this repo has been archived - pls head to to contribute recipes!
you can now see the recipes here!
Table of Contents
MVP repo to just start collecting recipes for Svelte Community. The core inspiration is
All examples have some variation "with Svelte" appended to them in an attempt to optimize for searchability.
NOTE: This is a new project! What you see below is an evolving work in progress. Please see Project Goals for more. We actively need contributions of ideas and content!
Newcomers to Svelte should:
- go thru the Svelte tutorial (30 mins)
- read thru the Svelte docs (30 mins)
- or go thru the Svelte workshop (3 hrs)
we dont need to be the only collection, happy to link to others too
- yours?
- Build Setup Recipes
- Using Svelte with other technologies (e.g. PostCSS, SCSS, TypeScript, and Babel)
- Transpiling ES6 to ES5 for Legacy Browser (IE11) Support with Babel
- Using Future JS Syntax in Svelte with Babel
- Using TypeScript with Svelte
- Using PostCSS/SCSS with Svelte
- Writing Your Own Preprocessors
- How to make a pre-processor that makes it possible to use PUG/Jade
- Svelte Language Fundamentals
- Svelte Component Recipes
- Svelte Store Recipes
- Svelte Action Recipes
- Svelte Transition Recipes
- Svelte Form Recipes
- Svelte App-Level Design Patterns
- Svelte Performance Tips
- Testing and Debugging Svelte
- Publishing Svelte Components/Deploying Svelte Apps
- Special Usecase Walkthroughs