Tealang translates all own constructions to corresponding TEAL instructions so that there is almost one-to-one mapping between statements in both languages.
Refer to TEAL documentation for details.
Note, all code snippets below only for Tealang features demonstration.
- imports
- variable and constant declarations and function definitions
- logic function
- uint64 (unsigned integer)
- []byte (byte array)
Statement is a standalone unit of execution that does not return any value. In opposite, expression is evaluated to some value.
Constants, variables and functions are supported:
const a = 1
const b = "abc\x01"
let x = b
function test(x) { return x; }
Declarations, definitions and assignments are statements.
String literals are decoded and stored as byte arrays in underlying TEAL program. Literals might be encoded and contain hex escape sequence. The following encoding prefixes are supported:
- b32 for base32 strings
- b64 for base64 strings
- addr for Algorand addresses
const someval = b64"MTIz"
function logic() {
if txn.Receiver == zeroAddress {
return 1
return 0
Unlike TEAL functions are supported and inlined at the calling point. Functions must return some value and can not be recursive.
function inc(x) { return x+1; }
function logic() { return inc(0); }
Must exist in every program and return integer. The return value (zero/non-zero) is TRUE or FALSE return code for entire TEAL program (smart contract).
function logic() {
return 1
return 0
Consist of if
keyword, conditional expression (must evaluate to integer), if-block
and optional else-block
if x == 1 {
return 1
} else {
let x = txn.Receiver
forces current function to exit and return a value. For the special logic
function it would be entire program return value.
forces program to exit with an error.
Single line comments are supported, commenting sequence is //
Similar to conditional statement but else-block
is required, and both blocks must evaluate to an expression.
let sender = if global.GroupSize > 1 { txn.Sender } else { gtxn[1].Sender }
All operations like +, -, *, ==, !=, <, >, >=, etc. See TEAL documentation for the full list.
, keccak256
, sha512_256
, ed25519verify
, len
, itob
, btoi
, mulw
, addw
, concat
, substring3
, assert
, expw
, exp
, getbit
, getbyte
, setbit
, setbyte
, shl
, shr
, bitlen
, sqrt
are supported.
, addw
, expw
are special - they return two values, high and low.
let h = len("123")
let l = btoi("1")
h, l = mulw(l, h)
There are 7 builtin objects: txn
, gtxn
, global
, args
, assets
, accounts
, apps
Object and Syntax | Description |
args[N] |
returns LogicSig Args[N] value as []byte |
txn.FIELD |
retrieves field from current transaction (see below) |
gtxn[N].FIELD |
retrieves field from a transaction N in the current transaction group |
global.FIELD |
returns globals (see below) |
assets[N].FIELD |
returns asset information for an asset specified by txn.ForeignAssets[N] (see below) |
`accounts[N].Balance | MinBalance` |
accounts[N].method |
returns state data of an account specified by txn.Accounts[N-1] , N=0 for txn.Sender (see below) |
apps[N].method |
returns application global state data for an app specified by txn.ForeignApps[N-1] , N=0 means this app (see below) |
Index | Name | Type | Notes |
0 | Sender | []byte | 32 byte address |
1 | Fee | uint64 | micro-Algos |
2 | FirstValid | uint64 | round number |
3 | FirstValidTime | uint64 | Causes program to fail; reserved for future use. |
4 | LastValid | uint64 | round number |
5 | Note | []byte | Note field |
6 | Lease | []byte | Lease field |
7 | Receiver | []byte | 32 byte address |
8 | Amount | uint64 | micro-Algos |
9 | CloseRemainderTo | []byte | 32 byte address |
10 | VotePK | []byte | 32 byte address |
11 | SelectionPK | []byte | 32 byte address |
12 | VoteFirst | uint64 | |
13 | VoteLast | uint64 | |
14 | VoteKeyDilution | uint64 | |
15 | Type | []byte | transaction type string |
16 | TypeEnum | uint64 | type constant |
17 | XferAsset | uint64 | Asset ID |
18 | AssetAmount | uint64 | value in Asset's units |
19 | AssetSender | []byte | 32 byte address. Causes clawback of all value of asset from AssetSender if Sender is the Clawback address of the asset. |
20 | AssetReceiver | []byte | 32 byte address |
21 | AssetCloseTo | []byte | 32 byte address |
22 | GroupIndex | uint64 | Position of this transaction within an atomic transaction group. A stand-alone transaction is implicitly element 0 in a group of 1. |
23 | TxID | []byte | The computed ID for this transaction. 32 bytes. |
24 | ApplicationID | uint64 | ApplicationID from ApplicationCall transaction. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
25 | OnCompletion | uint64 | ApplicationCall transaction on completion action. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
26 | ApplicationArgs | []byte | Arguments passed to the application in the ApplicationCall transaction. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
27 | NumAppArgs | uint64 | Number of ApplicationArgs. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
28 | Accounts | []byte | Accounts listed in the ApplicationCall transaction. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
29 | NumAccounts | uint64 | Number of Accounts. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
30 | ApprovalProgram | []byte | Approval program. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
31 | ClearStateProgram | []byte | Clear state program. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
32 | RekeyTo | []byte | 32 byte Sender's new AuthAddr. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
33 | ConfigAsset | uint64 | Asset ID in asset config transaction. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
34 | ConfigAssetTotal | uint64 | Total number of units of this asset created. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
35 | ConfigAssetDecimals | uint64 | Number of digits to display after the decimal place when displaying the asset. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
36 | ConfigAssetDefaultFrozen | uint64 | Whether the asset's slots are frozen by default or not, 0 or 1. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
37 | ConfigAssetUnitName | []byte | Unit name of the asset. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
38 | ConfigAssetName | []byte | The asset name. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
39 | ConfigAssetURL | []byte | URL. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
40 | ConfigAssetMetadataHash | []byte | 32 byte commitment to some unspecified asset metadata. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
41 | ConfigAssetManager | []byte | 32 byte address. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
42 | ConfigAssetReserve | []byte | 32 byte address. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
43 | ConfigAssetFreeze | []byte | 32 byte address. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
44 | ConfigAssetClawback | []byte | 32 byte address. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
45 | FreezeAsset | uint64 | Asset ID being frozen or un-frozen. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
46 | FreezeAssetAccount | []byte | 32 byte address of the account whose asset slot is being frozen or un-frozen. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
47 | FreezeAssetFrozen | uint64 | The new frozen value, 0 or 1. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
48 | Assets | uint64 | Foreign Assets listed in the ApplicationCall transaction. LogicSigVersion >= 3. |
49 | NumAssets | uint64 | Number of Assets. LogicSigVersion >= 3. |
50 | Applications | uint64 | Foreign Apps listed in the ApplicationCall transaction. LogicSigVersion >= 3. |
51 | NumApplications | uint64 | Number of Applications. LogicSigVersion >= 3. |
52 | GlobalNumUint | uint64 | Number of global state integers in ApplicationCall. LogicSigVersion >= 3. |
53 | GlobalNumByteSlice | uint64 | Number of global state byteslices in ApplicationCall. LogicSigVersion >= 3. |
54 | LocalNumUint | uint64 | Number of local state integers in ApplicationCall. LogicSigVersion >= 3. |
55 | LocalNumByteSlice | uint64 | Number of local state byteslices in ApplicationCall. LogicSigVersion >= 3. |
Index | Name | Type | Notes |
0 | MinTxnFee | uint64 | micro Algos |
1 | MinBalance | uint64 | micro Algos |
2 | MaxTxnLife | uint64 | rounds |
3 | ZeroAddress | []byte | 32 byte address of all zero bytes |
4 | GroupSize | uint64 | Number of transactions in this atomic transaction group. At least 1. |
5 | LogicSigVersion | uint64 | Maximum supported TEAL version. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
6 | Round | uint64 | Current round number. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
7 | LatestTimestamp | uint64 | Last confirmed block UNIX timestamp. Fails if negative. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
8 | CurrentApplicationID | uint64 | ID of current application executing. Fails if no such application is executing. LogicSigVersion >= 2. |
9 | CreatorAddress | []byte | Address of the creator of the current application. Fails if no such application is executing. LogicSigVersion >= 3. |
Index | Name | Type | Notes |
0 | AssetTotal | uint64 | Total number of units of this asset |
1 | AssetDecimals | uint64 | See AssetParams.Decimals |
2 | AssetDefaultFrozen | uint64 | Frozen by default or not |
3 | AssetUnitName | []byte | Asset unit name |
4 | AssetName | []byte | Asset name |
5 | AssetURL | []byte | URL with additional info about the asset |
6 | AssetMetadataHash | []byte | Arbitrary commitment |
7 | AssetManager | []byte | Manager commitment |
8 | AssetReserve | []byte | Reserve address |
9 | AssetFreeze | []byte | Freeze address |
10 | AssetClawback | []byte | Clawback address |
Signature | Param Types | Return Types | Notes |
assetBalance(assetId) | uint64 | uint64 | Amount of the asset unit held by this account |
assetIsFrozen(assetId) | uint64 | uint64 | Is the asset frozen or not |
optedIn(appId) | uint64 | uint64 | Returns 1 if opted in the app, and 0 otherwise, see app_opted_in opcode for details |
getEx(appIdx, key) | uint64, []byte | any, uint64 (top) | Returns value and isOk flag, see app_local_get_ex opcode for details |
get(key) | []byte | any | Returns value or 0 if does not exist, see app_local_get opcode for details |
put(key, value) | []byte, any | - | Stores key-value pair in app's local store, does not return. See app_local_put opcode for details |
del(key) | []byte | - | Deletes from app's local store, does not return. See app_local_del opcode for details |
Signature | Param Types | Return Types | Notes |
getEx(appIdx, key) | uint64, []byte | any, uint64 (top) | Returns value and isOk flag, see app_global_get_ex opcode for details |
get(key) | []byte | any | Returns value or 0 if does not exist, see app_global_get opcode for details |
put(key, value) | []byte, any | - | Stores key-value pair in app's global store, does not return. See app_global_put opcode for details |
del(key) | []byte | - | Deletes from app's local store, does not return. See app_global_del opcode for details |
Tealang maintains a single global scope (shared between main program and imported modules) and nested scopes for every execution block. Blocks are created for functions and if-else branches. Parent scope is accessible from nested blocks. If a variable declared in nested block, it might shadow variable with the same name from parent scope.
let x = 1
function logic() {
let x = 2 // shadows 1 in logic block
if 1 {
let x = 3 // shadows 2 in if-block
return x // 2
Unlike TEAL, a tealang program can be split to modules. There is a standard library stdlib
containing some constants and TEAL templates as tealang functions.
- imports
- declarations and definitions
const myconst = 1
function myfunction() { return 0; }
At the moment consist of 2 files:
- const.tl
- template.tl
import stdlib.const
function logic() {
let ret = TxTypePayment
return ret