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File metadata and controls

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1. Global configurations


2. Cache configuration

generator_cache: default: null type: string (service name extending Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider)

By default, for each request matching an Admingenerated controller, the ControllerListener will iterate over the filesystem to find which right generator.yml and the right Generator have to be used to build generated files. This process could take some time. Thanks to this configuration, you can precise a cache provider to bypass this process once all files are generated. The service name defined here need to extend the class Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider.


        class: %doctrine.orm.cache.apc.class%
        public: false
            - [ setNamespace, [ 'my_namespace' ] ]

    generator_cache: global_cache.provider

3. Twig section

Default configuration is:

        use_form_resources: true
        use_localized_date: false
        date_format: Y-m-d
        datetime_format: Y-m-d H:i:s
        localized_date_format: medium
        localized_datetime_format: medium
            decimal: 0
            decimal_point: .
            thousand_separator: ,


By default, AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle adds its own form theme to your application based on files AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle:Form:fields.html.twig and AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle:Form:widgets.html.twig. Depending on value of admingenerator_generator.twig.use_form_resources parameter and twig.form.resources one, you can modify this behavior:

  • if admingenerator_generator.twig.use_form_resources is false, nothing will be changed to twig.form.resources value;
  • if admingenerator_generator.twig.use_form_resources is true and twig.form.resources doesn't contain AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle:Form:fields.html.twig, resources AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle:Form:fields.html.twig and AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle:Form:widgets.html.twig will be into twig.form.resources right after form_div_layout.html.twig. If form_div_layout.html.twig is not in twig.form.resources values will be unshifted;
  • if AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle:Form:fields.html.twig is already in twig.form.resources nothing will be changed;

This permits you to control how AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle modify form theming in your application. If you want to use another bundle for form theming (like MopaBoostrapBundle) you should probably define this parameter as false.

Note: take care that if you are in this case, don't forget to add AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle:Form:widgets.html.twig if you don't provide your own implementation.

To complete

4. Full configuration

    ## Global
    use_doctrine_orm: false
    use_doctrine_odm: false
    use_propel: false
    overwrite_if_exists: false
    base_admin_template: AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle::base_admin.html.twig
    dashboard_welcome_path: ~
    login_path: ~
    logout_path: ~
    exit_path: ~
    generator_cache: ~
    ## Twig and Templates
        use_form_resources: true
        use_localized_date: false
        date_format: Y-m-d
        datetime_format: Y-m-d H:i:s
        localized_date_format: medium
        localized_datetime_format: medium
            decimal: 0
            decimal_point: .
            thousand_separator: ,
    templates_dirs: []
    stylesheets: [] # array of {path: path_to_stylesheet, media: all}
    javascripts: [] # array of {path: path_to_javascript, route: route_name, routeparams: [value1, value2]}
            datetime:     datetime 
            vardatetime:  datetime 
            datetimetz:   datetime 
            date:         datetime 
            time:         time 
            decimal:      number 
            float:        number 
            integer:      integer 
            bigint:       integer 
            smallint:     integer 
            string:       text 
            text:         textarea
            entity:       entity 
            collection:   collection 
            array:        collection 
            boolean:      checkbox 
            datetime:     datetime 
            timestamp:    datetime 
            vardatetime:  datetime 
            datetimetz:   datetime 
            date:         datetime 
            time:         time 
            decimal:      number 
            float:        number 
            int:          integer 
            integer:      integer 
            int_id:       integer 
            bigint:       integer 
            smallint:     integer 
            id:           text 
            custom_id:    text 
            string:       text 
            text:         textarea 
            document:     document 
            collection:   collection 
            hash:         collection 
            boolean:      checkbox 
            TIMESTAMP:    datetime 
            BU_TIMESTAMP: datetime 
            DATE:         date 
            BU_DATE:      date 
            TIME:         time 
            FLOAT:        number 
            REAL:         number 
            DOUBLE:       number 
            DECIMAL:      number 
            TINYINT:      integer 
            SMALLINT:     integer 
            INTEGER:      integer 
            BIGINT:       integer 
            NUMERIC:      integer 
            CHAR:         text 
            VARCHAR:      text 
            LONGVARCHAR:  textarea 
            BLOB:         textarea 
            CLOB:         textarea 
            CLOB_EMU:     textarea 
            model:        model 
            collection:   collection 
            PHP_ARRAY:    collection 
            ENUM:         choice 
            BOOLEAN:      checkbox 
            BOOLEAN_EMU:  checkbox 
            text:          text
            boolean:       choice
            collection:    entity
            hash:          text
            text:          text
            boolean:       choice
            collection:    document
            BOOLEAN:       choice
            BOOLEAN_EMU:   choice
            collection:    model