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sapiens edited this page Dec 28, 2012 · 14 revisions

The fluent builder is a helper that makes easier the writing of Create/Alter table scripts. It is NOT an object to table mapper and it will never be. It's designed to support most common DDL features so that it's usable in the majority of real life usage cases.

Supported databases

  • SqlServer
  • MySql
  • Postgres
  • Sqlite - partially, only create table scripts

Generating a Create Table script

The manual way

var db= new DbAccess("sqlConnection");
var builder= db.DatabaseTools.GetCreateTableBuilder("MessageQueue", IfTableExists.DropIt);
            .Add("Id", DbType.Int64, isNullable: false, autoIncrement: true).AsPrimaryKey("PK_store")
            .Add("MessageId", DbType.Guid, isNullable: false).AsUnique("UK_MessageQueueStore")
            .Add("Body", DbType.Binary)
            .Add("QueuedAt", DbType.DateTime, isNullable: false)
            .Add("ShouldRunAt", DbType.DateTime, isNullable: false)
            .Add("CompletedAt", DbType.DateTime)
            .Add("FailCount", DbType.Int16, isNullable: false, defaultValue: "0")
            .Add("Hash", DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength, "40", false).AsUnique("UC_MessageHash")
//customize primary key for a specific rdbms

//customize table for a specific rdbms
builder.TableOptionsFor(DbEngine.MySql, MySqlOptions.Table.EngineIs(TableEngineType.InnoDb));

//create unique index
builder.Indexes.AddIndexOn("Name", true);

//execute generated script

Some guidelines

  • If size is not specified, it's assumed to be maximum size
  • By default, every column is nullable
  • Constraint and index names are optional, however is good practice to have them, especially if you want to customize things for a specific rdbms.
  • Some rdbms specific options are supported, as shown in the example above.
  • Don't forget this is a way of writing DDL scripts using C#, it's not a mapper.

Customize script for different rdbms


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