It can parse to the symbol from coin and market coin (sCoin) name.
const scallopUtils = await scallopSDK.createScallopUtils(); // Supports conversion from coin and market coin names const usdcSymbol = scallopUtils.parseSymbol('wusdc'); const ssuiSymbol = scallopUtils.parseSymbol('ssui');
It can parse to coin type from coin or market coin name. These methods deal with wormhole's coins so that they can correctly find the corresponding type.
const scallopUtils = await scallopSDK.createScallopUtils(); // Supports conversion from coin and market coin names const suiCoinType = scallopUtils.parseCoinType('sui'); const usdcCoinType = scallopUtils.parseCoinType('wusdc'); const usdtCoinType = scallopUtils.parseCoinType('swusdt');
It can parse to market coin type from coin or market coin name. These methods deal with wormhole's coins so that they can correctly find the corresponding type.
const scallopUtils = await scallopSDK.createScallopUtils(); // Supports conversion from coin and market coin names const suiMarketCoinType = scallopUtils.parseMarketCoinType('sui'); const usdcMarketCoinType = scallopUtils.parseMarketCoinType('wusdc'); const usdtMarketCoinType = scallopUtils.parseMarketCoinType('swusdt');
It can parse to coin or market coin name from coin, coin object, market or market object type. This method deals with wormhole's coins so that it can correctly find the corresponding name.
const scallopUtils = await scallopSDK.createScallopUtils(); const suiCoinName = scallopUtils.parseCoinName('0x2::sui::SUI'); const suiCoinName = scallopUtils.parseCoinNameFromType( '0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>' ); const usdcCoinName = scallopUtils.parseCoinNameFromType( '0x5d4b302506645c37ff133b98c4b50a5ae14841659738d6d733d59d0d217a93bf::coin::COIN' ); const usdcMarketCoinName = scallopUtils.parseCoinNameFromType( '0xefe8b36d5b2e43728cc323298626b83177803521d195cfb11e15b910e892fddf::reserve::MarketCoin<0x2::sui::SUI>' ); const suiMarketCoinName = scallopUtils.parseCoinNameFromType( '0x2::coin::Coin<0xefe8b36d5b2e43728cc323298626b83177803521d195cfb11e15b910e892fddf::reserve::MarketCoin<0x2::sui::SUI>>' );
It can parse from the coin name to the market coin name, and conversely, it can also parse from the market coin name to the coin name.
const scallopUtils = await scallopSDK.createScallopUtils(); const usdcCoinName = scallopUtils.parseCoinName('swusdc'); const usdcMarketCoinName = scallopUtils.parseMarketCoinName('wusdc');
It can using stake market coin name to get reward coin name.
const scallopUtils = await scallopSDK.createScallopUtils(); const rewardCoinName = scallopUtils.getRewardCoinName('swusdc');
It can using asset coin name to get wrapped coin type.
const scallopUtils = await scallopSDK.createScallopUtils(); const suiCoinWrapType = scallopUtils.getCoinWrappedType('sui'); const usdcCoinWrapType = scallopUtils.getCoinWrappedType('wusdc');
It can getting coin object ids within the selected coin amount range.
const scallopUtils = await scallopSDK.createScallopUtils(); const suiCoinType = await scallopUtils.parseCoinType('sui'); const suiMarketCoinType = await scallopUtils.parseMarketCoinType('ssui'); // Supports conversion from coin and market coin types. const suiCoinObjectIds = await scallopUtils.selectCoins( 1000000000, suiCoinType ); const suiMarketCoinObjectIds = await scallopUtils.selectCoins( 1, suiMarketCoinType );
It can getting all asset coin names from obligation account.
const scallopUtils = await scallopSDK.createScallopUtils(); const obligations = await client.getObligations(); const assetCoinNames = await scallopUtils.getObligationCoinNames( obligations[0].id );
It can getting all asset coin prices.
const scallopUtils = await scallopSDK.createScallopUtils(); const coinPrices = await scallopUtils.getCoinPrices(); const usdcCoinPrice = (await scallopUtils.getCoinPrices(['wusdc']))['wusdc'];