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Configure the sink

oscarmorasu edited this page Apr 7, 2019 · 10 revisions

You need to pass in a configuration instance when registering the sink. In the constructor you need to pass in at least a uri where the Elasticsearch server is running. This is in the form of http://localhost:9200 for example.

You can also pass in multiple addresses and the internal library will use all the addresses and connect to the first one responding. When this instance fails to respond it will automatically switch to the other ones listed. Use this to provide higher availability for your Elasticsearch endpoints.

var sink = new ElasticsearchSink(new ElasticsearchSinkOptions(new[] { new Uri("http://server1:9200"), new Uri("http://server2:9200") }));

Note: some of the options can be set using the appSettings reader.

    <add key="serilog:using" value="Serilog.Sinks.Elasticsearch"/>
    <add key="serilog:write-to:Elasticsearch.nodeUris" value="http://localhost:9200;http://remotehost:9200"/>
    <add key="serilog:write-to:Elasticsearch.indexFormat" value="custom-index-{0:yyyy.MM}"/>
    <add key="serilog:write-to:Elasticsearch.templateName" value="myCustomTemplate"/>

With the appSettings configuration the nodeUris property is required. Multiple nodes can be specified using , or ; to separate them. All other properties are optional.


You can set the following options in the ElasticsearchSinkOptions instance that you pass to the sink.

Property Default value Description
AutoRegisterTemplate False When set to true the sink will register an index template for the logs in Elasticsearch. This template is optimized to deal with serilog events.
TemplateName serilog-events-template When using the AutoRegisterTemplate feature this allows you to override the default template name.
ModifyConnectionSettings Pass in a custom function for the connection configuration to use for connecting to the cluster.
IndexFormat logstash-{0:yyyy.MM.dd} The index name formatter. A string.Format using the DateTimeOffset of the event is run over this string.
TypeName logevent The default elasticsearch type name to use for the log events.
BatchPostingLimit 50 The maximum number of events to post in a single batch.
Period 2 seconds The time (a timespan) to wait between checking for event batches.
FormatProvider null Supplies culture-specific formatting information.
Connection Allows you to override the connection used to communicate with elasticsearch.
ConnectionTimeout 5 seconds The connection timeout (a timespan) when sending bulk operations to elasticsearch.
InlineFields False When true fields will be written at the root of the json document.
MinimumLogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel The minimum log event level required in order to write an event to the sink.
Serializer When passing a serializer an unknown object will be serialized to object instead of relying on their ToString representation.
ConnectionPool The connectionpool describing the cluster to write event to.
IndexDecider (@event, offset) => string.Format(options.IndexFormat, offset) Function to decide which index to write the LogEvent to.
BufferBaseFilename Optional path to directory that can be used as a log shipping buffer for increasing the reliability of the log forwarding.
BufferFileSizeLimitBytes No limit The maximum size, in bytes, to which the buffer log file for a specific date will be allowed to grow. By default no limit will be applied.
BufferLogShippingInterval 5000 The interval (in milliseconds) between checking the buffer files.
CustomFormatter Customizes the formatter used when converting log events into ElasticSearch documents. Please note that the formatter output must be valid JSON.
CustomDurableFormatter Customizes the formatter used when converting log events into the durable sink. Please note that the formatter output must be valid JSON.
FormatStackTraceAsArray False When set to true the Exception StackTraceString property, which is a single string with all the Stack Trace lines, is replaced by a property called StackTrace, which is an array with all the Stack Trace lines split by Environment.NewLine
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