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This is an ARM template generator for Couchbase. It creates templates for different configurations including MDS.

Important files

The assets needed for a public IP deployment (see the _ms section for private IP versions):

  • parameters/granular.yaml - The majority of the variables needed to define a Couchbase cluster
  • parameters/parameters.json - Defines software version, password and license type
  • - Generate a template and deploy it

_ms Templates

The _ms is used to generate a Private IP based Couchbase cluster.

The assets for the private IP deployment:

  • granular_rally.yaml
  • granular_ms.yaml

Manual Steps

Manually/Externally create a Virtual Network in one of the following regions (all other resources should be created in the same region after this):

  • Central US
  • East US 2 (Preview)
  • France Central
  • North Europe
  • Southeast Asia (Preview)
  • West Europe
  • West US 2

The deployment is locked down so it makes sense to create a subnet for admin resources like a jumpbox (optional) e.g.

Create a subnet in the form of granular_rally.yaml clusters->clusterName - subnet, e.g. cluster1-subnet. This can also be done in the rally phase and created via the template.

Use a range that is exclusive of your admin subnet from above like or less (whatever is appropriate for your cluster)

Rally phase

The rally phase involves creating a data node that initializes the cluster and is the point of creation for the rest of the cluster:

The rally phase is always the first step in creation of a Couchbase cluster using the generated ms templates.

Update granular_rally.yaml with clusters-> vnetName

./ granular_rally <Resource Group> <region>

This will create a deployment called 'RallyDeployment'

The deployment output 'Rally PrivateIP' is needed as an input for the non rally step.

Non Rally phase

The non rally setup requires the 'Rally PrivateIP' from the rallyDeployment output field.

Enter the 'Rally PrivateIP' in granular_rally.yaml clusters-> rallyPrivateIP.

Update granular_ms.yaml with clusters-> vnetName

Now run:

./ granular_ms <Resource Group> <region>

This will create a deployment called NonRallyDeployment

The generator will create an ARM template called generatedTemplate.json that matches the specs in the parameter file and deploy it to Azure.