All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- While your code may continue to work as before, the async behavior has changed, as we don't block on .Result anymore
- Fixes issue #259 in the sendgrid-csharp library
- Updated examples and README to demonstrate await usage
- Pull request #11: Adding the option to set WebProxy object to be used on HttpClient
- Big thanks to Juliano Nunes for the pull request!
- Sign assembly with a strong name
- Solves issue #7
- Solves issue #256 in the SendGrid C# Client
- Do not try to encode the JSON request payload by replacing single quotes with double quotes
- Updated examples and README to use JSON.NET to encode the payload
- Thanks to Gunnar Liljas for helping identify the issue!
- Fix async, per sendgrid/sendgrid-csharp#235
- Sign assembly with a strong name
- Made the Response variables non-redundant. e.g. response.ResponseBody becomes response.Body
- We are live!