A Lambda function which implements a Custom Resource for Cloud Formation that gets an Image (AMI) by name.
Create a Role with ./create-role.sh
. This creates a new stack with the
appropriate permissions for the function.
Deploy the lambda function with ./deploy-lambda.sh
. Now the function can be
used to get Images via a Cloud Formation Custom Resource.
Use the function inside your Cloud Formation template by declaring a custom
resource, Custom::ImageDependency
The Custom::ImageDependency
refers to a ImageName
that is sent to the Lambda
function and is used to lookup the Image. If no Image or more than one is found
is returned.
The outputs from the Custom::ImageDependency
can be referred with Fn:GetAtt
Available values are: ImageId
, CreationDate
, ...
Example: "Fn::GetAtt": ["Image", "ImageId"]
ImageId: 'ami-cd4f25ba',
ImageLocation: '143044406720/docker image 201505121634',
State: 'available',
OwnerId: '143044406720',
CreationDate: '2015-05-12T14:34:36.000Z',
Public: false,
Architecture: 'x86_64',
ImageType: 'machine',
SriovNetSupport: 'simple',
Name: 'docker image 201505121634',
RootDeviceType: 'ebs',
RootDeviceName: '/dev/xvda',
VirtualizationType: 'hvm',
Tags: '',
Hypervisor: 'xen'
"Parameters": {
"ImageName": {
"Description": "Name of the Image",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "default"
"Resources": {
"Image": {
"Type": "Custom::ImageDependency",
"Properties": {
"ServiceToken": { "Fn::Join": [ "", [
{ "Ref": "AWS::Region" },
{ "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" },
] ] },
"ImageName": { "Ref": "ImageName" }
"Outputs": {
"ImageId": {
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [ "Image", "ImageId" ]
"Description": "Image Id"