- Status:
- Feature Name: Transaction buffer design
- Propose Date: 2021-1-13
- RFC PR: streamnative/community#0003
- Project Issue: apache/pulsar#0003
- Authors: congbo
Currently, we produce transaction message in the topic ManagedLedger. When we commit or abort this transaction, we will write a marker into this managedLedger. We store transaction have sent messages in memory, TC will send commit or abort command and then we can know witch messages we need to commit or abort.We handle transaction message after we read the mark. Because, we already store the transaction messageIds in the mark metadata, we can deserialize the metadata and get the messageIds witch is belong to this transaction.This will produce some problem.
- When one transaction commit or abort, client also can produce message into ManagedLedger.
- We can't store the transaction's messageIds into marker, because it may bigger than 5MB.
- We don't store the messageIds in marker, we should store the messageIds in sub dispatcher, it will take up a lot memory.
- If we dispatch message after we read a commit mark, it will not ensure the order of messages.
- If we cumulative ack may lost the message which have not read the mark.
What kind of transaction buffer should we design?
- Delete the unless transaction message in ManagedLedger.
- Don' store the messageIds in mark metadata.
- No messageIds corresponding to the transaction in memory.
- If we cumulative ack will not lost the message witch have not read mark and dispatch to consumer.
- Ensure the order of messages when dispatch.
We need to ensure the order of messages. When we ensure the order of message, we are already ensure the cumulative ack will not lost message. So we should know witch positions before this position we can dispatch. We call the position is stable position.
You will have questions.Why stable position is always -1?When we have not read any transaction mark, we will not change the stable position. It means that we will not dispatch any message to consumer
When we read Tnx 1 mark, this means that all messages witch belong to Tnx 1 can dispatch, but before Ps 2 the Ps 1 is belong to Txn 2, so we should ensure the order of messages we only can dispatch the Ps 0 to consumer and the SP = 0. It means that we can read from PS -1 to PS 0 second time and dispatch these positions.
The same when we read position to 7, we can read from PS 0 to PS 7. The result as picture shows.
As the picture show, we only need the first position of the transaction. When we read a mark we can remove the first position of the transaction in the queue, it means all this transaction messages can dispatch. It saves memory and don't need additional data structure.
Obviously we choose the easy plan.
As the picture show, it is easy to think of we should to maintain an ordered queue. When we read mark, we can remove the position witch is belong to this transaction of this mark. But it have some problem :
- When we have not read a transaction mark, we have to record the all the position in memory witch is belong to this transaction.
- Position queue is orderly, so we have to maintain a map with the corresponding relationship between position and transaction.
The above are all plans based on commit mark, how we handle the abort mark?
We need read transaction message twice in broker, so we can record the abort mark in memory. When we read from perv stable position to current stable position, we have already know witch transaction have been aborted.
When we read Txn 1 mark, we have already know that the Txn 1 have been aborted. So when we read from SP -1 to SP 0 again, the SP 0 is Txn 1 and it have been aborted, we can ack this message directly and don't dispatch this message to consumer.
What time we can delete the abort mark from memory? After we read PS 7, we can know that change the SP 0 to SP 7. When we find the SP changed, we can read SP 0 to SP 7. The Txn 1 abort mark position is smaller than SP, so we can delete then Txn 1 abort mark from memory. The same is true for Txn3 abort mark.
Now, Transaction buffer don't know the TxnId is repeated, Tc can't write abort mark by time out mechanism to control the Illegal transaction message append to ManagedLedger. We mast find a good way to solve this question.
As shown in the figure above, Txn1 m4 can't be cleared. Because after TC time out and then the TC will never write any mark to TB with Txn1.
We can't handle the messages witch send after have written commit or abort mark. So when we handle the commit or abort command protobuf with the least txnId, we can judge witch txnId has been invalid. We should maintain an orderly data structure to handle which txnId is smaller than the least txnIn in TC.
Transaction buffer can maintain a map Map<TCid, Queue<Long>>
, when the queue store sequenceId is smaller than the least sequenceId in TC. We will write an abort marker in this topic's ManagedLedger again. This can clear the redundant data of transaction buffer completely!
We write the Invalid transaction abort mark in ManagedLedger. Dispatcher only need to handle this by a normal abort mark. Dispatcher logical will become very easy.
Transaction buffer need to replay the ManagedLedger when every time ManagedLedger close. When it replay, the topic can't write the transaction message into ManagedLedger. It is difficult to store the start position when it replay. If we use cursor individual ack the position, it will take up a lot of memory and disk. We also need to maintain the ongoing transaction in the memory, it also will take up a lot of memory.
Dispatcher don't know the LowWaterMark of this TC, but we can store the LowWaterMark when we write the abort or commit mark. Now when dispatcher read mark, it also know this time of the TC LowWaterMark.
As the picture show, we can't read any mark with Txn 1. This picture lose the LowWaterMark. Next picture we will understand the LowWaterMark how work.
As the picture show, we can delete Txn 1 beacause Txn 1 is smaller than LowWaterMark 2. We can add the Txn 1 to abort Map. When dispatch read PS 5 we will know the Tnx 1 have been aborted.
When we read PS 6, we can remove the T1, P6 from abort map.
We don't need add any structure to maintain the LowWaterMark, transaction buffer don't need to replay, He is only responsible for writing abort and commit mark.
When we write a mark, we have to add a field, the field type is Long. So every time we write mark, we will store a Long more.
Although dispatcher handle store a Long more when write mark, but transaction buffer should replay and maintain an ordered structure for ongoing transaction. So, we only write a Long more can solve the unless transaction and don't add any structure and replay ManageLedger, we choose dispatcher to handle the ongoing transaction.
The above plan have some problem:
- Every dispatcher have to store the every transaction stable position and abort transaction.
- Dispatcher should read twice when stable position change.
How to solve these problem:
Transaction buffer know every transaction state. Maintain the transaction stable position and abort transaction in transaction buffer, when the once read position we can obtain the stable position from transaction buffer and filter the abort transaction.
One problem, how we replay transaction stable position and abort transaction quickly? Store snapshot in mark and use cursor to replay. Also we don't need to store the lowWaterMark.
- Don't need to read twice when dispatch.
- Don't need to maintain transaction stable position and abort transaction in every dispatcher.
- Don't need to store lowWaterMark.
- When topic init transaction buffer need to replay the transaction stable position and abort transaction , in this time dispatcher can't read entries.
- Transaction buffer need to store snapshot.
- When the message have been deleted the abort transaction can delete from the memory.
- Add one protobuf format with least txnId in TC
message CommandEndTxnOnPartition {
required uint64 request_id = 1;
optional uint64 txnid_least_bits = 2 [default = 0];
optional uint64 txnid_most_bits = 3 [default = 0];
optional string topic = 4;
optional TxnAction txn_action = 5;
optional uint64 txnid_least_bits_of_low_watermark = 6;
Maintain the transaction stable position map and abort map.
- Can't read position more than transaction stable position.
- Filter the abort transaction message.
Look up to the Condition, Is our design satisfied?
- LowWaterMark implement meet Condition 1
- We don't store the messageId in metadata meet Condition 2
- Stable position implement meet Condition 4, Condition 5
- We don't store the messageId corresponding the transaction in memory meet Condition 3
- LowWaterMark is affected by the entire TC, unstable situations will occur. But you use transaction correctly, it will not happen.
- Now we use stable position, after a transaction is committed, the message sent for this transaction will be affected by other uncommitted transactions.
- We ensure that consume messages are in the order in which they are actually sent, but there is no guarantee that transactions are committed first and consumed first.