This template is used by the Couchbase Azure Marketplace offer. It is not intended to be used outside the marketplace. will build a zip file that can be uploaded to the publish portal. This template depends on the simple template. That is probably what you want to be using instead of this anyway.
The createUiDefinition.json file can be tested by following this link
This describes how we build the VM that the templates use. Users should not need to do this.
Documentation on the process is here. It is incomplete at best.
az vm image list-skus --publish Canonical --location westus --offer UbuntuServer
az group create --name resourcegroup --location westus
az storage account create --sku Premium_LRS --resource-group resourcegroup --location westus --name sa34859435734
az vm create --name vm --resource-group resourcegroup --image Canonical:UbuntuServer:14.04.5-LTS:latest --admin-username couchbase --use-unmanaged-disk --storage-account sa34859435734
SSH into the image using the command:
ssh couchbase@<publicIpAddress>
sudo waagent -deprovision+user -force
az vm deallocate --resource-group resourcegroup --name vm
az vm generalize --resource-group resourcegroup --name vm
First off let's set the connection variable.
azure storage account connectionstring show sa34859435734 --resource-group resourcegroup
connection="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=sa34859435734;AccountKey=<your key>"
Now make sure the image is a vhd.
azure storage blob list vhds -c $connection
We need to create a URL for the image.
The Publish Portal could potentially print an error: "The SAS URL start date (st) for the SAS URL should be one day before the current date in UTC, please ensure that the start date for SAS link is on or before mm/dd/yyyy. Please ensure that the SAS URL is generated following the instructions available in the help link."
azure storage container sas create vhds rl 12/01/2018 -c $connection --start 01/16/2018
The Shared Access URL should look like this:
To get the SAS URL, add the name of the os disk as follows. You can find it early in your terminal session or in the Portal. Stick that value in a variable so we can use it later.
Make sure it works by running:
wget $url
Once you can successfully get the image, proceed to the Publisher Portal.