diff --git a/spec/negotiation.html b/spec/negotiation.html
index 28129d3b..9b999885 100644
--- a/spec/negotiation.html
+++ b/spec/negotiation.html
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
SupportedLocales (availableLocales, requestedLocales, options)
1. If _options_ is not *undefined*, then
1. Let _matcher_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"localeMatcher"*, *"string"*, « *"lookup"*, *"best fit"* », *"best fit"*).
- 1. Else let _matcher_ be *"best fit"*.
+ 1. Else, let _matcher_ be *"best fit"*.
1. If _matcher_ is *"best fit"*,
1. Let _supportedLocales_ be BestFitSupportedLocales(_availableLocales_, _requestedLocales_).
1. Else,
diff --git a/spec/numberformat.html b/spec/numberformat.html
index d5336f6e..f49a4622 100644
--- a/spec/numberformat.html
+++ b/spec/numberformat.html
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ ToRawFixed(x, minInteger, minFraction, maxFraction)
1. Let _a_ be the first _k_–_f_ characters of _m_, and let _b_ be the remaining _f_ characters of _m_.
1. Let _m_ be the concatenation of the three Strings _a_, *"."*, and _b_.
1. Let _int_ be the number of characters in _a_.
- 1. Else let _int_ be the number of characters in _m_.
+ 1. Else, let _int_ be the number of characters in _m_.
1. Let _cut_ be _maxFraction_ – _minFraction_.
1. Repeat while _cut_ > 0 and the last character of _m_ is *"0"*:
1. Remove the last character from _m_.