You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
An example html document is used to link to both the http and dmsghttp endpoints, as well as to access the audio stream directly for testing. Substituite with the public key of your dmsg server in the following html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Example HTML Document</title>
<h1>Example HTML Document</h1>
<a href='http://035c095f095c9ec2b35545a1a6d519aa7f4103cd4d52dea888c6a7e18c91721c90.dmsg'>http://035c095f095c9ec2b35545a1a6d519aa7f4103cd4d52dea888c6a7e18c91721c90.dmsg</a><br>
<a href=''></a><br>
<audio controls><source src='' type='audio/mpeg'><source src='' type='audio/ogg'><source src='' type='audio/wav'>Your browser does not support the audio element.</audio><br>
<audio controls><source src='' type='audio/mpeg'><source src='' type='audio/ogg'><source src='' type='audio/wav'>Your browser does not support the audio element.</audio><br>
example dmsghttp + http server which serves http on port 8081
dmsgweb keys-gen > dmusic.key
package main
import (
cc ""
dmsg ""
func main() {
var (
startTime = time.Now()
runTime time.Duration
sk cipher.SecKey
pk cipher.PubKey
dmsgDisc string
dmsgPort uint
wl string
wlkeys []cipher.PubKey
webPort uint
func init() {
rootCmd.Flags().UintVarP(&webPort, "port", "p", 8081, "port to serve")
rootCmd.Flags().UintVarP(&dmsgPort, "dport", "d", 80, "dmsg port to serve")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&wl, "wl", "w", "", "whitelisted keys for dmsg authenticated routes")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&dmsgDisc, "dmsg-disc", "D", skyenv.DmsgDiscAddr, "dmsg discovery url")
pk, _ = sk.PubKey()
rootCmd.Flags().VarP(&sk, "sk", "s", "a random key is generated if unspecified\n\r")
rootCmd.CompletionOptions.DisableDefaultCmd = true
var helpflag bool
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&helpflag, "help", "h", false, "help for "+rootCmd.Use)
rootCmd.SetHelpCommand(&cobra.Command{Hidden: true})
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().MarkHidden("help") //nolint
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "example",
Short: "example http & dmsghttp server",
Long: "example http & dmsghttp server",
Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
func Execute() {
RootCmd: rootCmd,
Headings: cc.HiBlue + cc.Bold,
Commands: cc.HiBlue + cc.Bold,
CmdShortDescr: cc.HiBlue,
Example: cc.HiBlue + cc.Italic,
ExecName: cc.HiBlue + cc.Bold,
Flags: cc.HiBlue + cc.Bold,
FlagsDescr: cc.HiBlue,
NoExtraNewlines: true,
NoBottomNewline: true,
if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {
log.Fatal("Failed to execute command: ", err)
func Server() {
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
log := logging.MustGetLogger("dmsghttp")
ctx, cancel := cmdutil.SignalContext(context.Background(), log)
defer cancel()
pk, err := sk.PubKey()
if err != nil {
pk, sk = cipher.GenerateKeyPair()
if wl != "" {
wlk := strings.Split(wl, ",")
for _, key := range wlk {
var pk1 cipher.PubKey
err := pk1.Set(key)
if err == nil {
wlkeys = append(wlkeys, pk1)
if len(wlkeys) > 0 {
if len(wlkeys) == 1 {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%d key whitelisted", len(wlkeys)))
} else {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%d keys whitelisted", len(wlkeys)))
dmsgclient := dmsg.NewClient(pk, sk, disc.NewHTTP(dmsgDisc, &http.Client{}, log), dmsg.DefaultConfig())
defer func() {
if err := dmsgclient.Close(); err != nil {
go dmsgclient.Serve(context.Background())
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-dmsgclient.Ready():
lis, err := dmsgclient.Listen(uint16(dmsgPort))
if err != nil {
go func() {
if err := lis.Close(); err != nil {
r1 := gin.New()
// Disable Gin's default logger middleware
r1.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.Writer.Header().Set("Server", "")
// l := "<!doctype html><html lang=en><head><title>Example Website</title></head><body style='background-color:black;color:white;'>\n<style type='text/css'>\npre {\n font-family:Courier New;\n font-size:10pt;\n}\n.af_line {\n color: gray;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n.column {\n float: left;\n width: 30%;\n padding: 10px;\n}\n.row:after {\n content: '';\n display: table;\n clear: both;\n}\n</style>\n<pre>"
l := "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale=1'></head><body style='background-color:black;color:white;'><audio controls><source src='/music' type='audio/mpeg'><source src='/music' type='audio/ogg'><source src='/music' type='audio/wav'>Your browser does not support the audio element.</audio></body></html>"
// l += "</body></html>"
r1.GET("/music", func(c *gin.Context) {
targetURL, _ := url.Parse("")
proxy := httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(targetURL)
proxy.ServeHTTP(c.Writer, c.Request)
// only whitelisted public keys can access authRoute(s)
authRoute := r1.Group("/")
if len(wlkeys) > 0 {
authRoute.GET("/auth", func(c *gin.Context) {
//override the behavior of `public fallback` for this endpoint when no keys are whitelisted
if len(wlkeys) == 0 {
l := "<!doctype html><html lang=en><head><title>Example Website</title></head><body style='background-color:black;color:white;'>\n<style type='text/css'>\npre {\n font-family:Courier New;\n font-size:10pt;\n}\n.af_line {\n color: gray;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n.column {\n float: left;\n width: 30%;\n padding: 10px;\n}\n.row:after {\n content: '';\n display: table;\n clear: both;\n}\n</style>\n<pre>"
l += "<p>Hello World!</p>"
l += "</body></html>"
r1.GET("/health", func(c *gin.Context) {
runTime = time.Since(startTime)
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"frontend_start_time": startTime,
"frontend_run_time": runTime.String(),
"dmsg_address": fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", pk.String(), dmsgPort),
// Start the server using the custom Gin handler
serve := &http.Server{
Handler: &GinHandler{Router: r1},
ReadHeaderTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
// Start serving
go func() {
log.WithField("dmsg_addr", lis.Addr().String()).Info("Serving...")
if err := serve.Serve(lis); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
log.Fatalf("Serve: %v", err)
go func() {
fmt.Printf("listening on using gin router\n", webPort)
r1.Run(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", webPort))
func whitelistAuth(whitelistedPKs []cipher.PubKey) gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
// Get the remote PK.
remotePK, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(c.Request.RemoteAddr)
if err != nil {
c.Writer.Write([]byte("500 Internal Server Error"))
// Check if the remote PK is whitelisted.
whitelisted := false
if len(whitelistedPKs) == 0 {
whitelisted = true
} else {
for _, whitelistedPK := range whitelistedPKs {
if remotePK == whitelistedPK.String() {
whitelisted = true
if whitelisted {
} else {
// Otherwise, return a 401 Unauthorized error.
c.Writer.Write([]byte("401 Unauthorized"))
type GinHandler struct {
Router *gin.Engine
func (h *GinHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
h.Router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func loggingMiddleware() gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
start := time.Now()
latency := time.Since(start)
if latency > time.Minute {
latency = latency.Truncate(time.Second)
statusCode := c.Writer.Status()
method := c.Request.Method
path := c.Request.URL.Path
// Get the background color based on the status code
statusCodeBackgroundColor := getBackgroundColor(statusCode)
// Get the method color
methodColor := getMethodColor(method)
fmt.Printf("[EXAMPLE] %s |%s %3d %s| %13v | %15s | %72s |%s %-7s %s %s\n",
time.Now().Format("2006/01/02 - 15:04:05"),
func getBackgroundColor(statusCode int) string {
switch {
case statusCode >= http.StatusOK && statusCode < http.StatusMultipleChoices:
return green
case statusCode >= http.StatusMultipleChoices && statusCode < http.StatusBadRequest:
return white
case statusCode >= http.StatusBadRequest && statusCode < http.StatusInternalServerError:
return yellow
return red
func getMethodColor(method string) string {
switch method {
case http.MethodGet:
return blue
case http.MethodPost:
return cyan
case http.MethodPut:
return yellow
case http.MethodDelete:
return red
case http.MethodPatch:
return green
case http.MethodHead:
return magenta
case http.MethodOptions:
return white
return reset
func resetColor() string {
return reset
type consoleColorModeValue int
var consoleColorMode = autoColor
const (
autoColor consoleColorModeValue = iota
const (
green = "\033[97;42m"
white = "\033[90;47m"
yellow = "\033[90;43m"
red = "\033[97;41m"
blue = "\033[97;44m"
magenta = "\033[97;45m"
cyan = "\033[97;46m"
reset = "\033[0m"
var (
err error
const help = "Usage:\r\n" +
" {{.UseLine}}{{if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}{{end}} {{if gt (len .Aliases) 0}}\r\n\r\n" +
"{{.NameAndAliases}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}\r\n\r\n" +
"Available Commands:{{range .Commands}}{{if (or .IsAvailableCommand)}}\r\n " +
"{{rpad .Name .NamePadding }} {{.Short}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableLocalFlags}}\r\n\r\n" +
"Flags:\r\n" +
"{{.LocalFlags.FlagUsages | trimTrailingWhitespaces}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableInheritedFlags}}\r\n\r\n" +
"Global Flags:\r\n" +
"{{.InheritedFlags.FlagUsages | trimTrailingWhitespaces}}{{end}}\r\n\r\n"
start the server with
go run dmusic.go -s $(tail -n1 dmusic.key)
The result - accessing the http endpoint, the music streaming works well.
Both audio elements in the html document at the start of this ticket work.
When accessing the dmsg url in a browser with dmsgweb, the music plays for one or two seconds, then stops.
When the dmsghttp web server application is stopped, the music resumes for a few more seconds, oddly.
the following panic is observed some time after the music initially stops:
this actually appears to be an issue with dmsgweb ; when I resolve the dmsg address with the -t flag for dmsgweb to the local web interface, the streaming works as it should. So it's the resolving proxy implementation which appears at issue
changed the title
issue with audio streaming over dmsghttp
issue with audio streaming over dmsghttp (dmsgweb)
Mar 8, 2024
It should be possible to do anything via dmsghttp that is possible with regular http
tested with dmsgweb
Using VlC, a network audio stream was started on
An example html document is used to link to both the http and dmsghttp endpoints, as well as to access the audio stream directly for testing. Substituite with the public key of your dmsg server in the following html
example dmsghttp + http server which serves http on port 8081
dmsgweb keys-gen > dmusic.key
start the server with
The result - accessing the http endpoint, the music streaming works well.
Both audio elements in the html document at the start of this ticket work.
When accessing the dmsg url in a browser with dmsgweb, the music plays for one or two seconds, then stops.
When the dmsghttp web server application is stopped, the music resumes for a few more seconds, oddly.
the following panic is observed some time after the music initially stops:
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: