- Correct a crash when a date is not a date (oO)
- HSTracker like your decks and want to create them multiple times on HeartStats
- Bugfixes
- (A lot of) Bugfixes (thanks HockeyApp, and you guys which send reports)
- Change loader to add some text and progress
- Change HSTracker logs, should stop crash on 10.8
- Joust cards are now shown on the deck of your opponent
- Rewrite the popup on the deck manager to use a cleaner one
- Heroes are back
- Bugfixes
Hey guys, sorry for 0.12 start which is not glorious, patch 0.3 + a lot of downtime on HearthStats reveal a lot of bugs. I'm trying to do my best to correct them as fast as possible !
- Correct some crashes
- Add Sparkle for auto-update stuff !
- Correct the invalid update message
- Correct a crash if HearthStats is down and the timeout is too long
- Add HockeyApp to help getting error message. Please always accept to send the crash logs !
- Bugfixes !
- Fix : should run correctly on 10.8
- Fix : upload on HearthStats
- Add an option to rebuild card database (menu HSTracker -> rebuild card database)
- Fix : brawl is now correctly detected
- Support TGT
- Correct the save button on "non-full" decks
- The timer is now correctly hidden on HSTracker start when show_timer is not checked
- Add an option to hide the opponent tracker
- Correct a crash when importing hearthstats decks
- Correct an error with the deck selection from menu
- Correct scroll on 10.8 and 10.9
- Correct a bug when importing old hearthstats decks
- Correct a bug with save opponent deck button
- The timer can now be hidden correctly
- Correct a crash when there are Hearthstats issue
- Change version system to allow version x.y (ie 1.1)
- Correct a bug where HSTracker will crash when canceling a modal dialog in the deck manager
- Support for new heroes
- Correct a bug where the last deck was deleted on right-click instead of the selected one
- Add a verification for the config.log file
- Improve deck manager opening
- Add turn timer (beta). There is a know bug with the first turn which starts too soon.
- HSTracker is now the official HearthStats uploader of OsX !
- Import, save your decks and matches in HearthStats through HSTracker
- Card font should be better on retina display
- Better rank / mode handling for stats / HearthStats
- Added some notifications through Notification Center
- Fade cards in the deck manager when you can not add it anymore in your deck
- Added an option to save/restore the last played deck. This allow the log reader to restart your game correctly when HSTracker crashed or you forgot to start it
- Added a HearthStats skin
- Mana curve is now visible when you click on a deck
- Added some actions on right-click on deck list
- You can now import multiple files at the same time
- Choose Decks -> Save all to export all your decks
- Add an option to reset all data. WARNING this operation is irreversible, save your decks before !!! (Statistics will be lost)
- Deck manager : ⌘-f to search, ⌘-s to save your deck, ⌘-w to close the deck and ⇧⌘-w to close the manager
- Fix duplicate deck on menu
- Fix opponent tracker reset
- Correct a crash in 0.10
- Add Twitter link
- New: Display mana curve on the deck manager
- New: Import decks from txt files. The deck must have the following format : 2 Mirror Image or 2xMirror Image or 2 CS2_027. You can also have the card name if your hearthstone locale. Caution, make sure to have only one card per line.
- New: Add an option to do not display in-hand cards. As soon as you draw a card, HSTracker consider it is not anymore in your deck and fade or remove the card from tracker, if no more in deck.
- New: Add a button at the end of a game to save your opponent s deck. Of course, it will only save the cards your opponent played.
- New beta: Deck now can have multiple versions. Also, win/loss statistics are now saved and displayed in the deck manager.
- Correction of the arena tag from netdeck
- Better font for asian languages
- New: Option for card count and draw chance
- Gnomish inventor transformed card is now "discarded"
- New: Display card on trackers hover
- Complete rewrite of the log analysis using the code base from Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker
- HSTracker now listen for Hearthstone to be active and set its "modality" according.
- Card count, draw chance are now only available on trackers, also change color is available
- Gang Up is supported, added a green frame for this kind of cards
- Cards reset when "remove" option is selected
- New : Full support for Blackrock Mountain
- New : flash the cards on draw (color editable in prefs)
- New : better font for asian and cyrillic languages
- New : name of the windows can now be fixed
- New : import from HearthArena
- Better error handling in import decks
- New : cardcount for current deck in the Deck Manager
- New : shortcut to lock/unlock windows (⌘l)
- New : open a deck from the menu, as well as reset trackers (⌘r)
- New : option to show card count on a single line
- New : option to reset trackers on game end
- New : option to change HSTracker language
- Handle correctly steal, discard, tracking
- New : deck manager can now be close with ⌘w
- New : add an option to change trackers size (small, medium or big)
- New : add an option to toggle card count style
- Correction of the message when you save a deck
- Better end game detection
- New : windows can be locked in the settings
- New : transparency of the windows can be set in the settings
- New : player and opponent card count windows
- New : card draw chance on deck hover
- New : deck manager images available in de, en, es, fr, pt and ru
- New : support for OS X 10.8
- Better start and end game detection
- New : support for arena decks !
- New : add an option to remove cards instead of fade them (when you play the last)
- New : export decks to text files
- Better language detection
- New : import from Hearthstats
- New : import from Hearthhead (all languages available)
- New : import from Hearthnews
- Cards import optimizations
- Remove scrollbars
- New : deck manager ! Enjoy creating and editing deck directly from the app
- Correct a bug where the app keep asking about update
- Some corrections & optimisations
- German translation
- New : NetDeck import
- Loading screen
- Force the language detection
- HSTracker on 10.9
- Bugfixes
- Import decks from http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks (english)
- Import decks from http://www.hearthpwn.com/deckbuilder (english)
- Import decks from http://www.hearthstone-decks.com (french)
- Display your deck and the cards you played
- Display the cards your opponent played
- Support for all Hearthstone languages
- HSTracker available in french and english