diff --git a/clab/graph_templates/nextui/static/js/next.js b/clab/graph_templates/nextui/static/js/next.js index 088fc4c79..83044eb81 100644 --- a/clab/graph_templates/nextui/static/js/next.js +++ b/clab/graph_templates/nextui/static/js/next.js @@ -1,79 +1,26481 @@ -/*Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 +/** + * @module nx + */ -THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS ECLIPSE PUBLIC LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM CONSTITUTES RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. +var nx = { + VERSION: '0.9.0', + DEBUG: false, + global: (function () { + return this; + }).call(null) +}; -1. DEFINITIONS -"Contribution" means: +// prepare for cross browser +(function () { + if (!Function.prototype.bind) { + Function.prototype.bind = function (context) { + var f = this; + return function () { + return f.apply(context, arguments); + }; + }; + } +})(); -a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and documentation distributed under this Agreement, and -b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor: -i) changes to the Program, and -ii) additions to the Program; -where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the Program which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in conjunction with the Program under their own license agreement, and (ii) are not derivative works of the Program. -"Contributor" means any person or entity that distributes the Program. -"Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program. +(function (nx) { + /** + * @class nx + * @static + */ -"Program" means the Contributions distributed in accordance with this Agreement. -"Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under this Agreement, including all Contributors. + var isArray = Array.isArray || function (target) { + return target && target.constructor === Array; + }; + var isPojo = function (obj) { + var hasown = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + if (!obj || Object.prototype.toString(obj) !== "[object Object]" || obj.nodeType || obj === window) { + return false; + } + try { + // Not own constructor property must be Object + if (obj.constructor && !hasown.call(obj, "constructor") && !hasown.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf")) { + return false; + } + } catch (e) { + // IE8,9 Will throw exceptions on certain host objects #9897 + return false; + } + var key; + for (key in obj) {} + return key === undefined || hasown.call(obj, key); + }; -2. GRANT OF RIGHTS + /** + * Extend target with properties from sources. + * @method extend + * @param target {Object} The target object to be extended. + * @param source* {Object} The source objects. + * @returns {Object} + */ + nx.extend = function (target) { + for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { + var arg = arguments[i]; + for (var key in arg) { + if (arg.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + target[key] = arg[key]; + } + } + } -a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the Contribution of such Contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in source code and object code form. -b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under Licensed Patents to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import and otherwise transfer the Contribution of such Contributor, if any, in source code and object code form. This patent license shall apply to the combination of the Contribution and the Program if, at the time the Contribution is added by the Contributor, such addition of the Contribution causes such combination to be covered by the Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to any other combinations which include the Contribution. No hardware per se is licensed hereunder. -c) Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants the licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances are provided by any Contributor that the Program does not infringe the patent or other intellectual property rights of any other entity. Each Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient for claims brought by any other entity based on infringement of intellectual property rights or otherwise. As a condition to exercising the rights and licenses granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby assumes sole responsibility to secure any other intellectual property rights needed, if any. For example, if a third party patent license is required to allow Recipient to distribute the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to acquire that license before distributing the Program. -d) Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has sufficient copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant the copyright license set forth in this Agreement. -3. REQUIREMENTS + return target; + }; -A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code form under its own license agreement, provided that: + /** + * Iterate over target and execute the callback with context. + * @method each + * @param target {Object|Array|Iterable} The target object to be iterate over. + * @param callback {Function} The callback function to execute. + * @param context {Object} The context object which act as 'this'. + */ + nx.each = function (target, callback, context) { + /* jshint -W014 */ + if (target && callback) { + if (target.__each__) { + target.__each__(callback, context); + } else { + // FIXME maybe some other array-like things missed here + if (isArray(target) // normal Array + || Object.prototype.toString.call(target) === "[object Arguments]" // array-like: arguments + || nx.global.NodeList && target instanceof NodeList // array-like: NodeList + || nx.global.HTMLCollection && target instanceof HTMLCollection // array-like: HTMLCollection + ) { + for (var i = 0, length = target.length; i < length; i++) { + if (callback.call(context, target[i], i) === false) { + break; + } + } + } else { + for (var key in target) { + if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + if (callback.call(context, target[key], key) === false) { + break; + } + } + } + } + } + } + }; -a) it complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and -b) its license agreement: -i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose; -ii) effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors all liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits; -iii) states that any provisions which differ from this Agreement are offered by that Contributor alone and not by any other party; and -iv) states that source code for the Program is available from such Contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used for software exchange. -When the Program is made available in source code form: + /** + * Shallow clone target object. + * @method clone + * @param target {Object|Array} The target object to be cloned. + * @returns {Object} The cloned object. + */ -a) it must be made available under this Agreement; and -b) a copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of the Program. -Contributors may not remove or alter any copyright notices contained within the Program. + nx.clone = (function () { + var deepclone = (function () { + var get, put, top, keys, clone; + get = function (map, key) { + for (var i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { + if (map[i].key === key) { + return map[i].value; + } + } + return null; + }; + put = function (map, key, value) { + var i; + for (i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { + if (map[i].key === key) { + map[i].value = value; + return; + } + } + map[i] = { + key: key, + value: value + }; + }; + top = function (stack) { + if (stack.length === 0) { + return null; + } + return stack[stack.length - 1]; + }; + keys = function (obj) { + var keys = []; + if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) == '[object Array]') { + for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { + keys.push(i); + } + } else { + for (var key in obj) { + keys.push(key); + } + } + return keys; + }; + clone = function (self) { + // TODO clone DOM object + if (window === self || document === self) { + // window and document cannot be clone + return null; + } + if (["null", "undefined", "number", "string", "boolean", "function"].indexOf(typeof self) >= 0) { + return self; + } + if (!isArray(self) && !isPojo(self)) { + return self; + } + var map = [], + stack = [], + origin = self, + dest = (isArray(self) ? [] : {}); + var stacktop, key, cached; + // initialize the map and stack + put(map, origin, dest); + stack.push({ + origin: origin, + dest: dest, + keys: keys(origin), + idx: 0 + }); + while (true) { + stacktop = top(stack); + if (!stacktop) { + // the whole object is cloned + break; + } + origin = stacktop.origin; + dest = stacktop.dest; + if (stacktop.keys.length <= stacktop.idx) { + // object on the stack top is cloned + stack.pop(); + continue; + } + key = stacktop.keys[stacktop.idx++]; + // clone an object + if (isArray(origin[key])) { + dest[key] = []; + } else if (isPojo(origin[key])) { + dest[key] = {}; + } else { + dest[key] = origin[key]; + continue; + } + // check if needn't deep into or cloned already + cached = get(map, origin[key]); + if (cached) { + dest[key] = cached; + continue; + } + // deep into the object + put(map, origin[key], dest[key]); + stack.push({ + origin: origin[key], + dest: dest[key], + keys: keys(origin[key]), + idx: 0 + }); + } + return dest; + }; + return clone; + })(); + return function (target, cfg) { + if (target) { + if (target.__clone__) { + return target.__clone__(cfg); + } else if (!cfg) { + if (nx.is(target, 'Array')) { + return target.slice(0); + } else { + var result = {}; + for (var key in target) { + if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + result[key] = target[key]; + } + } -Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator of its Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution. + return result; + } + } else { + // TODO more config options + return deepclone(target); + } + } else { + return target; + } + }; + })(); -4. COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION + /** + * Check whether target is specified type. + * @method is + * @param target {Object} The target object to be checked. + * @param type {String|Function} The type could either be a string or a class object. + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + nx.is = function (target, type) { + if (target && target.__is__) { + return target.__is__(type); + } else { + switch (type) { + case 'Undefined': + return target === undefined; + case 'Null': + return target === null; + case 'Object': + return target && (typeof target === 'object'); + case 'String': + case 'Boolean': + case 'Number': + case 'Function': + return typeof target === type.toLowerCase(); + case 'Array': + return isArray(target); + case 'POJO': + return isPojo(target); + default: + return target instanceof type; + } + } + }; -Commercial distributors of software may accept certain responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and the like. While this license is intended to facilitate the commercial use of the Program, the Contributor who includes the Program in a commercial product offering should do so in a manner which does not create potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a Contributor includes the Program in a commercial product offering, such Contributor ("Commercial Contributor") hereby agrees to defend and indemnify every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor") against any losses, damages and costs (collectively "Losses") arising from claims, lawsuits and other legal actions brought by a third party against the Indemnified Contributor to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of such Commercial Contributor in connection with its distribution of the Program in a commercial product offering. The obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement. In order to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: a) promptly notify the Commercial Contributor in writing of such claim, and b) allow the Commercial Contributor to control, and cooperate with the Commercial Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement negotiations. The Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such claim at its own expense. + /** + * Get the specified property value of target. + * @method get + * @param target {Object} The target object. + * @param name {String} The property name. + * @returns {*} The value. + */ + nx.get = function (target, name) { + if (target) { + if (target.__get__) { + return target.__get__(name); + } else { + return target[name]; + } + } + }; -For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor would have to defend claims against the other Contributors related to those performance claims and warranties, and if a court requires any other Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial Contributor must pay those damages. + /** + * Set the specified property of target with value. + * @method set + * @param target {Object} The target object. + * @param name {String} The property name. + * @param value {*} The value to be set. + */ + nx.set = function (target, name, value) { + if (target) { + if (target.__set__) { + target.__set__(name); + } else { + target[name] = value; + } + } + }; -5. NO WARRANTY + /** + * Get all properties of target. + * @method gets + * @param target {Object} The target Object. + * @returns {Object} An object contains all keys and values of target. + */ + nx.gets = function (target) { + if (target) { + if (target.__gets__) { + return target.__gets__(); + } else { + var result = {}; + for (var key in target) { + if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + result[key] = target[key]; + } + } + return result; + } + } + }; -EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights under this Agreement , including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations. + /** + * Set a bunch of properties for target. + * @method sets + * @param target {Object} The target object. + * @param dict {Object} An object contains all keys and values to be set. + */ + nx.sets = function (target, dict) { + if (target && dict) { + if (target.__sets__) { + target.__sets__(dict); + } else { + for (var key in dict) { + if (dict.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + target[key] = dict[key]; + } + } + } + } + }; -6. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY + /** + * Check whether target has specified property. + * @method has + * @param target {Object} The target object. + * @param name {String} The property name. + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + nx.has = function (target, name) { + if (target) { + if (target.__has__) { + return target.__has__(name); + } else { + return name in target; + } + } else { + return false; + } + }; -EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + /** + * Compare target and source. + * @method compare + * @param target {Object} The target object. + * @param source {Object} The source object. + * @returns {Number} The result could be -1,0,1 which indicates the comparison result. + */ + nx.compare = function (target, source) { + if (target && target.__compare__) { + return target.__compare__(source); + } else { + if (target === source) { + return 0; + } else if (target > source) { + return 1; + } else if (target < source) { + return -1; + } -7. GENERAL + return 1; + } + }; -If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable. + /** + * Get value from target specified by a path and optionally set a value for it. + * @method path + * @param target {Object} The target object. + * @param path {String} The path. + * @param [value] {*} The value to be set. + * @returns {*} + */ + nx.path = function (target, path, value) { + var result = target; + if (path) { + var tokens, token, length, i = 0; + if (typeof path === "string") { + tokens = path.split("."); + } else if (isArray(path)) { + tokens = path; + } else { + return target; + } + length = tokens.length; -If Recipient institutes patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Program itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other software or hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such Recipient's rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. + if (value === undefined) { + for (; result && i < length; i++) { + token = tokens[i]; + if (result.__get__) { + result = result.__get__(token); + } else { + result = result[token]; + } + } + } else { + length -= 1; + for (; result && i < length; i++) { + token = tokens[i]; + if (result.__get__) { + result = result.__get__(token); + } else { + result = result[token] = result[token] || {}; + } + } -All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of time after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use and distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable. However, Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and any licenses granted by Recipient relating to the Program shall continue and survive. + token = tokens[i]; + if (result) { + if (result.__set__) { + result.__set__(token, value); + } else { + result[token] = value; + } -Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this Agreement, but in order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is copyrighted and may only be modified in the following manner. The Agreement Steward reserves the right to publish new versions (including revisions) of this Agreement from time to time. No one other than the Agreement Steward has the right to modify this Agreement. The Eclipse Foundation is the initial Agreement Steward. The Eclipse Foundation may assign the responsibility to serve as the Agreement Steward to a suitable separate entity. Each new version of the Agreement will be given a distinguishing version number. The Program (including Contributions) may always be distributed subject to the version of the Agreement under which it was received. In addition, after a new version of the Agreement is published, Contributor may elect to distribute the Program (including its Contributions) under the new version. Except as expressly stated in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, Recipient receives no rights or licenses to the intellectual property of any Contributor under this Agreement, whether expressly, by implication, estoppel or otherwise. All rights in the Program not expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved. + result = value; + } + } + } -This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and the intellectual property laws of the United States of America. No party to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this Agreement more than one year after the cause of action arose. Each party waives its rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation.*/ -var nx={VERSION:"0.8",DEBUG:!1,global:function(){return this}.call(null)};!function(){Function.prototype.bind||(Function.prototype.bind=function(a){var b=this;return function(){return b.apply(a,arguments)}})}(),function(a){var b=Array.isArray||function(a){return a&&a.constructor===Array},c=function(a){var b=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;if(!a||"[object Object]"!==Object.prototype.toString(a)||a.nodeType||a===window)return!1;try{if(a.constructor&&!b.call(a,"constructor")&&!b.call(a.constructor.prototype,"isPrototypeOf"))return!1}catch(c){return!1}var d;for(d in a);return void 0===d||b.call(a,d)};a.extend=function(a){for(var b=1,c=arguments.length;c>b;b++){var d=arguments[b];for(var e in d)d.hasOwnProperty(e)&&(a[e]=d[e])}return a},a.each=function(c,d,e){if(c&&d)if(c.__each__)c.__each__(d,e);else if(b(c)||"[object Arguments]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(c)||a.global.NodeList&&c instanceof NodeList||a.global.HTMLCollection&&c instanceof HTMLCollection)for(var f=0,g=c.length;g>f&&d.call(e,c[f],f)!==!1;f++);else for(var h in c)if(c.hasOwnProperty(h)&&d.call(e,c[h],h)===!1)break},a.clone=function(){var d=function(){var a,d,e,f,g;return a=function(a,b){for(var c=0;c=0)return g;if(!b(g)&&!c(g))return g;var h,i,j,k=[],l=[],m=g,n=b(g)?[]:{};for(d(k,m,n),l.push({origin:m,dest:n,keys:f(m),idx:0});;){if(h=e(l),!h)break;if(m=h.origin,n=h.dest,h.keys.length<=h.idx)l.pop();else{if(i=h.keys[h.idx++],b(m[i]))n[i]=[];else{if(!c(m[i])){n[i]=m[i];continue}n[i]={}}j=a(k,m[i]),j?n[i]=j:(d(k,m[i],n[i]),l.push({origin:m[i],dest:n[i],keys:f(m[i]),idx:0}))}}return n}}();return function(b,c){if(b){if(b.__clone__)return b.__clone__(c);if(c)return d(b);if(a.is(b,"Array"))return b.slice(0);var e={};for(var f in b)b.hasOwnProperty(f)&&(e[f]=b[f]);return e}return b}}(),a.is=function(a,d){if(a&&a.__is__)return a.__is__(d);switch(d){case"Undefined":return void 0===a;case"Null":return null===a;case"Object":return a&&"object"==typeof a;case"String":case"Boolean":case"Number":case"Function":return typeof a===d.toLowerCase();case"Array":return b(a);case"POJO":return c(a);default:return a instanceof d}},a.get=function(a,b){return a?a.__get__?a.__get__(b):a[b]:void 0},a.set=function(a,b,c){a&&(a.__set__?a.__set__(b):a[b]=c)},a.gets=function(a){if(a){if(a.__gets__)return a.__gets__();var b={};for(var c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(b[c]=a[c]);return b}},a.sets=function(a,b){if(a&&b)if(a.__sets__)a.__sets__(b);else for(var c in b)b.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(a[c]=b[c])},a.has=function(a,b){return a?a.__has__?a.__has__(b):b in a:!1},a.compare=function(a,b){return a&&a.__compare__?a.__compare__(b):a===b?0:a>b?1:b>a?-1:1},a.path=function(a,c,d){var e=a;if(c){var f,g,h,i=0;if("string"==typeof c)f=c.split(".");else{if(!b(c))return a;f=c}if(h=f.length,void 0===d)for(;e&&h>i;i++)g=f[i],e=e.__get__?e.__get__(g):e[g];else{for(h-=1;e&&h>i;i++)g=f[i],e=e.__get__?e.__get__(g):e[g]=e[g]||{};g=f[i],e&&(e.__set__?e.__set__(g,d):e[g]=d,e=d)}}return e},a.idle=function(){},a.identity=function(a){return a},a.uuid=function(){return"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g,function(a){var b=16*Math.random()|0,c="x"==a?b:3&b|8;return c.toString(16)}).toUpperCase()}}(nx),function(a){function b(){}function c(a,b){var c=j+b,d=a[c]&&"event"==a[c].__type__,e=a[c]=function(a,c){var d=this.__listeners__,e=d[b]=d[b]||[{owner:null,handler:null,context:null}];e[0]={owner:this,handler:a,context:c}};return e.__name__=b,e.__type__="event",d||a.__events__.push(b),e}function d(b,c,d){(a.is(d,a.keyword.internal.Keyword)||!a.is(d,"Object"))&&(d={value:d});var e,f=b[c]&&"property"==b[c].__type__;d.dependencies?(a.is(d.dependencies,"String")&&(d.dependencies=d.dependencies.replace(/\s/g,"").split(",")),e=a.keyword.binding({source:d.dependencies,async:!0,callback:function(){var b=this.owner;d.update&&d.update.apply(b,arguments),a.is(d.value,"Function")?b.set(c,d.value.apply(b,arguments)):d.update||d.value||b.set(c,arguments[0])}})):e=d.value,b[c]&&d.inherits&&(d=a.extend({},b[c].__meta__,d));var g=function(a,b){return void 0===a&&0===arguments.length?g.__getter__.call(this,b):g.__setter__.call(this,a,b)};return g.__name__=c,g.__type__="property",g.__meta__=d,g.__getter__=d.get||function(){return this["_"+c]},g.__setter__=d.set||function(a){this["_"+c]=a},g.getMeta=function(a){return a?g.__meta__[a]:g.__meta__},a.is(b,"Function")&&b.__properties__&&!b.__static__?b.prototype[c]=g:b[c]=g,void 0!==e&&(b.__defaults__[c]=e),f||(a.is(b,"Function")||b.__properties__!==b.constructor.__properties||(b.__properties__=b.__properties__.slice()),b.__properties__.push(c)),g}function e(a,b,c){var d=a[b]&&"method"==a[b].__type__;a[b]&&a[b]!==c&&(c.__super__=a[b]),c.__name__=b,c.__type__="method",c.__meta__={},a[b]=c,d||a.__methods__.push(b)}function f(f,j,m){m||(a.is(j,"Object")?(m=j,j=null,a.is(f,"Function")&&(j=f,f=null)):j||(a.is(f,"Object")?(m=f,f=null):a.is(f,"Function")&&(j=f,f=null))),m=m||{};var n,o,p,q,r,s,t=j||b,u=m.mixins||[],v=m.events||[],w=m.properties||{},x=m.methods||{},y=m.static||!1,z=m.statics||{};if(a.is(u,"Function")&&(u=[u]),t.__static__)throw new Error("Static class cannot be inherited.");if(y){for(r=function(){throw new Error("Cannot instantiate static class.")},r.__classId__=g++,r.__className__=f?f:"Anonymous",r.__static__=!0,r.__events__=[],r.__properties__=[],r.__methods__=[],r.__defaults__={},p=0,q=v.length;q>p;p++)c(r,v[p]);for(o in w)w.hasOwnProperty(o)&&d(r,o,w[o]);for(o in x)x.hasOwnProperty(o)&&e(r,o,x[o]);for(o in z)z.hasOwnProperty(o)&&(r[o]=z[o]);a.each(r.__defaults__,function(b,c){if(a.is(b,"Function"))this["_"+c]=b.call(this);else if(a.is(b,a.keyword.internal.Keyword))switch(b.type){case"binding":b.apply(this,c)}else this["_"+c]=b},r),x.init&&x.init.call(r)}else{r=function(){var b=arguments[0];"[object Arguments]"!==Object.prototype.toString.call(b)&&(b=arguments);var c=this.__mixins__;this.__id__=h++,this.__listeners__={},this.__bindings__=this.__bindings__||{},this.__watchers__=this.__watchers__||{},this.__keyword_bindings__=this.__keyword_bindings__||[],this.__keyword_watchers__=this.__keyword_watchers__||{},this.__keyword_init__=this.__keyword_init__||[],this.__initializing__=!0;for(var d=0,e=c.length;e>d;d++){var 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f.stop(),b}}})}(nx,nx.global,nx.logger),function(a){a.define("nx.data.ObservableGraph.QuickProcessor",{methods:{process:function(b,c,d){return a.each(b.nodes,function(a){a.x=Math.floor(Math.random()*d.width()),a.y=Math.floor(Math.random()*d.height())}),b}}})}(nx,nx.global),function(a){var b=a.define("nx.data.ObservableGraph.DataProcessor",{statics:{dataProcessor:{nextforce:new a.data.ObservableGraph.NeXtForceProcessor,force:new a.data.ObservableGraph.ForceProcessor,quick:new a.data.ObservableGraph.QuickProcessor},registerDataProcessor:function(a,b){GRAPH.dataProcessor[a]=b}},properties:{dataProcessor:{},width:{value:100},height:{value:100}},methods:{processData:function(a){var c=this._identityKey,d=this._dataProcessor;if(d){var e=b.dataProcessor[d];return e?e.process(a,c,this):a}return 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at end of file + return result; + }; + + nx.idle = function () {}; + + nx.identity = function (i) { + return i; + }; + + nx.uuid = function () { + return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { + var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, + v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); + return v.toString(16); + }).toUpperCase(); + }; + + +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + + var classId = 1, + instanceId = 1, + metaPrefix = '@', + eventPrefix = 'on', + classes = {}, + global = nx.global; + + /** + * The base of any Classes defined in nx framework. + * @class nx.Object + * @constructor + */ + function NXObject() {} + + var NXPrototype = NXObject.prototype = { + constructor: NXObject, + /** + * Dispose current object. + * @method dispose + */ + dispose: function () { + this.__listeners__ = {}; + }, + /** + * Destroy current object. + * @method destroy + */ + destroy: function () { + this.dispose(); + }, + /** + * Call overridden method from super class + * @method inherited + */ + inherited: function () { + var base = this.inherited.caller.__super__; + if (base) { + return base.apply(this, arguments); + } + }, + /** + * Check whether current object is specified type. + * @method is + * @param type {String|Function} + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + is: function (type) { + if (typeof type === 'string') { + type = nx.path(global, type); + } + + if (type) { + if (this instanceof type) { + return true; + } else { + var mixins = this.__mixins__; + for (var i = 0, len = mixins.length; i < len; i++) { + var mixin = mixins[i]; + if (type === mixin) { + return true; + } + } + } + } + + return false; + }, + /** + * Check whether current object has specified property. + * @method has + * @param name {String} + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + has: function (name) { + var member = this[name]; + return member && member.__type__ == 'property'; + }, + /** + * Get specified property value. + * @method get + * @param name {String} + * @returns {*} + */ + get: function (name) { + var member = this[name]; + if (member !== undefined) { + if (member.__type__ == 'property') { + return member.call(this); + } else { + return member; + } + } + }, + /** + * Set specified property value. + * @method set + * @param name {String} + * @param value {*} + */ + set: function (name, value) { + var member = this[name]; + if (member !== undefined) { + if (member.__type__ == 'property') { + return member.call(this, value); + } else { + this[name] = value; + } + } else { + this[name] = value; + } + }, + /** + * Get all properties. + * @method gets + * @returns {Object} + */ + gets: function () { + var result = {}; + nx.each(this.__properties__, function (name) { + result[name] = this.get(name); + }, this); + + return result; + }, + /** + * Set a bunch of properties. + * @method sets + * @param dict {Object} + */ + sets: function (dict) { + if (dict) { + for (var name in dict) { + if (dict.hasOwnProperty(name)) { + this.set(name, dict[name]); + } + } + } + }, + /** + * Check whether current object has specified event. + * @method can + * @param name {String} + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + can: function (name) { + var member = this[eventPrefix + name]; + return member && member.__type__ == 'event'; + }, + /** + * Add an event handler. + * @method on + * @param name {String} + * @param handler {Function} + * @param [context] {Object} + */ + on: function (name, handler, context) { + var map = this.__listeners__; + var listeners = map[name] = map[name] || [{ + owner: null, + handler: null, + context: null + }]; + var listener = { + owner: this, + handler: handler, + context: context || this + }; + + listeners.push(listener); + return { + release: function () { + var idx = listeners.indexOf(listener); + if (idx >= 0) { + listeners.splice(idx, 1); + } + } + }; + }, + /** + * Remove an event handler. + * @method off + * @param name {String} + * @param [handler] {Function} + * @param [context] {Object} + */ + off: function (name, handler, context) { + var listeners = this.__listeners__[name], + listener; + if (listeners) { + if (handler) { + context = context || this; + for (var i = 0, length = listeners.length; i < length; i++) { + listener = listeners[i]; + if (listener.handler == handler && listener.context == context) { + listeners.splice(i, 1); + break; + } + } + } else { + listeners.length = 1; + } + } + }, + /** + * Add a single event handler. + * @method upon + * @param name {String} + * @param handler {Function} + * @param [context] {Object} + */ + upon: function (name, handler, context) { + var map = this.__listeners__; + var listeners = map[name] = map[name] || [{ + owner: null, + handler: null, + context: null + }]; + + listeners[0] = { + owner: this, + handler: handler, + context: context + }; + }, + /** + * Trigger an event. + * @method fire + * @param name {String} + * @param [data] {*} + */ + fire: function (name, data) { + var i, length, listener, result, calling, existing = this.__listeners__[name]; + calling = existing ? existing.slice() : []; + for (i = 0, length = calling.length; i < length; i++) { + listener = calling[i]; + if (listener && listener.handler && (existing[i] === listener || existing.indexOf(listener) >= 0)) { + result = listener.handler.call(listener.context, listener.owner, data); + if (result === false) { + return false; + } + } + } + }, + __is__: function (type) { + return this.is(type); + }, + __has__: function (name) { + return this.has(name); + }, + __get__: function (name) { + return this.get(name); + }, + __set__: function (name, value) { + return this.set(name, value); + }, + __gets__: function () { + return this.gets(); + }, + __sets__: function (dict) { + return this.sets(dict); + } + }; + + NXObject.__classId__ = NXPrototype.__classId__ = 0; + NXObject.__className__ = NXPrototype.__className__ = 'nx.Object'; + NXObject.__events__ = NXPrototype.__events__ = []; + NXObject.__properties__ = NXPrototype.__properties__ = []; + NXObject.__methods__ = NXPrototype.__methods__ = []; + NXObject.__defaults__ = NXPrototype.__defaults__ = {}; + NXObject.__mixins__ = NXPrototype.__mixins__ = []; + NXObject.extendEvent = extendEvent; + NXObject.extendProperty = extendProperty; + NXObject.extendMethod = extendMethod; + + /** + * Define an event and attach to target. + * @method extendEvent + * @static + * @param target {Object} + * @param name {String} + */ + function extendEvent(target, name) { + var eventName = eventPrefix + name; + var exist = target[eventName] && target[eventName].__type__ == 'event'; + var fn = target[eventName] = function (handler, context) { + var map = this.__listeners__; + var listeners = map[name] = map[name] || [{ + owner: null, + handler: null, + context: null + }]; + + listeners[0] = { + owner: this, + handler: handler, + context: context + }; + }; + + fn.__name__ = name; + fn.__type__ = 'event'; + + if (!exist) { + target.__events__.push(name); + } + + return fn; + } + + /** + * Define a property and attach to target. + * @method extendProperty + * @static + * @param target {Object} + * @param name {String} + * @param meta {Object} + */ + function extendProperty(target, name, meta) { + if (nx.is(meta, nx.keyword.internal.Keyword) || !nx.is(meta, "Object")) { + meta = { + value: meta + }; + } + var defaultValue; + var exist = target[name] && target[name].__type__ == 'property'; + if (meta.dependencies) { + if (nx.is(meta.dependencies, "String")) { + meta.dependencies = meta.dependencies.replace(/\s/g, "").split(","); + } + defaultValue = nx.keyword.binding({ + source: meta.dependencies, + async: true, + callback: function () { + var owner = this.owner; + if (meta.update) { + meta.update.apply(owner, arguments); + } + if (nx.is(meta.value, "Function")) { + owner.set(name, meta.value.apply(owner, arguments)); + } else if (!meta.update && !meta.value) { + owner.set(name, arguments[0]); + } + } + }); + } else { + defaultValue = meta.value; + } + + if (target[name] && meta.inherits) { + meta = nx.extend({}, target[name].__meta__, meta); + } + + var fn = function (value, params) { + if (value === undefined && arguments.length === 0) { + return fn.__getter__.call(this, params); + } else { + return fn.__setter__.call(this, value, params); + } + }; + + fn.__name__ = name; + fn.__type__ = 'property'; + fn.__meta__ = meta; + fn.__getter__ = meta.get || function () { + return this['_' + name]; + }; + + fn.__setter__ = meta.set || function (value) { + this['_' + name] = value; + }; + + fn.getMeta = function (key) { + return key ? fn.__meta__[key] : fn.__meta__; + }; + + if (nx.is(target, "Function") && target.__properties__ && !target.__static__) { + target.prototype[name] = fn; + } else { + target[name] = fn; + } + + if (defaultValue !== undefined) { + target.__defaults__[name] = defaultValue; + } + + if (!exist) { + if (!nx.is(target, "Function") && target.__properties__ === target.constructor.__properties) { + target.__properties__ = target.__properties__.slice(); + } + target.__properties__.push(name); + } + + return fn; + } + + /** + * Define a method and attach to target. + * @method extendMethod + * @static + * @param target {Object} + * @param name {String} + * @param method {Function} + */ + function extendMethod(target, name, method) { + var exist = target[name] && target[name].__type__ == 'method'; + + if (target[name] && target[name] !== method) { + method.__super__ = target[name]; + } + + method.__name__ = name; + method.__type__ = 'method'; + method.__meta__ = {}; + + target[name] = method; + + if (!exist) { + target.__methods__.push(name); + } + } + + /** + * Define a class + * @method define + * @param [type] {String} + * @param [parent] {Function} + * @param [members] {Object} + * @returns {Function} + */ + function define(type, parent, members) { + if (!members) { + if (nx.is(parent, 'Object')) { + members = parent; + parent = null; + + if (nx.is(type, 'Function')) { + parent = type; + type = null; + } + } else if (!parent) { + if (nx.is(type, 'Object')) { + members = type; + type = null; + } else if (nx.is(type, 'Function')) { + parent = type; + type = null; + } + } + } + + members = members || {}; + + var sup = parent || NXObject; + var mixins = members.mixins || []; + var events = members.events || []; + var props = members.properties || {}; + var methods = members.methods || {}; + var static = members.static || false; + var statics = members.statics || {}; + var prototype; + var key, i, length; + var Class, SuperClass; + + if (nx.is(mixins, 'Function')) { + mixins = [mixins]; + } + + if (sup.__static__) { + throw new Error('Static class cannot be inherited.'); + } + + if (static) { + Class = function () { + throw new Error('Cannot instantiate static class.'); + }; + + Class.__classId__ = classId++; + Class.__className__ = type ? type : 'Anonymous'; + Class.__static__ = true; + Class.__events__ = []; + Class.__properties__ = []; + Class.__methods__ = []; + Class.__defaults__ = {}; + + for (i = 0, length = events.length; i < length; i++) { + extendEvent(Class, events[i]); + } + + for (key in props) { + if (props.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + extendProperty(Class, key, props[key]); + } + } + + for (key in methods) { + if (methods.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + extendMethod(Class, key, methods[key]); + } + } + + for (key in statics) { + if (statics.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + Class[key] = statics[key]; + } + } + + nx.each(Class.__defaults__, function (value, name) { + if (nx.is(value, "Function")) { + this["_" + name] = value.call(this); + } else if (nx.is(value, nx.keyword.internal.Keyword)) { + switch (value.type) { + case "binding": + // FIXME memory leak + value.apply(this, name); + break; + } + } else { + this["_" + name] = value; + } + }, Class); + + if (methods.init) { + methods.init.call(Class); + } + } else { + Class = function () { + // get the real arguments + var args = arguments[0]; + if (Object.prototype.toString.call(args) !== "[object Arguments]") { + args = arguments; + } + + var mixins = this.__mixins__; + this.__id__ = instanceId++; + this.__listeners__ = {}; + this.__bindings__ = this.__bindings__ || {}; + this.__watchers__ = this.__watchers__ || {}; + this.__keyword_bindings__ = this.__keyword_bindings__ || []; + this.__keyword_watchers__ = this.__keyword_watchers__ || {}; + this.__keyword_init__ = this.__keyword_init__ || []; + + this.__initializing__ = true; + + for (var i = 0, length = mixins.length; i < length; i++) { + var ctor = mixins[i].__ctor__; + if (ctor) { + ctor.call(this); + } + } + + nx.each(Class.__defaults__, function (value, name) { + if (nx.is(value, "Function")) { + this["_" + name] = value.call(this); + } else if (nx.is(value, nx.keyword.internal.Keyword)) { + // FIXME memory leak + // FIXME bind order + this.__keyword_bindings__.push({ + name: name, + definition: value + }); + } else { + this["_" + name] = value; + } + }, this); + + nx.each(Class.__properties__, function (name) { + var prop = this[name]; + if (!prop || prop.__type__ !== "property") { + return; + } + var meta = prop.__meta__, + watcher = meta.watcher, + init = meta.init; + if (watcher && this.watch) { + if (nx.is(watcher, "String")) { + watcher = this[watcher]; + } + this.watch(name, watcher.bind(this)); + this.__keyword_watchers__[name] = watcher; + } + if (init) { + this.__keyword_init__.push(init); + } + }, this); + + nx.each(this.__keyword_bindings__, function (binding) { + binding.instance = binding.definition.apply(this, binding.name); + }, this); + + nx.each(this.__keyword_init__, function (init) { + init.apply(this, args); + }, this); + + if (this.__ctor__) { + this.__ctor__.apply(this, args); + } + + nx.each(this.__keyword_watchers__, function (watcher, name) { + watcher.call(this, name, this[name].call(this)); + }, this); + + nx.each(this.__keyword_bindings__, function (binding) { + binding.instance.notify(); + }, this); + + this.__initializing__ = false; + }; + + SuperClass = function () {}; + + SuperClass.prototype = sup.prototype; + prototype = new SuperClass(); + prototype.constructor = Class; + prototype.__events__ = sup.__events__.slice(0); + prototype.__properties__ = sup.__properties__.slice(0); + prototype.__methods__ = sup.__methods__.slice(0); + prototype.__defaults__ = nx.clone(sup.__defaults__); + prototype.__mixins__ = sup.__mixins__.concat(mixins); + + Class.__classId__ = classId++; + Class.__className__ = prototype.__className__ = type ? type : 'Anonymous'; + Class.__super__ = prototype.__super__ = sup; + Class.prototype = prototype; + + if (methods.init) { + prototype.__ctor__ = methods.init; + } + + for (key in members) { + if (members.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + prototype[metaPrefix + key] = Class[metaPrefix + key] = members[key]; + } + } + + nx.each(mixins, function (mixin) { + var mixinPrototype = mixin.prototype; + + nx.each(mixin.__events__, function (name) { + extendEvent(prototype, name); + }); + + nx.each(mixin.__properties__, function (name) { + extendProperty(prototype, name, mixinPrototype[name].__meta__); + }); + + nx.each(mixin.__methods__, function (name) { + if (name !== 'init' && name !== 'dispose') { + extendMethod(prototype, name, mixinPrototype[name]); + } + }); + }); + + for (i = 0, length = events.length; i < length; i++) { + extendEvent(prototype, events[i]); + } + + for (key in props) { + if (props.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + extendProperty(prototype, key, props[key]); + } + } + + for (key in methods) { + if (methods.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + extendMethod(prototype, key, methods[key]); + } + } + + for (key in statics) { + if (statics.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + Class[key] = statics[key]; + } + } + + Class.__ctor__ = prototype.__ctor__; + Class.__events__ = prototype.__events__; + Class.__properties__ = prototype.__properties__; + Class.__methods__ = prototype.__methods__; + Class.__defaults__ = prototype.__defaults__; + Class.__mixins__ = prototype.__mixins__; + } + + if (type) { + nx.path(global, type, Class); + } + + classes[Class.__classId__] = Class; + return Class; + } + + nx.Object = NXObject; + nx.define = define; + nx.classes = classes; + +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + var keyword = nx.keyword = nx.keyword || { + binding: function (source, callback, async) { + var context = false; + if (typeof source !== "string") { + context = !! source.context; + callback = source.callback; + async = source.async; + source = source.source; + } + return new nx.keyword.internal.Keyword({ + type: "binding", + context: context, + source: source, + async: async, + callback: callback + }); + }, + internal: { + idle: function () {}, + watch: (function () { + var single = function (o, path, listener, context) { + var keys = path.split("."); + + function level(parent, idx) { + if (parent && idx < keys.length) { + var key = keys[idx]; + // watch on the collection changes + if (key == "*" || key == "%") { + // TODO handler watching on collection changes + } else { + var child = nx.path(parent, key); + if (parent.watch) { + var pathRest = keys.slice(idx + 1).join("."), + childUnwatch = level(child, idx + 1); + var watcher = function (pname, pnewvalue, poldvalue) { + var newvalue = pathRest ? nx.path(pnewvalue, pathRest) : pnewvalue; + var oldvalue = pathRest ? nx.path(poldvalue, pathRest) : poldvalue; + listener.call(context || o, path, newvalue, oldvalue); + if (pnewvalue !== child) { + childUnwatch(); + child = pnewvalue; + childUnwatch = level(child, idx + 1); + } + }; + parent.watch(key, watcher, parent); + return function () { + childUnwatch(); + parent.unwatch(key, watcher, parent); + }; + } else if (child) { + return level(child, idx + 1); + } + } + } + return keyword.internal.idle; + } + var unwatch = level(o, 0); + return { + unwatch: unwatch, + notify: function () { + var value = nx.path(o, path); + listener.call(context || o, path, value, value); + } + }; + }; + + var singleWithCollection = function (o, path, listener, context) { + var collman = { + collection: null, + unlistener: null, + listener: function (collection, evt) { + listener.call(context || o, path, collection, evt); + }, + update: function (value) { + if (collman.collection === value) { + return; + } + /* jslint -W030 */ + collman.unlistener && collman.unlistener(); + if (value && value.is && value.is(nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + value.on("change", collman.listener, o); + collman.unlistener = function () { + value.off("change", collman.listener, o); + }; + } else { + collman.unlistener = null; + } + collman.collection = value; + } + }; + collman.update(nx.path(o, path)); + var unwatcher = single(o, path, function (path, value) { + collman.update(value); + listener.call(context || o, path, value); + }, context); + return { + unwatch: function () { + unwatcher.unwatch(); + /* jslint -W030 */ + collman.unlistener && collman.unlistener(); + }, + notify: unwatcher.notify + }; + }; + + return function (target, paths, update) { + if (!target || !paths || !update) { + return; + } + // apply the watching + var deps; + if (nx.is(paths, "String")) { + deps = paths.replace(/\s/g, "").split(","); + } else { + deps = paths; + } + nx.each(deps, function (v, i) { + if (/^\d+$/.test(v)) { + deps[i] = v * 1; + } + }); + var unwatchers = [], + vals = []; + var notify = function (key, diff) { + var values = vals.slice(); + values.push(key); + /* jslint -W030 */ + diff && values.push(diff); + update.apply(target, values); + }; + for (i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) { + /* jslint -W083 */ + (function (idx) { + vals[idx] = nx.path(target, deps[idx]); + var unwatcher = singleWithCollection(target, deps[idx], function (path, value, diff) { + vals[idx] = value; + notify(deps[idx], diff); + }); + unwatchers.push(unwatcher); + })(i); + } + return { + notify: notify, + release: function () { + while (unwatchers.length) { + unwatchers.shift().unwatch(); + } + } + }; + }; + })(), + Keyword: (function () { + var Keyword = function (options) { + nx.sets(this, options); + }; + Keyword.prototype = { + apply: function (o, pname) { + var binding = { + owner: o, + property: pname, + set: o && pname && function (v) { + o.set(pname, v); + return o.get(pname); + } + }; + var watching = nx.keyword.internal.watch(o, this.source, function () { + var rslt; + if (this.callback) { + rslt = this.callback.apply(this.context ? binding.owner : binding, arguments); + } else { + rslt = arguments[0]; + } + if (!this.async) { + binding.set(rslt); + } + }.bind(this)); + return watching; + } + }; + return Keyword; + })() + } + }; +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + + /** + * @class Iterable + * @namespace nx + */ + var Iterable = nx.define('nx.Iterable', { + statics: { + /** + * Get the iteration function from an iterable object. + * @method getIterator + * @static + * @param iter {Object|Array|nx.Iterable} + * @returns {Function} + */ + getIterator: function (iter) { + if (nx.is(iter, Iterable)) { + return function (callback, context) { + iter.each(callback, context); + }; + } + else { + return function (callback, context) { + nx.each(iter, callback, context); + }; + } + }, + /** + * Convert the iterable object to an array. + * @method toArray + * @static + * @param iter {Object|Array|nx.Iterable} + * @returns {Array} + */ + toArray: function (iter) { + if (nx.is(iter, Iterable)) { + return iter.toArray(); + } + else if (nx.is(iter, 'Array')) { + return iter.slice(0); + } + else { + var result = []; + nx.each(iter, function (item) { + result.push(item); + }); + + return result; + } + } + }, + properties: { + /** + * @property count {Number} + */ + count: { + get: function () { + return this.toArray().length; + } + } + }, + methods: { + /** + * @method each + * @param callback + * @param context + */ + each: function (callback, context) { + throw new Error('Not Implemented.'); + }, + /** + * @method toArray + * @returns {Array} + */ + toArray: function () { + var result = []; + this.each(function (item) { + result.push(item); + }); + + return result; + }, + __each__: function (callback, context) { + return this.each(callback, context); + } + } + }); +})(nx); +(function (nx) { + /** + * @class Observable + * @namespace nx + */ + var Observable = nx.define('nx.Observable', { + statics: { + extendProperty: function extendProperty(target, name, meta) { + var property = nx.Object.extendProperty(target, name, meta); + if (property && property.__type__ == 'property') { + if (!property._watched) { + var setter = property.__setter__; + var dependencies = property.getMeta('dependencies'); + nx.each(dependencies, function (dep) { + this.watch(dep, function () { + this.notify(name); + }, this); + }, this); + + property.__setter__ = function (value, params) { + var oldValue = this.get(name); + if (oldValue !== value) { + if (setter.call(this, value, params) !== false) { + return this.notify(name, oldValue); + } + } + + return false; + }; + + property._watched = true; + } + } + + return property; + }, + /** + * This method in order to watch the change of specified path of specified target. + * @static + * @method watch + * @param target The target observable object. + * @param path The path to be watched. + * @param callback The callback function accepting arguments list: (path, newvalue, oldvalue). + * @param context (Optional) The context which the callback will be called with. + * @return Resource stub object, with release and affect methods. + *

release: unwatch the current watching.

+ *

affect: invoke the callback with current value immediately.

+ */ + watch: function (target, path, callback, context) { + var keys = (typeof path === "string" ? path.split(".") : path); + var iterate = function (parent, idx) { + if (parent && idx < keys.length) { + var key = keys[idx]; + var child = nx.path(parent, key); + if (parent.watch) { + var rkeys = keys.slice(idx + 1); + var iter = iterate(child, idx + 1); + var watch = parent.watch(key, function (pname, pnewvalue, poldvalue) { + var newvalue = nx.path(pnewvalue, rkeys); + var oldvalue = nx.path(poldvalue, rkeys); + callback.call(context || target, path, newvalue, oldvalue); + if (pnewvalue !== child) { + iter && iter.release(); + child = pnewvalue; + iter = iterate(child, idx + 1); + } + }); + return { + release: function () { + iter && iter.release(); + watch.release(); + } + }; + } else if (child) { + return iterate(child, idx + 1); + } + } + return { + release: nx.idle + }; + }; + var iter = iterate(target, 0); + return { + release: iter.release, + affect: function () { + var value = nx.path(target, path); + callback.call(context || target, path, value, value); + } + }; + }, + /** + * Monitor several paths of target at the same time, any value change of any path will trigger the callback with all values of all paths. + * @static + * @method monitor + * @param target The target observable object. + * @param pathlist The path list to be watched. + * @param callback The callback function accepting arguments list: (value1, value2, value3, ..., changed_path, changed_old_value). + * @return Resource stub object, with release and affect methods. + *

release: release the current monitoring.

+ *

affect: invoke the callback with current values immediately.

+ */ + monitor: function (target, pathlist, callback) { + if (!target || !pathlist || !callback) { + return; + } + // apply the cascading + var i, paths, resources, values; + paths = typeof pathlist === "string" ? pathlist.replace(/\s/g, "").split(",") : pathlist; + resources = []; + values = []; + var affect = function (path, oldvalue) { + var args = values.slice(); + args.push(path, oldvalue); + callback.apply(target, args); + }; + for (i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { + (function (idx) { + values[idx] = nx.path(target, paths[idx]); + var resource = Observable.watch(target, paths[idx], function (path, value) { + var oldvalue = values[idx]; + values[idx] = value; + affect(paths[idx], oldvalue); + }); + resources.push(resource); + })(i); + } + return { + affect: affect, + release: function () { + while (resources.length) { + resources.shift().release(); + } + } + }; + } + }, + methods: { + /** + * @constructor + */ + init: function () { + this.__bindings__ = this.__bindings__ || {}; + this.__watchers__ = this.__watchers__ || {}; + }, + /** + * Dispose current object. + * @method dispose + */ + dispose: function () { + this.inherited(); + nx.each(this.__bindings__, function (binding) { + binding.dispose(); + }); + this.__bindings__ = {}; + this.__watchers__ = {}; + }, + /** + * @method + * @param names + * @param handler + * @param context + */ + watch: function (names, handler, context) { + var resources = []; + nx.each(names == '*' ? this.__properties__ : (nx.is(names, 'Array') ? names : [names]), function (name) { + resources.push(this._watch(name, handler, context)); + }, this); + return { + affect: function () { + nx.each(resources, function (resource) { + resource.affect(); + }); + }, + release: function () { + nx.each(resources, function (resource) { + resource.release(); + }); + } + }; + }, + /** + * @method unwatch + * @param names + * @param handler + * @param context + */ + unwatch: function (names, handler, context) { + nx.each(names == '*' ? this.__properties__ : (nx.is(names, 'Array') ? names : [names]), function (name) { + this._unwatch(name, handler, context); + }, this); + }, + /** + * @method notify + * @param names + * @param oldValue + */ + notify: function (names, oldValue) { + if (names == '*') { + nx.each(this.__watchers__, function (value, name) { + this._notify(name, oldValue); + }, this); + } else { + nx.each(nx.is(names, 'Array') ? names : [names], function (name) { + this._notify(name, oldValue); + }, this); + } + + }, + /** + * Get existing binding object for specified property. + * @method getBinding + * @param prop + * @returns {*} + */ + getBinding: function (prop) { + return this.__bindings__[prop]; + }, + /** + * Set binding for specified property. + * @method setBinding + * @param prop + * @param expr + * @param source + */ + setBinding: function (prop, expr, source) { + var binding = this.__bindings__[prop]; + var params = {}; + + if (nx.is(expr, 'String')) { + var tokens = expr.split(','); + var path = tokens[0]; + var i = 1, + length = tokens.length; + + for (; i < length; i++) { + var pair = tokens[i].split('='); + params[pair[0]] = pair[1]; + } + + params.target = this; + params.targetPath = prop; + params.sourcePath = path; + params.source = source; + if (params.converter) { + params.converter = Binding.converters[params.converter] || nx.path(window, params.converter); + } + + } else { + params = nx.clone(expr); + params.target = this; + params.targetPath = prop; + params.source = params.source || this; + } + + if (binding) { + binding.destroy(); + } + + this.__bindings__[prop] = new Binding(params); + }, + /** + * Clear binding for specified property. + * @method clearBinding + * @param prop + */ + clearBinding: function (prop) { + var binding = this.__bindings__[prop]; + if (binding) { + binding.destroy(); + this.__bindings__[prop] = null; + } + }, + _watch: function (name, handler, context) { + var map = this.__watchers__; + var watchers = map[name] = map[name] || []; + var property = this[name]; + var watcher = { + owner: this, + handler: handler, + context: context + }; + + watchers.push(watcher); + + if (property && property.__type__ == 'property') { + if (!property._watched) { + var setter = property.__setter__; + var dependencies = property.getMeta('dependencies'); + var equalityCheck = property.getMeta('equalityCheck'); + nx.each(dependencies, function (dep) { + this.watch(dep, function () { + this.notify(name); + }, this); + }, this); + + property.__setter__ = function (value, params) { + var oldValue = this.get(name); + if (oldValue !== value || (params && params.force) || equalityCheck === false) { + if (setter.call(this, value, params) !== false) { + return this.notify(name, oldValue); + } + } + + return false; + }; + + property._watched = true; + } + } + return { + affect: function () { + var value = watcher.owner.get(name); + if (watcher && watcher.handler) { + watcher.handler.call(watcher.context || watcher.owner, name, value, value, watcher.owner); + } + }, + release: function () { + var idx = watchers.indexOf(watcher); + if (idx >= 0) { + watchers.splice(idx, 1); + } + } + }; + }, + _unwatch: function (name, handler, context) { + var map = this.__watchers__; + var watchers = map[name], + watcher; + + if (watchers) { + if (handler) { + for (var i = 0, length = watchers.length; i < length; i++) { + watcher = watchers[i]; + if (watcher.handler == handler && watcher.context == context) { + watchers.splice(i, 1); + break; + } + } + } else { + watchers.length = 0; + } + } + }, + _notify: function (name, oldValue) { + var i, watcher, calling, existing = this.__watchers__[name]; + calling = existing ? existing.slice() : []; + for (i = 0; i < calling.length; i++) { + watcher = calling[i]; + if (watcher && watcher.handler && (watcher === existing[i] || existing.indexOf(watcher) >= 0)) { + watcher.handler.call(watcher.context || watcher.owner, name, this.get(name), oldValue, watcher.owner); + } + + } + } + } + }); + + var Binding = nx.define('nx.Binding', Observable, { + statics: { + converters: { + boolean: { + convert: function (value) { + return !!value; + }, + convertBack: function (value) { + return !!value; + } + }, + inverted: { + convert: function (value) { + return !value; + }, + convertBack: function (value) { + return !value; + } + }, + number: { + convert: function (value) { + return Number(value); + }, + convertBack: function (value) { + return value; + } + } + }, + /** + * @static + */ + format: function (expr, target) { + if (expr) { + return expr.replace('{0}', target); + } else { + return ''; + } + } + }, + properties: { + /** + * Get the target object of current binding. + */ + target: { + value: null + }, + /** + * Get the target path of current binding. + */ + targetPath: { + value: '' + }, + /** + * Get the source path of current binding. + */ + sourcePath: { + value: '' + }, + /** + * Get or set the source of current binding. + */ + source: { + get: function () { + return this._source; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (this._initialized && this._source !== value) { + this._rebind(0, value); + if (this._direction[0] == '<') { + this._updateTarget(); + } + this._source = value; + } + } + }, + /** + * Get or set the binding type. + */ + bindingType: { + value: 'auto' + }, + /** + * Get the direction for current binding. + */ + direction: { + value: 'auto' + }, + /** + * Get the trigger for current binding. + */ + trigger: { + value: 'auto' + }, + /** + * Get the format for current binding. + */ + format: { + value: 'auto' + }, + /** + * Get the converter for current binding. + */ + converter: { + value: 'auto' + } + }, + methods: { + init: function (config) { + this.sets(config); + if (config.target) { + var target = this.target(); + var targetPath = this.targetPath(); + var sourcePath = this.sourcePath(); + var bindingType = this.bindingType(); + var direction = this.direction(); + var format = this.format(); + var converter = this.converter(); + var targetMember = target[targetPath]; + var watchers = this._watchers = []; + var keys = this._keys = sourcePath.split('.'), + key; + var i = 0, + length = keys.length; + var self = this; + + if (targetMember) { + var bindingMeta = targetMember.__meta__.binding; + + if (bindingType == 'auto') { + bindingType = targetMember.__type__; + } + + if (direction == 'auto') { + direction = this._direction = (bindingMeta && bindingMeta.direction) || '<-'; + } + + if (format == 'auto') { + format = bindingMeta && bindingMeta.format; + } + + if (converter == 'auto') { + converter = bindingMeta && bindingMeta.converter; + } + } else { + if (bindingType == 'auto') { + bindingType = target.can(targetPath) ? 'event' : 'property'; + } + + if (direction == 'auto') { + direction = this._direction = '<-'; + } + + if (format == 'auto') { + format = null; + } + + if (converter == 'auto') { + converter = null; + } + } + + if (converter) { + if (nx.is(converter, 'Function')) { + converter = { + convert: converter, + convertBack: function (value) { + return value; + } + }; + } + } + + if (direction[0] == '<') { + for (; i < length; i++) { + watchers.push({ + key: keys[i], + /*jshint -W083*/ + handler: (function (index) { + return function (property, value) { + self._rebind(index, value); + self._updateTarget(); + }; + })(i + 1) + }); + } + } + + if (bindingType == 'event') { + key = watchers[length - 1].key; + watchers.length--; + this._updateTarget = function () { + var actualValue = this._actualValue; + if (actualValue) { + target.upon(targetPath, actualValue[key], actualValue); + } + }; + } else { + this._updateTarget = function () { + var actualValue = this._actualValue; + if (converter) { + actualValue = converter.convert.call(this, actualValue); + } + + if (format) { + actualValue = Binding.format(format, actualValue); + } + + nx.path(target, targetPath, actualValue); + }; + } + + if (direction[1] == '>') { + if (target.watch && target.watch.__type__ === 'method') { + target.watch(targetPath, this._onTargetChanged = function (property, value) { + var actualValue = value; + if (converter) { + actualValue = converter.convertBack.call(this, actualValue); + } + nx.path(this.source(), sourcePath, actualValue); + }, this); + } + } + + this._initialized = true; + this.source(config.source); + } + }, + dispose: function () { + var target = this._target; + this._rebind(0, null); + }, + _rebind: function (index, value) { + var watchers = this._watchers; + var newSource = value, + oldSource; + + for (var i = index, length = watchers.length; i < length; i++) { + var watcher = watchers[i]; + var key = watcher.key; + var handler = watcher.handler; + + oldSource = watcher.source; + + if (oldSource && oldSource.unwatch && oldSource.unwatch.__type__ === 'method') { + oldSource.unwatch(key, handler, this); + } + + watcher.source = newSource; + + if (newSource) { + if (newSource.watch && newSource.watch.__type__ === 'method') { + newSource.watch(key, handler, this); + } + + if (newSource.get) { + newSource = newSource.get(key); + } else { + newSource = newSource[key]; + } + } + } + + this._actualValue = newSource; + } + } + }); + +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + + /** + * @class Counter + * @namespace nx.data + * @uses nx.Observable + */ + var EXPORT = nx.define("nx.data.Counter", { + events: [ + /** + * An event which notifies the happening of a count change of item. + * @event change + * @param {Object} evt The event object with item, count, previousCount. + */ + 'change', + /** + * Same as change event but only happens on count increasing. + * @event increase + * @param {Object} evt The event object with item, count, previousCount. + */ + 'increase', + /** + * Same as change event but only happens on count decreasing. + * @event decrease + * @param {Object} evt The event object with item, count, previousCount. + */ + 'decrease' + ], + methods: { + init: function () { + this._nummap = {}; + this._strmap = {}; + this._objmap = []; + this._nxomap = {}; + this._null = 0; + this._true = 0; + this._false = 0; + this._undefined = 0; + }, + /** + * Get count of specified item. + * + * @method getCount + * @param {Any} item The counting item. + * @return Count of the item. + */ + getCount: function (item) { + // XXX PhantomJS bug + if (Object.prototype.toString.call(null) !== "[object Null]") { + if (item === null) { + return this._null; + } else if (item === undefined) { + return this._undefined; + } + } + // check the type + switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(item)) { + case "[object Null]": + return this._null; + case "[object Boolean]": + return item ? this._true : this._false; + case "[object Undefined]": + return this._undefined; + case "[object Number]": + return this._nummap[item] || 0; + case "[object String]": + return this._strmap[item] || 0; + default: + if (item.__id__) { + return this._nxomap[item.__id__] || 0; + } else { + return EXPORT.getArrayMapValue(this._objmap, item) || 0; + } + } + }, + /** + * Set count of specified item. + * + * @method setCount + * @param {Any} item The counting item. + * @param {Number} count The count to be set. + * @return Set result count. + */ + setCount: function (item, count) { + // XXX PhantomJS bug + if (Object.prototype.toString.call(null) !== "[object Null]") { + if (item === null) { + this._null = count; + } else if (item === undefined) { + this._undefined = count; + } + } + // XXX optimizable for obj-map + var previousCount = this.getCount(item); + // check if change happening + if (previousCount === count) { + return count; + } + // change count + switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(item)) { + case "[object Null]": + this._null = count; + break; + case "[object Boolean]": + if (item) { + this._true = count; + } else { + this._false = count; + } + break; + case "[object Undefined]": + this._undefined = count; + break; + case "[object Number]": + this._nummap[item] = count; + break; + case "[object String]": + this._strmap[item] = count; + break; + default: + if (item.__id__) { + this._nxomap[item.__id__] = count; + } else { + EXPORT.setArrayMapValue(this._objmap, item, count); + } + break; + } + // trigger events + var event = { + item: item, + previousCount: previousCount, + count: count + }; + if (previousCount > count) { + this.fire('decrease', event); + } else { + this.fire('increase', event); + } + this.fire('change', event); + return count; + }, + /** + * Increase the count of given item. + * + * @method increase + * @param {Any} item The item to count. + * @param {Number} increment The increment, default 1. + * @return The increasing result + */ + increase: function (inItem, i) { + i = arguments.length > 1 ? Math.floor(i * 1 || 0) : 1; + return this.setCount(inItem, this.getCount(inItem) + i); + }, + /** + * Decrease the count of given item. + * + * @method decrease + * @param {Any} item The item to count. + * @param {Number} decrement The decrement, default 1. + * @return The decreasing result + */ + decrease: function (inItem, i) { + i = arguments.length > 1 ? Math.floor(i * 1 || 0) : 1; + return this.setCount(inItem, this.getCount(inItem) - i); + }, + __addArrayItem: function (inItem) { + this._arrcache.push(inItem); + }, + __removeArrayItem: function (inItem) { + var index = this._arrcache.indexOf(inItem); + this._arrcache.splice(index, 1); + }, + __getArrayCounter: function (inItem) { + var counter = 0; + nx.each(this._arrcache, function (item) { + if (inItem === item) { + counter++; + } + }); + return counter; + } + }, + statics: { + _getArrayMapItem: function (map, key) { + return map.filter(function (item) { + return item.key === key; + })[0]; + }, + getArrayMapValue: function (map, key) { + return (EXPORT._getArrayMapItem(map, key) || {}).value; + }, + setArrayMapValue: function (map, key, value) { + var item = EXPORT._getArrayMapItem(map, key); + if (!item) { + map.push({ + key: key, + value: value + }); + } else { + item.value = value; + } + return value; + } + } + }); + +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + var Iterable = nx.Iterable; + + /** + * @class Collection + * @namespace nx.data + * @extends nx.Iterable + * @constructor + * @param iter + */ + var Collection = nx.define('nx.data.Collection', Iterable, { + properties: { + /** + * @property count + * @type {Number} + */ + count: { + get: function () { + return this._data.length; + }, + set: function () { + throw new Error("Unable to set count of Collection"); + } + }, + /** + * @property length + * @type {Number} + */ + length: { + get: function () { + return this._data.length; + }, + set: function () { + throw new Error("Unable to set length of Collection"); + } + }, + unique: { + set: function (unique) { + // check if the unique status is change + /* jshint -W018 */ + if ( !! this._unique === !! unique) { + return; + } + this._unique = !! unique; + if (unique) { + // remove duplicated items + var data = this._data; + var i, len = data.length; + for (i = len - 1; i > 0; i--) { + if (this.indexOf(data[i]) < i) { + this.removeAt(i); + } + } + } + } + } + }, + methods: { + init: function (iter) { + var data = this._data = []; + if (nx.is(iter, Iterable)) { + this._data = iter.toArray(); + } else { + Iterable.getIterator(iter)(function (item) { + data.push(item); + }); + } + }, + /** + * Add an item. + * + * @method add + * @param item + * @return added item. Null if fail to add, e.g. duplicated add into unique collection. + */ + add: function (item) { + if (!this._unique || this.indexOf(item) == -1) { + this._data.push(item); + return item; + } + return null; + }, + /** + * Add multiple items. Will avoid duplicated items for unique collection. + * + * @method addRange + * @param iter + * @returns array of added items. + */ + addRange: function (iter) { + var data = this._data; + var i, items = Iterable.toArray(iter).slice(); + // check for unique + if (this._unique) { + for (i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (this.indexOf(items[i]) >= 0 || items.indexOf(items[i]) < i) { + items.splice(i, 1); + } + } + } + data.splice.apply(data, [data.length, 0].concat(items)); + return items; + }, + /** + * @method remove + * @param item + * @returns Removed item's index, -1 if not found. + */ + remove: function (item) { + var self = this; + var remove = function (item) { + var index = self.indexOf(item); + if (index >= 0) { + self._data.splice(index, 1); + return index; + } else { + return -1; + } + }; + if (arguments.length > 1) { + var i, indices = []; + for (i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + indices.unshift(remove(arguments[i])); + } + return indices; + } else { + return remove(item); + } + }, + /** + * @method removeAt + * @param index + * @returns Removed item. + */ + removeAt: function (index) { + return this._data.splice(index, 1)[0]; + }, + /** + * @method insert + * @param item + * @param index + */ + insert: function (item, index) { + if (!this._unique || this.indexOf(item) == -1) { + this._data.splice(index, 0, item); + return item; + } + return null; + }, + /** + * @method insertRange + * @param index + * @param iter + * @returns {*} + */ + insertRange: function (iter, index) { + var data = this._data; + var i, items = Iterable.toArray(iter).slice(); + // check for unique + if (this._unique) { + for (i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (this.indexOf(items[i]) >= 0 || items.indexOf(items[i]) < i) { + items.splice(i, 1); + } + } + } + data.splice.apply(data, [index, 0].concat(items)); + return items; + }, + /** + * @method clear + * @returns {*} + */ + clear: function () { + var items = this._data.slice(); + this._data.length = 0; + return items; + }, + /** + * @method getItem + * @param index + * @returns {*} + */ + getItem: function (index) { + return this._data[index]; + }, + /** + * @method getRange + * @param index + * @param count + * @returns {Collection} + */ + getRange: function (index, count) { + return new Collection(this._data.slice(index, index + count)); + }, + /** + * Get the first index the given item appears in the collection, -1 if not found. + * + * @method indexOf + * @param item + * @returns {*} + */ + indexOf: function (item) { + var data = this._data; + if (data.indexOf) { + return data.indexOf(item); + } else { + for (var i = 0, length = data.length; i < length; i++) { + if (nx.compare(data[i], item) === 0) { + return i; + } + } + return -1; + } + }, + /** + * @method lastIndexOf + * @param item + * @returns {*} + */ + lastIndexOf: function (item) { + var data = this._data; + if (data.lastIndexOf) { + return data.lastIndexOf(item); + } else { + for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (nx.compare(data[i], item) === 0) { + return i; + } + } + + return -1; + } + }, + /** + * @method contains + * @param item + * @returns {boolean} + */ + contains: function (item) { + return this.indexOf(item) >= 0; + }, + /** + * Toggle item's existence. + * @method toggle + * @param item + */ + toggle: function (item, existence) { + if (arguments.length <= 1) { + if (this.contains(item)) { + this.remove(item); + } else { + this.add(item); + } + } else if (existence) { + this.add(item); + } else { + this.remove(item); + } + }, + /** + * @method sort + * @param comp + * @returns {Array} + */ + sort: function (comp) { + return this._data.sort(comp); + }, + /** + * @method each + * @param callback + * @param context + */ + each: function (callback, context) { + nx.each(this._data, callback, context); + }, + /** + * @method toArray + * @returns {Array} + */ + toArray: function () { + return this._data.slice(0); + } + } + }); +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + var Iterable = nx.Iterable; + + var DictionaryItem = nx.define({ + properties: { + key: {}, + value: { + set: function (value) { + if (this._dict) { + this._dict.setItem(this._key, value); + } else { + this._value = value; + } + } + } + }, + methods: { + init: function (dict, key) { + this._dict = dict; + this._key = key; + } + } + }); + + var KeyIterator = nx.define(Iterable, { + methods: { + init: function (dict) { + this._dict = dict; + }, + each: function (callback, context) { + this._dict.each(function (item) { + callback.call(context, item.key()); + }); + } + } + }); + + var ValueIterator = nx.define(Iterable, { + methods: { + init: function (dict) { + this._dict = dict; + }, + each: function (callback, context) { + this._dict.each(function (item) { + callback.call(context, item.value()); + }); + } + } + }); + + /** + * @class Dictionary + * @namespace nx.data + * @extends nx.Iterable + * @constructor + * @param dict + */ + var Dictionary = nx.define('nx.data.Dictionary', Iterable, { + properties: { + /** + * @property count + * @type {Number} + */ + count: { + get: function () { + return this._items.length; + } + }, + /** + * @property keys + * @type {Iterable} + */ + keys: { + get: function () { + return this._keys; + } + }, + /** + * @property values + * @type {Iterable} + */ + values: { + get: function () { + return this._values; + } + } + }, + methods: { + init: function (dict) { + var map = this._map = {}; + var items = this._items = []; + this.setItems(dict); + this._keys = new KeyIterator(this); + this._values = new ValueIterator(this); + }, + /** + * @method contains + * @param key {String} + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + contains: function (key) { + return key in this._map; + }, + /** + * @method getItem + * @param key {String} + * @returns {*} + */ + getItem: function (key) { + var item = this._map[key]; + return item && item._value; + }, + /** + * @method setItem + * @param key {String} + * @param value {any} + */ + setItem: function (key, value) { + var item = this._map[key]; + if (!item) { + item = this._map[key] = new DictionaryItem(this, '' + key); + this._items.push(item); + } + item._value = value; + return item; + }, + /** + * @method setItems + * @param dict {Dictionary|Object} + */ + setItems: function (dict) { + if (dict) { + nx.each(dict, function (value, key) { + this.setItem(key, value); + }, this); + } + }, + /** + * @method removeItem + * @param key {String} + */ + removeItem: function (key) { + var map = this._map; + if (!(key in map)) { + return; + } + var item = map[key]; + var idx = this._items.indexOf(item); + delete map[key]; + if (idx >= 0) { + this._items.splice(idx, 1); + } + item._dict = null; + return item; + }, + /** + * @method clear + */ + clear: function () { + var items = this._items.slice(); + this._map = {}; + this._items = []; + nx.each(items, function (item) { + item._dict = null; + }); + return items; + }, + /** + * @method each + * @param callback {Function} + * @param [context] {Object} + */ + each: function (callback, context) { + context = context || this; + nx.each(this._map, function (item, key) { + callback.call(context, item, key); + }); + }, + /** + * @method toArray + * @returns {Array} + */ + toArray: function () { + return this._items.slice(); + }, + /** + * @method toObject + * @returns {Object} + */ + toObject: function () { + var result = {}; + this.each(function (item) { + result[item.key()] = item.value(); + }); + return result; + } + } + }); +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + + /** + * @class ObservableObject + * @namespace nx.data + * @extends nx.Observable + */ + nx.define('nx.data.ObservableObject', nx.Observable, { + methods: { + init: function (data) { + this.inherited(); + this._data = data || {}; + }, + /** + * Dispose current object. + * @method dispose + */ + dispose: function () { + this.inherited(); + this._data = null; + }, + /** + * Check whether current object has specified property. + * @method has + * @param name {String} + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + has: function (name) { + var member = this[name]; + return (member && member.__type__ == 'property') || (name in this._data); + }, + /** + * Get specified property value. + * @method get + * @param name {String} + * @returns {*} + */ + get: function (name) { + var member = this[name]; + if (member === undefined) { + return this._data[name]; + } + else if (member.__type__ == 'property') { + return member.call(this); + } + }, + /** + * Set specified property value. + * @method set + * @param name {String} + * @param value {*} + */ + set: function (name, value) { + var member = this[name]; + if (member === undefined) { + if (this._data[name] !== value) { + this._data[name] = value; + this.notify(name); + return true; + } + } + else if (member.__type__ == 'property') { + return member.call(this, value); + } + }, + /** + * Get all properties. + * @method gets + * @returns {Object} + */ + gets: function () { + var result = nx.clone(this._data); + nx.each(this.__properties__, function (name) { + result[name] = this.get(name); + }, this); + + return result; + } + } + }); +})(nx); +(function (nx) { + + var REGEXP_CHECK = /^(&&|\|\||&|\||\^|-|\(|\)|[a-zA-Z\_][a-zA-Z\d\_]*|\s)*$/; + var REGEXP_TOKENS = /&&|\|\||&|\||\^|-|\(|\)|[a-zA-Z\_][a-zA-Z\d\_]*/g; + var REGEXP_OPN = /[a-zA-Z\_][a-zA-Z\d\_]*/; + var REGEXP_OPR = /&&|\|\||&|\||\^|-|\(|\)/; + var OPERATORNAMES = { + "-": "complement", + "&": "cross", + "^": "delta", + "|": "union", + "&&": "and", + "||": "or" + }; + + /** + * @class ObservableCollection + * @namespace nx.data + * @extends nx.data.Collection + * @uses nx.Observable + */ + var EXPORT = nx.define('nx.data.ObservableCollection', nx.data.Collection, { + mixins: nx.Observable, + events: ['change'], + methods: { + /** + * Add an item. + * @method add + * @param item + */ + add: function (item) { + item = this.inherited(item); + if (!this._unique || item !== null) { + this.notify('count'); + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'add', + items: [item] + }); + } + return item; + }, + /** + * @method addRange + * @param iter + */ + addRange: function (iter) { + var items = this.inherited(iter); + if (items.length) { + this.notify('count'); + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'add', + items: items + }); + } + return items; + }, + /** + * @method insert + * @param item + * @param index + */ + insert: function (item, index) { + item = this.inherited(item, index); + if (!this._unique || item !== null) { + this.notify('count'); + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'add', + items: [item], + index: index + }); + } + return item; + }, + /** + * @method insertRange + * @param iter + * @param index + */ + insertRange: function (iter, index) { + var items = this.inherited(iter, index); + if (items.length) { + this.notify('count'); + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'add', + items: items, + index: index + }); + } + return items; + }, + /** + * @method remove + * @param item + */ + remove: function (item) { + var result; + if (arguments.length > 1) { + item = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); + result = this.inherited.apply(this, item); + if (result.length) { + this.notify('count'); + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'remove', + items: item, + indices: result + }); + } + return result; + } + result = this.inherited(item); + if (result >= 0) { + this.notify('count'); + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'remove', + items: [item], + index: result, + indices: [result] + }); + } + return result; + }, + /** + * @method removeAt + * @param index + */ + removeAt: function (index) { + var result = this.inherited(index); + if (result !== undefined) { + this.notify('count'); + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'remove', + items: [result], + index: index + }); + } + return result; + }, + /** + * @method clear + */ + clear: function () { + var result = this.inherited(); + this.notify('count'); + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'clear', + items: result + }); + }, + /** + * @method sort + * @param comp + */ + sort: function (comp) { + var result = this.inherited(comp); + this.notify('count'); + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'sort', + comparator: comp || function (a, b) { + if (a > b) { + return 1; + } else if (a < b) { + return -1; + } else { + return 0; + } + } + }); + return result; + }, + /** + * Apply a diff watcher, which handles each item in the collection, to the collection. + * + * @method monitor + * @param handler lambda(item) returning a rollback method + * @return unwatcher A Object with unwatch method. + */ + monitor: function (handler) { + var collection = this; + // resource (aka. rollback-methods) manager + var resmgr = { + // retains item-vs-rollback-method pairs + objcache: [], + // since NEXT objects have identified ID, map is used more often + idcache: {}, + // find pair index of indicated item in obj-cache + findPair: function (item) { + var i; + for (i = 0; i < resmgr.objcache.length; i++) { + if (item === resmgr.objcache[i][0]) { + return i; + } + } + return -1; + }, + // get the rollback method of given item + get: function (item) { + if (item.__id__) { + return resmgr.idcache[item.__id__]; + } else { + var pair = resmgr.objcache[resmgr.findPair(item)]; + return pair && pair[1]; + } + }, + // set or remove(with null value) rollback method, will call the old rollback method if exists + set: function (item, res) { + if (item.__id__) { + if (resmgr.idcache[item.__id__]) { + resmgr.idcache[item.__id__].call(collection); + } + if (res) { + resmgr.idcache[item.__id__] = res; + } else { + delete resmgr.idcache[item.__id__]; + } + } else { + var pairidx = resmgr.findPair(item); + var pair = resmgr.objcache[pairidx]; + if (pair) { + if (pair[1] === res) { + return; + } + pair[1].call(collection); + if (!res) { + resmgr.objcache.splice(pairidx, 1); + } else { + pair[1] = res; + } + } else if (res) { + pair = [item, res]; + resmgr.objcache.push(pair); + } + } + }, + // call all rollback methods + release: function () { + nx.each(resmgr.idcache, function (res, key) { + res(); + }); + nx.each(resmgr.objcache, function (pair) { + pair[1](); + }); + } + }; + // watch the further change of the collection + var listener = collection.on("change", function (sender, evt) { + switch (evt.action) { + case "add": + nx.each(evt.items, function (item) { + var res = handler(item); + if (res) { + resmgr.set(item, res); + } + }); + break; + case "remove": + case "clear": + nx.each(evt.items, function (item) { + resmgr.set(item, null); + }); + break; + } + }); + // and don't forget the existing items in the collection + nx.each(collection, function (item) { + var res = handler(item); + if (res) { + resmgr.set(item, res); + } + }); + // return unwatcher + return { + release: function () { + resmgr.release(); + listener.release(); + } + }; + }, + /** + * Select a sub-collection from a source collection. + * Usage: + *
+             * // select all items from collection with property active==true
+             * resource = subCollection.select(collection, "active")
+             * // select all items from collection with path owner.name=="Knly"
+             * resource = subCollection.select(collection, "owner.name", function(name){
+             *     return name==="Knly";
+             * });
+             * // select all string item from collection
+             * resource = subCollection.select(collection, function(item){
+             *     return typeof item === "string";
+             * });
+             * 
+ * + * @method select + * @param {nx.data.ObservableCollection} source + * @param {String} conditions + * @param {Function} determinator + * @return resource for release the binding + */ + select: function (source, conditions, determinator) { + if (!nx.is(source, EXPORT)) { + return null; + } + if (typeof conditions === "function") { + determinator = conditions; + conditions = null; + } + if (!determinator) { + determinator = nx.identity; + } + var self = this; + this.clear(); + var resource = source.monitor(function (item) { + var resource; + if (conditions) { + if (nx.is(item, nx.Observable)) { + // monitor the specified conditions + resource = nx.Observable.monitor(item, conditions, function () { + self.toggle(item, determinator.apply(self, arguments)); + }); + resource.affect(); + } else { + // determine the specified conditions if unable to monitor + self.toggle(item, determinator.call(self, nx.path(item, conditions))); + } + } else { + // no condition specified means determine item itself + self.toggle(item, determinator.call(self, item)); + } + return function () { + resource && resource.release(); + self.toggle(item, false); + }; + }); + return resource; + }, + /** + * Calculate and synchronize collection with a collection calculation. + * + * @method calculate + * @param experssion + * @param sources + * @return resource for release the binding + */ + calculate: function (expression, sources) { + var calculation = new EXPORT.Calculation(sources); + return calculation.calculate(this, expression); + } + }, + statics: { + /** + * Prepare a calculation provider for a map of collections. + * + * @class CollectionRelation + * @namespace nxex.toolkit.collection + * @constructor + * @param map {Object/Map} A map indicates names of the collection for calculation. + */ + Calculation: nx.define({ + properties: { + map: { + value: function () { + return new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + } + } + }, + methods: { + init: function (map) { + this.map().setItems(map); + }, + /** + * Apply a inter-collection releation to a collection. + * Supported operators:
+ * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + *
&Sets crosscross
|Sets unionunion
^Sets symmetric differencedelta
-Sets complementcomplement
&&Sets logical andand
||Sets logical oror
+ * Tips: + *
    + *
  • Logical and means 'first empty collection or last collection'
  • + *
  • Logical or means 'first non-empty collection or last collection'
  • + *
+ * + * @method calculate + * @param target {Collection} The target collection. + * @param expression {String} The relation expression. + * @return An object with release method. + */ + calculate: function (target, expression) { + // TODO more validation on the expression + if (!expression.match(REGEXP_CHECK)) { + throw new Error("Bad expression."); + } + var self = this; + var map = this.map(); + var tokens = expression.match(REGEXP_TOKENS); + var requirements = tokens.filter(RegExp.prototype.test.bind(REGEXP_OPN)); + var tree = EXPORT.buildExpressionTree(tokens); + // sync with the collection existence + var res, monitor; + var reqmgr = { + count: 0, + map: {}, + sync: function () { + res && (res.release(), res = null); + if (reqmgr.count === requirements.length) { + target.clear(); + if (typeof tree === "string") { + // need not to calculate + res = self.map().getItem(tree).monitor(EXPORT.getCollectionSyncMonitor(target)); + } else { + res = self._calculate(target, tree); + } + } + }, + monitor: function (key, value) { + if (requirements.indexOf(key) >= 0) { + /* + if (map[key] && !value) { + reqmgr.count--; + } else if (!map[key] && value) { + reqmgr.count++; + }*/ + reqmgr.count += ((!reqmgr.map[key]) * 1 + (!!value) * 1 - 1); + reqmgr.map[key] = value; + reqmgr.sync(); + } + } + }; + monitor = map.monitor(reqmgr.monitor); + return { + release: function () { + res && res.release(); + monitor.release(); + } + }; + }, + _calculate: function (target, tree) { + var self = this; + var res, iterate, opr = tree[0]; + // short-circuit for logical operatiors (&& and ||) + switch (opr) { + case "&&": + iterate = function (idx) { + var coll, calc, watch, itr; + if (typeof tree[idx] === "string") { + coll = self.map().getItem(tree[idx]); + } else { + coll = new nx.data.ObservableCollection(); + calc = self._calculate(coll, tree[idx]); + } + if (idx >= tree.length - 1) { + watch = coll.monitor(function (item) { + target.add(item); + return function () { + target.remove(item); + }; + }); + } else { + watch = coll.watch("length", function (n, v) { + if (v) { + itr = iterate(idx + 1); + } else if (itr) { + itr.release(); + itr = null; + } + }); + watch.affect(); + } + return { + release: function () { + itr && itr.release(); + watch && watch.release(); + calc && calc.release(); + } + }; + }; + res = iterate(1); + break; + case "||": + iterate = function (idx) { + var coll, calc, watch, itr; + if (typeof tree[idx] === "string") { + coll = self.map().getItem(tree[idx]); + } else { + coll = new nx.data.ObservableCollection(); + calc = self._calculate(coll, tree[idx]); + } + if (idx >= tree.length - 1) { + watch = coll.monitor(EXPORT.getCollectionSyncMonitor(target)); + } else { + watch = coll.watch("length", function (n, v) { + if (itr) { + itr.release(); + } + if (!v) { + itr = iterate(idx + 1); + } else { + itr = coll.monitor(EXPORT.getCollectionSyncMonitor(target)); + } + }); + watch.affect(); + } + return { + release: function () { + itr && itr.release(); + watch && watch.release(); + calc && calc.release(); + } + }; + }; + res = iterate(1); + break; + default: + iterate = function () { + var i, coll, colls = []; + var calc, calcs = []; + for (i = 1; i < tree.length; i++) { + if (typeof tree[i] === "string") { + coll = self.map().getItem(tree[i]); + } else { + coll = new nx.data.ObservableCollection(); + calc = self._calculate(coll, tree[i]); + } + colls.push(coll); + calcs.push(calc); + } + calc = EXPORT[OPERATORNAMES[opr]](target, colls); + return { + release: function () { + nx.each(calcs, function (calc) { + calc && calc.release(); + }); + calc.release(); + } + }; + }; + res = iterate(); + break; + } + return res; + } + } + }), + /** + * This util returns a monitor function of ObservableCollection, which is used to synchronize item existance between 2 collections. + * + * @method getCollectionSyncMonitor + * @param collection The target collection to be synchronized. + * @param sync + *
    + *
  • If true, make sure target collection will have all items as source collection has;
  • + *
  • If false, make sure target collection will not have any item as source collection has.
  • + *
+ * Default true. + * @return {function<item>} + * The monitor function. + */ + getCollectionSyncMonitor: function (coll, sync) { + if (sync !== false) { + return function (item) { + coll.add(item); + return function () { + coll.remove(item); + }; + }; + } else { + return function (item) { + coll.remove(item); + return function () { + coll.add(item); + }; + }; + } + }, + /** + * Affect target to be the cross collection of sources collections. + * Release object could stop the dependencies. + * + * @method cross + * @param target {Collection} + * @param sources {Array of Collection} + * @return an object with release method + * @static + */ + cross: function (target, sources) { + target.clear(); + var counter = new nx.data.Counter(); + var monitors = []; + var increaseHandler = counter.on("increase", function (o, evt) { + if (evt.count == sources.length) { + target.add(evt.item); + } + }); + var decreaseHandler = counter.on("decrease", function (o, evt) { + if (evt.count == sources.length - 1) { + target.remove(evt.item); + } + }); + + nx.each(sources, function (coll) { + var monitor = coll.monitor(function (item) { + counter.increase(item, 1); + return function () { + counter.decrease(item, 1); + }; + }); + monitors.push(monitor); + }); + return { + release: function () { + increaseHandler.release(); + decreaseHandler.release(); + nx.each(monitors, function (monitor) { + monitor.release(); + }); + } + }; + }, + /** + * Affect target to be the union collection of sources collections. + * Release object could stop the dependencies. + * + * @method union + * @param target {Collection} + * @param sources {Array of Collection} + * @return an object with release method + * @static + */ + union: function (target, sources) { + target.clear(); + var counter = new nx.data.Counter(); + var monitors = []; + var increaseHandler = counter.on("increase", function (o, evt) { + if (evt.count === 1) { + target.add(evt.item); + } + }); + var decreaseHandler = counter.on("decrease", function (o, evt) { + if (evt.count === 0) { + target.remove(evt.item); + } + }); + + nx.each(sources, function (coll) { + var monitor = coll.monitor(function (item) { + counter.increase(item, 1); + return function () { + counter.decrease(item, 1); + }; + }); + monitors.push(monitor); + }); + return { + release: function () { + increaseHandler.release(); + decreaseHandler.release(); + nx.each(monitors, function (monitor) { + monitor.release(); + }); + } + }; + }, + /** + * Affect target to be the complement collection of sources collections. + * Release object could stop the dependencies. + * + * @method complement + * @param target {Collection} + * @param sources {Array of Collection} + * @return an object with release method + * @static + */ + complement: function (target, sources) { + target.clear(); + var counter = new nx.data.Counter(); + var monitors = []; + var length = sources.length; + var changeHandler = counter.on("change", function (o, evt) { + var previous = evt.previousCount, + count = evt.count; + if (previous < length && count >= length) { + target.add(evt.item); + } + if (previous >= length && count < length) { + target.remove(evt.item); + } + }); + var globalMonitor = sources[0].monitor(function (item) { + counter.increase(item, length); + return function () { + counter.decrease(item, length); + }; + }); + monitors.push(globalMonitor); + nx.each(sources, function (coll, index) { + if (index > 0) { + var monitor = coll.monitor(function (item) { + counter.decrease(item); + return function () { + counter.increase(item); + }; + }); + monitors.push(monitor); + } + }); + return { + release: function () { + changeHandler.release(); + nx.each(monitors, function (monitor) { + monitor.release(); + }); + } + }; + }, + /** + * Affect target to be the symmetric difference collection of sources collections. + * Release object could stop the dependencies. + * The name 'delta' is the symbol of this calculation in mathematics. + * @reference {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetric_difference} + * @method delta + * @param target {Collection} + * @param sources {Array of Collection} + * @return an object with release method + * @static + */ + delta: function (target, sources) { + target.clear(); + var bound = true; + var monitors = []; + nx.each(sources, function (coll) { + var monitor = coll.monitor(function (item) { + target.toggle(item); + return function () { + if (bound) { + target.toggle(item); + } + }; + }); + monitors.push(monitor); + }); + return { + release: function () { + bound = false; + nx.each(monitors, function (monitor) { + monitor.release(); + }); + } + }; + }, + /** + * Affect target to be the equivalent collection of the first non-empty collection. + * Release object could stop the dependencies. + * + * @method or + * @param target {Collection} + * @param sources {Array of Collection} + * @return an object with release method + * @static + */ + or: function (target, sources) { + target.clear(); + var res, bound = true; + var iterator = function (index) { + var watch, res, coll = sources[index]; + watch = coll.watch('length', function (name, value) { + res && res.release(); + if (index < sources.length - 1 && !value) { + res = iterator(index + 1); + } else { + res = coll.monitor(function (item) { + target.add(item); + return function () { + if (bound) { + target.remove(item); + } + }; + }); + } + }); + watch.affect(); + return { + release: function () { + res && res.release(); + watch && watch.release(); + } + }; + }; + res = iterator(0); + return { + release: function () { + bound = false; + res.release(); + } + }; + }, + /** + * Affect target to be the equivalent collection of the first empty collection or the last collection. + * Release object could stop the dependencies. + * + * @method and + * @param target {Collection} + * @param sources {Array of Collection} + * @return an object with release method + * @static + */ + and: function (target, sources) { + target.clear(); + var bound = true; + var iterate = function (idx) { + var watcher, resource, coll = sources[idx]; + if (idx === sources.length - 1) { + return coll.monitor(function (item) { + target.add(item); + return function () { + if (bound) { + target.remove(item); + } + }; + }); + } + watcher = coll.watch("length", function (n, v) { + if (v) { + resource = iterate(idx + 1); + } else if (resource) { + resource.release(); + resource = null; + } + }); + watcher.affect(); + return { + release: function () { + if (resource) { + resource.release(); + } + watcher.release(); + } + }; + }; + var resource = iterate(0); + return { + release: function () { + bound = false; + resource.release(); + } + }; + }, + /** + * Build a tree of expresson syntax with the expression tokens. + * e.g. tokens ["A", "|", "B", "&", "(", "C", "&", "D", ")"], which was separated from expression "A | B & (C | D)", + * will be separated into [|, A, [&, B, [|, C, D]]], because '&' has higher priority than '|', + * and braced "C | D" has higher priority than &.
+ *
+ * Similar to the priorities in JavaScript:
+ * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + *
^symmetric difference
&&and (the first empty collection or the last collection)
||or (the first non-empty collection)
+ * + * @method buildExpressionTree + * @param {Array of token} tokens + * @return {Array tree} Parsed syntax tree of the expression tokens. + * @static + */ + buildExpressionTree: (function () { + var PRIORITIES = [ + ["-"], + ["&"], + ["^"], + ["|"], + ["&&"], + ["||"] + ]; + var getPriority = function (opr) { + for (var i = 0; i < PRIORITIES.length; i++) { + if (PRIORITIES[i].indexOf(opr) >= 0) { + return i; + } + } + }; + var buildExpressionNode = function (opr, opn1, opn2) { + if (Object.prototype.toString.call(opn1) === "[object Array]" && opn1[0] === opr) { + opn1.push(opn2); + return opn1; + } + return [opr, opn1, opn2]; + }; + return function (tokens) { + if (typeof tokens === "string") { + tokens = tokens.match(REGEXP_TOKENS); + } + tokens = tokens.concat([")"]); + var token, opr, oprstack = []; + var opn, opnstack = []; + var operands = []; + while (tokens.length) { + token = tokens.shift(); + if (token === ")") { + while ((opr = oprstack.pop())) { + if (opr === "(") { + break; + } + opn = opnstack.pop(); + opnstack.push(buildExpressionNode(opr, opnstack.pop(), opn)); + } + } else if (token === "(") { + oprstack.push(token); + } else if (token.match(REGEXP_OPN)) { + opnstack.push(token); + if (operands.indexOf(token) == -1) { + operands.push(token); + } + } else if (token.match(REGEXP_OPR)) { + while (oprstack.length) { + opr = oprstack.pop(); + if (opr === "(" || getPriority(opr) > getPriority(token)) { + oprstack.push(opr); + break; + } + opn = opnstack.pop(); + opnstack.push(buildExpressionNode(opr, opnstack.pop(), opn)); + } + oprstack.push(token); + } + } + if (opnstack[0]) { + opnstack[0].operands = operands; + } + return opnstack[0]; + }; + })() + } + }); +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + + var Observable = nx.Observable; + var Dictionary = nx.data.Dictionary; + + var ObservableDictionaryItem = nx.define(Observable, { + properties: { + key: {}, + value: { + set: function (value) { + if (this._dict) { + this._dict.setItem(this._key, value); + } else { + this._value = value; + } + } + } + }, + methods: { + init: function (dict, key) { + this._dict = dict; + this._key = key; + } + } + }); + + /** + * @class ObservableDictionary + * @namespace nx.data + * @extends nx.data.Dictionary + * @constructor + * @param dict + */ + nx.define('nx.data.ObservableDictionary', Dictionary, { + mixins: Observable, + events: ['change'], + methods: { + /** + * @method setItem + * @param key {String} + * @param value {any} + */ + setItem: function (key, value) { + var map = this._map, + items = this._items; + var item = map[key], + ov; + if (item) { + ov = item.value; + item._value = value; + item.notify("value"); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'replace', + items: [item], + oldValue: ov, + newValue: value, + // FIXME actually unnecessary + oldItem: item, + newItem: item + }); + } else { + item = map[key] = new ObservableDictionaryItem(this, key); + items.push(item); + item._dict = this; + item._value = value; + this.notify('count'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'add', + index: items.length - 1, + items: [item] + }); + } + }, + /** + * @method removeItem + * @param key {String} + */ + removeItem: function (key) { + var map = this._map; + if (!(key in map)) { + return; + } + var item = map[key]; + var idx = this._items.indexOf(item); + delete map[key]; + if (idx >= 0) { + this._items.splice(idx, 1); + } + item._dict = null; + this.notify('count'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'remove', + items: [item] + }); + return item; + }, + /** + * @method clear + */ + clear: function () { + var items = this.inherited(); + this.notify('count'); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'clear', + items: items + }); + }, + /** + * Apply a diff watcher, which handles each key-item-pair in the collection, to the dictionary. + * + * @method monitor + * @param handler lambda(key, item) returning a rollback method + * @return unwatcher A Object with unwatch method. + */ + monitor: function (keys, callback) { + // check parameter list + if (typeof keys === "string" && keys.indexOf(",") >= 0 || Object.prototype.toString.call(keys) === "[object Array]") { + if (typeof keys === "string") { + keys = keys.replace(/\s/g, "").split(","); + } + return this._monitor(keys, callback); + } + if (typeof keys === "function") { + callback = keys; + keys = null; + } + var dict = this; + var resmgr = { + map: {}, + get: function (key) { + return resmgr.map[key]; + }, + set: function (key, res) { + if (keys && keys !== key) { + return; + } + var old = resmgr.get(key); + old && old(); + if (res) { + resmgr.map[key] = res; + } else { + delete resmgr.map[key]; + } + }, + release: function () { + var key, map = resmgr.map; + for (key in map) { + map[key](); + } + }, + callback: function (key, value) { + if (keys) { + if (keys === key) { + return callback(value); + } + } else { + return callback(key, value); + } + } + }; + var listener = dict.on("change", function (target, evt) { + var i, item, key, res; + switch (evt.action) { + case "replace": + case "add": + for (i = 0; i < evt.items.length; i++) { + item = evt.items[i]; + key = item.key(); + res = resmgr.callback(key, item.value()); + resmgr.set(key, res); + } + break; + case "remove": + case "clear": + for (i = 0; i < evt.items.length; i++) { + resmgr.set(evt.items[i].key(), null); + } + break; + } + }); + dict.each(function (item, key) { + var res = resmgr.callback(key, item.value()); + resmgr.set(key, res); + }); + return { + release: function () { + resmgr.release(); + listener.release(); + } + }; + }, + _monitor: function (keys, callback) { + var self = this; + var resmgr = { + values: keys.map(function (key) { + return self.getItem(key); + }), + affect: function () { + callback.apply(self, resmgr.values); + } + }; + var listener = this.on("change", function (dict, evt) { + var idx, key, item, hasValue, affect = false; + switch (evt.action) { + case "replace": + case "add": + hasValue = true; + break; + case "remove": + case "clear": + hasValue = false; + break; + } + for (i = 0; i < evt.items.length; i++) { + item = evt.items[i]; + key = item.key(); + idx = keys.indexOf(key); + if (idx >= 0) { + resmgr.values[idx] = hasValue ? item.value() : undefined; + affect = true; + } + } + affect && resmgr.affect(); + }); + return { + affect: resmgr.affect, + release: listener.release + }; + } + } + }); +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + var Iterable = nx.Iterable; + var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype; + var every = ArrayPrototype.every; + var some = ArrayPrototype.some; + var filter = ArrayPrototype.filter; + var map = ArrayPrototype.map; + var reduce = ArrayPrototype.reduce; + + /** + * @class Query + * @namespace nx.data + * @extend nx.Iterable + */ + var Query = nx.define('nx.data.Query', nx.Iterable, { + methods: { + /** + * @constructor + * @param iter + */ + init: function (iter) { + this._iter = iter; + this.reset(); + }, + /** + * Reset the query. + * @method reset + */ + reset: function () { + this._where = null; + this._orderBy = null; + this._unions = []; + this._joins = []; + this._begin = 0; + this._end = null; + }, + /** + * @method where + * @param expr + * @chainable + */ + where: function (expr) { + this._where = expr; + return this; + }, + /** + * method orderBy + * @param expr + * @param desc + * @chainable + */ + orderBy: function (expr, desc) { + if (nx.is(expr, 'Function')) { + this._orderBy = desc ? function (a, b) { + return expr(b, a); + } : expr; + } + else { + this._orderBy = desc ? function (a, b) { + return nx.compare(nx.path(b, expr), nx.path(a, expr)); + } : function (a, b) { + return nx.compare(nx.path(a, expr), nx.path(b, expr)); + }; + } + + return this; + }, + /** + * @method groupBy + * @param expr + * @chainable + */ + groupBy: function (expr) { + throw new Error('Not Implemented'); + }, + /** + * @method distinct + * @param expr + * @chainable + */ + distinct: function (expr) { + throw new Error('Not Implemented'); + }, + /** + * @method skip + * @param count + * @chainable + */ + skip: function (count) { + this._begin = count; + + if (this._end) { + this._end += count; + } + + return this; + }, + /** + * @method take + * @param count + * @chainable + */ + take: function (count) { + this._end = this._begin + count; + + return this; + }, + /** + * @method join + * @param iter + * @param on + * @chainable + */ + join: function (iter, on) { + this._join = function () { + + }; + throw new Error('Not Implemented'); + }, + /** + * @method select + * @param expr + * @returns {Array} + */ + select: function (expr) { + var arr = this.toArray(); + if (nx.is(expr, 'Function')) { + return map.call(arr, expr); + } + else if (nx.is(expr, 'String')) { + return map.call(arr, function (item) { + return nx.path(item, expr); + }); + } + else if (nx.is(expr, 'Array')) { + return map.call(arr, function (item) { + var result = {}; + nx.each(expr, function (path) { + nx.path(result, path, nx.path(item, path)); + }); + + return result; + }); + } + else { + return arr; + } + }, + /** + * @method first + * @param expr + * @returns {any} + */ + first: function (expr) { + var arr = this.toArray(); + if (expr) { + for (var i = 0, length = arr.length; i < length; i++) { + var item = arr[i]; + if (expr(item)) { + return item; + } + } + } + else { + return arr[0]; + } + }, + /** + * @method last + * @param expr + * @returns {any} + */ + last: function (expr) { + var arr = this.toArray(); + if (expr) { + for (var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + var item = arr[i]; + if (expr(item)) { + return item; + } + } + } + else { + return arr[arr.length - 1]; + } + }, + /** + * @method all + * @param expr + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + all: function (expr) { + return every.call(this.toArray(), expr); + }, + /** + * @method any + * @param expr + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + any: function (expr) { + return some.call(this.toArray(), expr); + }, + /** + * @method max + * @param expr + * @returns {Number} + */ + max: function (expr) { + return reduce.call(this.toArray(), function (pre, cur, index, arr) { + return pre > cur ? pre : cur; + }); + }, + /** + * @method min + * @param expr + * @returns {Number} + */ + min: function (expr) { + return reduce.call(this.toArray(), function (pre, cur, index, arr) { + return pre < cur ? pre : cur; + }); + }, + /** + * @method sum + * @param expr + * @returns {Number} + */ + sum: function (expr) { + return reduce.call(this.toArray(), function (pre, cur, index, arr) { + return pre + cur; + }); + }, + /** + * @method average + * @param expr + * @returns {Number} + */ + average: function (expr) { + var arr = this.toArray(); + return reduce.call(arr, function (pre, cur, index, arr) { + return pre + cur; + }) / arr.length; + }, + /** + * @method toArray + * @returns {Array} + */ + toArray: function () { + var arr = Iterable.toArray(this._iter); + + nx.each(this._unions, function (union) { + arr.concat(Iterable.toArray(union)); + }); + + if (this._where) { + arr = filter.call(arr, this._where); + } + + if (this._orderBy) { + arr = arr.sort(this._orderBy); + } + + if (this._end > 0) { + arr = arr.slice(this._begin, this._end); + } + else { + arr = arr.slice(this._begin); + } + + this.reset(); + return arr; + } + }, + statics: { + query: (function () { + var i, internal = { + publics: { + select: function (array, selector) { + var rslt = []; + if (nx.is(array, "Array") && nx.is(selector, "Function")) { + var i, item; + for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + item = array[i]; + if (selector(item)) { + rslt.push(item); + } + } + } + return rslt; + }, + group: function (array, grouper) { + var map; + if (nx.is(grouper, "Function")) { + map = {}; + var i, id, group; + for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + id = grouper(array[i]); + if (!id || typeof id !== "string") { + continue; + } + group = map[id] = map[id] || []; + group.push(array[i]); + } + } + else { + map = array; + } + return map; + }, + aggregate: function (array, aggregater) { + var rslt = null, + key; + if (nx.is(aggregater, "Function")) { + if (nx.is(array, "Array")) { + rslt = aggregater(array); + } + else { + rslt = []; + for (key in array) { + rslt.push(aggregater(array[key], key)); + } + } + } + return rslt; + } + }, + privates: { + aggregate: function (array, args) { + var rslt, grouper = null, + aggregater = null; + // get original identfier and aggregater + if (nx.is(args, "Array")) { + if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === "function") { + aggregater = args.pop(); + } + grouper = (args.length > 1 ? args : args[0]); + } + else { + grouper = args.map; + aggregater = args.aggregate; + } + // translate grouper into function if possible + if (typeof grouper === "string") { + grouper = grouper.replace(/\s/g, "").split(","); + } + if (nx.is(grouper, "Array") && grouper[0] && typeof grouper[0] === "string") { + grouper = (function (keys) { + return function (obj) { + var i, o = {}; + for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + o[keys[i]] = obj[keys[i]]; + } + return JSON.stringify(o); + }; + })(grouper); + } + // do map aggregate + rslt = internal.publics.aggregate(internal.publics.group(array, grouper), aggregater); + return rslt; + }, + mapping: function (array, mapper) { + var i, rslt; + if (mapper === true) { + rslt = EXPORT.clone(array); + } + else if (nx.is(mapper, "Function")) { + if (nx.is(array, "Array")) { + rslt = []; + for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + rslt.push(mapper(array[i], i)); + } + } + else { + rslt = mapper(array, 0); + } + } + else { + if (nx.is(array, "Array")) { + rslt = array.slice(); + } + else { + rslt = array; + } + } + return rslt; + }, + orderby: function (array, comparer) { + if (typeof comparer === "string") { + comparer = comparer.replace(/^\s*(.*)$/, "$1").replace(/\s*$/, "").replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ",").split(","); + } + if (nx.is(comparer, "Array") && comparer[0] && typeof comparer[0] === "string") { + comparer = (function (keys) { + return function (o1, o2) { + var i, key, desc; + if (!o1 && !o2) { + return 0; + } + for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + key = keys[i]; + desc = /\sdesc$/.test(key); + key = key.replace(/(\s+desc|\s+asc)$/, ""); + if (o1[key] > o2[key]) { + return desc ? -1 : 1; + } + else if (o2[key] > o1[key]) { + return desc ? 1 : -1; + } + } + return 0; + }; + })(comparer); + } + if (comparer && typeof comparer === "function") { + array.sort(comparer); + } + return array; + } + }, + query: function (array, options) { + /** + * @doctype MarkDown + * options: + * - options.array [any*] + * - the target array + * - options.select: function(any){return boolean;} + * - *optional* + * - pre-filter of the array + * - options.aggregate: {grouper:grouper,aggregater:aggregater} or [proplist, aggregater] or [prop, prop, ..., aggregater] + * - *optional* + * - proplist: "prop,prop,..." + * - prop: property name on array items + * - grouper: map an array item into a string key + * - aggregater: function(mapped){return aggregated} + * - options.mapping: function(item){return newitem} + * - *optional* + * - options.orderby: proplist or [prop, prop, ...] + * - *optional* + */ + if (arguments.length == 1) { + options = array; + array = options.array; + } + if (!array) { + return array; + } + if (options.select) { + array = internal.publics.select(array, options.select); + } + if (options.aggregate) { + array = internal.privates.aggregate(array, options.aggregate); + } + if (options.mapping) { + array = internal.privates.mapping(array, options.mapping); + } + if (options.orderby) { + array = internal.privates.orderby(array, options.orderby); + } + return array; + } + }; + for (i in internal.publics) { + internal.query[i] = internal.publics[i]; + } + return internal.query; + })() + } + }); +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + + /** + * @class SortedMap + * @namespace nx.data + * @uses nx.Observable + * @param data The initial data of SortedMap, which is an array of objects with properties "key" and "value". + */ + nx.define('nx.data.SortedMap', { + mixins: nx.Observable, + events: ['change'], + properties: { + /** + * The length of SortedMap. + * @property length + */ + length: { + get: function () { + return this._data.length; + } + } + }, + methods: { + init: function (data) { + data = data || []; + var b = this.__validateData(data); + if (b) { + this._data = data; + this._map = {}; + + //init _map + var self = this; + nx.each(data, function (item) { + var map = self._map; + map[item.key] = item; + }); + + } else { + throw Error('init data are invalid!'); + } + }, + /** + * validate the init args + * @param data + * @returns {boolean} + * @private + */ + __validateData: function (data) { + var b = true; + if (!nx.is(data, 'Array')) { + b = false; + } else { + nx.each(data, function (item) { + if (item.key === undefined || item.value === undefined) { + b = false; + return false; + } + }); + } + + return b; + }, + /** + * Add or insert an value with specified key and index. + * @method add + * @param key Specified key. + * @param value (Optional) The value, default undefined. + * @param index (Optional) Specified index, default append. + * @return The created entry. + */ + add: function (key, value, index) { + var item = { + key: key, + value: value + }; + this._map[key] = item; + if (index === undefined) { + index = this._data.length; + } + this._data.splice(index, 0, item); + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: "add", + index: index, + key: key, + value: value + }); + return value; + }, + /** + * Remove value(s) from SortedMap by key(s). + * @method remove + * @param key The key of value attempt to be removed. + * @return Removed value. + */ + remove: function (key) { + var value, item; + + item = this._map[key]; + if (item !== undefined) { + var idx = this._data.indexOf(item); + if (idx > -1) { + value = item.value; + this._data.splice(idx, 1); + delete this._map[key]; + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: "remove", + index: idx, + key: key, + value: value + }); + } else { + throw 'key:"' + key + '" has been found in the _map but not exists in the _data!'; + } + } + + return value; + }, + /** + * Remove value from SortedMap by index. + * @method removeAt + * @param index The index of value attempt to be removed. + * @return Removed value. + */ + removeAt: function (index) { + var value, item = this.__getItemAt(index); + + if (item !== undefined) { + value = item.value; + this._data.splice(index, 1); + delete this._map[item.key]; + this.notify('length'); + this.fire('change', { + action: "remove", + index: index, + key: item.key, + value: value + }); + } + + return value; + }, + /** + * get the item of this._data by index + * @param index Support negative number + * @returns {Object} item + * @private + */ + __getItemAt: function (index) { + var item = this._data[index > -1 ? index : this._data.length + index]; + + return item; + }, + /** + * Get the key at specified index. + * @method getKeyAt + * @param index The index. + * @return The key, null if not exists. + */ + getKeyAt: function (index) { + var item = this.__getItemAt(index), key; + if (item) { + key = item.key; + } + return key; + }, + /** + * Get the index of specified key. + * @method indexOf + * @param key The key. + * @return The index, -1 if not exists. + */ + indexOf: function (key) { + var item = this._map[key], idx = -1; + if (item !== undefined) { + idx = this._data.indexOf(item); + } + return idx; + }, + /** + * Get a value with specified key. + * @method getValue + * @param key The value's key. + * @return The value. + */ + getValue: function (key) { + var item = this._map[key], value; + if (item !== undefined) { + value = item.value; + } + return value; + }, + /** + * Change value of specified key. + * @method setValue + * @param key The key attempt to be changed. + * @param value The new value. + * @return The new value. + */ + setValue: function (key, value) { + var item = this._map[key]; + if (item !== undefined) { + var oldValue = item.value; + var idx = this._data.indexOf(item); + item.value = value; + this.fire('change', { + action: "set", + index: idx, + key: key, + value: value, + oldValue: oldValue + }); + } else { + throw Error('the key:"' + key + '" dos not exists!'); + } + + return value; + }, + /** + * Get a value with speicifed index. + * @method getValueAt + * @param index The value's index. + * @return The value. + */ + getValueAt: function (index) { + var value, item = this.__getItemAt(index); + + if (item !== undefined) { + value = item.value; + } + + return value; + }, + /** + * Change value of speicifed index. + * @method setValueAt + * @param index The index attempt to be changed. + * @param value The new value. + * @return The new value. + */ + setValueAt: function (index, value) { + var item = this.__getItemAt(index); + if (item !== undefined) { + var oldValue = item.value; + item.value = value; + this.fire('change', { + action: "set", + index: index, + key: item.key, + value: value, + oldValue: oldValue + }); + } + return value; + }, + /** + * change the order of specific Item by key + * @param key + * @param index + */ + setIndex: function (key, index) { + var idx = this.indexOf(key), result = true; + if (idx != -1 && index !== idx) { + var rtn = this._data.splice(idx, 1); + this._data.splice(index, 0, rtn[0]); + this.fire('change', { + action: 'reorder', + index: index, + oldIndex: idx, + key: key + }); + } else { + result = false; + } + + return result; + }, + /** + * Sort the SortedMap with a comparer function. + * @method sort + * @param comparer A function expecting arguments: key1, value1, key2, value2 + */ + sort: function (comparer) { + this._data.sort(function (item1, item2) { + return comparer.call(null, item1.key, item1.value, item2.key, item2.value); + }); + }, + /** + * Get array of key-value pairs of all entries. + * @method toArray + * @return An array, each item of which is an object with key and value property. + */ + toArray: function () { + var arr = this._data.slice(0); + for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { + arr[i] = nx.clone(arr[i]); + } + return arr; + }, + /** + * support iterator for the callback which has three params:k,v,index + * @param callback + */ + each: function (callback) { + var arr = this.toArray(); + for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { + var item = arr[i]; + callback.call(this, item.key, item.value, i); + } + }, + /** + * adapt to the nx.each, which has two params for the callback:k,v + * @param callback + * @private + */ + __each__: function (callback) { + var arr = this.toArray(); + for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { + var item = arr[i]; + callback.call(this, item.key, item.value); + } + } + } + }); +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + //@https://github.com/yui/yui3/blob/master/src/yui/js/yui-ua.js + var window = nx.global, + document = window.document, + documentMode = document.documentMode || 0, + compatMode = document.compatMode, + navigator = window.navigator, + location = window.location, + userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), + protocol = location.protocol.toLowerCase(); + var tempElement = document.createElement('div'), + tempStyle = tempElement.style, + result, + ie = (result = userAgent.match(/msie (\d+)\./)) && result[1]; + + //test opacity: + tempStyle.cssText = "opacity:.55"; + + var vendorPrefixMap = { + 'webkit': ['webkit', '-webkit-'], + 'gecko': ['Moz', '-moz-'], + 'presto': ['O', '-o-'], + 'trident': ['ms', '-ms-'] + }; + + var osPatternMap = { + 'windows': /windows|win32/, + 'macintosh': /macintosh|mac_powerpc/, + 'linux': /linux/ + }; + + var supportMap = { + addEventListener: !! document.addEventListener, + dispatchEvent: !! document.dispatchEvent, + getBoundingClientRect: !! document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect, + onmousewheel: 'onmousewheel' in document, + XDomainRequest: !! window.XDomainRequest, + crossDomain: !! (window.XDomainRequest || window.XMLHttpRequest), + getComputedStyle: 'getComputedStyle' in window, + iePropertyChange: !! (ie && ie < 9), + w3cChange: !ie || ie > 8, + w3cFocus: !ie || ie > 8, + w3cInput: !ie || ie > 9, + innerText: 'innerText' in tempElement, + firstElementChild: 'firstElementChild' in tempElement, + cssFloat: 'cssFloat' in tempStyle, + opacity: (/^0.55$/).test(tempStyle.opacity), + filter: 'filter' in tempStyle, + classList: !! tempElement.classList, + removeProperty: 'removeProperty' in tempStyle, + touch:'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement + }; + + var engineMap = { + firefox: function () { + return { + name: 'gecko', + version: getVersion('rv:') + }; + }, + opera: function () { + var version = getVersion('presto\\/'); + var engineName = 'presto'; + if (!version) { + engineName = 'webkit'; + version = getVersion('webkit\\/'); + } + return { + name: engineName, + version: version + }; + }, + ie: function () { + return { + name: 'trident', + version: getVersion('trident\\/') || 4 + }; + }, + 'default': function () { + return { + name: 'webkit', + version: getVersion('webkit\\/') + }; + } + }; + + function getVersion(pattern) { + var regexp = new RegExp(pattern + '(\\d+\\.\\d+)'); + var regexResult; + return (regexResult = regexp.exec(userAgent)) ? parseFloat(regexResult[1]) : 0; + } + + var os = (function () { + var osName; + for (osName in osPatternMap) { + if (osPatternMap[osName].test(userAgent)) { + break; + } + } + return { + name: osName + }; + })(); + + var browser = (function () { + var browserName, + item, + checkIs, + checkExclude, + browserVersion = 0; + + for (browserName in browserPatternMap) { + item = browserPatternMap[browserName]; + checkIs = (new RegExp(item.is)).test(userAgent); + checkExclude = (new RegExp(item.exclude)).test(userAgent); + if (checkIs && !checkExclude) { + if (userAgent.indexOf('opr/') > -1) { + browserName = 'opera'; + item.version = '\\bopr\/'; + } + browserVersion = getVersion(item.version); + break; + } + } + + return { + name: browserName, + version: browserVersion + }; + })(); + + var browserPatternMap = { + ie: { + is: 'msie', + exclude: 'opera', + version: 'msie ' + }, + firefox: { + is: 'gecko', + exclude: 'webkit', + version: '\\bfirefox\/' + }, + chrome: { + is: '\\bchrome\\b', + exclude: null, + version: '\\bchrome\/' + }, + safari: { + is: 'safari', + exclude: '\\bchrome\\b', + version: 'version\/' + }, + opera: { + is: 'opera', + exclude: null, + version: 'version\/' + } + }; + + + var keyMap = { + BACKSPACE: 8, + TAB: 9, + CLEAR: 12, + ENTER: 13, + SHIFT: 16, + CTRL: 17, + ALT: 18, + META: (browser.name === "chrome" || browser.name === "webkit" || browser.name === "safari") ? 91 : 224, // the apple key on macs + PAUSE: 19, + CAPS_LOCK: 20, + ESCAPE: 27, + SPACE: 32, + PAGE_UP: 33, + PAGE_DOWN: 34, + END: 35, + HOME: 36, + LEFT_ARROW: 37, + UP_ARROW: 38, + RIGHT_ARROW: 39, + DOWN_ARROW: 40, + INSERT: 45, + DELETE: 46, + HELP: 47, + LEFT_WINDOW: 91, + RIGHT_WINDOW: 92, + SELECT: 93, + NUMPAD_0: 96, + NUMPAD_1: 97, + NUMPAD_2: 98, + NUMPAD_3: 99, + NUMPAD_4: 100, + NUMPAD_5: 101, + NUMPAD_6: 102, + NUMPAD_7: 103, + NUMPAD_8: 104, + NUMPAD_9: 105, + NUMPAD_MULTIPLY: 106, + NUMPAD_PLUS: 107, + NUMPAD_ENTER: 108, + NUMPAD_MINUS: 109, + NUMPAD_PERIOD: 110, + NUMPAD_DIVIDE: 111, + F1: 112, + F2: 113, + F3: 114, + F4: 115, + F5: 116, + F6: 117, + F7: 118, + F8: 119, + F9: 120, + F10: 121, + F11: 122, + F12: 123, + F13: 124, + F14: 125, + F15: 126, + NUM_LOCK: 144, + SCROLL_LOCK: 145 + }; + + + var engine = (engineMap[browser] || engineMap['default'])(); + + /** + * Environment and check behavior support + * @class nx.Env + * @constructor + */ + nx.define('nx.Env', { + static: true, + properties: { + /** + * Document mode + * @property documentMode + * @type {Number} + * @default 0 + */ + documentMode: { + value: documentMode + }, + /** + * Document compatMode + * @property compatMode + * @type {String} + * @default "CSS1Compat" + */ + compatMode: { + value: compatMode + }, + /** + * User agent string + * @property userAgent + * @type {String} + * @default "" + */ + userAgent: { + value: userAgent + }, + /** + * Browser render model CSS1Compat + * @property strict + * @type {Boolean} + * @default true + */ + strict: { + value: compatMode === 'CSS1Compat' + }, + /** + * If it is secure + * @property strict + * @type {Boolean} + * @default false + */ + secure: { + value: protocol.indexOf('https') === 0 + }, + /** + * Get operating system information + * @property os + * @type {Object} + * @default {} + */ + os: { + value: os + }, + /** + * Get specific prefix + * @property prefix + * @type {Array} + * @default ['webkit','-webkit-'] + */ + prefix: { + value: vendorPrefixMap[engine.name] + }, + /** + * Get browser's render engine information + * @property engine + * @type {Object} + * @default {} + */ + engine: { + value: engine + }, + /** + * Get basic browser information + * @property browser + * @type {Object} + * @default {} + */ + browser: { + value: browser + }, + /** + * Get keyboard key code map. + * @property keyMap + * @type {Object} + * @default {} + */ + keyMap: { + value: keyMap + } + }, + methods: { + /** + * Whether the property is support + * @method support + * @param inName + * @returns {*} + */ + support: function (inName) { + return supportMap[inName]; + }, + /** + * Support map for debug + * @method getSupportMap + * @returns {{addEventListener: boolean, dispatchEvent: boolean, getBoundingClientRect: boolean, onmousewheel: boolean, XDomainRequest: boolean, crossDomain: boolean, getComputedStyle: boolean, iePropertyChange: boolean, w3cChange: boolean, w3cFocus: boolean, w3cInput: boolean, innerText: boolean, firstElementChild: boolean, cssFloat: boolean, opacity: boolean, filter: boolean, removeProperty: boolean}} + */ + getSupportMap: function () { + return supportMap; + }, + /** + * Register a support item + * @method registerSupport + * @param inName + * @param inValue + */ + registerSupport: function (inName, inValue) { + if (!(inName in supportMap)) { + supportMap[inName] = inValue; + } + } + } + }); + +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + var global = nx.global, + document = global.document, + env = nx.Env; + + var tempElement = document.createElement('div'), + tempStyle = tempElement.style; + var rsizeElement = /width|height|top|right|bottom|left|size|margin|padding/i, + rHasUnit = /[c-x%]/, + PX = 'px', + rUpperCameCase = /(?:^|-)([a-z])/g, + rDeCameCase = /([A-Z])/g; + + var cssNumber = { + 'lineHeight': true, + 'zIndex': true, + 'zoom': true + }; + + + var styleHooks = { + float: 'cssFloat' + }; + + var stylePropCache = {}; + var styleNameCache = {}; + + nx.ready = function (clz) { + var callback; + if (typeof clz === "string") { + clz = nx.path(global, clz); + } + if (typeof clz === "function") { + if (clz.__classId__) { + var App = nx.define(nx.ui.Application, { + properties: { + comp: { + value: function () { + return new clz(); + } + } + }, + methods: { + start: function () { + this.comp().attach(this); + }, + stop: function () { + this.comp().detach(this); + } + } + }); + callback = function () { + var app = new App(); + app.start(); + }; + } else { + callback = clz; + } + window.addEventListener("load", callback); + } + }; + + /** + * This is Util + * @class nx.Util + * @constructor + */ + var util = nx.define('nx.Util', { + static: true, + methods: { + /** + * Get a string which is join by an style object. + * @method getCssText + * @param inStyles + * @returns {string} + */ + getCssText: function (inStyles) { + var cssText = ['']; + nx.each(inStyles, function (styleValue, styleName) { + cssText.push(this.getStyleProperty(styleName, true) + ':' + this.getStyleValue(styleName, styleValue)); + }, this); + return cssText.join(';'); + }, + /** + * Get real value of the style name. + * @method getStyleValue + * @param inName + * @param inValue + * @returns {*} + */ + getStyleValue: function (inName, inValue) { + var property = this.getStyleProperty(inName); + var value = inValue; + if (rsizeElement.test(property)) { + if (!rHasUnit.test(inValue) && !cssNumber[property]) { + value += PX; + } + } + return value; + }, + /** + * Get compatible css property. + * @method getStyleProperty + * @param inName + * @param isLowerCase + * @returns {*} + */ + getStyleProperty: function (inName, isLowerCase) { + if (isLowerCase) { + if (inName in styleNameCache) { + return styleNameCache[inName]; + } + } else { + if (inName in stylePropCache) { + return stylePropCache[inName]; + } + } + + var property = styleHooks[inName] || this.lowerCamelCase(inName); + if (property in tempStyle) { + if (isLowerCase) { + property = this.deCamelCase(inName); + styleNameCache[inName] = property; + } + } else { + if (isLowerCase) { + property = env.prefix()[1] + inName; + styleNameCache[inName] = property; + } else { + property = env.prefix()[0] + this.upperCamelCase(inName); + stylePropCache[inName] = property; + } + } + return property; + }, + /** + * Lower camel case. + * @method lowerCamelCase + * @param inName + * @returns {string} + */ + lowerCamelCase: function (inName) { + var _camelizeString = this.upperCamelCase(inName); + return _camelizeString.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + _camelizeString.substring(1); + }, + /** + * Upper camel case. + * @method upperCamelCase + * @param inName + * @returns {*|string|void} + */ + upperCamelCase: function (inName) { + return inName.replace(rUpperCameCase, function (match, group1) { + return group1.toUpperCase(); + }); + }, + /** + * Decode camel case to '-' model. + * @method deCamelCase + * @param inName + * @returns {*|string|void} + */ + deCamelCase: function (inName) { + return inName.replace(rDeCameCase, function (match, group1) { + return '-' + group1.toLowerCase(); + }); + }, + /** + * Upper first word of a string. + * @method capitalize + * @param inString + * @returns {string} + */ + capitalize: function (inString) { + return inString.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + inString.slice(1); + } + } + }); +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + var Collection = nx.data.Collection; + /** + * Dom Node + * @class nx.dom.Node + * @constructor + */ + var Node = nx.define('nx.dom.Node',nx.Comparable,{ + methods: { + /** + * Set $dom as an attribute for node + * @param node + */ + init: function (node) { + this.$dom = node; + }, + /** + * Whether target is current dom element + * @param target + * @returns {number} + */ + compare: function (target) { + if (target && this.$dom === target.$dom) { + return 0; + } + else { + return -1; + } + }, + /** + * Whether target is a element + * @returns {boolean} + */ + isElement: function () { + return this.$dom.nodeType === 1; + }, + /** + * Get current element's index + * @returns {number} + */ + index: function () { + var node, + index = 0; + if (this.parentNode() !== null) { + while ((node = this.previousSibling()) !== null) { + ++index; + } + } else { + index = -1; + } + return index; + }, + /** + * Get the index child element + * @param inIndex + * @returns {null} + */ + childAt: function (inIndex) { + var node = null; + if (inIndex >= 0) { + node = this.firstChild(); + while (node && --inIndex >= 0) { + node = node.nextSibling(); + break; + } + } + return node; + }, + /** + * Compare dom element position + * @param inTarget + * @returns {*} + */ + contains: function (inTarget) { + return this.$dom && this.$dom.contains(inTarget.$dom); + }, + /** + * Get first element child + * @returns {this.constructor} + */ + firstChild: function () { + return new this.constructor(this.$dom.firstElementChild); + }, + /** + * Get last element child + * @returns {this.constructor} + */ + lastChild: function () { + return new this.constructor(this.$dom.lastElementChild); + }, + /** + * Get previous element + * @returns {this.constructor} + */ + previousSibling: function () { + return new this.constructor(this.$dom.previousElementSibling); + }, + /** + * Get next element + * @returns {this.constructor} + */ + nextSibling: function () { + return new this.constructor(this.$dom.nextElementSibling); + }, + /** + * Get parent element + * @returns {this.constructor} + */ + parentNode: function () { + return new this.constructor(this.$dom.parentNode); + }, + /** + * Get element children + * @returns {nx.data.Collection} + */ + children: function () { + var result = new Collection(); + nx.each(this.$dom.children, function (child) { + result.add(new this.constructor(child)); + }, this); + return result; + }, + /** + * Clone an element node + * @param deep + * @returns {this.constructor} + */ + cloneNode: function (deep) { + return new this.constructor(this.$dom.cloneNode(deep)); + }, + /** + * Whether the element has child. + * @param child + * @returns {boolean} + */ + hasChild: function (child) { + return child.$dom.parentNode == this.$dom; + }, + /** + * Adds a node to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node + * @param child + */ + appendChild: function (child) { + this.$dom.appendChild(child.$dom); + }, + /** + * Inserts the specified node before a reference element as a child of the current node + * @param child + * @param ref + */ + insertBefore: function (child,ref) { + this.$dom.insertBefore(child.$dom,ref.$dom); + }, + /** + * Removes a child node from the DOM + * @param child + */ + removeChild: function (child) { + if (this.hasChild(child)) { + this.$dom.removeChild(child.$dom); + } + }, + /** + * Remove all child nodes + */ + empty: function () { + this.children().each(function (child) { + this.removeChild(child); + },this); + } + } + }); +})(nx); +(function (nx) { + /** + * Text Node + * @class nx.dom.Text + * @constructor + */ + nx.define('nx.dom.Text', nx.dom.Node); +})(nx); +(function (nx) { + var global = nx.global, + document = global.document, + env = nx.Env, + util = nx.Util; + var rTableElement = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i, + rBlank = /\s+/, + borderMap = { + thin: '2px', + medium: '4px', + thick: '6px' + }, + isGecko = env.engine().name === 'gecko'; + var MARGIN = 'margin', + PADDING = 'padding', + BORDER = 'border', + POSITION = 'position', + FIXED = 'fixed'; + + var Collection = nx.data.Collection; + //======attrHooks start======// + var attrHooks = { + value: { + set: function (inElement, inValue) { + var type = inElement.type; + switch (type) { + case 'checkbox': + case 'radio': + inElement.checked = !!inValue; + break; + default: + inElement.value = inValue; + } + }, + get: function (inElement) { + var type = inElement.type; + var value = inElement.value; + switch (type) { + case 'checkbox': + case 'radio': + value = !!inElement.checked; + break; + default: + value = inElement.value; + } + return value; + } + } + }; + var baseAttrHooks = { + 'class': 'className', + 'for': 'htmlFor' + }; + var booleanAttrHooks = { + disabled: 'disabled', + readonly: 'readonly', + checked: 'checked' + }; + //registerAttrHooks for Element + (function registerAttrHooks() { + + //baseAttrHooks + nx.each(baseAttrHooks, function (hookValue, hookKey) { + attrHooks[hookKey] = { + set: function (inElement, inValue) { + inElement[hookValue] = inValue; + }, + get: function (inElement) { + return inElement[hookValue]; + } + }; + }); + + //booleanAttrHooks + nx.each(booleanAttrHooks, function (hookValue, hookKey) { + attrHooks[hookKey] = { + set: function (inElement, inValue) { + if (!inValue) { + inElement.removeAttribute(hookKey); + } else { + inElement.setAttribute(hookKey, hookKey); + } + inElement[hookValue] = !!inValue; + }, + get: function (inElement) { + return !!inElement[hookValue]; + } + }; + }); + }()); + + + function getClsPos(inElement, inClassName) { + return (' ' + inElement.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + inClassName + ' '); + } + + //======attrHooks end ======// + /** + * Dom Element + * @class nx.dom.Element + * @constructor + */ + var Element = nx.define('nx.dom.Element', nx.dom.Node, { + methods: { + /** + * Get an attribute from element + * @method get + * @param name + * @returns {*} + */ + get: function (name) { + if (name === 'text') { + return this.getText(); + } else + if (name == 'html') { + return this.getHtml(); + } else { + return this.getAttribute(name); + } + }, + /** + * Set an attribute for an element + * @method set + * @param name + * @param value + */ + set: function (name, value) { + if (name === 'text') { + this.setText(value); + } else + if (name == 'html') { + this.setHtml(value); + } else { + this.setAttribute(name, value); + } + }, + /** + * Get an element by selector. + * @method get + * @param inSelector + * @returns {HTMLElement} + */ + select: function (inSelector) { + var element = this.$dom.querySelector(inSelector); + return new Element(element); + }, + /** + * Get a collection by selector + * @method selectAll + * @param inSelector + * @returns {nx.data.Collection} + */ + selectAll: function (inSelector) { + var elements = this.$dom.querySelectorAll(inSelector), + i = 0, + element = elements[i]; + var nxElements = new Collection(); + for (; element; i++) { + element = elements[i]; + nxElements.add(new Element(element)); + } + return nxElements; + }, + /** + * Focus an element + * @method focus + */ + focus: function () { + this.$dom.focus(); + }, + /** + * Blur form an element + * @method blur + */ + blur: function () { + this.$dom.blur(); + }, + /** + * Show an element + * @method show + */ + show: function () { + this.setAttribute('nx-status', ''); + }, + /** + * Hide an element + * @method hide + */ + hide: function () { + this.setAttribute('nx-status', 'hidden'); + }, + /** + * Whether the element has the class + * @method hasClass + * @param inClassName + * @returns {boolean} + */ + hasClass: function (inClassName) { + var element = this.$dom; + if (nx.Env.support('classList')) { + return this.$dom.classList.contains(inClassName); + } else { + return getClsPos(element, inClassName) > -1; + } + }, + /** + * Set css class existence for element + * @method setClass + * @param className the class name + * @param has existence + * @returns {*} + */ + setClass: function (inClassName, inHas) { + if (!inHas) { + this.removeClass(inClassName); + } else { + this.addClass(inClassName); + } + }, + /** + * Add class for element + * @method addClass + * @returns {*} + */ + addClass: function () { + var element = this.$dom; + var args = arguments, + classList = element.classList; + if (nx.Env.support('classList')) { + if (args.length === 1 && args[0].search(rBlank) > -1) { + args = args[0].split(rBlank); + } + return classList.add.apply(classList, args); + } else if (!this.hasClass(args[0])) { + var curCls = element.className; + /* jslint -W093 */ + return element.className = curCls ? (curCls + ' ' + args[0]) : args[0]; + } + }, + /** + * Remove class from element + * @method removeClass + * @returns {*} + */ + removeClass: function () { + var element = this.$dom; + if (!element) { + return; + } + if (nx.Env.support('classList')) { + var classList = this.$dom.classList; + if (classList) { + return classList.remove.apply(classList, arguments); + } + } else { + var curCls = element.className, + index = getClsPos(element, arguments[0]), + className = arguments[0]; + if (index > -1) { + if (index === 0) { + if (curCls !== className) { + className = className + ' '; + } + } else { + className = ' ' + className; + } + element.className = curCls.replace(className, ''); + } + } + }, + /** + * Toggle a class on element + * @method toggleClass + * @param inClassName + * @returns {*} + */ + toggleClass: function (inClassName) { + var element = this.$dom; + if (nx.Env.support('classList')) { + return this.$dom.classList.toggle(inClassName); + } else { + if (this.hasClass(inClassName)) { + this.removeClass(inClassName); + } else { + this.addClass(inClassName); + } + } + }, + /** + * Get document + * @method getDocument + * @returns {*} + */ + getDocument: function () { + var element = this.$dom; + var doc = document; + if (element) { + doc = (element.nodeType === 9) ? element : // element === document + element.ownerDocument || // element === DOM node + element.document; // element === window + } + return doc; + }, + /** + * Get window + * @method getWindow + * @returns {DocumentView|window|*} + */ + getWindow: function () { + var doc = this.getDocument(); + return doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow || global; + }, + /** + * Get root element + * @method getRoot + * @returns {Element} + */ + getRoot: function () { + return env.strict() ? document.documentElement : document.body; + }, + /** + * Get element position information + * @method getBound + * @returns {{top: number, right: Number, bottom: Number, left: number, width: Number, height: Number}} + */ + getBound: function () { + var box = this.$dom.getBoundingClientRect(), + root = this.getRoot(), + clientTop = root.clientTop || 0, + clientLeft = root.clientLeft || 0; + return { + top: box.top - clientTop, + right: box.right, + bottom: box.bottom, + left: box.left - clientLeft, + width: box.width, + height: box.height + }; + }, + /** + * Get margin distance information + * @method margin + * @param inDirection + * @returns {*} + */ + margin: function (inDirection) { + return this._getBoxWidth(MARGIN, inDirection); + }, + /** + * Get padding distance information + * @method padding + * @param inDirection + * @returns {*} + */ + padding: function (inDirection) { + return this._getBoxWidth(PADDING, inDirection); + }, + /** + * Get border width information + * @method border + * @param inDirection + * @returns {*} + */ + border: function (inDirection) { + return this._getBoxWidth(BORDER, inDirection); + }, + /** + * Get offset information + * @method getOffset + * @returns {{top: number, left: number}} + */ + getOffset: function () { + var box = this.$dom.getBoundingClientRect(), + root = this.getRoot(), + clientTop = root.clientTop || 0, + clientLeft = root.clientLeft || 0; + return { + 'top': box.top + (global.pageYOffset || root.scrollTop) - clientTop, + 'left': box.left + (global.pageXOffset || root.scrollLeft) - clientLeft + }; + }, + /** + * Set offset style + * @method setOffset + * @param inStyleObj + */ + setOffset: function (inStyleObj) { + var elPosition = this.getStyle(POSITION), + styleObj = inStyleObj; + var scrollXY = { + left: Math.max((global.pageXOffset || 0), root.scrollLeft), + top: Math.max((global.pageYOffset || 0), root.scrollTop) + }; + if (elPosition === FIXED) { + styleObj = { + left: parseFloat(styleObj) + scrollXY.scrollX, + top: parseFloat(styleObj) + scrollXY.scrollY + }; + } + this.setStyles(styleObj); + }, + /** + * Has in line style + * @method hasStyle + * @param inName + * @returns {boolean} + */ + hasStyle: function (inName) { + var cssText = this.$dom.style.cssText; + return cssText.indexOf(inName + ':') > -1; + }, + /** + * Get computed style + * @method getStyle + * @param inName + * @param isInline + * @returns {*} + */ + getStyle: function (inName, isInline) { + var property = util.getStyleProperty(inName); + if (isInline) { + return this.$dom.style[property]; + } else { + var styles = getComputedStyle(this.$dom, null); + return styles[property] || ''; + } + }, + /** + * Set style for element + * @method setStyle + * @param inName + * @param inValue + */ + setStyle: function (inName, inValue) { + var property = util.getStyleProperty(inName); + this.$dom.style[property] = util.getStyleValue(inName, inValue); + }, + /** + * Remove inline style + * @method removeStyle + * @param inName + */ + removeStyle: function (inName) { + var property = util.getStyleProperty(inName, true); + this.$dom.style.removeProperty(property); + }, + /** + * Set style by style object + * @method setStyles + * @param inStyles + */ + setStyles: function (inStyles) { + this.$dom.style.cssText += util.getCssText(inStyles); + }, + /** + * Get attribute + * @method getAttribute + * @param inName + * @returns {*} + */ + getAttribute: function (inName) { + var hook = attrHooks[inName]; + if (hook) { + if (hook.get) { + return hook.get(this.$dom); + } else { + return this.$dom.getAttribute(hook); + } + } + return this.$dom.getAttribute(inName); + }, + /** + * Set attribute + * @method setAttribute + * @param inName + * @param inValue + * @returns {*} + */ + setAttribute: function (inName, inValue) { + if (inValue !== null && inValue !== undefined) { + var hook = attrHooks[inName]; + if (hook) { + if (hook.set) { + return hook.set(this.$dom, inValue); + } else { + return this.$dom.setAttribute(hook, inValue); + } + } + return this.$dom.setAttribute(inName, inValue); + } + }, + /** + * Remove attribute + * @method removeAttribute + * @param inName + */ + removeAttribute: function (inName) { + this.$dom.removeAttribute(baseAttrHooks[inName] || inName); + }, + /** + * Get all attributes + * @method getAttributes + * @returns {{}} + */ + getAttributes: function () { + var attrs = {}; + nx.each(this.$dom.attributes, function (attr) { + attrs[attr.name] = attr.value; + }); + return attrs; + }, + /** + * Set attributes + * @method setAttributes + * @param attrs + */ + setAttributes: function (attrs) { + nx.each(attrs, function (value, key) { + this.setAttribute(key, value); + }, this); + }, + /** + * Get inner text + * @method getText + * @returns {*} + */ + getText: function () { + return this.$dom.textContent; + }, + /** + * Set inner text + * @method setText + * @param text + */ + setText: function (text) { + this.$dom.textContent = text; + }, + /** + * Get inner html + * @method getHtml + * @returns {*|string} + */ + getHtml: function () { + return this.$dom.innerHTML; + }, + /** + * Set inner html + * @method setHtml + * @param html + */ + setHtml: function (html) { + this.$dom.innerHTML = html; + }, + /** + * Add event listener + * @method addEventListener + * @param name + * @param listener + * @param useCapture + */ + addEventListener: function (name, listener, useCapture) { + this.$dom.addEventListener(name, listener, useCapture || false); + }, + /** + * Remove event listener + * @method removeEventListener + * @param name + * @param listener + * @param useCapture + */ + removeEventListener: function (name, listener, useCapture) { + this.$dom.removeEventListener(name, listener, useCapture || false); + }, + _getBoxWidth: function (inBox, inDirection) { + var boxWidth, styleResult; + var element = this.$dom; + switch (inBox) { + case PADDING: + case MARGIN: + styleResult = this.getStyle(inBox + "-" + inDirection); + boxWidth = parseFloat(styleResult); + break; + default: + styleResult = this.getStyle('border-' + inDirection + '-width'); + if (isGecko) { + if (rTableElement.test(element.tagName)) { + styleResult = 0; + } + } + boxWidth = parseFloat(styleResult) || borderMap[styleResult]; + } + return boxWidth || 0; + } + } + }); +}) +(nx); + +(function (nx) { + + var Collection = nx.data.Collection; + /** + * Dom Fragment + * @class nx.dom.Fragment + * @constructor + */ + nx.define('nx.dom.Fragment', nx.dom.Node, { + methods: { + /** + * Get collection child nodes. + * @returns {nx.data.Collection} + */ + children: function () { + var result = new Collection(); + nx.each(this.$dom.childNodes, function (child) { + result.add(new this.constructor(child)); + }, this); + return result; + } + } + }); +})(nx); +(function(nx) { + var Element = nx.dom.Element; + var Fragment = nx.dom.Fragment; + var Text = nx.dom.Text, + global = nx.global, + document = global.document, + util = nx.Util; + + var readyModel = { + topFrame: null, + hasReady: false, + queue: [], + }; + + var readyService = { + setHasReady: function(inValue) { + readyModel.hasReady = inValue; + }, + getHasReady: function() { + return readyModel.hasReady; + }, + addQueue: function(inHandler) { + readyModel.queue.push(inHandler); + }, + clearQueue: function() { + readyModel.queue.length = 0; + }, + execQueue: function() { + var i = 0, + length = readyModel.queue.length; + for (; i < length; i++) { + readyModel.queue[i](); + } + }, + setTopFrame: function(inValue) { + readyModel.topFrame = inValue; + }, + getTopFrame: function() { + return readyModel.topFrame; + } + }; + + var readyController = { + initReady: function(inHandler) { + readyService.addQueue(inHandler); //save the event + return readyController.isReady(); + }, + fireReady: function() { + readyService.execQueue(); + readyService.clearQueue(); + }, + setTopFrame: function() { + // If IE and not a frame + // continually check to see if the document is ready + try { + readyService.setTopFrame(global.frameElement === null && document.documentElement); + } catch (e) {} + }, + doScrollCheck: function() { + var topFrame = readyService.getTopFrame(); + if (topFrame && topFrame.doScroll) { + try { + // Use the trick by Diego Perini + // http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/ + topFrame.doScroll("left"); + } catch (e) { + return setTimeout(readyController.doScrollCheck, 50); + } + + // and execute any waiting functions + readyController.fireReady(); + } + }, + isOnLoad: function(inEvent) { + return (inEvent || global.event).type === 'load'; + }, + isReady: function() { + return readyService.getHasReady() || document.readyState === "complete"; + }, + detach: function() { + if (document.addEventListener) { + document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", readyController.completed, false); + global.removeEventListener("load", readyController.completed, false); + } else { + document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", readyController.completed); + global.detachEvent("onload", readyController.completed); + } + }, + w3cReady: function() { + document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', readyController.completed, false); + global.addEventListener('load', readyController.completed, false); + }, + ieReady: function() { + document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", readyController.completed); + global.attachEvent("onload", readyController.completed); + readyController.setTopFrame(); + readyController.doScrollCheck(); + }, + readyMain: function() { + if (document.readyState === "complete") { + return setTimeout(readyController.readyMain); + } else { + if (document.addEventListener) { + //w3c + readyController.w3cReady(); + } else { + //old ie + readyController.ieReady(); + } + } + }, + completed: function(inEvent) { + if (readyController.isReady() || readyController.isOnLoad(inEvent)) { + readyService.setHasReady(true); + readyController.detach(); + readyController.fireReady(); + } + } + }; + + var nsMap = { + svg: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", + xlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", + xhtml: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" + }; + + /** + * Document Element + * @class nx.dom.Document + * @constructor + */ + var Document = nx.define('nx.dom.Document', { + static: true, + properties: { + /** + * Get/set next cssStyle sheet + * @property cssStyleSheet + * @type {Object} + * @default {} + */ + cssStyleSheet: { + get: function() { + var nxCssStyleSheet = this._cssStyleSheet; + if (!nxCssStyleSheet) { + var styleNode = document.getElementById('nx-style') || this._createStyleNode(); + nxCssStyleSheet = this._cssStyleSheet = this._getCSSStyleSheetInstance(styleNode); + } + return nxCssStyleSheet; + } + }, + /** + * Get document root element + * @property root + * @type {Object} + * @default {} + */ + root: { + get: function() { + return document.documentElement; + } + }, + /** + * Get next body element + * @property body + * @type {Object} + * @default {} + */ + body: { + get: function() { + return new Element(document.body); + } + }, + html: { + get: function() { + return new Element(document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]); + } + } + }, + methods: { + init: function() { + this.__listeners__ = {}; + this._documentListeners = {}; + }, + /** + * Add an event handler. + * @method on + * @param name {String} + * @param handler {Function} + * @param [context] {Object} + */ + on: function(name, handler, context) { + var map = this.__listeners__; + var listeners = map[name] = map[name] || [{ + owner: null, + handler: null, + context: null + }]; + + listeners.push({ + owner: this, + handler: handler, + context: context || this + }); + + this._attachDocumentListeners(name); + + var self; + return { + release: function() { + self.off(name, handler, context); + } + }; + }, + /** + * Remove an event handler. + * @method off + * @param name {String} + * @param [handler] {Function} + * @param [context] {Object} + */ + off: function(name, handler, context) { + var listeners = this.__listeners__[name], + listener; + if (listeners) { + if (handler) { + context = context || this; + for (var i = 0, length = listeners.length; i < length; i++) { + listener = listeners[i]; + if (listener.handler == handler && listener.context == context) { + listeners.splice(i, 1); + break; + } + } + } else { + listeners.length = 1; + } + } + }, + /** + * Add a single event handler. + * @method upon + * @param name {String} + * @param handler {Function} + * @param [context] {Object} + */ + upon: function(name, handler, context) { + var map = this.__listeners__; + var listeners = map[name] = map[name] || [{ + owner: null, + handler: null, + context: null + }]; + + listeners[0] = { + owner: this, + handler: handler, + context: context + }; + + this._attachDocumentListeners(name); + }, + /** + * Trigger an event. + * @method fire + * @param name {String} + * @param [data] {*} + */ + fire: function(name, data) { + var listeners = this.__listeners__[name], + listener, result; + if (listeners) { + listeners = listeners.slice(); + for (var i = 0, length = listeners.length; i < length; i++) { + listener = listeners[i]; + if (listener && listener.handler) { + result = listener.handler.call(listener.context, listener.owner, data); + if (result === false) { + return false; + } + } + } + } + }, + /** + * Register html tag namespace + * @method registerNS + * @param key + * @param value + */ + registerNS: function(key, value) { + nsMap[key] = value; + }, + /** + * Get a tag namespace value + * @method resolveNS + * @param key + * @returns {*} + */ + resolveNS: function(key) { + return nsMap[key]; + }, + /** + * Create document fragment + * @method createFragment + * @returns {nx.dom.Fragment} + */ + createFragment: function() { + return new Fragment(document.createDocumentFragment()); + }, + /** + * Create element + * @method createElement + * @param tag + * @returns {nx.dom.Element} + */ + createElement: function(tag) { + return new Element(document.createElement(tag)); + }, + /** + * Create text node. + * @method createText + * @param text + * @returns {nx.dom.Text} + */ + createText: function(text) { + return new Text(document.createTextNode(text)); + }, + /** + * Create element by namespace + * @method createElementNS + * @param ns + * @param tag + * @returns {nx.dom.Element} + */ + createElementNS: function(ns, tag) { + var uri = Document.resolveNS(ns); + if (uri) { + return new Element(document.createElementNS(uri, tag)); + } else { + throw new Error('The namespace ' + ns + ' is not registered.'); + } + }, + /** + * Wrap dom element to next element + * @method wrap + * @param dom + * @returns {*} + */ + wrap: function(dom) { + if (nx.is(dom, Node)) { + return dom; + } else { + + } + }, + /** + * Get document position information + * @method docRect + * @returns {{width: (Function|number), height: (Function|number), scrollWidth: *, scrollHeight: *, scrollX: *, scrollY: *}} + */ + docRect: function() { + var root = this.root(), + height = global.innerHeight || 0, + width = global.innerWidth || 0, + scrollW = root.scrollWidth, + scrollH = root.scrollHeight, + scrollXY = { + left: Math.max((global.pageXOffset || 0), root.scrollLeft), + top: Math.max((global.pageYOffset || 0), root.scrollTop) + }; + scrollW = Math.max(scrollW, width); + scrollH = Math.max(scrollH, height); + return { + width: width, + height: height, + scrollWidth: scrollW, + scrollHeight: scrollH, + scrollX: scrollXY.left, + scrollY: scrollXY.top + }; + }, + /** + * Dom ready + * @method ready + * @param inHandler + */ + ready: function(inHandler) { + //add handler to queue: + if (readyController.initReady(inHandler)) { + setTimeout(readyController.fireReady, 1); + } else { + readyController.readyMain(); + } + }, + /** + * Add a rule to next style sheet + * @method addRule + * @param inSelector + * @param inCssText + * @param inIndex + * @returns {*} + */ + addRule: function(inSelector, inCssText, inIndex) { + var cssText = inSelector + "{" + inCssText + "}"; + return this._ruleAction('insert', [cssText, inIndex]); + }, + /** + * insert a rule to next style sheet + * @method insertRule + * @param inFullCssText + * @param inIndex + * @returns {*} + */ + insertRule: function(inFullCssText, inIndex) { + return this._ruleAction('insert', [inFullCssText, inIndex]); + }, + /** + * Delete a rule from next style sheet at last line + * @method deleteRule + * @param inIndex + * @returns {*} + */ + deleteRule: function(inIndex) { + return this._ruleAction('delete', [inIndex]); + }, + /** + * Remove a rule from next style sheet + * @method removeRule + * @param inSelector + * @param inIndex + * @returns {*} + */ + removeRule: function(inSelector, inIndex) { + return this._ruleAction('remove', [inSelector, inIndex]); + }, + /** + * Add multi rules + * @method addRules + * @param inRules + */ + addRules: function(inRules) { + nx.each(inRules, function(rule, selector) { + this.addRule(selector, util.getCssText(rule), null); + }, this); + }, + /** + * Delete all rules + * @method deleteRules + */ + deleteRules: function() { + var defLength = this.cssStyleSheet().rules.length; + while (defLength--) { + this.deleteRule(0); + } + }, + _ruleAction: function(inAction, inArgs) { + var styleSheet = this.cssStyleSheet(); + var lastIndex = inArgs.length - 1; + //set default index + inArgs[lastIndex] = this._defRuleIndex(styleSheet, inArgs[lastIndex]); + styleSheet[inAction + 'Rule'].apply(styleSheet, inArgs); + return this._defRuleIndex(styleSheet, null); + }, + _defRuleIndex: function(inStyleSheet, inIndex) { + var rules = inStyleSheet.rules ||inStyleSheet.cssRules; + return inIndex == null ? rules.length : inIndex; + }, + _createStyleNode: function() { + var styleNode = document.createElement("style"); + styleNode.type = "text/css"; + styleNode.id = "nx-style"; + (document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement).appendChild(styleNode); + return styleNode; + }, + _getCSSStyleSheetInstance: function(inStyleNode) { + var styleSheets = document.styleSheets, + key, + sheet = null; + for (key in styleSheets) { + sheet = styleSheets[key]; + if (sheet.ownerNode === inStyleNode) { + break; + } + } + return sheet; + }, + _attachDocumentListeners: function(name) { + var documentListeners = this._documentListeners; + if (!(name in documentListeners)) { + var self = this; + var listener = documentListeners[name] = function(event) { + self.fire(name, event); + }; + + document.addEventListener(name, listener); + } + } + } + }); +})(nx); +(function (nx) { + var global = nx.global; + var Binding = nx.Binding; + var Collection = nx.data.Collection; + var Document = nx.dom.Document; + + function extractBindingExpression(value) { + if (nx.is(value, 'String')) { + var start = value.indexOf('{'); + var end = value.indexOf('}'); + + if (start >= 0 && end > start) { + return value.slice(start + 1, end); + } + } + + return null; + } + + function setProperty(target, name, value, source, owner) { + if (nx.is(value, Binding)) { + target.setBinding(name, nx.extend(value.gets(), { + bindingType: 'property' + })); + } else { + var expr = extractBindingExpression(value); + if (expr !== null) { + if (expr[0] === '#') { + target.setBinding(name, expr.slice(1) + ',bindingType=property', owner || target); + } else { + target.setBinding(name, (expr ? 'model.' + expr : 'model') + ',bindingType=property', source || target); + } + } else { + target.set(name, value); + } + } + } + + function setEvent(target, name, value, source, owner) { + if (nx.is(value, Binding)) { + target.setBinding(name, value.gets()); + } else { + var expr = extractBindingExpression(value); + if (expr !== null) { + if (expr[0] === '#') { + target.setBinding(name, expr.slice(1) + ',bindingType=event', owner || target); + } else { + target.setBinding(name, (expr ? 'model.' + expr : 'model') + ',bindingType=event', source || target); + } + } else { + target.on(name, value, owner || target); + } + } + } + + function createComponent(view, owner) { + if (view || view === 0) { + var comp; + if (nx.is(view, 'Array')) { + comp = new DOMComponent('fragment'); + + nx.each(view, function (child) { + createComponent(child, owner).attach(comp); + }); + } else if (nx.is(view, 'Object')) { + var type = view.type; + if (type) { + var clazz = nx.is(type, 'String') ? nx.path(global, type) : type; + if (nx.is(clazz, 'Function')) { + comp = new clazz(); + } else { + throw new Error('Component "' + type + '" is not defined.'); + } + } else { + comp = new DOMComponent(view.tag || 'div'); + } + + var name = view.name; + var props = view.props; + var events = view.events; + var content = view.content; + + if (name) { + comp.register('@name', name); + } + + if (owner) { + comp.owner(owner); + } + + nx.each(events, function (value, name) { + setEvent(comp, name, value, comp, owner); + }); + + nx.each(props, function (value, name) { + if (nx.is(value, 'Array')) { + nx.each(value, function (item) { + if (nx.is(item, 'Object')) { + item.__owner__ = owner; + } + }); + } + + if (nx.is(value, 'Object')) { + value.__owner__ = owner; + } + + setProperty(comp, name, value, comp, owner); + }); + + if (content !== undefined) { + setProperty(comp, 'content', content, comp, owner); + } + } else { + comp = new DOMComponent('text', view); + } + + return comp; + } + + return null; + } + + /** + * @class Collection + * @namespace nx.ui + * @extends nx.Observable + */ + var AbstractComponent = nx.define('nx.ui.AbstractComponent', nx.Observable, { + abstract: true, + statics: { + /** + * Create component by json view. + * @method createComponent + * @static + */ + createComponent: createComponent + }, + events: ['enter', 'leave', 'contententer', 'contentleave'], + properties: { + /** + * @property count + * @type {nx.data.Collection} + */ + content: { + get: function () { + return this._content; + }, + set: function (value) { + nx.each(this._content.toArray(), function (c) { + c.destroy(); + }); + if (nx.is(value, AbstractComponent)) { + value.attach(this); + } else if (nx.is(value, 'Array')) { + nx.each(value, function (v) { + createComponent(v, this.owner()).attach(this); + }, this); + } else if (value || value === 0) { + createComponent(value, this.owner()).attach(this); + } + } + }, + /** + * @property model + * @type {Any} + */ + model: { + get: function () { + return this._model_was_set ? this._model : this._inheritedModel; + }, + set: function (value, inherited) { + if (inherited && this._model_was_set) { + return false; + } + + if (inherited) { + this._inheritedModel = value; + } else { + this._model = value; + this._model_was_set = true; + } + + this._content.each(function (c) { + if (!nx.is(c, 'String')) { + c.model(value, true); + } + }); + } + }, + /** + * @property owner + * @type {nx.ui.AbstractComponent} + */ + owner: { + value: null + }, + /** + * @property parent + * @type {nx.ui.AbstractComponent} + */ + parent: { + value: null + } + }, + methods: { + init: function () { + this.inherited(); + this._resources = {}; + this._content = new Collection(); + }, + /** + * Attach the component to parent. + * @method attach + * @param parent + * @param index + */ + attach: function (parent, index) { + this.detach(); + + if (nx.is(parent, AbstractComponent)) { + var name = this.resolve('@name'); + var owner = this.owner() || parent; + + if (name) { + owner.register(name, this); + } + + this.onAttach(parent, index); + parent.onChildAttach(this, index); + + if (index >= 0) { + parent.content().insert(this, index); + } else { + parent.content().add(this); + } + + this.parent(parent); + this.owner(owner); + parent.fire('contententer', { + content: this, + owner: owner + }); + this.fire('enter', { + parent: parent, + owner: owner + }); + + this._attached = true; + } + }, + /** + * Detach the component from parent. + * @method detach + */ + detach: function () { + if (this._attached) { + var name = this.resolve('@name'); + var owner = this.owner(); + var parent = this.parent(); + + if (name) { + owner.unregister(name); + } + + this.onDetach(parent); + parent.onChildDetach(this); + parent.content().remove(this); + this.parent(null); + this.owner(null); + parent.fire('contentleave', { + content: this, + owner: owner + }); + this.fire('leave', { + parent: parent, + owner: owner + }); + this._attached = false; + } + }, + /** + * Register a resource. + * @method register + * @param name + * @param value + * @param force + */ + register: function (name, value, force) { + var resources = this._resources; + if (resources && !(name in resources) || force) { + resources[name] = value; + } + }, + /** + * Unregister a resource. + * @method unregister + * @param name + */ + unregister: function (name) { + var resources = this._resources; + if (resources && name in resources) { + delete resources[name]; + } + }, + /** + * Resolve a resource. + * @method resolve + * @param name + * @returns {Any} + */ + resolve: function (name) { + var resources = this._resources; + if (resources && name in resources) { + return resources[name]; + } + }, + /** + * Get the container for component. + * @method getContainer + * @param comp + * @returns {nx.dom.Element} + */ + getContainer: function (comp) { + if (this.resolve('@tag') === 'fragment') { + var parent = this.parent(); + if (parent) { + return parent.getContainer(comp); + } + } + + return this.resolve('@root'); + }, + /** + * Dispose the component. + * @method dispose + */ + dispose: function () { + this.inherited(); + if (this._content) { + this._content.each(function (content) { + content.dispose(); + }); + } + + this._resources = null; + this._content = null; + this._model = null; + this._inheritedModel = null; + this.dispose = function () {}; + }, + /** + * Destroy the component. + * @method destroy + */ + destroy: function () { + this.detach(); + this.inherited(); + }, + /** + * Template method for component attach. + * @method onAttach + */ + onAttach: function (parent, index) {}, + /** + * Template method for component detach. + * @method onDetach + */ + onDetach: function (parent) {}, + /** + * Template method for child component attach. + * @method onChildAttach + */ + onChildAttach: function (child, index) {}, + /** + * Template method for child component detach. + * @method onChildDetach + */ + onChildDetach: function (child) {} + } + }); + + /** + * @class CssClass + * @extends nx.Observable + * @internal + */ + var CssClass = nx.define(nx.Observable, { + methods: { + init: function (comp) { + this.inherited(); + this._comp = comp; + this._classList = []; + }, + has: function (name) { + return name in this._classList; + }, + get: function (name) { + return this._classList[name]; + }, + set: function (name, value) { + this._classList[name] = value; + this._comp.resolve('@root').set('class', this._classList.join(' ')); + }, + hasClass: function (name) { + return this._classList.indexOf(name) >= 0; + }, + addClass: function (name) { + if (!this.hasClass(name)) { + this._classList.push(name); + this._comp.resolve('@root').set('class', this._classList.join(' ')); + } + }, + removeClass: function (name) { + var index = this._classList.indexOf(name); + if (index >= 0) { + this._classList.splice(index, 1); + this._comp.resolve('@root').set('class', this._classList.join(' ')); + } + }, + toggleClass: function (name) { + var index = this._classList.indexOf(name); + if (index >= 0) { + this._classList.splice(index, 1); + } else { + this._classList.push(name); + } + + this._comp.resolve('@root').set('class', this._classList.join(' ')); + }, + dispose: function () { + this.inherited(); + this._comp = null; + this._classList = null; + } + } + }); + + /** + * @class CssStyle + * @extends nx.Observable + * @internal + */ + var CssStyle = nx.define(nx.Observable, { + methods: { + init: function (comp) { + this.inherited(); + this._comp = comp; + }, + get: function (name) { + return this._comp.resolve('@root').getStyle(name); + }, + set: function (name, value) { + this._comp.resolve('@root').setStyle(name, value); + }, + dispose: function () { + this.inherited(); + this._comp = null; + } + } + }); + + /** + * @class DOMComponent + * @extends nx.ui.AbstractComponent + * @internal + */ + var DOMComponent = nx.define(AbstractComponent, { + final: true, + events: ['generated'], + properties: { + /** + * @property class + * @type {CssClass} + */ + 'class': { + get: function () { + return this._class; + }, + set: function (value) { + var cssClass = this._class; + if (nx.is(value, 'Array')) { + nx.each(value, function (item, index) { + setProperty(cssClass, '' + index, item, this, value.__owner__ || this.owner()); + }, this); + } else if (nx.is(value, 'Object')) { + if (value.add) { + this._class.addClass(value.add); + } + if (value.remove) { + this._class.addClass(value.remove); + } + if (value.toggle) { + this._class.addClass(value.toggle); + } + } else { + this.resolve('@root').set('class', value); + } + } + }, + /** + * @property style + * @type {CssStyle} + */ + style: { + get: function () { + return this._style; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (nx.is(value, 'Object')) { + var cssStyle = this._style; + nx.each(value, function (v, k) { + setProperty(cssStyle, k, v, this, value.__owner__ || this.owner()); + }, this); + } else { + this.resolve('@root').set('style', value); + } + } + }, + /** + * @property template + */ + template: { + get: function () { + return this._template; + }, + set: function (value) { + this._template = value; + this._generateContent(); + } + }, + /** + * @property items + */ + items: { + get: function () { + return this._items; + }, + set: function (value) { + var items = this._items; + if (items && items.off) { + items.off('change', this._onItemsChange, this); + } + items = this._items = value; + if (items && items.on) { + items.on('change', this._onItemsChange, this); + } + + this._generateContent(); + } + }, + /** + * @property value + */ + value: { + get: function () { + return this.resolve('@root').get('value'); + }, + set: function (value) { + return this.resolve('@root').set('value', value); + }, + binding: { + direction: '<>' + } + }, + /** + * @property states + */ + states: { + value: null + }, + /** + * @property dom + */ + dom: { + get: function () { + return this.resolve('@root'); + } + } + }, + methods: { + init: function (tag, text) { + this.inherited(); + this._domListeners = {}; + this._resources = {}; + this._content = new Collection(); + this._class = new CssClass(this); + this._style = new CssStyle(this); + + if (tag) { + var tokens = tag.split(':'); + if (tokens.length === 2) { + var ns = tokens[0]; + tag = tokens[1]; + this.register('@ns', ns); + this.register('@root', Document.createElementNS(ns, tag)); + } else if (tag === 'text') { + this.register('@root', Document.createText(text)); + } else if (tag === 'fragment') { + this.register('@root', Document.createFragment()); + } else { + this.register('@root', Document.createElement(tag)); + } + + this.register('@tag', tag); + } + + //Temp + switch (tag) { + case 'input': + case 'textarea': + this.on('change', function (sender, event) { + switch (event.target.type) { + case 'checkbox': + case 'radio': + this.notify('checked'); + break; + default: + this.notify('value'); + break; + } + }, this); + this.on('input', function (sender, event) { + this.notify('value'); + }, this); + break; + case 'select': + this.on('change', function (sender, event) { + this.notify('selectedIndex'); + this.notify('value'); + }, this); + break; + } + }, + get: function (name) { + if (this.has(name) || name.indexOf(':') >= 0) { + return this.inherited(name); + } else { + return this.resolve('@root').get(name); + } + }, + set: function (name, value) { + if (this.has(name) || name.indexOf(':') >= 0) { + this.inherited(name, value); + } else { + this.resolve('@root').set(name, value); + this.notify(name); + } + }, + on: function (name, handler, context) { + this._attachDomListener(name); + return this.inherited(name, handler, context); + }, + upon: function (name, handler, context) { + this._attachDomListener(name); + return this.inherited(name, handler, context); + }, + dispose: function () { + var root = this.resolve('@root'); + if (root) { + nx.each(this._domListeners, function (listener, name) { + if (name.charAt(0) === ':') { + root.removeEventListener(name.slice(1), listener, true); + } else { + root.removeEventListener(name, listener); + } + }); + } + this.items(null); + this._class.dispose(); + this._style.dispose(); + this.inherited(); + this._domListeners = null; + }, + onAttach: function (parent, index) { + var root = this.resolve('@root'); + if (root) { + var container = parent.getContainer(this); + + if (index >= 0) { + var ref = parent.content().getItem(index); + + if (ref && ref.resolve('@tag') === 'fragment') { + ref = ref.content().getItem(0); + } + + if (ref) { + container.insertBefore(root, ref.resolve('@root')); + } else { + container.appendChild(root); + } + } else { + container.appendChild(root); + } + + var states = this.states(); + var enterState = null; + if (states) { + enterState = states.enter; + } + + if (enterState) { + var cssText = root.$dom.style.cssText; + var transition = 'all ' + (enterState.duration || 500) + 'ms'; + root.setStyles(nx.extend({ + transition: transition + }, enterState)); + this.upon('transitionend', function () { + root.removeStyle('transition'); + }); + setTimeout(function () { + root.$dom.style.cssText = cssText + ';transition: ' + transition; + }, 10); + } + } + }, + onDetach: function (parent) { + var root = this.resolve('@root'); + if (root) { + var tag = this.resolve('@tag'); + var self = this; + + if (tag === 'fragment') { + nx.each(self.content(), function (child) { + root.appendChild(child.resolve('@root')); + }); + } else { + var states = this.states(); + var leaveState = null; + if (states) { + leaveState = states.leave; + } + + if (leaveState) { + var cssText = root.$dom.style.cssText; + var transition = 'all ' + (leaveState.duration || 500) + 'ms'; + root.setStyle('transition', transition); + setTimeout(function () { + root.setStyles(leaveState); + }, 10); + this.upon('transitionend', function () { + root.$dom.style.cssText = cssText; + parent.getContainer(this).removeChild(root); + }); + } else { + parent.getContainer(this).removeChild(root); + } + } + } + }, + _attachDomListener: function (name) { + var domListeners = this._domListeners; + if (!(name in domListeners)) { + var self = this; + var root = this.resolve('@root'); + var listener = domListeners[name] = function (event) { + self.fire(name, event); + }; + + if (name.charAt(0) === ':') { + root.addEventListener(name.slice(1), listener, true); + } else { + root.addEventListener(name, listener); + } + } + }, + _generateContent: function () { + var template = this._template; + var items = this._items; + nx.each(this._content.toArray(), function (c) { + c.detach(); + setTimeout(function () { + c.dispose(); + }, 600); + }); + + if (template && items) { + nx.each(items, function (item) { + var comp = createComponent(template, this.owner()); + comp.model(item); + comp.attach(this); + }, this); + + this.fire('generated'); + } + }, + _onItemsChange: function (sender, event) { + var template = this._template; + var action = event.action; + var index = event.index; + index = index >= 0 ? index : -1; + if (action === 'add') { + nx.each(event.items, function (item, i) { + var comp = createComponent(template, this.owner()); + comp.model(item); + comp.attach(this, index + i); + }, this); + } else if (action === 'remove') { + nx.each(event.items, function (item) { + nx.each(this.content().toArray(), function (comp) { + if (comp.model() === item) { + comp.detach(); + } + }, this); + }, this); + } else if (action === 'replace') { + // XXX no need to handle if bind to model.value + } else if (action === 'sort') { + var comparator = event.comparator; + var sortedContent = this.content().toArray().sort(function (a, b) { + return comparator(a.model(), b.model()); + }); + + nx.each(sortedContent, function (comp) { + comp.attach(this); + }, this); + } else { + this._generateContent(); + } + } + } + }); +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + var AbstractComponent = nx.ui.AbstractComponent; + + /** + * @class Component + * @namespace nx.ui + * @extends nx.ui.AbstractComponent + */ + nx.define('nx.ui.Component', AbstractComponent, { + properties: { + model: { + get: function () { + return this._model === undefined ? this._inheritedModel : this._model; + }, + set: function (value, inherited) { + if (inherited) { + this._inheritedModel = value; + } else { + this._model = value; + } + + var view = this.view(); + if (view) { + view.model(value, true); + } + + var content = this._content; + if (content) { + content.each(function (c) { + if (!nx.is(c, 'String')) { + c.model(value, true); + } + }); + } + } + }, + 'class': { + get: function () { + return this.view().get('class'); + }, + set: function (value) { + this.view().set('class', value); + } + }, + style: { + get: function () { + return this.view().style(); + }, + set: function (value) { + this.view().style(value); + } + }, + dom: { + get: function () { + return this.resolve('@root'); + } + } + }, + methods: { + init: function () { + this.inherited(); + var view = this['@view']; + if (nx.is(view, 'Function')) { + var cls = this.constructor; + var superView; + while (cls) { + cls = cls.__super__; + superView = cls['@view']; + if (superView) { + break; + } + } + view = view.call(this, nx.clone(superView, true)); + } + + if (view) { + var comp = AbstractComponent.createComponent(view, this); + this.register('@root', comp.resolve('@root')); + this.register('@tag', comp.resolve('@tag')); + this.register('@comp', comp); + } + }, + view: function (name) { + return this.resolve(name || '@comp'); + }, + get: function (name) { + if (this.has(name)) { + return this.inherited(name); + } else { + return this.view().get(name); + } + }, + set: function (name, value) { + if (this.has(name)) { + this.inherited(name, value); + } else { + this.view().set(name, value); + this.notify(name); + } + }, + onAttach: function (parent, index) { + this.view().onAttach(parent, index); + }, + onDetach: function () { + this.view().onDetach(this.parent()); + }, + on: function (name, handler, context) { + if (this.can(name)) { + return this.inherited(name, handler, context); + } else { + return this.view().on(name, handler, context); + } + }, + upon: function (name, handler, context) { + if (this.can(name)) { + this.inherited(name, handler, context); + } else { + this.view().upon(name, handler, context); + } + }, + off: function (name, handler, context) { + if (this.can(name)) { + this.inherited(name, handler, context); + } else { + this.view().off(name, handler, context); + } + }, + dispose: function () { + var comp = this.view(); + if (comp) { + comp.dispose(); + } + + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); +})(nx); + +(function (nx) { + var global = nx.global; + var Document = nx.dom.Document; + + /** + * @class Application + * @namespace nx.ui + * @extends nx.ui.AbstractComponent + */ + nx.define('nx.ui.Application', nx.ui.AbstractComponent, { + properties: { + container: {} + }, + methods: { + init: function () { + this.inherited(); + var startFn = this.start; + var stopFn = this.stop; + var self = this; + this.start = function (options) { + Document.ready(function () { + nx.app = self; + startFn.call(self, options); + }); + return this; + }; + + this.stop = function () { + nx.app = null; + stopFn.call(self); + }; + + this._globalListeners = {}; + }, + /** + * Start the application. + * @method start + */ + start: function () { + throw new Error('Method "start" is not implemented'); + }, + /** + * Stop the application. + * @method stop + */ + stop: function () { + throw new Error('Method "stop" is not implemented'); + }, + getContainer: function () { + if (this.container()) { + return new nx.dom.Element(this.container()); + } else { + return Document.body(); + } + + }, + on: function (name, handler, context) { + if (!this.can(name)) { + this._attachGlobalListeners(name); + } + + return this.inherited(name, handler, context); + }, + upon: function (name, handler, context) { + if (!this.can(name)) { + this._attachGlobalListeners(name); + } + + this.inherited(name, handler, context); + }, + _attachGlobalListeners: function (name) { + var globalListeners = this._globalListeners; + if (!(name in globalListeners)) { + var self = this; + var listener = globalListeners[name] = function (event) { + self.fire(name, event); + }; + + window.addEventListener(name, listener); + } + } + } + }); +})(nx); + +(function (nx, global) { + + nx.define("nx.util", { + static: true, + methods: { + uuid: function () { + return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { + var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, + v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); + return v.toString(16); + }).toUpperCase(); + }, + without: function (array, item) { + var index; + while ((index = array.indexOf(item)) != -1) { + array.splice(index, 1); + } + return array; + }, + find: function (array, iterator, context) { + var result; + array.some(function (value, index, list) { + if (iterator.call(context || this, value, index, list)) { + result = value; + return true; + } + }); + return result; + }, + uniq: function (array, iterator, context) { + var initial = iterator ? array.map(iterator.bind(context || this)) : array; + var results = []; + nx.each(initial, function (value, index) { + if (results.indexOf(value) == -1) { + results.push(array[index]); + } + }); + return results; + }, + indexOf: function (array, item) { + return array.indexOf(item); + }, + setProperty: function (source, key, value, owner) { + if (value !== undefined) { + if (nx.is(value, 'String')) { + if (value.substr(0, 5) == 'model') { // directly target'bind model + source.setBinding(key, value + ',direction=<>', source); + } else if (value.substr(0, 2) == '{#') { // bind owner's property + source.setBinding(key, 'owner.' + value.substring(2, value.length - 1) + ',direction=<>', owner); + } else if (value.substr(0, 1) == '{') { // bind owner's model + source.setBinding(key, 'owner.model.' + value.substring(1, value.length - 1), owner); + } else { + source.set(key, value); + } + } else { + source.set(key, value); + } + } + }, + loadScript: function (url, callback) { + var script = document.createElement("script"); + script.type = "text/javascript"; + + if (script.readyState) { //IE + script.onreadystatechange = function () { + if (script.readyState == "loaded" || + script.readyState == "complete") { + script.onreadystatechange = null; + callback(); + } + }; + } else { //Others + script.onload = function () { + callback(); + }; + } + script.src = url; + document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); + }, + parseURL: function (url) { + var a = document.createElement('a'); + a.href = url; + return { + source: url, + protocol: a.protocol.replace(':', ''), + host: a.hostname, + port: a.port, + query: a.search, + params: (function () { + var ret = {}, + seg = a.search.replace(/^\?/, '').split('&'), + len = seg.length, + i = 0, + s; + for (; i < len; i++) { + if (!seg[i]) { + continue; + } + s = seg[i].split('='); + ret[s[0]] = s[1]; + } + return ret; + })(), + file: (a.pathname.match(/\/([^\/?#]+)$/i) || [, ''])[1], + hash: a.hash.replace('#', ''), + path: a.pathname.replace(/^([^\/])/, '/$1'), + relative: (a.href.match(/tps?:\/\/[^\/]+(.+)/) || [, ''])[1], + segments: a.pathname.replace(/^\//, '').split('/') + }; + }, + keys: function (obj) { + return Object.keys(obj); + }, + values: function (obj) { + var values = []; + for (var key in obj) { + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + values.push(obj[key]); + } + } + return values; + }, + boundHitTest: function (sourceBound, targetBound) { + var t = targetBound.top >= sourceBound.top && targetBound.top <= ((sourceBound.top + sourceBound.height)), + l = targetBound.left >= sourceBound.left && targetBound.left <= (sourceBound.left + sourceBound.width), + b = (sourceBound.top + sourceBound.height) >= (targetBound.top + targetBound.height) && (targetBound.top + targetBound.height) >= sourceBound.top, + r = (sourceBound.left + sourceBound.width) >= (targetBound.left + targetBound.width) && (targetBound.left + targetBound.width) >= sourceBound.left, + hm = sourceBound.top >= targetBound.top && (sourceBound.top + sourceBound.height) <= (targetBound.top + targetBound.height), + vm = sourceBound.left >= targetBound.left && (sourceBound.left + sourceBound.width) <= (targetBound.left + targetBound.width); + + return (t && l) || (b && r) || (t && r) || (b && l) || (t && vm) || (b && vm) || (l && hm) || (r && hm); + }, + isFirefox: function () { + return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > 0; + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + + nx.util.query = (function () { + var i, + internal = { + publics: { + select: function (array, selector) { + var rslt = []; + if ($.isArray(array) && $.isFunction(selector)) { + var i, item; + for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + item = array[i]; + if (selector(item)) { + rslt.push(item); + } + } + } + return rslt; + }, + group: function (array, grouper) { + var map; + if ($.isFunction(grouper)) { + map = {}; + var i, id, group; + for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + id = grouper(array[i]); + if (!id || typeof id !== "string") { + continue; + } + group = map[id] = map[id] || []; + group.push(array[i]); + } + } else { + map = array; + } + return map; + }, + aggregate: function (array, aggregater) { + var rslt = null, key; + if ($.isFunction(aggregater)) { + if ($.isArray(array)) { + rslt = aggregater(array); + } else { + rslt = []; + for (key in array) { + rslt.push(aggregater(array[key], key)); + } + } + } + return rslt; + } + }, + privates: { + aggregate: function (array, args) { + var rslt, grouper = null, aggregater = null; + // get original identfier and aggregater + if ($.isArray(args)) { + if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === "function") { + aggregater = args.pop(); + } + grouper = (args.length > 1 ? args : args[0]); + } else { + grouper = args.map; + aggregater = args.aggregate; + } + // translate grouper into function if possible + if (typeof grouper === "string") { + grouper = grouper.replace(/\s/g, "").split(","); + } + if ($.isArray(grouper) && grouper[0] && typeof grouper[0] === "string") { + grouper = (function (keys) { + return function (obj) { + var i, o = {}; + for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + o[keys[i]] = obj[keys[i]]; + } + return JSON.stringify(o); + }; + })(grouper); + } + // do map aggregate + rslt = internal.publics.aggregate(internal.publics.group(array, grouper), aggregater); + return rslt; + }, + mapping: function (array, mapper) { + var i, rslt; + if (mapper === true) { + rslt = EXPORT.clone(array); + } else if ($.isFunction(mapper)) { + if ($.isArray(array)) { + rslt = []; + for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + rslt.push(mapper(array[i], i)); + } + } else { + rslt = mapper(array, 0); + } + } else { + if ($.isArray(array)) { + rslt = array.slice(); + } else { + rslt = array; + } + } + return rslt; + }, + orderby: function (array, comparer) { + if (typeof comparer === "string") { + comparer = comparer.replace(/^\s*(.*)$/, "$1").replace(/\s*$/, "").replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ",").split(","); + } + if ($.isArray(comparer) && comparer[0] && typeof comparer[0] === "string") { + comparer = (function (keys) { + return function (o1, o2) { + var i, key, desc; + if (!o1 && !o2) { + return 0; + } + for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + key = keys[i]; + desc = /\sdesc$/.test(key); + key = key.replace(/(\s+desc|\s+asc)$/, ""); + if (o1[key] > o2[key]) { + return desc ? -1 : 1; + } else if (o2[key] > o1[key]) { + return desc ? 1 : -1; + } + } + return 0; + }; + })(comparer); + } + if (comparer && typeof comparer === "function") { + array.sort(comparer); + } + return array; + } + }, + query: function (array, options) { + /** + * @doctype MarkDown + * options: + * - options.array [any*] + * - the target array + * - options.select: function(any){return boolean;} + * - *optional* + * - pre-filter of the array + * - options.aggregate: {grouper:grouper,aggregater:aggregater} or [proplist, aggregater] or [prop, prop, ..., aggregater] + * - *optional* + * - proplist: "prop,prop,..." + * - prop: property name on array items + * - grouper: map an array item into a string key + * - aggregater: function(mapped){return aggregated} + * - options.mapping: function(item){return newitem} + * - *optional* + * - options.orderby: proplist or [prop, prop, ...] + * - *optional* + */ + if (arguments.length == 1) { + options = array; + array = options.array; + } + if (!array) { + return array; + } + if (options.select) { + array = internal.publics.select(array, options.select); + } + if (options.aggregate) { + array = internal.privates.aggregate(array, options.aggregate); + } + if (options.mapping) { + array = internal.privates.mapping(array, options.mapping); + } + if (options.orderby) { + array = internal.privates.orderby(array, options.orderby); + } + return array; + } + }; + for (i in internal.publics) { + internal.query[i] = internal.publics[i]; + } + return internal.query; + })(); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, util) { + /** + * @link http://webstuff.nfshost.com/anim-timing/Overview.html + * @link https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.requestAnimationFrame + * @link http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/requestanimationframe-implementation + */ + var requestAnimationFrame = (function () { + return window.requestAnimationFrame || + window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || + window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || + window.oRequestAnimationFrame || + window.msRequestAnimationFrame || + function (callback) { + return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); + }; + })(), cancelAnimationFrame = (function () { + return window.cancelAnimationFrame || + window.cancelRequestAnimationFrame || + window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || + window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || + window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || + window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame || + window.msCancelAnimationFrame || + window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame || + window.oCancelAnimationFrame || + window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame || + window.clearTimeout; + })(); + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Animation', { + statics: { + requestAnimationFrame: requestAnimationFrame, + cancelAnimationFrame: cancelAnimationFrame + }, + events: ['complete'], + properties: { + callback: { + set: function (value) { + this._callback = value; + this.createAnimation(); + if (this.autoStart()) { + this.start(); + } + }, + get: function () { + return this._callback || function () { + }; + } + }, + duration: { + value: 1000 + }, + interval: { + value: 1000 / 60 + }, + autoStart: { + value: false + }, + complete: { + value: function () { + return function () { + }; + } + }, + context: { + value: this + } + }, + methods: { + init: function (opts, args) { + this.inherited(arguments); + this.sets(opts); + }, + + createAnimation: function () { + var self = this; + var callback = this.callback(); + var duration = this.duration(); + var interval = this.interval(); + var startTime, progress, id, timestamp, lastTime = 0; + this.fn = function () { + timestamp = +new Date(); + if (!startTime) { + startTime = +new Date(); + progress = 0; + } else { + if (!duration) { + progress = 0; + } else { + progress = (timestamp - startTime) / duration; + } + } + if (progress >= 1 || (timestamp - lastTime) >= interval) { + lastTime = timestamp; + if (progress > 1) { + progress = 1; + } + if (callback.call(self.context(), progress) === false) { + //break when user return false + duration = 1; + self._completeFN(); + } + + } + if (progress < 1) { + self.ani_id = requestAnimationFrame(self.fn); + } else if (progress == 1) { + self._completeFN(); + } + }; + }, + + start: function () { + this.ani_id = requestAnimationFrame(this.fn); + }, + stop: function () { + cancelAnimationFrame(this.ani_id); + }, + _completeFN: function () { + this.complete().call(this.context()); + this.stop(); + this.fire("complete"); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.util); + + + +(function (nx,global) { + var zIndex = 1000; + /** + * Popup z-index mamager + * @class nx.widget.ZIndexManager + * @static + */ + nx.define('nx.widget.ZIndexManager',null,{ + static: true, + methods: { + getIndex: function () { + return zIndex++; + } + } + }); +}(nx,nx.global)); +(function(nx, global) { + var Container; + (function() { + if (nx && nx.ui && !Container) { + Container = nx.define(nx.ui.Component, { + view: { + props: { + 'class': 'nx n-popupContainer', + style: { + 'position': 'absolute', + 'top': '0px', + 'left': '0px' + + } + } + } + }); + + /** + * Popup container + * @class nx.ui.PopupContainer + * @static + */ + + nx.define("nx.ui.PopupContainer", { + static: true, + properties: { + container: { + value: function() { + return new Container(); + } + } + }, + methods: { + addPopup: function(popup) { + this.container().view().dom().appendChild(popup.view().dom()); + } + } + }); + } + + if (document.body && nx && nx.ui) { + if (document.body.firstChild) { + document.body.insertBefore(nx.ui.PopupContainer.container().view().dom().$dom, document.body.firstChild); + } else { + document.body.appendChild(nx.ui.PopupContainer.container().view().dom().$dom); + } + } else { + setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); + } + })(); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + var Container = nx.ui.PopupContainer; + + /** + * Base popup class + * @class nx.ui.Popup + * @extend nx.ui.Component + */ + nx.define("nx.ui.Popup", nx.ui.Component, { + events: ['open', 'close'], + view: { + props: { + style: "position:absolute", + tabindex: -1 + }, + events: { + blur: function (sender, evt) { + // this.close(); + } + } + }, + properties: { + /** + * @property target + */ + target: { + value: document + }, + /** + * [bottom,top,left,right] + * @property direction + */ + direction: { + value: "auto" //[bottom,top,left,right] + }, + /** + * @property width + */ + width: { + value: null + }, + /** + * @property height + */ + height: { + value: null + }, + /** + * @property offset + */ + offset: { + value: 0 + }, + /** + * @property offsetX + */ + offsetX: { + value: 0 + }, + /** + * @property offsetY + */ + offsetY: { + value: 0 + }, + /** + * @property align + */ + align: { + value: false + }, + /** + * @property position + */ + position: { + value: 'absolute' + }, + /** + * @property location + */ + location: { + value: "outer" // outer inner + }, + /** + * @property listenResize + */ + listenResize: { + value: false + }, + /** + * @property lazyClose + */ + lazyClose: { + value: false + }, + /** + * @property pin + */ + pin: { + value: false + }, + /** + * @property registeredPositionMap + */ + registeredPositionMap: { + value: function () { + return {}; + } + }, + scrollClose: { + value: false + } + }, + methods: { + + init: function (inPros) { + this.inherited(inPros); + this.sets(inPros); + this._defaultConfig = this.gets(); + }, + attach: function (args) { + this.inherited(args); + this.appendToPopupContainer(); + }, + appendToPopupContainer: function () { + if (!this._appended) { + Container.addPopup(this); + this._delayCloseEvent(); + this._listenResizeEvent(); + this._appended = true; + this._closed = false; + } + }, + /** + * Open popup + * @method open + * @param args {Object} config + */ + open: function (args) { + this._clearTimeout(); + + + var left = 0; + var top = 0; + + var root = this.view().dom(); + + this.sets(args || {}); + + + this._resetOffset(args); + var prevPosition = root.get("data-nx-popup-direction"); + if (prevPosition) { + root.removeClass(prevPosition); + } + this.appendToPopupContainer(); + + + //process target + + var target = this.target(); + var targetSize = { + width: 0, + height: 0 + }; + + if (target.resolve && target.view) { + target = target.view(); + } + + // if target is a point {x:Number,y:Number} + if (target.x !== undefined && target.y !== undefined) { + left = target.x; + top = target.y; + } else if (target != document) { + var elOffset = target.getOffset(); + left = elOffset.left; + top = elOffset.top; + targetSize = target.getBound(); + } else { + left = 0; + top = 0; + } + + + //process + var width = this.width(); + var height = this.height(); + if (this.align()) { + width = targetSize.width || 0; + } + + if (width) { + root.setStyle('width', width); + root.setStyle("max-width", width); + this.width(width); + } + + if (height) { + root.setStyle('height', height); + } + + root.setStyle("display", "block"); + + + //process position + + left += this.offsetX(); + top += this.offsetY(); + + + var popupSize = this._popupSize = root.getBound(); + var offset = this.offset(); + var innerPositionMap = { + "outer": { + bottom: { + left: left, + top: top + targetSize.height + offset + }, + top: { + left: left, + top: top - popupSize.height - offset + }, + right: { + left: left + targetSize.width + offset, + top: top + }, + left: { + left: left - popupSize.width - offset, + top: top + } + + }, + "inner": { + bottom: { + left: left + targetSize.width / 2 - popupSize.width / 2 + offset, + top: top + }, + top: { + left: left + targetSize.width / 2 - popupSize.width / 2, + top: top + targetSize.height - popupSize.height - offset + }, + left: { + left: left + targetSize.width - popupSize.width - offset, + top: top + targetSize.height / 2 - popupSize.height / 2 + }, + right: { + left: left + offset, + top: top + targetSize.height / 2 - popupSize.height / 2 + } + + }, + "tooltip": { + "bottom": { + left: left + targetSize.width / 2 - popupSize.width / 2, + top: top + targetSize.height + offset + 2 + }, + "bottom-left": { + left: left - 22, + top: top + targetSize.height + offset + 2 + }, + "bottom-right": { + left: left + targetSize.width - popupSize.width + 22, + top: top + targetSize.height + offset + 2 + }, + "top": { + left: left + targetSize.width / 2 - popupSize.width / 2, + top: top - popupSize.height - offset - 2 + }, + "top-left": { + left: left - 22, + top: top - popupSize.height - offset - 2 + }, + "top-right": { + left: left + targetSize.width / 2 - popupSize.width / 2 + 22, + top: top - popupSize.height - offset - 2 + }, + "right": { + left: left + targetSize.width + offset + 2, + top: top + targetSize.height / 2 - popupSize.height / 2 + }, + "right-top": { + left: left + targetSize.width + offset + 2, + top: top <= 0 ? 0 : top - 22 + }, + "right-bottom": { + left: left + targetSize.width + offset + 2, + top: top + targetSize.height - popupSize.height + }, + "left": { + left: left - popupSize.width - offset - 2, + top: top + targetSize.height / 2 - popupSize.height / 2 + }, + "left-top": { + left: left - popupSize.width - offset - 2, + top: top <= 0 ? 0 : top - 22 + }, + "left-bottom": { + left: left - popupSize.width - offset - 2, + top: top + targetSize.height - popupSize.height + } + } + }; + + + var location = this.location(); + this._directionMap = innerPositionMap[location]; + + + var direction = this.direction(); + if (direction === null || direction == "auto") { + direction = this._hitTest(); + } + if (!direction) { + direction = "bottom"; + } + var positionObj = this._directionMap[direction]; + root.setStyles({ + "top": positionObj.top, + "left": positionObj.left, + "position": "position", + "z-index": nx.widget.ZIndexManager.getIndex(), + 'display': 'block' + + }); + //position.setSize(this,popupSize); + + root.set("data-nx-popup-direction", direction); + root.addClass("popup"); + root.addClass(direction); + root.addClass("in"); + this.fire("open"); + this.dom().$dom.focus(); + }, + /** + * close popup + * @method close + * @param force + */ + close: function (force) { + + this._clearTimeout(); + + var root = this.view().dom(); + + if (this.pin()) { + return; + } + + if (force || !this.lazyClose()) { + this._closed = true; + root.removeClass('in'); + root.setStyle("display", "none"); + this.fire("close"); + } else { + this._delayClose(); + } + }, + _clearTimeout: function () { + if (this.timer) { + clearTimeout(this.timer); + } + }, + _delayClose: function () { + var self = this; + this._clearTimeout(); + this.timer = setTimeout(function () { + self.close(true); + }, 500); + }, + _delayCloseEvent: function () { + + if (this.lazyClose()) { + // this.on("mouseover", function () { + // var element = this.view().dom().$dom; + // var target = event.target; + // var related = event.relatedTarget; + // if (target && !element.contains(related) && target !== related) { + // if (this.timer) { + // clearTimeout(this.timer); + // } + // } + // }, this); + // + // this.on("mouseout", function () { + // var element = this.view().dom().$dom; + // var target = event.target; + // var related = event.relatedTarget; + // if (!element.contains(related) && target !== related) { + // clearTimeout(this.timer); + // this.close(true); + // } + // }, this); + + + this.on("mouseenter", function () { + if (this.timer) { + clearTimeout(this.timer); + } + }, this); + + this.on("mouseleave", function () { + clearTimeout(this.timer); + this.close(true); + }, this); + } + }, + _listenResizeEvent: function () { + var self = this; + var timer; + if (this.listenResize()) { + // nx.app.on('resize', function () { + // if (!this._closed) { + // if (timer) { + // clearTimeout(timer) + // } + // timer = setTimeout(function () { + // self.open(); + // }, 22); + // } + // + // }, this); + // + // + // nx.app.on('scroll', function () { + // if (timer) { + // clearTimeout(timer) + // } + // if (!this._closed) { + // timer = setTimeout(function () { + // self.open(); + // }, 22); + // } + // }, this); + + } + + + if (this.scrollClose()) { + // nx.app.on('scroll', function () { + // if (timer) { + // clearTimeout(timer) + // } + // self.close(true); + // }, this); + } + }, + _hitTest: function () { + var docRect = nx.dom.Document.docRect(); + + var keys = Object.keys(this._directionMap); + var testDirection = keys[0]; + keys.some(function (direction) { + var elementRect = { + left: this._directionMap[direction].left, + top: this._directionMap[direction].top, + width: this._popupSize.width, + height: this._popupSize.height + + }; + //make sure it visible + var resulte = elementRect.left >= docRect.scrollX && + elementRect.top >= docRect.scrollY && + elementRect.left + elementRect.width <= docRect.width + docRect.scrollX && + elementRect.top + elementRect.height <= docRect.height + docRect.scrollY; + + if (resulte) { + testDirection = direction; + return true; + } + }, this); + return testDirection; + }, + _resetOffset: function (args) { + if (args) { + // if (!args.offset) { + // this.offset(this.offset.defaultValue); + // } + // + // + // if (!args.offsetX) { + // this.offsetX(this.offsetX.defaultValue); + // } + // + // + // if (!args.offsetY) { + // this.offsetY(this.offsetY.defaultValue); + // } + } + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * UI popover class + * @class nx.ui.Popover + * @extend nx.ui.Popup + */ + nx.define("nx.ui.Popover", nx.ui.Popup, { + properties: { + /** + * Popover's title + */ + title: { + get: function () { + return this._title; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (value) { + this.view("title").dom().setStyle("display", "block"); + + } else { + this.view("title").dom().setStyle("display", "none"); + } + if (this._title != value) { + this._title = value; + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }, + location: { + value: "tooltip" + } + }, + view: { + props: { + 'class': 'popover fade', + style: { + outline: "none" + }, + tabindex: -1 + }, + events: { + blur: function (sender, evt) { + // this.close(); + } + }, + content: [{ + props: { + 'class': 'arrow' + } + }, { + tag: 'h3', + name: 'title', + props: { + 'class': 'popover-title', + style: { + display: 'none' + } + }, + content: "{#title}" + }, { + name: 'body', + props: { + 'class': 'popover-content' + } + }] + }, + methods: { + getContainer: function () { + return this.view('body').dom(); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function(nx, global) { + /** + * Global drag manager + + var Component = nx.define(nx.ui.Component, { + view: { + content: { + name: "stage", + type: 'nx.graphic.TopologyStage', + props: { + width: 600, + height: 600 + }, + content: { + name: 'a', + type: 'nx.graphic.Rect', + props: { + x: 100, + y: 10, + width: 100, + height: 100, + fill: '#f0f' + }, + events: { + 'mousedown': '{#_mousedown}', + 'dragmove': '{#_dragmove}' + } + } + } + }, + properties: { + positionX: { + value: 150 + } + }, + methods: { + _mousedown: function (sender, event) { + event.captureDrag(sender.owner()); + }, + _dragmove: function (sender, event) { + sender.set("x", sender.get("x") * 1 + event.drag.delta[0]); + sender.set("y", sender.get("y") * 1 + event.drag.delta[1]); + } + + } + }); + + + var app = new nx.ui.Application(); + var comp = new Component(); + comp.attach(app); + + + * @class nx.graphic.DragManager + * @static + * @extend nx.Observable + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.DragManager", nx.Observable, { + static: true, + properties: { + /** + * activated component. + * @property node {nx.graphic.Component} + */ + node: {}, + /** + * All coordinate will reference to this element. + * @property referrer {DOMELement} + */ + referrer: {}, + /** + * drag track + * @property track {Array} + */ + track: {}, + /** + * Dragging indicator + * @property dragging + * @type Boolean + */ + dragging: { + value: false + } + }, + methods: { + init: function() { + window.addEventListener('mousedown', this._capture_mousedown.bind(this), true); + window.addEventListener('mousemove', this._capture_mousemove.bind(this), true); + window.addEventListener('mouseup', this._capture_mouseup.bind(this), true); + window.addEventListener('touchstart', this._capture_mousedown.bind(this), true); + window.addEventListener('touchmove', this._capture_mousemove.bind(this), true); + window.addEventListener('touchend', this._capture_mouseup.bind(this), true); + + }, + /** + * Start drag event capture + * @method start + * @param evt {Event} original dom event + * @returns {function(this:nx.graphic.DragManager)} + */ + start: function(evt) { + return function(node, referrer) { + // make sure only one node can capture the "drag" event + if (node && !this.node()) { + // FIXME may not be right on global + referrer = (referrer === window || referrer === document || referrer === document.body) ? document.body : (referrer || node); + referrer = (typeof referrer.dom === "function") ? referrer.dom().$dom : referrer; + this.node(node); + this.referrer(referrer); + // track and data + var bound, track = []; + bound = referrer.getBoundingClientRect(); + this.track(track); + var pageX = (evt.touches && evt.touches.length) ? evt.touches[0].pageX : evt.pageX; + var pageY = (evt.touches && evt.touches.length) ? evt.touches[0].pageY : evt.pageY; + var current = [pageX - document.body.scrollLeft - bound.left, pageY - document.body.scrollTop - bound.top]; + track.push(current); + track[0].time = evt.timeStamp; + evt.dragCapture = function() {}; + return true; + } + }.bind(this); + }, + /** + * Drag move handler + * @method move + * @param evt {Event} original dom event + */ + move: function(evt) { + var node = this.node(); + if (node) { + // attach to the event + evt.drag = this._makeDragData(evt); + if (!this.dragging()) { + this.dragging(true); + node.fire("dragstart", evt); + } + // fire events + node.fire("dragmove", evt); + } + }, + /** + * Drag end + * @method end + * @param evt {Event} original dom event + */ + end: function(evt) { + var node = this.node(); + if (node) { + // attach to the event + evt.drag = this._makeDragData(evt); + // fire events + if (this.dragging()) { + node.fire("dragend", evt); + } + // clear status + this.node(null); + this.track(null); + this.dragging(false); + } + }, + _makeDragData: function(evt) { + var track = this.track(); + var bound = this.referrer().getBoundingClientRect(); + var pageX = (evt.touches && evt.touches.length) ? evt.touches[0].pageX : evt.pageX; + var pageY = (evt.touches && evt.touches.length) ? evt.touches[0].pageY : evt.pageY; + var current = [pageX - document.body.scrollLeft - bound.left, pageY - document.body.scrollTop - bound.top], + origin = track[0], + last = track[track.length - 1]; + current.time = evt.timeStamp; + track.push(current); + // FIXME optimize if track too large + if (track.length > 20) { + track.splice(1, track.length - 20); + } + // TODO make sure the data is correct when target applied a matrix + return { + target: this.node(), + accord: this.referrer(), + origin: origin, + current: current, + offset: [current[0] - origin[0], current[1] - origin[1]], + delta: [current[0] - last[0], current[1] - last[1]], + track: track + }; + }, + _capture_mousedown: function(evt) { + if (evt.captureDrag) { + this._lastDragCapture = evt.captureDrag; + } + if (evt.type === "mousedown" || evt.type === "touchstart") { + evt.captureDrag = this.start(evt); + } else { + evt.captureDrag = function() {}; + } + }, + _capture_mousemove: function(evt) { + this.move(evt); + var node = this.node(); + if (node) { + evt.stopPropagation(); + evt.preventDefault(); + return false; + } + }, + _capture_mouseup: function(evt) { + this.end(evt); + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + nx.Object.delegateEvent = function (source, sourceEvent, target, targetEvent) { + if (!target.can(targetEvent)) { + source.on(sourceEvent, function (sender, event) { + target.fire(targetEvent, event); + }); + nx.Object.extendEvent(target, targetEvent); + } + }; + + + //http://www.timotheegroleau.com/Flash/experiments/easing_function_generator.htm + + var ease = function (t, b, c, d) { + var ts = (t /= d) * t; + var tc = ts * t; + return b + c * (-0.6475 * tc * ts + 0.7975 * ts * ts + -2.3 * tc + 3.2 * ts + -0.05 * t); + }; + + var cssHook = { + transform: 'webkitTransform' + }; + + + /** + * Base class of graphic component + * @class nx.graphic.Component + * @extend nx.ui.Component + * @module nx.graphic + */ + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Component', nx.ui.Component, { + /** + * Fire when drag start + * @event dragstart + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + /** + * Fire when drag move + * @event dragmove + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object , include delta[x,y] for the shift + */ + /** + * Fire when drag end + * @event dragend + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + events: ['dragstart', 'dragmove', 'dragend'], + properties: { + /** + * Set/get x translate + * @property translateX + */ + translateX: { + set: function (value) { + this.setTransform(value); + } + }, + /** + * Set/get y translate + * @property translateY + */ + translateY: { + set: function (value) { + this.setTransform(null, value); + } + }, + /** + * Set/get scale + * @property scale + */ + scale: { + set: function (value) { + this.setTransform(null, null, value); + } + }, + /** + * Set/get translate, it set/get as {x:number,y:number} + * @property translate + */ + translate: { + get: function () { + return { + x: this._translateX || 0, + y: this._translateY || 0 + }; + }, + set: function (value) { + this.setTransform(value.x, value.y); + } + }, + /** + * Set/get element's visibility + * @property visible + */ + visible: { + get: function () { + return this._visible !== undefined ? this._visible : true; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (this.view()) { + if (value) { + this.view().dom().removeClass('n-hidden'); + } else { + this.view().dom().addClass('n-hidden'); + } + + } + this._visible = value; + } + }, + /** + * Set/get css class + * @property class + */ + 'class': { + get: function () { + return this._class !== undefined ? this._class : ''; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (this._class !== value) { + this._class = value; + this.dom().addClass(value); + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + } + }, + view: {}, + methods: { + init: function (args) { + this.inherited(args); + this.sets(args); + }, + /** + * Set component's transform + * @method setTransform + * @param [translateX] {Number} x axle translate + * @param [translateY] {Number} y axle translate + * @param [scale] {Number} element's scale + * @param [duration=0] {Number} transition time, unite is second + */ + setTransform: function (translateX, translateY, scale, duration) { + + var tx = parseFloat(translateX != null ? translateX : this._translateX || 0); + var ty = parseFloat(translateY != null ? translateY : this._translateY || 0); + var scl = parseFloat(scale != null ? scale : this._scale || 1); + + this.setStyle('transform', ' matrix(' + scl + ',' + 0 + ',' + 0 + ',' + scl + ',' + tx + ', ' + ty + ')', duration); + //this.setStyle('transform', ' translate(' + tx + 'px, ' + ty + 'px) scale(' + scl + ')', duration); + + this.dom().$dom.setAttribute('transform', ' translate(' + tx + ', ' + ty + ') scale(' + scl + ')'); + + this._translateX = tx; + this._translateY = ty; + this._scale = scl; + }, + /** + * Set component's css style + * @method setStyle + * @param key {String} css key + * @param value {*} css value + * @param [duration=0] {Number} set transition time + * @param [callback] + * @param [context] + */ + setStyle: function (key, value, duration, callback, context) { + if (duration) { + this.setTransition(callback, context, duration); + } else if (callback) { + setTimeout(function () { + callback.call(context || this); + }, 0); + } + + + //todo optimize + var dom = this.dom().$dom; + dom.style[key] = value; + + if (cssHook[key]) { + dom.style[cssHook[key]] = value; + } + }, + setTransition: function (callback, context, duration) { + var el = this.dom(); + if (duration) { + el.setStyle('transition', 'all ' + duration + 's ease'); + this.on('transitionend', function fn() { + if (callback) { + callback.call(context || this); + } + el.setStyle('transition', ''); + this.off('transitionend', fn, this); + }, this); + } else { + el.setStyle('transition', ''); + if (callback) { + setTimeout(function () { + callback.call(context || this); + }, 0); + } + } + }, + /** + * Append component's element to parent node or other dom element + * @param [parent] {nx.graphic.Component} + * @method append + */ + append: function (parent) { + var parentElement; + if (parent) { + parentElement = this._parentElement = parent.view().dom(); + } else { + parentElement = this._parentElement = this._parentElement || this.view().dom().parentNode(); //|| this.parent().view(); + } + if (parentElement && parentElement.$dom && this._resources && this.view() && !parentElement.contains(this.view().dom())) { + parentElement.appendChild(this.view().dom()); + } + }, + /** + * Remove component's element from dom tree + * @method remove + */ + remove: function () { + var parentElement = this._parentElement = this._parentElement || this.view().dom().parentNode(); + if (parentElement && this._resources && this.view()) { + parentElement.removeChild(this.view().dom()); + } + }, + /** + * Get component's bound, delegate element's getBoundingClientRect function + * @method getBound + * @returns {*|ClientRect} + */ + getBound: function () { + + //console.log(this.dom().$dom.getBoundingClientRect()) + //debugger; + return this.dom().$dom.getBoundingClientRect(); + }, + /** + * Hide component + * @method hide + */ + hide: function () { + this.visible(false); + }, + /** + * Show component + * @method show + */ + show: function () { + this.visible(true); + }, + /** + * Set animation for element,pass a config to this function + * { + * to :{ + * attr1:value, + * attr2:value, + * ... + * }, + * duration:Number, + * complete:Function + * } + * @method animate + * @param config {JSON} + */ + animate: function (config) { + var self = this; + var aniMap = []; + var el = this.view(); + nx.each(config.to, function (value, key) { + var oldValue = this.has(key) ? this.get(key) : el.getStyle(key); + aniMap.push({ + key: key, + oldValue: oldValue, + newValue: value + }); + }, this); + + if (this._ani) { + this._ani.stop(); + this._ani.dispose(); + delete this._ani; + } + + var ani = this._ani = new nx.graphic.Animation({ + duration: config.duration || 1000, + context: config.context || this + }); + ani.callback(function (progress) { + nx.each(aniMap, function (item) { + var value = item.oldValue + (item.newValue - item.oldValue) * progress; + // var value = ease(progress, item.oldValue, item.newValue - item.oldValue, 1); + self.set(item.key, value); + }); + //console.log(progress); + }); + + if (config.complete) { + ani.complete(config.complete); + } + ani.on("complete", function fn() { + /** + * Fired when animation completed + * @event animationCompleted + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire("animationCompleted"); + ani.dispose(); + delete this._ani; + }, this); + ani.start(); + }, + _processPropertyValue: function (propertyValue) { + var value = propertyValue; + if (nx.is(propertyValue, 'Function')) { + value = propertyValue.call(this, this.model(), this); + } + return value; + }, + dispose: function () { + if (this._resources && this._resources['@root']) { + this.view().dom().$dom.remove(); + } + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function(nx, global) { + /** + * SVG Arc component + * @class nx.graphic.Arc + * @extend nx.graphic.Component + * @module nx.graphic + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Arc", nx.graphic.Component, { + view: { + name: 'path', + tag: 'svg:path', + props: { + 'class': 'n-svg-arc' + } + + }, + properties: { + innerRadius: 0, + outerRadius: 0, + startAngle: 0, + endAngle: 0, + clockwies: false, + stoke: { + set: function(inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + if (value !== this._stoke) { + this._stoke = value; + this.view().dom().setStyle('stroke', value); + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }, + fill: { + set: function(inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + if (value !== this._stoke) { + this._fill = value; + this.view().dom().setStyle('fill', value); + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }, + innerStartPoint: { + value: function() { + return { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + } + }, + outerStartPoint: { + value: function() { + return { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + } + }, + innerEndPoint: { + value: function() { + return { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + } + }, + outerEndPoint: { + value: function() { + return { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + } + }, + innerCenterPoint: { + value: function() { + return { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + } + }, + outerCenterPoint: { + value: function() { + return { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + } + }, + thickness: { + value: null + }, + centerPoint: { + value: function() { + return { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + } + } + }, + methods: { + init: function(args) { + this.inherited(args); + this.watch(['innerRadius', 'outerRadius', 'startAngle', 'endAngle', 'clockwies', 'thickness'], function(prop, value) { + if (this._outerRadius && (this._startAngle || this._endAngle)) { + this._updates(); + } + }, this); + }, + _updates: function() { + var delta = Math.PI / 180 * (this._clockwies ? -1 : 1); + var thickness = this._thickness; + var innerRadius = this._innerRadius; + var outerRadius = this._outerRadius || innerRadius + thickness; + var startAngle = Math.min(this._startAngle, this._endAngle) * delta; + var endAngle = Math.max(this._startAngle, this._endAngle) * delta; + var gapRadius = outerRadius - innerRadius; + var gapAngle = Math.abs(this._endAngle - this._startAngle); + + if (gapAngle >= 360) { + + return; + //startAngle = 0; + //endAngle = (Math.PI * 2 + startAngle) * (this._clockwies ? -1 : 1); + //gapAngle = 360; + } + + + var i_s_x = innerRadius * Math.cos(startAngle); + var i_s_y = innerRadius * Math.sin(startAngle); + + var o_s_x = outerRadius * Math.cos(startAngle); + var o_s_y = outerRadius * Math.sin(startAngle); + + + var i_e_x = innerRadius * Math.cos(endAngle); + var i_e_y = innerRadius * Math.sin(endAngle); + + var o_e_x = outerRadius * Math.cos(endAngle); + var o_e_y = outerRadius * Math.sin(endAngle); + + var d = []; + + d.push('M', o_s_x, o_s_y); + d.push('A', outerRadius, outerRadius, '0,'); + d.push(gapAngle > 180 ? '1' : '0', ','); + d.push(this._clockwies ? '0' : '1'); + d.push(o_e_x, o_e_y); + d.push('L', i_e_x, i_e_y); + d.push('A', innerRadius, innerRadius, '0,'); + d.push(gapAngle > 180 ? '1' : '0', ','); + d.push(this._clockwies ? '1' : '0'); + d.push(i_s_x, i_s_y); + + d.push('Z'); + + this.view().set('d', d.join(' ')); + + + this.innerStartPoint({ + x: i_s_x, + y: i_s_y + }); + + this.outerStartPoint({ + x: o_s_x, + y: o_s_y + }); + + this.innerEndPoint({ + x: i_e_x, + y: i_e_y + }); + + + this.outerEndPoint({ + x: o_e_x, + y: o_e_y + }); + + var absGap = endAngle - startAngle; + + this.innerCenterPoint({ + x: innerRadius * Math.cos(startAngle + absGap / 2), + y: innerRadius * Math.sin(startAngle + absGap / 2) + }); + + this.outerCenterPoint({ + x: outerRadius * Math.cos(startAngle + absGap / 2), + y: outerRadius * Math.sin(startAngle + absGap / 2) + }); + + + this.centerPoint({ + x: (innerRadius + gapRadius / 2) * Math.cos(startAngle + absGap / 2), + y: (innerRadius + gapRadius / 2) * Math.sin(startAngle + absGap / 2) + }); + + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * SVG group component + * @class nx.graphic.Group + * @extend nx.graphic.Component + * @module nx.graphic + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Group", nx.graphic.Component, { + properties: { + 'data-id': { + set: function (value) { + nx.each(this.content(), function (item) { + item.set('data-id', value); + }); + this.view().set('data-id', value); + this['_data-id'] = value; + } + } + }, + view: { + tag: 'svg:g' + }, + methods: { + move: function (x, y) { + var translate = this.translate(); + this.setTransform(x + translate.x, y + translate.y); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + var xlink = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'; + /** + * SVG icon component, which icon's define in nx framework + * @class nx.graphic.Icon + * @extend nx.graphic.Component + * @module nx.graphic + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Icon", nx.graphic.Component, { + view: { + tag: 'svg:g', + content: [{ + name: 'bgtext', + tag: 'svg:text' + }, { + name: 'text', + tag: 'svg:text' + }, { + tag: 'svg:g', + name: 'image', + content: { + name: 'use', + tag: 'svg:use' + } + }] + }, + properties: { + imageType: { + value: "font" + }, + /** + * set/get icon's type + * @property iconType + */ + iconType: { + get: function () { + return this._iconType; + }, + set: function (value) { + var icon = nx.graphic.Icons.get(value.toLowerCase()); + var size = icon.size; + var img = this.view('image').dom(); + var shapeEL = this.view('text').dom(); + var bgEL = this.view('bgtext').dom(); + var useEL = this.view('use').dom(); + + + if (icon.font) { + + shapeEL.setStyle('display', 'block'); + useEL.setStyle('display', 'none'); + + // front font + if (shapeEL.$dom.firstChild) { + shapeEL.$dom.removeChild(shapeEL.$dom.firstChild); + } + shapeEL.$dom.appendChild(document.createTextNode(icon.font[0])); + shapeEL.addClass('fontIcon iconShape'); + // + + //background font + + if (bgEL.$dom.firstChild) { + bgEL.$dom.removeChild(bgEL.$dom.firstChild); + } + bgEL.$dom.appendChild(document.createTextNode(icon.font[1])); + bgEL.addClass('fontIcon iconBG'); + + + this.imageType('font'); + + } else { + + shapeEL.setStyle('display', 'none'); + useEL.setStyle('display', 'block'); + + if (bgEL.$dom.firstChild) { + bgEL.$dom.removeChild(bgEL.$dom.firstChild); + } + bgEL.$dom.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\ue61d')); + bgEL.addClass('fontIcon iconBG'); + + //compatible with before + useEL.$dom.setAttributeNS(xlink, 'xlink:href', '#' + value); + img.setStyle('transform', 'translate(' + size.width / -2 + 'px, ' + size.height / -2 + 'px)'); + + this.imageType('image'); + } + + + this.view().set('icontype', value); + this.view().dom().addClass('n-topology-icon'); + + + this.size(size); + this._iconType = icon.name; + + + } + }, + /** + * set/get icon size + * @property size + */ + size: { + value: function () { + return { + width: 36, + height: 36 + }; + } + }, + color: { + set: function (value) { + if (this.imageType() == 'font') { + this.view('text').dom().setStyle('fill', value); + } + this.view('bgtext').dom().setStyle('fill', this.showIcon() ? '' : value); + this.view('image').dom().set('color', value); + this._color = value; + } + }, + scale: { + set: function (value) { + var shapeEL = this.view('text').dom(); + var bgEL = this.view('bgtext').dom(); + var img = this.view('image').dom(); + var size = this.size(); + var fontSize = Math.max(size.width, size.height); + var _size = this.showIcon() ? fontSize * value : 4 + value * 8; + shapeEL.setStyle('font-size', _size); + bgEL.setStyle('font-size', _size); + + if (this.imageType() == 'image' && value) { + img.setStyle('transform', 'translate(' + size.width / -2 + 'px, ' + size.height / -2 + 'px) scale(' + value + ')'); + } + + // FIXME for firefox bug with g.getBoundingClientRect + if (nx.util.isFirefox()) { + shapeEL.$dom.setAttribute('transform', ' translate(0, ' + _size / 2 + ')'); + bgEL.$dom.setAttribute('transform', ' translate(0, ' + _size / 2 + ')'); + } + + + this._scale = value; + } + }, + showIcon: { + get: function () { + return this._showIcon !== undefined ? this._showIcon : true; + }, + set: function (value) { + var shapeEL = this.view('text').dom(); + var bgEL = this.view('bgtext').dom(); + var img = this.view('image').dom(); + if (value) { + if (this.imageType() == 'font') { + shapeEL.setStyle('display', 'block'); + bgEL.setStyle('display', 'block'); + } else { + img.setStyle('display', 'block'); + bgEL.setStyle('display', 'none'); + } + + bgEL.removeClass('iconBGActive'); + + this.view().dom().addClass('showIcon'); + + } else { + if (this.imageType() == 'font') { + shapeEL.setStyle('display', 'none'); + } else { + img.setStyle('display', 'none'); + } + bgEL.setStyle('display', 'block'); + bgEL.addClass('iconBGActive'); + + this.view().dom().removeClass('showIcon'); + } + + this._showIcon = value; + + if (this._color) { + this.color(this._color, { + force: true + }); + } + + if (this._scale) { + this.scale(this._scale, { + force: true + }); + } + } + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function(nx, global) { + var xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; + /** + * Topology device icons collection + * @class nx.graphic.Icons + * @static + */ + var ICONS = nx.define("nx.graphic.Icons", { + static: true, + statics: { + /** + * Get icons collection + * @static + * @property icons + */ + icons: {} + }, + methods: { + /** + * Get icon by type + * @param type {String} + * @returns {element} + * @method get + */ + get: function(type) { + return ICONS.icons[type] || ICONS.icons.switch; + }, + /** + * Get icon"s svg string + * @param type {String} + * @returns {element} + * @method getSVGString + */ + getSVGString: function(type) { + return topology_icon[type].icon; + }, + /** + * Get all types list + * @returns {Array} + * @method getTypeList + */ + getTypeList: function() { + return Object.keys(topology_icon); + }, + /** + * Register a new icon to this collection + * @method registerIcon + * @param name {String} icon"s name + * @param url {URL} icon"s url + * @param width {Number} icon"s width + * @param height {Number} icon"s height + */ + registerIcon: function(name, url, width, height) { + var icon1 = document.createElementNS(NS, "image"); + icon1.setAttributeNS(XLINK, "href", url); + ICONS.icons[name] = { + size: { + width: width, + height: height + }, + icon: icon1.cloneNode(true), + name: name + }; + }, + /** + * Register a fontIcon to this collection + * @method registerFontIcon + * @param name {String} icon's name + * @param fontfamily {String} icon's font family + * @param fontCharacter {String} font icon's character, start with \u, like \uf108 + * @param fontSize + */ + registerFontIcon: function(name, fontfamily, fontCharacter, fontSize) { + ICONS.icons[name] = { + size: { + width: fontSize, + height: fontSize + }, + name: name + }; + + ICONS.icons[name].font = [fontCharacter, fontCharacter]; + + nx.dom.Document.addRule(".n-topology g[icontype=" + name + "] .fontIcon", "font-family: " + fontfamily + " !important;"); + + + }, + /** + * Iterate all icons + * @param inCallback {Function} + * @param [inContext] {Object} + * @private + */ + __each__: function(inCallback, inContext) { + var callback = inCallback || function() {}; + nx.each(topology_icon, function(obj, name) { + var icon = obj.icon; + callback.call(inContext || this, icon, name, topology_icon); + }); + } + } + }); + + + var XLINK = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; + var NS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; + + + var topology_icon = { + switch: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + name: "Switch", + font: ["\ue618", "\ue619"] + }, + router: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + name: "Router", + font: ["\ue61c", "\ue61d"] + }, + wlc: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue60f", "\ue610"] + }, + unknown: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue612", "\ue611"] + }, + server: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue61b", "\ue61a"] + }, + phone: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue61e", "\ue61f"] + }, + nexus5000: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue620", "\ue621"] + }, + ipphone: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue622", "\ue623"] + }, + host: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue624", "\ue625"] + }, + camera: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue626", "\ue627"] + }, + accesspoint: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue628", "\ue629"] + }, + groups: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue615", "\ue62f"] + }, + groupm: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue616", "\ue630"] + }, + groupl: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue617", "\ue631"] + }, + collapse: { + width: 16, + height: 16, + font: ["\ue62e", "\ue61d"] + }, + expand: { + width: 14, + height: 14, + font: ["\ue62d", "\ue61d"] + }, + //nodeset: { + // width: 32, + // height: 32, + // font: ["\ue617", "\ue63a"] + //}, + cloud: { + width: 48, + height: 48, + font: ["\ue633", "\ue633"] + }, + unlinked: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue646", "\ue61d"] + }, + firewall: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue647", "\ue648"] + }, + hostgroup: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue64d", "\ue64c"] + }, + wirelesshost: { + width: 32, + height: 32, + font: ["\ue64e", "\ue64c"] + } + }; + + + nx.each(topology_icon, function(icon, key) { + var i = ICONS.icons[key] = { + size: { + width: icon.width, + height: icon.height + }, + name: key + }; + + if (icon.font) { + i.font = icon.font; + } else if (icon.icon) { + i.icon = new DOMParser().parseFromString(icon.icon, "text/xml").documentElement.cloneNode(true); + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx,global) { + /** + * SVG circle component + * @class nx.graphic.Circle + * @extend nx.graphic.Component + * @module nx.graphic + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Circle", nx.graphic.Component, { + view: { + tag: 'svg:circle' + + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx,global) { + + var xlink = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'; + + /** + * SVG image component + * @class nx.graphic.Image + * @extend nx.graphic.Component + * @module nx.graphic + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Image", nx.graphic.Component, { + properties: { + /** + * Set/get image src + * @property src + */ + src: { + get: function () { + return this._src !== undefined ? this._src : 0; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (this._src !== value) { + this._src = value; + if (this.view() && value !== undefined) { + var el = this.view().dom().$dom; + el.setAttributeNS(xlink, 'href', value); + } + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + } + }, + view: { + tag: 'svg:image' + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx,global) { + /** + * SVG line component + * @class nx.graphic.Line + * @extend nx.graphic.Component + * @module nx.graphic + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Line", nx.graphic.Component, { + view: { + tag: 'svg:line' + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx,global) { + /** + * SVG path component + * @class nx.graphic.Path + * @extend nx.graphic.Component + * @module nx.graphic + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Path", nx.graphic.Component, { + view: { + tag: 'svg:path' + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx,global) { + /** + * SVG polygon component + * @class nx.graphic.Polygon + * @extend nx.graphic.Path + * @module nx.graphic + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Polygon", nx.graphic.Path, { + properties: { + nodes: { + /** + * Set/get point array to generate a polygon shape + * @property nodes + */ + get: function () { + return this._nodes || []; + }, + set: function (value) { + this._nodes = value; + var vertices = value; + if (vertices.length !== 0) { + if (vertices.length == 1) { + var point = vertices[0]; + vertices.push({x: point.x - 1, y: point.y - 1}); + vertices.push({x: point.x + 1, y: point.y - 1}); + } else if (vertices.length == 2) { + vertices.push([vertices[0].x + 1, vertices[0].y + 1]); + vertices.push(vertices[1]); + } + + var nodes = nx.data.Convex.process(vertices); + var path = []; + path.push('M ', nodes[0].x, ' ', nodes[0].y); + for (var i = 1; i < nodes.length; i++) { + if (!nx.is(nodes[i], 'Array')) { + path.push(' L ', nodes[i].x, ' ', nodes[i].y); + } + + } + path.push(' Z'); + this.set("d", path.join('')); + } + + } + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx,global) { + /** + * SVG rect component + * @class nx.graphic.Rect + * @extend nx.graphic.Component + * @module nx.graphic + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Rect", nx.graphic.Component, { + view: { + tag: 'svg:rect' + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * SVG root component + * @class nx.graphic.Stage + * @extend nx.ui.Component + * @module nx.graphic + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Stage", nx.ui.Component, { + events: ['dragStageStart', 'dragStage', 'dragStageEnd', 'stageTransitionEnd'], + view: { + tag: 'svg:svg', + props: { + 'class': 'n-svg', + version: '1.1', + xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", + 'xmlns:xlink': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', + style: { + width: '{#width}', + height: '{#height}' + } + }, + content: [{ + name: 'defs', + tag: 'svg:defs' + }, { + name: 'scalingLayer', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + 'class': 'stage' + }, + events: { + 'transitionend': '{#_transitionend}' + } + }, { + name: 'staticLayer', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group' + }], + events: { + 'mousedown': '{#_mousedown}', + 'touchstart': '{#_mousedown}', + 'dragstart': '{#_dragstart}', + 'dragmove': '{#_drag}', + 'dragend': '{#_dragend}' + } + }, + properties: { + /** + * Is an animation in progress? + * @property animating {Boolean} + * @readOnly + */ + animating: {}, + /** + * Set/get topology's scalability + * @property scalable {Boolean} + */ + scalable: { + value: true + }, + /** + * Get the viewbox of current stage position. + * @property scalable {Boolean} + * @readOnly + */ + viewbox: { + dependencies: "width, height, matrix", + value: function (width, height, matrix) { + var inversion = nx.geometry.Matrix.inverse(matrix); + return [nx.geometry.Vector.transform([0, 0], inversion), nx.geometry.Vector.transform([width, height], inversion)]; + } + }, + /** + * set/get stage's width + * @property width + */ + width: { + value: 300 + }, + /** + * set/get stage's height + * @property height + */ + height: { + value: 300 + }, + /** + * Stage scale + * @property stageScale {Number} + */ + stageScale: { + value: 1 + }, + /** + * Stage padding + * @property padding {number} 0 + */ + padding: { + value: 0 + }, + /** + * Topology max scaling + * @property maxScale {Number} + */ + maxZoomLevel: { + value: 12 + }, + /** + * Topology min scaling + * @property minScale {Number} + */ + minZoomLevel: { + value: 0.25 + }, + zoomLevel: { + value: 1 + }, + /** + * Disable notify stageScale + * @property disableUpdateStageScale {Boolean} false + */ + disableUpdateStageScale: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Stage transform matrix + * @property matrix {nx.geometry.Math} nx.geometry.Matrix.I + */ + matrix: { + get: function () { + return this._matrix || nx.geometry.Matrix.I; + }, + set: function (matrix) { + //dom.style.webkitTransform = matrixString; + var matrixObject = this.matrixObject(); + var dom = this.scalingLayer().dom().$dom; + var matrixString = "matrix(" + nx.geometry.Matrix.stringify(matrix) + ")"; + dom.style.transform = matrixString; + dom.setAttribute('transform', ' translate(' + matrixObject.x() + ', ' + matrixObject.y() + ') scale(' + matrixObject.scale() + ')'); + this._matrix = matrix; + } + }, + /** + * Matrix Object + * @property matrixObject + */ + matrixObject: {}, + /** + * get content group element + * @property stage + */ + stage: { + get: function () { + return this.view("scalingLayer"); + } + }, + staticLayer: { + get: function () { + return this.view("staticLayer"); + } + }, + scalingLayer: { + get: function () { + return this.view("scalingLayer"); + } + }, + fitMatrixObject: { + set: function (matrix) { + if (matrix) { + this.zoomLevel(this.stage().scale() / matrix.scale()); + } + this._fitMatrixObject = matrix; + } + } + }, + methods: { + getContainer: function () { + return this.view('scalingLayer').view().dom(); + }, + /** + * Add svg def element into the stage + * @method addDef + * @param el {SVGDOM} + */ + addDef: function (el) { + this.view("defs").dom().$dom.appendChild(el); + }, + /** + * Add svg def element into the stage in string format + * @method addDefString + * @param str {String} + */ + addDefString: function (str) { + this.view("defs").dom().$dom.appendChild(new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "text/xml").documentElement); + }, + /** + * Get content's relative bound + * @method getContentBound + * @returns {{left: number, top: number, width: Number, height: Number}} + */ + getContentBound: function () { + var stageBound = this.scalingLayer().getBound(); + var topoBound = this.view().dom().getBound(); + + if (stageBound.left === 0 && stageBound.top === 0 && stageBound.width === 0 && stageBound.height === 0) { + var padding = this.padding(); + return { + left: padding, + top: padding, + height: this.height() - padding * 2, + width: this.width() - padding * 2 + }; + } else { + var bound = { + left: stageBound.left - topoBound.left, + top: stageBound.top - topoBound.top, + width: stageBound.width, + height: stageBound.height + }; + + if (bound.width < 300) { + bound.left -= (300 - bound.width) / 2; + bound.width = 300; + } + + if (bound.height < 300) { + bound.top -= (300 - bound.height) / 2; + bound.height = 300; + } + + return bound; + + } + }, + fit: function (callback, context, isAnimated) { + var watching = nx.keyword.internal.watch(this, "animating", function (animating) { + if (!animating) { + watching.release(); + if (isAnimated) { + this.scalingLayer().on('transitionend', function fn() { + this.scalingLayer().dom().removeClass('n-topology-fit'); + this.scalingLayer().off('transitionend', fn, this); + /* jslint -W030 */ + callback && callback.call(context || this); + this.animating(false); + }, this); + var originalMatrix = this.matrix(); + var newMatrix = this.fitMatrixObject().matrix(); + if (!nx.geometry.Matrix.approximate(originalMatrix, newMatrix)) { + this.animating(true); + this.scalingLayer().dom().addClass('n-topology-fit'); + this._setStageMatrix(this.fitMatrixObject().matrix()); + } else { + /* jslint -W030 */ + callback && callback.call(context || this); + } + this.zoomLevel(1); + } else { + this._setStageMatrix(this.fitMatrixObject().matrix()); + this.zoomLevel(1); + /* jslint -W030 */ + callback && callback.call(context || this); + } + } + }.bind(this)); + watching.notify(); + }, + actualSize: function () { + this.scalingLayer().setTransition(null, null, 0.6); + this._setStageMatrix(nx.geometry.Matrix.I); + }, + zoom: function (value, callback, context) { + this.scalingLayer().setTransition(callback, context, 0.6); + this.applyStageScale(value); + }, + zoomByBound: function (inBound, callback, context, duration) { + var padding = this.padding(); + var stageBound = { + left: padding, + top: padding, + height: this.height() - padding * 2, + width: this.width() - padding * 2 + }; + this.scalingLayer().setTransition(callback, context, duration); + this.applyStageMatrix(this.calcRectZoomMatrix(stageBound, inBound)); + }, + calcRectZoomMatrix: function (graph, rect) { + var s = (!rect.width && !rect.height) ? 1 : Math.min(graph.height / Math.abs(rect.height), graph.width / Math.abs(rect.width)); + var dx = (graph.left + graph.width / 2) - s * (rect.left + rect.width / 2); + var dy = (graph.top + graph.height / 2) - s * (rect.top + rect.height / 2); + return [ + [s, 0, 0], [0, s, 0], [dx, dy, 1] + ]; + }, + applyTranslate: function (x, y, duration) { + var matrix = this.matrixObject(); + matrix.applyTranslate(x, y); + if (duration) { + this.scalingLayer().setTransition(null, null, duration); + } + this.matrix(matrix.matrix()); + this.matrixObject(matrix); + return matrix; + }, + applyStageMatrix: function (matrix, according) { + return this._setStageMatrix(nx.geometry.Matrix.multiply(this.matrix(), matrix), according); + }, + applyStageScale: function (scale, according) { + var _scale = scale || 1, + _according = according || [this.width() / 2, this.height() / 2]; + var matrix = nx.geometry.Matrix.multiply([ + [1, 0, 0], + [0, 1, 0], + [-_according[0], -_according[1], 1] + ], [ + [_scale, 0, 0], + [0, _scale, 0], + [0, 0, 1] + ], [ + [1, 0, 0], + [0, 1, 0], + [_according[0], _according[1], 1] + ]); + return this.applyStageMatrix(matrix, _according); + }, + resetStageMatrix: function () { + var m = new nx.geometry.Matrix(this.matrix()); + this.disableUpdateStageScale(false); + this.matrix(m.matrix()); + this.matrixObject(m); + this.stageScale(1 / m.scale()); + }, + resetFitMatrix: function () { + var watching = nx.keyword.internal.watch(this, "animating", function (animating) { + if (!animating) { + watching.release(); + var contentBound, padding, stageBound, matrix; + // get transform matrix + contentBound = this.getContentBound(); + padding = this.padding(); + stageBound = { + left: padding, + top: padding, + height: this.height() - padding * 2, + width: this.width() - padding * 2 + }; + matrix = new nx.geometry.Matrix(this.calcRectZoomMatrix(stageBound, contentBound)); + matrix.matrix(nx.geometry.Matrix.multiply(this.matrix(), matrix.matrix())); + this.fitMatrixObject(matrix); + + } + }.bind(this)); + watching.notify(); + }, + _setStageMatrix: function (matrix, according) { + according = according || [this.width() / 2, this.height() / 2]; + var m = new nx.geometry.Matrix(matrix); + var matrixFit = this.fitMatrixObject(); + var scaleFit = matrixFit.scale(); + var zoomMax = this.maxZoomLevel(), + zoomMin = this.minZoomLevel(); + if (m.scale() / scaleFit > zoomMax) { + m.applyScale(zoomMax * scaleFit / m.scale(), according); + } + if (m.scale() / scaleFit < zoomMin) { + m.applyScale(zoomMin * scaleFit / m.scale(), according); + } + if (!nx.geometry.Matrix.approximate(this.matrix(), m.matrix())) { + this.matrixObject(m); + this.matrix(m.matrix()); + if (!this.disableUpdateStageScale()) { + this.stageScale(1 / m.scale()); + } + this.zoomLevel(m.scale() / scaleFit); + return m; + } else { + return this.matrixObject(); + } + }, + hide: function () { + this.view('scalingLayer').dom().setStyle('opacity', 0); + this.view('staticLayer').dom().setStyle('opacity', 0); + }, + show: function () { + this.view('scalingLayer').dom().setStyle('opacity', 1); + this.view('staticLayer').dom().setStyle('opacity', 1); + }, + _transitionend: function (sender, event) { + this.fire('stageTransitionEnd', event); + }, + _mousedown: function (sender, event) { + event.captureDrag(sender); + }, + _dragstart: function (sender, event) { + this.view("scalingLayer").dom().setStyle('pointer-events', 'none'); + this.fire('dragStageStart', event); + }, + _drag: function (sender, event) { + this.fire('dragStage', event); + }, + _dragend: function (sender, event) { + this.fire('dragStageEnd', event); + this.view("scalingLayer").dom().setStyle('pointer-events', 'all'); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * SVG text component + * @class nx.graphic.Text + * @extend nx.graphic.Component + * @module nx.graphic + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Text", nx.graphic.Component, { + properties: { + /** + * Set/get text + * @property text + */ + text: { + get: function () { + return this._text !== undefined ? this._text : 0; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (this._text !== value && value !== undefined) { + this._text = value; + var el = this.view().dom().$dom; + if (el.firstChild) { + el.removeChild(el.firstChild); + } + el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value)); + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + } + }, + view: { + tag: 'svg:text' + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx,global) { + /** + * SVG triangle component + * @class nx.graphic.Triangle + * @extend nx.graphic.Path + * @module nx.graphic + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Triangle", nx.graphic.Path, { + properties: { + width: { + get: function () { + return this._width !== undefined ? this._width : 0; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (this._width !== value) { + this._width = value; + this._draw(); + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }, + height: { + get: function () { + return this._height !== undefined ? this._height : 0; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (this._height !== value) { + this._height = value; + this._draw(); + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + } + }, + methods: { + _draw: function () { + if (this._width && this._height) { + var path = []; + path.push('M ', this._width / 2, ' ', 0); + path.push(' L ', this._width, ' ', this._height); + path.push(' L ', 0, ' ', this._height); + path.push(' Z'); + this.set("d", path.join('')); + } + + + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx,global) { + + /** + * SVG BezierCurves component + * @class nx.graphic.BezierCurves + * @extend nx.graphic.Path + * @module nx.graphic + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.BezierCurves", nx.graphic.Path, { + properties: { + /** + * set/get start point'x + * @property x1 + */ + x1: { + set: function (value) { + this._x1 = value; + this._buildPath(); + }, + get: function () { + return this._x1 || 0; + } + }, + /** + * set/get start point'y + * @property y1 + */ + y1: { + set: function (value) { + this._y1 = value; + this._buildPath(); + }, + get: function () { + return this._y1 || 0; + } + }, + /** + * set/get end point'x + * @property x2 + */ + x2: { + set: function (value) { + this._x2 = value; + this._buildPath(); + }, + get: function () { + return this._x2 || 0; + } + }, + /** + * set/get end point'x + * @property y2 + */ + y2: { + set: function (value) { + this._y2 = value; + this._buildPath(); + }, + get: function () { + return this._y2 || 0; + } + }, + isClockwise: { + value: true + }, + straight: { + value: false + } + }, + methods: { + _buildPath: function () { + var x1 = this.x1(); + var x2 = this.x2(); + var y1 = this.y1(); + var y2 = this.y2(); + + var d; + + if (x1 !== null && x2 !== null && y1 !== null && y2 !== null) { + var dx = (x1 - x2); + var dy = (y2 - y1); + var dr = Math.sqrt((dx * dx + dy * dy)); + + + if (this.straight()) { + d = "M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " " + x2 + "," + y2; + } else if (this.isClockwise()) { + d = "M" + x2 + "," + y2 + + "A " + dr + " " + dr + ", 0, 0, 1, " + x1 + "," + y1 + + "A " + (dr - 0) + " " + (dr - 0) + ", 0, 0, 0, " + x2 + "," + y2; + } else { + d = "M" + x2 + "," + y2 + + "A " + dr + " " + dr + ", 0, 0, 0, " + x1 + "," + y1 + + "A " + (dr - 0) + " " + (dr - 0) + ", 0, 0, 1, " + x2 + "," + y2; + } + + return this.set("d", d); + + } else { + return null; + } + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, ui, global) { + nx.define("nx.geometry.MatrixSupport", { + properties: { + matrix: { + value: function () { + return nx.geometry.Matrix.I; + } + }, + /** + * @property matrixInversion + * @type {Number[3][3]} + * @readOnly + */ + matrixInversion: { + dependencies: ["matrix"], + value: function (matrix) { + if (!matrix) { + return null; + } + return nx.geometry.Matrix.inverse(matrix); + } + }, + transform_internal_: { + dependencies: ["matrix"], + value: function (matrix) { + if (matrix) { + var scale = NaN, + rotate = NaN; + if (nx.geometry.Matrix.isometric(matrix)) { + scale = Math.sqrt(matrix[0][0] * matrix[0][0] + matrix[0][1] * matrix[0][1]); + rotate = matrix[0][1] > 0 ? Math.acos(matrix[0][0] / scale) : -Math.acos(matrix[0][0] / scale); + } + return { + x: matrix[2][0], + y: matrix[2][1], + scale: scale, + rotate: rotate + }; + } else { + return { + x: 0, + y: 0, + scale: 1, + rotate: 0 + }; + } + } + }, + x: { + get: function () { + return this._x !== undefined ? this._x : this.transform_internal_().x; + }, + set: function (value) { + this._applyTransform("x", value); + if (!isNaN(this.transform_internal_().x) && this._x !== this.transform_internal_().x) { + this._x = this.transform_internal_().x; + return true; + } + return false; + } + }, + y: { + get: function () { + return this._y !== undefined ? this._y : this.transform_internal_().y; + }, + set: function (value) { + this._applyTransform("y", value); + if (!isNaN(this.transform_internal_().y) && this._y !== this.transform_internal_().y) { + this._y = this.transform_internal_().y; + return true; + } + return false; + } + }, + scale: { + get: function () { + return this._scale !== undefined ? this._scale : this.transform_internal_().scale; + }, + set: function (v) { + this._applyTransform("scale", v); + if (!isNaN(this.transform_internal_().scale) && this._scale !== this.transform_internal_().scale) { + this._scale = this.transform_internal_().scale; + return true; + } + return false; + } + }, + rotate: { + get: function () { + return this._rotate !== undefined ? this._rotate : this.transform_internal_().rotate; + }, + set: function (v) { + this._applyTransform("rotate", v); + if (!isNaN(this.transform_internal_().rotate) && this._rotate !== this.transform_internal_().rotate) { + this._rotate = this.transform_internal_().rotate; + return true; + } + return false; + } + } + }, + methods: { + applyTranslate: function (x, y) { + this.matrix(nx.geometry.Matrix.multiply(this.matrix(), [ + [1, 0, 0], + [0, 1, 0], + [x, y, 1] + ])); + }, + applyScale: function (s, accord) { + if (accord) { + this.matrix(nx.geometry.Matrix.multiply(this.matrix(), [ + [1, 0, 0], + [0, 1, 0], + [-accord[0], -accord[1], 1] + ], [ + [s, 0, 0], + [0, s, 0], + [0, 0, 1] + ], [ + [1, 0, 0], + [0, 1, 0], + [accord[0], accord[1], 1] + ])); + } else { + this.matrix(nx.geometry.Matrix.multiply(this.matrix(), [ + [s, 0, 0], + [0, s, 0], + [0, 0, 1] + ])); + } + }, + applyRotate: function (r, accord) { + var x = this.x(), + y = this.y(), + sinr = sin(r), + cosr = cos(r); + if (accord) { + this.matrix(nx.geometry.Matrix.multiply(this.matrix(), [ + [1, 0, 0], + [0, 1, 0], + [-accord[0], -accord[1], 1] + ], [ + [cos, sin, 0], + [-sin, cos, 0], + [0, 0, 1] + ], [ + [1, 0, 0], + [0, 1, 0], + [accord[0], accord[1], 1] + ])); + } else { + this.matrix(nx.geometry.Matrix.multiply(this.matrix(), [ + [cos, sin, 0], + [-sin, cos, 0], + [0, 0, 1] + ])); + } + }, + applyMatrix: function () { + var matrices = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); + matrices = nx.util.query({ + array: matrices, + mapping: function (matrix) { + return nx.is(matrix, nx.geometry.Matrix) ? matrix.matrix() : matrix; + } + }); + matrices.unshift(this.matrix()); + this.matrix(nx.geometry.Matrix.multiply.apply(this, matrices)); + }, + _applyTransform: function (key, value) { + if (this["_" + key] === value || isNaN(value)) { + return; + } + if (value === this.transform_internal_()[key]) { + this["_" + key] = value; + this.notify(key); + } else { + switch (key) { + case "x": + this.applyTranslate(value - this.transform_internal_().x, 0); + break; + case "y": + this.applyTranslate(0, value - this.transform_internal_().y); + break; + case "scale": + this.applyScale(value / this.transform_internal_().scale, [this.transform_internal_().x, this.transform_internal_().y]); + break; + case "rotate": + this.applyRotate(value - this.transform_internal_().rotate, [this.transform_internal_().x, this.transform_internal_().y]); + break; + } + } + }, + toString: function () { + return nx.geometry.Matrix.stringify(this.matrix()); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.ui, window); + +(function (nx, ui, global) { + /** + * @class Matrix + * @namespace nx.geometry + */ + var EXPORT = nx.define("nx.geometry.Matrix", nx.Observable, { + mixins: [nx.geometry.MatrixSupport], + methods: { + init: function (matrix) { + this.inherited(); + this.matrix(matrix); + }, + equal: function (matrix) { + return EXPORT.equal(this.matrix(), (nx.is(matrix, EXPORT) ? matrix.matrix() : matrix)); + } + }, + statics: { + I: [ + [1, 0, 0], + [0, 1, 0], + [0, 0, 1] + ], + isometric: function (m) { + return m && (m[0][0] || m[0][1]) && m[0][0] === m[1][1] && m[0][1] === -m[1][0]; + }, + approximate: function (m1, m2) { + if (!m1 || !m2 || m1.length != m2.length) { + return false; + } + var i; + for (i = 0; i < m1.length; i++) { + if (!nx.geometry.Vector.approximate(m1[i], m2[i])) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }, + equal: function (m1, m2) { + if (!m1 || !m2 || m1.length != m2.length) { + return false; + } + var i; + for (i = 0; i < m1.length; i++) { + if (!nx.geometry.Vector.equal(m1[i], m2[i])) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }, + multiply: function () { + var matrixes = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); + var m1, m2, m, mr, mc, r, c, n, row, col, num; + var i, j, k; + while (matrixes.length > 1) { + /* jshint -W030 */ + m1 = matrixes[0], m2 = matrixes[1]; + if (m1[0].length != m2.length) { + return null; + } + /* jshint -W030 */ + row = m1.length, col = m2[0].length, num = m2.length; + m = []; + for (r = 0; r < row; r++) { + mr = []; + for (c = 0; c < col; c++) { + mc = 0; + for (n = 0; n < num; n++) { + mc += m1[r][n] * m2[n][c]; + } + mr.push(mc); + } + m.push(mr); + } + matrixes.splice(0, 2, m); + } + return matrixes[0]; + }, + transpose: function (m) { + var t = [], + r, c, row = m.length, + col = m[0].length; + for (c = 0; c < col; c++) { + t[c] = []; + for (r = 0; r < row; r++) { + t[c].push(m[r][c]); + } + } + return t; + }, + inverse: function (m) { + // FIXME just for 2D 3x3 Matrix + var a = m[0][0], + b = m[0][1], + c = m[1][0], + d = m[1][1], + e = m[2][0], + f = m[2][1]; + var rslt = [], + deno = a * d - b * c; + if (deno === 0) { + return null; + } + return [ + [d / deno, -b / deno, 0], [-c / deno, a / deno, 0], [(c * f - d * e) / deno, (b * e - a * f) / deno, 1] + ]; + }, + stringify: function (matrix) { + return [matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1]].join(",").replace(/-?\d+e[+-]?\d+/g, "0"); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.ui, window); + +(function (nx, ui, global) { + /** + * @class Math + * @namespace nx.geometry + */ + var EXPORT = nx.define("nx.geometry.Math", nx.Observable, { + statics: (function () { + function precised(f) { + return function (param) { + var v = f(param); + return EXPORT.approximate(v, 0) ? 0 : v; + }; + } + + return { + approximate: function (a, b) { + var v = a - b; + return v < 1e-10 && v > -1e-10; + }, + sin: precised(Math.sin), + cos: precised(Math.cos), + tan: precised(Math.tan), + cot: function (a) { + var tan = Math.tan(a); + if (tan > 1e10 || tan < -1e10) { + return 0; + } + return 1 / tan; + } + }; + })() + }); +})(nx, nx.ui, window); + +(function(nx, ui, global) { + /** + * @class BezierCurve + * @namespace nx.geometry + */ + var EXPORT = nx.define("nx.geometry.BezierCurve", nx.Observable, { + statics: (function() { + function transformBezierToPolyline(bezier) { + var i, polyline = []; + for (i = 0; i < bezier.length - 1; i++) { + polyline.push([bezier[i], bezier[i + 1]]); + } + return polyline; + } + + function transformPolylineToBezier(polyline) { + var i, bezier = [polyline[0][0]]; + for (i = 0; i < polyline.length; i++) { + bezier.push(polyline[i][1]); + } + return bezier; + } + + function transformRecursiveSeparatePoints(points) { + var i = 0, + last = 0, + result = []; + for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { + if (typeof points[i] !== "number" || points[i] <= last || points[i] > 1) { + throw "Invalid bread point list: " + points.join(","); + } + result.push((points[i] - last) / (1 - last)); + last = points[i]; + } + return result; + } + + function quadLength(t, start, control_1, control_2, end) { + /* Formula from Wikipedia article on Bezier curves. */ + return start * (1.0 - t) * (1.0 - t) * (1.0 - t) + 3.0 * control_1 * (1.0 - t) * (1.0 - t) * t + 3.0 * control_2 * (1.0 - t) * t * t + end * t * t * t; + } + + + return { + slice: function(bezier, from, to) { + if (from === 0) { + if (to === 0) { + return null; + } + return EXPORT.breakdown(bezier, to).beziers[0]; + } else if (!to) { + return EXPORT.breakdown(bezier, from).beziers[1]; + } else { + return EXPORT.breakdown(bezier, from, to).beziers[1]; + } + }, + breakdown: function(bezier) { + // get the rest arguments + var rates = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); + if (!rates.length) { + throw "Invalid argument length: " + arguments.length; + } + rates = transformRecursiveSeparatePoints(rates); + var rate, polyline, sep, points = [bezier[0]], + beziers = []; + // transform bezier points into lines + polyline = transformBezierToPolyline(bezier); + // iterate all rates + while (rates.length) { + // get the separate ratio + rate = rates.shift(); + // separate the rest bezier + sep = EXPORT.separate(polyline, rate); + // mark the points and beziers + points.push(sep.point); + beziers.push(transformPolylineToBezier(sep.left)); + // get the rest + polyline = sep.right; + } + // append the rest bezier + points.push(bezier[bezier.length - 1]); + beziers.push(transformPolylineToBezier(polyline)); + return { + points: points, + beziers: beziers + }; + }, + /** + * @method separate + * @param polyline List of intervals (interval=[point-from, point-to], point=[x, y]). + * @param rate The rate to separate. + * @return {point:[x, y], left: leftPolyline, right: rightPolyline} + */ + separate: function separate(polyline, rate) { + var rest = 1 - rate; + var intervalSeparatePoint = function(interval) { + return [interval[0][0] * rest + interval[1][0] * rate, interval[0][1] * rest + interval[1][1] * rate]; + }; + var intervalInter = function(i1, i2) { + return [intervalSeparatePoint([i1[0], i2[0]]), intervalSeparatePoint([i1[1], i2[1]])]; + }; + var polylineLower = function(polyline) { + var i, rslt = []; + for (i = 0; i < polyline.length - 1; i++) { + rslt.push(intervalInter(polyline[i], polyline[i + 1])); + } + return rslt; + }; + // start iterate + var point, left = [], + right = []; + var intervals = polyline, + interval; + while (intervals.length) { + interval = intervals[0]; + left.push([interval[0], intervalSeparatePoint(interval)]); + interval = intervals[intervals.length - 1]; + right.unshift([intervalSeparatePoint(interval), interval[1]]); + if (intervals.length == 1) { + point = intervalSeparatePoint(intervals[0]); + } + intervals = polylineLower(intervals); + } + return { + point: point, + left: left, + right: right + }; + }, + through: function(points, grade) { + // get default grade + if (grade === undefined) { + grade = points.length - 1; + } + // check if grade is too low + if (grade < 2) { + return null; + } + // TODO generalized algorithm for all grade + var anchors = []; + if (grade === 2) { + var A = points[0]; + var B = points[2]; + var X = points[1]; + var O = [(A[0] + B[0]) / 2, (A[1] + B[1]) / 2]; + var XX = [X[0] * 2 - O[0], X[1] * 2 - O[1]]; + anchors.push(A, XX, B); + } + return anchors; + }, + locationAlongCurve: function(bezier, distance) { + var t; + var steps = 1000; + var length = 0.0; + var previous_dot = []; + var start = bezier[0]; + if (!distance) { + return 0; + } + for (var i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { + t = i / steps; + var x = quadLength(t, start[0], bezier[1][0], bezier[2][0], bezier[3][0]); + var y = quadLength(t, start[1], bezier[1][1], bezier[2][1], bezier[3][1]); + if (i > 0) { + var x_diff = x - previous_dot[0]; + var y_diff = y - previous_dot[1]; + var gap = Math.sqrt(x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff); + if (length < distance && distance < length + gap) { + return i / steps; + } else { + length += gap; + } + } + previous_dot = [x, y]; + } + return NaN; + }, + positionAlongCurve: function(bezier, distance) { + var t; + var steps = 1000; + var length = 0.0; + var previous_dot = null; + var start = bezier[0]; + if (!distance) { + return 0; + } + for (var i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { + t = i / steps; + var x = quadLength(t, start[0], bezier[1][0], bezier[2][0], bezier[3][0]); + var y = quadLength(t, start[1], bezier[1][1], bezier[2][1], bezier[3][1]); + if (i > 0) { + var x_diff = x - previous_dot[0]; + var y_diff = y - previous_dot[1]; + var gap = Math.sqrt(x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff); + if (length < distance && distance < length + gap) { + return [x, y]; + } else { + length += gap; + } + } + previous_dot = [x, y]; + } + return NaN; + }, + getLength: function(bezier) { + var t; + var steps = 1000; + var length = 0.0; + var previous_dot = []; + var start = bezier[0]; + for (var i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { + t = i / steps; + var x = quadLength(t, start[0], bezier[1][0], bezier[2][0], bezier[3][0]); + var y = quadLength(t, start[1], bezier[1][1], bezier[2][1], bezier[3][1]); + if (i > 0) { + var x_diff = x - previous_dot[0]; + var y_diff = y - previous_dot[1]; + + length += Math.sqrt(x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff); + } + previous_dot = [x, y]; + } + return length; + } + }; + })() + }); +})(nx, nx.ui, window); +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * @class Vector + * @namespace nx.geometry + */ + var Vector = nx.define("nx.geometry.Vector", nx.Observable, { + statics: { + approximate: function (v1, v2) { + if (!v1 || !v2 || v1.length != v2.length) { + return false; + } + var i; + for (i = 0; i < v1.length; i++) { + if (!nx.geometry.Math.approximate(v1[i], v2[i])) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }, + equal: function (v1, v2) { + if (!v1 || !v2 || v1.length != v2.length) { + return false; + } + var i; + for (i = 0; i < v1.length; i++) { + if (v1[i] !== v2[i]) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }, + plus: function (v1, v2) { + return [v1[0] + v2[0], v1[1] + v2[1]]; + }, + transform: function (v, m) { + var matrices = [ + [v.concat([1])] + ].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); + return nx.geometry.Matrix.multiply.apply(nx.geometry.Matrix, matrices)[0].slice(0, 2); + }, + multiply: function (v, k) { + return Vector.transform(v, [ + [k, 0, 0], + [0, k, 0], + [0, 0, 1] + ]); + }, + abs: function (v, len) { + if (arguments.length == 1) { + return Math.sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]); + } + var weight = len / Vector.abs(v); + return Vector.transform(v, [ + [weight, 0, 0], + [0, weight, 0], + [0, 0, 1] + ]); + }, + reverse: function (v) { + return Vector.transform(v, [ + [-1, 0, 0], + [0, -1, 0], + [0, 0, 1] + ]); + }, + rotate: function (v, a) { + var sin = nx.geometry.Math.sin(a), + cos = nx.geometry.Math.cos(a); + return Vector.transform(v, [ + [cos, sin, 0], + [-sin, cos, 0], + [0, 0, 1] + ]); + }, + length: function (v) { + return Math.sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]); + }, + angleCosine: function (v1, v2) { + return (v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1]) / Vector.length(v1) / Vector.length(v2); + } + }, + methods: { + init: function (x, y) { + this.x = x || 0; + this.y = y || 0; + }, + /** + * @method equals + * @param v {nx.geometry.Vector} + * @returns {boolean} + */ + equals: function (v) { + return this.x === v.x && this.y === v.y; + }, + /** + * @method length + * @returns {number} + */ + length: function () { + return Math.sqrt(this.squaredLength()); + }, + /** + * @method squaredLength + * @returns {number} + */ + squaredLength: function () { + var x = this.x, + y = this.y; + + return x * x + y * y; + }, + /** + * @method angle + * @returns {number} + */ + angle: function () { + var l = this.length(), + a = l && Math.acos(this.x / l); + a = a * 180 / Math.PI; + a = this.y > 0 ? a : -a; + + return a; + }, + /** + * @method circumferentialAngle + * @returns {number} + */ + circumferentialAngle: function () { + var angle = this.angle(); + if (angle < 0) { + angle += 360; + } + return angle; + + }, + /** + * @method slope + * @returns {number} + */ + slope: function () { + return this.y / this.x; + }, + /** + * @method add + * @param v {nx.geometry.Vector} + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + add: function (v) { + return new Vector(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y); + }, + /** + * @method subtract + * @param v {nx.geometry.Vector} + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + subtract: function (v) { + return new Vector(this.x - v.x, this.y - v.y); + }, + /** + * @method multiply + * @param k {Number} + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + multiply: function (k) { + return new Vector(this.x * k, this.y * k); + }, + /** + * @method divide + * @param k {Number} + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + divide: function (k) { + return new Vector(this.x / k, this.y / k); + }, + /** + * @method rotate + * @param a {Number} + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + rotate: function (a) { + var x = this.x, + y = this.y, + sinA = Math.sin(a / 180 * Math.PI), + cosA = Math.cos(a / 180 * Math.PI); + + return new Vector(x * cosA - y * sinA, x * sinA + y * cosA); + }, + /** + * @method negate + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + negate: function () { + return new Vector(-this.x, -this.y); + }, + /** + * @method normal + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + normal: function () { + var l = this.length() || 1; + return new Vector(-this.y / l, this.x / l); + }, + /** + * @method normalize + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + normalize: function () { + var l = this.length() || 1; + return new Vector(this.x / l, this.y / l); + }, + /** + * @method clone + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + clone: function () { + return new Vector(this.x, this.y); + } + } + }); +})(nx, window); + +(function (nx) { + var Vector = nx.geometry.Vector; + + /** + * Mathematics Line class + * @class nx.geometry.Line + * @module nx.geometry + */ + var Line = nx.define('nx.geometry.Line', nx.Observable, { + methods: { + init: function (start, end) { + this.start = start || new Vector(); + this.end = end || new Vector(); + this.dir = this.end.subtract(this.start); + }, + /** + * @method length + * @returns {*} + */ + length: function () { + return this.dir.length(); + }, + /** + * @method squaredLength + * @returns {*} + */ + squaredLength: function () { + return this.dir.squaredLength(); + }, + /** + * @method angle + * @returns {*} + */ + angle: function () { + return this.dir.angle(); + }, + /** + * @methid intersection + * @returns {*} + */ + circumferentialAngle: function () { + var angle = this.angle(); + if (angle < 0) { + angle += 360; + } + return angle; + }, + /** + * @method center + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + center: function () { + return this.start.add(this.end).divide(2); + }, + /** + * @method slope + * @returns {*} + */ + slope: function () { + return this.dir.slope(); + }, + /** + * @method general + * @returns {Array} + */ + general: function () { + var k = this.slope(), + start = this.start; + if (isFinite(k)) { + return [k, -1, start.y - k * start.x]; + } + else { + return [1, 0, -start.x]; + } + }, + /** + * @method intersection + * @param l {nx.geometry.Line} + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + intersection: function (l) { + var g0 = this.general(), + g1 = l.general(); + + return new Vector( + (g0[1] * g1[2] - g1[1] * g0[2]) / (g0[0] * g1[1] - g1[0] * g0[1]), + (g0[0] * g1[2] - g1[0] * g0[2]) / (g1[0] * g0[1] - g0[0] * g1[1])); + }, + /** + * @method pedal + * @param v {nx.geometry.Vector} + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + pedal: function (v) { + var dir = this.dir, + g0 = this.general(), + g1 = [dir.x, dir.y, -v.x * dir.x - v.y * dir.y]; + + return new Vector( + (g0[1] * g1[2] - g1[1] * g0[2]) / (g0[0] * g1[1] - g1[0] * g0[1]), + (g0[0] * g1[2] - g1[0] * g0[2]) / (g1[0] * g0[1] - g0[0] * g1[1])); + }, + /** + * @method translate + * @param v {nx.geometry.Vector} + * @returns {mx.math.Line} + */ + translate: function (v) { + v = v.rotate(this.angle()); + return new Line(this.start.add(v), this.end.add(v)); + }, + /** + * @method rotate + * @param a {Number} + * @returns {nx.geometry.Line} + */ + rotate: function (a) { + return new Line(this.start.rotate(a), this.end.rotate(a)); + }, + /** + * @method negate + * @returns {nx.geometry.Line} + */ + negate: function () { + return new Line(this.end, this.start); + }, + /** + * @method normal + * @returns {nx.geometry.Vector} + */ + normal: function () { + var dir = this.dir, l = this.dir.length(); + return new Vector(-dir.y / l, dir.x / l); + }, + /** + * @method pad + * @param a {nx.geometry.Vector} + * @param b {nx.geometry.Vector} + * @returns {nx.geometry.Line} + */ + pad: function (a, b) { + var n = this.dir.normalize(); + return new Line(this.start.add(n.multiply(a)), this.end.add(n.multiply(-b))); + }, + /** + * @method clone + * @returns {nx.geometry.Line} + */ + clone: function () { + return new Line(this.start, this.end); + } + } + }); +})(nx); +(function (nx, global) { + + + /* + 0|1 + --- + 2|3 + */ + + nx.data.QuadTree = function (inPoints, inWidth, inHeight, inCharge) { + var width = inWidth || 800; + var height = inHeight || 600; + var charge = inCharge || 200; + var points = inPoints; + var x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0; + this.root = null; + this.alpha = 0; + + if (points) { + var i = 0, length = points.length; + var point, px, py; + for (; i < length; i++) { + point = points[i]; + point.dx = 0; + point.dy = 0; + px = point.x; + py = point.y; + if (isNaN(px)) { + px = point.x = Math.random() * width; + } + if (isNaN(py)) { + py = point.y = Math.random() * height; + } + if (px < x1) { + x1 = px; + } else if (px > x2) { + x2 = px; + } + if (py < y1) { + y1 = py; + } else if (py > y2) { + y2 = py; + } + } + + //square + var dx = x2 - x1, dy = y2 - y1; + if (dx > dy) { + y2 = y1 + dx; + } else { + x2 = x1 + dy; + } + + var root = this.root = new QuadTreeNode(this, x1, y1, x2, y2); + for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { + root.insert(points[i]); + } + } + }; + + var QuadTreeNode = function (inQuadTree, inX1, inY1, inX2, inY2) { + var x1 = this.x1 = inX1, y1 = this.y1 = inY1, x2 = this.x2 = inX2, y2 = this.y2 = inY2; + var cx = (x1 + x2) * 0.5, cy = (y1 + y2) * 0.5; + var dx = (inX2 - inX1) * 0.5; + var dy = (inY2 - inY1) * 0.5; + this.point = null; + this.nodes = null; + this.insert = function (inPoint) { + var point = this.point; + var nodes = this.nodes; + if (!point && !nodes) { + this.point = inPoint; + return; + } + if (point) { + if (Math.abs(point.x - inPoint.x) + Math.abs(point.y - inPoint.y) < 0.01) { + this._insert(inPoint); + } else { + this.point = null; + this._insert(point); + this._insert(inPoint); + } + } else { + this._insert(inPoint); + } + }; + + this._insert = function (inPoint) { + var right = inPoint.x >= cx, bottom = inPoint.y >= cy, i = (bottom << 1) + right; + var index = (bottom << 1) + right; + var x = x1 + dx * right; + var y = y1 + dy * bottom; + var nodes = this.nodes || (this.nodes = []); + var node = nodes[index] || (nodes[index] = new QuadTreeNode(inQuadTree, x, y, x + dx, y + dy)); + node.insert(inPoint); + }; + }; + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * NeXt force layout algorithm class + * @class nx.data.Force + */ + + /** + * Force layout algorithm class constructor function + * @param inWidth {Number} force stage width, default 800 + * @param inHeight {Number} force stage height, default 800 + * @constructor + */ + + nx.data.NextForce = function (inWidth, inHeight) { + var width = inWidth || 800; + var height = inHeight || 800; + var strength = 4; + var distance = 100; + var gravity = 0.1; + this.charge = 1200; + this.alpha = 1; + + this.totalEnergy = Infinity; + this.maxEnergy = Infinity; + + var threshold = 2; + var theta = 0.8; + this.nodes = null; + this.links = null; + this.quadTree = null; + /** + * Set data to this algorithm + * @method setData + * @param inJson {Object} Follow Common Topology Data Definition + */ + this.setData = function (inJson) { + var nodes = this.nodes = inJson.nodes; + var links = this.links = inJson.links; + var nodeMap = this.nodeMap = {}; + var weightMap = this.weightMap = {}; + var maxWeight = this.maxWeight = 1; + var node, link, i = 0, length = nodes.length, id, weight; + for (; i < length; i++) { + node = nodes[i]; + id = node.id; + nodeMap[id] = node; + weightMap[id] = 0; + } + if (links) { + length = links.length; + for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { + link = links[i]; + id = link.source; + weight = ++weightMap[id]; + if (weight > maxWeight) { + this.maxWeight = weight; + } + id = link.target; + weight = ++weightMap[id]; + if (weight > maxWeight) { + this.maxWeight = weight; + } + } + } + }; + /** + * Start processing + * @method start + */ + this.start = function () { + var totalEnergyThreshold = threshold * this.nodes.length; + while (true) { + this.tick(); + if (this.maxEnergy < threshold * 5 && this.totalEnergy < totalEnergyThreshold) { + break; + } + } + }; + /** + * Tick whole force stage + * @method tick + */ + this.tick = function () { + var nodes = this.nodes; + var quadTree = this.quadTree = new nx.data.QuadTree(nodes, width, height); + this._calculateLinkEffect(); + this._calculateCenterGravitation(); + + var root = quadTree.root; + this._calculateQuadTreeCharge(root); +// var chargeCallback = this.chargeCallback; +// if (chargeCallback) { +// chargeCallback.call(scope, root); +// } + var i, length = nodes.length, node; + for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { + node = nodes[i]; + this._calculateChargeEffect(root, node); + } + this._changePosition(); + }; + this._changePosition = function () { + var totalEnergy = 0; + var maxEnergy = 0; + var nodes = this.nodes; + var i, node, length = nodes.length, x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, x, y, energy, dx, dy, allFixed = true; + for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { + node = nodes[i]; + dx = node.dx * 0.5; + dy = node.dy * 0.5; + energy = Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy); + + if (!node.fixed) { + + totalEnergy += energy; + + if (energy > maxEnergy) { + maxEnergy = energy; + } + } + + + if (!node.fixed) { + x = node.x += dx; + y = node.y += dy; + allFixed = false; + } else { + x = node.x; + y = node.y; + } + if (x < x1) { + x1 = x; + } else if (x > x2) { + x2 = x; + } + if (y < y1) { + y1 = y; + } else if (y > y2) { + y2 = y; + } + } + this.totalEnergy = allFixed ? 0 : totalEnergy; + this.maxEnergy = allFixed ? 0 : maxEnergy; + this.x1 = x1; + this.y1 = y1; + this.x2 = x2; + this.y2 = y2; + }; + this._calculateCenterGravitation = function () { + var nodes = this.nodes; + var node, x, y; + var length = nodes.length; + + var k = 0.5 * gravity; + x = width / 2; + y = height / 2; + for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { + node = nodes[i]; + node.dx += (x - node.x) * k; + node.dy += (y - node.y) * k; + } + }; + this._calculateLinkEffect = function () { + var links = this.links; + var nodeMap = this.nodeMap; + var weightMap = this.weightMap; + var i, length , link, source, target, dx, dy, d2, d, dk, k, sWeight, tWeight, totalWeight; + if (links) { + length = links.length; + for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { + link = links[i]; + source = nodeMap[link.source]; + target = nodeMap[link.target]; + dx = target.x - source.x; + dy = target.y - source.y; + if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) { + target.x += Math.random() * 5; + target.y += Math.random() * 5; + dx = target.x - source.x; + dy = target.y - source.y; + } + d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; + d = Math.sqrt(d2); + if (d2) { + var maxWeight = this.maxWeight; + dk = strength * (d - distance) / d; + dx *= dk; + dy *= dk; + sWeight = weightMap[source.id]; + tWeight = weightMap[target.id]; + totalWeight = sWeight + tWeight; + k = sWeight / totalWeight; + target.dx -= (dx * k) / maxWeight; + target.dy -= (dy * k) / maxWeight; + k = 1 - k; + source.dx += (dx * k) / maxWeight; + source.dy += (dy * k) / maxWeight; + } + } + } + }; + this._calculateQuadTreeCharge = function (inNode) { + if (inNode.fixed) { + return; + } + var nodes = inNode.nodes; + var point = inNode.point; + var chargeX = 0, chargeY = 0, charge = 0; + if (!nodes) { + inNode.charge = inNode.pointCharge = this.charge; + inNode.chargeX = point.x; + inNode.chargeY = point.y; + return; + } + if (nodes) { + var i = 0, length = nodes.length, node, nodeCharge; + for (; i < length; i++) { + node = nodes[i]; + if (node) { + this._calculateQuadTreeCharge(node); + nodeCharge = node.charge; + charge += nodeCharge; + chargeX += nodeCharge * node.chargeX; + chargeY += nodeCharge * node.chargeY; + } + } + } + if (point) { + var thisCharge = this.charge; + charge += thisCharge; + chargeX += thisCharge * point.x; + chargeY += thisCharge * point.y; + } + inNode.charge = charge; + inNode.chargeX = chargeX / charge; + inNode.chargeY = chargeY / charge; + }; + this._calculateChargeEffect = function (inNode, inPoint) { + if (this.__calculateChargeEffect(inNode, inPoint)) { + var nodes = inNode.nodes; + if (nodes) { + var node, i = 0, length = nodes.length; + for (; i < length; i++) { + node = nodes[i]; + if (node) { + this._calculateChargeEffect(node, inPoint); + } + } + } + + } + }; + + this.__calculateChargeEffect = function (inNode, inPoint) { + if (inNode.point != inPoint) { + var dx = inNode.chargeX - inPoint.x; + var dy = inNode.chargeY - inPoint.y; + var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; + var d = Math.sqrt(d2); + var dk = 1 / d; + var k; + if ((inNode.x2 - inNode.x1) * dk < theta) { + k = inNode.charge * dk * dk; + inPoint.dx -= dx * k; + inPoint.dy -= dy * k; + return false; + } else { + if (inNode.point) { + if (!isFinite(dk)) { + inPoint.dx -= Math.random() * 10; + inPoint.dy -= Math.random() * 10; + } else if (inNode.pointCharge) { + k = inNode.pointCharge * dk * dk; + inPoint.dx -= dx * k; + inPoint.dy -= dy * k; + } + } + } + } + return true; + }; + }; +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + nx.data.Force = function () { + var force = {}; + var size = [100, 100]; + var alpha = 0, + friction = 0.9; + var linkDistance = function () { + return 100; + }; + var linkStrength = function () { + return 1; + }; + var charge = -1200, + gravity = 0.1, + theta = 0.8, + nodes = [], + links = [], + distances, strengths, charges; + + function repulse(node) { + return function (quad, x1, _, x2) { + if (quad.point !== node) { + var dx = quad.cx - node.x, + dy = quad.cy - node.y, + dn = 1 / Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy), + k; + if ((x2 - x1) * dn < theta) { + k = quad.charge * dn * dn; + node.px -= dx * k; + node.py -= dy * k; + return true; + } + if (quad.point && isFinite(dn)) { + k = quad.pointCharge * dn * dn; + node.px -= dx * k; + node.py -= dy * k; + } + } + return !quad.charge; + }; + } + + force.tick = function () { + if ((alpha *= 0.99) < 0.005) { + alpha = 0; + return true; + } + var n = nodes.length, + m = links.length, + q, i, o, s, t, l, k, x, y; + for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { + o = links[i]; + s = o.source; + t = o.target; + x = t.x - s.x; + y = t.y - s.y; + if ((l = x * x + y * y)) { + l = alpha * strengths[i] * ((l = Math.sqrt(l)) - distances[i]) / l; + x *= l; + y *= l; + t.x -= x * (k = s.weight / (t.weight + s.weight)); + t.y -= y * k; + s.x += x * (k = 1 - k); + s.y += y * k; + } + } + if ((k = alpha * gravity)) { + x = size[0] / 2; + y = size[1] / 2; + i = -1; + if (k) + while (++i < n) { + o = nodes[i]; + o.x += (x - o.x) * k; + o.y += (y - o.y) * k; + } + } + if (charge) { + forceAccumulate(q = quadtree(nodes), alpha, charges); + i = -1; + while (++i < n) { + if (!(o = nodes[i]).fixed) { + q.visit(repulse(o)); + } + } + } + i = -1; + while (++i < n) { + o = nodes[i]; + if (o.fixed) { + o.x = o.px; + o.y = o.py; + } else { + o.x -= (o.px - (o.px = o.x)) * friction; + o.y -= (o.py - (o.py = o.y)) * friction; + } + } + }; + force.nodes = function (x) { + if (!arguments.length) return nodes; + nodes = x; + return force; + }; + force.links = function (x) { + if (!arguments.length) return links; + links = x; + return force; + }; + force.distance = linkDistance; + force.charge = function (x) { + if (!arguments.length) return charge; + charge = typeof x === "function" ? x : +x; + return force; + }; + force.size = function (x) { + if (!arguments.length) return size; + size = x; + return force; + }; + force.alpha = function (x) { + if (!arguments.length) return alpha; + if (alpha) { + if (x > 0) alpha = x; + else alpha = 0; + } else if (x > 0) { + alpha = x; + force.tick(); + } + return force; + }; + force.start = function () { + var i, j, n = nodes.length, + m = links.length, + w = size[0], + h = size[1], + neighbors, o; + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + (o = nodes[i]).index = i; + o.weight = 0; + } + distances = []; + strengths = []; + for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { + o = links[i]; + if (typeof o.source == "number") o.source = nodes[o.source]; + if (typeof o.target == "number") o.target = nodes[o.target]; + distances[i] = linkDistance.call(this, o, i); + strengths[i] = linkStrength.call(this, o, i); + ++o.source.weight; + ++o.target.weight; + } + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + o = nodes[i]; + if (isNaN(o.x)) o.x = position("x", w); + if (isNaN(o.y)) o.y = position("y", h); + if (isNaN(o.px)) o.px = o.x; + if (isNaN(o.py)) o.py = o.y; + } + charges = []; + if (typeof charge === "function") { + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + charges[i] = +charge.call(this, nodes[i], i); + } + } else { + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + charges[i] = charge; + } + } + + function position(dimension, size) { + var neighbors = neighbor(i), + j = -1, + m = neighbors.length, + x; + while (++j < m) + if (!isNaN(x = neighbors[j][dimension])) return x; + return Math.random() * size; + } + + function neighbor() { + if (!neighbors) { + neighbors = []; + for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) { + neighbors[j] = []; + } + for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) { + var o = links[j]; + neighbors[o.source.index].push(o.target); + neighbors[o.target.index].push(o.source); + } + } + return neighbors[i]; + } + + return force.resume(); + }; + force.resume = function () { + return force.alpha(0.1); + }; + force.stop = function () { + return force.alpha(0); + }; + + return force; + }; + + + var forceAccumulate = function (quad, alpha, charges) { + var cx = 0, + cy = 0; + quad.charge = 0; + if (!quad.leaf) { + var nodes = quad.nodes, + n = nodes.length, + i = -1, + c; + while (++i < n) { + c = nodes[i]; + if (c == null) continue; + forceAccumulate(c, alpha, charges); + quad.charge += c.charge; + cx += c.charge * c.cx; + cy += c.charge * c.cy; + } + } + if (quad.point) { + if (!quad.leaf) { + quad.point.x += Math.random() - 0.5; + quad.point.y += Math.random() - 0.5; + } + var k = alpha * charges[quad.point.index]; + quad.charge += quad.pointCharge = k; + cx += k * quad.point.x; + cy += k * quad.point.y; + } + quad.cx = cx / quad.charge; + quad.cy = cy / quad.charge; + }; + + var quadtree = function (points, x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var p, i = -1, + n = points.length; + if (arguments.length < 5) { + if (arguments.length === 3) { + y2 = y1; + x2 = x1; + y1 = x1 = 0; + } else { + x1 = y1 = Infinity; + x2 = y2 = -Infinity; + while (++i < n) { + p = points[i]; + if (p.x < x1) x1 = p.x; + if (p.y < y1) y1 = p.y; + if (p.x > x2) x2 = p.x; + if (p.y > y2) y2 = p.y; + } + } + } + var dx = x2 - x1, + dy = y2 - y1; + if (dx > dy) y2 = y1 + dx; + else x2 = x1 + dy; + + function insert(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2) { + if (isNaN(p.x) || isNaN(p.y)) return; + if (n.leaf) { + var v = n.point; + if (v) { + if (Math.abs(v.x - p.x) + Math.abs(v.y - p.y) < 0.01) { + insertChild(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2); + } else { + n.point = null; + insertChild(n, v, x1, y1, x2, y2); + insertChild(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2); + } + } else { + n.point = p; + } + } else { + insertChild(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2); + } + } + + function insertChild(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var sx = x1 * 0.5 + x2 * 0.5, + sy = y1 * 0.5 + y2 * 0.5, + right = p.x >= sx, + bottom = p.y >= sy, + i = (bottom << 1) + right; + n.leaf = false; + n = n.nodes[i] || (n.nodes[i] = quadtreeNode()); + if (right) x1 = sx; + else x2 = sx; + if (bottom) y1 = sy; + else y2 = sy; + insert(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2); + } + + var root = quadtreeNode(); + root.add = function (p) { + insert(root, p, x1, y1, x2, y2); + }; + root.visit = function (f) { + quadtreeVisit(f, root, x1, y1, x2, y2); + }; + points.forEach(root.add); + return root; + }; + + var quadtreeNode = function () { + return { + leaf: true, + nodes: [], + point: null + }; + }; + + var quadtreeVisit = function (f, node, x1, y1, x2, y2) { + if (!f(node, x1, y1, x2, y2)) { + var sx = (x1 + x2) * 0.5, + sy = (y1 + y2) * 0.5, + children = node.nodes; + if (children[0]) quadtreeVisit(f, children[0], x1, y1, sx, sy); + if (children[1]) quadtreeVisit(f, children[1], sx, y1, x2, sy); + if (children[2]) quadtreeVisit(f, children[2], x1, sy, sx, y2); + if (children[3]) quadtreeVisit(f, children[3], sx, sy, x2, y2); + } + }; +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * Convex algorithm + * @class nx.data.Convex + * @static + */ + nx.define('nx.data.Convex', { + static: true, + methods: { + multiply: function (p1, p2, p0) { + return((p1.x - p0.x) * (p2.y - p0.y) - (p2.x - p0.x) * (p1.y - p0.y)); + }, + dis: function (p1, p2) { + return(Math.sqrt((p1.x - p2.x) * (p1.x - p2.x) + (p1.y - p2.y) * (p1.y - p2.y))); + }, + /** + * Process given node array + * @method process + * @param inPointArray {Array} Each item should be a object, which include x&y attribute + * @returns {Array} + */ + process: function (inPointArray) { + var stack = []; + var count = inPointArray.length; + var i, j, k = 0, top = 2; + var tmp; + + //找到最下且偏左的那个点 + for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { + if ((inPointArray[i].y < inPointArray[k].y) || ((inPointArray[i].y === inPointArray[k].y) && (inPointArray[i].x < inPointArray[k].x))) { + k = i; + } + } + //将这个点指定为PointSet[0] + tmp = inPointArray[0]; + inPointArray[0] = inPointArray[k]; + inPointArray[k] = tmp; + + //按极角从小到大,距离偏短进行排序 + for (i = 1; i < count - 1; i++) { + k = i; + for (j = i + 1; j < count; j++) + if ((this.multiply(inPointArray[j], inPointArray[k], inPointArray[0]) > 0) || + ((this.multiply(inPointArray[j], inPointArray[k], inPointArray[0]) === 0) && + (this.dis(inPointArray[0], inPointArray[j]) < this.dis(inPointArray[0], inPointArray[k])))) + k = j;//k保存极角最小的那个点,或者相同距离原点最近 + tmp = inPointArray[i]; + inPointArray[i] = inPointArray[k]; + inPointArray[k] = tmp; + } + //第三个点先入栈 + stack[0] = inPointArray[0]; + stack[1] = inPointArray[1]; + stack[2] = inPointArray[2]; + //判断与其余所有点的关系 + for (i = 3; i < count; i++) { + //不满足向左转的关系,栈顶元素出栈 + while (top > 0 && this.multiply(inPointArray[i], stack[top], stack[top - 1]) >= 0) { + top--; + stack.pop(); + } + //当前点与栈内所有点满足向左关系,因此入栈. + stack[++top] = inPointArray[i]; + } + return stack; + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * Vertex class + * @class nx.data.Vertex + * @extend nx.data.ObservableObject + * @module nx.data + */ + + var Vector = nx.geometry.Vector; + + nx.define('nx.data.Vertex', nx.data.ObservableObject, { + events: ['updateCoordinate'], + properties: { + /** + * Vertex id + * @property id {String|Number} + */ + id: {}, + /** + * @property positionGetter + */ + positionGetter: { + value: function () { + return function () { + return { + x: nx.path(this._data, 'x') || 0, + y: nx.path(this._data, 'y') || 0 + }; + }; + } + }, + /** + * @property positionSetter + */ + positionSetter: { + value: function () { + return function (position) { + if (this._data) { + var x = nx.path(this._data, 'x'); + var y = nx.path(this._data, 'y'); + if (position.x !== x || position.y !== y) { + nx.path(this._data, 'x', position.x); + nx.path(this._data, 'y', position.y); + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }; + } + }, + /** + * Get/set vertex position. + * @property position + */ + position: { + get: function () { + return{ + x: this._x || 0, + y: this._y || 0 + }; + }, + set: function (obj) { + var isModified = false; + var _position = { + x: this._x, + y: this._y + }; + if (obj.x !== undefined && this._x !== obj.x) { + this._x = obj.x; + isModified = true; + } + + if (obj.y !== undefined && this._y !== obj.y) { + this._y = obj.y; + isModified = true; + } + + + if (isModified) { + + this.positionSetter().call(this, {x: this._x, y: this._y}); + + this.fire("updateCoordinate", { + oldPosition: _position, + newPosition: { + x: this._x, + y: this._y + } + }); + this.notify("vector"); + } + } + }, + /** + * Get/set x coordination, suggest use position property + * @property x + */ + x: { + get: function () { + return this._x || 0; + }, + set: function (value) { + this.position({x: parseFloat(value)}); + } + }, + /** + * Get/set y coordination, suggest use position property + * @property y + */ + y: { + get: function () { + return this._y || 0; + }, + set: function (value) { + this.position({y: parseFloat(value)}); + } + }, + /** + * Get vertex's Vector object + * @readOnly + */ + vector: { + get: function () { + var position = this.position(); + return new Vector(position.x, position.y); + } + }, + restricted: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Set/get vertex's visibility, and this property related to all connect edge set + * @property visible {Boolean} + * @default true + */ + visible: { + get: function () { + return this._visible !== undefined ? this._visible : true; + }, + set: function (value) { + this._visible = value; + + var graph = this.graph(); + + if (value === false) { + if (this.generated()) { + nx.each(this.edgeSetCollections(), function (esc, linkKey) { + graph.deleteEdgeSetCollection(linkKey); + }, this); + graph.removeVertex(this.id()); + } + } else { + if (!this.restricted() && !this.generated()) { + graph.generateVertex(this); + + nx.each(this.edgeSets(), function (edgeSet) { + graph._generateConnection(edgeSet); + }); + } + } + var parentVertexSet = this.parentVertexSet(); + if (parentVertexSet) { + graph.updateVertexSet(parentVertexSet); + } + } + }, + /** + * Status property,tag is this vertex generated + * @property generated {Boolean} + * @default false + */ + generated: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Status property,tag is this vertex updated + * @property updated {Boolean} + * @default false + */ + updated: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Vertex's type + * @property type {String} + * @default 'vertex' + */ + type: { + value: 'vertex' + }, + /** + * connected edgeSets + * @property edgeSets + */ + edgeSets: { + value: function () { + return {}; + } + }, + /** + * connected edgeSetCollections + * @property edgeSetCollections + */ + edgeSetCollections: { + value: function () { + return {}; + } + }, + /** + * Get connected edges + * @property edges + */ + edges: { + get: function () { + var edges = {}; + nx.each(this.edgeSets(), function (edgeSet) { + nx.extend(edges, edgeSet.edges()); + }); + return edges; + } + }, + /** + * Get connected vertices + * @property connectedVertices + */ + connectedVertices: { + get: function () { + var vertices = {}; + this.eachConnectedVertex(function (vertex, id) { + vertices[id] = vertex; + }, this); + return vertices; + } + }, + /** + * Graph instance + * @property graph {nx.data.ObservableGraph} + */ + graph: { + + }, + /** + * Vertex parent vertex set, if exist + * @property parentVertexSet {nx.data.VertexSet} + */ + parentVertexSet: {}, + /** + * Vertex root vertexSet + * @property rootVertexSet + */ + rootVertexSet: { + get: function () { + var parentVertexSet = this.parentVertexSet(); + while (parentVertexSet && parentVertexSet.parentVertexSet()) { + parentVertexSet = parentVertexSet.parentVertexSet(); + } + return parentVertexSet; + } + }, + /** + * Generated Root VertexSet + * @property generatedRootVertexSet + */ + generatedRootVertexSet: { + get: function () { + var _parentVertexSet; + var parentVertexSet = this.parentVertexSet(); + + while (parentVertexSet) { + if (parentVertexSet.generated() && parentVertexSet.activated()) { + _parentVertexSet = parentVertexSet; + } + parentVertexSet = parentVertexSet.parentVertexSet(); + } + return _parentVertexSet; + } + }, + selected: { + value: false + } + }, + methods: { + + set: function (key, value) { + if (this.has(key)) { + this[key].call(this, value); + } else { + nx.path(this._data, key, value); + this.notify(key); + } + }, + get: function (key) { + if (this.has(key)) { + return this[key].call(this); + } else { + return nx.path(this._data, key); + } + }, + has: function (name) { + var member = this[name]; + return (member && member.__type__ == 'property'); + }, + + /** + * Get original data + * @method getData + * @returns {Object} + */ + getData: function () { + return this._data; + }, + /** + * Add connected edgeSet, which source vertex is this vertex + * @method addEdgeSet + * @param edgeSet {nx.data.EdgeSet} + * @param linkKey {String} + */ + addEdgeSet: function (edgeSet, linkKey) { + var _edgeSets = this.edgeSets(); + _edgeSets[linkKey] = edgeSet; + }, + /** + * Remove edgeSet from connected edges array + * @method removeEdgeSet + * @param linkKey {String} + */ + removeEdgeSet: function (linkKey) { + var _edgeSets = this.edgeSets(); + delete _edgeSets[linkKey]; + }, + addEdgeSetCollection: function (esc, linkKey) { + var edgeSetCollections = this.edgeSetCollections(); + edgeSetCollections[linkKey] = esc; + }, + removeEdgeSetCollection: function (linkKey) { + var edgeSetCollections = this.edgeSetCollections(); + delete edgeSetCollections[linkKey]; + }, + /** + * Iterate all connected vertices + * @method eachConnectedVertex + * @param callback {Function} + * @param context {Object} + */ + eachConnectedVertex: function (callback, context) { + var id = this.id(); + nx.each(this.edgeSets(), function (edgeSet) { + var vertex = edgeSet.sourceID() == id ? edgeSet.target() : edgeSet.source(); + if (vertex.visible() && !vertex.restricted()) { + callback.call(context || this, vertex, vertex.id()); + } + }, this); + + nx.each(this.edgeSetCollections(), function (esc) { + var vertex = esc.sourceID() == id ? esc.target() : esc.source(); + if (vertex.visible() && !vertex.restricted()) { + callback.call(context || this, vertex, vertex.id()); + } + }, this); + }, + /** + * Move vertex + * @method translate + * @param x + * @param y + */ + translate: function (x, y) { + var _position = this.position(); + if (x != null) { + _position.x += x; + } + + if (y != null) { + _position.y += y; + } + + this.position(_position); + } + } + }); +}) +(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + + + /** + * Edge + * @class nx.data.Edge + * @extend nx.data.ObservableObject + * @module nx.data + */ + + var Line = nx.geometry.Line; + nx.define('nx.data.Edge', nx.data.ObservableObject, { + events: ['updateCoordinate'], + properties: { + /** + * Source vertex + * @property source {nx.data.Vertex} + */ + source: { + value: null + }, + /** + * Target vertex + * @property target {nx.data.Vertex} + */ + target: { + value: null + }, + /** + * Source vertex id + * @property sourceID {String|Number} + */ + sourceID: { + value: null + }, + /** + * Target vertex id + * @property targetID {String|Number} + */ + targetID: { + value: null + }, + /** + * Edge's linkkey, linkkey = sourceID-targetID + * @property linkKey {String} + */ + linkKey: { + + }, + /** + * Edge's reverse linkkey,reverseLinkKey = targetID + '_' + sourceID + * @property reverseLinkKey {String} + */ + reverseLinkKey: { + + }, + + /** + * Status property,tag is this edge generated + * @property generated {Boolean} + * @default false + */ + generated: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Status property,tag is this edge updated + * @property updated {Boolean} + * @default false + */ + updated: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Edge's type + * @property type {String} + * @default edge + */ + type: { + value: 'edge' + }, + /** + * Edge's id + * @property id {String|Number} + */ + id: {}, + /** + * Edge's parent edge set + * @property parentEdgeSet {nx.data.edgeSet} + */ + parentEdgeSet: {}, + /** + * Edge line object + * @property line {nx.geometry.Line} + * @readOnly + */ + line: { + get: function () { + return new Line(this.source().vector(), this.target().vector()); + } + }, + /** + * Edge position object + * {{x1: (Number), y1: (Number), x2: (Number), y2: (Number)}} + * @property position {Object} + * @readOnly + */ + position: { + get: function () { + return { + x1: this.source().get("x"), + y1: this.source().get("y"), + x2: this.target().get("x"), + y2: this.target().get("y") + }; + } + }, + /** + * Is this link is a reverse link + * @property reverse {Boolean} + * @readOnly + */ + reverse: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Graph instance + * @property graph {nx.data.ObservableGraph} + */ + graph: { + + } + }, + methods: { + /** + * Get original data + * @method getData + * @returns {Object} + */ + getData: function () { + return this._data; + }, + attachEvent: function () { + this.source().on('updateCoordinate', this._updateCoordinate, this); + this.target().on('updateCoordinate', this._updateCoordinate, this); + }, + _updateCoordinate: function () { + this.fire('updateCoordinate'); + }, + dispose: function () { + this.source().off('updateCoordinate', this._updateCoordinate, this); + this.target().off('updateCoordinate', this._updateCoordinate, this); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + var util = nx.util; + /** + * Vertex set ckass + * @class nx.data.VertexSet + * @extend nx.data.Vertex + * @module nx.data + */ + nx.define('nx.data.VertexSet', nx.data.Vertex, { + properties: { + position: { + get: function () { + return{ + x: this._x || 0, + y: this._y || 0 + }; + }, + set: function (obj) { + var isModified = false; + var _position = { + x: this._x, + y: this._y + }; + if (obj.x !== undefined && this._x !== obj.x) { + this._x = obj.x; + isModified = true; + } + + if (obj.y !== undefined && this._y !== obj.y) { + this._y = obj.y; + isModified = true; + } + + + if (isModified) { + + this.positionSetter().call(this, {x: this._x, y: this._y}); + + + var _xDelta = this._x - _position.x; + var _yDelta = this._y - _position.y; + + nx.each(this.vertices(), function (vertex) { + vertex.translate(_xDelta, _yDelta); + }); + nx.each(this.vertexSet(), function (vertexSet) { + vertexSet.translate(_xDelta, _yDelta); + }); + + /** + * @event updateVertexSetCoordinate + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {Object} {oldPosition:Point,newPosition:Point} + */ + + this.fire("updateCoordinate", { + oldPosition: _position, + newPosition: { + x: this._x, + y: this._y + } + }); + this.notify("vector"); + } + } + }, + /** + * All child vertices + * @property vertices {Object} + * @default {} + */ + vertices: { + value: function () { + return {}; + } + }, + vertexSet: { + value: function () { + return {}; + } + }, + subVertices: { + get: function () { + var vertices = {}; + this.eachSubVertex(function (vertex, id) { + vertices[id] = vertex; + }); + return vertices; + } + }, + subVertexSet: { + get: function () { + var vertexSets = {}; + this.eachSubVertexSet(function (vertexSet, id) { + vertexSets[id] = vertexSet; + }); + return vertexSets; + } + }, + visible: { + value: true + }, + inheritedVisible: { + get: function () { + // all sub vertex is in visible + var invisible = true; + nx.each(this.vertices(), function (vertex) { + if (vertex.visible()) { + invisible = false; + } + }); + nx.each(this.vertexSet(), function (vertexSet) { + if (vertexSet.visible()) { + invisible = false; + } + }, this); + return !invisible; + } + }, + /** + * VertexSet's type + * @property type {String} + * @default 'vertexset' + */ + type: { + value: 'vertexSet' + }, + activated: { + get: function () { + return this._activated !== undefined ? this._activated : true; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (this._activated !== value) { + if (value) { + this._collapse(); + } else { + this._expand(); + } + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + } + }, + methods: { + initNodes: function () { + var graph = this.graph(); + var nodes = this.get('nodes'); + nx.each(nodes, function (id) { + var vertex = graph.vertices().getItem(id) || graph.vertexSets().getItem(id); + if (vertex && !vertex.restricted()) { + var _map = vertex.type() == 'vertex' ? this.vertices() : this.vertexSet(); + _map[id] = vertex; + vertex.restricted(true); + vertex.parentVertexSet(this); + } else { + if (console) { + console.warn('NodeSet data error', this.id(), id); + } + } + }, this); + + }, + /*** + * Add child vertex + * @method addVertex + * @param vertex + */ + addVertex: function (vertex) { + var nodes = this.get('nodes'); + if (vertex) { //&& !vertex.restricted() + var id = vertex.id(); + var _map = vertex.type() == 'vertex' ? this.vertices() : this.vertexSet(); + _map[id] = vertex; + vertex.restricted(true); + + var parentVertexSet = vertex.parentVertexSet(); + if (parentVertexSet) { + parentVertexSet.removeVertex(id); + parentVertexSet.updated(true); + } + + vertex.parentVertexSet(this); + nodes.push(vertex.id()); + this.updated(true); + } + }, + /** + * Remove vertex + * @param id {String} + * @returns {Array} + */ + removeVertex: function (id) { + var nodes = this.get('nodes'); + var vertex = this.vertices()[id] || this.vertexSet()[id]; + if (vertex) { + vertex.parentVertexSet(null); + delete this.vertices()[id]; + delete this.vertexSet()[id]; + nodes.splice(nodes.indexOf(id), 1); + this.updated(true); + } + }, + eachSubVertex: function (callback, context) { + nx.each(this.vertices(), callback, context || this); + nx.each(this.vertexSet(), function (vertex) { + vertex.eachSubVertex(callback, context); + }, this); + }, + eachSubVertexSet: function (callback, context) { + nx.each(this.vertexSet(), callback, context || this); + nx.each(this.vertexSet(), function (vertex) { + vertex.eachSubVertexSet(callback, context); + }, this); + }, + getSubEdgeSets: function () { + var subEdgeSetMap = {}; + // get all sub vertex and edgeSet + this.eachSubVertex(function (vertex) { + nx.each(vertex.edgeSets(), function (edgeSet, linkKey) { + subEdgeSetMap[linkKey] = edgeSet; + }); + }, this); + return subEdgeSetMap; + }, + _expand: function () { + var graph = this.graph(); + + var parentVertexSet = this.parentVertexSet(); + if (parentVertexSet) { + parentVertexSet.activated(false); + } + + this._activated = false; + + // remove created edgeSet collection + nx.each(this.edgeSetCollections(), function (esc, linkKey) { + graph.deleteEdgeSetCollection(linkKey); + }, this); + + + nx.each(this.vertices(), function (vertex, id) { + vertex.restricted(false); + if (vertex.visible()) { + graph.generateVertex(vertex); + } + }, this); + + nx.each(this.vertexSet(), function (vertexSet) { + vertexSet.restricted(false); + if (vertexSet.visible()) { + graph.generateVertexSet(vertexSet); + } + }, this); + + this.visible(false); + + this._generateConnection(); + }, + _collapse: function () { + var graph = this.graph(); + + this._activated = true; + + + this.eachSubVertex(function (vertex) { + vertex.restricted(true); + if (vertex.generated()) { + nx.each(vertex.edgeSetCollections(), function (esc, linkKey) { + graph.deleteEdgeSetCollection(linkKey); + }); + } + }, this); + + + nx.each(this.vertexSet(), function (vertexSet, id) { + vertexSet.restricted(true); + if (vertexSet.generated()) { + graph.removeVertexSet(id, false); + } + }, this); + + nx.each(this.vertices(), function (vertex, id) { + vertex.restricted(true); + if (vertex.generated()) { + graph.removeVertex(id); + } + }, this); + + this.visible(true); + + this._generateConnection(); + + }, + _generateConnection: function () { + // + var graph = this.graph(); + + nx.each(this.getSubEdgeSets(), function (edgeSet) { + graph._generateConnection(edgeSet); + }, this); + } + } + }); + + +}) +(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * Edge set clas + * @class nx.data.EdgeSet + * @extend nx.data.Edge + * @module nx.data + */ + + nx.define('nx.data.EdgeSet', nx.data.Edge, { + properties: { + /** + * All child edges + * @property edges {Object} + */ + edges: { + value: function () { + return {}; + } + }, + /** + * Edge's type + * @property type {String} + * @default 'edgeSet' + */ + type: { + value: 'edgeSet' + }, + activated: { + get: function () { + return this._activated !== undefined ? this._activated : true; + }, + set: function (value) { + var graph = this.graph(); + nx.each(this.edges(), function (edge,id) { + if (value) { + graph.removeEdge(id, false); + } else { + graph.generateEdge(edge); + } + }, this); + this._activated = value; + } + } + }, + methods: { + /** + * Add child edge + * @method addEdge + * @param edge {nx.data.Edge} + */ + addEdge: function (edge) { + var edges = this.edges(); + edges[edge.id()] = edge; + }, + /** + * Remove child edge + * @method removeEdge + * @param id {String} + */ + removeEdge: function (id) { + var edges = this.edges(); + delete edges[id]; + } + } + + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * Edge set collection class + * @class nx.data.EdgeSetCollection + * @extend nx.data.Edge + * @module nx.data + */ + + nx.define('nx.data.EdgeSetCollection', nx.data.Edge, { + properties: { + /** + * All child edgeset + * @property edgeSets {Object} + */ + edgeSets: { + value: function () { + return {}; + } + }, + edges: { + get: function () { + var edges = {}; + nx.each(this.edgeSets(), function (edgeSet) { + nx.extend(edges, edgeSet.edges()); + }); + return edges; + } + }, + /** + * Edge's type + * @property type {String} + * @default 'edgeSet' + */ + type: { + value: 'edgeSetCollection' + }, + activated: { + get: function () { + return this._activated !== undefined ? this._activated : true; + }, + set: function (value) { + var graph = this.graph(); + nx.each(this.edgeSets(),function(edgeSet){ + edgeSet.activated(value, { + force: true + }); + }); + //this.eachEdge(function (edge) { + // if (edge.type() == 'edge') { + // if (value) { + // graph.fire('removeEdge', edge); + // } else { + // graph.fire('addEdge', edge); + // } + // } else if (edge.type() == 'edgeSet') { + // if (value) { + // graph.fire('removeEdgeSet', edge); + // } else { + // graph.fire('addEdgeSet', edge); + // } + // } + //}, this); + this._activated = value; + } + } + }, + methods: { + /** + * Add child edgeSet + * @method addEdgeSet + * @param edgeSet {nx.data.EdgeSet} + */ + addEdgeSet: function (edgeSet) { + var edgeSets = this.edgeSets(); + edgeSets[edgeSet.linkKey()] = edgeSet; + }, + /** + * Remove child edgeSet + * @method removeEdgeSet + * @param linkKey {String} + */ + removeEdgeSet: function (linkKey) { + var edgeSets = this.edgeSets(); + delete edgeSets[linkKey]; + } + } + + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function(nx, global) { + var util = nx.util; + nx.define('nx.data.ObservableGraph.Vertices', nx.data.ObservableObject, { + events: ['addVertex', 'removeVertex', 'deleteVertex', 'updateVertex', 'updateVertexCoordinate'], + properties: { + + nodes: { + get: function() { + return this._nodes || []; + }, + set: function(value) { + + // off previous ObservableCollection event + if (this._nodes && nx.is(this._nodes, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + this._nodes.off('change', this._nodesCollectionProcessor, this); + } + + this.vertices().clear(); + + if (nx.is(value, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + value.on('change', this._nodesCollectionProcessor, this); + value.each(function(value) { + this._addVertex(value); + }, this); + this._nodes = value; + } else if (value) { + nx.each(value, this._addVertex, this); + this._nodes = value.slice(); + } + } + }, + + vertexFilter: {}, + vertices: { + value: function() { + var vertices = new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + vertices.on('change', function(sender, args) { + var action = args.action; + var items = args.items; + if (action == 'clear') { + nx.each(items, function(item) { + this.deleteVertex(item.key()); + }, this); + } + }, this); + return vertices; + } + }, + visibleVertices: { + get: function() { + var vertices = {}; + this.eachVertex(function(vertex, id) { + if (vertex.visible()) { + vertices[id] = vertex; + } + }); + return vertices; + } + }, + vertexPositionGetter: {}, + vertexPositionSetter: {} + }, + methods: { + /** + * Add vertex to Graph + * @method addVertex + * @param {JSON} data Vertex original data + * @param {Object} [config] Config object + * @returns {nx.data.Vertex} + */ + addVertex: function(data, config) { + var vertex; + var nodes = this.nodes(); + var vertices = this.vertices(); + var identityKey = this.identityKey(); + if (nx.is(nodes, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + nodes.add(data); + //todo will has issue when data is not current + vertex = vertices.getItem(vertices.count() - 1); + } else { + vertex = this._addVertex(data, config); + if (vertex) { + nodes.push(data); + } + } + + if (!vertex) { + return null; + } + + if (config) { + vertex.sets(config); + } + this.generateVertex(vertex); + + + return vertex; + }, + _addVertex: function(data) { + var vertices = this.vertices(); + var identityKey = this.identityKey(); + + if (typeof(data) == 'string' || typeof(data) == 'number') { + data = { + data: data + }; + } + + var id = nx.path(data, identityKey); + id = id !== undefined ? id : (this.vertexSets().count() + this.vertices().count()); + + if (vertices.getItem(id)) { + return null; + } + + var vertex = new nx.data.Vertex(data); + + var vertexPositionGetter = this.vertexPositionGetter(); + if (vertexPositionGetter) { + vertex.positionGetter(vertexPositionGetter); + } + + var vertexPositionSetter = this.vertexPositionSetter(); + if (vertexPositionSetter) { + vertex.positionSetter(vertexPositionSetter); + } + + + vertex.sets({ + graph: this, + id: id + }); + + + //delegate synchronize + if (nx.is(data, nx.data.ObservableObject)) { + var fn = data.set; + data.set = function(key, value) { + fn.call(data, key, value); + // + if (vertex.__properties__.indexOf(key) == -1) { + if (vertex.has(key)) { + vertex[key].call(vertex, value); + } else { + vertex.notify(key); + } + } + }; + } + + + // init position + vertex.position(vertex.positionGetter().call(vertex, vertex)); + + vertices.setItem(id, vertex); + + + var vertexFilter = this.vertexFilter(); + if (vertexFilter && nx.is(vertexFilter, Function)) { + var result = vertexFilter.call(this, data, vertex); + vertex.visible(result === false); + } + + return vertex; + }, + generateVertex: function(vertex) { + if (vertex.visible() && !vertex.generated() && !vertex.restricted()) { + + vertex.on('updateCoordinate', this._updateVertexCoordinateFN, this); + /** + * @event addVertex + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.Vertex} vertex Vertex object + */ + this.fire('addVertex', vertex); + vertex.generated(true); + } + }, + _updateVertexCoordinateFN: function(vertex) { + /** + * @event updateVertexCoordinate + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.Vertex} vertex Vertex object + */ + this.fire('updateVertexCoordinate', vertex); + }, + + + /** + * Remove a vertex from Graph + * @method removeVertex + * @param {String} id + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + removeVertex: function(id) { + var vertex = this.vertices().getItem(id); + if (!vertex) { + return false; + } + + nx.each(vertex.edgeSets(), function(edgeSet, linkKey) { + this.removeEdgeSet(linkKey); + }, this); + + nx.each(vertex.edgeSetCollections(), function(esc, linkKey) { + this.deleteEdgeSetCollection(linkKey); + }, this); + + + vertex.off('updateCoordinate', this._updateVertexCoordinateFN, this); + vertex.generated(false); + /** + * @event removeVertex + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.Vertex} vertex Vertex object + */ + this.fire('removeVertex', vertex); + return vertex; + }, + /** + * Delete a vertex from Graph + * @method removeVertex + * @param {id} id + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + deleteVertex: function(id) { + var nodes = this.nodes(); + var vertex = this.getVertex(id); + if (vertex) { + if (nx.is(nodes, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + var data = vertex.getData(); + nodes.remove(data); + } else { + var index = this.nodes().indexOf(vertex.getData()); + if (index != -1) { + this.nodes().splice(index, 1); + } + this._deleteVertex(id); + } + } + }, + _deleteVertex: function(id) { + var vertex = this.vertices().getItem(id); + if (!vertex) { + return false; + } + + nx.each(vertex.edgeSets(), function(edgeSet) { + this.deleteEdgeSet(edgeSet.linkKey()); + }, this); + + nx.each(vertex.edgeSetCollections(), function(esc) { + this.deleteEdgeSetCollection(esc.linkKey()); + }, this); + + var vertexSet = vertex.parentVertexSet(); + if (vertexSet) { + vertexSet.removeVertex(id); + } + + vertex.off('updateCoordinate', this._updateVertexCoordinateFN, this); + vertex.generated(false); + this.fire('deleteVertex', vertex); + + this.vertices().removeItem(id); + + vertex.dispose(); + }, + eachVertex: function(callback, context) { + this.vertices().each(function(item, id) { + callback.call(context || this, item.value(), id); + }); + }, + getVertex: function(id) { + return this.vertices().getItem(id); + }, + _nodesCollectionProcessor: function(sender, args) { + var items = args.items; + var action = args.action; + var identityKey = this.identityKey(); + if (action == 'add') { + nx.each(items, function(data) { + var vertex = this._addVertex(data); + this.generateVertex(vertex); + }, this); + } else if (action == 'remove') { + nx.each(items, function(data) { + var id = nx.path(data, identityKey); + this._deleteVertex(id); + }, this); + } else if (action == 'clear') { + this.vertices().clear(); + } + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function(nx, global) { + + nx.define('nx.data.ObservableGraph.VertexSets', nx.data.ObservableObject, { + events: ['addVertexSet', 'removeVertexSet', 'updateVertexSet', 'updateVertexSetCoordinate'], + properties: { + nodeSet: { + get: function() { + return this._nodeSet || []; + }, + set: function(value) { + + if (this._nodeSet && nx.is(this._nodeSet, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + this._nodeSet.off('change', this._nodeSetCollectionProcessor, this); + } + + this.vertexSets().clear(); + + if (nx.is(value, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + value.on('change', this._nodeSetCollectionProcessor, this); + value.each(function(value) { + this._addVertexSet(value); + }, this); + this._nodeSet = value; + } else if (value) { + nx.each(value, this._addVertexSet, this); + this._nodeSet = value.slice(); + } + + this.eachVertexSet(this.initVertexSet, this); + + + } + }, + vertexSets: { + value: function() { + var vertexSets = new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + vertexSets.on('change', function(sender, args) { + var action = args.action; + var items = args.items; + if (action == 'clear') { + nx.each(items, function(item) { + this.removeVertexSet(item.key()); + }, this); + } + }, this); + return vertexSets; + } + }, + visibleVertexSets: { + get: function() { + var vertexSets = {}; + this.eachVertexSet(function(vertexSet, id) { + if (vertexSet.visible()) { + vertexSets[id] = vertexSet; + } + }); + return vertexSets; + } + } + }, + methods: { + /** + * Add vertex set to Graph + * @method addVertexSet + * @param {JSON} data Vertex set original data, which include nodes(Array) attribute. That is node's ID collection. e.g. {nodes:[id1,id2,id3]} + * @param {Object} [config] Config object + * @returns {nx.data.VertexSet} + */ + addVertexSet: function(data, cfg) { + var vertexSet; + var config = cfg || {}; + var nodeSet = this.nodeSet(); + var vertexSets = this.vertexSets(); + if (nx.is(nodeSet, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + nodeSet.add(data); + vertexSet = vertexSets.getItem(vertexSets.count() - 1); + } else { + nodeSet.push(data); + vertexSet = this._addVertexSet(data); + } + + if (!vertexSet) { + return null; + } + + if (config) { + vertexSet.sets(config); + } + + + if (config.parentVertexSetID != null) { + var parentVertexSet = this.getVertexSet(config.parentVertexSetID); + if (parentVertexSet) { + parentVertexSet.addVertex(vertexSet); + } + } + + this.initVertexSet(vertexSet); + + + this.generateVertexSet(vertexSet); + + vertexSet.activated(true, { + force: true + }); + this.updateVertexSet(vertexSet); + + return vertexSet; + }, + _addVertexSet: function(data) { + var identityKey = this.identityKey(); + var vertexSets = this.vertexSets(); + // + if (typeof(data) == 'string' || typeof(data) == 'number') { + data = { + data: data + }; + } + var id = nx.path(data, identityKey); + id = id !== undefined ? id : this.vertexSets().count() + this.vertices().count(); + + if (vertexSets.getItem(id)) { + return null; + } + + var vertexSet = new nx.data.VertexSet(data); + + + var vertexPositionGetter = this.vertexPositionGetter(); + if (vertexPositionGetter) { + vertexSet.positionGetter(vertexPositionGetter); + } + + var vertexPositionSetter = this.vertexPositionSetter(); + if (vertexPositionSetter) { + vertexSet.positionSetter(vertexPositionSetter); + } + + // + vertexSet.sets({ + graph: this, + type: 'vertexSet', + id: id + }); + + + //delegate synchronize + if (nx.is(data, nx.data.ObservableObject)) { + var fn = data.set; + data.set = function(key, value) { + fn.call(data, key, value); + // + if (vertexSet.__properties__.indexOf(key) == -1) { + if (vertexSet.has(key)) { + vertexSet[key].call(vertexSet, value); + } else { + vertexSet.notify(key); + } + } + }; + } + + + vertexSet.position(vertexSet.positionGetter().call(vertexSet, vertexSet)); + + this.vertexSets().setItem(id, vertexSet); + + return vertexSet; + }, + initVertexSet: function(vertexSet) { + vertexSet.initNodes(); + }, + generateVertexSet: function(vertexSet) { + if (vertexSet.visible() && !vertexSet.generated()) { + vertexSet.generated(true); + vertexSet.on('updateCoordinate', this._updateVertexSetCoordinateFN, this); + this.fire('addVertexSet', vertexSet); + } + }, + _updateVertexSetCoordinateFN: function(vertexSet, args) { + /** + * @event updateVertexSetCoordinate + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.VertexSet} vertexSet VertexSet object + */ + this.fire('updateVertexSetCoordinate', vertexSet); + }, + updateVertexSet: function(vertexSet) { + if (vertexSet.generated()) { + vertexSet.updated(false); + /** + * @event updateVertexSet + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.VertexSet} vertexSet VertexSet object + */ + this.fire('updateVertexSet', vertexSet); + } + }, + + /** + * Remove a vertex set from Graph + * @method removeVertexSet + * @param {String} id + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + removeVertexSet: function(id) { + + var vertexSet = this.vertexSets().getItem(id); + if (!vertexSet) { + return false; + } + + + vertexSet.activated(true); + + nx.each(vertexSet.edgeSets(), function(edgeSet, linkKey) { + this.removeEdgeSet(linkKey); + }, this); + + nx.each(vertexSet.edgeSetCollections(), function(esc, linkKey) { + this.deleteEdgeSetCollection(linkKey); + }, this); + + vertexSet.generated(false); + vertexSet.off('updateCoordinate', this._updateVertexSetCoordinateFN, this); + this.fire('removeVertexSet', vertexSet); + + }, + deleteVertexSet: function(id) { + var nodeSet = this.nodeSet(); + var vertexSet = this.getVertexSet(id); + if (vertexSet) { + if (nx.is(nodeSet, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + var data = vertexSet.getData(); + nodeSet.remove(data); + } else { + var index = this.nodeSet().indexOf(vertexSet.getData()); + if (index != -1) { + this.nodeSet().splice(index, 1); + } + this._deleteVertexSet(id); + } + } + }, + _deleteVertexSet: function(id) { + var vertexSet = this.vertexSets().getItem(id); + if (!vertexSet) { + return false; + } + if (vertexSet.generated()) { + vertexSet.activated(false); + } + + + var parentVertexSet = vertexSet.parentVertexSet(); + if (parentVertexSet) { + parentVertexSet.removeVertex(id); + + } + + nx.each(vertexSet.vertices(), function(vertex) { + if (parentVertexSet) { + parentVertexSet.addVertex(vertex); + } else { + vertex.parentVertexSet(null); + } + }); + nx.each(vertexSet.vertexSet(), function(vertexSet) { + if (parentVertexSet) { + parentVertexSet.addVertex(vertexSet); + } else { + vertexSet.parentVertexSet(null); + } + }); + + vertexSet.off('updateCoordinate', this._updateVertexCoordinateFN, this); + vertexSet.generated(false); + this.vertexSets().removeItem(id); + this.fire('deleteVertexSet', vertexSet); + + vertexSet.dispose(); + }, + + eachVertexSet: function(callback, context) { + this.vertexSets().each(function(item, id) { + callback.call(context || this, item.value(), id); + }); + }, + getVertexSet: function(id) { + return this.vertexSets().getItem(id); + }, + _nodeSetCollectionProcessor: function(sender, args) { + var items = args.items; + var action = args.action; + var identityKey = this.identityKey(); + if (action == 'add') { + nx.each(items, function(data) { + var vertexSet = this._addVertexSet(data); + this.generateVertexSet(vertexSet); + + }, this); + } else if (action == 'remove') { + nx.each(items, function(data) { + var id = nx.path(data, identityKey); + this._deleteVertexSet(id); + }, this); + } else if (action == 'clear') { + this.vertexSets().clear(); + } + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + nx.define('nx.data.ObservableGraph.Edges', nx.data.ObservableObject, { + events: ['addEdge', 'removeEdge', 'deleteEdge', 'updateEdge', 'updateEdgeCoordinate'], + properties: { + links: { + get: function () { + return this._links || []; + }, + set: function (value) { + + if (this._links && nx.is(this._links, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + this._links.off('change', this._linksCollectionProcessor, this); + } + + this.edgeSetCollections().clear(); + + this.edgeSets().clear(); + + this.edges().clear(); + + + if (nx.is(value, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + value.on('change', this._linksCollectionProcessor, this); + value.each(function (value) { + this._addEdge(value); + }, this); + this._links = value; + } else if (value) { + nx.each(value, this._addEdge, this); + this._links = value.slice(); + } + + + } + }, + edgeFilter: {}, + edges: { + value: function () { + var edges = new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + edges.on('change', function (sender, args) { + var action = args.action; + var items = args.items; + if (action == 'clear') { + nx.each(items, function (item) { + this.deleteEdge(item.key()); + }, this); + } + }, this); + return edges; + } + } + }, + methods: { + /** + * Add edge to Graph + * @method addEdge + * @param {JSON} data Vertex original data + * @param {Object} [config] Config object + * @returns {nx.data.Edge} + */ + addEdge: function (data, config) { + var links = this.links(); + var edges = this.edges(); + var edge; + + if (data.source == null || data.target == null) { + return undefined; + } + + + if (nx.is(links, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + links.add(data); + // todo, handler when the data error, + edge = edges.getItem(edges.count() - 1); + } + else { + edge = this._addEdge(data); + if (edge) { + links.push(data); + } + } + + if (!edge) { + return null; + } + + if (config) { + edge.sets(config); + } + + //update edgeSet + var edgeSet = edge.parentEdgeSet(); + if (!edgeSet.generated()) { + this.generateEdgeSet(edgeSet); + } + else { + this.updateEdgeSet(edgeSet); + } + + return edge; + }, + _addEdge: function (data) { + var edges = this.edges(); + var identityKey = this.identityKey(); + var source, target, sourceID, targetID; + + + if (data.source == null || data.target == null) { + return undefined; + } + + + sourceID = nx.path(data, 'source') != null ? nx.path(data, 'source') : data.source; + source = this.vertices().getItem(sourceID); // || this.vertexSets().getItem(sourceID); + + + targetID = nx.path(data, 'target') != null ? nx.path(data, 'target') : data.source; + target = this.vertices().getItem(targetID); // || this.vertexSets().getItem(targetID); + + + if (source && target) { + var edge = new nx.data.Edge(data); + var id = nx.path(data, 'id') != null ? nx.path(data, 'id') : edge.__id__; + + if (edges.getItem(id)) { + return null; + } + + + edge.sets({ + id: id, + source: source, + target: target, + sourceID: sourceID, + targetID: targetID, + graph: this + }); + + edge.attachEvent(); + + edges.setItem(id, edge); + + var edgeSet = this.getEdgeSetBySourceAndTarget(sourceID, targetID); + if (!edgeSet) { + edgeSet = this._addEdgeSet({ + source: source, + target: target, + sourceID: sourceID, + targetID: targetID + }); + } + else { + edgeSet.updated(true); + } + + edge.sets({ + linkKey: edgeSet.linkKey(), + reverseLinkKey: edgeSet.reverseLinkKey() + }); + + edgeSet.addEdge(edge); + edge.parentEdgeSet(edgeSet); + edge.reverse(sourceID !== edgeSet.sourceID()); + + + var edgeFilter = this.edgeFilter(); + if (edgeFilter && nx.is(edgeFilter, Function)) { + var result = edgeFilter.call(this, data, edge); + edge.visible(result === false); + } + + return edge; + + } + else { + if (console) { + console.warn('source node or target node is not defined, or linkMappingKey value error', data, source, target); + } + return undefined; + } + }, + generateEdge: function (edge) { + if (!edge.generated()) { //&& edge.source().generated() && edge.target().generated() + edge.on('updateCoordinate', this._updateEdgeCoordinate, this); + + /** + * @event addEdge + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.Edge} edge Edge object + */ + this.fire('addEdge', edge); + edge.generated(true); + } + }, + /** + * Remove edge from Graph + * @method removeEdge + * @param id {String} edge id + * @param isUpdateEdgeSet {Boolean} + */ + removeEdge: function (id, isUpdateEdgeSet) { + var edge = this.edges().getItem(id); + if (!edge) { + return false; + } + edge.generated(false); + edge.off('updateCoordinate', this._updateEdgeCoordinate, this); + /** + * @event removeEdge + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.Edge} edge Edge object + */ + this.fire('removeEdge', edge); + + if (isUpdateEdgeSet !== false) { + var edgeSet = edge.parentEdgeSet(); + this.updateEdgeSet(edgeSet); + } + }, + deleteEdge: function (id, isUpdateEdgeSet) { + + var edge = this.getEdge(id); + if (!edge) { + return false; + } + + var links = this.links(); + if (nx.is(links, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + links.removeAt(edge.getData()); + } + else { + var index = links.indexOf(edge.getData()); + if (index != -1) { + links.splice(index, 1); + } + this._deleteEdge(id, isUpdateEdgeSet); + } + + }, + _deleteEdge: function (id, isUpdateEdgeSet) { + var edge = this.getEdge(id); + if (!edge) { + return false; + } + edge.off('updateCoordinate', this._updateEdgeCoordinate, this); + + //update parent + if (isUpdateEdgeSet !== false) { + var edgeSet = edge.parentEdgeSet(); + edgeSet.removeEdge(id); + this.updateEdgeSet(edgeSet); + } + + /** + * @event deleteEdge + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.Edge} edge Edge object + */ + this.fire('deleteEdge', edge); + + this.edges().removeItem(id); + + edge.dispose(); + + }, + _updateEdgeCoordinate: function (sender, args) { + this.fire('updateEdgeCoordinate', sender); + }, + getEdge: function (id) { + return this.edges().getItem(id); + }, + /** + * Get edges by source vertex id and target vertex id + * @method getEdgesBySourceAndTarget + * @param source {nx.data.Vertex|Number|String} could be vertex object or id + * @param target {nx.data.Vertex|Number|String} could be vertex object or id + * @returns {Array} + */ + getEdgesBySourceAndTarget: function (source, target) { + var edgeSet = this.getEdgeSetBySourceAndTarget(source, target); + return edgeSet && edgeSet.getEdges(); + }, + /** + * Get edges which are connected to passed vertices + * @method getEdgesByVertices + * @param inVertices + * @returns {Array} + */ + getEdgesByVertices: function (inVertices) { + // var edges = []; + // nx.each(inVertices, function (vertex) { + // edges = edges.concat(vertex.edges); + // edges = edges.concat(vertex.reverseEdges); + // }); + // + // + // return util.uniq(edges); + }, + + /** + * Get edges which's source and target vertex are both in the passed vertices + * @method getInternalEdgesByVertices + * @param inVertices + * @returns {Array} + */ + + getInternalEdgesByVertices: function (inVertices) { + // var edges = []; + // var verticesMap = {}; + // var internalEdges = []; + // nx.each(inVertices, function (vertex) { + // edges = edges.concat(vertex.edges); + // edges = edges.concat(vertex.reverseEdges); + // verticesMap[vertex.id()] = vertex; + // }); + // + // nx.each(edges, function (edge) { + // if (verticesMap[edge.sourceID()] !== undefined && verticesMap[edge.targetID()] !== undefined) { + // internalEdges.push(edge); + // } + // }); + // + // + // return internalEdges; + + }, + /** + * Get edges which's just one of source or target vertex in the passed vertices. All edges connected ourside of passed vertices + * @method getInternalEdgesByVertices + * @param inVertices + * @returns {Array} + */ + getExternalEdgesByVertices: function (inVertices) { + // var edges = []; + // var verticesMap = {}; + // var externalEdges = []; + // nx.each(inVertices, function (vertex) { + // edges = edges.concat(vertex.edges); + // edges = edges.concat(vertex.reverseEdges); + // verticesMap[vertex.id()] = vertex; + // }); + // + // nx.each(edges, function (edge) { + // if (verticesMap[edge.sourceID()] === undefined || verticesMap[edge.targetID()] === undefined) { + // externalEdges.push(edge); + // } + // }); + // + // + // return externalEdges; + + }, + _linksCollectionProcessor: function (sender, args) { + var items = args.items; + var action = args.action; + if (action == 'add') { + nx.each(items, function (data) { + var edge = this._addEdge(data); + //update edgeSet + var edgeSet = edge.parentEdgeSet(); + if (!edgeSet.generated()) { + this.generateEdgeSet(edgeSet); + } + else { + this.updateEdgeSet(edgeSet); + } + }, this); + } + else if (action == 'remove') { + var ids = []; + // get all edges should be delete + this.edges().each(function (item, id) { + var edge = item.value(); + if (items.indexOf(edge.getData()) != -1) { + ids.push(edge.id()); + } + }, this); + nx.each(ids, function (id) { + this._deleteEdge(id); + }, this); + + } + else if (action == 'clear') { + this.edges().clear(); + } + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + + nx.define('nx.data.ObservableGraph.EdgeSets', nx.data.ObservableObject, { + events: ['addEdgeSet', 'updateEdgeSet', 'removeEdgeSet', 'deleteEdgeSet', 'updateEdgeSetCoordinate'], + properties: { + edgeSets: { + value: function () { + var edgeSets = new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + edgeSets.on('change', function (sender, args) { + var action = args.action; + var items = args.items; + if (action == 'clear') { + nx.each(items, function (item) { + this.deleteEdgeSet(item.key()); + }, this); + } + }, this); + return edgeSets; + } + } + }, + methods: { + _addEdgeSet: function (data) { + var edgeSet = new nx.data.EdgeSet(); + var id = edgeSet.__id__; + var linkKey = data.sourceID + '_' + data.targetID; + var reverseLinkKey = data.targetID + '_' + data.sourceID; + + + edgeSet.sets(data); + edgeSet.sets({ + graph: this, + linkKey: linkKey, + reverseLinkKey: reverseLinkKey, + id: id + }); + + edgeSet.source().addEdgeSet(edgeSet, linkKey); + edgeSet.target().addEdgeSet(edgeSet, linkKey); + + edgeSet.attachEvent(); + + this.edgeSets().setItem(linkKey, edgeSet); + return edgeSet; + }, + generateEdgeSet: function (edgeSet) { + if (!edgeSet.generated() && edgeSet.source().generated() && edgeSet.target().generated()) { + edgeSet.generated(true); + edgeSet.on('updateCoordinate', this._updateEdgeSetCoordinate, this); + /** + * @event addEdgeSet + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.EdgeSet} edgeSet EdgeSet object + */ + this.fire('addEdgeSet', edgeSet); + } + }, + updateEdgeSet: function (edgeSet) { + if (edgeSet.generated() && edgeSet.source().generated() && edgeSet.target().generated()) { + edgeSet.updated(false); + /** + * @event updateEdgeSet + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.EdgeSet} edgeSet EdgeSet object + */ + this.fire('updateEdgeSet', edgeSet); + } + }, + removeEdgeSet: function (linkKey) { + + var edgeSet = this.edgeSets().getItem(linkKey); + if (!edgeSet) { + return false; + } + + edgeSet.off('updateCoordinate', this._updateEdgeSetCoordinate, this); + + nx.each(edgeSet.edges(), function (edge, id) { + this.removeEdge(id, false); + }, this); + edgeSet.generated(false); + edgeSet._activated = true; + /** + * @event removeEdgeSet + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.EdgeSet} edgeSet EdgeSet object + */ + this.fire('removeEdgeSet', edgeSet); + }, + deleteEdgeSet: function (linkKey) { + var edgeSet = this.edgeSets().getItem(linkKey); + if (!edgeSet) { + return false; + } + + edgeSet.off('updateCoordinate', this._updateEdgeSetCoordinate, this); + + nx.each(edgeSet.edges(), function (edge, id) { + this.deleteEdge(id, false); + }, this); + + edgeSet.source().removeEdgeSet(linkKey); + edgeSet.target().removeEdgeSet(linkKey); + + /** + * @event removeEdgeSet + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.EdgeSet} edgeSet EdgeSet object + */ + this.fire('deleteEdgeSet', edgeSet); + + this.edgeSets().removeItem(linkKey); + + edgeSet.dispose(); + }, + _updateEdgeSetCoordinate: function (sender, args) { + this.fire('updateEdgeSetCoordinate', sender); + }, + /** + * Get edgeSet by source vertex id and target vertex id + * @method getEdgeSetBySourceAndTarget + * @param source {nx.data.Vertex|Number|String} could be vertex object or id + * @param target {nx.data.Vertex|Number|String} could be vertex object or id + * @returns {nx.data.EdgeSet} + */ + getEdgeSetBySourceAndTarget: function (source, target) { + var edgeSets = this.edgeSets(); + + var sourceID = nx.is(source, nx.data.Vertex) ? source.id() : source; + var targetID = nx.is(target, nx.data.Vertex) ? target.id() : target; + + var linkKey = sourceID + '_' + targetID; + var reverseLinkKey = targetID + '_' + sourceID; + + return edgeSets.getItem(linkKey) || edgeSets.getItem(reverseLinkKey); + }, + eachEdgeSet: function (callback, context) { + this.edgeSets().each(function (item, id) { + callback.call(context || this, item.value(), id); + }); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + nx.define('nx.data.ObservableGraph.EdgeSetCollections', nx.data.ObservableObject, { + events: ['addEdgeSetCollection', 'removeEdgeSetCollection', 'deleteEdgeSetCollection', 'updateEdgeSetCollection', 'updateEdgeSetCollectionCoordinate'], + properties: { + edgeSetCollections: { + value: function () { + var edgeSetCollections = new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + edgeSetCollections.on('change', function (sender, args) { + var action = args.action; + var items = args.items; + if (action == 'clear') { + nx.each(items, function (item) { + //[TODO] DEBUG + if(item.value()){ + this.deleteEdgeSetCollection(item.value().linkKey()); + } + }, this); + } + }, this); + return edgeSetCollections; + } + } + }, + methods: { + _addEdgeSetCollection: function (data) { + var esc = new nx.data.EdgeSetCollection(); + var id = esc.__id__; + var linkKey = data.sourceID + '_' + data.targetID; + var reverseLinkKey = data.targetID + '_' + data.sourceID; + + + esc.sets(data); + esc.sets({ + graph: this, + linkKey: linkKey, + reverseLinkKey: reverseLinkKey, + id: id + }); + + esc.source().addEdgeSetCollection(esc, linkKey); + esc.target().addEdgeSetCollection(esc, linkKey); + + esc.attachEvent(); + + this.edgeSetCollections().setItem(linkKey, esc); + return esc; + }, + generateEdgeSetCollection: function (esc) { + esc.generated(true); + esc.on('updateCoordinate', this._updateEdgeSetCollectionCoordinate, this); + this.fire('addEdgeSetCollection', esc); + }, + updateEdgeSetCollection: function (esc) { + esc.updated(true); + this.fire('updateEdgeSetCollection', esc); + }, + removeEdgeSetCollection: function (linkKey) { + + var esc = this.edgeSetCollections().getItem(linkKey); + if (!esc) { + return false; + } + + esc.generated(false); + esc.off('updateCoordinate', this._updateEdgeSetCollectionCoordinate, this); + + /** + * @event removeEdgeSet + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.EdgeSet} edgeSet EdgeSet object + */ + this.fire('removeEdgeSetCollection', esc); + }, + + deleteEdgeSetCollection: function (linkKey) { + + var esc = this.edgeSetCollections().getItem(linkKey); + if (!esc) { + return false; + } + esc.off('updateCoordinate', this._updateEdgeSetCollectionCoordinate, this); + esc.source().removeEdgeSetCollection(linkKey); + esc.target().removeEdgeSetCollection(linkKey); + + /** + * @event removeEdgeSet + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param {nx.data.EdgeSet} edgeSet EdgeSet object + */ + this.fire('deleteEdgeSetCollection', esc); + + this.edgeSetCollections().removeItem(linkKey); + + esc.dispose(); + }, + getEdgeSetCollectionBySourceAndTarget: function (source, target) { + var edgeSetCollections = this.edgeSetCollections(); + + var sourceID = nx.is(source, nx.data.Vertex) ? source.id() : source; + var targetID = nx.is(target, nx.data.Vertex) ? target.id() : target; + + var linkKey = sourceID + '_' + targetID; + var reverseLinkKey = targetID + '_' + sourceID; + + return edgeSetCollections.getItem(linkKey) || edgeSetCollections.getItem(reverseLinkKey); + }, + _updateEdgeSetCollectionCoordinate: function (sender, args) { + this.fire('updateEdgeSetCollectionCoordinate', sender); + }, + eachEdgeCollections: function (callback, context) { + this.edgeSetCollections().each(function (item, id) { + callback.call(context || this, item.value(), id); + }); + }, + _generateConnection: function (edgeSet) { + + if (!edgeSet.source().visible() || !edgeSet.target().visible()) { + return; + } + + var obj = this._getGeneratedRootVertexSetOfEdgeSet(edgeSet); + + if (!obj.source || !obj.target) { + return; + } + + if (obj.source == obj.target) { + return; + } + + if (!obj.source.visible() || !obj.target.visible()) { + return; + } + + + if (obj.source.id() == edgeSet.sourceID() && obj.target.id() == edgeSet.targetID()) { + this.generateEdgeSet(edgeSet); + } else { + var esc = this.getEdgeSetCollectionBySourceAndTarget(obj.source.id(), obj.target.id()); + if (!esc) { + esc = this._addEdgeSetCollection({ + source: obj.source, + target: obj.target, + sourceID: obj.source.id(), + targetID: obj.target.id() + }); + this.generateEdgeSetCollection(esc); + } + esc.addEdgeSet(edgeSet); + this.updateEdgeSetCollection(esc); + } + }, + _getGeneratedRootVertexSetOfEdgeSet: function (edgeSet) { + var source = edgeSet.source(); + if (!source.generated()) { + source = source.generatedRootVertexSet(); + } + var target = edgeSet.target(); + if (!target.generated()) { + target = target.generatedRootVertexSet(); + } + return { + source: source, + target: target + }; + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global, logger) { + /** + * Force layout processor + * @class nx.data.ObservableGraph.ForceProcessor + * @module nx.data + */ + nx.define("nx.data.ObservableGraph.NeXtForceProcessor", { + methods: { + /** + * Process graph data + * @param data {JSON} standard graph data + * @param [key] + * @param [model] + * @returns {JSON} {JSON} standard graph data + */ + process: function (data, key, model) { + var forceStartDate = new Date(); + + var _data = {nodes: data.nodes, links: []}; + var nodeIndexMap = {}; + nx.each(data.nodes, function (node, index) { + nodeIndexMap[node[key]] = index; + }); + + _data.links = []; + nx.each(data.links, function (link) { + if (!nx.is(link.source, 'Object') && nodeIndexMap[link.source] !== undefined && !nx.is(link.target, 'Object') && nodeIndexMap[link.target] !== undefined) { + _data.links.push({ + source: nodeIndexMap[link.source], + target: nodeIndexMap[link.target] + }); + } + }); + + // force + var force = new nx.data.NextForce(); + force.setData(data); + console.log(_data.nodes.length); + if (_data.nodes.length < 50) { + while (true) { + force.tick(); + if (force.maxEnergy < _data.nodes.length * 0.1) { + break; + } + } + } else { + var step = 0; + while (++step < 900) { + force.tick(); + } + } + + console.log(force.maxEnergy); + + return data; + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global, nx.logger); +(function (nx, global, logger) { + /** + * Force layout processor + * @class nx.data.ObservableGraph.ForceProcessor + * @module nx.data + */ + nx.define("nx.data.ObservableGraph.ForceProcessor", { + methods: { + /** + * Process graph data + * @param data {JSON} standard graph data + * @param [key] + * @param [model] + * @returns {JSON} {JSON} standard graph data + */ + process: function (data, key, model) { + var forceStartDate = new Date(); + var _data; + + _data = {nodes: data.nodes, links: []}; + var nodeIndexMap = {}; + nx.each(data.nodes, function (node, index) { + nodeIndexMap[node[key]] = index; + }); + + + // if source and target is not number, force will search node + nx.each(data.links, function (link) { + if (!nx.is(link.source, 'Object') && nodeIndexMap[link.source] !== undefined && !nx.is(link.target, 'Object') && nodeIndexMap[link.target] !== undefined) { + if (key == 'ixd') { + _data.links.push({ + source: link.source, + target: link.target + }); + } else { + _data.links.push({ + source: nodeIndexMap[link.source], + target: nodeIndexMap[link.target] + }); + } + + } + }); + var force = new nx.data.Force(); + force.nodes(_data.nodes); + force.links(_data.links); + force.start(); + while (force.alpha()) { + force.tick(); + } + force.stop(); + + return data; + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global, nx.logger); +(function (nx, global) { + nx.define("nx.data.ObservableGraph.QuickProcessor", { + methods: { + process: function (data, key, model) { + nx.each(data.nodes, function (node) { + node.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * model.width()); + node.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * model.height()); +// node.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); +// node.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); + }); + return data; + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + nx.define("nx.data.ObservableGraph.CircleProcessor", { + methods: { + process: function (data) { + + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + var DataProcessor = nx.define("nx.data.ObservableGraph.DataProcessor", { + statics: { + dataProcessor: { + 'nextforce': new nx.data.ObservableGraph.NeXtForceProcessor(), + 'force': new nx.data.ObservableGraph.ForceProcessor(), + 'quick': new nx.data.ObservableGraph.QuickProcessor(), + 'circle': new nx.data.ObservableGraph.CircleProcessor() + }, + /** + * Register graph data processor, + * @static + * @method registerDataProcessor + * @param {String} name data processor name + * @param {Object} cls processor instance, instance should have a process method + */ + registerDataProcessor: function (name, cls) { + GRAPH.dataProcessor[name] = cls; + } + }, + properties: { + /** + * Set pre data processor,it could be 'force'/'quick' + * @property dataProcessor + * @default undefined + */ + dataProcessor: {}, + width: { + value: 100 + }, + height: { + value: 100 + } + }, + methods: { + processData: function (data) { + var identityKey = this._identityKey; + var dataProcessor = this._dataProcessor; + + //TODO data validation + + if (dataProcessor) { + var processor = DataProcessor.dataProcessor[dataProcessor]; + if (processor) { + return processor.process(data, identityKey, this); + } else { + return data; + } + } else { + return data; + } + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function(nx, global) { + + /** + * ObservableGraph class + * @extend nx.data.ObservableObject + * @class nx.data.ObservableGraph + * @module nx.data + */ + nx.define('nx.data.ObservableGraph', nx.data.ObservableObject, { + mixins: [ + nx.data.ObservableGraph.DataProcessor, + nx.data.ObservableGraph.Vertices, + nx.data.ObservableGraph.VertexSets, + nx.data.ObservableGraph.Edges, + nx.data.ObservableGraph.EdgeSets, + nx.data.ObservableGraph.EdgeSetCollections + ], + event: ['setData', 'insertData', 'clear', 'startGenerate', 'endGenerate'], + properties: { + /** + * Use this attribute of original data as vertex's id and link's mapping key + * default is index, if not set use array's index as id + * @property identityKey {String} + * @default 'index' + */ + identityKey: { + value: 'index' + }, + filter: {}, + groupBy: {} + }, + methods: { + init: function(args) { + this.inherited(args); + this.nodeSet([]); + this.nodes([]); + this.links([]); + + this.sets(args); + + if (args && args.data) { + this.setData(args.data); + } + + }, + /** + * Set data, data should follow Common Topology Data Definition + * @method setData + * @param {Object} inData + */ + setData: function(inData) { + + var data = this.processData(this.getJSON(inData)); + // + this.clear(); + + //generate + this._generate(inData); + /** + * Trigger when set data to ObservableGraph + * @event setData + * @param sender {Object} event trigger + * @param {Object} data data, which been processed by data processor + */ + this.fire('setData', inData); + }, + subordinates: function(vertex, callback) { + // argument type overload + if (typeof vertex === "function") { + callback = vertex; + vertex = null; + } + // check the vertex children + var result; + if (vertex) { + result = nx.util.values(vertex.vertices()).concat(nx.util.values(vertex.vertexSet())); + } else { + result = []; + nx.each(this.vertices(), function(pair) { + var vertex = pair.value(); + if (!vertex.parentVertexSet()) { + result.push(vertex); + } + }.bind(this)); + nx.each(this.vertexSets(), function(pair) { + var vertex = pair.value(); + if (!vertex.parentVertexSet()) { + result.push(vertex); + } + }.bind(this)); + } + // callback if given + if (callback) { + nx.each(result, callback); + } + return result; + }, + /** + * Insert data, data should follow Common Topology Data Definition + * @method insertData + * @param {Object} inData + */ + insertData: function(inData) { + + // var data = this.processData(inData); + var data = inData; + nx.each(inData.nodes, function(node) { + this.addVertex(node); + }, this); + + nx.each(inData.links, function(link) { + this.addEdge(link); + }, this); + + nx.each(inData.nodeSet, function(nodeSet) { + this.addVertexSet(nodeSet); + }, this); + + /** + * Trigger when insert data to ObservableGraph + * @event insertData + * @param sender {Object} event trigger + * @param {Object} data data, which been processed by data processor + */ + + this.fire('insertData', data); + + }, + _generate: function(data) { + // + this.nodes(data.nodes); + this.links(data.links); + this.nodeSet(data.nodeSet); + + var filter = this.filter(); + if (filter) { + filter.call(this, this); + } + + /** + * Fired when start generate topology elements + * @event startGenerate + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('startGenerate'); + + + // console.time('vertex'); + this.eachVertex(this.generateVertex, this); + // console.timeEnd('vertex'); + + this.eachVertexSet(this.generateVertexSet, this); + + // console.time('edgeSet'); + this.eachEdgeSet(this.generateEdgeSet, this); + // console.timeEnd('edgeSet'); + + + this.eachVertexSet(function(vertexSet) { + vertexSet.activated(true, { + force: true + }); + this.updateVertexSet(vertexSet); + }, this); + + + /** + * Fired when finish generate topology elements + * @event endGenerate + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('endGenerate'); + + }, + + + /** + * Get original data + * @method getData + * @returns {Object} + */ + + getData: function() { + return { + nodes: this.nodes(), + links: this.links(), + nodeSet: this.nodeSet() + }; + }, + + /** + * Get original json object + * @method getJSON + * @param [inData] + * @returns {{nodes: Array, links: Array,nodeSet:Array}} + */ + getJSON: function(inData) { + var data = inData || this.getData(); + var obj = { + nodes: [], + links: [] + }; + + + if (nx.is(data.nodes, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + nx.each(data.nodes, function(n) { + if (nx.is(n, nx.data.ObservableObject)) { + obj.nodes.push(n.gets()); + } else { + obj.nodes.push(n); + } + }); + } else { + obj.nodes = data.nodes; + } + + + if (nx.is(data.links, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + nx.each(data.links, function(n) { + if (nx.is(n, nx.data.ObservableObject)) { + obj.links.push(n.gets()); + } else { + obj.links.push(n); + } + }); + } else { + obj.links = data.links; + } + + if (data.nodeSet) { + if (nx.is(data.nodeSet, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + obj.nodeSet = []; + nx.each(data.nodeSet, function(n) { + if (nx.is(n, nx.data.ObservableObject)) { + obj.nodeSet.push(n.gets()); + } else { + obj.nodeSet.push(n); + } + }); + } else { + obj.nodeSet = data.nodeSet; + } + } + + return obj; + + }, + /** + * Get visible vertices data bound + * @method getBound + * @returns {{x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, maxX: number, maxY: number}} + */ + + getBound: function(invertices) { + + var min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y; + + var vertices = invertices || nx.util.values(this.visibleVertices()).concat(nx.util.values(this.visibleVertexSets())); + var firstItem = vertices[0]; + var x, y; + + if (firstItem) { + x = firstItem.get ? firstItem.get('x') : firstItem.x; + y = firstItem.get ? firstItem.get('y') : firstItem.y; + min_x = max_x = x || 0; + min_y = max_y = y || 0; + } else { + min_x = max_x = 0; + min_y = max_y = 0; + } + + + nx.each(vertices, function(vertex, index) { + x = vertex.get ? vertex.get('x') : vertex.x; + y = vertex.get ? vertex.get('y') : vertex.y; + min_x = Math.min(min_x, x || 0); + max_x = Math.max(max_x, x || 0); + min_y = Math.min(min_y, y || 0); + max_y = Math.max(max_y, y || 0); + }); + + return { + x: min_x, + y: min_y, + left: min_x, + top: min_y, + width: max_x - min_x, + height: max_y - min_y, + maxX: max_x, + maxY: max_y + }; + }, + + getHierarchicalStructure: function() { + var json = this.getJSON(); + var tree = {}; + var hierarchical = []; + var identityKey = this.identityKey(); + + nx.each(json.nodes, function(node, index) { + var id = nx.path(node, identityKey); + var obj = { + id: id, + data: node, + children: [] + }; + hierarchical.push(obj); + tree[id] = obj; + }); + + var nodeSetData = {}; + nx.each(json.nodeSet, function(ns, index) { + var id = nx.path(ns, identityKey); + nodeSetData[id] = ns; + }); + + nx.each(json.nodeSet, function(ns, index) { + var id = nx.path(ns, identityKey); + var obj = { + id: id, + data: ns, + children: [] + }; + ns.nodes.forEach(function(nodeID) { + if (tree[nodeID]) { + if (~(index = hierarchical.indexOf(tree[nodeID]))) { + hierarchical.splice(index, 1); + } + obj.children.push(tree[nodeID]); + } else { + obj.children.push({ + id: nodeID, + data: nodeSetData[nodeID], + children: [] + }); + } + }); + + hierarchical.push(obj); + tree[id] = obj; + }); + return hierarchical; + }, + + /** + * Clear graph data + * @method clear + */ + clear: function() { + + this.nodeSet([]); + this.links([]); + this.nodes([]); + + this.fire('clear'); + }, + dispose: function() { + this.clear(); + this.inherited(); + } + + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + nx.define("nx.data.UniqObservableCollection", nx.data.ObservableCollection, { + methods: { + add: function (item) { + if (item == null || this.contains(item)) { + return false; + } + return this.inherited(item); + }, + addRange: function (iter) { + if (nx.is(iter, Array)) { + var items = nx.util.uniq(iter.slice()); + var i = 0; + while (i < items.length) { + var item = items[i]; + if (item == null || this.contains(item)) { + items.splice(i, 1); + } + i++; + } + return this.inherited(items); + } else { + return this.inherited(iter); + } + + + }, + insert: function (item, index) { + if (item == null || this.contains(item)) { + return false; + } + return this.inherited(item, index); + }, + insertRange: function (iter, index) { + if (nx.is(iter, Array)) { + var items = iter.slice(); + var i = 0; + while (i < items.length) { + var item = items[i]; + if (item == null || this.contains(item)) { + items.splice(i, 1); + } + i++; + } + return this.inherited(items); + } else { + return this.inherited(iter); + } + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * Topology's base config + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.Config + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.Config", { + events: [], + properties: { + /** + * Topology status, it could be initializing/appended/ready + * @property status {String} + */ + status: { + value: 'initializing', + binding: { + direction: "<>" + } + }, + /** + * topology's theme, it could be blue/green/dark/slate/yellow + * @property theme {String} + */ + theme: { + get: function () { + return this._theme || 'blue'; + }, + set: function (value) { + this._theme = value; + this.notify('themeClass'); + } + }, + themeClass: { + get: function () { + return 'n-topology-' + this.theme(); + } + }, + /** + * Set the navigation visibility + * @property showNavigation {Boolean} + */ + showNavigation: { + value: true + }, + showThumbnail: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Get the setting panel component instance for extend user setting + * @property viewSettingPanel {nx.ui.Component} + * @readonly + */ + viewSettingPanel: { + get: function () { + return this.view("nav").view("customize"); + } + }, + viewSettingPopover: { + get: function () { + return this.view("nav").view("settingPopover"); + } + } + }, + methods: { + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * Topology graph model class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.Graph + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.Graph", { + events: ['beforeSetData', 'afterSetData', 'insertData', 'topologyGenerated'], + properties: { + /** + * Identity the node and link mapping key, default is index + * @property identityKey {String} + */ + identityKey: { + get: function () { + return this._identityKey || 'index'; + }, + set: function (value) { + this._identityKey = value; + this.graph().set('identityKey', value); + } + }, + /** + * set/get the topology' data, data should follow Common Topology Data Definition + * @property data {JSON} + */ + data: { + get: function () { + return this.graph().getData(); + }, + set: function (value) { + if (value == null || !nx.is(value, Object) || value.nodes == null) { + return; + } + + var fn = function (data) { + + /** + * Fired before start process data + * @event beforeSetData + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param data {JSON} event object + */ + this.fire("beforeSetData", data); + this.clear(); + this.graph().sets({ + width: this.width(), + height: this.height() + }); + // set Data; + this.graph().setData(data); + // + /** + * Fired after process data + * @event afterSetData + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire("afterSetData", data); + }; + + + if (this.status() === 'appended' || this.status() == 'generated') { + fn.call(this, value); + } else { + this.on('ready', function () { + fn.call(this, value); + }, this); + } + } + }, + /** + * Set the use force layout, recommand use dataProcessor:'force' + * @property autoLayout {Boolean} + */ + autoLayout: { + get: function () { + return this._autoLayout || false; + }, + set: function (value) { + this._autoLayout = value; + if (value) { + this.graph().dataProcessor("force"); + } else { + this.graph().dataProcessor(""); + } + } + }, + vertexPositionGetter: { + get: function () { + return this._vertexPositionGetter; + }, + set: function (value) { + this._vertexPositionGetter = value; + this.graph().set('vertexPositionGetter', value); + } + }, + vertexPositionSetter: { + get: function () { + return this._vertexPositionSetter; + }, + set: function (value) { + this._vertexPositionSetter = value; + this.graph().set('vertexPositionSetter', value); + } + }, + /** + * Pre data processor, it could be 'force'/'quick'. It could also support register a new processor + * @property dataProcessor {String} + */ + dataProcessor: { + get: function () { + return this._dataProcessor; + }, + set: function (value) { + this._dataProcessor = value; + this.graph().set('dataProcessor', value); + } + }, + /** + * Topology graph object + * @property graph {nx.data.ObservableGraph} + * @readonly + */ + graph: { + value: function () { + return new nx.data.ObservableGraph(); + } + } + }, + methods: { + initGraph: function () { + var graph = this.graph(); + graph.sets({ + vertexPositionGetter: this.vertexPositionGetter(), + vertexPositionSetter: this.vertexPositionSetter(), + identityKey: this.identityKey(), + dataProcessor: this.dataProcessor() + }); + + if (this.autoLayout()) { + graph.dataProcessor("force"); + } + + + var nodesLayer = this.getLayer("nodes"); + var linksLayer = this.getLayer("links"); + var nodeSetLayer = this.getLayer("nodeSet"); + var linkSetLayer = this.getLayer("linkSet"); + + /** + * Vertex + */ + graph.on("addVertex", function (sender, vertex) { + nodesLayer.addNode(vertex); + }, this); + + graph.on("removeVertex", function (sender, vertex) { + nodesLayer.removeNode(vertex.id()); + }, this); + + + graph.on("deleteVertex", function (sender, vertex) { + nodesLayer.removeNode(vertex.id()); + }, this); + + graph.on("updateVertex", function (sender, vertex) { + nodesLayer.updateNode(vertex.id()); + }, this); + + graph.on("updateVertexCoordinate", function (sender, vertex) { + + }, this); + + + /** + * Edge + */ + graph.on("addEdge", function (sender, edge) { + var link = linksLayer.addLink(edge); + // add parent linkset +// if (edge.parentEdgeSet()) { +// var linkSet = this.getLinkSetByLinkKey(edge.linkKey()); +// link.set('parentLinkSet', linkSet); +// } + }, this); + + graph.on("removeEdge", function (sender, edge) { + linksLayer.removeLink(edge.id()); + }, this); + graph.on("deleteEdge", function (sender, edge) { + linksLayer.removeLink(edge.id()); + }, this); + graph.on("updateEdge", function (sender, edge) { + linksLayer.updateLink(edge.id()); + }, this); + graph.on("updateEdgeCoordinate", function (sender, edge) { + linksLayer.updateLink(edge.id()); + }, this); + + + /** + * EdgeSet + */ + graph.on("addEdgeSet", function (sender, edgeSet) { + if (this.supportMultipleLink()) { + linkSetLayer.addLinkSet(edgeSet); + } else { + edgeSet.activated(false); + } + }, this); + + graph.on("removeEdgeSet", function (sender, edgeSet) { + linkSetLayer.removeLinkSet(edgeSet.linkKey()); + }, this); + + graph.on("deleteEdgeSet", function (sender, edgeSet) { + linkSetLayer.removeLinkSet(edgeSet.linkKey()); + }, this); + + graph.on("updateEdgeSet", function (sender, edgeSet) { + linkSetLayer.updateLinkSet(edgeSet.linkKey()); + }, this); + graph.on("updateEdgeSetCoordinate", function (sender, edgeSet) { + if (this.supportMultipleLink()) { + linkSetLayer.updateLinkSet(edgeSet.linkKey()); + } + }, this); + + + /** + * VertexSet + */ + graph.on("addVertexSet", function (sender, vertexSet) { + nodeSetLayer.addNodeSet(vertexSet); + }, this); + + graph.on("removeVertexSet", function (sender, vertexSet) { + nodeSetLayer.removeNodeSet(vertexSet.id()); + }, this); + graph.on("deleteVertexSet", function (sender, vertexSet) { + nodeSetLayer.removeNodeSet(vertexSet.id()); + }, this); + + graph.on("updateVertexSet", function (sender, vertexSet) { + nodeSetLayer.updateNodeSet(vertexSet.id()); + }, this); + + graph.on("updateVertexSetCoordinate", function (sender, vertexSet) { + + }, this); + + /** + * EdgeSetCollection + */ + graph.on("addEdgeSetCollection", function (sender, esc) { + linkSetLayer.addLinkSet(esc); + }, this); + + graph.on("removeEdgeSetCollection", function (sender, esc) { + linkSetLayer.removeLinkSet(esc.linkKey()); + }, this); + graph.on("deleteEdgeSetCollection", function (sender, esc) { + linkSetLayer.removeLinkSet(esc.linkKey()); + }, this); + graph.on("updateEdgeSetCollection", function (sender, esc) { + linkSetLayer.updateLinkSet(esc.linkKey()); + }, this); + graph.on("updateEdgeSetCollectionCoordinate", function (sender, esc) { + linkSetLayer.updateLinkSet(esc.linkKey()); + }, this); + + + /** + * Data + */ + graph.on("setData", function (sender, data) { + + }, this); + + + graph.on("insertData", function (sender, data) { + //this.showLoading(); + }, this); + + + graph.on("clear", function (sender, event) { + + }, this); + + + graph.on("startGenerate", function (sender, event) { + this.showLoading(); + this.stage().hide(); + }, this); + graph.on("endGenerate", function (sender, event) { + this._endGenerate(); + }, this); + + + }, + /** + * Set data to topology, recommend use topo.data(data) + * @method setData + * @param data {JSON} should be {nodes:[],links:[]} + * @param [callback] + * @param [context] + */ + setData: function (data, callback, context) { + if (callback) { + this.on('topologyGenerated', function fn() { + callback.call(context || this, this); + this.off('topologyGenerated', fn, this); + }, this); + } + if (data == null || !nx.is(data, Object) || data.nodes == null) { + return; + } + this.data(data); + }, + /** + * Insert data to topology + * @method insertData + * @param data {JSON} should be {nodes:[],links:[]} + */ + insertData: function (data) { + if (data == null || !nx.is(data, Object)) { + return; + } + this.graph().insertData(data); + /** + * Fired after insert data + * @event insertData + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire("insertData", data); + }, + + + /** + * Get topology data, recommend use topo.data() + * @method getData + * @returns {JSON} + */ + getData: function () { + return this.data(); + }, + + + _saveData: function () { + var data = this.graph().getData(); + + if (Object.prototype.toString.call(window.localStorage) === "[object Storage]") { + localStorage.setItem("topologyData", JSON.stringify(data)); + } + + }, + _loadLastData: function () { + if (Object.prototype.toString.call(window.localStorage) === "[object Storage]") { + var data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("topologyData")); + this.setData(data); + } + }, + start: function () { + }, + _endGenerate: function () { + + this.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + + /** + * Fired when all topology elements generated + * @event topologyGenerated + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + var layoutType = this.layoutType(); + if (layoutType) { + this.activateLayout(layoutType, null, function () { + this.__fit(); + this.status('generated'); + this.fire('topologyGenerated'); + }); + } else { + this.__fit(); + this.status('generated'); + this.fire('topologyGenerated'); + } + }, + __fit: function () { + this.stage().show(); + if (this.autoFit()) { + this.stage().fit(null, null, false); + this.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + this.stage().fit(null, null, false); + this.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + this.stage().fit(null, null, false); + } + this.hideLoading(); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + function extractDelta(e) { + if (e.wheelDelta) { + return e.wheelDelta; + } + + if (e.detail) { + return e.detail * -40; + } + + + } + + /** + * Topology base events + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.Event + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.Event', { + events: ['clickStage', 'pressStage', 'dragStageStart', 'dragStage', 'dragStageEnd', 'stageTransitionEnd', 'zoomstart', 'zooming', 'zoomend', 'resetzooming', 'fitStage', 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right', 'esc', 'space', 'enter', 'pressA', 'pressS', 'pressF', 'pressM', 'pressR'], + properties: { + /** + * Enabling gradual scaling feature when zooming, set to false will improve the performance + * @property enableGradualScaling {Boolean} + */ + enableGradualScaling: { + value: true + } + }, + methods: { + _mousewheel: function (sender, event) { + if (this.scalable()) { + var step = 8000; + var data = extractDelta(event); + var stage = this.stage(); + var scale = data / step; + + if (this._zoomWheelDelta == null) { + this._zoomWheelDelta = 0; + this.fire('zoomstart'); + } + + this._zoomWheelDelta += data / step; + + if (this._enableGradualScaling) { + if (Math.abs(this._zoomWheelDelta) < 0.3) { + stage.disableUpdateStageScale(true); + } else { + this._zoomWheelDelta = 0; + stage.disableUpdateStageScale(false); + } + } else { + stage.disableUpdateStageScale(true); + } + + + stage.applyStageScale(1 + scale, [event.offsetX === undefined ? event.layerX : event.offsetX, event.offsetY === undefined ? event.layerY : event.offsetY]); + + if (this._zooomEventTimer) { + clearTimeout(this._zooomEventTimer); + } + + this._zooomEventTimer = setTimeout(function () { + stage.resetStageMatrix(); + delete this._zoomWheelDelta; + + /** + * Fired when end zooming + * @event zoomend + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('zoomend'); + + }.bind(this), 200); + + /** + * Fired when zooming stage + * @event zooming + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param scale {Number} stage current scale + */ + this.fire('zooming'); + } + event.preventDefault(); + return false; + }, + + + _contextmenu: function (sender, event) { + event.preventDefault(); + }, + _clickStage: function (sender, event) { + /** + * Fired when click the stage + * @event clickStage + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('clickStage', event); + }, + _pressStage: function (sender, event) { + /** + * Fired when mouse press stage, this is a capture event + * @event pressStage + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('pressStage', event); + }, + _dragStageStart: function (sender, event) { + /** + * Fired when start drag stage + * @event dragStageStart + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('dragStageStart', event); + }, + _dragStage: function (sender, event) { + /** + * Fired when dragging stage + * @event dragStage + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('dragStage', event); + }, + _dragStageEnd: function (sender, event) { + /** + * Fired when drag end stage + * @event dragStageEnd + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('dragStageEnd', event); + }, + _stageTransitionEnd: function (sender, event) { + window.event = event; + this.fire('stageTransitionEnd', event); + }, + _key: function (sender, event) { + var code = event.keyCode; + switch (code) { + case 38: + /** + * Fired when press up arrow key + * @event up + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('up', event); + event.preventDefault(); + break; + case 40: + /** + * Fired when press down arrow key + * @event down + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('down', event); + event.preventDefault(); + break; + case 37: + /** + * Fired when press left arrow key + * @event left + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('left', event); + event.preventDefault(); + break; + case 39: + /** + * Fired when press right arrow key + * @event right + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('right', event); + event.preventDefault(); + break; + case 13: + /** + * Fired when press enter key + * @event enter + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('enter', event); + event.preventDefault(); + break; + case 27: + /** + * Fired when press esc key + * @event esc + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('esc', event); + event.preventDefault(); + break; + case 65: + /** + * Fired when press a key + * @event pressA + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('pressA', event); + break; + case 70: + /** + * Fired when press f key + * @event pressF + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('pressF', event); + break; + case 77: + /** + * Fired when press m key + * @event pressM + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('pressM', event); + break; + case 82: + /** + * Fired when press r key + * @event pressR + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('pressR', event); + break; + case 83: + /** + * Fired when press s key + * @event pressS + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('pressS', event); + break; + + case 32: + /** + * Fired when press space key + * @event space + * @param sender {Object} Trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('space', event); + event.preventDefault(); + break; + } + + + return false; + }, + blockEvent: function (value) { + if (value) { + nx.dom.Document.body().addClass('n-userselect n-blockEvent'); + } else { + nx.dom.Document.body().removeClass('n-userselect'); + nx.dom.Document.body().removeClass('n-blockEvent'); + } + } + + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function(nx, global) { + + var util = nx.util; + + + /** + * Node mixin class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.NodeMixin + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.NodeMixin", { + events: ['addNode', 'deleteNode', 'addNodeSet', 'deleteNodeSet', 'expandAll'], + properties: { + /** + * Node instance class name, support function + * @property nodeInstanceClass + */ + nodeInstanceClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.Node' + }, + /** + * NodeSet instance class name, support function + * @property nodeSetInstanceClass + */ + nodeSetInstanceClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSet' + }, + /** + * Set node's draggable + * @property nodeDraggable + */ + nodeDraggable: { + value: true + }, + /** + * Enable smart label + * @property enableSmartLabel + */ + enableSmartLabel: { + value: true + }, + /** + * Show or hide node's icon + * @property showIcon + */ + showIcon: { + get: function() { + return this._showIcon !== undefined ? this._showIcon : false; + }, + set: function(value) { + if (this._showIcon !== value) { + this._showIcon = value; + if (this.status() !== "initializing") { + this.eachNode(function(node) { + node.showIcon(value); + }); + } + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }, + /** + * All node's config. key is node's property, support super binding + * value could be a single string eg: color:'#f00' + * value could be a an expression eg: label :'{model.id}' + * value could be a function eg iconType : function (model,instance){ return 'router'} + * value could be a normal binding expression eg : label :'{#label}' + * @property {nodeConfig} + */ + nodeConfig: {}, + /** + * All nodeSet's config. key is node's property, support super binding + * value could be a single string eg: color:'#f00' + * value could be a an expression eg: label :'{model.id}' + * value could be a function eg iconType : function (model,instance){ return 'router'} + * value could be a normal binding expression eg : label :'{#label}' + * @property {nodeSetConfig} + */ + nodeSetConfig: {}, + /** + * All selected nodes, could direct add/remove nodes to this collection + * @property selectedNodes {nx.data.ObservableCollection} + */ + selectedNodes: { + value: function() { + return new nx.data.UniqObservableCollection(); + } + }, + activeNodes: { + set: function(value) { + var nodesLayer = this.getLayer("nodes"); + var nodeSetLayer = this.getLayer("nodeSet"); + var watcher = this._activeNodesWatcher; + if (!watcher) { + watcher = this._activeNodesWatcher = new nx.graphic.Topology.NodeWatcher(); + watcher.topology(this); + watcher.updater(function() { + var nodes = watcher.getNodes(); + nx.each(nodes, function(node) { + if (node.model().type() == 'vertex') { + nodesLayer.activeElements().add(node); + } else { + nodeSetLayer.activeElements().add(node); + } + }, this); + }.bind(this)); + + + } + nodesLayer.activeElements().clear(); + nodeSetLayer.activeElements().clear(); + watcher.nodes(value); + this._activeNodes = value; + } + }, + highlightedNodes: { + set: function(value) { + var nodesLayer = this.getLayer("nodes"); + var nodeSetLayer = this.getLayer("nodeSet"); + var watcher = this._highlightedNodesWatcher; + if (!watcher) { + watcher = this._highlightedNodesWatcher = new nx.graphic.Topology.NodeWatcher(); + watcher.topology(this); + watcher.updater(function() { + nx.each(watcher.getNodes(), function(node) { + if (node.model().type() == 'vertex') { + nodesLayer.highlightedElements().add(node); + } else { + nodeSetLayer.highlightedElements().add(node); + } + }, this); + }.bind(this)); + } + + nodesLayer.highlightedElements().clear(); + nodeSetLayer.highlightedElements().clear(); + watcher.nodes(value); + this._highlightedNodes = value; + } + }, + enableNodeSetAnimation: { + value: true + }, + aggregationRule: {} + }, + methods: { + initNode: function() { + var selectedNodes = this.selectedNodes(); + selectedNodes.on('change', function(sender, args) { + if (args.action == 'add') { + nx.each(args.items, function(node) { + node.selected(true); + node.on('remove', this._removeSelectedNode = function() { + selectedNodes.remove(node); + }, this); + }, this); + } else if (args.action == 'remove') { + nx.each(args.items, function(node) { + node.selected(false); + node.off('remove', this._removeSelectedNode, this); + }, this); + } else if (args.action == "clear") { + nx.each(args.items, function(node) { + node.selected(false); + node.off('remove', this._removeSelectedNode, this); + }, this); + } + }); + }, + /** + * Add a node to topology + * @method addNode + * @param obj + * @param inOption + * @returns {*} + */ + addNode: function(obj, inOption) { + var vertex = this.graph().addVertex(obj, inOption); + if (vertex) { + var node = this.getNode(vertex.id()); + this.fire("addNode", node); + return node; + } else { + return null; + } + + }, + + /** + * Remove a node + * @method removeNode + * @param arg + * @returns {boolean} + */ + removeNode: function(arg, callback, context) { + this.deleteNode(arg); + }, + deleteNode: function(arg, callback, context) { + var id = arg; + if (nx.is(arg, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + id = arg.id(); + } + var vertex = this.graph().getVertex(id); + if (vertex) { + var node = this.getNode(id); + this.fire("deleteNode", node); + this.graph().deleteVertex(id); + if (callback) { + callback.call(context || this); + } + } + }, + _getAggregationTargets: function(vertices) { + var graph = this.graph(); + var mark, marks, markmap = {}, + NONE = nx.util.uuid(); + var i, v, vp, vpid, changed, vs = vertices.slice(); + // iterate unless the aggregation successful + do { + changed = false; + for (i = vs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + v = vs[i]; + // get the parent vertex and its ID + vp = v.parentVertexSet(); + vpid = (vp ? vp.id() : NONE); + // check if same parent vertex marked + if (!markmap.hasOwnProperty(vpid)) { + // create mark for the parent vertex + markmap[vpid] = { + vertex: vp || graph, + finding: graph.subordinates(vp), + found: [] + }; + } + // get parent mark + mark = markmap[vpid]; + // check if child vertex marked already + if (mark === false || mark.found.indexOf(v) >= 0) { + // duplicated vertex appears, unable to aggregate + throw "wrong input"; + } + // mark child vertex to its parent vertex + mark.found.push(v); + // remove child vertex from the pool + vs.splice(i, 1); + // set the vertex array changed + changed = true; + // check if the parent vertex is fully matched + if (mark.finding.length === mark.found.length && mark.vertex !== graph) { + // add parent vertex from the pool + vs.push(mark.vertex); + // mark the parent vertex as fully matched + markmap[vpid] = false; + } + } + } while (changed); + // clear fully matched marks from mark map + for (mark in markmap) { + if (!markmap[mark]) { + delete markmap[mark]; + } + } + // get remain marks of parent vertices + marks = nx.util.values(markmap); + // check if the number of parent not fully matched + if (marks.length !== 1) { + // it should be at most & least one + throw nx.graphic.Topology.i18n.cantAggregateNodesInDifferentNodeSet; + } + // get the only parent's mark + mark = marks[0]; + return mark.found; + }, + aggregationNodes: function(inNodes, inConfig) { + // transform nodes or node ids into vertices + var nodes = [], + vertices = []; + nx.each(inNodes, function(node) { + if (!nx.is(node, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + node = this.getNode(node); + } + if (!nx.is(node, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + throw "wrong input"; + } + nodes.push(node); + vertices.push(node.model()); + }.bind(this)); + // get aggregate target vertices and ids + var aggregateVertices, aggregateIds; + // FIXME catch or not + aggregateVertices = this._getAggregationTargets(vertices); + if (aggregateVertices.length < 2) { + throw "wrong input. unable to aggregate."; + } + aggregateIds = []; + nx.each(aggregateVertices, function(vertex) { + aggregateIds.push(vertex.id()); + }); + // check the user rule + var aggregationRule = this.aggregationRule(); + if (aggregationRule && nx.is(aggregationRule, 'Function')) { + var result = aggregationRule.call(this, nodes, inConfig); + if (result === false) { + return; + } + } + // make up data, config and parent + var data, parent, pn = null, + config = {}; + data = { + nodes: aggregateIds, + x: (inConfig && typeof inConfig.x === "number" ? inConfig.x : aggregateVertices[0].x()), + y: (inConfig && typeof inConfig.y === "number" ? inConfig.y : aggregateVertices[0].y()), + label: (inConfig && inConfig.label || [nodes[0].label(), nodes[nodes.length - 1].label()].sort().join("-")) + }; + parent = aggregateVertices[0].parentVertexSet(); + if (parent) { + config.parentVertexSetID = parent.id(); + pn = this.getNode(parent.id()); + } + var nodeSet = this.addNodeSet(data, config, pn); + this.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + return nodeSet; + }, + /** + * Add a nodeSet + * @method addNodeSet + * @param obj + * @param [inOption] + * @param [parentNodeSet] + * @returns {*} + */ + addNodeSet: function(obj, inOption, parentNodeSet) { + var vertex = this.graph().addVertexSet(obj, inOption); + if (vertex) { + var nodeSet = this.getNode(vertex.id()); + if (parentNodeSet) { + nodeSet.parentNodeSet(parentNodeSet); + } + this.fire("addNodeSet", nodeSet); + return nodeSet; + } else { + return null; + } + + }, + removeNodeSet: function(arg, callback, context) { + this.deleteNodeSet(arg); + }, + + deleteNodeSet: function(arg, callback, context) { + if (!arg) { + return; + } + var id = arg; + if (nx.is(arg, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + id = arg.id(); + } + var nodeSet = this.getLayer("nodeSet").getNodeSet(id); + if (nodeSet) { + if (nodeSet.collapsed()) { + nodeSet.activated(false); + nodeSet.expandNodes(function() { + this.fire("deleteNodeSet", nodeSet); + this.graph().deleteVertexSet(id); + if (callback) { + callback.call(context || this); + } + }, this); + } else { + this.fire("deleteNodeSet", nodeSet); + this.graph().deleteVertexSet(id); + if (callback) { + callback.call(context || this); + } + } + + } else { + this.graph().deleteVertexSet(id); + if (callback) { + callback.call(context || this); + } + } + }, + + + /** + * Traverse each node + * @method eachNode + * @param callback + * @param context + */ + eachNode: function(callback, context) { + this.getLayer("nodes").eachNode(callback, context || this); + this.getLayer("nodeSet").eachNodeSet(callback, context || this); + }, + /** + * Get node by node id + * @method getNode + * @param id + * @returns {*} + */ + getNode: function(id) { + return this.getLayer("nodes").getNode(id) || this.getLayer("nodeSet").getNodeSet(id); + }, + /** + * Get all visible nodes + * @returns {Array} + */ + getNodes: function() { + var nodes = this.getLayer("nodes").nodes(); + var nodeSets = this.getLayer("nodeSet").nodeSets(); + if (nodeSets && nodeSets.length !== 0) { + return nodes.concat(nodeSets); + } else { + return nodes; + } + }, + /** + * Register a customize icon + * @param name {String} + * @param url {URL} + * @param width {Number} + * @param height {Number} + */ + registerIcon: function(name, url, width, height) { + var XLINK = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'; + var NS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; + var icon1 = document.createElementNS(NS, "image"); + icon1.setAttributeNS(XLINK, 'href', url); + nx.graphic.Icons.icons[name] = { + size: { + width: width, + height: height + }, + icon: icon1.cloneNode(true), + name: name + }; + + var icon = icon1.cloneNode(true); + icon.setAttribute("height", height); + icon.setAttribute("width", width); + icon.setAttribute("data-device-type", name); + icon.setAttribute("id", name); + icon.setAttribute("class", 'deviceIcon'); + this.stage().addDef(icon); + }, + /** + * Batch action, highlight node and related nodes and connected links. + * @param inNode + */ + highlightRelatedNode: function(inNode) { + var node; + if (inNode == null) { + return; + } + + if (nx.is(inNode, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + node = inNode; + } else { + node = this.getNode(inNode); + } + if (!node) { + return; + } + + + var nodeSetLayer = this.getLayer('nodeSet'); + var nodeLayer = this.getLayer('nodes'); + + //highlight node + if (nx.is(node, 'nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSet')) { + nodeSetLayer.highlightedElements().add(node); + } else { + nodeLayer.highlightedElements().add(node); + } + + + // highlight connected nodes and nodeSets + node.eachConnectedNode(function(n) { + if (nx.is(n, 'nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSet')) { + nodeSetLayer.highlightedElements().add(n); + } else { + nodeLayer.highlightedElements().add(n); + } + }, this); + + + // highlight connected links and linkSets + this.getLayer('linkSet').highlightLinkSets(util.values(node.linkSets())); + this.getLayer('links').highlightLinks(util.values(node.links())); + + this.fadeOut(true); + + }, + /** + * Batch action, highlight node and related nodes and connected links. + * @param inNode + */ + activeRelatedNode: function(inNode) { + + var node; + if (!inNode) { + return; + } + + if (nx.is(inNode, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + node = inNode; + } else { + node = this.getNode(inNode); + } + if (!node) { + return; + } + + + var nodeSetLayer = this.getLayer('nodeSet'); + var nodeLayer = this.getLayer('nodes'); + + // active node + if (nx.is(node, 'nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSet')) { + nodeSetLayer.activeElements().add(node); + } else { + nodeLayer.activeElements().add(node); + } + + + // highlight connected nodes and nodeSets + node.eachConnectedNode(function(n) { + if (nx.is(n, 'nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSet')) { + nodeSetLayer.activeElements().add(n); + } else { + nodeLayer.activeElements().add(n); + } + }, this); + + + // highlight connected links and linkSets + this.getLayer('linkSet').activeLinkSets(util.values(node.linkSets())); + this.getLayer('links').activeLinks(util.values(node.links())); + + this.fadeOut(); + + }, + /** + * Zoom topology to let the passing nodes just visible at the screen + * @method zoomByNodes + * @param [callback] {Function} callback function + * @param [context] {Object} callback context + * @param nodes {Array} nodes collection + */ + zoomByNodes: function(nodes, callback, context, boundScale) { + // TODO more overload about nodes + if (!nx.is(nodes, Array)) { + nodes = [nodes]; + } + // get bound of the selected nodes' models + var stage = this.stage(); + var p0, p1, center, bound = this.getModelBoundByNodes(nodes); + var delta, limitscale = stage.maxZoomLevel() * stage.fitMatrixObject().scale(); + + if (!bound) { + return; + } + + // check if the nodes are too close to zoom + if (bound.width * limitscale < 1 && bound.height * limitscale < 1) { + // just centralize them instead of zoom + center = nx.geometry.Vector.transform(bound.center, stage.matrix()); + delta = [stage.width() / 2 - center[0], stage.height() / 2 - center[1]]; + stage.scalingLayer().setTransition(function() { + this.adjustLayout(); + /* jshint -W030 */ + callback && callback.call(context || this); + this.fire('zoomend'); + }, this, 0.6); + stage.applyTranslate(delta[0], delta[1]); + stage.applyStageScale(stage.maxZoomLevel() / stage.zoomLevel() * boundScale); + } else { + p0 = nx.geometry.Vector.transform([bound.left, bound.top], stage.matrix()); + p1 = nx.geometry.Vector.transform([bound.right, bound.bottom], stage.matrix()); + bound = { + left: p0[0], + top: p0[1], + width: Math.max(1, p1[0] - p0[0]), + height: Math.max(1, p1[1] - p0[1]) + }; + + boundScale = 1 / (boundScale || 1); + bound.left += bound.width * (1 - boundScale) / 2; + bound.top += bound.height * (1 - boundScale) / 2; + bound.height *= boundScale; + bound.width *= boundScale; + + this.zoomByBound(bound, function() { + this.adjustLayout(); + /* jshint -W030 */ + callback && callback.call(context || this); + this.fire('zoomend'); + }, this); + } + }, + getModelBoundByNodes: function(nodes, isIncludeInvisibleNodes) { + var xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; + nx.each(nodes, function(inNode) { + var vertex; + if (nx.is(inNode, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + vertex = inNode.model(); + } else { + if (isIncludeInvisibleNodes) { + vertex = this.graph().getVertex(inNode) || this.graph().getVertexSet(inNode); + } else { + var node = this.getNode(inNode); + vertex = node && node.model(); + } + } + if (!vertex) { + return; + } + + + var x = vertex.x(), + y = vertex.y(); + xmin = (xmin < x ? xmin : x); + ymin = (ymin < y ? ymin : y); + xmax = (xmax > x ? xmax : x); + ymax = (ymax > y ? ymax : y); + }, this); + if (xmin === undefined || ymin === undefined) { + return undefined; + } + return { + left: xmin, + top: ymin, + right: xmax, + bottom: ymax, + center: [(xmax + xmin) / 2, (ymax + ymin) / 2], + width: xmax - xmin, + height: ymax - ymin + }; + }, + /** + * Get the bound of passing node's + * @param inNodes {Array} + * @param isNotIncludeLabel {Boolean} + * @returns {Array} + */ + + getBoundByNodes: function(inNodes, isNotIncludeLabel) { + + if (inNodes == null || inNodes.length === 0) { + inNodes = this.getNodes(); + } + + var bound = { + left: 0, + top: 0, + x: 0, + y: 0, + width: 0, + height: 0, + maxX: 0, + maxY: 0 + }; + + var boundAry = []; + + + nx.each(inNodes, function(inNode) { + var node; + if (nx.is(inNode, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + node = inNode; + } else { + node = this.getNode(inNode); + } + + if (!node) { + return; + } + + + if (node.visible()) { + if (isNotIncludeLabel) { + boundAry.push(this.getInsideBound(node.getBound(true))); + } else { + boundAry.push(this.getInsideBound(node.getBound())); + } + } + }, this); + + + var lastIndex = boundAry.length - 1; + + // + boundAry.sort(function(a, b) { + return a.left - b.left; + }); + + bound.x = bound.left = boundAry[0].left; + bound.maxX = boundAry[lastIndex].left; + + boundAry.sort(function(a, b) { + return (a.left + a.width) - (b.left + b.width); + }); + + bound.width = boundAry[lastIndex].left + boundAry[lastIndex].width - bound.x; + + + // + boundAry.sort(function(a, b) { + return a.top - b.top; + }); + + bound.y = bound.top = boundAry[0].top; + bound.maxY = boundAry[lastIndex].top; + + boundAry.sort(function(a, b) { + return (a.top + a.height) - (b.top + b.height); + }); + + bound.height = boundAry[lastIndex].top + boundAry[lastIndex].height - bound.y; + + return bound; + + + }, + _moveSelectionNodes: function(event, node) { + if (this.nodeDraggable()) { + var nodes = this.selectedNodes().toArray(); + var stageScale = this.stageScale(); + if (nodes.indexOf(node) === -1) { + node.move(event.drag.delta[0] * stageScale, event.drag.delta[1] * stageScale); + } else { + nx.each(nodes, function(node) { + node.move(event.drag.delta[0] * stageScale, event.drag.delta[1] * stageScale); + }); + } + } + }, + /** + * Expand nodes from a source position, If nodes number more than 150, will ignore animation. + * @method expandNodes + * @param nodes {Array} ids of nodes to expand + * @param sourcePosition + * @param callback + * @param context + * @param isAnimate + */ + expandNodes: function(nodes, sourcePosition, callback, context, isAnimate) { + + var nodesLength = nx.is(nodes, Array) ? nodes.length : nx.util.keys(nodes).length; + callback = callback || function() {}; + + + if (nodesLength > 150 || nodesLength === 0 || isAnimate === false) { + callback.call(context || this, this); + } else { + var positionMap = []; + nx.each(nodes, function(node) { + positionMap.push({ + id: node.id(), + position: node.position(), + node: node + }); + node.position(sourcePosition); + }, this); + + if (this._nodesAnimation) { + this._nodesAnimation.stop(); + } + + var ani = this._nodesAnimation = new nx.graphic.Animation({ + duration: 600 + }); + ani.callback(function(progress) { + nx.each(positionMap, function(item) { + var _position = item.position; + var node = item.node; + if (node && node.model()) { + node.position({ + x: sourcePosition.x + (_position.x - sourcePosition.x) * progress, + y: sourcePosition.y + (_position.y - sourcePosition.y) * progress + }); + } + }); + }.bind(this)); + + ani.complete(function() { + callback.call(context || this, this); + }.bind(this)); + ani.start(); + } + }, + /** + * To collapse nodes to a target position. If nodes number more than 150, will ignore animation. + * @method collapseNodes + * @param nodes nodes {Array} nodes to collape + * @param targetPosition + * @param callback + * @param context + * @param isAnimate + */ + collapseNodes: function(nodes, targetPosition, callback, context, isAnimate) { + var nodesLength = nx.is(nodes, Array) ? nodes.length : nx.util.keys(nodes).length; + callback = callback || function() {}; + + + if (nodesLength > 150 || nodesLength === 0 || isAnimate === false) { + callback.call(context || this, this); + } else { + var positionMap = []; + nx.each(nodes, function(node) { + positionMap.push({ + id: node.id(), + position: node.position(), + node: node, + vertex: node.model(), + vertexPosition: node.model().position() + }); + }, this); + + if (this._nodesAnimation) { + this._nodesAnimation.stop(); + } + + + var ani = this._nodesAnimation = new nx.graphic.Animation({ + duration: 600 + }); + ani.callback(function(progress) { + nx.each(positionMap, function(item) { + var _position = item.position; + var node = item.node; + if (node && node.model()) { + node.position({ + x: _position.x - (_position.x - targetPosition.x) * progress, + y: _position.y - (_position.y - targetPosition.y) * progress + }); + } + }); + }.bind(this)); + + ani.complete(function() { + nx.each(positionMap, function(item) { + item.vertex.position(item.vertexPosition); + }); + callback.call(context || this, this); + }.bind(this)); + ani.start(); + } + }, + /** + * Expand all nodeSets + * @method expandAll + */ + expandAll: function() { + var nodeSetLayer = this.getLayer('nodeSet'); + //console.time('expandAll'); + var fn = function(callback) { + var isFinished = true; + nodeSetLayer.eachNodeSet(function(nodeSet) { + if (nodeSet.visible()) { + nodeSet.animation(false); + nodeSet.collapsed(false); + isFinished = false; + } + }); + if (!isFinished) { + fn(callback); + } else { + callback(); + } + }; + + this.showLoading(); + + setTimeout(function() { + fn(function() { + + nodeSetLayer.eachNodeSet(function(nodeSet) { + nodeSet.animation(true); + }); + this.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + this.hideLoading(); + this.fit(function() { + this.blockEvent(false); + this.fire('expandAll'); + }, this); + }.bind(this)); + }.bind(this), 100); + }, + /** + * Collpase all nodeSets + * @method collapseAll + */ + collapseAll: function() { + var graph = this.graph(); + var rootVertexSets = {}; + graph.eachVertexSet(function(vertexSet, id) { + if (!vertexSet.rootVertexSet()) { + rootVertexSets[id] = vertexSet; + } + }); + + this.showLoading(); + + + + nx.each(rootVertexSets, function(vertex, id) { + var nodeSet = this.getNode(id); + if (nodeSet) { + nodeSet.animation(false); + nodeSet.collapsed(true); + } + }, this); + + + var nodeSetLayer = this.getLayer('nodeSet'); + setTimeout(function() { + nodeSetLayer.eachNodeSet(function(nodeSet) { + nodeSet.animation(true); + }); + this.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + this.hideLoading(); + this.fit(function() { + this.blockEvent(false); + this.fire('collapseAll'); + }, this); + }.bind(this), 100); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function(nx, global) { + + /** + * Links mixin class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.LinkMixin + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.LinkMixin", { + events: ['addLink', 'deleteLink'], + properties: { + /** + * Link instance class name, support function + * @property nodeInstanceClass + */ + linkInstanceClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.Link' + }, + /** + * LinkSet instance class name, support function + * @property linkSetInstanceClass + */ + linkSetInstanceClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.LinkSet' + }, + /** + * Is topology support Multiple link , is false will highly improve performance + * @property supportMultipleLink {Boolean} + */ + supportMultipleLink: { + value: true + }, + /** + * All link's config. key is link's property, support super binding + * value could be a single string eg: color:'#f00' + * value could be a an expression eg: label :'{model.id}' + * value could be a function eg iconType : function (model,instance){ return 'router'} + * value could be a normal binding expression eg : label :'{#label}' + * @property {linkConfig} + */ + linkConfig: {}, + /** + * All linkSet's config. key is link's property, support super binding + * value could be a single string eg: color:'#f00' + * value could be a an expression eg: label :'{model.id}' + * value could be a function eg iconType : function (model,instance){ return 'router'} + * value could be a normal binding expression eg : label :'{#label}' + * @property {linkSetConfig} + */ + linkSetConfig: {} + }, + methods: { + + /** + * Add a link to topology + * @method addLink + * @param obj {JSON} + * @param inOption {Config} + * @returns {nx.graphic.Topology.Link} + */ + addLink: function(obj, inOption) { + if (!obj || obj.source == null || obj.target == null) { + return undefined; + } + var edge = this.graph().addEdge(obj, inOption); + var edgeSet = this.graph().getEdgeSetBySourceAndTarget(obj.source, obj.target); + if (edgeSet) { + this.graph()._generateConnection(edgeSet); + } + if (edge) { + var link = this.getLink(edge.id()); + this.fire("addLink", link); + return link; + } else { + return null; + + } + + }, + /** + * Remove a link + * @method removeLink + * @param arg {String} + * @returns {boolean} + */ + removeLink: function(arg) { + this.deleteLink(arg); + }, + + deleteLink: function(arg) { + var id = arg; + if (nx.is(arg, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractLink)) { + id = arg.id(); + } + this.fire("deleteLink", this.getLink(id)); + this.graph().deleteEdge(id); + }, + + + /** + * Traverse each link + * @method eachLink + * @param callback + * @param context {Object} + */ + eachLink: function(callback, context) { + this.getLayer("links").eachLink(callback, context || this); + }, + + /** + * Get link by link id + * @method getLink + * @param id + * @returns {*} + */ + getLink: function(id) { + return this.getLayer("links").getLink(id); + }, + /** + * get linkSet by node + * @param sourceVertexID {String} source node's id + * @param targetVertexID {String} target node's id + * @returns {nx.graphic.Topology.LinkSet} + */ + getLinkSet: function(sourceVertexID, targetVertexID) { + return this.getLayer("linkSet").getLinkSet(sourceVertexID, targetVertexID); + }, + /** + * Get linkSet by linkKey + * @param linkKey {String} linkKey + * @returns {nx.graphic.Topology.LinkSet} + */ + getLinkSetByLinkKey: function(linkKey) { + return this.getLayer("linkSet").getLinkSetByLinkKey(linkKey); + }, + /** + * Get links by node + * @param sourceVertexID {String} source node's id + * @param targetVertexID {String} target node's id + * @returns {Array} links collection + */ + getLinksByNode: function(sourceVertexID, targetVertexID) { + var linkSet = this.getLinkSet(sourceVertexID, targetVertexID); + if (linkSet) { + return linkSet.links(); + } + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.LayerMixin", { + events: [], + properties: { + /** + * @property layersMap + */ + layersMap: { + value: function () { + return {}; + } + }, + /** + * @property layers + */ + layers: { + value: function () { + return []; + } + }, + + /** + * Get fade status. + * @property fade + * @readOnly + */ + fade: { + dependencies: "forceFade", + value: function (forceFade) { + // TODO relates highlight and active setting + return (forceFade === true || forceFade === false) ? forceFade : this._fade; + } + }, + /** + * Set active priority over highlight. + * @property fadeActivePriority + */ + fadeActivePriority: { + value: false, + set: function (v) { + if (v) { + this.dom().addClass("fade-active-priority"); + } else { + this.dom().addClass("fade-active-priority"); + } + this._fadeActivePriority = !! v; + } + }, + fadeUpdater_internal_: { + dependencies: "fade", + update: function (fade) { + if (fade) { + this.dom().addClass("fade-all"); + } else { + this.dom().removeClass("fade-all"); + } + } + }, + /** + * Force layer fade. + * @property forceFade + */ + forceFade: {}, + layerResource_internal_: { + value: function () { + return {}; + } + } + }, + methods: { + initLayer: function () { + this.layersMap({}); + this.layers([]); + this.attachLayer("links", "nx.graphic.Topology.LinksLayer"); + this.attachLayer("linkSet", "nx.graphic.Topology.LinkSetLayer"); + this.attachLayer("groups", "nx.graphic.Topology.GroupsLayer"); + this.attachLayer("nodes", "nx.graphic.Topology.NodesLayer"); + this.attachLayer("nodeSet", "nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSetLayer"); + this.attachLayer("paths", "nx.graphic.Topology.PathLayer"); + + }, + /** + * To generate a layer + * @param name + * @param layer + * @returns {*} + * @private + */ + _generateLayer: function (name, layer) { + var layerObj; + if (name && layer) { + if (nx.is(layer, "String")) { + var cls = nx.path(global, layer); + if (cls) { + layerObj = new cls(); + } + } else { + layerObj = layer; + } + layerObj.topology(this); + layerObj.draw(); + + nx.each(layerObj.__events__, function (eventName) { + nx.Object.delegateEvent(layerObj, eventName, this, eventName); + }, this); + + + // debugger; + // nx.Object.extendProperty(this, name + 'LayerConfig', { + // set: function (value) { + // nx.each(value, function (value, key) { + // nx.util.setProperty(layerObj, key, value, this); + // }, this); + // } + // }); + + + } + return layerObj; + }, + /** + * Get a layer reference by name + * @method getLayer + * @param name {String} The name you pass to topology when you attacherLayer/prependLayer/insertLayerAfter + * @returns {*} Instance of a layer + */ + getLayer: function (name) { + var layersMap = this.layersMap(); + return layersMap[name]; + }, + appendLayer: function (name, layer) { + return this.attachLayer(name, layer); + }, + /** + * attach a layer to topology, that should be subclass of nx.graphic.Topology.Layer + * @method attachLayer + * @param name {String} handler to get this layer + * @param layer Could be string of a layer's class name, or a reference of a layer + */ + attachLayer: function (name, layer, index) { + var layersMap = this.layersMap(); + var layers = this.layers(); + var layerObj = this._generateLayer(name, layer); + var layerResourceMap, layerResource = {}; + if (layerObj) { + if (index >= 0) { + layerObj.attach(this.stage(), index); + layers.splice(index, 0, layerObj); + } else { + layerObj.attach(this.stage()); + layers.push(layerObj); + } + layersMap[name] = layerObj; + // listen layer active elements change + layerResourceMap = this.layerResource_internal_(); + layerResourceMap[name] = layerResource; + layerResource.activeElementsChangeListener = function (sender, edata) { + layerResource.activeCount = layerObj.activeElements().count(); + // get the total active count and update class + var total = 0; + nx.each(layerResourceMap, function (res) { + total += res.activeCount; + }); + this.dom().setClass("fade-active-occur", total > 0); + }; + layerObj.activeElements().on("change", layerResource.activeElementsChangeListener, this); + } + return layerObj; + }, + /** + * Prepend a layer to topology, that should be subclass of nx.graphic.Topology.Layer + * @method prependLayer + * @param name {String} handler to get this layer + * @param layer Could be string of a layer's class name, or a reference of a layer + */ + prependLayer: function (name, layer) { + return this.attachLayer(name, layer, 0); + }, + /** + * Insert a layer under a certain layer, that should be subclass of nx.graphic.Topology.Layer + * @method insertLayerAfter + * @param name {String} handler to get this layer + * @param layer Could be string of a layer's class name, or a reference of a layer + * @param upsideLayerName {String} name of upside layer + */ + insertLayerAfter: function (name, layer, upsideLayerName) { + var afterLayer = this.layersMap()[upsideLayerName]; + if (afterLayer) { + var index = this.layers().indexOf(afterLayer); + if (index >= 0) { + return this.attachLayer(name, layer, index + 1); + } + } + }, + + eachLayer: function (callback, context) { + nx.each(this.layersMap(), callback, context); + }, + /** + * fade out layer + * @method fadeOut + * @param [force] {Boolean} force layer fade out and can't fade in + * @param [callback] {Function} callback after fade out + * @param [context] {Object} callback context + */ + fadeOut: function (force, callback, context) { + if (force) { + this.forceFade(true); + } else if (!this.forceFade()) { + this.fade(true); + } + }, + /** + * FadeIn layer's fade statues + * @param force {Boolean} force recover all items + * @param [callback] {Function} callback after fade out + * @param [context] {Object} callback context + */ + fadeIn: function (force, callback, context) { + if (this.forceFade() === true) { + if (force) { + this.forceFade(null); + this.fade(false); + } + } else { + this.fade(false); + } + }, + recoverActive: function () { + nx.each(this.layers(), function (layer) { + if (layer.activeElements) { + layer.activeElements().clear(); + } + }, this); + this.activeNodes([]); + this.fadeIn(); + }, + recoverHighlight: function () { + nx.each(this.layers(), function (layer) { + if (layer.highlightedElements) { + layer.highlightedElements().clear(); + } + }, this); + //todo refactore + this.highlightedNodes([]); + this.fadeIn(true); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * Topology stage class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.StageMixin + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.StageMixin', { + events: ['fitStage', 'ready', 'resizeStage', 'afterFitStage'], + properties: { + /** + * Set/get topology's width. + * @property width {Number} + */ + width: { + get: function () { + return this._width || 300 + this.padding() * 2; + }, + set: function (value) { + return this.resize(value); + } + }, + /** + * height Set/get topology's height. + * @property height {Number} + */ + height: { + get: function () { + return this._height || 300 + this.padding() * 2; + }, + set: function (value) { + this.resize(null, value); + } + }, + /** + * Set/get stage's padding. + * @property padding {Number} + */ + padding: { + value: 100 + }, + /** + * Set/get topology's scalability + * @property scalable {Boolean} + */ + scalable: { + value: true + }, + stageScale: { + value: 1 + }, + revisionScale: { + value: 1 + }, + matrix: { + value: function () { + return new nx.geometry.Matrix(nx.geometry.Matrix.I); + } + }, + /** + * Set to true will adapt to topology's outside container, set to ture will ignore width/height + * @property adaptive {Boolean} + */ + adaptive: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Get the topology's stage component + * @property stage {nx.graphic.Component} + */ + stage: { + get: function () { + return this.view('stage'); + } + }, + /** + * Enabling the smart node feature, set to false will improve the performance + * @property enableSmartNode {Boolean} + */ + enableSmartNode: { + value: true + }, + autoFit: { + value: true + } + }, + + methods: { + initStage: function () { + nx.each(nx.graphic.Icons.icons, function (iconObj, key) { + if (iconObj.icon) { + var icon = iconObj.icon.cloneNode(true); + icon.setAttribute("height", iconObj.size.height); + icon.setAttribute("width", iconObj.size.width); + icon.setAttribute("data-device-type", key); + icon.setAttribute("id", key); + icon.setAttribute("class", 'deviceIcon'); + this.stage().addDef(icon); + } + }, this); + }, + _adaptiveTimer: function () { + var self = this; + if (!this.adaptive() && (this.width() !== 0 && this.height() !== 0)) { + this.status('appended'); + /** + * Fired when topology appended to container with with& height + * @event ready + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + setTimeout(function () { + this.fire('ready'); + }.bind(this), 0); + + } else { + var timer = setInterval(function () { + if (self.dom() && nx.dom.Document.body().contains(self.dom())) { + clearInterval(timer); + this._adaptToContainer(); + this.status('appended'); + this.fire('ready'); + } + }.bind(this), 10); + } + }, + _adaptToContainer: function () { + var bound = this.view().dom().parentNode().getBound(); + if (bound.width === 0 || bound.height === 0) { + if (console) { + console.warn("Please set height*width to topology's parent container"); + } + return; + } + if (this._width !== bound.width || this._height !== bound.height) { + this.resize(bound.width, bound.height); + } + }, + /** + * Make topology adapt to container,container should set width/height + * @method adaptToContainer + */ + adaptToContainer: function (callback) { + if (!this.adaptive()) { + return; + } + this._adaptToContainer(); + this.fit(); + }, + + + /** + * Get the passing bound's relative inside bound,if not passing param will return the topology graphic's bound + * @param bound {JSON} + * @returns {{left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number}} + */ + getInsideBound: function (bound) { + var _bound = bound || this.stage().view('stage').getBound(); + var topoBound = this.view().dom().getBound(); + + return { + left: _bound.left - topoBound.left, + top: _bound.top - topoBound.top, + width: _bound.width, + height: _bound.height + }; + }, + getAbsolutePosition: function (obj) { + var topoMatrix = this.matrix(); + var stageScale = topoMatrix.scale(); + var topoOffset = this.view().dom().getOffset(); + return { + x: obj.x * stageScale + topoMatrix.x() + topoOffset.left, + y: obj.y * stageScale + topoMatrix.y() + topoOffset.top + }; + }, + /** + * Make topology graphic fit stage + * @method fit + */ + fit: function (callback, context, isAnimated) { + this.stage().fit(function () { + this.adjustLayout(); + /* jshint -W030 */ + callback && callback.call(context || this); + this.fire('afterFitStage'); + }, this, isAnimated == null ? true : isAnimated); + /** + * Fired when after topology fit to stage + * @event fit + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('fitStage'); + + }, + /** + * Zoom topology + * @param value {Number} + * @method zoom + */ + zoom: function (value) { + + }, + /** + * Zoom topology by a bound + * @method zoomByBound + * @param inBound {Object} e.g {left:Number,top:Number,width:Number,height:Number} + * @param [callback] {Function} callback function + * @param [context] {Object} callback context + * @param [duration] {Number} set the transition time, unit is second + */ + zoomByBound: function (inBound, callback, context, duration) { + this.stage().zoomByBound(inBound, function () { + this.adjustLayout(); + /* jshint -W030 */ + callback && callback.call(context || this); + this.fire('zoomend'); + }, this, duration !== undefined ? duration : 0.9); + }, + /** + * Move topology + * @method move + * @param x {Number} + * @param y {Number} + * @param [duration] {Number} default is 0 + */ + move: function (x, y, duration) { + var stage = this.stage(); + stage.applyTranslate(x || 0, y || 0, duration); + }, + /** + * Resize topology + * @method resize + * @param width {Number} + * @param height {Number} + */ + resize: function (width, height) { + var modified = false; + if (width != null && width != this._width) { + var _width = Math.max(width, 300 + this.padding() * 2); + if (_width != this._width) { + this._width = _width; + modified = true; + } + } + if (height != null) { + var _height = Math.max(height, 300 + this.padding() * 2); + if (_height != this._height) { + this._height = _height; + } + } + + if (modified) { + this.notify('width'); + this.notify('height'); + this.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + /** + * Fired when topology's stage changed + * @event resizeStage + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('resizeStage'); + } + return modified; + }, + /** + * If enable enableSmartNode, this function will auto adjust the node's overlapping and set the nodes to right size + * @method adjustLayout + */ + adjustLayout: function () { + + + if (!this.enableSmartNode()) { + return; + } + + if (this._adjustLayoutTimer) { + clearTimeout(this._adjustLayoutTimer); + } + this._adjustLayoutTimer = setTimeout(function () { + var graph = this.graph(); + if (graph) { + var startTime = new Date(); + var topoMatrix = this.matrix(); + var stageScale = topoMatrix.scale(); + var positionAry = []; + this.eachNode(function (node) { + if (node.activated && !node.activated()) { + return; + } + var position = node.position(); + positionAry[positionAry.length] = { + x: position.x * stageScale + topoMatrix.x(), + y: position.y * stageScale + topoMatrix.y() + }; + }); + var calc = function (positionAry) { + var length = positionAry.length; + var iconRadius = 36 * 36; + var dotRadius = 32 * 32; + + var testOverlap = function (sourcePosition, targetPosition) { + var distance = Math.pow(Math.abs(sourcePosition.x - targetPosition.x), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(sourcePosition.y - targetPosition.y), 2); + return { + iconOverlap: distance < iconRadius, + dotOverlap: distance < dotRadius + }; + }; + + var iconOverlapCounter = 0; + var dotOverlapCounter = 0; + + for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { + var sourcePosition = positionAry[i]; + var iconIsOverlap = false; + var dotIsOverlap = false; + for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) { + var targetPosition = positionAry[j]; + if (i !== j) { + var result = testOverlap(sourcePosition, targetPosition); + /* jshint -W030 */ + result.iconOverlap && (iconIsOverlap = true); + /* jshint -W030 */ + result.dotOverlap && (dotIsOverlap = true); + } + } + /* jshint -W030 */ + iconIsOverlap && iconOverlapCounter++; + /* jshint -W030 */ + dotIsOverlap && dotOverlapCounter++; + } + + //0.2,0.4,,1 + var overlapPercent = 1; + if (iconOverlapCounter / length > 0.2) { + overlapPercent = 0.8; + if (dotOverlapCounter / length > 0.8) { + overlapPercent = 0.2; + } else if (dotOverlapCounter / length > 0.5) { + overlapPercent = 0.4; + } else if (dotOverlapCounter / length > 0.15) { + overlapPercent = 0.6; + } + } + return overlapPercent; + }; + + if (window.Blob && window.Worker) { + var fn = "onmessage = function(e) { self.postMessage(calc(e.data)); };"; + fn += "var calc = " + calc.toString(); + + if (!this.adjustWorker) { + var blob = new Blob([fn]); + // Obtain a blob URL reference to our worker 'file'. + var blobURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); + var worker = this.adjustWorker = new Worker(blobURL); + worker.onmessage = function (e) { + var overlapPercent = e.data; + this.revisionScale(overlapPercent); + }.bind(this); + } + this.adjustWorker.postMessage(positionAry); // Start the worker. + } + + + // var overlapPercent = calc(positionAry); + // this.revisionScale(overlapPercent); + // nodesLayer.updateNodeRevisionScale(overlapPercent); + + } + }.bind(this), 200); + } + } + }); +}) +(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * Tooltip mixin class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.TooltipMixin + * + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.TooltipMixin", { + events: [], + properties: { + /** + * Set/get the tooltip manager config + * @property tooltipManagerConfig + */ + tooltipManagerConfig: { + get: function () { + return this._tooltipManagerConfig || {}; + }, + set: function (value) { + var tooltipManager = this.tooltipManager(); + if (tooltipManager) { + tooltipManager.sets(value); + } + this._tooltipManagerConfig = value; + } + }, + /** + * get tooltip manager + * @property tooltipManager + */ + tooltipManager: { + value: function () { + var config = this.tooltipManagerConfig(); + return new nx.graphic.Topology.TooltipManager(nx.extend({}, {topology: this}, config)); + } + } + }, + methods: { + + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * Scene mixin + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.SceneMixin + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + * + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.SceneMixin", { + events: [], + properties: { + /** + * @property scenesMap + */ + scenesMap: { + value: function () { + return {}; + } + }, + /** + * @property scenes + */ + scenes: { + value: function () { + return []; + } + }, + currentScene: {}, + /** + * Current scene name + * @property currentSceneName + */ + currentSceneName: {}, + sceneEnabled: { + value: true + } + }, + methods: { + initScene: function () { + this.registerScene("default", "nx.graphic.Topology.DefaultScene"); + this.registerScene("selection", "nx.graphic.Topology.SelectionNodeScene"); + this.registerScene("zoomBySelection", "nx.graphic.Topology.ZoomBySelection"); + this.activateScene('default'); + this._registerEvents(); + + }, + /** + * Register a scene to topology + * @method registerScene + * @param name {String} for reference to a certain scene + * @param inClass A scene class name or a scene class instance, which is subclass of nx.graphic.Topology.Scene + */ + registerScene: function (name, inClass) { + var cls; + if (name && inClass) { + var scene; + var scenesMap = this.scenesMap(); + var scenes = this.scenes(); + if (!nx.is(inClass, 'String')) { + scene = inClass; + } else { + cls = nx.path(global, inClass); + if (cls) { + scene = new cls(); + } else { + //nx.logger.log('wrong scene name'); + } + } + if (scene) { + scene.topology(this); + scenesMap[name] = scene; + scenes.push(scene); + } + } + }, + /** + * Activate a scene, topology only has one active scene. + * @method activateScene + * @param name {String} Scene name which be passed at registerScene + */ + activateScene: function (name) { + var scenesMap = this.scenesMap(); + var sceneName = name || 'default'; + var scene = scenesMap[sceneName] || scenesMap["default"]; + // + this.deactivateScene(); + this.currentScene(scene); + this.currentSceneName(sceneName); + + scene.activate(); + this.fire("switchScene", { + name: name, + scene: scene + }); + return scene; + }, + /** + * Deactivate a certain scene + * @method deactivateScene + */ + deactivateScene: function () { + if (this.currentScene() && this.currentScene().deactivate) { + this.currentScene().deactivate(); + } + this.currentScene(null); + }, + disableCurrentScene: function (value) { + this.sceneEnabled(!value); + }, + _registerEvents: function () { + nx.each(this.__events__, this._aop = function (eventName) { + this.upon(eventName, function (sender, data) { + this.dispatchEvent(eventName, sender, data); + }, this); + }, this); + }, + dispatchEvent: function (eventName, sender, data) { + if (this.sceneEnabled()) { + var currentScene = this.currentScene(); + if (currentScene.dispatch) { + currentScene.dispatch(eventName, sender, data); + } + if (currentScene[eventName]) { + currentScene[eventName].call(currentScene, sender, data); + } + } + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function(nx, global) { + /** + * Layout mixin class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.LayoutMixin + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + + + var __layouts = { + 'force': 'nx.graphic.Topology.NeXtForceLayout', + 'USMap': 'nx.graphic.Topology.USMapLayout', + //'WorldMap': nx.graphic.Topology.WorldMapLayout, + 'hierarchicalLayout': 'nx.graphic.Topology.HierarchicalLayout', + 'enterpriseNetworkLayout': 'nx.graphic.Topology.EnterpriseNetworkLayout' + }; + + + var CLS = nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.LayoutMixin", { + events: [], + properties: { + /** + * Layout map + * @property layoutMap + */ + layoutMap: { + value: function() { + return {}; + } + }, + /** + * Current layout type + * @property layoutType + */ + layoutType: { + value: null + }, + /** + * Current layout config + * @property layoutConfig + */ + layoutConfig: { + value: null + } + }, + methods: { + initLayout: function() { + + var layouts = nx.extend({},__layouts,nx.graphic.Topology.layouts); + + nx.each(layouts, function(cls, name) { + var instance; + if (nx.is(cls, 'Function')) { + instance = new cls(); + } else { + var clz = nx.path(global, cls); + if (!clz) { + throw "Error on instance node class"; + } else { + instance = new clz(); + } + } + + this.registerLayout(name, instance); + + }, this); + }, + /** + * Register a layout + * @method registerLayout + * @param name {String} layout name + * @param cls {Object} layout class instance + */ + registerLayout: function(name, cls) { + var layoutMap = this.layoutMap(); + layoutMap[name] = cls; + + if (cls.topology) { + cls.topology(this); + } + }, + /** + * Get layout instance by name + * @method getLayout + * @param name {String} + * @returns {*} + */ + getLayout: function(name) { + var layoutMap = this.layoutMap(); + return layoutMap[name]; + }, + /** + * Activate a layout + * @param inName {String} layout name + * @param inConfig {Object} layout config object + * @param callback {Function} callback for after apply a layout + */ + activateLayout: function(inName, inConfig, callback) { + var layoutMap = this.layoutMap(); + var name = inName || this.layoutType(); + var config = inConfig || this.layoutConfig(); + if (layoutMap[name] && layoutMap[name].process) { + layoutMap[name].process(this.graph(), config, callback); + this.layoutType(name); + } + }, + deactivateLayout: function(name) { + + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function(nx, global) { + /** + * Topology's batch operation class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.Categories + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.Categories", { + events: [], + properties: { + /** + * + * @property loading + */ + loading: { + get: function() { + return this._loading || false; + }, + set: function(value) { + this._loading = value; + if (value) { + nx.dom.Document.html().addClass('n-waitCursor'); + this.view().dom().addClass('n-topology-loading'); + this.view('loading').dom().setStyle('display', 'block'); + } else { + nx.dom.Document.html().removeClass('n-waitCursor'); + this.view().dom().removeClass('n-topology-loading'); + this.view('loading').dom().setStyle('display', 'none'); + } + + } + }, + }, + methods: { + /** + * Show loading indicator + * @method showLoading + */ + showLoading: function() { + this.loading(true); + }, + /** + * Hide loading indicator + * @method hideLoading + */ + hideLoading: function() { + this.loading(false); + }, + exportPNG: function() { + + this.fit(); + + + var serializer = new XMLSerializer(); + var stageScale = this.stageScale(); + var translateX = topo.matrix().x(); + var translateY = topo.matrix().y(); + var stage = this.stage().view().dom().$dom.querySelector('.stage').cloneNode(true); + nx.each(stage.querySelectorAll('.fontIcon'), function(icon) { + icon.remove(); + }); + + nx.each(stage.querySelectorAll('.link'), function(item) { + item.style.stroke = '#26A1C5'; + item.style.fill = 'none'; + item.style.background = 'transparent'; + }); + + nx.each(stage.querySelectorAll('line.link-set-bg'), function(item) { + item.style.stroke = '#26A1C5'; + }); + + nx.each(stage.querySelectorAll('text.node-label'), function(item) { + item.style.fontSize = '12px'; + item.style.fontFamily = 'Tahoma'; + }); + + nx.each(stage.querySelectorAll('.n-hidden'), function(hidden) { + hidden.remove(); + }); + + nx.each(stage.querySelectorAll('.selectedBG'), function(item) { + item.remove(); + }); + + nx.each(stage.querySelectorAll('[data-nx-type="nx.graphic.Topology.GroupsLayer"]'), function(item) { + item.remove(); + }); + + + var svg = serializer.serializeToString(stage); + var svgString = '' + svg + ""; + var b64 = window.btoa(svgString); + var img = this.view("img").dom().$dom; + //var canvas = this.view("canvas").view().$dom; + img.setAttribute('width', this.width()); + img.setAttribute('height', this.height()); + img.setAttribute('src', 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + b64); + var canvas = this.view('canvas').dom().$dom; + var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); + var revisionScale = this.revisionScale(); + var fontSize = 32 * revisionScale; + + + ctx.fillStyle = '#fff'; + ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width(), this.height()); + + + ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); + ctx.font = fontSize + "px next-font"; + this.eachNode(function(node) { + var iconType = node.iconType(); + var iconObject = nx.graphic.Icons.get(iconType); + ctx.fillStyle = '#fff'; + ctx.fillText(iconObject.font[1], node.x() / stageScale + translateX - 16 * revisionScale, node.y() / stageScale + translateY + 16 * revisionScale); + ctx.fillStyle = node.color() || '#26A1C5'; + ctx.fillText(iconObject.font[0], node.x() / stageScale + translateX - 16 * revisionScale, node.y() / stageScale + translateY + 16 * revisionScale); + }); + var link = document.createElement('a'); + link.setAttribute('href', canvas.toDataURL()); + link.setAttribute('download', (new Date()).getTime() + ".png"); + var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); + event.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); + link.dispatchEvent(event); + }, + __drawBG: function(inBound) { + var bound = inBound || this.stage().getContentBound(); + var bg = this.stage().view('bg'); + bg.sets({ + x: bound.left, + y: bound.top, + width: bound.width, + height: bound.height, + visible: true + }); + bg.set('visible', true); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function(nx, global) { + /** + * Topology base class + + var topologyData = { + nodes: [ + {"id": 0, "x": 410, "y": 100, "name": "12K-1"}, + {"id": 1, "x": 410, "y": 280, "name": "12K-2"}, + {"id": 2, "x": 660, "y": 280, "name": "Of-9k-03"}, + {"id": 3, "x": 660, "y": 100, "name": "Of-9k-02"}, + {"id": 4, "x": 180, "y": 190, "name": "Of-9k-01"} + ], + links: [ + {"source": 0, "target": 1}, + {"source": 1, "target": 2}, + {"source": 1, "target": 3}, + {"source": 4, "target": 1}, + {"source": 2, "target": 3}, + {"source": 2, "target": 0}, + {"source": 3, "target": 0}, + {"source": 3, "target": 0}, + {"source": 3, "target": 0}, + {"source": 0, "target": 4}, + {"source": 0, "target": 4}, + {"source": 0, "target": 3} + ] + }; + nx.define('MyTopology', nx.ui.Component, { + view: { + content: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Topology', + props: { + width: 800, + height: 800, + nodeConfig: { + label: 'model.id' + }, + showIcon: true, + data: topologyData + } + } + } + }); + var app = new nx.ui.Application(); + var comp = new MyTopology(); + comp.attach(app); + + + * @class nx.graphic.Topology + * @extend nx.ui.Component + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + * @uses nx.graphic.Topology.Config + * @uses nx.graphic.Topology.Projection + * @uses nx.graphic.Topology.Graph + * @uses nx.graphic.Topology.Event + * @uses nx.graphic.Topology.StageMixin + * @uses nx.graphic.Topology.NodeMixin + * @uses nx.graphic.Topology.LinkMixin + * @uses nx.graphic.Topology.LayerMixin + * @uses nx.graphic.Topology.TooltipMixin + * @uses nx.graphic.Topology.SceneMixin + * + */ + var extendEvent = nx.Object.extendEvent; + var extendProperty = nx.Object.extendProperty; + var extendMethod = nx.Object.extendMethod; + var Topology = nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology", nx.ui.Component, { + statics: { + i18n: { + 'cantAggregateExtraNode': 'Can\'t aggregate extra node', + 'cantAggregateNodesInDifferentNodeSet': 'Can\'t aggregate nodes in different nodeSet' + }, + extensions: [], + registerExtension: function(cls) { + var prototype = Topology.prototype; + var classPrototype = cls.prototype; + + Topology.extensions.push(cls); + + nx.each(cls.__events__, function(name) { + extendEvent(prototype, name); + }); + + nx.each(cls.__properties__, function(name) { + extendProperty(prototype, name, classPrototype[name].__meta__); + }); + + nx.each(cls.__methods__, function(name) { + if (name !== 'init') { + extendMethod(prototype, name, classPrototype[name]); + } + }); + }, + layouts: {} + }, + mixins: [ + nx.graphic.Topology.Config, + nx.graphic.Topology.Graph, + nx.graphic.Topology.Event, + nx.graphic.Topology.StageMixin, + nx.graphic.Topology.NodeMixin, + nx.graphic.Topology.LinkMixin, + nx.graphic.Topology.LayerMixin, + nx.graphic.Topology.LayoutMixin, + nx.graphic.Topology.TooltipMixin, + nx.graphic.Topology.SceneMixin, + nx.graphic.Topology.Categories + ], + events: ['clear'], + view: { + props: { + 'class': ['n-topology', '{#themeClass}'], + tabindex: '0', + style: { + width: "{#width}", + height: "{#height}" + } + }, + content: [{ + name: "stage", + type: "nx.graphic.Stage", + props: { + width: "{#width}", + height: "{#height}", + padding: '{#padding}', + matrixObject: '{#matrix,direction=<>}', + stageScale: '{#stageScale,direction=<>}' + }, + events: { + ':mousedown': '{#_pressStage}', + ':touchstart': '{#_pressStage}', + 'click': '{#_clickStage}', + 'touchend': '{#_clickStage}', + 'mousewheel': '{#_mousewheel}', + 'DOMMouseScroll': '{#_mousewheel}', + 'dragStageStart': '{#_dragStageStart}', + 'dragStage': '{#_dragStage}', + 'dragStageEnd': '{#_dragStageEnd}', + 'stageTransitionEnd': '{#_stageTransitionEnd}' + + } + }, { + name: 'nav', + type: 'nx.graphic.Topology.Nav', + props: { + visible: '{#showNavigation}', + showIcon: '{#showIcon,direction=<>}' + } + }, { + name: 'loading', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-loading' + }, + content: { + tag: 'ul', + props: { + items: new Array(10), + template: { + tag: 'li' + } + } + } + }, + // { + // type: 'nx.graphic.Topology.Thumbnail', + // props: { + // width: "{#width}", + // height: "{#height}" + // } + // }, + { + name: 'img', + tag: 'img', + props: { + style: { + 'display': 'none' + } + } + }, { + name: 'canvas', + tag: 'canvas', + props: { + width: "{#width}", + height: "{#height}", + style: { + 'display': 'none' + } + } + } + + ], + events: { + 'contextmenu': '{#_contextmenu}', + 'keydown': '{#_key}' + } + }, + properties: {}, + methods: { + init: function(args) { + this.inherited(args); + this.sets(args); + + this.initStage(); + this.initLayer(); + this.initGraph(); + this.initNode(); + this.initScene(); + this.initLayout(); + + + nx.each(Topology.extensions, function(cls) { + var ctor = cls.__ctor__; + if (ctor) { + ctor.call(this); + } + }, this); + + + }, + attach: function(args) { + this.inherited(args); + this._adaptiveTimer(); + }, + /** + * Clear all layer's content + * @method clear + */ + clear: function() { + this.status('cleared'); + if (this._nodesAnimation) { + this._nodesAnimation.stop(); + } + this.graph().clear(); + this.tooltipManager().closeAll(); + nx.each(this.layers(), function(layer, name) { + layer.clear(); + }); + this.blockEvent(false); + this.fire('clear'); + if (this.width() && this.height()) { + this.status('appended'); + } + }, + dispose: function() { + this.status('disposed'); + this.tooltipManager().dispose(); + this.graph().dispose(); + + nx.each(this.layers(), function(layer) { + layer.dispose(); + }); + this.blockEvent(false); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * Topology basic layer class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.Layer + * @extend nx.graphic.Group + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.Layer", nx.graphic.Group, { + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + class: "layer" + } + }, + properties: { + /** + * Get topology + * @property topology + */ + topology: { + value: null + }, + highlightedElements: { + value: function () { + return new nx.data.UniqObservableCollection(); + } + }, + activeElements: { + value: function () { + return new nx.data.UniqObservableCollection(); + } + }, + /** + * Get fade status. + * @property fade + * @readOnly + */ + fade: { + dependencies: "forceFade", + value: function (forceFade) { + return (forceFade === true || forceFade === false) ? forceFade : this._fade; + } + }, + fadeUpdater_internal_: { + dependencies: "fade", + update: function (fade) { + if (fade) { + this.dom().addClass("fade-layer"); + } else { + this.dom().removeClass("fade-layer"); + } + } + }, + /** + * Force layer fade. + * @property forceFade + */ + forceFade: {} + }, + methods: { + init: function (args) { + this.inherited(args); + this.view().set("data-nx-type", this.__className__); + + var highlightedElements = this.highlightedElements(); + var activeElements = this.activeElements(); + + highlightedElements.on('change', function (sender, args) { + if (args.action == 'add') { + nx.each(args.items, function (el) { + el.dom().addClass("fade-highlight-item"); + }); + } else if (args.action == 'remove' || args.action == "clear") { + nx.each(args.items, function (el) { + /* jslint -W030 */ + el.dom() && el.dom().removeClass("fade-highlight-item"); + }); + } + if (highlightedElements.count() === 0 && activeElements.count() === 0) { + this.fadeIn(); + } else { + this.fadeOut(); + } + }, this); + + + activeElements.on('change', function (sender, args) { + if (args.action == 'add') { + nx.each(args.items, function (el) { + el.dom().addClass("fade-active-item"); + }); + } else if (args.action == 'remove' || args.action == "clear") { + nx.each(args.items, function (el) { + /* jslint -W030 */ + el.dom() && el.dom().removeClass("fade-active-item"); + }); + } + if (highlightedElements.count() === 0 && activeElements.count() === 0) { + this.fadeIn(); + } else { + this.fadeOut(); + } + }, this); + + }, + /** + * Factory function, draw group + */ + draw: function () { + + }, + /** + * Show layer + * @method show + */ + show: function () { + this.visible(true); + }, + /** + * Hide layer + * @method hide + */ + hide: function () { + this.visible(false); + }, + /** + * fade out layer + * @method fadeOut + * @param [force] {Boolean} force layer fade out and can't fade in + * @param [callback] {Function} callback after fade out + * @param [context] {Object} callback context + */ + fadeOut: function (force, callback, context) { + if (force) { + this.forceFade(true); + } else if (!this.forceFade()) { + this.fade(true); + } + }, + /** + * FadeIn layer's fade statues + * @param force {Boolean} force recover all items + * @param [callback] {Function} callback after fade out + * @param [context] {Object} callback context + */ + fadeIn: function (force, callback, context) { + if (this.forceFade() === true) { + if (force) { + this.forceFade(null); + this.fade(false); + } + } else { + this.fade(false); + } + }, + /** + * Fade in layer + * @method fadeIn + * @param force {Boolean} force recover all items + * @param [callback] {Function} callback after fade out + * @param [context] {Object} callback context + */ + recover: function (force, callback, context) { + this.fadeIn(force, callback, context); + }, + /** + * clear layer's content + * @method clear + */ + clear: function () { + this.highlightedElements().clear(); + this.activeElements().clear(); + this.view().dom().empty(); + }, + dispose: function () { + this.clear(); + this.highlightedElements().clear(); + this.activeElements().clear(); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.NodeWatcher', nx.Observable, { + properties: { + nodes: { + get: function () { + return this._nodes || []; + }, + set: function (inNodes) { + var updater = this.updater(); + var vertices = this.vertices(); + + if (vertices.length !== 0) { + nx.each(vertices, function (vertex) { + vertex.unwatch('generated', updater, this); + }, this); + vertices.length = 0; + } + + if (!inNodes) { + return; + } + + var nodes = inNodes; + if (!nx.is(nodes, Array) && !nx.is(nodes, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + nodes = [nodes]; + } + nx.each(nodes, function (item) { + var vertex = this._getVertex(item); + if (vertex && vertices.indexOf(vertex) == -1) { + vertices.push(vertex); + } + }, this); + + + //todo + if (nx.is(nodes, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + nodes.on('change', function (sender, args) { + var action = args.action; + var items = args.items; + if (action == 'add') { + + } else if (action == 'remove') { + + } else if (action == 'clear') { + + } + }); + } + + var observePosition = this.observePosition(); + nx.each(vertices, function (vertex) { + vertex.watch('generated', updater, this); + if (observePosition) { + vertex.on('updateCoordinate', updater, this); + } + }, this); + + updater(); + this._nodes = nodes; + } + }, + updater: { + value: function () { + return function () { + + }; + } + }, + topology: { + set: function (topo) { + if (topo && topo.graph()) { + var graph = topo.graph(); + graph.on("addVertexSet", this.update, this); + graph.on("removeVertexSet", this.update, this); + graph.on("deleteVertexSet", this.update, this); + graph.on("updateVertexSet", this.update, this); + } + this._topology = topo; + } + }, + vertices: { + value: function () { + return []; + } + }, + observePosition: { + value: false + } + }, + methods: { + _getVertex: function (value) { + var vertex; + var topo = this.topology(); + if (topo && topo.graph()) { + var graph = topo.graph(); + if (nx.is(value, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + vertex = value.model(); + } else if (graph.getVertex(value)) { + vertex = graph.getVertex(value); + } + } + return vertex; + }, + getNodes: function (includeParent) { + var nodes = []; + var topo = this.topology(); + var vertices = this.vertices(); + nx.each(vertices, function (vertex) { + var id = vertex.id(); + var node = topo.getNode(id); + if (includeParent !== false && (!node || vertex.generated() === false)) { + var generatedRootVertexSet = vertex.generatedRootVertexSet(); + if (generatedRootVertexSet) { + node = topo.getNode(generatedRootVertexSet.id()); + } + } + + if (node && nodes.indexOf(node)) { + nodes.push(node); + } + }); + + return nodes; + }, + update: function () { + var updater = this.updater(); + var vertices = this.vertices(); + if (vertices.length !== 0) { + updater(); + } + }, + dispose: function () { + var topo = this.topology(); + if (topo && topo.graph()) { + var graph = topo.graph(); + graph.off("addVertexSet", this.update, this); + graph.off("removeVertexSet", this.update, this); + graph.off("deleteVertexSet", this.update, this); + graph.off("updateVertexSet", this.update, this); + } + this.inherited(); + } + + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + var Vector = nx.geometry.Vector; + /** + * Abstract node class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode + * @extend nx.graphic.Group + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode", nx.graphic.Group, { + events: ['updateNodeCoordinate', 'selectNode', 'remove'], + properties: { + /** + * Get node's absolute position + * @property position + */ + position: { + get: function () { + return { + x: this._x || 0, + y: this._y || 0 + }; + }, + set: function (obj) { + var isModified = false; + if (obj.x != null && obj.x !== this._x && !this._lockXAxle) { + this._x = obj.x; + this.notify("x"); + isModified = true; + } + + if (obj.y != null && obj.y !== this._y && !this._lockYAxle) { + this._y = obj.y; + this.notify("y"); + isModified = true; + } + + if (isModified) { + var model = this.model(); + model.position({ + x: this._x, + y: this._y + }); + + this.view().setTransform(this._x, this._y); + } + } + }, + absolutePosition: { + //dependencies: ['position'], + get: function () { + var position = this.position(); + var topoMatrix = this.topology().matrix(); + var stageScale = topoMatrix.scale(); + return { + x: position.x * stageScale + topoMatrix.x(), + y: position.y * stageScale + topoMatrix.y() + }; + }, + set: function (position) { + if (position == null || position.x == null || position.y == null) { + return false; + } + var topoMatrix = this.topology().matrix(); + var stageScale = topoMatrix.scale(); + + this.position({ + x: (position.x - topoMatrix.x()) / stageScale, + y: (position.y - topoMatrix.y()) / stageScale + }); + } + }, + matrix: { + //dependencies: ['position'], + get: function () { + var position = this.position(); + var stageScale = this.stageScale(); + return [ + [stageScale, 0, 0], + [0, stageScale, 0], + [position.x, position.y, 1] + ]; + } + }, + /** + * Get node's vector + * @property vector + */ + vector: { + //dependencies: ['position'], + get: function () { + return new Vector(this.x(), this.y()); + } + }, + /** + * Get/set node's x position, suggest use position + * @property x + */ + x: { + ////dependencies: ['position'], + get: function () { + return this._x || 0; + }, + set: function (value) { + return this.position({x: parseFloat(value)}); + } + }, + /** + * Get/set node's y position, suggest use position + * @property y + */ + y: { + ////dependencies: ['position'], + get: function () { + return this._y || 0; + }, + set: function (value) { + return this.position({y: parseFloat(value)}); + } + }, + /** + * Lock x axle, node only can move at y axle + * @property lockXAxle {Boolean} + */ + lockXAxle: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Lock y axle, node only can move at x axle + * @property lockYAxle + */ + lockYAxle: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Get topology stage scale + * @property scale + */ + stageScale: { + set: function (value) { + this.view().setTransform(null, null, value); + } + }, + /** + * Get topology instance + * @property topology + */ + topology: {}, + /** + * Get node's id + * @property id + */ + id: { + get: function () { + return this.model().id(); + } + }, + /** + * Node is been selected statues + * @property selected + */ + selected: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Get/set node's usablity + * @property enable + */ + enable: { + value: true + }, + /** + * Get node self reference + * @property node + */ + node: { + get: function () { + return this; + } + }, + showIcon: { + value: true + }, + links: { + get: function () { + var links = {}; + this.eachLink(function (link, id) { + links[id] = link; + }); + return links; + } + }, + linkSets: { + get: function () { + var linkSets = {}; + this.eachLinkSet(function (linkSet, linkKey) { + linkSets[linkKey] = linkSet; + }); + return linkSets; + } + }, + connectedNodes: { + get: function () { + var nodes = {}; + this.eachConnectedNode(function (node, id) { + nodes[id] = node; + }); + return nodes; + } + } + }, + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group' + }, + methods: { + init: function (args) { + this.inherited(args); + this.watch('selected', function (prop, value) { + /** + * Fired when node been selected or cancel selected + * @event selectNode + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('selectNode', value); + }, this); + }, + /** + * Factory function , will be call when set model + */ + setModel: function (model) { + this.model(model); + model.upon('updateCoordinate', function (sender, args) { + this.position({ + x: args.newPosition.x, + y: args.newPosition.y + }); + /** + * Fired when node update coordinate + * @event updateNodeCoordinate + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('updateNodeCoordinate'); + }, this); + + + this.setBinding('visible', 'model.visible,direction=<>', this); + this.setBinding('selected', 'model.selected,direction=<>', this); + + //initialize position + this.position(model.position()); + }, + update: function () { + + }, + /** + * Move node certain distance + * @method move + * @param x {Number} + * @param y {Number} + */ + move: function (x, y) { + var position = this.position(); + this.position({x: position.x + x || 0, y: position.y + y || 0}); + }, + /** + * Move to a position + * @method moveTo + * @param x {Number} + * @param y {Number} + * @param callback {Function} + * @param isAnimated {Boolean} + * @param duration {Number} + */ + moveTo: function (x, y, callback, isAnimated, duration) { + if (isAnimated !== false) { + var obj = {to: {}, duration: duration || 400}; + obj.to.x = x; + obj.to.y = y; + + if (callback) { + obj.complete = callback; + } + this.animate(obj); + } else { + this.position({x: x, y: y}); + } + }, + /** + * Use css translate to move node for high performance, when use this method, related link can't recive notification. Could hide links during transition. + * @method translateTo + * @param x {Number} + * @param y {Number} + * @param callback {Function} + */ + translateTo: function (x, y, callback) { + + }, + /** + * Iterate all connected links to this node + * @method eachLink + * @param callback + * @param context + */ + eachLink: function (callback, context) { + var model = this.model(); + var topo = this.topology(); + //todo + + this.eachLinkSet(function (linkSet) { + linkSet.eachLink(callback, context || this); + }); + + }, + eachLinkSet: function (callback, context) { + var model = this.model(); + var topo = this.topology(); + nx.each(model.edgeSets(), function (edgeSet, linkKey) { + var linkSet = topo.getLinkSetByLinkKey(linkKey); + if (linkSet) { + callback.call(context || this, linkSet, linkKey); + } + }, this); + nx.each(model.edgeSetCollections(), function (edgeSetCollection, linkKey) { + var linkSet = topo.getLinkSetByLinkKey(linkKey); + if (linkSet) { + callback.call(context || this, linkSet, linkKey); + } + }, this); + }, + /** + * Iterate all connected node + * @method eachConnectedNode + * @param callback {Function} + * @param context {Object} + */ + eachConnectedNode: function (callback, context) { + var topo = this.topology(); + this.model().eachConnectedVertex(function (vertex, id) { + var node = topo.getNode(id); + if (node) { + callback.call(context || this, node, id); + } + }); + }, + dispose: function () { + var model = this.model(); + if (model) { + model.upon('updateCoordinate', null); + } + this.fire('remove'); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * Node class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.Node + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.Node', nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode, { + events: ['pressNode', 'clickNode', 'enterNode', 'leaveNode', 'dragNodeStart', 'dragNode', 'dragNodeEnd', 'selectNode'], + properties: { + /** + * Get node's label + * @property label + */ + label: { + set: function (inValue) { + var label = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + var el = this.view('label'); + el.set('text', label); + if (label != null) { + this.calcLabelPosition(); + } + this._label = label; + } + }, + /** + * Node icon's type + * @method iconType {String} + */ + iconType: { + get: function () { + return this.view('icon').get('iconType'); + }, + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + if (value && this._iconType !== value) { + this._iconType = value; + this.view('icon').set('iconType', value); + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }, + + /** + * Show/hide node's icon + * @property showIcon + */ + showIcon: { + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + this._showIcon = value; + + this.view('icon').set('showIcon', value); + + if (this._label != null) { + this.calcLabelPosition(); + } + if (this._selected) { + this.view('selectedBG').set('r', this.selectedRingRadius()); + } + } + }, + enableSmartLabel: { + value: true + }, + labelAngle: { + value: 90 + }, + /** + * Set node's label visible + * @property labelVisibility {Boolean} true + */ + labelVisibility: { + value: true, + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + var el = this.view('label'); + el.visible(value); + this._labelVisibility = value; + } + }, + revisionScale: { + set: function (value) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var icon = this.view('icon'); + icon.set('scale', value); + if (topo.showIcon()) { + icon.showIcon(value > 0.2); + } else { + icon.showIcon(false); + } + + if (value > 0.4) { + this.view('label').set('visible', this._labelVisibility == null ? true : this._labelVisibility); + } else { + this.view('label').set('visible', false); + } + + if (this._label != null) { + this.calcLabelPosition(); + } + if (this._selected) { + this.view('selectedBG').set('r', this.selectedRingRadius()); + } + + } + }, + /** + * Set the node's color + * @property color + */ + color: { + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + // this.view('graphic').dom().setStyle('fill', value); + this.view('label').dom().setStyle('fill', value); + this.view('icon').set('color', value); + this._color = value; + } + }, + + /** + * Set node's scale + * @property scale {Number} + */ + scale: { + get: function () { + return this.view('graphic').scale(); + }, + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + this.view('graphic').setTransform(null, null, value); + this.calcLabelPosition(true); + } + }, + + + selectedRingRadius: { + get: function () { + var bound = this.getBound(true); + var radius = Math.max(bound.height, bound.width) / 2; + return radius + (this.selected() ? 10 : -4); + } + }, + /** + * Get/set node's selected statues + * @property selected + */ + selected: { + get: function () { + return this._selected || false; + }, + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + if (this._selected == value) { + return false; + } + this._selected = value; + this.dom().setClass("node-selected", !!value); + if (value) { + this.view('selectedBG').set('r', this.selectedRingRadius()); + } + return true; + } + }, + enable: { + get: function () { + return this._enable != null ? this._enable : true; + }, + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + this._enable = value; + if (value) { + this.dom().removeClass('disable'); + } else { + this.dom().addClass('disable'); + } + } + }, + parentNodeSet: { + get: function () { + var vertexSet = this.model().parentVertexSet(); + if (vertexSet) { + return this.topology().getNode(vertexSet.id()); + } else { + return null; + } + } + }, + rootNodeSet: { + get: function () { + var model = this.model(); + if (model.rootVertexSet()) { + return this.topology().getNode(model.rootVertexSet().id()); + } { + return null; + } + } + } + }, + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + 'class': 'node' + }, + content: [{ + name: 'label', + type: 'nx.graphic.Text', + props: { + 'class': 'node-label', + 'alignment-baseline': 'central', + y: 12 + } + }, { + name: 'selectedBG', + type: 'nx.graphic.Circle', + props: { + 'class': 'selectedBG', + 'r': 26 + } + }, { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + name: 'graphic', + content: [{ + name: 'icon', + type: 'nx.graphic.Icon', + props: { + 'class': 'icon', + 'iconType': 'unknown', + 'showIcon': false, + scale: 1 + } + }], + events: { + 'mousedown': '{#_mousedown}', + 'touchstart': '{#_mousedown}', + 'mouseup': '{#_mouseup}', + + 'mouseenter': '{#_mouseenter}', + 'mouseleave': '{#_mouseleave}', + + 'dragstart': '{#_dragstart}', + 'dragmove': '{#_drag}', + 'dragend': '{#_dragend}' + } + } + + + ] + }, + methods: { + translateTo: function (x, y, callback, context) { + var el = this.view(); + var position = this.position(); + el.setTransition(function () { + this.position({ + x: x, + y: y + }); + this.calcLabelPosition(true); + + if (callback) { + callback.call(context || this); + } + }, this, 0.5); + if (position.x == x && position.y == y && callback) { + callback.call(context || this); + } else { + el.setTransform(x, y, null, 0.9); + } + + }, + /** + * Get node bound + * @param onlyGraphic {Boolean} is is TRUE, will only get graphic's bound + * @returns {*} + */ + getBound: function (onlyGraphic) { + if (onlyGraphic) { + return this.view('graphic').getBound(); + } else { + return this.view().getBound(); + } + }, + _mousedown: function (sender, event) { + if (this.enable()) { + this._prevPosition = this.position(); + event.captureDrag(this.view('graphic'), this.topology().stage()); + this.fire('pressNode', event); + } + }, + _mouseup: function (sender, event) { + if (this.enable()) { + var _position = this.position(); + if (this._prevPosition && _position.x === this._prevPosition.x && _position.y === this._prevPosition.y) { + /** + * Fired when click a node + * @event clickNode + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('clickNode', event); + } + } + }, + _mouseenter: function (sender, event) { + if (this.enable()) { + if (!this.__enter && !this._nodeDragging) { + /** + * Fired when mouse enter a node + * @event enterNode + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('enterNode', event); + this.__enter = true; + } + } + + + }, + _mouseleave: function (sender, event) { + if (this.enable()) { + if (this.__enter && !this._nodeDragging) { + /** + * Fired when mouse leave a node + * @event leaveNode + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('leaveNode', event); + this.__enter = false; + } + } + }, + _dragstart: function (sender, event) { + window.event = event; + this._nodeDragging = true; + if (this.enable()) { + /** + * Fired when start drag a node + * @event dragNodeStart + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('dragNodeStart', event); + } + }, + _drag: function (sender, event) { + window.event = event; + if (this.enable()) { + /** + * Fired when drag a node + * @event dragNode + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('dragNode', event); + } + }, + _dragend: function (sender, event) { + window.event = event; + this._nodeDragging = false; + if (this.enable()) { + /** + * Fired when finish a node + * @event dragNodeEnd + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('dragNodeEnd', event); + this.updateConnectedNodeLabelPosition(); + } + }, + + updateConnectedNodeLabelPosition: function () { + this.calcLabelPosition(true); + this.eachConnectedNode(function (node) { + node.calcLabelPosition(); + }, this); + }, + /** + * Set label to a node + * @method calcLabelPosition + */ + calcLabelPosition: function (force) { + if (this.topology().enableSmartLabel()) { + + if (force) { + this._centralizedText(); + } else { + // clearTimeout(this._centralizedTextTimer || 0); + // this._centralizedTextTimer = setTimeout(function () { + this._centralizedText(); + // }.bind(this), 100); + } + + } else { + var dflt = this.topology().nodeConfig().labelAngle; + this.updateByMaxObtuseAngle(dflt >= 0 ? dflt : this.labelAngle()); + } + }, + _centralizedText: function () { + + + // + var vertex = this.model(); + + if (vertex === undefined) { + return; + } + + var vertexID = vertex.id(); + var vectors = []; + + + nx.each(vertex.edgeSets(), function (edgeSet) { + if (edgeSet.sourceID() !== vertexID) { + vectors.push(edgeSet.line().dir.negate()); + } else { + vectors.push(edgeSet.line().dir); + } + }, this); + + nx.each(vertex.edgeSetCollections(), function (esc) { + if (esc.sourceID() !== vertexID) { + vectors.push(esc.line().dir.negate()); + } else { + vectors.push(esc.line().dir); + } + }, this); + + + //sort line by angle; + vectors = vectors.sort(function (a, b) { + return a.circumferentialAngle() - b.circumferentialAngle(); + }); + + + // get the min incline angle + + var startVector = new nx.geometry.Vector(1, 0); + var maxAngle = 0, + labelAngle; + + if (vectors.length === 0) { + labelAngle = 90; + } else { + //add first item to vectors, for compare last item with first + + vectors.push(vectors[0].rotate(359.9)); + + //find out the max incline angle + for (var i = 0; i < vectors.length - 1; i++) { + var inclinedAngle = vectors[i + 1].circumferentialAngle() - vectors[i].circumferentialAngle(); + if (inclinedAngle < 0) { + inclinedAngle += 360; + } + if (inclinedAngle > maxAngle) { + maxAngle = inclinedAngle; + startVector = vectors[i]; + } + } + + // bisector angle + labelAngle = maxAngle / 2 + startVector.circumferentialAngle(); + + // if max that 360, reduce 360 + labelAngle %= 360; + } + + + this.updateByMaxObtuseAngle(labelAngle); + }, + /** + * @method updateByMaxObtuseAngle + * @method updateByMaxObtuseAngle + * @param angle + */ + updateByMaxObtuseAngle: function (angle) { + + var el = this.view('label'); + + // find out the quadrant + var quadrant = Math.floor(angle / 60); + var anchor = 'middle'; + if (quadrant === 5 || quadrant === 0) { + anchor = 'start'; + } else if (quadrant === 2 || quadrant === 3) { + anchor = 'end'; + } + + // + var size = this.getBound(true); + var radius = Math.max(size.width / 2, size.height / 2) + (this.showIcon() ? 12 : 8); + var labelVector = new nx.geometry.Vector(radius, 0).rotate(angle); + + + el.set('x', labelVector.x); + el.set('y', labelVector.y); + // + + el.set('text-anchor', anchor); + + this._labelAngle = angle; + + }, + dispose: function () { + clearTimeout(this._centralizedTextTimer); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + var util = nx.util; + /** + * Nodes layer + Could use topo.getLayer('nodes') get this + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.NodesLayer + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.Layer + * + */ + var CLZ = nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.NodesLayer', nx.graphic.Topology.Layer, { + statics: { + defaultConfig: {} + }, + events: ['clickNode', 'enterNode', 'leaveNode', 'dragNodeStart', 'dragNode', 'dragNodeEnd', 'hideNode', 'pressNode', 'selectNode', 'updateNodeCoordinate'], + properties: { + /** + * Get all nodes instance + * @property nodes {Array} + */ + nodes: { + get: function () { + return this.nodeDictionary().values().toArray(); + } + }, + /** + * Get all nodes instance map + * @property nodesMap {Object} + */ + nodesMap: { + get: function () { + return this.nodeDictionary().toObject(); + } + }, + /** + * Nodes observable dictionary + * @property nodeDictionary {nx.data.ObservableDictionary} + */ + nodeDictionary: { + value: function () { + return new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + } + } + }, + methods: { + attach: function (args) { + this.inherited(args); + + var topo = this.topology(); + topo.watch('stageScale', this.__watchStageScaleFN = function (prop, value) { + this.nodeDictionary().each(function (item) { + item.value().stageScale(value); + }); + }, this); + + topo.watch('revisionScale', this.__watchRevisionScale = function (prop, value) { + this.nodeDictionary().each(function (item) { + item.value().revisionScale(value); + }, this); + }, this); + }, + /** + * Add node a nodes layer + * @param vertex + * @method addNode + */ + addNode: function (vertex) { + var id = vertex.id(); + var node = this._generateNode(vertex); + this.nodeDictionary().setItem(id, node); + return node; + }, + + /** + * Remove node + * @method removeNode + * @param id + */ + removeNode: function (id) { + var nodeDictionary = this.nodeDictionary(); + var node = nodeDictionary.getItem(id); + if (node) { + node.dispose(); + nodeDictionary.removeItem(id); + } + }, + updateNode: function (id) { + var nodeDictionary = this.nodeDictionary(); + var node = nodeDictionary.getItem(id); + if (node) { + node.update(); + } + }, + //get node instance class + _getNodeInstanceClass: function (vertex) { + var Clz; + var topo = this.topology(); + var nodeInstanceClass = topo.nodeInstanceClass(); + if (nx.is(nodeInstanceClass, 'Function')) { + Clz = nodeInstanceClass.call(this, vertex); + if (nx.is(Clz, 'String')) { + Clz = nx.path(global, Clz); + } + } else { + Clz = nx.path(global, nodeInstanceClass); + } + if (!Clz) { + throw "Error on instance node class"; + } + return Clz; + }, + + _generateNode: function (vertex) { + var id = vertex.id(); + var topo = this.topology(); + var stageScale = topo.stageScale(); + var Clz = this._getNodeInstanceClass(vertex); + var node = new Clz({ + topology: topo + }); + node.setModel(vertex); + node.attach(this.view()); + + node.sets({ + 'class': 'node', + 'data-id': id, + 'stageScale': stageScale + }); + + + this.updateDefaultSetting(node); + // setTimeout(function () { + // this.updateDefaultSetting(node); + // }.bind(this), 0); + return node; + }, + + + updateDefaultSetting: function (node) { + var topo = this.topology(); + // delegate events + var superEvents = nx.graphic.Component.__events__; + nx.each(node.__events__, function (e) { + if (superEvents.indexOf(e) == -1) { + node.on(e, function (sender, event) { + if (event instanceof MouseEvent) { + window.event = event; + } + this.fire(e, node); + }, this); + } + }, this); + + //properties + var nodeConfig = this.nodeConfig = nx.extend({ + enableSmartLabel: topo.enableSmartLabel() + }, CLZ.defaultConfig, topo.nodeConfig()); + delete nodeConfig.__owner__; + nx.each(nodeConfig, function (value, key) { + util.setProperty(node, key, value, topo); + }, this); + + util.setProperty(node, 'showIcon', topo.showIcon()); + + if (topo.revisionScale() !== 1) { + node.revisionScale(topo.revisionScale()); + } + + + }, + + /** + * Iterate all nodes + * @method eachNode + * @param callback + * @param context + */ + eachNode: function (callback, context) { + this.nodeDictionary().each(function (item, id) { + callback.call(context || this, item.value(), id); + }); + }, + /** + * Get node by id + * @param id + * @returns {*} + * @method getNode + */ + getNode: function (id) { + return this.nodeDictionary().getItem(id); + }, + clear: function () { + this.eachNode(function (node) { + node.dispose(); + }); + this.nodeDictionary().clear(); + this.inherited(); + + }, + dispose: function () { + this.clear(); + var topo = this.topology(); + if (topo) { + this.topology().unwatch('stageScale', this.__watchStageScaleFN, this); + this.topology().unwatch('revisionScale', this.__watchRevisionScale, this); + if (topo._activeNodesWatcher) { + topo._activeNodesWatcher.dispose(); + } + if (topo._highlightedNodesWatcher) { + topo._highlightedNodesWatcher.dispose(); + } + + } + + + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * NodeSet class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSet + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.Node + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSet", nx.graphic.Topology.Node, { + events: ['expandNode', 'collapseNode', 'beforeExpandNode', 'beforeCollapseNode'], + properties: { + /** + * Get all sub nodes + */ + nodes: { + get: function () { + var nodes = {}; + var topo = this.topology(); + var model = this.model(); + if (this.model().activated()) { + return; + } + nx.each(model.vertices(), function (vertex, id) { + var node = topo.getNode(id); + if (node) { + nodes[id] = node; + } + }); + + nx.each(model.vertexSet(), function (vertexSet, id) { + var nodeSet = topo.getNode(id); + if (nodeSet) { + if (nodeSet.activated()) { + nodes[id] = nodeSet; + } else { + nx.extend(nodes, nodeSet.nodes()); + } + } + }); + return nodes; + } + }, + nodeSets: { + get: function () { + var nodeSets = {}; + var topo = this.topology(); + var model = this.model(); + model.eachSubVertexSet(function (vertexSet, id) { + var nodeSet = topo.getNode(id); + if (nodeSet) { + nodeSets[id] = nodeSet; + } + }, this); + return nodeSets; + } + }, + /** + * Collapsed statues + * @property collapsed + */ + collapsed: { + get: function () { + return this._collapsed !== undefined ? this._collapsed : true; + }, + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + if (this._collapsed !== value) { + this._collapsed = value; + if (value) { + this.collapse(this._animation); + } else { + this.expand(this._animation); + } + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }, + activated: { + value: true + }, + /** + * Show/hide node's icon + * @property showIcon + */ + showIcon: { + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + this._showIcon = value; + + this.view('icon').set('showIcon', value); + this.view('icon').set('visible', value); + + if (this._label != null) { + this.calcLabelPosition(); + } + if (this._selected) { + this.view('selectedBG').set('r', this.selectedRingRadius()); + } + + this._updateMinusIcon(); + } + }, + revisionScale: { + set: function (value) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var icon = this.view('icon'); + icon.set('scale', value); + if (topo.showIcon()) { + icon.showIcon(value > 0.2); + icon.set('visible', value > 0.2); + } else { + icon.showIcon(false); + icon.set('visible', false); + } + this._updateMinusIcon(value); + + if (this._labelVisibility) { + this.view('label').set('visible', value > 0.4); + } + } + }, + animation: { + value: true + }, + expandable:{ + value: true + }, + collapsible:{ + value: true + } + }, + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + 'class': 'node' + }, + content: [{ + name: 'label', + type: 'nx.graphic.Text', + props: { + 'class': 'node-label', + 'alignment-baseline': 'central', + y: 12 + } + }, { + name: 'selectedBG', + type: 'nx.graphic.Circle', + props: { + 'class': 'selectedBG', + 'r': 26 + } + }, { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + name: 'graphic', + content: [{ + name: 'icon', + type: 'nx.graphic.Icon', + props: { + 'class': 'icon', + 'iconType': 'unknown', + 'showIcon': false, + scale: 1 + } + }, { + name: 'minus', + type: 'nx.graphic.Icon', + props: { + 'class': 'indicator', + 'iconType': 'expand', + scale: 1 + } + }], + events: { + 'mousedown': '{#_mousedown}', + 'touchstart': '{#_mousedown}', + 'mouseup': '{#_mouseup}', + + 'mouseenter': '{#_mouseenter}', + 'mouseleave': '{#_mouseleave}', + + 'dragstart': '{#_dragstart}', + 'dragmove': '{#_drag}', + 'dragend': '{#_dragend}' + } + } + + + ] + }, + methods: { + setModel: function (model) { + this.inherited(model); + this.setBinding('activated', 'model.activated,direction=<>', this); + }, + update: function () { + // this.view().visible(this.model().activated() && this.model().inheritedVisible()); + }, + expand: function (animation, callback, context) { + this.fire('beforeExpandNode', this); + if(this.expandable()) { + // remember the animation status + var _animation = this.animation(); + this.animation(typeof animation === "boolean" ? animation : _animation); + // prepare to expand + this._collapsed = false; + this.selected(false); + this.model().activated(false); + // expand + this.topology().expandNodes(this.nodes(), this.position(), function () { + // set the result + this.fire('expandNode', this); + /* jslint -W030 */ + callback && callback.call(context, this, this); + }, this, this.animation()); + // restore the animation + this.animation(_animation); + } + }, + collapse: function (animation, callback, context) { + this.fire('beforeCollapseNode'); + if(this.collapsible()) { + // remember the animation status + var _animation = this.animation(); + this.animation(typeof animation === "boolean" ? animation : _animation); + // prepare to expand + this._collapsed = true; + this.selected(false); + this.model().activated(false); + this.topology().collapseNodes(this.nodes(), this.position(), function () { + this.model().activated(true); + this.fire('collapseNode', this); + /* jslint -W030 */ + callback && callback.call(context, this, this); + }, this, this.animation()); + // restore the animation + this.animation(_animation); + } + }, + expandNodes: function (callback, context) { + if (!this.model().activated()) { + this.topology().expandNodes(this.nodes(), this.position(), callback, context); + } + }, + collapseNodes: function (callback, context) { + this.topology().collapseNodes(this.nodes(), this.position(), callback, context); + }, + _updateMinusIcon: function (revisionScale) { + var icon = this.view('icon'); + var minus = this.view('minus'); + if (icon.showIcon()) { + + if (revisionScale == 0.4) { + minus.scale(0.8); + } else { + minus.scale(1); + } + + var iconSize = icon.size(); + var iconScale = icon.scale(); + + minus.setTransform(iconSize.width * iconScale / 2, iconSize.height * iconScale / 2); + + } else { + minus.setTransform(0, 0); + } + } + } + + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + var util = nx.util; + var CLZ = nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSetLayer', nx.graphic.Topology.Layer, { + statics: { + defaultConfig: { + iconType: 'nodeSet', + label: 'model.label' + } + }, + events: ['clickNodeSet', 'enterNodeSet', 'leaveNodeSet', 'dragNodeSetStart', 'dragNodeSet', 'dragNodeSetEnd', 'hideNodeSet', 'pressNodeSet', 'selectNodeSet', 'updateNodeSetCoordinate', 'expandNodeSet', 'collapseNodeSet', 'beforeExpandNodeSet', 'beforeCollapseNodeSet', 'updateNodeSet', 'removeNodeSet'], + properties: { + nodeSets: { + get: function () { + return this.nodeSetDictionary().values().toArray(); + } + }, + nodeSetMap: { + get: function () { + return this.nodeSetDictionary().toObject(); + } + }, + nodeSetDictionary: { + value: function () { + return new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + } + } + }, + methods: { + attach: function (args, index) { + this.inherited(args, index); + var topo = this.topology(); + topo.watch('stageScale', this.__watchStageScaleFN = function (prop, value) { + this.eachNodeSet(function (nodeSet) { + nodeSet.stageScale(value); + }); + }, this); + + topo.watch('revisionScale', this.__watchRevisionScale = function (prop, value) { + this.eachNodeSet(function (nodeSet) { + nodeSet.revisionScale(value); + }, this); + }, this); + + }, + addNodeSet: function (vertexSet) { + var id = vertexSet.id(); + var nodeSet = this._generateNodeSet(vertexSet); + this.nodeSetDictionary().setItem(id, nodeSet); + return nodeSet; + }, + + removeNodeSet: function (id) { + var nodeSetDictionary = this.nodeSetDictionary(); + var nodeSet = nodeSetDictionary.getItem(id); + if (nodeSet) { + this.fire('removeNodeSet', nodeSet); + nodeSet.dispose(); + nodeSetDictionary.removeItem(id); + } + }, + updateNodeSet: function (id) { + var nodeSetDictionary = this.nodeSetDictionary(); + var nodeSet = nodeSetDictionary.getItem(id); + if (nodeSet) { + nodeSet.update(); + this.fire('updateNodeSet', nodeSet); + } + }, + _getNodeSetInstanceClass: function (vertexSet) { + var Clz; + var topo = this.topology(); + var nodeSetInstanceClass = topo.nodeSetInstanceClass(); + if (nx.is(nodeSetInstanceClass, 'Function')) { + Clz = nodeSetInstanceClass.call(this, vertexSet); + if (nx.is(Clz, 'String')) { + Clz = nx.path(global, Clz); + } + } else { + Clz = nx.path(global, nodeSetInstanceClass); + } + + if (!Clz) { + throw "Error on instance node set class"; + } + return Clz; + + }, + _generateNodeSet: function (vertexSet) { + var id = vertexSet.id(); + var topo = this.topology(); + var stageScale = topo.stageScale(); + var Clz = this._getNodeSetInstanceClass(vertexSet); + + var nodeSet = new Clz({ + topology: topo + }); + nodeSet.setModel(vertexSet); + nodeSet.attach(this.view()); + + nodeSet.sets({ + 'data-id': id, + 'class': 'node nodeset', + stageScale: stageScale + }, topo); + +// setTimeout(function () { + this.updateDefaultSetting(nodeSet); +// }.bind(this), 0); + return nodeSet; + + + }, + updateDefaultSetting: function (nodeSet) { + var topo = this.topology(); + + + //register events + var superEvents = nx.graphic.Component.__events__; + nx.each(nodeSet.__events__, function (e) { + if (superEvents.indexOf(e) == -1) { + nodeSet.on(e, function (sender, event) { + if (event instanceof MouseEvent) { + window.event = event; + } + this.fire(e.replace('Node', 'NodeSet'), nodeSet); + }, this); + } + }, this); + + + var nodeSetConfig = nx.extend({enableSmartLabel: topo.enableSmartLabel()}, CLZ.defaultConfig, topo.nodeSetConfig()); + delete nodeSetConfig.__owner__; + + nx.each(nodeSetConfig, function (value, key) { + util.setProperty(nodeSet, key, value, topo); + }, this); + + util.setProperty(nodeSet, 'showIcon', topo.showIcon()); + + if (topo.revisionScale() !== 1) { + nodeSet.revisionScale(topo.revisionScale()); + } + + }, + /** + * Get node by id + * @param id + * @returns {*} + * @method getNodeSet + */ + getNodeSet: function (id) { + return this.nodeSetDictionary().getItem(id); + }, + /** + * Iterate all nodeSet + * @method eachNode + * @param callback + * @param context + */ + eachNodeSet: function (callback, context) { + this.nodeSetDictionary().each(function (item, id) { + var nodeSet = item.value(); + callback.call(context || this, nodeSet, id); + }, this); + }, + clear: function () { + this.eachNodeSet(function (nodeSet) { + nodeSet.dispose(); + }); + this.nodeSetDictionary().clear(); + this.inherited(); + }, + dispose: function () { + this.clear(); + this.topology().unwatch('stageScale', this.__watchStageScaleFN, this); + this.topology().unwatch('revisionScale', this.__watchRevisionScale, this); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + var Vector = nx.geometry.Vector; + var Line = nx.geometry.Line; + + /** + * Abstract link class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractLink + * @extend nx.graphic.Group + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractLink', nx.graphic.Group, { + events: ['hide', 'show', 'remove'], + properties: { + /** + * Get source node's instance + * @property sourceNode + */ + sourceNode: { + get: function () { + var topo = this.topology(); + var id = this.model().source().id(); + return topo.getNode(id); + } + }, + /** + * Get target node's instance + * @property targetNode + */ + targetNode: { + get: function () { + var topo = this.topology(); + var id = this.model().target().id(); + return topo.getNode(id); + } + }, + /** + * Get source node's position + * @property sourcePosition + */ + sourcePosition: { + get: function () { + return this.sourceNode().position(); + } + }, + /** + * Get target node's position + * @property targetPosition + */ + targetPosition: { + get: function () { + return this.targetNode().position(); + } + }, + /** + * Get source node's id + * @property sourceNodeID + */ + sourceNodeID: { + get: function () { + return this.model().source().id(); + } + }, + /** + * Get target node's id + * @property targetNodeID + */ + targetNodeID: { + get: function () { + return this.model().target().id(); + } + }, + /** + * Get source node's x position + * @property sourceX + */ + sourceX: { + get: function () { + return this.sourceNode().x(); + } + }, + /** + * Get source node's y position + * @property sourceY + */ + sourceY: { + get: function () { + return this.sourceNode().y(); + } + }, + /** + * Get target node's x position + * @property targetX + */ + targetX: { + get: function () { + return this.targetNode().x(); + } + }, + /** + * Get target node's x position + * @property targetY + */ + targetY: { + get: function () { + return this.targetNode().y(); + } + }, + /** + * Get source node's vector + * @property sourceVector + */ + sourceVector: { + get: function () { + return this.sourceNode().vector(); + } + }, + /** + * Get target node's vector + * @property targetVector + */ + targetVector: { + get: function () { + if (this.targetNode()) { + return this.targetNode().vector(); + } + } + }, + position: { + get: function () { + var sourceNode = this.sourceNode().position(); + var targetNode = this.targetNode().position(); + return { + x1: sourceNode.x || 0, + x2: sourceNode.y || 0, + y1: targetNode.x || 0, + y2: targetNode.y || 0 + }; + } + }, + /** + * Get link's line object + * @property line + */ + line: { + get: function () { + return new Line(this.sourceVector(), this.targetVector()); + } + }, + /** + * Get topology instance + * @property topology + */ + topology: { + value: null + }, + /** + * Get link's id + * @property id + */ + id: { + get: function () { + return this.model().id(); + } + }, + /** + * Get link's linkKey + * @property linkKey + */ + linkKey: { + get: function () { + return this.model().linkKey(); + } + }, + /** + * Get is link is reverse link + * @property reverse + */ + reverse: { + get: function () { + return this.model().reverse(); + } + }, + /** + * Get this center point's position + * @property centerPoint + */ + centerPoint: { + get: function () { + return this.line().center(); + } + }, + /** + * Get/set link's usability + * @property enable + */ + enable: { + value: true + } + + }, + methods: { + /** + * Factory function , will be call when set model + * @method setModel + */ + setModel: function (model, isUpdate) { + // + this.model(model); + // + + //updateCoordinate + +// model.source().on('updateCoordinate', this._watchS = function () { +// this.notify('sourcePosition'); +// this.update(); +// }, this); +// +// model.target().on('updateCoordinate', this._watchS = function (prop, value) { +// this.notify('sourcePosition'); +// this.update(); +// }, this); + +// model.source().watch('position', this._watchS = function (prop, value) { +// this.notify('sourcePosition'); +// this.update(); +// }, this); +// +// model.target().watch('position', this._watchT = function () { +// this.notify('targetPosition'); +// this.update(); +// }, this); + + + //bind model's visible with element's visible + this.setBinding('visible', 'model.visible,direction=<>', this); + + if (isUpdate !== false) { + this.update(); + } + }, + + + /** + * Factory function , will be call when relate data updated + * @method update + */ + update: function () { +// this.notify('centerPoint'); +// this.notify('line'); +// this.notify('position'); +// this.notify('targetVector'); +// this.notify('sourceVector'); + }, + dispose: function () { +// var model = this.model(); +// if (model) { +// model.source().unwatch('position', this._watchS, this); +// model.target().unwatch('position', this._watchT, this); +// } + this.fire('remove'); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function(nx, global) { + var Vector = nx.geometry.Vector; + var Line = nx.geometry.Line; + /** + * Link class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.Link + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractLink + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + + var offsetRadix = 5; + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.Link', nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractLink, { + events: ['pressLink', 'clickLink', 'enterLink', 'leaveLink'], + properties: { + /** + * Get link type 'curve' / 'parallel' + * @property linkType {String} + */ + linkType: { + get: function() { + return this._linkType !== undefined ? this._linkType : 'parallel'; + }, + set: function(inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + if (this._linkType !== value) { + this._linkType = value; + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }, + /** + * Get/set link's offset percentage + * @property offset {Float} + */ + offsetPercentage: { + value: 0 + }, + /** + * Get/set link's offset step + * @property offsetRadix {Number} + */ + offsetRadix: { + value: 5 + }, + /** + * Get/set link's label, it is shown at the center point + * @property label {String} + */ + label: { + set: function(inValue) { + var label = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + var el = this.view('label'); + if (label != null) { + el.append(); + } else { + el.remove(); + } + this._label = label; + } + }, + /** + * Set/get link's color + * @property color {Color} + */ + color: { + set: function(inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + this.view('line').dom().setStyle('stroke', value); + this.view('path').dom().setStyle('stroke', value); + this._color = value; + } + }, + /** + * Set/get link's width + * @property width {Number} + */ + width: { + set: function(inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + var width = (this._stageScale || 1) * value; + this.view('line').dom().setStyle('stroke-width', width); + this.view('path').dom().setStyle('stroke-width', width); + this._width = value; + } + }, + stageScale: { + set: function(value) { + var width = (this._width || 1) * value; + this.view('line').dom().setStyle('stroke-width', width); + this.view('path').dom().setStyle('stroke-width', width); + // this.view('disableLabel').scale(value); + this._stageScale = value; + this.update(); + } + }, + /** + * Set/get is link dotted + * @property dotted {Boolean} + */ + dotted: { + set: function(inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + if (value) { + this.view('path').dom().setStyle('stroke-dasharray', '2, 5'); + } else { + this.view('path').dom().setStyle('stroke-dasharray', ''); + } + this._dotted = value; + } + }, + /** + * Set link's style + * @property style {Object} + */ + style: { + set: function(inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + this.view('line').dom().setStyles(value); + this.view('path').dom().setStyles(value); + } + }, + /** + * Get link's parent linkSet + * @property parentLinkSet + */ + parentLinkSet: { + + }, + ///** + // * Get link's source interface point position + // * @property sourcePoint + // */ + //sourcePoint: { + // get: function () { + // var line = this.getPaddingLine(); + // return line.start; + // } + //}, + ///** + // * Get link's target interface point position + // * @property targetPoint + // */ + //targetPoint: { + // get: function () { + // var line = this.getPaddingLine(); + // return line.end; + // } + //}, + /** + * Set/get link's usability + * @property enable {Boolean} + */ + enable: { + get: function() { + return this._enable != null ? this._enable : true; + }, + set: function(inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + this._enable = value; + this.dom().setClass("disable", !value); + this.update(); + } + }, + /** + * Set the link's draw function, after set this property please call update function + * @property drawMethod {Function} + */ + drawMethod: { + + }, + revisionScale: {} + + }, + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + 'class': 'link' + }, + content: [{ + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: [{ + name: 'path', + type: 'nx.graphic.Path', + props: { + 'class': 'link' + } + }, { + name: 'line_bg', + type: 'nx.graphic.Line', + props: { + 'class': 'link_bg' + } + }, { + name: 'line', + type: 'nx.graphic.Line', + props: { + 'class': 'link' + } + }], + events: { + 'mouseenter': '{#_mouseenter}', + 'mouseleave': '{#_mouseleave}', + 'mousedown': '{#_mousedown}', + 'touchstart': '{#_mousedown}', + 'mouseup': '{#_mouseup}', + 'touchend': '{#_mouseup}' + } + }, { + name: 'label', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: { + name: 'labelText', + type: 'nx.graphic.Text', + props: { + 'alignment-baseline': 'text-before-edge', + 'text-anchor': 'middle', + 'class': 'link-label' + } + } + }] + }, + methods: { + + /** + * Update link's path + * @method update + */ + update: function() { + + this.inherited(); + + var _offset = this.getOffset(); + var offset = new Vector(0, _offset); + var width = (this._width || 1) * (this._stageScale || 1); + var line = this.reverse() ? this.line().negate() : this.line(); + var d; + var pathEL = this.view('path'); + var lineEl = this.view('line'); + var lineBGEl = this.view('line_bg'); + + if (this.drawMethod()) { + d = this.drawMethod().call(this, this.model(), this); + pathEL.setStyle('display', 'block'); + pathEL.set('d', d); + pathEL.dom().setStyle('stroke-width', width); + lineEl.setStyle('display', 'none'); + lineBGEl.setStyle('display', 'none'); + } else if (this.linkType() == 'curve') { + var path = []; + var n, point; + n = line.normal().multiply(_offset * 3); + point = line.center().add(n); + path.push('M', line.start.x, line.start.y); + path.push('Q', point.x, point.y, line.end.x, line.end.y); + d = path.join(' '); + + pathEL.setStyle('display', 'block'); + pathEL.set('d', d); + pathEL.dom().setStyle('stroke-width', width); + lineEl.setStyle('display', 'none'); + lineBGEl.setStyle('display', 'none'); + } else { + var newLine = line.translate(offset); + lineEl.sets({ + x1: newLine.start.x, + y1: newLine.start.y, + x2: newLine.end.x, + y2: newLine.end.y + }); + lineBGEl.sets({ + x1: newLine.start.x, + y1: newLine.start.y, + x2: newLine.end.x, + y2: newLine.end.y + }); + pathEL.setStyle('display', 'none'); + lineEl.setStyle('display', 'block'); + lineBGEl.setStyle('display', 'block'); + lineEl.setStyle('stroke-width', width); + lineBGEl.setStyle('stroke-width', width * 4); + + } + + + this._updateLabel(); + }, + /** + * Get link's padding Line + * @method getPaddingLine + * @returns {*} + */ + getPaddingLine: function() { + var _offset = this.offset() * offsetRadix; + var sourceSize = this.sourceNode().getBound(true); + var sourceRadius = Math.max(sourceSize.width, sourceSize.height) / 1.3; + var targetSize = this.targetNode().getBound(true); + var targetRadius = Math.max(targetSize.width, targetSize.height) / 1.3; + var line = this.line().pad(sourceRadius, targetRadius); + var n = line.normal().multiply(_offset); + return line.translate(n); + }, + /** + * Get calculated offset number + * @method getoffset + * @returns {number} + */ + getOffset: function() { + if (this.linkType() == 'parallel') { + return this.offsetPercentage() * this.offsetRadix() * this._stageScale; + } else { + return this.offsetPercentage() * this.offsetRadix(); //* this._stageScale; + } + + }, + _updateLabel: function() { + var el, point; + var _offset = this.getOffset(); + var line = this.line(); + var n = line.normal().multiply(_offset); + if (this._label != null) { + el = this.view('label'); + point = line.center().add(n); + el.setTransform(point.x, point.y, this.stageScale()); + this.view('labelText').set('text', this._label); + } + }, + _mousedown: function() { + if (this.enable()) { + /** + * Fired when mouse down on link + * @event pressLink + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('pressLink'); + } + }, + _mouseup: function() { + if (this.enable()) { + /** + * Fired when click link + * @event clickLink + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('clickLink'); + } + }, + _mouseleave: function() { + if (this.enable()) { + /** + * Fired when mouse leave link + * @event leaveLink + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('leaveLink'); + } + }, + _mouseenter: function() { + if (this.enable()) { + /** + * Fired when mouse enter link + * @event enterLink + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('enterLink'); + } + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + var util = nx.util; + + /** + * Links layer + Could use topo.getLayer('links') get this + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.LinksLayer + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.Layer + */ + + var CLZ = nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.LinksLayer', nx.graphic.Topology.Layer, { + statics: { + defaultConfig: { + linkType: 'parallel', + label: null, + color: null, + width: null, + enable: true + } + }, + events: ['pressLink', 'clickLink', 'enterLink', 'leaveLink'], + properties: { + links: { + get: function () { + return this.linkDictionary().values().toArray(); + } + }, + linkMap: { + get: function () { + return this.linkDictionary().toObject(); + } + }, + linkDictionary: { + value: function () { + return new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + } + } + }, + methods: { + attach: function (args) { + this.inherited(args); + var topo = this.topology(); + topo.watch('stageScale', this.__watchStageScaleFN = function (prop, value) { + this.eachLink(function (link) { + link.stageScale(value); + }); + }, this); + + topo.watch('revisionScale', this.__watchRevisionScale = function (prop, value) { + this.eachLink(function (link) { + link.revisionScale(value); + }); + }, this); + }, + /** + * Add a link + * @param edge + * @method addLink + */ + + addLink: function (edge) { + var id = edge.id(); + var link = this._generateLink(edge); + this.linkDictionary().setItem(id, link); + return link; + }, + /** + * Remove a link + * @param id {String} + */ + removeLink: function (id) { + var linkDictionary = this.linkDictionary(); + var link = linkDictionary.getItem(id); + if (link) { + link.dispose(); + linkDictionary.removeItem(id); + } + }, + /** + * Update link + * @method updateLink + * @param id {String} + */ + updateLink: function (id) { + this.linkDictionary().getItem(id).update(); + }, + + //get link instance class + _getLinkInstanceClass: function (edge) { + var Clz; + var topo = this.topology(); + var linkInstanceClass = topo.linkInstanceClass(); + if (nx.is(linkInstanceClass, 'Function')) { + Clz = linkInstanceClass.call(this, edge); + if (nx.is(Clz, 'String')) { + Clz = nx.path(global, Clz); + } + } else { + Clz = nx.path(global, linkInstanceClass); + } + if (!Clz) { + throw "Error on instance link class"; + } + return Clz; + }, + + + _generateLink: function (edge) { + var id = edge.id(); + var topo = this.topology(); + var Clz = this._getLinkInstanceClass(edge); + var link = new Clz({ + topology: topo + }); + //set model + link.setModel(edge, false); + link.attach(this.view()); + + link.view().sets({ + 'class': 'link', + 'data-id': id + }); + + + +// setTimeout(function () { + this.updateDefaultSetting(link); +// }.bind(this), 0); + + return link; + + }, + updateDefaultSetting: function (link) { + var topo = this.topology(); + //delegate link's events + var superEvents = nx.graphic.Component.__events__; + nx.each(link.__events__, function (e) { + if (superEvents.indexOf(e) == -1) { + link.on(e, function (sender, event) { + this.fire(e, link); + }, this); + } + }, this); + //set properties + var linkConfig = nx.extend({}, CLZ.defaultConfig, topo.linkConfig()); + delete linkConfig.__owner__; + + nx.each(linkConfig, function (value, key) { + util.setProperty(link, key, value, topo); + }, this); + + if (nx.DEBUG) { + var edge = link.model(); + link.view().sets({ + 'data-linkKey': edge.linkKey(), + 'data-source-node-id': edge.source().id(), + 'data-target-node-id': edge.target().id() + }); + } + + link.stageScale(topo.stageScale()); + + link.update(); + }, + + + /** + * Traverse all links + * @param callback + * @param context + * @method eachLink + */ + eachLink: function (callback, context) { + this.linkDictionary().each(function (item, id) { + callback.call(context || this, item.value(), id); + }); + }, + /** + * Get link by id + * @param id + * @returns {*} + */ + getLink: function (id) { + return this.linkDictionary().getItem(id); + }, + /** + * Highlight links + * @method highlightLinks + * @param links {Array} links array + */ + highlightLinks: function (links) { + this.highlightedElements().addRange(links); + }, + activeLinks: function (links) { + this.activeElements().addRange(links); + }, + /** + * Clear links layer + * @method clear + */ + clear: function () { + this.eachLink(function (link) { + link.dispose(); + }); + + this.linkDictionary().clear(); + this.inherited(); + }, + dispose: function () { + this.clear(); + this.topology().unwatch('stageScale', this.__watchStageScaleFN, this); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + var Vector = nx.geometry.Vector; + var Line = nx.geometry.Line; + + /** + * LinkSet class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.LinkSet + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractLink + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.LinkSet', nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractLink, { + events: ['pressLinkSetNumber', 'clickLinkSetNumber', 'enterLinkSetNumber', 'leaveLinkSetNumber', 'collapseLinkSet', 'expandLinkSet'], + properties: { + /** + * Get link type 'curve' / 'parallel' + * @property linkType {String} + */ + linkType: { + get: function () { + return this._linkType || 'parallel'; + }, + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + if (this._linkType !== value) { + this._linkType = value; + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }, + /** + * Sub links collection + * @property links + * @readOnly + */ + links: { + get: function () { + var links = {}; + this.eachLink(function (link, id) { + links[id] = link; + }, this); + return links; + } + }, + /** + * LinkSet's color + * @property color + */ + color: { + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + this.view('numBg').dom().setStyle('stroke', value); + this.view('path').dom().setStyle('stroke', value); + this._color = value; + } + }, + stageScale: { + set: function (value) { + this.view('path').dom().setStyle('stroke-width', value); + this.view('number').setTransform(null, null, value); + /* jshint -W030 */ + this.model() && this._updateLinksOffset(); + this._stageScale = value; + } + }, + /** + * Set/get link's usability + * @property enable {Boolean} + */ + enable: { + get: function () { + return this._enable === undefined ? true : this._enable; + }, + set: function (inValue) { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(inValue); + this.dom().setClass("disable", !value); + this._enable = value; + this.eachLink(function (link) { + link.enable(value); + }); + } + }, + /** + * Collapsed statues + * @property collapsed + */ + collapsedRule: { + value: false + }, + activated: { + value: true + }, + revisionScale: { + set: function (value) { + var strokeWidth = value < 0.6 ? 8 : 12; + this.view('numBg').dom().setStyle('stroke-width', strokeWidth); + + var fontSize = value < 0.6 ? 8 : 10; + this.view('num').dom().setStyle('font-size', fontSize); + + this.view('number').visible(value !== 0.2); + + + } + + + } + }, + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + 'data-type': 'links-sum', + 'class': 'link-set' + }, + content: [{ + name: 'path', + type: 'nx.graphic.Line', + props: { + 'class': 'link-set-bg' + } + }, { + name: 'number', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: [{ + name: 'numBg', + type: 'nx.graphic.Rect', + props: { + 'class': 'link-set-circle', + height: 1 + }, + events: { + 'mousedown': '{#_number_mouseup}', + 'touchstart': '{#_number_mouseup}', + 'mouseenter': '{#_number_mouseenter}', + 'mouseleave': '{#_number_mouseleave}' + } + }, { + name: 'num', + type: 'nx.graphic.Text', + props: { + 'class': 'link-set-text', + y: 1 + } + }] + }] + }, + methods: { + setModel: function (model, isUpdate) { + this.inherited(model, isUpdate); + this.setBinding('activated', 'model.activated,direction=<>', this); + }, + update: function () { + if (this._activated) { + var line = this.line(); + this.view('path').sets({ + x1: line.start.x, + y1: line.start.y, + x2: line.end.x, + y2: line.end.y + }); + //num + var centerPoint = this.centerPoint(); + this.view('number').setTransform(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y); + } + }, + /** + * Update linkSet + * @property updateLinkSet + */ + updateLinkSet: function () { + var value = this._processPropertyValue(this.collapsedRule()); + this.model().activated(value, { + force: true + }); + if (value) { + this.append(); + this.update(); + this._updateLinkNumber(); + /** + * Fired when collapse linkSet + * @event collapseLinkSet + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('collapseLinkSet'); + } else { + /* jshint -W030 */ + this.parent() && this.remove(); + this._updateLinksOffset(); + /** + * Fired when expend linkSet + * @event expandLinkSet + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('expandLinkSet'); + } + }, + /** + * Iterate all sub links + * @method eachLink + * @param callback {Function} + * @param context {Object} + */ + eachLink: function (callback, context) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var model = this.model(); + + nx.each(model.edges(), function (edge, id) { + var link = topo.getLink(id); + if (link) { + callback.call(context || this, link, id); + } + }); + }, + + _updateLinkNumber: function () { + var edges = Object.keys(this.model().edges()); + var numEl = this.view('num'); + var numBg = this.view('numBg'); + if (edges.length == 1) { + numEl.visible(false); + numBg.visible(false); + + } else { + numEl.sets({ + text: edges.length, + visible: true + }); + + var bound = numEl.getBound(); + var width = Math.max(bound.width - 6, 1); + + numBg.sets({ + width: width, + visible: true + }); + numBg.setTransform(width / -2); + } + + }, + _updateLinksOffset: function () { + if (!this._activated) { + var links = this.links(); + var offset = (Object.keys(links).length - 1) / 2; + var index = 0; + nx.each(links, function (link, id) { + link.offsetPercentage(index++ * -1 + offset); + link.update(); + }, this); + + + + //var obj = {}; + //this.eachLink(function (link, id) { + // var edge = link.model(); + // var linkKey = edge.linkKey(); + // var ary = obj[linkKey] = obj[linkKey] || []; + // ary.push(link); + //}, this); + // + //console.log(obj); + // + //nx.each(obj, function (links, linkKey) { + // if (links.length > 1) { + // var offset = (links.length - 1) / 2; + // nx.each(links, function (link, index) { + // link.offsetPercentage(index * -1 + offset); + // link.update(); + // }, this); + // } + //}, this); + } + }, + + + _number_mousedown: function (sender, event) { + if (this.enable()) { + /** + * Fired when press number element + * @event pressLinkSetNumber + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('pressLinkSetNumber', event); + } + }, + _number_mouseup: function (sender, event) { + if (this.enable()) { + /** + * Fired when click number element + * @event clickLinkSetNumber + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('clickLinkSetNumber', event); + } + }, + _number_mouseleave: function (sender, event) { + if (this.enable()) { + /** + * Fired when mouse leave number element + * @event numberleave + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('numberleave', event); + } + }, + _number_mouseenter: function (sender, event) { + if (this.enable()) { + /** + * Fired when mouse enter number element + * @event numberenter + * @param sender{Object} trigger instance + * @param event {Object} original event object + */ + this.fire('numberenter', event); + } + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + + var util = nx.util; + + /** Links layer + Could use topo.getLayer('linkSet') get this + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.LinksLayer + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.Layer + */ + + var CLZ = nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.LinkSetLayer', nx.graphic.Topology.Layer, { + statics: { + defaultConfig: { + label: null, + sourceLabel: null, + targetLabel: null, + color: null, + width: null, + dotted: false, + style: null, + enable: true, + collapsedRule: function (model) { + if (model.type() == 'edgeSetCollection') { + return true; + } + var linkType = this.linkType(); + var edges = Object.keys(model.edges()); + var maxLinkNumber = linkType === 'curve' ? 9 : 5; + return edges.length > maxLinkNumber; + } + } + }, + events: ['pressLinkSetNumber', 'clickLinkSetNumber', 'enterLinkSetNumber', 'leaveLinkSetNumber', 'collapseLinkSet', 'expandLinkSet'], + properties: { + linkSets: { + get: function () { + return this.linkSetDictionary().values().toArray(); + } + }, + linkSetMap: { + get: function () { + return this.linkSetDictionary().toObject(); + } + }, + linkSetDictionary: { + value: function () { + return new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + } + } + }, + methods: { + attach: function (args) { + this.inherited(args); + + var topo = this.topology(); + //watch stageScale + topo.watch('stageScale', this.__watchStageScaleFN = function (prop, value) { + this.eachLinkSet(function (linkSet) { + linkSet.stageScale(value); + }); + }, this); + topo.watch('revisionScale', this.__watchRevisionScale = function (prop, value) { + this.eachLinkSet(function (linkSet) { + linkSet.revisionScale(value); + }); + }, this); + + }, + addLinkSet: function (edgeSet) { + var linkSetDictionary = this.linkSetDictionary(); + var linkSet = this._generateLinkSet(edgeSet); + linkSetDictionary.setItem(edgeSet.linkKey(), linkSet); + return linkSet; + }, + updateLinkSet: function (linkKey) { + this.linkSetDictionary().getItem(linkKey).updateLinkSet(); + + }, + removeLinkSet: function (linkKey) { + var linkSetDictionary = this.linkSetDictionary(); + var linkSet = linkSetDictionary.getItem(linkKey); + if (linkSet) { + linkSet.dispose(); + linkSetDictionary.removeItem(linkKey); + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }, + + _getLinkSetInstanceClass: function (edgeSet) { + var Clz; + var topo = this.topology(); + var nodeSetInstanceClass = topo.linkSetInstanceClass(); + if (nx.is(nodeSetInstanceClass, 'Function')) { + Clz = nodeSetInstanceClass.call(this, edgeSet); + if (nx.is(Clz, 'String')) { + Clz = nx.path(global, Clz); + } + } else { + Clz = nx.path(global, nodeSetInstanceClass); + } + + if (!Clz) { + throw "Error on instance linkSet class"; + } + return Clz; + + }, + + _generateLinkSet: function (edgeSet) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var Clz = this._getLinkSetInstanceClass(edgeSet); + var linkSet = new Clz({ + topology: topo + }); + //set model + linkSet.setModel(edgeSet, false); + linkSet.attach(this.view()); + + +// setTimeout(function () { + this.updateDefaultSetting(linkSet); +// }.bind(this), 0); + + return linkSet; + + + }, + updateDefaultSetting: function (linkSet) { + var topo = this.topology(); + + + //delegate elements events + var superEvents = nx.graphic.Component.__events__; + nx.each(linkSet.__events__, function (e) { + //exclude basic events + if (superEvents.indexOf(e) == -1) { + linkSet.on(e, function (sender, event) { + this.fire(e, linkSet); + }, this); + } + }, this); + + //set properties + var linkSetConfig = nx.extend({}, CLZ.defaultConfig, topo.linkSetConfig()); + delete linkSetConfig.__owner__; //fix bug + + + linkSetConfig.linkType = (topo.linkConfig() && topo.linkConfig().linkType) || nx.graphic.Topology.LinksLayer.defaultConfig.linkType; + + + nx.each(linkSetConfig, function (value, key) { + util.setProperty(linkSet, key, value, topo); + }, this); + + linkSet.stageScale(topo.stageScale()); + + + if (nx.DEBUG) { + var edgeSet = linkSet.model(); + //set element attribute + linkSet.view().sets({ + 'data-nx-type': 'nx.graphic.Topology.LinkSet', + 'data-linkKey': edgeSet.linkKey(), + 'data-source-node-id': edgeSet.source().id(), + 'data-target-node-id': edgeSet.target().id() + + }); + + } + + linkSet.updateLinkSet(); + return linkSet; + + }, + /** + * Iterate all linkSet + * @method eachLinkSet + * @param callback {Function} + * @param context {Object} + */ + eachLinkSet: function (callback, context) { + this.linkSetDictionary().each(function (item, linkKey) { + callback.call(context || this, item.value(), linkKey); + }); + }, + /** + * Get linkSet by source node id and target node id + * @method getLinkSet + * @param sourceVertexID {String} + * @param targetVertexID {String} + * @returns {nx.graphic.LinkSet} + */ + getLinkSet: function (sourceVertexID, targetVertexID) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var graph = topo.graph(); + var edgeSet = graph.getEdgeSetBySourceAndTarget(sourceVertexID, targetVertexID) || graph.getEdgeSetCollectionBySourceAndTarget(sourceVertexID, targetVertexID); + if (edgeSet) { + return this.getLinkSetByLinkKey(edgeSet.linkKey()); + } else { + return null; + } + }, + /** + * Get linkSet by linkKey + * @method getLinkSetByLinkKey + * @param linkKey {String} linkKey + * @returns {nx.graphic.Topology.LinkSet} + */ + getLinkSetByLinkKey: function (linkKey) { + return this.linkSetDictionary().getItem(linkKey); + }, + /** + * Highlight linkSet + * @method highlightlinkSets + * @param linkSets {Array} linkSet array + */ + highlightLinkSets: function (linkSets) { + this.highlightedElements().addRange(linkSets); + }, + /** + * Active linkSet + * @method highlightlinkSets + * @param linkSets {Array} linkSet array + */ + activeLinkSets: function (linkSets) { + this.activeElements().addRange(linkSets); + }, + /** + * Clear links layer + * @method clear + */ + clear: function () { + this.eachLinkSet(function (linkSet) { + linkSet.dispose(); + }); + this.linkSetDictionary().clear(); + this.inherited(); + }, + dispose: function () { + this.clear(); + this.topology().unwatch('stageScale', this.__watchStageScaleFN, this); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.HierarchicalLayout", { + properties: { + topology: {}, + levelBy: { + value: function () { + return function (inNode) { + return inNode.model().get("role"); + }; + } + }, + sortOrder: { + value: function () { + return []; + } + }, + direction: { // horizontal,vertical + value: 'vertical' + }, + order: { + + }, + nodesPositionObject: { + + }, + groups: {} + }, + methods: { + + process: function (graph, config, callback) { + var groups = this._group(graph, config || {}); + var nodesPositionObject = this._calc(groups, config || {}); + + this._layout(nodesPositionObject, callback); + }, + _group: function (graph, config) { + var groups = {'__other__': []}; + var topo = this.topology(); + var levelBy = config.levelBy || this.levelBy(); + topo.eachNode(function (node) { + var key; + if (nx.is(levelBy, 'String') && levelBy.substr(5) == 'model') { + key = node.model().get(levelBy.substring(6)); + } else { + key = levelBy.call(topo, node, node.model()); + } + + if (key) { + var group = groups[key] = groups[key] || []; + group.push(node); + } else { + groups.__other__.push(node); + } + + }); + return groups; + }, + _calc: function (groups, config) { + var nodesPositionObject = {}, keys = Object.keys(groups); + var topo = this.topology(); + var sortOrder = config.sortOrder || this.sortOrder() || []; + + //build order array, and move __other__ to the last + + var order = []; + nx.each(sortOrder, function (v) { + var index = keys.indexOf(v); + if (index !== -1) { + order.push(v); + keys.splice(index, 1); + } + }); + keys.splice(keys.indexOf('__other__'), 1); + order = order.concat(keys, ['__other__']); + groups = this._sort(groups, order); + + //var y = 0; + + var padding = topo.padding(); + var width = topo.width() - padding * 2; + var height = topo.height() - padding * 2; + + var direction = this.direction(); + + + var perY = height / (order.length + 1); + var perX = width / (order.length + 1); + var x = perX, y = perY; + + //'vertical' + + nx.each(order, function (key) { + if (groups[key]) { + + if (direction == 'vertical') { + //build nodes position map + perX = width / (groups[key].length + 1); + nx.each(groups[key], function (node, i) { + nodesPositionObject[node.id()] = { + x: perX * (i + 1), + y: y + }; + }); + y += perY; + } else { + //build nodes position map + perY = height / (groups[key].length + 1); + nx.each(groups[key], function (node, i) { + nodesPositionObject[node.id()] = { + x: x, + y: perY * (i + 1) + }; + }); + x += perX; + } + + + delete groups[key]; + } + }); + + this.order(order); + + + return nodesPositionObject; + + }, + _sort: function (groups, order) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var graph = topo.graph(); + + groups[order[0]].sort(function (a, b) { + return Object.keys(b.model().edgeSets()).length - Object.keys(a.model().edgeSets()).length; + }); + + for (var i = 0; i < order.length - 1; i++) { + var firstGroup = groups[order[i]]; + var secondGroup = groups[order[i + 1]]; + var ary = [], indexs = []; + /* jshint -W083 */ + nx.each(firstGroup, function (fNode) { + var temp = []; + nx.each(secondGroup, function (sNode, i) { + if (graph.getEdgesBySourceAndTarget(fNode, sNode) != null && temp.indexOf(sNode) != -1) { + temp.push(sNode); + indexs.push(i); + } + }); + temp.sort(function (a, b) { + return Object.keys(b.model().edgeSets()).length - Object.keys(a.model().edgeSets()).length; + }); + + ary = ary.concat(temp); + }); + + /* jshint -W083 */ + nx.each(ary, function (node, i) { + var index = secondGroup.indexOf(node); + if (index !== -1) { + secondGroup.splice(index, 1); + } + }); + groups[order[i + 1]] = ary.concat(secondGroup); + } + + this.groups(nx.extend({}, groups)); + return groups; + }, + _layout: function (nodesPositionObject, callback) { + var topo = this.topology(); + + + var queueCounter = 0; + var nodeLength = 0; + var finish = function () { + if (queueCounter == nodeLength) { + setTimeout(function () { + topo.getLayer('links').show(); + topo.getLayer('linkSet').show(); + topo.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + topo.fit(function () { + + if (callback) { + callback.call(topo); + } + }); + }, 0); + + } + }.bind(this); + + // + topo.getLayer('links').hide(); + topo.getLayer('linkSet').hide(); + nx.each(nodesPositionObject, function (n, id) { + var node = topo.getNode(id); + if (node) { + node.translateTo(n.x, n.y, function () { + queueCounter++; + finish(); + }); + nodeLength++; + } + }); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +// jshint ignore: start +(function (nx, global) { + /* jshint camelcase:false */ + var USMAP = ''; + var m=Math.PI,p=2*m,r=m/2,y=m/180,A=180/m;function B(d){return d}rebind=function(d,a){for(var e=1,c=arguments.length,b;++em?a-p:a<-m?a+p:a,e]}} + function J(d,a,e,c){return function(b){return{b:function(f,k){d<=f&&f<=e&&a<=k&&k<=c&&b.b(f,k)}}}}function K(d,a){function e(c,b){return c=d(c,b),a(c[0],c[1])}d.a&&a.a&&(e.a=function(c,b){return c=a.a(c,b),c&&d.a(c[0],c[1])});return e}; + + var USProjection=function(){function d(a){var c=a[0];a=a[1];b=null;(k(c,a),b)||(t(c,a),b)||u(c,a);return b}var a=L().rotate([96,0]).c([-.6,38.7]).g([29.5,45.5]).scale(1070),e=L().rotate([154,0]).c([-2,58.5]).g([55,65]),c=L().rotate([157,0]).c([-3,19.9]).g([8,18]),b,f={b:function(a,c){b=[a,c]}},k,t,u;d.a=function(d){var b=a.scale(),f=a.translate(),h=(d[0]-f[0])/b,b=(d[1]-f[1])/b;return(.12<=b&&.234>b&&-.425<=h&&-.214>h?e:.166<=b&&.234>b&&-.214<=h&&-.115>h?c:a).a(d)};d.stream=function(){return{}};d.scale= + function(b){if(!arguments.length)return a.scale();a.scale(b);e.scale(.35*b);c.scale(b);return d.translate(a.translate())};d.translate=function(b){if(!arguments.length)return a.translate();var g=a.scale(),l=+b[0],h=+b[1];k=a.translate(b).f([[l-.455*g,h-.238*g],[l+.455*g,h+.238*g]]).stream(f).b;t=e.translate([l-.307*g,h+.201*g]).f([[l-.425*g+1E-6,h+.12*g+1E-6],[l-.214*g-1E-6,h+.234*g-1E-6]]).stream(f).b;u=c.translate([l-.205*g,h+.212*g]).f([[l-.214*g+1E-6,h+.166*g+1E-6],[l-.115*g-1E-6,h+.234*g-1E-6]]).stream(f).b; + return d};return d.scale(1070)};function M(d){function a(a){return{b:function(c,b){c=d(c,b);a.b(c[0],c[1])}}}return function(d){return a(d)}}function N(d){return{b:d}} + function O(){var d=P;function a(a){a=t(a[0]*y,a[1]*y);return[a[0]*n+v,w-a[1]*n]}function e(a){return(a=t.a((a[0]-v)/n,(w-a[1])/n))&&[a[0]*A,a[1]*A]}function c(){var a=I(x);a.a=I(-x);t=K(k=a,f);a=f(h,z);v=g-a[0]*n;w=l+a[1]*n;return b()}function b(){q&&(q.valid=!1,q=null);return a}var f,k,t,u=M(function(a,b){a=f(a,b);return[a[0]*n+v,w-a[1]*n]}),n=150,g=480,l=250,h=0,z=0,x=0,E=0,F=0,v,w,G=B,H=null,q;a.stream=function(a){q&&(q.valid=!1);q=Q(D(k,u(G(a))));q.valid=!0;return q};a.f=function(a){if(!arguments.length)return H; + G=(H=a)?J(a[0][0],a[0][1],a[1][0],a[1][1]):B;return b()};a.scale=function(a){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=+a;return c()};a.translate=function(a){if(!arguments.length)return[g,l];g=+a[0];l=+a[1];return c()};a.c=function(a){if(!arguments.length)return[h*A,z*A];h=a[0]%360*y;z=a[1]%360*y;return c()};a.rotate=function(a){if(!arguments.length)return[x*A,E*A,F*A];x=a[0]%360*y;E=a[1]%360*y;F=2e?-r:Math.asin(e)]};return e} + + /* jshint camelcase:true */ + + var NXprojection = USProjection(); + NXprojection.invert = NXprojection.a; + + /** + * US map layout class + * + files: + * example + + var topo = new nx.graphic.Topology({ + adaptive: true, + nodeConfig: { + label: 'model.name' + }, + showIcon: false, + layoutType: 'USMap', + layoutConfig: { + longitude: 'model.longitude', + latitude: 'model.latitude' + }, + data: topologyData + }) + + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.USMapLayout + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + + /** + * Map's longitude attribute + * @property longitude + */ + /** + * Map's latitude attribute + * @property latitude + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.USMapLayout", { + properties: { + topology: {}, + projection: {} + }, + methods: { + process: function (graph, config, callback) { + this._process(graph, config, callback); + }, + _process: function (graph, config, callback) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var projection = NXprojection; + topo.prependLayer('usmap', 'nx.graphic.Topology.USMapLayer'); + + var longitude = config.longitude || 'model.longitude', + latitude = config.latitude || 'model.latitude'; + + + var _longitude = longitude.split(".").pop(), + _latitude = latitude.split(".").pop(); + + topo.graph().vertexSets().toArray().reverse().forEach(function (dictItem) { + var vertex = dictItem.value(); + vertex.positionGetter(function () { + var p = projection([nx.path(vertex, _longitude), nx.path(vertex, _latitude)]); + if(p){ + return { + x: p[0], + y: p[1] + }; + }else{ + if(console){ + console.log("Data Error",[nx.path(vertex, _longitude), nx.path(vertex, _latitude)]); + } + return { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + } + + }); + vertex.positionSetter(function (position) { + var p = projection.invert([position.x, position.y]); + if(p){ + vertex.set(_longitude, p[0]); + vertex.set(_latitude, p[1]); + }else{ + if(console){ + console.log("Data Error",position); + } + return { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + } + }); + + vertex.position(vertex.positionGetter().call(vertex)); + }); + + + topo.graph().eachVertex(function (vertex) { + vertex.positionGetter(function () { + var p = projection([nx.path(vertex, _longitude), nx.path(vertex, _latitude)]); + if(p){ + return { + x: p[0], + y: p[1] + }; + }else{ + if(console){ + console.log("Data Error",[nx.path(vertex, _longitude), nx.path(vertex, _latitude)]); + } + return { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + } + }); + vertex.positionSetter(function (position) { + var p = projection.invert([position.x, position.y]); + if(p){ + vertex.set(_longitude, p[0]); + vertex.set(_latitude, p[1]); + }else{ + if(console){ + console.log("Data Error",position); + } + return { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + } + + }); + + vertex.position(vertex.positionGetter().call(vertex)); + }); + + + topo.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + + this.projection(projection); + + topo.fit(function () { + if (callback) { + callback.call(topo); + } + }, this, false); + + + } + } + }); + + + // + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.USMapLayer", nx.graphic.Topology.Layer, { + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: { + name: 'map', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group' + } + }, + methods: { + draw: function () { + var map = this.view('map'); + var ns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; + var el = new DOMParser().parseFromString('' + USMAP + '', 'text/xml'); + map.view().dom().$dom.appendChild(document.importNode(el.documentElement.firstChild, true)); + }, + updateMap: function () { + // var topo = this.topology(); + // var g = this.view('map'); + // var width = 960, height = 500; + // var containerWidth = topo._width - topo._padding * 2, containerHeight = topo._height - topo._padding * 2; + // var scale = Math.min(containerWidth / width, containerHeight / height); + // var translateX = (containerWidth - width * scale) / 2; + // var translateY = (containerHeight - height * scale) / 2; + // g.setTransform(translateX, translateY, scale); + } + + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * Topology force layout + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.NeXtForceLayout + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.NeXtForceLayout", { + properties: { + topology: {}, + bound: {} + }, + methods: { + process: function (graph, config, callback) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var selectedNodes = topo.selectedNodes().toArray(); + this._layoutTopology(graph, config, callback); +// if (selectedNodes.length !== 0) { +// this._layoutNodes(graph, config, callback); +// } else { +// this._layoutTopology(graph, config, callback); +// } + }, + _layoutNodes: function (graph, config, callback) { + + }, + _layoutTopology: function (graph, config, callback) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var stage = topo.stage(); + var linksLayer = topo.getLayer('links'); + var linkSetLayer = topo.getLayer('linkSet'); + var transform = nx.geometry.Vector.transform; + var data = {nodes: [], links: []}; + var nodeMap = {}, linkMap = {}; + + topo.eachNode(function (node) { + nodeMap[node.id()] = data.nodes.length; + data.nodes.push({ + id: node.id() + }); + }); + + + if (topo.supportMultipleLink()) { + linkSetLayer.eachLinkSet(function (linkSet) { + if (!linkMap[linkSet.linkKey()] && nodeMap[linkSet.sourceNodeID()] && nodeMap[linkSet.targetNodeID()]) { + data.links.push({ + source: nodeMap[linkSet.sourceNodeID()], + target: nodeMap[linkSet.targetNodeID()] + }); + linkMap[linkSet.linkKey()] = linkSet; + } + + }); + } else { + linksLayer.eachLink(function (link) { + if (!linkMap[link.id()] && nodeMap[link.sourceNodeID()] && nodeMap[link.targetNodeID()]) { + data.links.push({ + source: nodeMap[link.sourceNodeID()], + target: nodeMap[link.targetNodeID()] + }); + linkMap[link.id()] = link; + } + }); + } + + topo.hideLoading(); + topo.stage().fit(); + topo.stage().show(); + + //force + var force = new nx.data.Force(); + force.nodes(data.nodes); + force.links(data.links); + force.start(); + while (force.alpha()) { + force.tick(); + } + force.stop(); + + var bound = this._getBound(data.nodes); + var matrix = stage.calcRectZoomMatrix(topo.graph().getBound(), bound); + + + topo.getLayer('links').hide(); + + + nx.each(data.nodes, function (n, i) { + var node = topo.getNode(n.id); + if (node) { + var p = transform([n.x, n.y], matrix); + node.translateTo(p[0], p[1]); + } + }, this); + + if (this._timer) { + clearTimeout(this._timer); + } + + this._timer = setTimeout(function () { + topo.getLayer('links').show(); + topo.adjustLayout(); + if (callback) { + callback.call(topo); + } + }, 2000); + }, + _getBound: function (nodes) { + var lastIndex = nodes.length - 1; + var bound = { + left: 0, + x: 0, + top: 0, + y: 0, + width: 0, + height: 0, + maxX: 0, + maxY: 0 + }; + + + // + nodes.sort(function (a, b) { + return a.x - b.x; + }); + + bound.x = bound.left = nodes[0].x; + bound.maxX = nodes[lastIndex].x; + bound.width = bound.maxX - bound.x; + + + // + nodes.sort(function (a, b) { + return a.y - b.y; + }); + + bound.y = bound.top = nodes[0].y; + bound.maxY = nodes[lastIndex].y; + bound.height = bound.maxY - bound.x; + return bound; + } + } + }); + + + // console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); + +// var force = new nx.data.NextForce(100, 100); +// force.setData(data); +// if (data.nodes.length < 50) { +// while (true) { +// force.tick(); +// if (force.maxEnergy < data.nodes.length * 0.1) { +// break; +// } +// } +// } else { +// var step = 0; +// while (++step < 900) { +// force.tick(); +// } +// } +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.EnterpriseNetworkLayout", nx.graphic.Topology.HierarchicalLayout, { + properties: { + }, + methods: { + + process: function (graph, config, callback) { + this.inherited(graph, config, function () { + this._appendGroupElements(); + if (callback) { + callback(); + } + }.bind(this)); + }, + _appendGroupElements: function () { + var topo = this.topology(); + var matrix = topo.matrix(); + var layer = topo.prependLayer('ENLLayer', new Layer()); + var stage = topo.stage(); + var padding = topo.padding(); + var width = topo.width() - padding * 2; + var height = topo.height() - padding * 2; + var groups = this.groups(); + var order = this.order(); + var perHeight = height / (order.length); + var y = padding; + var items = []; + var gap = 0; + nx.each(groups, function (nodes, key) { + var label = key !== '__other__' ? key : ''; + var firstNode = nodes[0]; + items.push({ + left: (padding - matrix.x()) / matrix.scale(), + top: firstNode.y() - 30 / matrix.scale(), + width: width / matrix.scale(), + height: 65 / matrix.scale(), + label: label, + stroke: '#b2e47f' + }); + y += perHeight; + }, this); + + console.log(items); + + layer.items(items); + + } + } + }); + + var GroupItem = nx.define(nx.graphic.Group, { + properties: { + scale: {}, + top: {}, + left: {}, + label: {}, + width: {}, + height: {}, + stroke: {} + }, + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + translateY: '{#top}', + translateX: '{#left}', + scale: '{#scale}' + }, + + content: [ + { + type: 'nx.graphic.Text', + props: { + text: '{#label}', + fill: '{#stroke}', + 'style': 'font-size:19px', + y: -5 + } + }, + { + type: 'nx.graphic.Rect', + props: { + width: '{#width}', + height: '{#height}', + stroke: '{#stroke}' + } + } + ] + } + }); + + var Layer = nx.define(nx.graphic.Topology.Layer, { + properties: { + items: {} + }, + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: [ + { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + items: '{#items}', + template: { + type: GroupItem, + props: { + top: '{top}', + left: '{left}', + label: '{label}', + width: '{width}', + height: '{height}', + scale: '{scale}', + stroke: '{stroke}', + fill: 'none' + } + } + } + } + ] + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * Topology tooltip policy + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.TooltipPolicy + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.TooltipPolicy", { + events: [], + properties: { + topology: {}, + tooltipManager: {} + }, + methods: { + init: function (args) { + this.inherited(args); + this.sets(args); + this._tm = this.tooltipManager(); + }, + pressStage: function () { + this._tm.closeAll(); + }, + zoomstart: function () { + this._tm.closeAll(); + }, + clickNode: function (node) { + this._tm.openNodeTooltip(node); + }, + clickLinkSetNumber: function (linkSet) { + this._tm.openLinkSetTooltip(linkSet); + }, + dragStageStart: function () { + this._tm.closeAll(); + }, + clickLink: function (link) { + this._tm.openLinkTooltip(link); + }, + resizeStage: function () { + this._tm.closeAll(); + }, + fitStage: function () { + this._tm.closeAll(); + }, + deleteNode: function () { + this._tm.closeAll(); + }, + deleteNodeSet: function () { + this._tm.closeAll(); + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * Basic tooltip class for topology + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.Tooltip + * @extend nx.ui.Popover + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.Tooltip", nx.ui.Popover, { + properties: { + /** + * Lazy closing a tooltip + * @type Boolean + * @property lazyClose + */ + lazyClose: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Pin a tooltip + * @type Boolean + * @property pin + */ + pin: { + value: false + }, + /** + * Is tooltip response to resize event + * @type Boolean + * @property listenWindow + */ + listenWindow: { + value: true + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * Node tooltip content class + * @class nx.graphic.NodeTooltipContent + * @extend nx.ui.Component + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.NodeTooltipContent', nx.ui.Component, { + properties: { + node: { + set: function (value) { + var model = value.model(); + this.view('list').set('items', new nx.data.Dictionary(model.getData())); + this.title(value.label()); + } + }, + topology: {}, + title: {} + }, + view: { + content: [ + { + name: 'header', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-tooltip-header' + }, + content: [ + { + tag: 'span', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-tooltip-header-text' + }, + name: 'title', + content: '{#title}' + } + ] + }, + { + name: 'content', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-tooltip-content n-list' + }, + content: [ + { + name: 'list', + tag: 'ul', + props: { + 'class': 'n-list-wrap', + template: { + tag: 'li', + props: { + 'class': 'n-list-item-i', + role: 'listitem' + }, + content: [ + { + tag: 'label', + content: '{key}: ' + }, + { + tag: 'span', + content: '{value}' + } + ] + + } + } + } + ] + } + ] + }, + methods: { + init: function (args) { + this.inherited(args); + this.sets(args); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * @class nx.graphic.LinkTooltipContent + * @extend nx.ui.Component + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.LinkTooltipContent", nx.ui.Component, { + properties: { + link: { + set: function (value) { + var model = value.model(); + this.view('list').set('items', new nx.data.Dictionary(model.getData())); + } + }, + topology: {}, + tooltipmanager: {} + }, + view: { + content: { + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-tooltip-content n-list' + }, + content: [ + { + name: 'list', + tag: 'ul', + props: { + 'class': 'n-list-wrap', + template: { + tag: 'li', + props: { + 'class': 'n-list-item-i', + role: 'listitem' + }, + content: [ + { + tag: 'label', + content: '{key}: ' + }, + { + tag: 'span', + content: '{value}' + } + ] + + } + } + } + ] + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * @class nx.graphic.LinkSetTooltipContent + * @extend nx.ui.Component + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.LinkSetTooltipContent", nx.ui.Component, { + properties: { + linkSet: { + set: function (value) { + var items = []; + nx.each(value.model().edges(), function (edge) { + items.push({ + item: "Source:" + edge.sourceID() + " Target :" + edge.targetID(), + edge: edge}); + }); + this.view("list").items(items); + } + }, + topology: {} + }, + view: [ + { + props: { + style: { + 'maxHeight': '247px', + 'overflow': 'auto', + 'overflow-x': 'hidden' + } + }, + content: { + name: 'list', + props: { + 'class': 'list-group', + style: 'width:200px', + template: { + tag: 'a', + props: { + 'class': 'list-group-item' + }, + content: '{item}', + events: { + 'click': '{#_click}' + } + } + } + } + } + ], + methods: { + _click: function (sender, events) { + var link = sender.model().edge; +// this.topology().fire('clickLink', link); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + + /** + * Tooltip manager for topology + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.TooltipManager + * @extend nx.data.ObservableObject + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.TooltipManager", { + events: ['openNodeToolTip', 'closeNodeToolTip', 'openLinkToolTip', 'closeLinkToolTip', 'openLinkSetTooltip', 'closeLinkSetToolTip'], + properties: { + /** + * Get topology + * @property topology + */ + topology: { + value: null + }, + /** + * All tooltip's instance array + */ + tooltips: { + value: function () { + return new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + } + }, + /** + * Get node's tooltip + * @property nodeTooltip + */ + nodeTooltip: {}, + /** + * Get link's tooltip + * @property linkTooltip + */ + linkTooltip: {}, + /** + * Get linkSet tooltip + * @method linkSetTooltip + */ + linkSetTooltip: {}, + nodeSetTooltip: {}, + + /** + * node tooltip class + * @property nodeTooltipClass + */ + nodeTooltipClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.Tooltip' + }, + + /** + * link tooltip class + * @property linkTooltipClass + */ + linkTooltipClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.Tooltip' + }, + /** + * linkSet tooltip class + * @property linkSetTooltipClass + */ + linkSetTooltipClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.Tooltip' + }, + nodeSetTooltipClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.Tooltip' + }, + /** + * @property nodeTooltipContentClass + */ + nodeTooltipContentClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.NodeTooltipContent' + }, + /** + * @property linkTooltipContentClass + */ + linkTooltipContentClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.LinkTooltipContent' + }, + /** + * @property linkSetTooltipContentClass + */ + linkSetTooltipContentClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.LinkSetTooltipContent' + }, + + nodeSetTooltipContentClass: { + value: 'nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSetTooltipContent' + }, + /** + * Show/hide node's tooltip + * @type Boolean + * @property showNodeTooltip + */ + showNodeTooltip: { + value: true + }, + /** + * Show/hide link's tooltip + * @type Boolean + * @property showLinkTooltip + */ + showLinkTooltip: { + value: true + }, + /** + * Show/hide linkSet's tooltip + * @type Boolean + * @property showLinkSetTooltip + */ + showLinkSetTooltip: { + value: true + }, + showNodeSetTooltip: { + value: true + }, + /** + * Tooltip policy class + * @property tooltipPolicyClass + */ + tooltipPolicyClass: { + get: function () { + return this._tooltipPolicyClass !== undefined ? this._tooltipPolicyClass : 'nx.graphic.Topology.TooltipPolicy'; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (this._tooltipPolicyClass !== value) { + this._tooltipPolicyClass = value; + var topology = this.topology(); + var tooltipPolicyClass = nx.path(global, this.tooltipPolicyClass()); + if (tooltipPolicyClass) { + var tooltipPolicy = new tooltipPolicyClass({ + topology: topology, + tooltipManager: this + }); + this.tooltipPolicy(tooltipPolicy); + } + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }, + tooltipPolicy: { + value: function () { + var topology = this.topology(); + return new nx.graphic.Topology.TooltipPolicy({ + topology: topology, + tooltipManager: this + }); + } + }, + /** + * Set/get tooltip's activate statues + * @property activated + */ + activated: { + get: function () { + return this._activated !== undefined ? this._activated : true; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (this._activated !== value) { + this._activated = value; + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + } + }, + methods: { + + init: function (args) { + + this.inherited(args); + + this.sets(args); + + this.registerTooltip('nodeTooltip', this.nodeTooltipClass()); + this.registerTooltip('linkTooltip', this.linkTooltipClass()); + this.registerTooltip('linkSetTooltip', this.linkSetTooltipClass()); + this.registerTooltip('nodeSetTooltip', this.nodeSetTooltipClass()); + + + //build in tooltips + + + var nodeTooltip = this.getTooltip('nodeTooltip'); + nodeTooltip.on("close", function () { + this.fire("closeNodeToolTip"); + }, this); + nodeTooltip.view().dom().addClass('n-topology-tooltip'); + this.nodeTooltip(nodeTooltip); + + + var linkTooltip = this.getTooltip('linkTooltip'); + linkTooltip.on("close", function () { + this.fire("closeLinkToolTip", linkTooltip); + }, this); + linkTooltip.view().dom().addClass('n-topology-tooltip'); + this.linkTooltip(linkTooltip); + + + var linkSetTooltip = this.getTooltip('linkSetTooltip'); + linkSetTooltip.on("close", function () { + this.fire("closeLinkSetToolTip", linkSetTooltip); + }, this); + linkSetTooltip.view().dom().addClass('n-topology-tooltip'); + this.linkSetTooltip(linkSetTooltip); + + + var nodeSetTooltip = this.getTooltip('nodeSetTooltip'); + nodeSetTooltip.on("close", function () { + this.fire("closeNodeSetToolTip"); + }, this); + nodeSetTooltip.view().dom().addClass('n-topology-tooltip'); + this.nodeSetTooltip(nodeSetTooltip); + + + var topology = this.topology(); + var tooltipPolicyClass = nx.path(global, this.tooltipPolicyClass()); + if (tooltipPolicyClass) { + var tooltipPolicy = new tooltipPolicyClass({ + topology: topology, + tooltipManager: this + }); + this.tooltipPolicy(tooltipPolicy); + } + }, + /** + * Register tooltip class + * @param name {String} + * @param tooltipClass {nx.ui.Component} + */ + registerTooltip: function (name, tooltipClass) { + var tooltips = this.tooltips(); + var topology = this.topology(); + var clz = tooltipClass; + if (nx.is(clz, 'String')) { + clz = nx.path(global, tooltipClass); + } + var instance = new clz(); + instance.sets({ + topology: topology, + tooltipManager: this, + model: topology.graph(), + 'data-tooltip-type': name + }); + tooltips.setItem(name, instance); + }, + /** + * Get tooltip instance by name + * @param name {String} + * @returns {nx.ui.Component} + */ + getTooltip: function (name) { + var tooltips = this.tooltips(); + return tooltips.getItem(name); + }, + + executeAction: function (action, data) { + if (this.activated()) { + var tooltipPolicy = this.tooltipPolicy(); + if (tooltipPolicy && tooltipPolicy[action]) { + tooltipPolicy[action].call(tooltipPolicy, data); + } + } + }, + /** + * Open a node's tooltip + * @param node {nx.graphic.Topology.Node} + * @param position {Object} + * @method openNodeTooltip + */ + openNodeTooltip: function (node, position) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var nodeTooltip = this.nodeTooltip(); + var content; + + nodeTooltip.close(true); + + if (this.showNodeTooltip() === false) { + return; + } + + + var pos = position || topo.getAbsolutePosition(node.position()); + + var contentClass = nx.path(global, this.nodeTooltipContentClass()); + if (contentClass) { + content = new contentClass(); + content.sets({ + topology: topo, + node: node, + model: topo.model() + }); + } + + if (content) { + nodeTooltip.content(null); + content.attach(nodeTooltip); + } + + var size = node.getBound(true); + + nodeTooltip.open({ + target: pos, + offset: Math.max(size.height, size.width) / 2 + }); + + this.fire("openNodeToolTip", node); + }, + /** + * Open a nodeSet's tooltip + * @param nodeSet {nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSet} + * @param position {Object} + * @method openNodeSetTooltip + */ + openNodeSetTooltip: function (nodeSet, position) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var nodeSetTooltip = this.nodeSetTooltip(); + var content; + + nodeSetTooltip.close(true); + + if (this.showNodeSetTooltip() === false) { + return; + } + + + var pos = position || topo.getAbsolutePosition(nodeSet.position()); + + var contentClass = nx.path(global, this.nodeSetTooltipContentClass()); + if (contentClass) { + content = new contentClass(); + content.sets({ + topology: topo, + nodeSet: nodeSet, + model: topo.model() + }); + } + + if (content) { + nodeSetTooltip.content(null); + content.attach(nodeSetTooltip); + } + + var size = nodeSet.getBound(true); + + nodeSetTooltip.open({ + target: pos, + offset: Math.max(size.height, size.width) / 2 + }); + + this.fire("openNodeSetToolTip", nodeSet); + }, + /** + * open a link's tooltip + * @param link + * @param position + * @method openLinkTooltip + */ + openLinkTooltip: function (link, position) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var linkTooltip = this.linkTooltip(); + var content; + + linkTooltip.close(true); + + if (this.showLinkTooltip() === false) { + return; + } + + var pos = position || topo.getAbsolutePosition(link.centerPoint()); + + var contentClass = nx.path(global, this.linkTooltipContentClass()); + if (contentClass) { + content = new contentClass(); + content.sets({ + topology: topo, + link: link, + model: topo.model() + }); + } + + if (content) { + linkTooltip.content(null); + content.attach(linkTooltip); + } + + linkTooltip.open({ + target: pos, + offset: 4 + }); + + this.fire("openLinkToolTip", link); + }, + /** + * Open linkSet tooltip + * @method openLinkSetTooltip + * @param linkSet + * @param position + */ + openLinkSetTooltip: function (linkSet, position) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var linkSetTooltip = this.linkSetTooltip(); + var content; + + linkSetTooltip.close(true); + + if (this.showLinkSetTooltip() === false) { + return; + } + + var pos = position || topo.getAbsolutePosition(linkSet.centerPoint()); + var contentClass = nx.path(global, this.linkSetTooltipContentClass()); + if (contentClass) { + content = new contentClass(); + content.sets({ + topology: topo, + linkSet: linkSet, + model: topo.model() + }); + } + + if (content) { + linkSetTooltip.content(null); + content.attach(linkSetTooltip); + } + + linkSetTooltip.open({ + target: pos, + offsetX: 0, + offsetY: 8 + }); + + this.fire("openLinkSetToolTip", linkSet); + }, + /** + * Close all tooltip + * @method closeAll + */ + closeAll: function () { + this.tooltips().each(function (obj, name) { + obj.value().close(true); + }, this); + }, + dispose: function () { + this.tooltips().each(function (obj, name) { + obj.value().close(true); + obj.value().dispose(); + }, this); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * Basic scene class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.Scene + * @extend nx.data.ObservableObject + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.Scene", nx.data.ObservableObject, { + properties: { + topology: { + value: null + } + }, + methods: { + init: function (args) { + this.sets(args); + }, + /** + * Factory function ,entry of a scene + * @method activate + */ + activate: function () { + + }, + /** + * Deactivate a scene + * @method deactivate + */ + deactivate: function () { + + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * Default Scene for topology + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.DefaultScene + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.Scene + */ + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.DefaultScene', nx.graphic.Topology.Scene, { + events: [], + methods: { + /** + * active scene + * @method activate + */ + + activate: function () { + this._topo = this.topology(); + this._nodesLayer = this._topo.getLayer('nodes'); + this._nodeSetLayer = this._topo.getLayer('nodeSet'); + this._linksLayer = this._topo.getLayer('links'); + this._linkSetLayer = this._topo.getLayer('linkSet'); + this._groupsLayer = this._topo.getLayer('groups'); + this._tooltipManager = this._topo.tooltipManager(); + this._nodeDragging = false; + this._sceneTimer = null; + this._interval = 600; + }, + deactivate: function () { + this._tooltipManager.closeAll(); + }, + dispatch: function (eventName, sender, data) { + this._tooltipManager.executeAction(eventName, data); + }, + pressStage: function (sender, event) { + }, + clickStage: function (sender, event) { + if (event.target == this._topo.stage().view().dom().$dom && !event.shiftKey) { + this._topo.selectedNodes().clear(); + } + }, + dragStageStart: function (sender, event) { + var nodes = this._nodesLayer.nodes().length; + if (nodes > 300) { + this._linksLayer.hide(); + } + this._recover(); + this._blockEvent(true); + nx.dom.Document.html().addClass('n-moveCursor'); + }, + dragStage: function (sender, event) { + var stage = this._topo.stage(); + stage.applyTranslate(event.drag.delta[0], event.drag.delta[1]); + }, + dragStageEnd: function (sender, event) { + this._linksLayer.show(); + this._blockEvent(false); + nx.dom.Document.html().removeClass('n-moveCursor'); + }, + projectionChange: function () { + + }, + + zoomstart: function () { + var nodes = this._nodesLayer.nodes().length; + if (nodes > 300) { + this._linksLayer.setStyle('display', 'none'); + } + this._recover(); + //this._topo.adjustLayout(); + }, + zooming: function () { + + }, + zoomend: function () { + this._linksLayer.setStyle('display', 'block'); + this._topo.adjustLayout(); + }, + + beforeSetData: function () { + + }, + + afterSetData: function () { + + }, + + + insertData: function () { + + }, + + + ready: function () { + + }, + enterNode: function (sender, node) { + clearTimeout(this._sceneTimer); + if (!this._nodeDragging) { + this._sceneTimer = setTimeout(function () { + if (!this._nodeDragging) { + this._topo.activeRelatedNode(node); + } + }.bind(this), this._interval); + this._recover(); + } + nx.dom.Document.body().addClass('n-dragCursor'); + }, + leaveNode: function (sender, node) { + clearTimeout(this._sceneTimer); + if (!this._nodeDragging) { + this._recover(); + } + nx.dom.Document.body().removeClass('n-dragCursor'); + }, + + hideNode: function (sender, node) { + + }, + dragNodeStart: function (sender, node) { + this._nodeDragging = true; + this._blockEvent(true); + nx.dom.Document.html().addClass('n-dragCursor'); + setTimeout(this._recover.bind(this), 0); + }, + dragNode: function (sender, node) { + this._topo._moveSelectionNodes(event, node); + }, + dragNodeEnd: function () { + this._nodeDragging = false; + this._blockEvent(false); + this._topo.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + nx.dom.Document.html().removeClass('n-dragCursor'); + }, + + pressNode: function (sender, node) { + }, + clickNode: function (sender, node) { + if (!this._nodeDragging) { + if (!event.shiftKey) { + this._topo.selectedNodes().clear(); + } + node.selected(!node.selected()); + } + }, + selectNode: function (sender, node) { + var selectedNodes = this._topo.selectedNodes(); + if (node.selected()) { + if (selectedNodes.indexOf(node) == -1) { + this._topo.selectedNodes().add(node); + } + } else { + if (selectedNodes.indexOf(node) !== -1) { + this._topo.selectedNodes().remove(node); + } + } + }, + + updateNodeCoordinate: function () { + + }, + + + enterLink: function (sender, events) { + }, + + pressNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + }, + clickNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + clearTimeout(this._sceneTimer); + this._recover(); + if (event.shiftKey) { + nodeSet.selected(!nodeSet.selected()); + } else { + nodeSet.collapsed(false); + } + }, + + enterNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + clearTimeout(this._sceneTimer); + if (!this._nodeDragging) { + this._sceneTimer = setTimeout(function () { + this._topo.activeRelatedNode(nodeSet); + }.bind(this), this._interval); + } + }, + leaveNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + clearTimeout(this._sceneTimer); + if (!this._nodeDragging) { + this._recover(); + } + }, + beforeExpandNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + + this._blockEvent(true); + //update parent group + var parentNodeSet = nodeSet.parentNodeSet(); + while (parentNodeSet && parentNodeSet.group) { + var group = parentNodeSet.group; + group.clear(); + group.nodes(nx.util.values(parentNodeSet.nodes())); + group.draw(); + parentNodeSet = parentNodeSet.parentNodeSet(); + } + this._recover(); + }, + expandNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + clearTimeout(this._sceneTimer); + this._recover(); + this._topo.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + this._topo.fit(function () { + nodeSet.group = this._groupsLayer.addGroup({ + shapeType: 'nodeSetPolygon', + nodeSet: nodeSet, + nodes: nx.util.values(nodeSet.nodes()), + label: nodeSet.label(), + color: '#9BB150', + id: nodeSet.id() + }); + var parentNodeSet = nodeSet.parentNodeSet(); + while (parentNodeSet && parentNodeSet.group) { + parentNodeSet.group.draw(); + parentNodeSet = parentNodeSet.parentNodeSet(); + } + + this._blockEvent(false); + this._topo.adjustLayout(); + + }, this, nodeSet.animation() ? 1.5 : false); + + // + }, + beforeCollapseNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + this._blockEvent(true); + if (nodeSet.group) { + this._groupsLayer.removeGroup(nodeSet.id()); + delete nodeSet.group; + } + + nx.each(nodeSet.nodeSets(), function (ns, id) { + if (ns.group) { + this._groupsLayer.removeGroup(ns.id()); + delete ns.group; + } + }, this); + + this._topo.fadeIn(); + this._recover(); + }, + collapseNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + var parentNodeSet = nodeSet.parentNodeSet(); + while (parentNodeSet && parentNodeSet.group) { + var group = parentNodeSet.group; + group.clear(); + group.nodes(nx.util.values(parentNodeSet.nodes())); + parentNodeSet = parentNodeSet.parentNodeSet(); + } + + this._topo.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + this._topo.fit(function () { + this._blockEvent(false); + }, this, nodeSet.animation() ? 1.5 : false); + }, + removeNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + if (nodeSet.group) { + this._groupsLayer.removeGroup(nodeSet.id()); + delete nodeSet.group; + } + this._topo.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + }, + updateNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + if (nodeSet.group) { + nodeSet.group.clear(); + nodeSet.group.nodes(nx.util.values(nodeSet.nodes())); + } + + }, + dragNodeSetStart: function (sender, nodeSet) { + this._nodeDragging = true; + this._recover(); + this._blockEvent(true); + nx.dom.Document.html().addClass('n-dragCursor'); + }, + dragNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + this._topo._moveSelectionNodes(event, nodeSet); + }, + dragNodeSetEnd: function () { + this._nodeDragging = false; + this._blockEvent(false); + nx.dom.Document.html().removeClass('n-dragCursor'); + this._topo.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + }, + selectNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) { + var selectedNodes = this._topo.selectedNodes(); + if (nodeSet.selected()) { + if (selectedNodes.indexOf(nodeSet) == -1) { + this._topo.selectedNodes().add(nodeSet); + } + } else { + if (selectedNodes.indexOf(nodeSet) !== -1) { + this._topo.selectedNodes().remove(nodeSet); + } + } + }, + + addNode: function () { + this._topo.stage().resetFitMatrix(); + this._topo.adjustLayout(); + }, + addNodeSet: function () { + this._topo.stage().resetFitMatrix(); +// this._topo.fit(); + this._topo.adjustLayout(); + + }, + removeNode: function () { + this._topo.adjustLayout(); + }, + + dragGroupStart: function (sender, group) { + }, + + dragGroup: function (sender, group) { + if (event) { + var stageScale = this._topo.stageScale(); + group.updateNodesPosition(event.drag.delta[0], event.drag.delta[1]); + group.move(event.drag.delta[0] * stageScale, event.drag.delta[1] * stageScale); + } + }, + + dragGroupEnd: function (sender, group) { + }, + clickGroupLabel: function (sender, group) { + + }, + collapseNodeSetGroup: function (sender, group) { + var nodeSet = group.nodeSet(); + if (nodeSet) { + nodeSet.collapsed(true); + } + }, + + enterGroup: function (sender, group) { + if (nx.is(group, 'nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSetPolygonGroup')) { + var ns = group.nodeSet(); + this._topo.activeNodes(nx.util.values(ns.nodes())); + this._topo.fadeOut(); + this._groupsLayer.fadeOut(); + + group.view().dom().addClass('fade-active-item'); + } + }, + leaveGroup: function (sender, group) { + group.view().dom().removeClass('fade-active-item'); + this._topo.fadeIn(); + this._topo.recoverActive(); + }, + + + right: function (sender, events) { + this._topo.move(30, null, 0.5); + }, + left: function (sender, events) { + this._topo.move(-30, null, 0.5); + }, + up: function () { + this._topo.move(null, -30, 0.5); + }, + down: function () { + this._topo.move(null, 30, 0.5); + }, + pressR: function () { + if (nx.DEBUG) { + this._topo.activateLayout('force'); + } + }, + pressA: function () { + if (nx.DEBUG) { + var nodes = this._topo.selectedNodes().toArray(); + this._topo.selectedNodes().clear(); + this._topo.aggregationNodes(nodes); + } + }, + pressS: function () { + if (nx.DEBUG) { + this._topo.activateScene('selection'); + } + }, + pressM: function () { + if (nx.DEBUG) { + this._topo.activateScene('default'); + } + }, + pressF: function () { + if (nx.DEBUG) { + this._topo.fit(); + } + }, + topologyGenerated: function () { + this._topo.adjustLayout(); + }, + _recover: function () { + this._topo.fadeIn(); + this._topo.recoverActive(); + }, + _blockEvent: function (value) { + this._topo.blockEvent(value); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + + + /** + * Selection scene + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.SelectionScene + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.Scene + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.SelectionScene", nx.graphic.Topology.DefaultScene, { + methods: { + /** + * Entry + * @method activate + */ + + activate: function (args) { + this.appendRect(); + this.inherited(args); + this.topology().dom().addClass('n-crosshairCursor'); + + }, + deactivate: function () { + this.inherited(); + this.rect.dispose(); + delete this.rect; + this.topology().dom().removeClass('n-crosshairCursor'); + nx.dom.Document.html().removeClass('n-crosshairCursor'); + }, + _dispatch: function (eventName, sender, data) { + if (this[eventName]) { + this[eventName].call(this, sender, data); + } + }, + appendRect: function () { + var topo = this.topology(); + if (!this.rect) { + this.rect = new nx.graphic.Rect({ + 'class': 'selectionRect' + }); + this.rect.attach(topo.stage().staticLayer()); + } + this.rect.sets({ + x: 0, + y: 0, + width: 0, + height: 0 + }); + }, + dragStageStart: function (sender, event) { + this.rect.set('visible', true); + this._blockEvent(true); + nx.dom.Document.html().addClass('n-crosshairCursor'); + }, + dragStage: function (sender, event) { + var rect = this.rect; + var origin = event.drag.origin; + var size = event.drag.offset; + // check if width negative + if (size[0] < 0) { + rect.set('x', origin[0] + size[0]); + rect.set('width', -size[0]); + } else { + rect.set('x', origin[0]); + rect.set('width', size[0]); + } + if (size[1] < 0) { + rect.set('y', origin[1] + size[1]); + rect.set('height', -size[1]); + } else { + rect.set('y', origin[1]); + rect.set('height', size[1]); + } + }, + dragStageEnd: function (sender, event) { + this._stageTranslate = null; + this.rect.set('visible', false); + this._blockEvent(false); + nx.dom.Document.html().removeClass('n-crosshairCursor'); + }, + _getRectBound: function () { + var rectbound = this.rect.getBoundingClientRect(); + var topoBound = this.topology().getBound(); + return { + top: rectbound.top - topoBound.top, + left: rectbound.left - topoBound.left, + width: rectbound.width, + height: rectbound.height, + bottom: rectbound.bottom - topoBound.top, + right: rectbound.right - topoBound.left + }; + }, + esc: { + + }, + clickNodeSet: function (sender, nodeSet) {}, + dragNode: function () { + + }, + dragNodeSet: function () { + + }, + _blockEvent: function (value) { + if (value) { + this.topology().scalable(false); + nx.dom.Document.body().addClass('n-userselect n-blockEvent'); + } else { + this.topology().scalable(true); + nx.dom.Document.body().removeClass('n-userselect'); + nx.dom.Document.body().removeClass('n-blockEvent'); + } + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function(nx, global) { + + /** + * Selection node scene + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.SelectionNodeScene + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.SelectionScene + */ + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.SelectionNodeScene', nx.graphic.Topology.SelectionScene, { + properties: { + /** + * Get all selected nodes + * @property selectedNodes + */ + selectedNodes: { + get: function() { + return this.topology().selectedNodes(); + } + } + }, + methods: { + + activate: function() { + this.inherited(); + var tooltipManager = this._tooltipManager; + tooltipManager.activated(false); + }, + deactivate: function() { + this.inherited(); + var tooltipManager = this._tooltipManager; + tooltipManager.activated(true); + }, + + pressStage: function(sender, event) { + var selectedNodes = this.selectedNodes(); + var multi = this._multi = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey; + if (!multi) { + selectedNodes.clear(); + } + + event.captureDrag(sender.stage().view(), this.topology().stage()); + }, + enterNode: function() { + + }, + clickNode: function(sender, node) {}, + dragStageStart: function(sender, event) { + this.inherited(sender, event); + var selectedNodes = this.selectedNodes(); + var multi = this._multi = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey; + if (!multi) { + selectedNodes.clear(); + } + this._prevSelectedNodes = this.selectedNodes().toArray().slice(); + }, + dragStage: function(sender, event) { + this.inherited(sender, event); + this.selectNodeByRect(this.rect.getBound()); + }, + selectNode: function(sender, node) { + if (node.selected()) { + this._topo.selectedNodes().add(node); + } else { + this._topo.selectedNodes().remove(node); + } + }, + selectNodeSet: function(sender, nodeset) { + if (nodeset.selected()) { + this._topo.selectedNodes().add(nodeset); + } else { + this._topo.selectedNodes().remove(nodeset); + } + }, + + + pressNode: function(sender, node) { + if (node.enable()) { + var selectedNodes = this.selectedNodes(); + this._multi = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey; + if (!this._multi) { + selectedNodes.clear(); + } + node.selected(!node.selected()); + } + }, + pressNodeSet: function(sender, nodeSet) { + if (nodeSet.enable()) { + var selectedNodes = this.selectedNodes(); + this._multi = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey; + if (!this._multi) { + selectedNodes.clear(); + } + nodeSet.selected(!nodeSet.selected()); + } + }, + selectNodeByRect: function(bound) { + this.topology().eachNode(function(node) { + if (node.model().type() == 'vertexSet' && !node.collapsed()) { + return; + } + var nodeBound = node.getBound(); + // FIXME for firefox bug with g.getBoundingClientRect + if (nx.util.isFirefox()) { + var position = [node.x(), node.y()]; + var svgbound = this.topology().stage().dom().getBound(); + var matrix = this.topology().stage().matrix(); + position = nx.geometry.Vector.transform(position, matrix); + nodeBound.x = nodeBound.left = position[0] + svgbound.left - nodeBound.width / 2; + nodeBound.right = nodeBound.left + nodeBound.width; + nodeBound.y = nodeBound.top = position[1] + svgbound.top - nodeBound.height / 2; + nodeBound.bottom = nodeBound.top + nodeBound.height; + } + var nodeSelected = node.selected(); + if (this._hittest(bound, nodeBound)) { + if (!nodeSelected) { + node.selected(true); + } + } else { + if (this._multi) { + if (this._prevSelectedNodes.indexOf(node) == -1) { + if (nodeSelected) { + node.selected(false); + } + } + } else { + if (nodeSelected) { + node.selected(false); + } + } + } + }, this); + }, + collapseNodeSetGroup: function(sender, group) { + + }, + enterGroup: function(sender, group) { + + }, + _hittest: function(sourceBound, targetBound) { + var t = targetBound.top >= sourceBound.top && targetBound.top <= ((sourceBound.top + sourceBound.height)), + l = targetBound.left >= sourceBound.left && targetBound.left <= (sourceBound.left + sourceBound.width), + b = (sourceBound.top + sourceBound.height) >= (targetBound.top + targetBound.height) && (targetBound.top + targetBound.height) >= sourceBound.top, + r = (sourceBound.left + sourceBound.width) >= (targetBound.left + targetBound.width) && (targetBound.left + targetBound.width) >= sourceBound.left, + hm = sourceBound.top >= targetBound.top && (sourceBound.top + sourceBound.height) <= (targetBound.top + targetBound.height), + vm = sourceBound.left >= targetBound.left && (sourceBound.left + sourceBound.width) <= (targetBound.left + targetBound.width); + + return (t && l) || (b && r) || (t && r) || (b && l) || (t && vm) || (b && vm) || (l && hm) || (r && hm); + } + } + }); + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * Zoom by selection scene + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.ZoomBySelection + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.SelectionScene + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.ZoomBySelection", nx.graphic.Topology.SelectionScene, { + events: ['finish'], + properties: { + }, + methods: { + activate: function (args) { + this.inherited(args); + nx.dom.Document.html().addClass('n-zoomInCursor'); + }, + deactivate: function () { + this.inherited(); + nx.dom.Document.html().removeClass('n-zoomInCursor'); + }, + dragStageEnd: function (sender, event) { + var bound = this.rect.getBound(); + this.inherited(sender, event); + + this.fire('finish', bound); + }, + esc: function () { + this.fire('finish'); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + + var shapeMap = { + 'rect': 'nx.graphic.Topology.RectGroup', + 'circle': 'nx.graphic.Topology.CircleGroup', + 'polygon': 'nx.graphic.Topology.PolygonGroup', + 'nodeSetPolygon': 'nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSetPolygonGroup' + }; + + + var colorTable = ['#C3A5E4', '#75C6EF', '#CBDA5C', '#ACAEB1 ', '#2CC86F']; + // var colorTable = ['#75C6EF', '#75C6EF', '#75C6EF', '#75C6EF ', '#75C6EF']; + + + /** + * Topology group layer class + + var groupsLayer = topo.getLayer('groups'); + var nodes1 = [0, 1]; + var group1 = groupsLayer.addGroup({ + nodes: nodes1, + label: 'Rect', + color: '#f00' + }); + group1.on('clickGroupLabel', function (sender, events) { + console.log(group1.nodes()); + }, this); + + * + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.GroupsLayer + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.Layer + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.GroupsLayer', nx.graphic.Topology.Layer, { + statics: { + /** + * Default color table, with 5 colors + * @property colorTable + * @static + */ + colorTable: colorTable + }, + events: ['dragGroupStart', 'dragGroup', 'dragGroupEnd', 'clickGroupLabel', 'enterGroup', 'leaveGroup', 'collapseNodeSetGroup'], + properties: { + shapeType: 'polygon', + /** + * Groups elements + * @property groupItems {nx.data.ObservableDictionary} + */ + groupItems: { + value: function () { + var dict = new nx.data.ObservableDictionary(); + dict.on('change', function (sender, args) { + var action = args.action; + var items = args.items; + if (action == 'clear') { + nx.each(items, function (item) { + var group = item.value(); + if (group) { + group.dispose(); + } + + }); + } + }, this); + return dict; + } + }, + /** + * groups data + * @property groups {Array} + */ + groups: { + get: function () { + return this._groups || []; + }, + set: function (value) { + if (nx.is(value, Array)) { + nx.each(value, function (item) { + this.addGroup(item); + }, this); + this._groups = value; + } + } + } + }, + methods: { + + /** + * Register a group item class + * @param name {String} group items' name + * @param className {Object} which should extend nx.graphic.Topology.GroupItem + */ + registerGroupItem: function (name, className) { + shapeMap[name] = className; + }, + + + attach: function (args) { + this.inherited(args); + var topo = this.topology(); + topo.on('afterFitStage', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + topo.on('zoomend', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + topo.on('collapseNode', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + topo.on('expandNode', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + topo.watch('revisionScale', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + topo.watch('showIcon', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + }, + /** + * Add a group to group layer + * @param obj {Object} config of a group + */ + addGroup: function (obj) { + var groupItems = this.groupItems(); + var shape = obj.shapeType || this.shapeType(); + var nodes = obj.nodes; + + var GroupClass = nx.path(global, shapeMap[shape]); + var group = new GroupClass({ + 'topology': this.topology() + }); + + var config = nx.clone(obj); + + if (!config.color) { + config.color = colorTable[groupItems.count() % 5]; + } + delete config.nodes; + delete config.shapeType; + + group.sets(config); + group.attach(this); + + + group.nodes(nodes); + + var id = config.id || group.__id__; + + groupItems.setItem(id, group); + + var events = ['dragGroupStart', 'dragGroup', 'dragGroupEnd', 'clickGroupLabel', 'enterGroup', 'leaveGroup', 'collapseNodeSetGroup']; + + nx.each(events, function (e) { + group.on(e, function (sender, event) { + if (event instanceof MouseEvent) { + window.event = event; + } + this.fire(e, group); + }, this); + }, this); + + + return group; + + }, + _redraw: function () { + this.groupItems().each(function (item) { + item.value()._draw(); + }, this); + }, + /** + * Remove a group + * @method removeGroup + * @param id + */ + removeGroup: function (id) { + var groupItems = this.groupItems(); + var group = groupItems.getItem(id); + if (group) { + group.dispose(); + groupItems.removeItem(id); + } + }, + /** + * Get a group by id + * @method getGroup + * @param id + * @returns {*} + */ + getGroup: function (id) { + return this.groupItems().getItem(id); + }, + /** + * Iterate all group + * @method eachGroupItem + * @param callBack + * @param context + */ + eachGroupItem: function (callBack, context) { + this.groupItems().each(function (item) { + callBack.call(context || this, item.value(), item.key()); + }, this); + }, + /** + * clear all group + * @clear + */ + clear: function () { + this.groupItems().clear(); + this.inherited(); + }, + dispose: function () { + this.clear(); + var topo = this.topology(); + topo.off('collapseNode', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + topo.off('expandNode', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + topo.off('zoomend', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + topo.off('fitStage', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + topo.unwatch('revisionScale', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + topo.unwatch('showIcon', this._redraw.bind(this), this); + this.inherited(); + } + + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * + * Base group shape class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.GroupItem + * @extend nx.graphic.Component + * @module nx.graphic.Topology.Group + * + */ + + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.GroupItem", nx.graphic.Group, { + events: [], + properties: { + /** + * Topology + * @property topology + * @readyOnly + */ + topology: { + + }, + /** + * Node array in the shape + * @property nodes {Array} + */ + nodes: { + get: function () { + return this._nodes || []; + }, + set: function (value) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var graph = topo.graph(); + var vertices = this.vertices(); + if (nx.is(value, Array) || nx.is(value, nx.data.ObservableCollection)) { + + // + nx.each(value, function (value) { + var vertex; + if (nx.is(value, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + vertex = value.model(); + } else if (graph.getVertex(value)) { + vertex = graph.getVertex(value); + } + + if (vertex && vertices.indexOf(vertex) == -1) { + vertices.push(vertex); + } + + }, this); + + // + nx.each(vertices, function (vertex) { + this.attachEvent(vertex); + }, this); + + this.draw(); + + + } + this._nodes = value; + } + }, + vertices: { + value: function () { + return []; + } + }, + /** + * Shape's color + * @property color + */ + color: { + + }, + /** + * Group's label + * @property label + */ + label: { + + }, + blockDrawing: { + value: false + } + }, + view: { + + }, + methods: { + attachEvent: function (vertex) { + vertex.watch('generated', this._draw, this); + vertex.on('updateCoordinate', this._draw, this); + }, + detachEvent: function (vertex) { + vertex.unwatch('generated', this._draw, this); + vertex.off('updateCoordinate', this._draw, this); + }, + getNodes: function () { + var nodes = []; + var topo = this.topology(); + nx.each(this.vertices(), function (vertex) { + if (vertex.generated()) { + var node = topo.getNode(vertex.id()); + if (node) { + nodes.push(node); + } + } + }); + return nodes; + }, + addNode: function (value) { + var vertex; + var topo = this.topology(); + var graph = topo.graph(); + var vertices = this.vertices(); + + if (nx.is(value, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + vertex = value.model(); + } else if (graph.getVertex(value)) { + vertex = graph.getVertex(value); + } + + if (vertex && vertices.indexOf(vertex) == -1) { + vertices.push(vertex); + this.attachEvent(vertex); + this.draw(); + } + + }, + removeNode: function (value) { + var vertex; + var topo = this.topology(); + var graph = topo.graph(); + var vertices = this.vertices(); + var nodes = this.nodes(); + + if (nx.is(value, nx.graphic.Topology.AbstractNode)) { + vertex = value.model(); + } else if (graph.getVertex(value)) { + vertex = graph.getVertex(value); + } + + if (vertex && vertices.indexOf(vertex) != -1) { + vertices.splice(vertices.indexOf(vertex), 1); + this.detachEvent(vertex); + if (nx.is(nodes, Array)) { + var id = vertex.id(); + var node = topo.getNode(id); + if (nodes.indexOf(id) !== -1) { + nodes.splice(nodes.indexOf(id), 1); + } else if (node && nodes.indexOf(node) !== -1) { + nodes.splice(nodes.indexOf(node), 1); + } else { + //todo throw error + } + + } + + this.draw(); + + } + + + }, + _draw: function () { + if (!this.blockDrawing()) { + this.draw(); + } + }, + draw: function () { + if (this.getNodes().length === 0) { + this.hide(); + } else { + this.show(); + } + }, + updateNodesPosition: function (x, y) { + var stageScale = this.topology().stageScale(); + nx.each(this.getNodes(), function (node) { + node.move(x * stageScale, y * stageScale); + }); + }, + clear: function () { + nx.each(this.vertices(), function (vertex) { + this.detachEvent(vertex); + }, this); + this.vertices([]); + this.nodes([]); + }, + dispose: function () { + this.clear(); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * Rectangle shape group class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.RectGroup + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.GroupItem + * @module nx.graphic.Topology.Group + * + */ + + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.RectGroup', nx.graphic.Topology.GroupItem, { + events: ['dragGroupStart', 'dragGroup', 'dragGroupEnd', 'clickGroupLabel', 'enterGroup', 'leaveGroup'], + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + 'class': 'group' + }, + content: [ + { + name: 'shape', + type: 'nx.graphic.Rect', + props: { + 'class': 'bg' + }, + events: { + 'mousedown': '{#_mousedown}', + 'dragstart': '{#_dragstart}', + 'dragmove': '{#_drag}', + 'dragend': '{#_dragend}' + } + }, + { + name: 'text', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: { + name: 'label', + type: 'nx.graphic.Text', + props: { + 'class': 'groupLabel', + text: '{#label}' + }, + events: { + 'click': '{#_clickLabel}' + } + } + } + ] + }, + properties: { + }, + methods: { + + draw: function () { + this.inherited(); + this.setTransform(0, 0); + + var topo = this.topology(); + var stageScale = topo.stageScale(); + var revisionScale = topo.revisionScale(); + var translate = { + x: topo.matrix().x(), + y: topo.matrix().y() + }; + var bound = topo.getBoundByNodes(this.getNodes()); + if (bound == null) { + return; + } + bound.left -= translate.x; + bound.top -= translate.y; + var shape = this.view('shape'); + shape.sets({ + x: bound.left, + y: bound.top, + width: bound.width, + height: bound.height, + fill: this.color(), + stroke: this.color(), + scale: topo.stageScale() + }); + + + var text = this.view('text'); + + + text.setTransform((bound.left + bound.width / 2) * stageScale, (bound.top - 12) * stageScale, stageScale); + text.view().dom().setStyle('fill', this.color()); + + this.view('label').view().dom().setStyle('font-size', 11); + }, + _clickLabel: function (sender, event) { + this.fire('clickGroupLabel'); + }, + _mousedown: function (sender, event) { + event.captureDrag(this.view('shape'),this.topology().stage()); + }, + _dragstart: function (sender, event) { + this.blockDrawing(true); + this.fire('dragGroupStart', event); + }, + _drag: function (sender, event) { + this.fire('dragGroup', event); + }, + _dragend: function (sender, event) { + this.blockDrawing(false); + this.fire('dragGroupEnd', event); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + /** + * Circle shape group class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.CircleGroup + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.GroupItem + * @module nx.graphic.Topology.Group + * + */ + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.CircleGroup', nx.graphic.Topology.GroupItem, { + events: ['dragGroupStart', 'dragGroup', 'dragGroupEnd', 'clickGroupLabel', 'enterGroup', 'leaveGroup'], + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + 'class': 'group' + }, + content: [ + { + name: 'shape', + type: 'nx.graphic.Circle', + props: { + 'class': 'bg' + }, + events: { + 'mousedown': '{#_mousedown}', + 'touchstart': '{#_mousedown}', + 'dragstart': '{#_dragstart}', + 'dragmove': '{#_drag}', + 'dragend': '{#_dragend}' + } + }, + { + name: 'text', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: { + name: 'label', + type: 'nx.graphic.Text', + props: { + 'class': 'groupLabel', + text: '{#label}' + }, + events: { + 'click': '{#_clickLabel}' + } + } + } + ] + }, + methods: { + + draw: function () { + + + this.inherited(); + this.setTransform(0, 0); + + var topo = this.topology(); + var revisionScale = topo.revisionScale(); + var translate = { + x: topo.matrix().x(), + y: topo.matrix().y() + }; + var bound = topo.getBoundByNodes(this.getNodes()); + if (bound == null) { + return; + } + var radius = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bound.width / 2, 2) + Math.pow(bound.height / 2, 2)); + + var shape = this.view('shape'); + shape.sets({ + cx: bound.left - translate.x + bound.width / 2, + cy: bound.top - translate.y + bound.height / 2, + r: radius, + fill: this.color(), + stroke: this.color(), + scale: topo.stageScale() + }); + + + var text = this.view('text'); + var stageScale = topo.stageScale(); + bound.left -= translate.x; + bound.top -= translate.y; + + text.setTransform((bound.left + bound.width / 2) * stageScale, (bound.top + bound.height / 2 - radius - 12) * stageScale, stageScale); + text.view().dom().setStyle('fill', this.color()); + + this.view('label').view().dom().setStyle('font-size', 11); + + + this.setTransform(0, 0); + }, + _clickLabel: function (sender, event) { + this.fire('clickGroupLabel'); + }, + _mousedown: function (sender, event) { + event.captureDrag(this.view('shape'), this.topology().stage()); + }, + _dragstart: function (sender, event) { + this.blockDrawing(true); + this.fire('dragGroupStart', event); + }, + _drag: function (sender, event) { + this.fire('dragGroup', event); + }, + _dragend: function (sender, event) { + this.blockDrawing(false); + this.fire('dragGroupEnd', event); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + + /** + * Polygon shape group class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.PolygonGroup + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.GroupItem + * @module nx.graphic.Topology.Group + * + */ + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.PolygonGroup', nx.graphic.Topology.GroupItem, { + events: ['dragGroupStart', 'dragGroup', 'dragGroupEnd', 'clickGroupLabel', 'enterGroup', 'leaveGroup'], + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + 'class': 'group' + }, + content: [ + { + name: 'shape', + type: 'nx.graphic.Polygon', + props: { + 'class': 'bg' + }, + events: { + 'mousedown': '{#_mousedown}', + 'dragstart': '{#_dragstart}', + 'dragmove': '{#_drag}', + 'dragend': '{#_dragend}' + } + }, + { + name: 'text', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: { + name: 'label', + type: 'nx.graphic.Text', + props: { + 'class': 'nodeSetGroupLabel', + text: '{#label}', + style: { + 'alignment-baseline': 'central', + 'text-anchor': 'middle', + 'font-size': 12 + } + }, + events: { + 'click': '{#_clickLabel}' + } + } + } + ], + events: { + 'mouseenter': '{#_mouseenter}', + 'mouseleave': '{#_mouseleave}' + } + }, + properties: { + shape: { + get: function () { + return this.view('shape'); + } + } + }, + methods: { + + draw: function () { + + this.inherited(); + this.setTransform(0, 0); + + + var topo = this.topology(); + var stageScale = topo.stageScale(); + var revisionScale = topo.revisionScale(); + var translate = { + x: topo.matrix().x(), + y: topo.matrix().y() + }; + var vectorArray = []; + nx.each(this.getNodes(), function (node) { + if (node.visible()) { + vectorArray.push({x: node.model().x(), y: node.model().y()}); + } + }); + var shape = this.view('shape'); + + shape.sets({ + fill: this.color() + }); + shape.dom().setStyle('stroke', this.color()); + shape.dom().setStyle('stroke-width', 60 * stageScale * revisionScale); + shape.nodes(vectorArray); + + + var bound = topo.getInsideBound(shape.getBound()); + bound.left -= translate.x; + bound.top -= translate.y; + bound.left *= stageScale; + bound.top *= stageScale; + bound.width *= stageScale; + bound.height *= stageScale; + + + var text = this.view('text'); + text.setTransform(bound.left + bound.width / 2, bound.top - 40 * stageScale * revisionScale, stageScale); + + this.view('label').view().dom().setStyle('font-size', 11); + + text.view().dom().setStyle('fill', this.color()); + }, + _clickLabel: function (sender, event) { + this.fire('clickGroupLabel'); + }, + _mousedown: function (sender, event) { + event.captureDrag(this.view('shape'),this.topology().stage()); + }, + _dragstart: function (sender, event) { + this.blockDrawing(true); + this.fire('dragGroupStart', event); + }, + _drag: function (sender, event) { + this.fire('dragGroup', event); + }, + _dragend: function (sender, event) { + this.blockDrawing(false); + this.fire('dragGroupEnd', event); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function(nx, global) { + + + /** + * Polygon shape group class + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.PolygonGroup + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.GroupItem + * @module nx.graphic.Topology.Group + * + */ + + nx.define('nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSetPolygonGroup', nx.graphic.Topology.GroupItem, { + events: ['dragGroupStart', 'dragGroup', 'dragGroupEnd', 'clickGroupLabel', 'enterGroup', 'leaveGroup', 'collapseNodeSetGroup'], + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + props: { + 'class': 'group aggregationGroup' + }, + content: [{ + name: 'shape', + type: 'nx.graphic.Polygon', + props: { + 'class': 'bg' + } + }, { + name: 'icons', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: [{ + name: 'minus', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: { + name: 'minusIcon', + type: 'nx.graphic.Icon', + props: { + iconType: 'collapse' + } + }, + events: { + 'click': '{#_collapse}' + } + }, { + name: 'nodeIcon', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: { + name: 'nodeIconImg', + type: 'nx.graphic.Icon', + props: { + iconType: 'nodeSet', + scale: 1 + } + } + }, { + name: 'labelContainer', + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: { + name: 'label', + type: 'nx.graphic.Text', + props: { + 'class': 'nodeSetGroupLabel', + text: '{#label}', + style: { + 'alignment-baseline': 'central', + 'text-anchor': 'start', + 'font-size': 12 + }, + visible: false + }, + events: { + 'click': '{#_clickLabel}' + } + }, + events: { + + } + }], + events: { + 'mouseenter': '{#_mouseenter}', + 'mouseleave': '{#_mouseleave}', + 'mousedown': '{#_mousedown}', + 'touchstart': '{#_mousedown}', + 'dragstart': '{#_dragstart}', + 'dragmove': '{#_drag}', + 'dragend': '{#_dragend}' + } + }, + // { + // name: 'bg', + // type: 'nx.graphic.Rect', + // props: { + // fill: '#f00', + // 'opacity': '0.1' + // } + // } + + ] + }, + properties: { + nodeSet: {}, + topology: {}, + opacity: { + set: function(value) { + var opacity = Math.max(value, 0.1); + // this.view('shape').dom().setStyle('opacity', opacity); + // this.view('minus').dom().setStyle('opacity', opacity); + // this.view('nodeIcon').dom().setStyle('opacity', opacity); + // this.view('labelContainer').dom().setStyle('opacity', opacity); + this._opacity = value; + } + }, + shape: { + get: function() { + return this.view('shape'); + } + } + // color: { + // set: function (value) { + // var text = this.view('labelContainer'); + // text.view().dom().setStyle('fill', value); + // var shape = this.view('shape'); + // shape.sets({ + // fill: value + // }); + // shape.dom().setStyle('stroke', value); + // this._color = value; + // } + // } + }, + methods: { + getNodes: function() { + return nx.util.values(this.nodeSet().nodes()); + }, + draw: function() { + this.inherited(); + this.setTransform(0, 0); + + var topo = this.topology(); + var stageScale = topo.stageScale(); + var translate = { + x: topo.matrix().x(), + y: topo.matrix().y() + }; + + + var vectorArray = []; + nx.each(this.getNodes(), function(node) { + if (node.visible()) { + vectorArray.push({ + x: node.model().x(), + y: node.model().y() + }); + } + }); + var shape = this.view('shape'); + // shape.sets({ + // fill: this.color() + // }); + // shape.dom().setStyle('stroke', this.color()); + // + shape.nodes(vectorArray); + + var bound = topo.getInsideBound(shape.getBound()); + bound.left -= translate.x; + bound.top -= translate.y; + bound.left *= stageScale; + bound.top *= stageScale; + bound.width *= stageScale; + bound.height *= stageScale; + + // this.view('bg').sets({ + // x: bound.left, + // y: bound.top, + // width: bound.width, + // height: bound.height + // }); + + var minus = this.view('minus'); + var label = this.view('label'); + var nodeIcon = this.view('nodeIcon'); + var nodeIconImg = this.view('nodeIconImg'); + var labelContainer = this.view('labelContainer'); + + + if (topo.showIcon() && topo.revisionScale() > 0.6) { + + shape.dom().setStyle('stroke-width', 60 * stageScale); + + + nodeIconImg.set('iconType', this.nodeSet().iconType()); + // nodeIconImg.set('color', this.color()); + + var iconSize = nodeIconImg.size(); + + nodeIcon.visible(true); + + if (nx.util.isFirefox()) { + minus.setTransform(bound.left + bound.width / 2, bound.top - iconSize.height * stageScale / 2 + 8 * stageScale, 1 * stageScale); + nodeIcon.setTransform(bound.left + bound.width / 2 + 3 * stageScale + iconSize.width * stageScale / 2, bound.top - iconSize.height * stageScale / 2 - 0 * stageScale, 0.5 * stageScale); + + + } else { + minus.setTransform(bound.left + bound.width / 2, bound.top - iconSize.height * stageScale / 2 - 22 * stageScale, 1 * stageScale); + nodeIcon.setTransform(bound.left + bound.width / 2 + 3 * stageScale + iconSize.width * stageScale / 2, bound.top - iconSize.height * stageScale / 2 - 22 * stageScale, 0.5 * stageScale); + } + + + + + label.sets({ + x: bound.left + bound.width / 2 - 3 * stageScale + iconSize.width * stageScale, + y: bound.top - iconSize.height * stageScale / 2 - 22 * stageScale + }); + label.view().dom().setStyle('font-size', 16 * stageScale); + // labelContainer.view().dom().setStyle('fill', this.color()); + + } else { + + shape.dom().setStyle('stroke-width', 30 * stageScale); + + if (nx.util.isFirefox()) { + minus.setTransform(bound.left + bound.width / 2, bound.top - 29 * stageScale / 2, stageScale); + } else { + minus.setTransform(bound.left + bound.width / 2, bound.top - 45 * stageScale / 2, stageScale); + } + + nodeIcon.visible(false); + + label.sets({ + x: bound.left + bound.width / 2 + 12 * stageScale, + y: bound.top - 45 * stageScale / 2 + }); + label.view().dom().setStyle('font-size', 16 * stageScale); + + } + + + // this.view('minusIcon').color(this.color()); + + }, + _clickLabel: function(sender, event) { + this.fire('clickGroupLabel'); + }, + _mousedown: function(sender, event) { + event.captureDrag(this.view('icons'), this.topology().stage()); + }, + _dragstart: function(sender, event) { + this.blockDrawing(true); + this.fire('dragGroupStart', event); + }, + _drag: function(sender, event) { + this.fire('dragGroup', event); + if (!this.view('minus').dom().$dom.contains(event.srcElement)) { + this._dragMinusIcon = true; + } + }, + _dragend: function(sender, event) { + this.blockDrawing(false); + this.fire('dragGroupEnd', event); + + }, + _collapse: function() { + if(!this._dragMinusIcon){ + this.fire('collapseNodeSetGroup', event); + } + this._dragMinusIcon = false; + }, + _mouseenter: function(sender, event) { + this.fire('enterGroup'); + }, + _mouseleave: function(sender, event) { + this.fire('leaveGroup'); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); +(function(nx, global) { + + var Vector = nx.geometry.Vector; + var Line = nx.geometry.Line; + var colorIndex = 0; + var colorTable = ['#b2e47f', '#e4e47f', '#bec2f9', '#b6def7', '#89f0de']; + /** + * A topology path class + Path's background colors : ['#b2e47f', '#e4e47f', '#bec2f9', '#b6def7', '#89f0de'] + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.Path + * @extend nx.graphic.Component + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.Path", nx.graphic.Component, { + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: { + name: 'path', + type: 'nx.graphic.Path' + } + }, + properties: { + /** + * get/set links's style ,default value is + value: { + 'stroke': '#666', + 'stroke-width': '1px' + } + + * @property pathStyle + */ + pathStyle: { + value: { + 'stroke': '#666', + 'stroke-width': '0px' + } + }, + /** + * Get/set a path's width + * @property pathWidth + */ + pathWidth: { + value: "auto" + }, + /** + * Get/set a path's offset + * @property pathGutter + */ + pathGutter: { + value: 13 + }, + /** + * Get/set a path's padding to a node + * @property pathPadding + */ + pathPadding: { + value: "auto" + }, + pathColor: { + get: function(){ + return this._pathStyle.color ? this._pathStyle.color : null; + }, + set: function(userColor){ + var hexColorRE = /#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/; + // if it is a HEX-format color + if(hexColorRE.test(userColor)){ + this.view("path").setStyle("fill", userColor); + this._pathStyle.color = userColor; + } + else{ + console.warning("Color must be in HEX format, e.g.: #ffe4cc"); + this._setRandomColor(); + } + } + }, + /** + * Get/set path arrow type , 'none'/'cap'/'full'/'end' + * @property + */ + arrow: { + value: 'none' + }, + /** + * Get/set links to draw a path pver it + * @property links + */ + links: { + value: [], + set: function(value) { + this._links = value; + this.edgeIdCollection().clear(); + var edges = []; + if (nx.is(value, "Array") || nx.is(value, nx.data.Collection)) { + nx.each(value, function(item) { + edges.push(item.model().id()); + }.bind(this)); + this.edgeIdCollection().addRange(edges); + } + this.draw(); + } + }, + edgeIdCollection: { + value: function() { + var allEdges, verticesIdCollection, collection = new nx.data.ObservableCollection(); + var watcher = function(pname, pvalue) { + this.draw(); + }.bind(this); + collection.on("change", function(sender, evt) { + var waitForTopology = function(pname, pvalue) { + if (!pvalue) { + return; + } + this.unwatch("topology", waitForTopology); + allEdges = allEdges || nx.path(this, "topology.graph.edges"); + verticesIdCollection = this.verticesIdCollection(); + var diff = []; + if (evt.action === "add") { + nx.each(evt.items, function(item) { + var edge = allEdges.getItem(item); + edge.watch("generated", watcher); + diff.push(edge.sourceID()); + diff.push(edge.targetID()); + }.bind(this)); + // update vertices + nx.each(diff, function(id) { + if (!verticesIdCollection.contains(id)) { + verticesIdCollection.add(id); + } + }); + } else { + nx.each(evt.items, function(item) { + var edge = allEdges.getItem(item); + if (edge) { + edge.unwatch("generated", watcher); + } + }.bind(this)); + // update vertices + // TODO improve this algorithm + verticesIdCollection.clear(); + nx.each(collection, function(id) { + var edge = allEdges.getItem(id); + if (edge && verticesIdCollection.contains(edge.sourceID())) { + verticesIdCollection.add(edge.sourceID()); + } + if (edge && verticesIdCollection.contains(edge.targetID())) { + verticesIdCollection.add(edge.targetID()); + } + }.bind(this)); + } + }.bind(this); + if (!this.topology()) { + this.watch("topology", waitForTopology); + } else { + waitForTopology("topology", this.topology()); + } + }.bind(this)); + return collection; + } + }, + verticesIdCollection: { + value: function() { + var allVertices, collection = new nx.data.ObservableCollection(); + var watcher = function(pname, pvalue) { + this.draw(); + }.bind(this); + collection.on("change", function(sender, evt) { + allVertices = allVertices || nx.path(this, "topology.graph.vertices"); + if (evt.action === "add") { + nx.each(evt.items, function(item) { + var vertex = allVertices.getItem(item); + if (vertex) { + vertex.watch("position", watcher); + } + }.bind(this)); + } else { + nx.each(evt.items, function(item) { + var vertex = allVertices.getItem(item); + if (vertex) { + vertex.unwatch("position", watcher); + } + }.bind(this)); + } + }.bind(this)); + return collection; + } + }, + /** + * Reverse path direction + * @property reverse + */ + reverse: { + value: false + }, + owner: { + + }, + topology: {} + }, + methods: { + init: function(props) { + this.inherited(props); + var pathStyle = this.pathStyle(); + this.view("path").sets(pathStyle); + + // if user passed a distinct color + if(props.color){ + this.pathColor(props.color); + } + else{ + this._setRandomColor(); + } + }, + /** + * Draw a path,internal + * @method draw + */ + draw: function() { + if (!this.topology()) { + return; + } + var generated = true, + topo = this.topology(), + allEdges = nx.path(this, "topology.graph.edges"), + allVertices = nx.path(this, "topology.graph.vertices"); + nx.each(this.verticesIdCollection(), function(id) { + var item = allVertices.getItem(id); + if (!item.generated()) { + generated = false; + return false; + } + }.bind(this)); + nx.each(this.edgeIdCollection(), function(id) { + var item = allEdges.getItem(id); + if (!item.generated()) { + generated = false; + return false; + } + }.bind(this)); + if (!generated) { + this.view("path").set('d', "M0 0"); + return; + } + + var link, line1, line2, pt, d1 = [], + d2 = []; + var stageScale = this.topology().stageScale(); + var pathWidth = this.pathWidth(); + var pathPadding = this.pathPadding(); + var paddingStart, paddingEnd; + var arrow = this.arrow(); + var v1, v2; + + + var edgeIds = this.edgeIdCollection(); + var links = []; + nx.each(edgeIds, function(id) { + links.push(topo.getLink(id)); + }); + var linksSequentialArray = this._serializeLinks(links); + var count = links.length; + + //first + var firstLink = links[0]; + + var offset = firstLink.getOffset(); + if (firstLink.reverse()) { + offset *= -1; + } + + offset = new Vector(0, this.reverse() ? offset * -1 : offset); + + line1 = linksSequentialArray[0].translate(offset); + + + if (pathPadding === "auto") { + paddingStart = Math.min(firstLink.sourceNode().showIcon() ? 24 : 4, line1.length() / 4 / stageScale); + paddingEnd = Math.min(firstLink.targetNode().showIcon() ? 24 : 4, line1.length() / 4 / stageScale); + } else if (nx.is(pathPadding, 'Array')) { + paddingStart = pathPadding[0]; + paddingEnd = pathPadding[1]; + } else { + paddingStart = paddingEnd = pathPadding; + } + if (typeof paddingStart == 'string' && paddingStart.indexOf('%') > 0) { + paddingStart = line1.length() * stageScale * parseInt(paddingStart, 10) / 100 / stageScale; + } + + if (pathWidth === "auto") { + pathWidth = Math.min(10, Math.max(3, Math.round(3 / stageScale))); //3/stageScale + } + pathWidth *= 1.5 * stageScale; + v1 = new Vector(0, pathWidth / 2); + v2 = new Vector(0, -pathWidth / 2); + + paddingStart *= stageScale; + + pt = line1.translate(v1).pad(paddingStart, 0).start; + d1.push('M', pt.x, pt.y); + pt = line1.translate(v2).pad(paddingStart, 0).start; + d2.unshift('L', pt.x, pt.y, 'Z'); + + if (links.length > 1) { + for (var i = 1; i < count; i++) { + link = links[i]; + line2 = linksSequentialArray[i].translate(new Vector(0, link.getOffset())); + pt = line1.translate(v1).intersection(line2.translate(v1)); + + if (isFinite(pt.x) && isFinite(pt.y)) { + d1.push('L', pt.x, pt.y); + } + pt = line1.translate(v2).intersection(line2.translate(v2)); + if (isFinite(pt.x) && isFinite(pt.y)) { + d2.unshift('L', pt.x, pt.y); + } + line1 = line2; + } + } else { + line2 = line1; + } + + if (typeof paddingEnd == 'string' && paddingEnd.indexOf('%') > 0) { + paddingEnd = line2.length() * parseInt(paddingEnd, 10) / 100 / stageScale; + } + + paddingEnd *= stageScale; + + if (arrow == 'cap') { + pt = line2.translate(v1).pad(0, 2.5 * pathWidth + paddingEnd).end; + d1.push('L', pt.x, pt.y); + pt = pt.add(line2.normal().multiply(pathWidth / 2)); + d1.push('L', pt.x, pt.y); + + pt = line2.translate(v2).pad(0, 2.5 * pathWidth + paddingEnd).end; + d2.unshift('L', pt.x, pt.y); + pt = pt.add(line2.normal().multiply(-pathWidth / 2)); + d2.unshift('L', pt.x, pt.y); + + pt = line2.pad(0, paddingEnd).end; + d1.push('L', pt.x, pt.y); + } else if (arrow == 'end') { + pt = line2.translate(v1).pad(0, 2 * pathWidth + paddingEnd).end; + d1.push('L', pt.x, pt.y); + + pt = line2.translate(v2).pad(0, 2 * pathWidth + paddingEnd).end; + d2.unshift('L', pt.x, pt.y); + + pt = line2.pad(0, paddingEnd).end; + d1.push('L', pt.x, pt.y); + } else if (arrow == 'full') { + pt = line2.pad(0, paddingEnd).end; + d1.push('L', pt.x, pt.y); + } else { + pt = line2.translate(v1).pad(0, paddingEnd).end; + d1.push('L', pt.x, pt.y); + pt = line2.translate(v2).pad(0, paddingEnd).end; + d2.unshift('L', pt.x, pt.y); + } + + this.view("path").set('d', d1.concat(d2).join(' ')); + //this.view("path").setTransform(null, null, this.topology().stageScale()); + + //todo + // if (links.length == 1) { + // firstLink.view().watch("opacity", function (prop, value) { + // if (this.$ && this.view("path") && this.view("path").opacity) { + // this.view("path").opacity(value); + // } + // }, this); + // } + }, + + _serializeLinks: function(links) { + var linksSequentialArray = []; + var len = links.length; + + if (this.reverse()) { + linksSequentialArray.push(new Line(links[0].targetVector(), links[0].sourceVector())); + } else { + linksSequentialArray.push(new Line(links[0].sourceVector(), links[0].targetVector())); + } + + for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) { + var firstLink = links[i - 1]; + var secondLink = links[i]; + var firstLinkSourceVector = firstLink.sourceVector(); + var firstLinkTargetVector = firstLink.targetVector(); + var secondLinkSourceVector = secondLink.sourceVector(); + var secondLinkTargetVector = secondLink.targetVector(); + + if (firstLink.targetNodeID() == secondLink.sourceNodeID()) { + linksSequentialArray.push(new Line(secondLinkSourceVector, secondLinkTargetVector)); + } else if (firstLink.targetNodeID() == secondLink.targetNodeID()) { + linksSequentialArray.push(new Line(secondLinkTargetVector, secondLinkSourceVector)); + } else if (firstLink.sourceNodeID() == secondLink.sourceNodeID()) { + linksSequentialArray.pop(); + linksSequentialArray.push(new Line(firstLinkTargetVector, firstLinkSourceVector)); + linksSequentialArray.push(new Line(secondLinkSourceVector, secondLinkTargetVector)); + } else { + linksSequentialArray.pop(); + linksSequentialArray.push(new Line(firstLinkTargetVector, firstLinkSourceVector)); + linksSequentialArray.push(new Line(secondLinkTargetVector, secondLinkSourceVector)); + } + } + + if (this.reverse()) { + linksSequentialArray.reverse(); + } + + return linksSequentialArray; + }, + _setRandomColor: function() { + var color = colorTable[colorIndex++ % 5]; + this.pathColor(color); + return color; + }, + isEqual: function(pos1, pos2) { + return pos1.x == pos2.x && pos1.y == pos2.y; + }, + dispose: function() { + this.edgeIdCollection().clear(); + nx.each(this.nodes, function(node) { + node.off('updateNodeCoordinate', this.draw, this); + }, this); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function (nx, global) { + + /** + * Base path class. + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.BasePath + * @extend nx.graphic.BasePath + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.BasePath", nx.graphic.Component, { + events: [], + properties: { + /** + * nodes to over path + * @property nodes + */ + nodes: {}, + /** + * path 'd' generator function + * @property pathGenerator + */ + pathGenerator: { + value: function () { + return function () { + + }; + } + }, + /** + * path style object + * @property path style + * + */ + pathStyle: { + value: function () { + return { + 'stroke': '#666', + 'stroke-width': 2, + fill: 'none' + }; + } + }, + /** + * topology reference + * @property topology + */ + topology: {} + }, + view: { + type: 'nx.graphic.Group', + content: { + name: 'path', + type: 'nx.graphic.Path', + props: { + + } + } + }, + methods: { + attach: function (parent) { + this.inherited(parent); + var watcher = this._nodesWatcher = new nx.graphic.Topology.NodeWatcher(); + watcher.observePosition(true); + watcher.topology(this.topology()); + watcher.updater(this._draw.bind(this)); + watcher.nodes(this.nodes()); + + //watcher + this.view("path").dom().setStyles(this.pathStyle()); + }, + _draw: function () { + var pathEL = this.view('path'); + var nodes = this._nodesWatcher.getNodes(); + if (nodes.length == this.nodes().length) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var pathStyle = this.pathStyle(); + var d = this.pathGenerator().call(this); + if (d) { + pathEL.set('d', d); + pathEL.visible(true); + var strokeWidth = parseInt(pathStyle['stroke-width'], 10) || 1; + pathEL.dom().setStyle('stroke-width', strokeWidth * topo.stageScale()); + } + } else { + pathEL.visible(false); + } + + + }, + draw: function () { + this._draw(); + } + } + }); +})(nx, nx.global); +(function(nx, global) { + var Vector = nx.geometry.Vector; + var Line = nx.geometry.Line; + + /** + * Path over nodeset, has limited use scene + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSetPath + * @extend nx.graphic.BasePath + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSetPath", nx.graphic.Topology.BasePath, { + properties: { + /** + * arrow style, could be null, cap, end + * @property {String} + */ + arrow: { + value: null + }, + pathGenerator: { + value: function() { + return function() { + var nodes = this.nodes(); + var topo = this.topology(); + if (!topo || !nodes) { + return; + } + var graph = topo.graph(); + var visibleNodes = []; + nodes.forEach(function(id) { + var vertex = graph.getVertex(id); + if (!vertex.generated()) { + vertex = vertex.generatedRootVertexSet(); + } + var node = topo.getNode(vertex.id()); + if (visibleNodes.indexOf(node) == -1) { + visibleNodes.push(node); + } + }); + var arrow = this.arrow(); + var pathStyle = this.pathStyle(); + var stageScale = topo.stageScale(); + var revisionScale = topo.revisionScale(); + var padding = (topo.showIcon() ? 20 : 8) * stageScale * revisionScale; + var strokeWidth = (parseInt(pathStyle['stroke-width'], 10) || 1) * stageScale; + var visibleNodesLength = visibleNodes.length; + var d = this._dArray = []; + + for (var i = 0; i < visibleNodesLength - 1; i++) { + var sourceNode = visibleNodes[i]; + var targetNode = visibleNodes[i + 1]; + var line = new Line(sourceNode.vector(), targetNode.vector()); + // padding start + if (i === 0) { + line = line.pad(padding, 0); + d.push('M', line.start.x, line.start.y); + } else if (i == visibleNodesLength - 2) { + line = line.pad(0, arrow ? padding + strokeWidth : padding); + d.push('L', line.start.x, line.start.y); + d.push('L', line.end.x, line.end.y); + } else { + d.push('L', line.start.x, line.start.y); + } + } + + this._drawArrow(); + return d.join(" "); + }; + } + } + }, + methods: { + attach: function(parent) { + this.inherited(parent); + var el = this._arrowEL = new nx.graphic.Path(); + el.attach(this); + + }, + _drawArrow: function() { + var arrow = this.arrow(); + + if (!this._arrowEL || !arrow) { + return; + } + var arrowD = []; + var d = this._dArray; + var len = d.length; + var topo = this.topology(); + var pathStyle = this.pathStyle(); + var stageScale = topo.stageScale(); + var revisionScale = topo.revisionScale(); + var strokeWidth = (parseInt(pathStyle['stroke-width'], 10) || 1) * stageScale; + var line = new Line(new Vector(d[len - 5], d[len - 4]), new Vector(d[len - 2], d[len - 1])); + var v1, v2, v3; + + if (arrow == 'cap') { + v1 = new Vector(0, -strokeWidth); + v2 = new Vector(strokeWidth, strokeWidth); + v3 = new Vector(-strokeWidth, strokeWidth); + arrowD.push('M', line.end.x, line.end.y); + line = line.translate(v1); + arrowD.push('L', line.end.x, line.end.y); + line = line.translate(v2); + arrowD.push('L', line.end.x, line.end.y); + line = line.translate(v3); + arrowD.push('L', line.end.x, line.end.y); + arrowD.push('Z'); + this._arrowEL.set('d', arrowD.join(" ")); + this._arrowEL.dom().setStyle('stroke-width', 1 * stageScale); + this._arrowEL.dom().setStyle('fill', pathStyle.stroke); + this._arrowEL.dom().setStyle('stroke', pathStyle.stroke); + + } else if (arrow == 'end') { + v1 = new Vector(0, -strokeWidth / 2); + v2 = new Vector(strokeWidth, strokeWidth / 2); + v3 = new Vector(-strokeWidth, strokeWidth / 2); + arrowD.push('M', line.end.x, line.end.y); + line = line.translate(v1); + arrowD.push('L', line.end.x, line.end.y); + line = line.translate(v2); + arrowD.push('L', line.end.x, line.end.y); + line = line.translate(v3); + arrowD.push('L', line.end.x, line.end.y); + arrowD.push('Z'); + this._arrowEL.set('d', arrowD.join(" ")); + this._arrowEL.dom().setStyle('stroke-width', 1 * stageScale); + this._arrowEL.dom().setStyle('fill', pathStyle.stroke); + this._arrowEL.dom().setStyle('stroke', pathStyle.stroke); + } + + } + + } + + }); +})(nx, window); +(function (nx, global) { + var util = nx.util; + /** + * Path layer class + Could use topo.getLayer("pathLayer") get this + * @class nx.graphic.Topology.PathLayer + * @extend nx.graphic.Topology.Layer + * @module nx.graphic.Topology + */ + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.PathLayer", nx.graphic.Topology.Layer, { + properties: { + + /** + * Path array + * @property paths + */ + paths: { + value: function () { + return []; + } + } + }, + methods: { + attach: function (args) { + this.attach.__super__.apply(this, arguments); + var topo = this.topology(); + topo.on('zoomend', this._draw, this); + topo.watch('revisionScale', this._draw, this); + + }, + _draw: function () { + nx.each(this.paths(), function (path) { + path.draw(); + }); + }, + /** + * Add a path to topology + * @param path {nx.graphic.Topology.Path} + * @method addPath + */ + addPath: function (path) { + this.paths().push(path); + path.topology(this.topology()); + path.attach(this); + path.draw(); + }, + /** + * Remove a path + * @method removePath + * @param path + */ + removePath: function (path) { + this.paths().splice(this.paths().indexOf(path), 1); + path.dispose(); + }, + clear: function () { + nx.each(this.paths(), function (path) { + path.dispose(); + }); + this.paths([]); + this.inherited(); + }, + dispose: function () { + this.clear(); + var topo = this.topology(); + topo.off('zoomend', this._draw, this); + topo.unwatch('revisionScale', this._draw, this); + this.inherited(); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); + +(function(nx, global) { + + + nx.define("nx.graphic.Topology.Nav", nx.ui.Component, { + properties: { + topology: { + get: function() { + return this.owner(); + } + }, + scale: {}, + showIcon: { + value: false + }, + visible: { + get: function() { + return this._visible !== undefined ? this._visible : true; + }, + set: function(value) { + this.view().dom().setStyle("display", value ? "" : "none"); + this.view().dom().setStyle("pointer-events", value ? "all" : "none"); + this._visible = value; + } + } + }, + + view: { + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav' + }, + content: [{ + name: 'icons', + tag: "ul", + content: [{ + tag: 'li', + content: { + name: 'mode', + tag: 'ul', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav-mode' + }, + content: [{ + name: 'selectionMode', + tag: 'li', + content: { + props: { + 'class': 'n-icon-selectnode', + title: "Select node mode" + }, + tag: 'span' + }, + events: { + 'mousedown': '{#_switchSelectionMode}', + 'touchstart': '{#_switchSelectionMode}' + } + + }, { + name: 'moveMode', + tag: 'li', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav-mode-selected' + }, + content: { + props: { + 'class': 'n-icon-movemode', + title: "Move mode" + + }, + tag: 'span' + }, + events: { + 'mousedown': '{#_switchMoveMode}', + 'touchstart': '{#_switchMoveMode}' + } + + }] + } + }, { + tag: 'li', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav-zoom' + }, + content: [{ + name: 'zoomin', + tag: 'span', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav-zoom-in n-icon-zoomin-plus', + title: "Zoom out" + }, + events: { + 'click': '{#_in}', + 'touchend': '{#_in}' + } + }, { + name: 'zoomout', + tag: 'span', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav-zoom-out n-icon-zoomout-minus', + title: "Zoom in" + }, + events: { + 'click': '{#_out}', + 'touchend': '{#_out}' + } + } + + ] + }, { + tag: 'li', + name: 'zoomselection', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav-zoom-selection n-icon-zoombyselection', + title: "Zoom by selection" + }, + events: { + 'click': '{#_zoombyselection}', + 'touchend': '{#_zoombyselection}' + } + }, { + tag: 'li', + name: 'fit', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav-fit n-icon-fitstage', + title: "Fit stage" + }, + events: { + 'click': '{#_fit}', + 'touchend': '{#_fit}' + } + }, + // { + // tag: 'li', + // name: 'agr', + // props: { + // 'class': 'n-topology-nav-agr', + // title: "Aggregation" + // }, + // content: [ + // { + // tag: 'span', + // props: { + // 'class': 'glyphicon glyphicon-certificate agr-icon' + // } + // }, + // { + // tag: 'span', + // content: 'A', + // props: { + // 'class': 'agr-text' + // } + // } + // ], + // events: { + // 'click': '{#_agr}' + // } + // }, + + + + { + tag: 'li', + name: 'agr', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav-agr n-icon-aggregation', + title: 'Aggregation' + }, + events: { + 'click': '{#_agr}', + 'touchend': '{#_agr}' + } + }, { + tag: 'li', + name: 'fullscreen', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav-full n-icon-fullscreen', + title: 'Enter full screen mode' + }, + events: { + 'click': '{#_full}', + 'touchend': '{#_full}' + } + }, { + tag: 'li', + name: 'setting', + content: [{ + name: 'icon', + tag: 'span', + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav-setting-icon n-icon-viewsetting' + }, + events: { + mouseenter: "{#_openPopover}", + mouseleave: "{#_closePopover}", + //touchend: "{#_togglePopover}" + } + }, { + name: 'settingPopover', + type: 'nx.ui.Popover', + props: { + title: 'Topology Setting', + direction: "right", + lazyClose: true + }, + content: [{ + tag: 'h5', + content: "Display icons as dots :" + }, { + tag: 'label', + content: [{ + tag: 'input', + props: { + type: 'radio', + checked: '{#showIcon,converter=inverted,direction=<>}' + } + }, { + tag: 'span', + content: "Always" + }], + props: { + 'class': 'radio-inline' + } + }, { + tag: 'label', + content: [{ + tag: 'input', + props: { + type: 'radio', + checked: '{#showIcon,direction=<>}' + } + }, { + tag: 'span', + content: "Auto-resize" + }], + props: { + 'class': 'radio-inline' + } + }, { + name: 'displayLabelSetting', + tag: 'h5', + content: [{ + tag: 'span', + content: 'Display Label : ' + }, { + tag: 'input', + props: { + 'class': 'toggleLabelCheckBox', + type: 'checkbox', + checked: true + }, + events: { + click: '{#_toggleNodeLabel}', + touchend: '{#_toggleNodeLabel}' + } + }] + }, { + tag: 'h5', + content: "Theme :" + }, { + + props: { + 'class': 'btn-group' + }, + content: [{ + tag: 'button', + props: { + 'class': 'btn btn-default', + value: 'blue' + }, + content: "Blue" + }, { + tag: 'button', + props: { + 'class': 'btn btn-default', + value: 'green' + }, + content: "Green" + }, { + tag: 'button', + props: { + 'class': 'btn btn-default', + value: 'dark' + }, + content: "Dark" + }, { + tag: 'button', + props: { + 'class': 'btn btn-default', + value: 'slate' + }, + content: "Slate" + }, { + tag: 'button', + props: { + 'class': 'btn btn-default', + value: 'yellow' + }, + content: "Yellow" + } + + ], + events: { + 'click': '{#_switchTheme}', + 'touchend': '{#_switchTheme}' + } + }, { + name: 'customize' + }], + events: { + 'open': '{#_openSettingPanel}', + 'close': '{#_closeSettingPanel}' + } + }], + props: { + 'class': 'n-topology-nav-setting' + } + } + ] + }] + }, + methods: { + init: function(args) { + this.inherited(args); + + + this.view('settingPopover').view().dom().addClass('n-topology-setting-panel'); + + + if (window.top.frames.length) { + this.view("fullscreen").style().set("display", 'none'); + } + }, + attach: function(args) { + this.inherited(args); + var topo = this.topology(); + topo.watch('scale', function(prop, scale) { + var maxScale = topo.maxScale(); + var minScale = topo.minScale(); + var navBall = this.view("zoomball").view(); + var step = 65 / (maxScale - minScale); + navBall.setStyles({ + top: 72 - (scale - minScale) * step + 14 + }); + }, this); + + topo.selectedNodes().watch('count', function(prop, value) { + this.view('agr').dom().setStyle('display', value > 1 ? 'block' : 'none'); + }, this); + + topo.watch('currentSceneName', function(prop, currentSceneName) { + if (currentSceneName == 'selection') { + this.view("selectionMode").dom().addClass("n-topology-nav-mode-selected"); + this.view("moveMode").dom().removeClass("n-topology-nav-mode-selected"); + } else { + this.view("selectionMode").dom().removeClass("n-topology-nav-mode-selected"); + this.view("moveMode").dom().addClass("n-topology-nav-mode-selected"); + } + }, this); + + + this.view('agr').dom().setStyle('display', 'none'); + + }, + _switchSelectionMode: function(sender, event) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var currentSceneName = topo.currentSceneName(); + if (currentSceneName != 'selection') { + topo.activateScene('selection'); + this._prevSceneName = currentSceneName; + } + }, + _switchMoveMode: function(sender, event) { + var topo = this.topology(); + var currentSceneName = topo.currentSceneName(); + if (currentSceneName == 'selection') { + topo.activateScene(this._prevSceneName || 'default'); + this._prevSceneName = null; + } + }, + _fit: function(sender, event) { + if (!this._fitTimer) { + this.topology().fit(); + + sender.dom().setStyle('opacity', '0.1'); + this._fitTimer = true; + setTimeout(function() { + sender.dom().setStyle('opacity', '1'); + this._fitTimer = false; + }.bind(this), 1200); + } + }, + _zoombyselection: function(sender, event) { + var icon = sender; + var topo = this.topology(); + var currentSceneName = topo.currentSceneName(); + + if (currentSceneName == 'zoomBySelection') { + icon.dom().removeClass('n-topology-nav-zoom-selection-selected'); + topo.activateScene('default'); + } else { + var scene = topo.activateScene('zoomBySelection'); + scene.upon('finish', function fn(sender, bound) { + if (bound) { + topo.zoomByBound(topo.getInsideBound(bound)); + } + topo.activateScene(currentSceneName); + icon.dom().removeClass('n-topology-nav-zoom-selection-selected'); + scene.off('finish', fn, this); + }, this); + icon.dom().addClass('n-topology-nav-zoom-selection-selected'); + } + }, + _in: function(sender, event) { + var topo = this.topology(); + topo.stage().zoom(1.2, topo.adjustLayout, topo); + event.preventDefault(); + }, + _out: function(sender, event) { + var topo = this.topology(); + topo.stage().zoom(0.8, topo.adjustLayout, topo); + event.preventDefault(); + }, + _full: function(sender, event) { + this.toggleFull(event.target); + }, + _enterSetting: function(event) { + this.view("setting").addClass("n-topology-nav-setting-open"); + }, + _leaveSetting: function(event) { + this.view("setting").removeClass("n-topology-nav-setting-open"); + }, + cancelFullScreen: function(el) { + var requestMethod = el.cancelFullScreen || el.webkitCancelFullScreen || el.mozCancelFullScreen || el.exitFullscreen; + if (requestMethod) { // cancel full screen. + requestMethod.call(el); + } else if (typeof window.ActiveXObject !== "undefined") { // Older IE. + var wscript = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); + if (wscript !== null) { + wscript.SendKeys("{F11}"); + } + } + }, + requestFullScreen: function(el) { + document.body.webkitRequestFullscreen.call(document.body); + return false; + }, + toggleFull: function(el) { + var elem = document.body; // Make the body go full screen. + var isInFullScreen = (document.fullScreenElement && document.fullScreenElement !== null) || (document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen); + + if (isInFullScreen) { + this.cancelFullScreen(document); + this.fire("leaveFullScreen"); + } else { + this.requestFullScreen(elem); + this.fire("enterFullScreen"); + } + return false; + }, + + _openPopover: function(sender, event) { + this.view("settingPopover").open({ + target: sender.dom(), + offsetY: 3 + }); + this.view('icon').dom().addClass('n-topology-nav-setting-icon-selected'); + }, + _closePopover: function() { + this.view("settingPopover").close(); + }, + _closeSettingPanel: function() { + this.view('icon').dom().removeClass('n-topology-nav-setting-icon-selected'); + }, + _togglePopover: function() { + var popover = this.view("settingPopover"); + if (popover._closed) { + popover.open(); + }else{ + popover.close(); + } + }, + _switchTheme: function(sender, event) { + this.topology().theme(event.target.value); + }, + + _toggleNodeLabel: function(sender, events) { + var checked = sender.get('checked'); + this.topology().eachNode(function(node) { + node.labelVisibility(checked); + }); + + nx.graphic.Topology.NodesLayer.defaultConfig.labelVisibility = checked; + nx.graphic.Topology.NodeSetLayer.defaultConfig.labelVisibility = checked; + }, + _agr: function() { + var topo = this.topology(); + var nodes = topo.selectedNodes().toArray(); + topo.selectedNodes().clear(); + topo.aggregationNodes(nodes); + } + } + }); + + +})(nx, nx.global); diff --git a/clab/graph_templates/nextui/static/js/script.js b/clab/graph_templates/nextui/static/js/script.js index d60f1864c..90ca6c3fa 100644 --- a/clab/graph_templates/nextui/static/js/script.js +++ b/clab/graph_templates/nextui/static/js/script.js @@ -89,8 +89,31 @@ 'setModel': function (model) { this.inherited(model); }, + calculateLabelPosition: function(percentDistance) { + var l = this.line(); + var n = this.line().normal().multiply(this.getOffset()*3); + var cp = this.line().center().add(n); + var bezierPoints = [ + [ l.start.x, l.start.y ], + [ cp.x, cp.y ], + [ cp.x, cp.y ], + [ l.end.x, l.end.y ], + ]; + var bzLength = nx.geometry.BezierCurve.getLength(bezierPoints) + return nx.geometry.BezierCurve.positionAlongCurve(bezierPoints, bzLength*percentDistance); + }, update: function () { + function findCommonLinks(widget) { + return widget.topology().getData().links.filter( (link) => { + if (widget.sourcelabel() == link.source && widget.targetlabel() == link.target) { + return link; + } else if ( widget.targetlabel() == link.source && widget.sourcelabel() == link.target ) { + return link; + } + }) + } this.inherited(); + const spacing = 2; var line = this.line(); var angle = line.angle(); var stageScale = this.stageScale(); @@ -106,11 +129,11 @@ var sourceTextBound = sourceText.getBound() sourceBg.sets({ width: sourceTextBound.width, visible: true }); sourceBg.setTransform(sourceTextBound.width / -2); - point = line.start; + point = this.calculateLabelPosition(0.1); if (stageScale) { - sourceBadge.set('transform', 'translate(' + point.x + ',' + point.y + ') ' + 'scale (' + stageScale + ') '); + sourceBadge.set('transform', 'translate(' + point[0] + ',' + point[1] + ') ' + 'scale (' + stageScale + ') '); } else { - sourceBadge.set('transform', 'translate(' + point.x + ',' + point.y + ') '); + sourceBadge.set('transform', 'translate(' + point[0] + ',' + point[1] + ') '); } } if (this.targetlabel()) { @@ -124,11 +147,11 @@ var targetTextBound = targetText.getBound() targetBg.sets({ width: targetTextBound.width, visible: true }); targetBg.setTransform(targetTextBound.width / -2); - point = line.end; + point = this.calculateLabelPosition(0.9); if (stageScale) { - targetBadge.set('transform', 'translate(' + point.x + ',' + point.y + ') ' + 'scale (' + stageScale + ') '); + targetBadge.set('transform', 'translate(' + point[0] + ',' + point[1] + ') ' + 'scale (' + stageScale + ') '); } else { - targetBadge.set('transform', 'translate(' + point.x + ',' + point.y + ') '); + targetBadge.set('transform', 'translate(' + point[0] + ',' + point[1] + ') '); } } this.view("sourceBadge").visible(true);