The value of _separator_ may be an empty String. In this case, _separator_ does not match the empty substring at the beginning or end of the input String, nor does it match the empty substring at the end of the previous separator match. If _separator_ is the empty String, the String is split up into individual code unit elements; the length of the result array equals the length of the String, and each substring contains one code unit.
@@ -33925,27 +33919,6 @@ String.prototype.split ( _separator_, _limit_ )
The `split` function is intentionally generic; it does not require that its *this* value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
- SplitMatch (
- _S_: a String,
- _q_: a non-negative integer,
- _R_: a String,
- )
- 1. Let _r_ be the number of code units in _R_.
- 1. Let _s_ be the number of code units in _S_.
- 1. If _q_ + _r_ > _s_, return ~not-matched~.
- 1. If there exists an integer _i_ between 0 (inclusive) and _r_ (exclusive) such that the code unit at index _q_ + _i_ within _S_ is different from the code unit at index _i_ within _R_, return ~not-matched~.
- 1. Return _q_ + _r_.