Style dictionary builds design tokens for various platforms including, for example, CSS and JavaScript. While CSS variables usually need units, I often want js values to be in number format. To remove units from tokens when building, register a custom transform:
// build.cjs
const StyleDictionary = require("style-dictionary");
// register custom transform that removes units
name: "size/unitless",
type: "value",
// filter for specific categories
matcher: (token) => token.attributes.category === "some-category",
// remove all characters
transformer: (token) => +token.value.replace(/[a-z]/gim, ""),
// apply the configuration
const StyleDictionaryExtended = StyleDictionary.extend(
__dirname + "/config.json"
// build tokens
This assumes config.json
lives in the same directory; the custom transformation can then be referenced like:
"platforms": {
"js": {
"transformGroup": "js",
"transforms": [
"buildPath": "path/to/build/directory",
"files": [
"destination": "tokens.js",
"format": "javascript/es6"
To build style dictionary, run node build.cjs