All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of
- User settings! Starting with control whether links should open in a new window or not.
- Admin page with users overview
- Search includes the bookmark description now
- Introduced the is-admin flag for users; first user to register becomes admin
- Displayed username was wrong.
- Added descriptions to bookmarks
- Restored search and registration
- Implemented Anti-Forgery protection
- The search now considers both site title and url
- When user is unauthenticated, the login process will redirect the user to the original URL after successful login
- Search!!
- Navigation renders correctly on mobile devices
- Token authentication – no yet though
- Username/Password check was too permissive and did not check the password correctly
- Bookmarks can be edited now!
- Integrated HTMX for dynamic functions
- Small visual improvements (shows original URL, favicon)
- CI changes
- Authentication system!
- Registration and Login now possible!
- Bookmarks are now assigned to users
- Myuri is now using the Bulma CSS framework – looks much better now!
- IDs were changed from integers to UUID
- Bookmarks can be added using a bookmarklet and a popup
- Delete button for all the bookmarks
- Multi stage Dockerfile for builds without local tool stack installation
- Docker-Compose file for instant launch of MyUri
- Initial Release.