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Package Probe πŸ›°

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semantic release enabled Commitizen friendly

Scan a Github organization for usage of a package.

Package Probe can help you answer questions such as "Which repositories in my organization are using React?" or "Which version of internal dependency X are my organization's projects using?"


$ npm install -g package-probe

Set up (one time)

Package Probe uses the Github API to scan for a package. If you want to search in a private Github organization, you'll need to create a Github Personal Access Token that has access to your organization and set it as an environment variable when running package-probe.

If you are scanning public organizations/owners, you can skip this step.

  • Generate a Github Personal access token in your Github profile developer settings
  • Grant the repo scope to the token (Package Probe reads information and does not store any of your data)
  • Add it to your environment as GITHUB_TOKEN or GH_TOKEN. (e.g. export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your token>)

Command line usage

$ package-probe --help

  Usage: package-probe [options]

    --json                        output results as json (default output is a table)
    --owner <owner>               Github owner/organization to scan (required)
    --partial-matches             return results for partial matches of the search term
    --search-term <searchTerm>    search term (required)
    -V, --version                 output the version number
    -h, --help                    output usage information

Package probe will automatically use a Github Personal Access Token defined in the GITHUB_TOKEN or GH_TOKEN environment variable.

Advanced usage

While the CLI provides quick use, you have more control through the advanced options available in the JavaScript interface.

JavaScript API


type Options = {
  // Github Personal Access Token. Only necessary if scanning a private organization/owner.
  accessToken?: string
  // Function that adds fields to return along with the repository name and matched version
  appendFieldsToOutput: AppendFieldsToOutputFunction
  // Don't return results that match ANY of the provided filter functions
  exclude?: RepoFilterFunction[]
  // Only return results that match ALL the provided filter functions
  include?: RepoFilterFunction[]
  // The Github owner or organization to search in
  owner: string
  // **Required**. If true, will match packages that partially match the provided search term. Otherwise, only exact matches will be returned. This option can be used to search for multiple packages that follow a naming schema.
  partialMatches?: boolean
  // **Required**. The package name to search for. Must be the full name of the package, including the owner, unless you use the `partialMatches` option.
  searchTerm: string

// See Github REST API documentation ( for available fields
type RepoFilterFunction = (githubRepo: Octokit.ReposGetResponse) => boolean

// See Github REST API documentation ( for available fields
type AppendFieldsToOutputFunction = (githubRepo: Octokit.ReposGetResponse) => {
  [fieldName: string]: any


Scan for an private package

import probe from 'package-probe'

const accessToken = process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN

const results = await probe({
  owner: 'my-company',
  searchTerm: '@my-company/my-package',


Exclude archived repositories

const isArchived = (githubRepo: Octokit.ReposGetResponse) => githubRepo.archived

const results = await probe({
  accessToken: '...',
  owner: 'my-company',
  searchTerm: '@my-company/my-package',
  exclude: [isArchived],

Add the last commit and description to the output

const appendFieldsToOutput = (githubRepo: Octokit.ReposGetResponse) => ({
  description: githubRepo.description,
  lastCommit: new Date(githubRepo.pushed_at).toLocaleDateString(),

const results = await probe({
  accessToken: '...',
  owner: 'my-company',
  searchTerm: '@my-company/my-package',

Example CLI search results

Searching my Github repositories for usage of React.

$ package-probe --search-term react --owner ryanoglesby08
πŸ›°οΈ  Scanning...
✨ Found 15 matches!
β”‚ Repository name                  β”‚ Package/app name                 β”‚ Version         β”‚
β”‚ the-eod-machine                  β”‚ @the-eod-machine/ui              β”‚ ^16.4.1         β”‚
β”‚ movie-night                      β”‚ movie-night                      β”‚ ^16.7.0-alpha.2 β”‚
β”‚ email-autocomplete               β”‚ email-autocomplete               β”‚ ^16.5.2         β”‚
β”‚ exposing-css-hidden-complexities β”‚ exposing-css-hidden-complexities β”‚ ^16.1.1         β”‚
β”‚ splitit                          β”‚ splitit                          β”‚ ^15.3.2         β”‚
β”‚ react-dashboard                  β”‚ react-bare-app                   β”‚ ^15.5.4         β”‚
β”‚ react-quizzer                    β”‚ react-quizzer                    β”‚ ^15.1.0         β”‚
β”‚ ssr-media-queries                β”‚ ssr-media-queries                β”‚ ^16.2.0         β”‚
β”‚ javascript-workshop              β”‚ react-workshop-webpack           β”‚ ^15.4.1         β”‚
β”‚ react-bare-app                   β”‚ react-bare-app                   β”‚ ^15.5.4         β”‚
β”‚ javascript-workshop              β”‚ react-workshop-real-server       β”‚ ^15.4.1         β”‚
β”‚ javascript-workshop              β”‚ react-workshop-real-server       β”‚ ^15.4.1         β”‚
β”‚ the-eod-machine                  β”‚ @the-eod-machine/emailer         β”‚ ^16.4.2         β”‚
β”‚ javascript-workshop              β”‚ react-workshop-real-server       β”‚ ^15.4.1         β”‚
β”‚ css-playground                   β”‚ js-hide-instead-of-by-class      β”‚ ^15.4.2         β”‚