This recipe demonstrates, how you can use Play's JPA API for implement Lagom service with CRUD-oriented persistence.
Service implement CRUD operation for entity Entity
NOTE: You should always use a custom execution context when using JPA, to ensure that Lagom thread pool is completely focused on processing requests and not blocked by JDBC operations. You can use CustomExecutionContext class to configure a custom execution context dedicated to serving JDBC operations. See Play documentation for more details.
Also, this service use external library implement DDD Repository pattern for Play/Lagom.
You can test this recipe using the provided tests:
./sbt test
You can also test this recipe manually using 2 separate terminals.
On one terminal start the service:
./sbt runAll
On a separate terminal, use curl
- create entity
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"property": "property", "parts": ["part1", "part2"]}' http://localhost:9000/entities
- update entity
$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"property": "new property", "parts": ["part3", "part4"]}' http://localhost:9000/entities/<paste-id-from-create-query>
- get updated entity
$ curl http://localhost:9000/entities/<paste-id-from-create-query>
{"id":"cc46f88a-95f3-40f0-b46a-510b9ea76a63","property":"new property","parts":["part3","part4"]}
- delete entity
$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:9000/entities/<paste-id-from-create-query>
- get deleted entity
$ curl http://localhost:9000/entities/<paste-id-from-create-query>
{"name":"NotFound","detail":"Entity with id='cc46f88a-95f3-40f0-b46a-510b9ea76a63' is not found"}