STRUDEL Kit is a React-based JavaScript library for building scientific UIs based on the STRUDEL Design System and Task Flows. Visit for more information about the STRUDEL project.
This library provides a suite of templates to implement UIs for various different task flows common to the scientific domain. The app is intended to be used as a starting point for building out a web app that includes one or more of the task flows provided.
Install strudel-cli from PyPi:
pip install strudel-cli
Create a strudel base app:
strudel create-app my-app
This will generate a base web application in a new directory called my-app
. Go into the new directory:
cd my-app
Install the app dependencies:
npm install
Start up your app locally:
npm start
Open your app in the browser at http://localhost:5173
Add a Task Flow to your app:
strudel add-taskflow my-taskflow --template compare-data
This generates new template files for your Task Flow in my-app/src/pages/my-taskflow
. Check out the First Steps and Configuration page for the template you are using to learn how to customize it.
Navigate to http://localhost:5173/my-taskflow to see your new Task Flow.
The strudel-cli is a command-line tool for bootstrapping web applications based on the STRUDEL Design System. If you're looking to get started building web applications with STRUDEL, this is the best way to start.
Demo react app that implements each of the STRUDEL task flows. This code is an example of what you can build using the strudel-cli. If you prefer to just copy and paste code from GitHub, this is a good place to start.
Templates designed for the cookiecutter tool. These templates are what strudel-cli uses to generate apps/task-flows. This package is not intended to be interacted with directly. It's best to use the strudel-cli.