package provides a set of utilities for generating Markdown formatted text in Go.
It simplifies the process of creating structured documents with various formatting options
Escapes punctuation in the input string so it allows for using special characters like *, ~, #, etc... Example:
Joins multiple nodes into a single node, it works like a fragment Example:
Doc(H1("Title"), UL("Item 1", "Item 2"))
These functions create headers of different levels. For example:
H1("Header 1")
H2("Header 2")
H3("Header 3")
H4("Header 4")
H5("Header 5")
H6("Header 6")
You can format text in italics or bold using these functions: Italic Example:
Italic("This is italic text")
Bold Example:
Bold("This is bold text")
Using Both:
Bold("This is bold text and", Italic("this is the italic part"))
Generate lists using the following functions: Unordered List Example:
UL("Item 1", "Item 2")
Ordered List Example:
OL("First", "Second")
Block Quote Example:
Quote("This is a block quote.")
Task List Example:
Task(false, "This is a task item that is not done.")
Task(true, "This is a task item that is done.")
Link Example:
Link("", "This is a link")
Image Example:
Img("", "This is an image")
Code Block Example:
CodeBlock("go", "fmt.Println('Hello, World!')")
You can conditionally render nodes based on a boolean value: If Example:
If(condition, "This will be shown")
If else Example:
IfElse(condition, "Shown", "Not Shown")
You can iterate over a list and apply a component to each item: For Example:
data := []string{"item one", "item two", "item three"}
Component := func (item string) string {
return Doc(
H1("this is the component"),
For(data, Component)
package main
import (
. ""
// PageTitle component that generates a unique page title with dynamic time
func PageTitle() string {
return Doc(
H1("Welcome to Your Personalized Page"),
"The content below is dynamically generated based on current state.", L,
"Page generated at: ", Bold(time.Now().Format("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05")), L,
// RandomFact component generates a random fact each time it's rendered
func RandomFact() string {
facts := []string{
"Bananas are berries, but strawberries are not.",
"Honey never spoils.",
"A group of flamingos is called a 'flamboyance'.",
"Octopuses have three hearts.",
"Sharks existed before trees.",
randomIndex := rand.Intn(len(facts))
return Doc(
H2("Did You Know?"),
Quote(facts[randomIndex]), L,
// UserMessage component that takes a name and a dynamic message as input
func UserMessage(name string) string {
return Doc(
H2("Personalized Message"),
"Hello, ", Bold(name), "!", L,
"We hope you're enjoying your day. Here's something special just for you:", L,
Bold("Keep being awesome and stay curious!"), L,
// TodoList component dynamically generates a task list
type Todo struct {
done bool
text string
func TodoList(tasks []Todo) string {
return Doc(
H2("Your To-Do List"),
For(tasks, func(todo Todo) string { return Task(todo.done, todo.text) }),
// Footer component that shows a dynamically updated year
func Footer() string {
return Doc(
"Thank you for visiting this page. ", L,
"© ", fmt.Sprintf("%d", time.Now().Year()), " All rights reserved.",
// MainPage function that renders all components together
func MainPage(name string, todos []Todo) string {
return Doc(
func GetTodos() []Todo {
return []Todo{
text: "Learn Go",
done: true,
text: "Contribute to open source",
done: false,
text: "Read about dynamic programming",
done: false,
func main() {
tasks := GetTodos()
fmt.Println(MainPage("Alice", tasks))