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File metadata and controls

49 lines (28 loc) · 2.66 KB

Problem 1 explaination: In the first task of this project i have to make a data structure for a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache Uses Pythons's OrderedDict as cache, which keeps track of the order that entries are inserted. Deleting an entry and reinserting it will move it to the end. If the value of a key is changed, the key position does not change. Ordered Dictionaries are implement as hash tables. Hash tables should provide average O(1) for search, insertion and deletion.

Get Time complexity: O(1) Set Time complexity: O(1)

Space complexity of the LRU will be : O(capacity)

Problem 2 explaination: I have written a recursive function for this task which takes input of the suffix, path and the list of required files which are found till now. Each time I find a file ending with .c it will be appended to this file.

Run time complexitywill be : O(n)

Space complexity will be: O(files)

Problem 3 explaination: I have implemented huffman encoding technique here with following steps:

i) Calculate the occurences of each characters in a string. ii) Character with highest occurence is encoded with minimum code length i.e. 1 then next Character as 01 and then 001 and so on.

Time complexity is : Encode -> O((n) * log(n)) Decode O(n) Space complexcity : O(n)

Problem 4 explaination: Active Directory This problem in this task is being resolved using recurssion, starting from the root, checking if user is present for each group visited, if the user matches then it returns.

The worst case is if the user is not present on any group and the group structure has the same subgroups on each, since a stack if used for recurssion the space complexity would be O(1) and time comlexity would be O(n^2)

Problem 5 explaination: Blockchain A linked list is used in htis task since is easier to keep track of previous item on the blockchain, retrieval for the last block is O(1) and the first one O(n).

Hash Function: the hash function is calculated ciphering the data with sha256 using utf-8 encode, then with the encoded data as hex string we add another encode that is the timestamp ciphering the data twice.

Hash function and inserting a block are O(1), printing the whole blockchain is O(n).

Problem 6 explaination: Union and Intersection of Two Linked Lists Union: in the first list, all elements are stored into a set, removing duplicated. In the second list do a check if the element is not already on the set, then adding the respective element on the tail. time complexity O(n) space O(n)

Intersection: in the first list all elements are stored into a set. The second list check if the element is on the set, if pass, the element is added to the linked list. time complexity O(n) space O(n)