The npm package for the Official Cosmos chain registry
npm install chain-registry
A unified store of chains info, assets, asset lists, and IBC channels for the Cosmos ecosystem. Get everything from token symbols, logos, and IBC denominations for all assets you want to support in your application.
import { assets, chains, ibc } from 'chain-registry';
const assetList = assets.find(({chain_name})=>chain_name==='osmosis');
will output:
'$schema': '../assetlist.schema.json',
chain_name: 'osmosis',
assets: [
description: 'The native token of Osmosis',
denom_units: [Array],
base: 'uosmo',
name: 'Osmosis',
display: 'osmo',
symbol: 'OSMO',
logo_URIs: [Object],
coingecko_id: 'osmosis'
denom_units: [Array],
base: 'uion',
name: 'Ion',
display: 'ion',
symbol: 'ION',
logo_URIs: [Object],
coingecko_id: 'ion'
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- @cosmology/telescope a "babel for the Cosmos", Telescope is a TypeScript Transpiler for Cosmos Protobufs.
- chain-registry an npm module for the official Cosmos chain-registry.
- cosmos-kit A wallet connector for the Cosmos ⚛️
- create-cosmos-app set up a modern Cosmos app by running one command.
- starship a k8s-based unified development environment for Cosmos Ecosystem
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