header code | pattern |
single byte | 0xxxxxxx |
zero value/false of bool | 10000000 |
true of bool | 10000001 |
empty value | 10000010 |
reserved | 10000011 |
reserved | 100001xx |
array(single byte header) | 1001xxxx |
array(multi bytes header) | 10001xxx |
positive numeric(single byte header) | 10100xxx |
negative numeric(single byte header) | 10101xxx |
positive numeric(multi bytes header) big.Int | 10110xxx |
negative numeric(multi bytes header) big.Int | 10111xxx |
string = (array of bytes)(single byte header) | 110xxxxx |
string = (array of bytes)(multi bytes header) | 11100xxx |
struct version(single byte value) | 1111xxxx |
struct version(single byte header) | 11101xxx |
one byte for byte value <= 127 (0x7F)
zero value of all type(nil for pointer/slice/map, false of boolean,"" for string, empty for array, 0 for numeric)
true value of bool type
empty value of slice, map
array: followed by elements in array, byte array excluded (use string instead).
map: even index is the key, odd index is the value
struct: one property of the struct is an element in the array
- bit[7-4]:'1001'
- bit[3-0]: the number of the length of the array. '0000': 16bytes, '0001': 1byte, '0010': 2bytes,...,'1111': 15bytes
- empty array is a zero value, use zero value ['10000000'] instead
- followed by bytes in array from lower index to upper index
- bit[7-3]='10001', bit[2-0] is the length of the number of the elements of the array, followed by
- max bytes in the length number is 8: '000': 8bytes, '001':1byte, '010':2bytes,...,'111':7bytes
- empty array is a zero value, use zero value ['10000000'] instead
- the max number of elements in the array is
$2^{8*8}$ - followed by big-endian prefix-zero-trimed hexadecimal bytes of the length
- followed by bytes in array from lower index to upper index
Signed and unsigned integer, float, big.Int values are supported. We use one bit to identify the positive and negative of the number.
- bit[7-4]: '1010'
- bit[3]: '0': positive number, '1': negative number
- bit[2-0]: the number of the hexadecimal bytes of the number. '000': 8bytes, '001':1byte, '010':2bytes,...,'111':7bytes.
- zero byte not support, use zero value ['10000000'] instead
- followed by big-endian prefix-zero-trimed hexadecimal bytes of the absolute value of the number.
- for int/int8/int16/int32/int64/uint/uint8/uint16/uint32/uint64/float32/float64 and all there aliases
- bit[7-4]: '1011'
- bit[3]: '0': positive number, '1': negative number
- bit[2-0]: the number of the hexadecimal bytes of length of the number. '000': 8bytes, '001':1byte, '010':2bytes,...,'111':7bytes
- zero byte not support, use zero value ['10000000'] instead
- the max bytes length of the number is:
$2^{8*8}$ - followed by big-endian prefix-zero-trimed hexadecimal bytes of the number of the length.
- followed by hexadecimal bytes of the number
- for big.Int
- bit[7-5]: '110'
- bit[4-0]: the number of the bytes in string. '00000': 32bytes, '00001': 1byte, '00010': 2bytes,..., '11111': 31bytes
- zero byte string is an empty string, use zero value ['10000000'] instead
- bit[7-3]: '11100'
- bit[2-0]: the number of the bytes of the number of the bytes in string. max number of bytes is 8, '000': 8bytes, '001':1byte, '010':2bytes,...,'111':7bytes.
- zero byte string is an empty string, use zero value ['10000000'] instead
- the max length of the string is:
$2^{8*8}$ - followed by big-endian prefix-zero-trimed hexadecimal bytes of the number of the length
- followed by bytes in UTF-8 of the string
struct version is an unsigned number to distinguish between different version of struct stream data.
- bit[7-4]: '1111'
- bit[3-0]: the version number of the struct, '0000'-'1111' means version 0 to 15
- default struct version is 0
- struct version absentness means version equals 0
- bit[7-3]: '11101'
- bit[2-0]: the number of the bytes of the version number. Max number of bytes is 8, '000': 8bytes, '001':1byte, '010':2bytes, ..., '111':7bytes.
- followed by big-endian prefix-zero-trimed hexadecimal bytes of the version number
- the max version number is