$ pip install --upgrade scaleapi
Note: We strongly suggest using scaleapi with Python version 2.7.9 or greater due to SSL issues with prior versions.
import scaleapi
client = scaleapi.ScaleClient('YOUR_API_KEY_HERE')
Most of these methods will return a scaleapi.Task object, which will contain information about the json response (task_id, status, etc.).
Any parameter available in Scale's API documentation can be passed as an argument option with the corresponding type.
The following endpoints for tasks are available:
This method can be used for any Scale supported task type using the following format:
client.create_{{Task Type}}_task(...)
Passing in the applicable values into the function definition. The applicable fields and further information for each task type can be found in Scale's API documentation.
project = 'test_project',
callback_url = "http://www.example.com/callback",
instruction= "Draw a box around each baby cow and big cow.",
attachment_type = "image",
attachment = "http://i.imgur.com/v4cBreD.jpg",
geometries = {
"box": {
"objects_to_annotate": ["Baby Cow", "Big Cow"],
"min_height": 10,
"min_width": 10
Retrieve a task given its id. Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
task = client.fetch_task('asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf')
print(task.status) // Task status ('pending', 'completed', 'error', 'canceled')
print(task.response) // If task is complete
Retrieve a list of tasks, with optional filter by start and end date/time. Paginated with next_token. The return value is a scaleapi.Tasklist, which acts as a list, but also has fields for the total number of tasks, the limit and offset, and whether or not there's more. Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
next_token = None;
counter = 0
all_tasks =[]
while True:
tasks = client.tasks(
start_time = "2020-09-08",
end_time = "2021-01-01",
customer_review_status = "accepted",
next_token = next_token,
for task in tasks:
counter += 1
print('Downloading Task %s | %s' % (counter, task.task_id))
next_token = tasks.next_token
if next_token is None:
Cancel a task given its id if work has not started on the task (task status is Queued in the UI). Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
task = client.cancel_task('30553edd0b6a93f8f05f0fee')
Create a new Batch. Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
project = 'test_project',
callback = "http://www.example.com/callback",
name = 'batch_name_01_07_2021'
Finalize a Batch. Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
client.finalize_batch(batch_name = 'batch_name_01_07_2021')
Get the status of a Batch. Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
client.batch_status(batch_name = 'batch_name_01_07_2021')
Retrieve a single Batch. Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
client.get_batch(batch_name = 'batch_name_01_07_2021')
Retrieve a list of Batches. Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
next_token = None;
counter = 0
all_batchs =[]
while True:
batches = client.list_batches(
status = "completed"
for batch in batches:
counter += 1
print('Downloading Batch %s | %s | %s' % (counter, batch.name, batch.param_dict['status']))
next_token = batches.next_token
if next_token is None:
Create a new Project. Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
project_name = 'test_project',
type = 'imageannotation,
params = {'instruction':'Please label the kittens'}
Retrieve a single Project. Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
client.get_project(project_name = 'test_project')
This function does not take any arguments. Retrieve a list of every Project. Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
counter = 0
projects = client.projects()
for project in projects:
counter += 1
print('Downloading project %s | %s | %s' % (counter, project['name'], project['type']))
Creates a new version of the Project. Check out Scale's API documentation for more information.
data = client.update_project(
pathc = false,
instruction='update: Please label all the stuff',
If something went wrong while making API calls, then exceptions will be raised automatically as a scaleapi.ScaleException or scaleapi.ScaleInvalidRequest runtime error. For example:
client.create_categorization_task('Some parameters are missing.')
except scaleapi.ValidationError as e:
print(e.code) # 400
print(e.message) # missing param X
If you notice any problems, please email us at [email protected].