Complementary material for the paper Traveling with a Map: Optimizing the Search Space of Link Traversal Queries Using RDF Data Shapes
This repository provides a guide to the complementary material available.
The analysis repository generate the figures of the paper Traveling with a Map: Optimizing the Search Space of Link Traversal Queries Using RDF Data Shapes with additional figures
The official results of the paper are presented in the results repository
Multiple experiment repositories have been created to facilitate their execution in multiple machines. The following line provides a brief description of the experiment and a link to the git repository.
Shape index approach in a network where 20% of the datasets expose a shape index
Shape index approach in a network where 50% of the datasets expose a shape index
Shape index approach in a network where 80% of the datasets expose a shape index
Shape index approach in a network where 20% of the shape index entries are closed shapes
Shape index approach in a network where 50% of the shape index entries are closed shapes
Shape index approach in a network where 80% of the shape index entries are closed shapes
Shape index approach in a network where the datasets use shape with minimal information