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Configuration loading is designed for containerization in mind. The container engine and orchestrator can mount volumes (secret or regular) as well as set the environment variables as outlined below.

You may set configurations through both files and environment variables. Please note that environment variables will override the settings in the configuration files. The configuration files are all expected to be in YAML format.

Table of contents

Price Quote Providers

Configurations for the API Keys and endpoints for Fiat and Crypto-Currency prices will be set through this file. This configuration file would be encrypted and stored in a secrets store for a production environment.

The development environment requires that a configuration file called DevQuotesConfig.yaml be located in the configs directory. This file will contain the API credentials in the following format:

fiatCurrency: your-fiat-currency-api-key
cryptoCurrency: your-cryptocurrency-api-key

The GitHub Actions CI pipeline will need to have a secrets with the API keys configuration stored under the Repository Secrets:


Free API Keys for data can be obtained here for fiat currencies, and here for cryptocurrencies. The endpoint URLs are public information and are thus included in the sample QuotesConfig.yaml file.

Proxy Recordings

The requests to the currency exchanges can be captured through a Proxy Recorder, such as Gatling Recorder or go-vcr, and then replayed for tests. This would necessitate frequent updates of the recordings to ensure that any changes to the API responses are captured. This way, the tests portray an accurate depiction of the interaction with the API.

Since this project is a demonstration project and does not use a production-grade API endpoint, it is best to conduct the tests against the actual API endpoints. Paying customers of an API will be likely to receive advance notice of any fundamental changes. Running against the actual API endpoint will ensure that any changes to the API responses cause an immediate failure in the test suite.

File Location(s)

The configuration loader will search for the configurations in the following order:

Location Details
/etc/FTeX.conf/ The etc directory is the canonical location for configurations.
$HOME/.FTeX/ Configurations can be located in the user's home directory.
./configs/ The config folder in the root directory where the application is located.
Environment variables Finally, the configurations will be loaded from environment variables and override configuration files

Configuration File

The expected file name is QuotesConfig.yaml. Unless otherwise specified, all the configuration items below are required.

Name Environment Variable Key Type Description
Fiat Currency QUOTES_FIATCURRENCY Parent key for Fiat Exchange endpoint information.
↳ APIKey .APIKEY string API Key for fiat currency quotes.
↳ HeaderKey .HEADERKEY string Header key under which the API Key must be stored.
↳ Endpoint .ENDPOINT string API endpoint for fiat currency quotes.
Crypto Currency QUOTES_CRYPTOCURRENCY Parent key for Crypto Exchange endpoint information.
↳ APIKey .APIKEY string API Key for crypto currency quotes.
↳ HeaderKey .HEADERKEY string Header key under which the API Key must be stored.
↳ Endpoint .ENDPOINT string API endpoint for crypto currency quotes.
Connection QUOTES_CONNECTION Parent key for connection configuration.
↳ userAgent .USERAGENT string The user-agent to be used as the request client in http requests.
↳ timeout .TIMEOUT time.Duration The maximum duration to wait for a quote request.

Example Configuration File

  apiKey: some-api-key-for-fiat-currencies
  headerKey: X-RapidAPI-Key
  apiKey: some-api-key-for-crypto-currencies
  headerKey: X-CoinAPI-Key
  userAgent: ftex_inc
  timeout: 1s

Example Environment Variables

export QUOTES_FIATCURRENCY.ENDPOINT=https://url-to-fiat-currency-endpoint