A repository to build docker images for Hadoop.
Heavily copied from Sequence-iq/hadoop-docker to start off. It will probably evolve significantly over time, hence not doing a direct "fork". Differences from the origin:
- Java-8 (openjdk)
- No support for native libraries
The Hadoop version is configurable. The maintainer has tried it with 2.7.7 and 2.8.5 currently. The current default is 2.8.5
Docker Desktop -> Settings -> Resources -> Memory = 16GB
This will start up a detached container, which will bootup up HDFS and Yarn. The script will wait for Yarn to come up by curl-ing localhost:8088
# defaults to container-name = hadoop, hostname = hadoop
# drop into a shell on the container
# docker exec -it hadoop bash or alternately ...
# On the shell, run the mapreduce grep example
hadoop jar ${HADOOP_PREFIX}/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-${HADOOP_VERSION}.jar grep input output 'dfs[a-z.]+'
# check the output
hdfs dfs -cat output/*
Check out the Docker Cheatsheet