A free and simple way to change your twitter profile picture when you go live on twitch !
- Prerequesites
- Technical explanation
- Installation
- Twitch API registration
- Twitter API registration
- Base 64 picture
- Find your twitch ID
- Nodered (and the infernal way to import librarie not already adapted to nodered)
- Nodered (and the pleasure of just import the flow and complete it)
- Credit
- A nodered server (free low code GUI for NodeJS server) https://nodered.org/
The objective is to update the twitter profile picture when you are streaming on your channel twitch
- A default twitch channel status is saved in the nodered flow
- A nodered node is checking every minute the status of the twitch channel over twitch API
- If status is different than the saved status, the new profile picture is upload over twitter API
- Else the nodered flow is stopped
Twitch API registration
- Go to https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps and login with your twitch account
- Got to "Register an application", add a name to your application, and in "OAuth URL" write : "http://localhost"
- For your application category chose "Other" and describe it (I have write : "An API to update my twitter PP by checking if I'm live")
- Click "Create"
- In your apllications list click "Manage"
- Scroll down and save your "Client ID" (NEVER SHARE IT !!!)
Twitter API registration
- You need to ask access to API dashboard as developper to twitter (use this link : https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/getting-started/getting-access-to-the-twitter-api). It's a long process like French Bureaucracy. But after you will have all access needed instantly !
- Once you have acces to dashboard : https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/dashboard
- Go to : https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/apps/new and name your app and create it
- Go to : https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/projects-and-apps , find your application and click on the key icon
- Front of "API Key and Secret", click on "Regenerate", and save your "API Key" and "API Secret Key" (NEVER SHARE IT !!!)
- Front of "Access Token and Secret", click on "Regenerate", and save your "Access Token" and "Access Token Secret" (NEVER SHARE IT !!!)
- You are the best person in the world, be brave, never forget it, it's not a satanic incantation that will stop you !
Base 64 picture
- Prepare yours two profile pictures (for in live and out live) in PNG or JPG you need it in 400*400 pixels.
- Go on https://www.base64-image.de/ and drop your image file in
- Click on "</>Show code"
- Select all and saved it
- Erased this sequence at the beginning of the base 64 code : "data:image/png;base64,"
Find your twitch ID
- Go to https://www.streamweasels.com/support/convert-twitch-username-to-user-id/
- Inform your twitch username and click "convert"
- Save the Twitch-ID !
Nodered (and the infernal way to import librarie not already adapted to nodered)
- Install twitter.js librarie to your nodered server with the next command : "npm i twitter"
- On your server, go to the folder ".node-red"
- Edit the "setting.js" file (With nano, the best text editor that exist)
- Find and uncomment the "functionGlobalContext: {}," section and add next line to this section : "twitter: require('twitter')"
- You should have something like this : functionGlobalContext: { twitter: require('twitter') },
- Save and restart your nodered server with this command : "node-red-restart"
Nodered (and the pleasure of just import the flow and complete it)
- Copy the content of the git file : "Nodered_flow_PP_update_when_live.json"
- In nodered dashboard go to options and "Import"
- Paste the file content and click "Import"
- In the new flow go to node "function" and replace "YOUR_TWITCH_CLIENT_ID" by your twitch CLIENT-id (from de developer API plateform). Click "Done"
- In the new flow go to node "http request" and replace "YOUR_STREAMER_ID" by your twitch Twitch-ID. Click "Done"
- In the new flow go to node "Up_live"
- Replace "YOUR_BASE_64_PROFILE_PICTURE_WHEN_LIVE" by your base 64 code for in live situation
- Replace "YOUR_TWITTER_API_CONSUMER_KEY" by your twitter API Key
- Replace "YOUR_TWITTER_API_CONSUMER_SECRET" by your twitter API Key Secret
- Replace "YOUR_TWITTER_API_TOKEN_KEY" by your twitter Access Token
- Replace "YOUR_TWITTER_API_TOKEN_SECRET" by your twitter Access Token Secret
- Click "Done"
- Do the same in node "Up_not_live" but replace the base 64 with the one for your out live profile picture
- Click "Deploy"
- Enjoy (as we say in french : wow tu es vraiment une belle personne !)
Create by tainalo2 : french streamer on twitch every week day from 07H to 09H (Paris hours) All my links here : https://linktr.ee/tainalo2