#Installation instructions:
- Unzip the package folder provided into the local system.
- Setup node - Download Node from https://nodejs.org/en/download/ and setup the environment varialbes in the system.
- If Node is already installed - open command prompt/terminal and navigate to the project folder twitter-search and then run the below commands ~\..twitter-search > npm install npm install regex --save Navigate to twitter-search\public\client and run the following commands : npm install npm install git npm bower install --save bower install
#MongoDB project data setup
- Install Mongodb from https://www.mongodb.org/downloads#production
- If Mongodb is already configured run the below commands Navigate to mongodb folder and run > mongod. Open a command prompt and run the command to import the data. mongoimport --db twitter --collection tweets --type csv --headerline --file "Your tweets.csv file location"
#To run the application 1)Navigate to the project folder >twitter-search and run the command node server
#User manual The application searches the content of the tweets, by taking a keyword .Enter a keyword in the text field and hit the submit button to display all the tweets which contain the keyword entered. It displays a list of tweets, click on the ViewData button to view its content or make a comment. In the comment page, it displays the respective tweet data and lets the user to add additional comments.