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632 lines (472 loc) · 19.3 KB
  • Feature Name: closures-fun-types
  • Start Date: 2019-08-31
  • RFC PR(S):
  • Stan Issue(s):


Add functional types and closures to the Stan language; generalize scope of function definitions.


  1. Extend object sized and unsized type language to functional types.

  2. Allow general expressions, variables, function arguments of function types to support functional programming.

  3. Allow functions to be defined in any scope.

  4. Allow values of constant variables in lexical scope to be captured via closures without passing as arguments.

Guide-level explanation

Functional Types

First-order functions

Consider the multiplication function, which among other signatures, requires a row vector and vector argument and returns their product, a real value. The function can be coded in Stan (without input size validation) as

real mult(row_vector x, vector y) {
  real prod = 0;
  for (n in 1:cols(x))
    prod += x[n] * y[n];
  return prod;

This defines an identifier mult that is of type real(row_vector, vector). In the type, the arguments are presented in order between parentheses and the result is on the outside.

The types real, int, vector, row_vector, and matrix are all first-order types. Arrays of first-order types are also first-order types, so that includes real[], int[ , ], and row_vector[]. A function is first-order if its arguments and result are first-order types. The current version of Stan only allows users to define first-order functions.

Higher-order functions

A function that takes function arguments or returns a function is said to be higher-order (we don't need to assign integer orders here; this definition is just for convenience).

The arguments to a function might themselves be functions. For instance, consider a function that composes two other functions,

real compose_apply(real(real) f, real(real) g, real x) {
  return f(g(x));

The argument f is of type real(real), i.e., a function from reals to reals. The argument gis of the same type. The final argumentxis of type real. The function simply appliesgtox, then applies fto the result. The type ofcompose_applyisreal(real(real), real(real), real)`.

Higher-order functions can also return functions as results. For example, consider the following version of multiplication that takes its arguments one at a time (such functions are said to be curried after Haskell Curry, one of the pioneers of higher-order logic and computation).

real(vector) curry_mult(row_vector x) {
    (vector y) {
      return mult(x, y);

This definition introduces two new concepts, lambdas for anonymous functions and closures, which we will unpack in the next two sections. For now, we will concentrate on implicit function typing.

The function curry_mult is of type (real(vector))(row_vector), meaning that it takes a single argument of type row_vector and returns a result of type real(vector), i.e., a function from vector to real. To avoid a pileup of parentheses on the left of type expressions, we assume they are left associative, so that, for example,

real(vector)(row_vector) == (real(vector))(row_vector)

Stan's types are what are known as simple, meaning they are recursively composed of simpler types down to first-order types. In In contrast, programming languages like Lisp involve much more general recursive typing, with which is possible to define a function that can be applied to itself. Languages OCaml go even further in allowing mutually recursive templated type definitions. This proposal sticks to simple types.


The term "lambda" is derived from the lambda-calculus, the logic behind functional programming languages from Lisp to OCaml. Currently, a Stan function is defined with a name like the definition of mult above. With lambdas, we can define anonymous functions that do not have names.

For example, consider the expression

(row_vector x, vector y) {
  return x * y;

This is a lambda defining a function that takes two arguments, a row vector x and a vector y, and returns their product. The return type, real, is implicitly defined by the type of x * y. Thus the type of the whole expression is real(row_vector, vector).

Using Stan's type language, we can declare a function variable and assign a function expression to it. For example

real(row_vector x, vector y) f;
f = (row_vector x, vector y) { return x * y; };
row_vector a = ...;
vector b = ...;
real c = f(a, b);

After this program executes, c will be equal to a * b.

Using the declare-define syntax, this provides an alternative approach to defining functions,

real(row_vector, vector) mult
  = (row_vector x, vector y) {
      return x * y;

The right-hand side of the expression defining mult is a lambda defining an anonymous function; the left hand side declares the variable mult, which is assigned the anonymous function as its value. The resulting value of mult is identical to the more standard definition form,

real mult(row_vector x, vector y) {
  return x * y;

This standard form may be thought of as syntactic sugar for the lambda and assignment.


Recall the definition of the curried form of row-vector/vector multiplication,

real(vector) curry_mult(row_vector x) {
  return (vector y) { return mult(x, y);  };

The value returned is an anonymous function, defined by

(vector y) { return mult(x, y);  }

More specifically, the value is a closure beause the variable x takes its value from the value of x in an enclosing scope, here the function argument row_vector x. Stan employs static lexical scoping, meaning that closures defined by lambdas such as the one above capture values of variables in enclosing scopes, including earlier in the Stan program.

For example, we can capture data variables by defining a function in the transformed data block,

data {
  real x;
  real y;
transformed data {
  real foo(real z) {
    return x * y + z;

The function foo defined in the transformed data block uses variables x and y, which caputre the values of the variables x and y defined in the data block. The same approach may be used to capture parameters by defining a function in the transformed parameters block. The type of foo is simply real(real), as it takes a real argument and returns a real result; under the hood, the function can store constant references to the variables x and y in the enclosing scope for use when the function is evaluated.

Lambdas may also use closures. For example, if the following appeared in a block allowing statements, such as the top of the transformed data block,

transformed data {
  real x = 12;
  real(real) h = (real u) { return u + x; };

the value 17 will be printed. If the value subsequently changes in the transformed data block, the original value will be used.

transformed data {
  real x = 12;
  real(real) h = (real u) { return u + x; };  // ILLEGAL CAPTURE OF x
  x = 1;

will still print 17, because the value of x is captured, not a reference.

This style of scoping for closures captures variables by value, resolving which variable's value to use by static lexical scoping. This latter term just means the variable to be used is known at compile time and scoping is to the (lexical) environment in which the lamda is defined. Any block variable in scope (that is, available to be used or printed) may be used in a lambda.

Now we can put everthing together with an example to see how composition might work.

real(real)(real(real))(real(real)) compose
 = (real(real) f) {
     return (real(real) g) {
       return (real x) {
         return f(g(x));
real(real) sq = (real x) { return x^2; }
real(real) p1 = (real u) { return u + 1; }
real(real) sq_p1 = compose(sq, p1);
real y = sq_p1(5);  // y is 26

The composition function is written out directly in curried form. Then the sq and p1 variables are set to functions and passed into compose. We could repeat and evaluate compose(sq_p1)(sq_p1)(3). We cold also pass the lambdas in directly as argumens without ever giving them names,

real(real) sq_p1
  = compose((real x) { return x^2; },
            (real u) { return u + 1; });

Block variables only to prevent dangling references

Capture of local variables that are not block variables will not be allowed. (Block variables include those defined at the top level scope of data, transformed data, parameters, transformed parameters, and generated quantities; it excludes the model block, which does not have any block-level variables.)

This ensures that the variables remain alive even if they would otherwise produce dangling references. For example, the following example is illegal because a is a local variable.

model {
  real a = 10;
  real(real) times_a = (real u) { return u * a; }  // ILLEGAL CAPTURE

In contrast, the following is acceptable, because a is a block variable.

transformed data {
  real a = 10;
  real(real) times_a = (real u) { return u * a; }

With pass by value, we do not run the risk of capturing dangling references. Consider the following example:

transformed data {
  real(real) f;
    real y = 3;
    f = (real u) { return u + y; };
    real a = f(5);  // DEFINED --- y still in scope
  real b = f(7);    // UNDEFINED --- y out of scope

Recall that the inner braces define a local scope; as soon as the last statement executes, local variables go out of scope and have undefined values. Allowing capture of local vaiables by reference risks capturing variables that disappear before the closure is used. This is one of the motivations for not capturing variables by reference.

Reference-level explanation

Variables captured by closure become constant

Once a variable is captured by a closure, it can no longer be modified. It is thus illegal to have

transformed data {
  real a = 10;
  real(real) times_a = (real u) { return u * a; }

The result is that closures themselves become constant because there is no way to change their behavior after they are created.

With the restriction to block variables discussed in the previous section, we should be able to capture variables either by value ([=] in C++) or by constant reference to a constant ([&] is sufficient because we do not allow modification of variables once they are captured).

Type system

The underlying type system for Stan relies on a notion of runtime typing of all objects. The runtime type does not include any constraints. The constraints are used for bounds checking for read or constructed types and for transforms for parameters.

Sized types are used for block declarations and unsized types are used for function arguments. Local variables are currently sized, but in the future will be allowed to be unsized.

Unsized runtime types

The set of unsized runtime types is the least set of types such that

  • unsized primitive type: int and real are unsized types,
  • unsized vector type: vector and row_vector are unsized types,
  • unsized matrix typen: , matrix is an unsized type,
  • unsized array type: T[] is an unsized type if T is an unsized type, and
  • unsized function type: T0(T1,...,TN) is an unsized type if T0, T1, ..., TN are unsized types.

Covariance and contravariance

If we wanted to get fancy, we could use the polarity of type occurrences in function types to extend assignability. For the base case, we have int as a subtype of real in the sense that we can assign an int expression to a real variable but not vice-versa. Covariant typing would extend this as follows.

  • int is a subtype real,
  • T[] is a subtype of U[] if T is a subtype of U, and
  • T0(T1, ..., TN) is a subtype of U0(U1, ..., UN) if T0 is a subtype of U0, U1 is a subtype of T1, ..., UN is a subtype of TN.

The type T in the array type T[] is covariant in that it preserves subtyping. The type T in T(U) is similarly covariant, but U is contravariant, in that it reverses the subtyping relationship. As a concrete example, consider legal types for a (the lvalue) and b (the rvalue) in a = b,

lvalue type legal rvalue types
int(int) int(int), int(real)
real(real) real(real), int(real)
int(real) int(real)
real(int) real(int), real(real), int(real)

Sized types

The set of sized runtime types is the least set of types such that

  • sized primitive type: int and real are sized types,
  • sized vector type: vector[K] and row_vector[K] are sized types if K is a non-negative integer,
  • sized matrix type: matrix[M, N] is a sized type if M and N are non-negative integers,
  • sized array type: T[] is a sized type if T is a sized type, and
  • sized function type: T0(T1,...,TN) is a sized type if T0, T1, ..., TN are sized types.

Lambda Expression Syntax

Syntactically, a lambda expression is represented as a function argument list followed by a function body. For example, in (real u) { return 1 / (1 + exp(-u)); }, the function argument list is (real u) and the function body is { return 1 / (1 + exp(-u)); }.

As a shorthand, a function argument list followed by an expression is taken to be shorthand for the function argument list followed by a function body returning that expression. For example, the lambda expression

(real u) { return 1 / (1 + exp(-u)); }

may be replaced with the equivalent

(real u) 1 / 1 + exp(-u)

Lambda expressions behave like other expressions such as 2 + 2, only they denote functions rather than values and have function types.

Changes to Standard Functions

Allow functions to be defined in any scope. Allow function definitions and lambda expressions to capture variables in scope by value.

Deprecate the functions block; functions declared there can be declared in the transformed data block.

Standard function definitions of the form

T0 f(T1 x1, ..., TN xN) { ... }

may be replaced with

T0(T1, ..., TN) f = (T1 x1, ..., TN xN) { ... }

Variable declarations

Variable declarations for functions follows the usual syntax, with a sized type required for block variables, an unsized type for function arguments, and either a sized (as of 2.20) or unsized (future) type for a local variable declaration.


Nothing changes conceptually about assignment. The right-hand side type must still be assignable to the left-hand side type, which for functions, means they have the same function type. The only question is whether to require strict matching of types or support full covariance and contravariance.


Lambdas can be mapped directly to C++ lambdas with default value closures. This will work because the scope of the compiled C++ is the same as that of the Stan program.


Like all new features, more coding, testing, doc, and ongoing maintenance.

Higher-order programming is hard. If we use too much of it, we risk alienating users who are looking for something simpler.

There is no I/O for types with functions in them, as there is no way to save a function. This will complicate various test programs and I/O programs involving typed variables.

Rationale and alternatives

This is really two proposals, one for closures (for capturing variables in scope) and one for lambdas (for anonymous functions). Although they naturally go together, it would be possible to adopt closures without lambdas or vice-versa.

Disallowing lambdas would complicate standard functional idioms like maps, which rely on simple inline anonymous lambdas.

Disallowing closures requires passing all values to higher order functions as arrays along with the packing and unpacking required.

Prior art

Most major languages support both lambdas and closures. I'll survey the ones that are most relevant to our project in that they'll be the most familiar to our users.


The proposal here follows the C++11 style of lambdas and closures both syntactically and semantically. The sublanguage for specifying unsized types directly mirrors the type syntax of C++11.

C++ allows an explicit specification of whether variables are captures by reference or by value; the proposal here is equivalent to having the captures at the front of the lambda expression be explicitly specified as captured by reference, [=], which specifies that all automatic variables used in the body of the lambda be captured by value. Automatic variables are those without explicit capture declarations; all variables in this proposal for Stan will behave as automatic variables.


R captures by reference using dynamic lexical scope.

In R, the expression function(u) { return(1 / (1 + exp(-u))) } defines a function that denotes the inverse logit function. It can be assigned to a variable, e.g.,

inv_logit <- function(u) { return(1 / (1 + exp(-u))); }
theta <- inv_logit(0.2)

Unlike C++ or Stan, R requires the outer parentheses for returns. R provides a convenient shortcut that the body of a function returns its last evaluated expression if there is no return statement, so the inverse logit function can be rewritten as

inv_logit <- function(u) { 1 / (1 + exp(-u)) }

We can go one step further and drop the braces, as they are only there to allow a sequence of statements to be grouped,

inv_logit <- function(u) 1 / (1 + exp(-u))

This is the abbreviated syntax we recommend here for Stan lambdas, where the equivalent would be

real(real) ilogit = (real u) { return 1 / (1 + exp(-u)); };

or in abbreviated form,

real(real) ilogit = (real u) 1 / (1 + exp(-u));

R uses the unusual mechanism of dynamic lexical scoping, meaning that a lambda will capture whichever variable exists in its environment when executed. This can lead to non-deterministic behavior of variable scopes at runtime. This proposal for Stan is to use the more traditional approach of static lexical scoping, which is what is used in C++.


Python captures variables by reference.

Python allows lambdas such as lambda u : 1 / (1 + exp(-u)). Multiple argument functions my be lambda x, y : (x**2 + y**2)**0.5. Python captures variables by reference in lambdas, as the following example demonstrates.

>>> x = 3
>>> f = lambda y : (x**2 + y**2)**0.5
>>> f(4)
>>> x = 10
>>> f(4)

This is the same capture-by reference that is used by R as well as the behavior for C++ if the captures specification takes all implicit captures by reference ([&]). We are explicitly proposing to capture variables by value here.

Unresolved questions

None at this point unless someone wants to suggest an alternative syntax. I just borrowed the C++ syntax.