Flake8 plugin that checks Python code against a set of opinionated style rules.
Compatible with Python 2.7, 3.3+, PyPy 2.6+ and PyPy 2.4+.
PyPI page: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/flake8_strict
GitHub page: https://github.com/smarkets/flake8-strict
To install using PyPI and pip:
pip install flake8-strict
: First argument on the same lineS101
: Multi-line construct missing trailing comma
only source code without print statements is supported, this means:
- all valid Python 3 code
- Python 2 code with
the existing checks are quite basic, they'll be improved and new ones will added
line/column numbers are off currently
code like this will cause a parsing error (lib2to3.pgen2.parse.ParseError: bad input):
some_name( x for x in range(1), )
It's ironic but the trailing comma is the issue here, without it parsing works ok:
some_name( x for x in range(1) )
This is a limitation of the underlying parser library and is unlikely to be fixed in near future. Suggested workaround: wrap the generator in parentheses, like this:
some_name( (x for x in range(1)), )
If the function being called is dict or set the function calls can be replaced with dict and set comprehensions therefore avoiding the issue completely.
Below 1.0.0: no guarantees. Above 1.0.0, given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH:
- MAJOR is updated when backwards incompatible changes happen
- MINOR is updated when a new, backwards compatible, features are introduced
- PATCH is updated when a backwards compatible bug fixes are applied
- Fix blib2to3 import
- Use custom lib2to3 for better support for Python 3.6+
- Fix trailing comma after *args/**kwargs for Python 3.6+
- Allow usage of Python 3.6 features (e.g f-strings) without crashing
- Fixed elements inside class definition not being linted correctly (issue #36)
- Revert previous change (0.1.7) due to a lib2to3 issue.
- Fixed decorator arguments not being linted.
- Fixed multiline imports not being linted.
- Fixed class definitions not being linted.
- Fixed UnicodeDecodeError if file contains non-ascii symbols (issue #22)
- Fixed error if newline is omitted from end of file (issue #18)
- Fixed erroneous comma suggested when unpacking function parameter (issue #21)
- Fixed handling of one-element lists (#15)
- Fixed reading from stdin
- Fixed not being able to run when pycodestyle, not pep8, is installed (pep8 has been renamed to pycodestyle and flake8 2.6.0+ doesn't trigger pep8 installation anymore)
- Added support for set, list and dict literals and comprehensions
- Function calls with single, multi-line arguments are now treated more reasonably
- Fixed a "ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack" error (GitHub issue #1).
- Fixed handling argument lists with keyword-only arguments (compatibility with PEP 3102), this now doesn't raise S101 in this case as it would be a syntax error.
- Fixed few
AttributeError: 'Node' object has no attribute 'lineno'
First release
Copyright (C) 2015 Smarkets Limited <[email protected]>
This module is released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php (or see the LICENSE file)