduct_include_path);
    return Mustache.render(conduct_data.toString(), View);

class App {
   * @param {any} view
   * @param {Object} helpers
  constructor(view, helpers) {
    this.view = view;

    Object.keys(helpers).forEach((key) => {
      if (!(key in view)) {
        this.view[key] = helpers[key];

    this.output_directory = view.output_directory ? view.output_directory : __dirname;

   * Returns absolute path
   * @param {string} input
   * @returns {string}
  absPath(input) {
    if (input.indexOf('~/') === 0) {
      return input.replace(/^~\//, `${Os.homedir()}/`);
    return input.replace(
      new RegExp(`^(?!${Path.sep})`),

   * Writes files parsed with `Mustache.render`
  renderFiles() {
    this.view.files.forEach(({in_path, out_path, partials, tags}) => {
      const objectified_partials = this._objectifyPartials(partials);
      File_System.readFile(in_path, (err, data) => {
        if (err) {
          throw err;

        const rendered_mustache = Mustache.render(data.toString(), this.view, objectified_partials, tags);

        const full_out_path = Path.join(this.absPath(this.output_directory), out_path);


        File_System.writeFile(full_out_path, rendered_mustache, {'encoding': 'utf8'}, (err) => {
          if (err) {
            throw err;

          console.log(`Wrote file -> ${out_path}`);

const main_app = new App(View, Helpers);

  • Comment within a .mst file...
{{! This won't be included in output }}

  • If code_of_conduct Mustache input...
- [:customs: Code of Conduct][heading__code_of_conduct]
  • If code_of_conduct Mustache output...
- [:customs: Code of Conduct][heading__code_of_conduct]

  • If not license Mustache input...
## License
  "&#x2696; All rights reserved"

All rights reserved.

For further details contact {{ name }}.
  • If not license Mustache output...
## License
  "&#x2696; All rights reserved"

All rights reserved.

For further details contact development-tutorials.

  • For emoji_word and name, in languages and calling toLowerCase function with parameter, Mustache input...
- [{{emoji_word}} {{name}}][heading__style_guidelines__{{#toLowerCase}}{{name}}{{/toLowerCase}}]
  • For emoji_word and name, in languages and calling toLowerCase function with parameter, Mustache output...
- [:tophat: Awk][heading__style_guidelines__awk]
- [:shell: Bash][heading__style_guidelines__bash]
- [:paintbrush: CSS][heading__style_guidelines__css]

  • Calling includeConduct function without input...
{{{ includeConduct }}}
## Scope

This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.

  • Escaping {{ }} (handlebar) tags by assigning different characters...

... however, do not forget to reassign handlebars after...

Python Style Guidelines

  • Lines should not exceed 120 columns wide for code and no more than 80 columns wide for comment blocks

  • Variable and function names should be descriptive, please do not issue Pull Requests with camelCased names

  • Declare globally scoped variables sparingly, and always allow for overwriting of defaults

  • Properly handle errors and/or allow errors to bubble up, ask permission when necessary, and fail fast

  • continue past non-matches within loops to avoid over-nesting of conditional logic


#!/usr/bin/env python

from collections import Iterator

license = """
Python class for combining Dictionary and Iterator classes.
Copyright (C) 2020 S0AndS0

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

class Hybrid_Iterator(dict, Iterator):
    Contains _boilerplate_ and Python 2/3 compatibility for
    making a looping dictionary. Not intended to be used
    directly but instead to reduce redundant repetition.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Hybrid_Iterator, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def throw(self, type = None, traceback = None):
        raise StopIteration

    def next(self):
        Inheriting classes **must** override this method to activate.

        - Called implicitly via `for` loops but maybe called explicitly.
        - `GeneratorExit`/`StopIteration` are an exit signal for loops.

    __next__ = next

if __name__ == '__main__':
    raise Exception("Hybrid_Iterator import and modify it to iterate dictionaries!")

Rust Style Guidelines

Rust is a strongly typed, memory safe, and fast compiled language with a verity of targets

cargo init fibonocci

cd fibonocci


/// Call `next()` method to get next `u32` value from Fibonocci sequence
/// **Example Setup**
///     for i in Fibonocci::new().take(4) {
///         println!("i -> {}", i);
///     }
/// **Example Output**
///     i -> 1
///     i -> 1
///     i -> 3
struct Fibonocci {
    curr: u32,
    next: u32

impl Iterator for Fibonocci {
    type Item = u32;

    /// `for` loops call `next()` method implicitly
    /// **Example Setup**
    ///     let mut fib_iter = Fibonocci::new();
    ///     let mut start: u32 = 0;
    ///     let stop: u32 = 5;
    ///     while start < stop {
    ///         let next_value =;
    ///         match next_value {
    ///             Some(value) => println!("Next Value -> {}", value),
    ///             None => println!("No value from!")
    ///         }
    ///         start += 1;
    ///     }
    /// **Example Output**
    ///     Next Value -> 1
    ///     Next Value -> 1
    ///     Next Value -> 2
    ///     Next Value -> 3
    ///     Next Value -> 5
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u32> {
        let new_next = self.curr +;

        self.curr =; = new_next;


impl Fibonocci {
    /// Returns instance of `Fibonocci` with `curr` set to `0` and `next` set to `1`
    /// **Example Setup**
    ///     let mut fib_iter = Fibonocci::new();
    ///     println!("Next fib_iter -> {}",;
    /// **Example Output**
    ///     Next fib_iter -> 1
    fn new() -> Self {
        return Self {
            curr: 0,
            next: 1

fn main() {
    // `take(n)` method reduces an `Iterator` to first `n` terms
    for i in Fibonocci::new().take(4) {
        println!("i -> {}", i);

    // `skip(n)` method skips first `n` values returned from `Iterator`
    for i in Fibonocci::new().skip(4).take(4) {
        println!("i -> {}", i);

    let fib = Fibonocci::new();
    for i in fib.skip(4).take(4) {
        println!("i -> {}", i);

    let mut fib_iter = Fibonocci::new();
    let mut start: u32 = 0;
    let stop: u32 = 5;
    while start < stop {
        let next_value =;
        match next_value {
            Some(value) => println!("Next Value -> {}", value),
            None => println!("No value from!")
        start += 1;

SCSS Style Guidelines

  • Lines should not exceed 120 columns wide for code and no more than 80 columns wide for comment blocks

  • Comments should use SASS Docs syntax

  • Variable and function names should be descriptive, please do not issue Pull Requests with camelCased names

  • Declare globally scoped variables sparingly, and always allow for overwriting of defaults

  • Properly handle errors and/or allow errors to bubble up, ask permission when necessary, and fail fast

  • continue past non-matches within loops to avoid over-nesting of conditional logic


/// Outputs property:value SCSS maps prefixing either property or value
/// @param {string} $property  - The CSS property name
/// @param {*} $value          - Number, string, even CSS _function_ calls
/// @param {list} $vendor-list - List of vendor prefixes to pre-append
/// @param {string} $prefix    - Weather `string` or `value` should be pre-append to
/// @throw
/// @example
///   $mapped-vendors: map-vendor-prefixes(
///     $property: text-stroke-color,
///     $value: white,
///     $vendor-list: (-webkit, -o),
///     $prefix: property
///   );
///   // Assigns $mapped-vendors similar to...
///   // (
///   //   -webkit-text-stroke-color: white,
///   //        -o-text-stroke-color: white,
///   //           text-stroke-color: white
///   // )
/// @author S0AndS0
/// @license AGPL-3.0
@mixin render-vendor-prefixes(
  $property: false,
  $value: false,
  $vendor-list: false,
  $prefix: property,
  // Obtain formatted map of supplied input
  $vendor-prefixes: map-vendor-prefixes(
    $property: $property,
    $value: $value,
    $vendor-list: $vendor-list,
    $prefix: $prefix,
  @if $prefix == 'property' {
    @each $p, $v in $vendor-prefixes {
      #{$p}: $v;
  } @else if $prefix == 'value' {
    @each $v in map-get($vendor-prefixes, $property) {
      #{$property}: #{$v};
  } @else {
    @warn "Help, I have been force fed bad input!";
    @error "Try '$prefix: property' or '$prefix: value' next time.";

TypeScript Style Guidelines

TypeScript attempts to bring type safety to JavaScript and enables transpiling to target versions of ECMAscript

git init deep-thought

cd deep-thought
npm init .

npm install --save-dev typescript


  "name": "deep-thought",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "Thinks so deep that it may squeak",
  "main": "deep-thought.js",
  "scripts": {
    "ts-build": "tsc --build",
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": "git+ssh://[email protected]/development-tutorials/deep-thought.git"
  "keywords": [
  "author": "S0AndS0",
  "license": "AGPL-3.0",
  "bugs": {
    "url": ""
  "homepage": "",
  "devDependencies": {
    "typescript": "^3.8.3"


  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es6",
    "module": "es6",
    "lib": ["dom","es2017"],
    "locale": "en-US",
    "noImplicitAny": false,
    "sourceMap": true,
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "outDir": "js"
  "exclude": [
  "files": [


class DeepThought {
  valid_operations: string[];
  operation: string;

   * Does some classy things with numerical objects
   * @copyright S0AndS0 2020 GNU AGPL version 3
   * @param {string} operation - Mathematical operation to perform
   * @this DeepThought
  constructor(operation: string) {
    this.valid_operations = ['multiply', 'divide', 'subtract', 'sum', 'add'];
    if (!this.valid_operations.includes(operation)) {
      throw new Error(`Valid Operations are -> ${this.valid_operations}`);
    this.operation = operation;

   * @param {number} life         - First number to apply `this.operation` to
   * @param {number} the_universe - Second number to apply `this.operation` to
   * @returns {number}
   * @this DeepThought
  calculate_meaning(life: number, the_universe: number): number {
    let results_of_everything: number = NaN;
    switch (this.operation) {
      case 'multiply':
        results_of_everything = life * the_universe;
      case 'divide':
        results_of_everything = life / the_universe;
      case 'subtract':
        results_of_everything = life - the_universe;
      results_of_everything = life + the_universe;
    return results_of_everything;

Vim Style Guidelines

Vim scripts can be saved as plugins via the following path syntax...


... for example to auto-load a spelling shortcuts plugin could be similar to...



nnoremap <leader>sp :call FixLastSpell()<cr>
nnoremap <leader>sn :call FixNextSpell()<cr>

function! FixLastSpell()
  normal! mm[s1z=`m

function! FixNextSpell()
  normal! mm]s1z=`m

Local Development Setup

For repositories that include a _config.yml file within a gh-pages branch then Jekyll is required for building documentation, see the Jekyll Admin for setup and automation scripts built to make setup tasks a little swifter. Otherwise most projects of this Organization only require a Bash shell that is reasonably up-to date.

Linux Development Setup

The following steps and variable usage may also work on Mac, and may be Windows if a Bash shell is available.

Shared Variables


_git_origin_url="[email protected]:${_organization}/${_repository}.git"
_git_fork_url="[email protected]:${_git_name}/${_repository}.git"

The above Bash variables will be referenced within following sub-sections, modify the values to suite the Forked Repository.

Setup remotes via one of the following;

  1. Make a directory path for Git sources and change directories

  2. Clone fork, checkout gh-pages or example branch, and setup origin tracking

  3. Setup tracking of fork HTTPS URL tracking from perspective of project root

  4. Setup tracking of fork Git URL tracking from perspective of submodule root

mkdir -vp "${HOME}/github/${_git_name}"
cd "${HOME}/github/${_git_name}"

git clone --origin forked "${_git_fork_url}"
cd "${_repository}"
git checkout gh-pages
git remote add origin "${_git_origin_url}"

git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.browser-storage.url "${_https_fork_url}"
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

cd "modules/${_repository}"
git remote add forked "${_git_fork_url}"
git fetch forked
git branch --set-upstream-to=forked/master

git push forked master should push to the forked repository URL, and git fetch origin master will download any updates from this Organization. If any updates where downloaded then be sure to merge before issuing a Pull Request.

Windows Development Setup

Batch Variables

set _git_name='your-name'
set _organization='rust-utilities'
set _repository='project-name'

set _https_origin_url=""
set _git_origin_url="[email protected]:%_organization/%_repository.git"
set _https_fork_url="${_git_name}/${_repository}.git"
set _git_fork_url="[email protected]:%_git_name/%_repository.git"

Batch Git Commands

setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

md %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\github\%_git_name
cd %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\github\%_git_name

git clone --origin forked %_git_fork_url
cd %_repository
git checkout gh-pages
git remote add origin %_git_origin_url

git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.browser-storage.url %_https_fork_url
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

cd modules\%_repository
git remote add forked %_git_fork_url
git fetch forked
git branch --set-upstream-to=forked/master

Pull Requests are most welcome for correcting anything that might be erroneous.

Git Tips

This will not be an in-depth or exhaustive guide on git usage, as the preexisting documentation available via commands such as git help and git help submodule are thorough.

Git Commit Tips

  • First line should not exceed 74 columns wide and punctuation such as apostrophes, quotes, and periods ("'.") should be avoided

  • First line should be separated from message content by three blank lines

  • While not required the following emoji_word may be used as the first word of commit messages

    • 🎉 :tada: for Initial Commit of repository, not to be used when re-naming files

    • 🎨 :art: for format and/or structure related changes

    • 🎩 :tophat: for changes to Awk files.

    • 🐚 :shell: for changes to Bash files.

    • 🖌️ :paintbrush: for changes to CSS files.

    • 🐋 :whale2: for changes to Docker files.

    • 🕸️ :spider_web: for changes to HTML files.

    • :coffee: for changes to JavaScript files.

    • 🐍 :snake: for changes to Kivy files.

    • :fountain: for changes to Liquid files.

    • 📝 :memo: for changes to MarkDown files.

    • 〰️ :wavy_dash: for changes to MustacheJS files.

    • 🐍 :snake: for changes to Python files.

    • ⚙️ :gear: for changes to Rust files.

    • 🏭 :factory: for changes to SCSS files.

    • 🔣 :symbols: for changes to TypeScript files.

    • 🖋️ :fountain_pen: for changes to Vim files.

    • 🔥 :fire: for deletion of files, code, or documentation

    • 💩 :hankey: please avoid needing to use as it's for when moving files or content between branches

    • 💫 :dizzy: when re-naming or moving files within a branch, it'll happen for newer projects but need for use is to be avoided past version 0.0.5

    • 🐛 :bug: for stomping bugs in general

    • 🚬 :smoking: for resource bug fixes, eg. memory leaks, recursion limits, CPU load

    • 👊 :facepunch: when blaming one's self and new commit is to fix bug from recently past commit

    • 🚯 :do_not_litter: when blaming another's recent changes for requiring new committed bug fix

    • 🔒 :lock: for security related fixes

    • 🐧 :penguin: for fixing or improving Linux performance or compatibility

    • 🍎 :apple: for fixing or improving Apple/Mac performance or compatibility

    • 🏁 :checkered_flag: for fixing or improving Windows/MS performance or compatibility

    • ⬆️ :arrow_up: for tracking upgraded dependencies

    • ⬇️ :arrow_down: for tracking downgraded dependencies

    • 🔖 :bookmark: for Tagging Releases and Request For Comments (RFC)

    • :white_check_mark: for adding tests

    • 💚 :green_heart: when fixing Continuous Integration builds

    • 🚢 :ship: when opening a Pull Request

    • 🌠 :stars: for accepting a Pull Request

    • :no_entry: for rejecting a Pull Request

Additional notes should follow Markdown Style Guidelines; except for headings as #s are considered comments by default and thus ignored by many commit message handlers, see following example for other formatting differences

git add
git commit -F- <<'EOF'
:memo: Adds more readme content and spelling corrections

Links where tested locally and new content should explain things better.

Other than spelling there where a few confusing spots that where also reworded.

Git Branch Tips

There may be orphan branches utilized by rust-utilities for separating Code to be included in other projects from Documentation and Usage Examples. Non-orphaned development branches are encouraged when adding features or fixing bugs.

master branch generally contain;

  • lib or shared-functions directory, should only be used for files that directly support the file, otherwise please split out reusable code to separate repositories for including as submodules within the gh-pages branch

  • .git/ directory, required for version tracking and logging changes

  • .github/ file, should be a quick start documenting installation and/or usage

  • file, any dependencies should be listed within the .gitmodules file under the gh-pages branch

gh-pages branch (sometimes example branch) may contain;

  • modules directory, that contains a submodule subdirectory tracking the master branch, eg. modules/trap-failure

  • .gitmodules file, used by Git to version track submodules

  • .travis.yml file, used by Travis CI for public automated tests of code

  • .github/ file, should be a quick start on development setup for fixing bugs or adding features via Pull Requests

  • file, should demonstrate how code from the master branch is intended to be used

All branches should contain a LICENSE file, each file should make reference to the license in use, and Pull Requests may be opened only if shared under the same license for a given file and/or repository.

Depending upon language(s) utilized by a given repository the above file structure may change slightly, however, each branch should be kept spartan!

Development Git Branches

Development branches are excellent for privately tracking series of changes for new features or especially pervasive bugs. Merging with a squash commit back to one of the main line branches prior to publicly pushing to a fork is encouraged, however, please try to be targeted as to what each committed change pertains to.

Example dev-master branch initialization

cd "${HOME}/github/${_organization}/new-project"

git checkout master
git checkout -b dev-master

Commit changes to dev-master, then after tests have passed preform a squash merge of dev-master from the master branch

git checkout master
git merge --strategy-option theirs --squash dev-master

git commit -F- <<'EOF'
:bug: Fixes volume not being set to _`11`_ for solos

`` file, sets volume to max when `cow_bell()` solo starts

git push forked master

Git Merge Tips

Never git merge master from the gh-pages branch, and definitely do not git merge gh-pages when the master branch is checked out; orphaned branches should only be merged to and from their respective development (dev-) prefixed branches.

Squash merging is preferred for targeted edits, eg...

git checkout master
git merge --strategy-option theirs --squash dev-master

git commit -F- <<'EOF'
:shell: Asking permission from checkboxes before modifying state

`new-script.js` file, `uncheck_all()` continues on unchecked boxes and `check_all()` continues on checked boxes

git push forked master

Also be wary of rm vs git rm and mv vs git mv commands, when merging from a development branch back to one of the mainline branches the non-git wrapped commands will not update state between branches, and Pull Requests that confuse version management will be rejected.

Pull Requests

Issuing Pull Requests to repositories maintained by this Organization will only be considered if shared under the same licensing defined under License section of this document. Please use any relevant examples from the Template and adherer to the Style Guidelines for Git Commits


Template files for Organization default Issues and Pull Requests
Copyright (C) <year> S0AndS0

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

For further details review full length version of AGPL-3.0 License.


Portions of this document, such as emoji_word usage, where inspired by guidelines from the Atom IDE development team.

Templating of this and other documents within the repository where compiled with Mustache powers