This tutorial demonstrates using the different IOTA QR data manipulation methods in NodeJS from the all-in-one library.
There are various different data generation types available:
- Trinity Payment
- IOTA Address
First include the library:
import * as IotaQR from "./node_modules/@tangle-frost/iota-qr-lib/pkg/iota-qr-lib.js";
In order to render the QR data we first generate the payment data.
const paymentData = IotaQR.TrinityPaymentQR.generatePaymentData(
We can then render the QR code with the options of our choice.
const rawData = await IotaQR.TrinityPaymentQR.renderRaw(paymentData, "jpg", 16);
// Write the rawData to a file
or we can render just an address instead of full payment data, no need for a QR code typeNumber as an address always requires the same capacity QR code.
const rawData = await IotaQR.AddressQR.renderRaw("AAAA...AAA", "jpg");
// Write the rawData to a file
We can supply different options to the render to change colors and sizes.
const rawData = await IotaQR.TrinityPaymentQR.renderRaw(paymentData, "jpg", 16, 4, 0,
foreground: IotaQR.Color.fromHex("#FF0000"),
background: IotaQR.Color.fromHex("#00FF00"),
cssClass: "my-custom-class"
// Write the rawData to a file