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CSRF Protection

Note: this documentation is out of date

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1. Default protection

New and Edit views contain CSRF token protected forms. By default Admingenerator has only one object and batch action protected by CSRF token - Delete action.

2. Generate CSRF token for your custom actions

To protect List view object and batch actions such as Delete we have introduced new property $csrf_protected which defaults to false. Enable CSRF protection for your custom object or batch action add this to action class:

// Example taken from Generator/Action/Object/DeleteAction.php
class DeleteAction extends Action
    public function __construct($name, BaseBuilder $builder)
        parent::__construct($name, $type = 'object');

        $this->setIcon('glyphicon glyphicon-remove');
        // add this line to enable CSRF token protection for List view

This will add a data-csrf-token="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" to your action's button. When the button is clicked Jquery script will change this into POST request and send it.

3. Check CSRF token in actions controller

Sending CSRF token is not enough though. We need to check if a valid CSRF token was provided. To do that we must modify our actions controller.

Note: in this example I'll show how to modify actions controller template. If you're not generateing your action, you'll need to hard copy code from Resources/templates/CommonAdmin/csrf_protection.php.twig to your action's controller class. Remember to replace template variables!

Examples based on Resources\templates\CommonAdmin\DeleteAction.

Note: added lines are marked with comments

in XxxxxAction/XxxxxBuilderAction.php.twig
{% use '../CommonAdmin/DeleteAction/index.php.twig' %}
{% use '../CommonAdmin/security_action.php.twig' %}

// use csrf_protection template code snippets
{% use '../CommonAdmin/csrf_protection.php.twig' %}


namespace Admingenerated\{{ namespace_prefix }}{{ bundle_name }}\{{ builder.generator.GeneratedControllerFolder }};

use {{ builder.generator.baseController }} as BaseController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;

// add csrf_protection required use statements to controller class
{{ block('csrf_protection_use') }}

{{ block('security_use') }}

class DeleteController extends BaseController

    {{- block('index') -}}

    // add csrf_protection functions to controller class
    {{- block('csrf_check_token') -}}

    {{- block('security_check_with_object') }}
in XxxxxAction/index.php.twig
{% use '../CommonAdmin/security_action.php.twig' %}

// use csrf_protection template code snippets
{% use '../CommonAdmin/csrf_protection.php.twig' %}

{% block index %}

    public function indexAction($pk)
        // add csrf_protection check token to action
        {{ block('csrf_action_check_token') }}
        try {
            ${{ builder.ModelClass }} = $this->getObject($pk);

            {{ block('security_action_with_object') }}