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This project is a C++ implementation of HeteroSamplers: heterogenous Gibbs samplers for structured prediction problems. It is based on algorithms published in the AISTATS 2015 paper

Shi Tianlin, Jacob Steinhardt, and Percy Liang

Learning Where to Sample in Structured Prediction

18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

How does it work

Taking a pre-trained model and its Gibbs sampler, the algorithm uses reinforcement learning to figure out which part of the structured output needs more sampling, and hence require more computational resources.

Installing HeteroSampler

This release is for early adopters of this premature software. Please let us know if you have comments or suggestions. Contact: tianlinshi [AT]

HeteroSampler is written in C++ 11, so requires gcc >= 4.8. It also uses HDF5 for reading some type of model data. It is partially built on OpenGM, a open-source graphical model toolbox.

Dependencies (Ubuntu)

To install gcc 4.8,

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test;
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install -qq g++-4.8
export CXX="g++-4.8"

Install cmake to bulid the source code

sudo apt-get install cmake

Install boost-program-options

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

Install Hierarchical Data Format (HDF 5):

sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev

Dependencies (OS X, Homebrew)


cmake .

The compilation will create the directory "bin/". All binary executables will be located in it.


Pre-Train a Sequence Tagging Model

To pre-train an NER model, run tagging with the following parameters:

./bin/tagging --T 8 --B 5 --train data/eng_ner/train --test data/eng_ner/test --eta 0.3 --depthL 2 --windowL 2 --factorL 2 --output model/eng_ner/gibbs.model --scoring NER --Q 1 --log 'log/eng_ner/log' --testFrequency 1
Parameters Meaning
T number of Gibbs sweeps over each training instance
B number of burn-in steps for Gibbs sweeps
train path for training data
test path for test data
eta learning rate (AdaGrad)
depthL up to which input column is used as input
windowL window size for features like x_j - y_i
factorL factor size, e.g. if factorL = 1, use features y_{i-1} - y_i - y_{i+1}
output output file to store the pre-trained model
scoring NER or Acc. NER = F1 score, Acc = Accuracy
Q number of passes over the training dataset
log path for log file
testFrequency over what percentage of the training set to run a test

Scripts have been written for training various types of models, including

# learn NER model 
# learn POS model on WSJ dataset

Run Gibbs Policy on the Pre-Trained Model

./bin/policy --type tagging --policy gibbs --output result/eng_ner/gibbs  --model model/eng_ner/gibbs_small.model --train  data/eng_ner/train_small --test data/eng_ner/test_small --eta 1 --T 4   --log log/eng_ner/gibbs
Parameter Meaning
type the specific task to solve (tagging / ocr / ising / opengm)
policy which policy to use (gibbs / adaptive)
output where to dump the results
model where to load the pre-trained model
train location of training dataset
test location of test dataset
eta meta step size of AdaGRAD used in policy training
T the computational resource contraint, how many effective passes are made
log where to log

Run Adaptive Policy on the Pre-Trained Model

Adaptive policy uses Gibbs policy as exploration strategy during training. It learns a block policy that selects which example and which part to sample at run time.

The command line interface of adaptive policy is the same.

./bin/policy --type tagging --policy adaptive --output result/eng_ner/adaptive  --model  model/eng_ner/gibbs.model --train  data/eng_ner/train --test data/eng_ner/test --eta 1 --T 6  --feat 'sp cond-ent bias nb-vary nb-discord' --reward 0  --log log/eng_ner/adaptive

except --policy adaptive and the --feat option. The --feat option takes a list of strings, seperated by space, each of which representing a meta-feature used.

Meta-Feature Meaning
bias always equal to 1.0
cond-ent stale entropy value of the position conditional on its Markov blanket
unigram-ent the entropy of the position based on a unigram model (required option --unigram_model to specify the model path)
sp how many times this position has been sampled
nb-discord discord with neighboring positions in the Markov blanket
nb-vary how many neighbors have changed since last sampling the position

Make Plots

To make the budget and overhead figures as in our paper, run the python script in bin/:

python bin/ ner budget
python bin/ ner overhead

The figures are generated in result/eng_ner/budget.pdf and result/eng_ner/overhead.pdf.


If our software helps you in your work, please cite

Shi, Tianlin, Jacob Steinhardt, and Percy Liang. "Learning Where to Sample in Structured Prediction." Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 2015.

License (GPL V3)

Copyright (C) 2014 Tianlin Shi

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see