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@@   This project is not maintained anymore.                      @@
@@   Feel free to contact me directly in case of any questions.   @@

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Optimized, fast and unsafe Uniswap sniping bot for buying new listings.

"Buy Me A Coffee"

Table of content

How does it work?

We use BloXroute's streams to listen to liquidity add transaction and call swapExactETHForTokens on Uniswap V2 Router 02 contract. By sending our transaction with the same gas price, we have a very high chance of being very close to the original transaction in the block, hence buying tokens just after liquidity add and just before the price significantly rises.


pregen-diagram We pregenerate transactions with the most probable gas prices to send them instantly, hence skip signing process which is rather slow. This solution turned out to be around 2.5x faster on our testing machines.

Used libraries

Project structure

Directory structure

libs/ - contains all external libraries, see Used libraries
includes/ - contains all headers
tests/ - contains code testing
benchmarks/ - contains code benchmarking
doxygen/ - contains Doxygen configuration
img/ - contains images - contains built libraries
build/ - contains built executables
docs/ - contains generated documentation


includes/utils.hpp - converters and other utilities
includes/rlp.hpp - Recursive Length Prefix Encoding used to serialize objects in Ethereum
includes/transaction.hpp - creating and signing Ethereum transactions
includes/bot.hpp - tools to parse BloXroute messages, build transaction data, etc.
includes/config.hpp - configuration file, see Configuration


Configuration is saved in includes/config.hpp.

  • Config
    • Config::Transaction - transaction fields
      • Config::Transaction::Nonce - transaction nonce (hexadecimal)
      • Config::Transaction::Value - transaction value (hexadecimal, wei)
      • Config::Transaction::To - receiver of the transaction, mostly Uniswap V2 Router 02 (address)
      • Config::Transaction::GasLimit - transaction gas limit (hexadecimal)
      • Config::Transaction::PrivateKey - private key of sending wallet
    • Config::Transaction::SwapExactETHForTokens - values to construct transaction data to call SwapExactETHForTokens method
      • Config::Transaction::SwapExactETHForTokens::AmountOutMin - minimum amount of tokens to receive from the swap (hexadecimal)
      • Config::Transaction::SwapExactETHForTokens::TokenAddress - token's address we want to buy (address)
      • Config::Transaction::SwapExactETHForTokens::ReceiverAddress - address of receiving wallet (address)
    • Config::BloXroute
      • Config::BloXroute::Connection - BloXroute Cloud API connection credentials
        • Config::BloXroute::Connection::Address - address of the server
        • Config::BloXroute::Connection::AuthToken - authorization token
      • Config::BloXroute::Filters - newTxs stream filters
        • Config::BloXroute::Filters::MaxGasPrice - maximum gas price of the transaction (we do not want to lose millions on gas, do we?) (decimal, wei)
        • Config::BloXroute::Filters::MinValue - minimum transaction value, skips fake liquidity adds or tokens with small liquidity (decimal, wei)
        • Config::BloXroute::Filters::TokenAddress - alias for Config::SwapExactETHForTokens::TokenAddress, left for consistency (do not change!)
    • Config::TransactionPreGen - configuration for transaction pregeneration, for further explanation see Pregeneration
      • Config::TransactionPreGen::GasPriceGweiFrom - from gwei
      • Config::TransactionPreGen::GasPriceGweiTo - to gwei
      • Config::TransactionPreGen::GasPriceGweiDecimals - gwei decimals (eg. 1000 means generating transactions with gas price steps of 0.001 gwei)
      • Config::TransactionPreGen::ArraySize - precalculated based on above values (do not change!)
    • Config::Size
      • Config::Size::TransactionQuantityBuffer - size of transaction quantity buffer (do not change!)
      • Config::Size::TransactionAddressBuffer - size of transaction address buffer (do not change!)
      • Config::Size::TransactionDataBuffer - size of transaction data buffer, change when necessary (eg. when calling different method requiring more arguments)
      • Config::Size::TransactionRawBuffer - size of raw signed transaction, change when necessary (see above)
      • Config::Size::BloXrouteTransactionMessageString - size of both incoming and outcoming messages to the Cloud API

Installation guide

Installing required packages on Debian

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git make build-essential cmake autoconf libtool xsltproc libasio-dev
If you use macOS, you might have to manually link the OpenSSL
ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/*.dylib /usr/local/lib/
ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/*.a /usr/local/lib/

Cloning repository

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
cd UniswapSniperBot

Building and running main executable

make main

Building and running tests

make test

Building and running benchmarks

make benchmark

Generating documentation

make docs
Documentation is available here.