Datasette plugin that adds custom SQL functions for fuzzy string matching, built on top of the Jellyfish Python library by James Turk and Michael Stephens.
Interactive demos:
SELECT soundex("hello");
-- Outputs H400
SELECT metaphone("hello");
-- Outputs HL
SELECT nysiis("hello");
-- Outputs HAL
SELECT match_rating_codex("hello");
-- Outputs HLL
SELECT levenshtein_distance("hello", "hello world");
-- Outputs 6
SELECT damerau_levenshtein_distance("hello", "hello world");
-- Outputs 6
SELECT hamming_distance("hello", "hello world");
-- Outputs 6
SELECT jaro_similarity("hello", "hello world");
-- Outputs 0.8181818181818182
SELECT jaro_winkler_similarity("hello", "hello world");
-- Outputs 0.890909090909091
SELECT match_rating_comparison("hello", "helloo");
-- Outputs 1
See the Jellyfish documentation for an explanation of each of these functions.