All notable changes to laravel-googletagmanager
will be documented in this file
- Set data-layer values before initialization by @mithredate in #52
Full Changelog:
- Allow setting custom domains for serving gtm.js by @mithredate in #51
- @mithredate made their first contribution in #51
Full Changelog:
- Fix macroPath comma typo by @viktorasbuivydas in #47
- 👌 IMPROVE: delay push after load event by @mickaelperrin in #50
- @viktorasbuivydas made their first contribution in #47
- @mickaelperrin made their first contribution in #50
Full Changelog:
- Fixed dataLayer variables set through facade not being outputted by @FrittenKeeZ in #45
Full Changelog:
- Change instance to bind in service provider by @fransjooste1 in #43
- @fransjooste1 made their first contribution in #43
Full Changelog:
- Make binding a closure by @bilfeldt in #42
- @bilfeldt made their first contribution in #42
Full Changelog:
- Update by @igor-kamil in #36
- teeny tiny fix in readme by @mkwsra in #38
- Prevent dataLayer entries from being reset by @FrittenKeeZ in #40
- @igor-kamil made their first contribution in #36
- @mkwsra made their first contribution in #38
- @FrittenKeeZ made their first contribution in #40
Full Changelog:
Get default values from .env file
- Added:
- Fixed view creator
- Separate the script to head and body sections
- Added: support for L5.5 package discovery
- Fixed: Unescape unicode in DataLayer JSON
- Fixed:
should always return a string
- Added: Flash function
- Added: option to specify the path to macros
- This is now a Laravel 5 specific package. Laravel 4 version can be found here:
- Changed: If GoogleTagManager is disabled, ApiKeyNotSetException won't throw
- Bugfix: script rendering was missing $dataLayer
- First official release