1. Let _number_ be ? ToNumber(_argument_).
- 1. If _number_ is *NaN*, *+∞*𝔽 or *-∞*𝔽, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. If _number_ is *NaN*, *+∞*𝔽 or *-∞*𝔽, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. Return truncate(ℝ(_number_)).
diff --git a/spec/duration.html b/spec/duration.html
index 5ad67f114a..7da02ffc98 100644
--- a/spec/duration.html
+++ b/spec/duration.html
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ Temporal.Duration.compare ( _one_, _two_ [ , _options_ ] )
1. Let _plainRelativeTo_ be _relativeToRecord_.[[PlainRelativeTo]].
1. Let _timeZoneRec_ be _relativeToRecord_.[[TimeZoneRec]].
1. Let _calendarUnitsPresent_ be *false*.
- 1. If _one_.[[Years]] ≠ 0, or _two_.[[Years]] ≠ 0, or _one_.[[Months]] ≠ 0, or _two_.[[Months]] ≠ 0, or _one_.[[Weeks]] ≠ 0, or _two_.[[Weeks]] ≠ 0, set _calendarUnitsPresent_ to *true*.
+ 1. If _one_.[[Years]] ≠ 0, or _two_.[[Years]] ≠ 0, or _one_.[[Months]] ≠ 0, or _two_.[[Months]] ≠ 0, or _one_.[[Weeks]] ≠ 0, or _two_.[[Weeks]] ≠ 0, set _calendarUnitsPresent_ to *true*.
1. Let _calendarRec_ be ? CreateCalendarMethodsRecordFromRelativeTo(_plainRelativeTo_, _zonedRelativeTo_, « ~date-add~ »).
- 1. If _zonedRelativeTo_ is not *undefined*, and either _calendarUnitsPresent_ is *true*, or _one_.[[Days]] ≠ 0, or _two_.[[Days]] ≠ 0, then
+ 1. If _zonedRelativeTo_ is not *undefined*, and either _calendarUnitsPresent_ is *true*, or _one_.[[Days]] ≠ 0, or _two_.[[Days]] ≠ 0, then
1. Let _instant_ be ! CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedRelativeTo_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
1. Let _precalculatedPlainDateTime_ be ? GetPlainDateTimeFor(_timeZoneRec_, _instant_, _calendarRec_.[[Receiver]]).
1. Let _norm1_ be NormalizeTimeDuration(_one_.[[Hours]], _one_.[[Minutes]], _one_.[[Seconds]], _one_.[[Milliseconds]], _one_.[[Microseconds]], _one_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
@@ -452,15 +452,15 @@ Temporal.Duration.prototype.round ( _roundTo_ )
1. Let _maximum_ be MaximumTemporalDurationRoundingIncrement(_smallestUnit_).
1. If _maximum_ is not *undefined*, perform ? ValidateTemporalRoundingIncrement(_roundingIncrement_, _maximum_, *false*).
1. Let _hoursToDaysConversionMayOccur_ be *false*.
- 1. If _duration_.[[Days]] ≠ 0 and _zonedRelativeTo_ is not *undefined*, set _hoursToDaysConversionMayOccur_ to *true*.
- 1. Else if abs(_duration_.[[Hours]]) ≥ 24, set _hoursToDaysConversionMayOccur_ to *true*.
+ 1. If _duration_.[[Days]] ≠ 0 and _zonedRelativeTo_ is not *undefined*, set _hoursToDaysConversionMayOccur_ to *true*.
+ 1. Else if abs(_duration_.[[Hours]]) ≥ 24, set _hoursToDaysConversionMayOccur_ to *true*.
1. If _smallestUnit_ is *"nanosecond"* and _roundingIncrement_ = 1, let _roundingGranularityIsNoop_ be *true*; else let _roundingGranularityIsNoop_ be *false*.
1. If _duration_.[[Years]] = 0 and _duration_.[[Months]] = 0 and _duration_.[[Weeks]] = 0, let _calendarUnitsPresent_ be *false*; else let _calendarUnitsPresent_ be *true*.
1. If _roundingGranularityIsNoop_ is *true*, and _largestUnit_ is _existingLargestUnit_, and _calendarUnitsPresent_ is *false*, and _hoursToDaysConversionMayOccur_ is *false*, and abs(_duration_.[[Minutes]]) < 60, and abs(_duration_.[[Seconds]]) < 60, and abs(_duration_.[[Milliseconds]]) < 1000, and abs(_duration_.[[Microseconds]]) < 1000, and abs(_duration_.[[Nanoseconds]]) < 1000, then
1. NOTE: The above conditions mean that the operation will have no effect: the smallest unit and rounding increment will leave the total duration unchanged, and it can be determined without calling a calendar or time zone method that no balancing will take place.
1. Return ! CreateTemporalDuration(_duration_.[[Years]], _duration_.[[Months]], _duration_.[[Weeks]], _duration_.[[Days]], _duration_.[[Hours]], _duration_.[[Minutes]], _duration_.[[Seconds]], _duration_.[[Milliseconds]], _duration_.[[Microseconds]], _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
1. Let _precalculatedPlainDateTime_ be *undefined*.
- 1. If IsCalendarUnit(_largestUnit_) is *true*, or _largestUnit_ is *"day"*, or _calendarUnitsPresent_ is *true*, or _duration_.[[Days]] ≠ 0, let _plainDateTimeOrRelativeToWillBeUsed_ be *true*; else let _plainDateTimeOrRelativeToWillBeUsed_ be *false*.
+ 1. If IsCalendarUnit(_largestUnit_) is *true*, or _largestUnit_ is *"day"*, or _calendarUnitsPresent_ is *true*, or _duration_.[[Days]] ≠ 0, let _plainDateTimeOrRelativeToWillBeUsed_ be *true*; else let _plainDateTimeOrRelativeToWillBeUsed_ be *false*.
1. If _zonedRelativeTo_ is not *undefined* and _plainDateTimeOrRelativeToWillBeUsed_ is *true*, then
1. NOTE: The above conditions mean that the corresponding `Temporal.PlainDateTime` or `Temporal.PlainDate` for _zonedRelativeTo_ will be used in one of the operations below.
1. Let _instant_ be ! CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedRelativeTo_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ Temporal.Duration.prototype.total ( _totalOf_ )
1. Let _timeZoneRec_ be _relativeToRecord_.[[TimeZoneRec]].
1. Let _unit_ be ? GetTemporalUnitValuedOption(_totalOf_, *"unit"*, ~datetime~, ~required~).
1. Let _precalculatedPlainDateTime_ be *undefined*.
- 1. If IsCalendarUnit(_unit_) is *true*, or _unit_ is *"day"*, or _duration_.[[Years]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Months]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Weeks]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Days]] ≠ 0, let _plainDateTimeOrRelativeToWillBeUsed_ be *true*; else let _plainDateTimeOrRelativeToWillBeUsed_ be *false*.
+ 1. If IsCalendarUnit(_unit_) is *true*, or _unit_ is *"day"*, or _duration_.[[Years]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Months]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Weeks]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Days]] ≠ 0, let _plainDateTimeOrRelativeToWillBeUsed_ be *true*; else let _plainDateTimeOrRelativeToWillBeUsed_ be *false*.
1. If _zonedRelativeTo_ is not *undefined* and _plainDateTimeOrRelativeToWillBeUsed_ is *true*, then
1. NOTE: The above conditions mean that the corresponding `Temporal.PlainDateTime` or `Temporal.PlainDate` for _zonedRelativeTo_ will be used in one of the operations below.
1. Let _instant_ be ! CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedRelativeTo_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Temporal.Duration.prototype.total ( _totalOf_ )
1. Let _targetDate_ be ? AddDate(_calendarRec_, _plainRelativeTo_, _dateDuration_).
1. Let _roundRecord_ be ? DifferencePlainDateTimeWithRounding(_plainRelativeTo_.[[ISOYear]], _plainRelativeTo_.[[ISOMonth]], _plainRelativeTo_.[[ISODay]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _targetDate_.[[ISOYear]], _targetDate_.[[ISOMonth]], _targetDate_.[[ISODay]], _targetTime_.[[Hours]], _targetTime_.[[Minutes]], _targetTime_.[[Seconds]], _targetTime_.[[Milliseconds]], _targetTime_.[[Microseconds]], _targetTime_.[[Nanoseconds]], _calendarRec_, _unit_, 1, _unit_, *"trunc"*, _emptyOptions_).
1. Else,
- 1. If _duration_.[[Years]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Months]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Weeks]] ≠ 0, or IsCalendarUnit(_unit_) is *true*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. If _duration_.[[Years]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Months]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Weeks]] ≠ 0, or IsCalendarUnit(_unit_) is *true*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. Let _normWithDays_ be ? Add24HourDaysToNormalizedTimeDuration(_norm_, _duration_.[[Days]]).
1. Let _roundRecord_ be ? RoundTimeDuration(0, _normWithDays_, 1, _unit_, *"trunc"*).
1. Assert: _roundRecord_.[[Total]] is not ~unset~.
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ Temporal.Duration.prototype.toString ( [ _options_ ] )
1. Let _smallestUnit_ be ? GetTemporalUnitValuedOption(_options_, *"smallestUnit"*, ~time~, *undefined*).
1. If _smallestUnit_ is *"hour"* or *"minute"*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. Let _precision_ be ToSecondsStringPrecisionRecord(_smallestUnit_, _digits_).
- 1. If _precision_.[[Unit]] is not *"nanosecond"* or _precision_.[[Increment]] ≠ 1, then
+ 1. If _precision_.[[Unit]] is not *"nanosecond"* or _precision_.[[Increment]] ≠ 1, then
1. Let _norm_ be NormalizeTimeDuration(_duration_.[[Hours]], _duration_.[[Minutes]], _duration_.[[Seconds]], _duration_.[[Milliseconds]], _duration_.[[Microseconds]], _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
1. Let _largestUnit_ be DefaultTemporalLargestUnit(_duration_.[[Years]], _duration_.[[Months]], _duration_.[[Weeks]], _duration_.[[Days]], _duration_.[[Hours]], _duration_.[[Minutes]], _duration_.[[Seconds]], _duration_.[[Milliseconds]], _duration_.[[Microseconds]]).
1. Let _roundRecord_ be ? RoundTimeDuration(0, _norm_, _precision_.[[Increment]], _precision_.[[Unit]], _roundingMode_).
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ Normalized Time Duration Records
an integer in the inclusive interval from -maxTimeDuration to maxTimeDuration, where
- maxTimeDuration = 253 × 109 - 1 = 9,007,199,254,740,991,999,999,999
+ maxTimeDuration = 253 × 109 - 1 = 9,007,199,254,740,991,999,999,999
@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@
1. Let _dateSign_ be DurationSign(_dateDurationRecord_.[[Years]], _dateDurationRecord_.[[Months]], _dateDurationRecord_.[[Weeks]], _dateDurationRecord_.[[Days]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).
1. Let _timeSign_ be NormalizedTimeDurationSign(_norm_).
- 1. If _dateSign_ ≠ 0 and _timeSign_ ≠ 0 and _dateSign_ ≠ _timeSign_, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. If _dateSign_ ≠ 0 and _timeSign_ ≠ 0 and _dateSign_ ≠ _timeSign_, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. Return Normalized Duration Record {
[[Years]]: _dateDurationRecord_.[[Years]],
[[Months]]: _dateDurationRecord_.[[Months]],
@@ -1199,12 +1199,12 @@
1. If 𝔽(_v_) is not finite, return *false*.
1. If _v_ < 0 and _sign_ > 0, return *false*.
1. If _v_ > 0 and _sign_ < 0, return *false*.
- 1. If abs(_years_) ≥ 232, return *false*.
- 1. If abs(_months_) ≥ 232, return *false*.
- 1. If abs(_weeks_) ≥ 232, return *false*.
- 1. Let _normalizedSeconds_ be _days_ × 86,400 + _hours_ × 3600 + _minutes_ × 60 + _seconds_ + ℝ(𝔽(_milliseconds_)) × 10-3 + ℝ(𝔽(_microseconds_)) × 10-6 + ℝ(𝔽(_nanoseconds_)) × 10-9.
+ 1. If abs(_years_) ≥ 232, return *false*.
+ 1. If abs(_months_) ≥ 232, return *false*.
+ 1. If abs(_weeks_) ≥ 232, return *false*.
+ 1. Let _normalizedSeconds_ be _days_ × 86,400 + _hours_ × 3600 + _minutes_ × 60 + _seconds_ + ℝ(𝔽(_milliseconds_)) × 10-3 + ℝ(𝔽(_microseconds_)) × 10-6 + ℝ(𝔽(_nanoseconds_)) × 10-9.
1. NOTE: The above step cannot be implemented directly using floating-point arithmetic. Multiplying by 10-3, 10-6, and 10-9 respectively may be imprecise when _milliseconds_, _microseconds_, or _nanoseconds_ is an unsafe integer. This multiplication can be implemented in C++ with an implementation of `std::remquo()` with sufficient bits in the quotient. String manipulation will also give an exact result, since the multiplication is by a power of 10.
- 1. If abs(_normalizedSeconds_) ≥ 253, return *false*.
+ 1. If abs(_normalizedSeconds_) ≥ 253, return *false*.
1. Return *true*.
@@ -1228,15 +1228,15 @@
It implements the logic used in the `Temporal.Duration.prototype.round()` method and elsewhere, where the `largestUnit` option, if not given explicitly, is set to the largest non-zero unit in the input Temporal.Duration.
- 1. If _years_ ≠ 0, return *"year"*.
- 1. If _months_ ≠ 0, return *"month"*.
- 1. If _weeks_ ≠ 0, return *"week"*.
- 1. If _days_ ≠ 0, return *"day"*.
- 1. If _hours_ ≠ 0, return *"hour"*.
- 1. If _minutes_ ≠ 0, return *"minute"*.
- 1. If _seconds_ ≠ 0, return *"second"*.
- 1. If _milliseconds_ ≠ 0, return *"millisecond"*.
- 1. If _microseconds_ ≠ 0, return *"microsecond"*.
+ 1. If _years_ ≠ 0, return *"year"*.
+ 1. If _months_ ≠ 0, return *"month"*.
+ 1. If _weeks_ ≠ 0, return *"week"*.
+ 1. If _days_ ≠ 0, return *"day"*.
+ 1. If _hours_ ≠ 0, return *"hour"*.
+ 1. If _minutes_ ≠ 0, return *"minute"*.
+ 1. If _seconds_ ≠ 0, return *"second"*.
+ 1. If _milliseconds_ ≠ 0, return *"millisecond"*.
+ 1. If _microseconds_ ≠ 0, return *"microsecond"*.
1. Return *"nanosecond"*.
@@ -1350,16 +1350,16 @@
From the given units, it computes a normalized time duration consisting of whole seconds, and subseconds expressed in nanoseconds.
The normalized time duration can be stored losslessly in two 64-bit floating point numbers.
- Alternatively, _normalizedSeconds_ × 109 + _subseconds_ can be stored as a 96-bit integer.
+ Alternatively, _normalizedSeconds_ × 109 + _subseconds_ can be stored as a 96-bit integer.
- 1. Set _minutes_ to _minutes_ + _hours_ × 60.
- 1. Set _seconds_ to _seconds_ + _minutes_ × 60.
- 1. Set _milliseconds_ to _milliseconds_ + _seconds_ × 1000.
- 1. Set _microseconds_ to _microseconds_ + _milliseconds_ × 1000.
- 1. Set _nanoseconds_ to _nanoseconds_ + _microseconds_ × 1000.
- 1. Assert: abs(_nanoseconds_) ≤ maxTimeDuration.
+ 1. Set _minutes_ to _minutes_ + _hours_ × 60.
+ 1. Set _seconds_ to _seconds_ + _minutes_ × 60.
+ 1. Set _milliseconds_ to _milliseconds_ + _seconds_ × 1000.
+ 1. Set _microseconds_ to _microseconds_ + _milliseconds_ × 1000.
+ 1. Set _nanoseconds_ to _nanoseconds_ + _microseconds_ × 1000.
+ 1. Assert: abs(_nanoseconds_) ≤ maxTimeDuration.
1. Return Normalized Time Duration Record { [[TotalNanoseconds]]: _nanoseconds_ }.
@@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@
- 1. Let _result_ be _d_.[[TotalNanoseconds]] + _days_ × nsPerDay.
+ 1. Let _result_ be _d_.[[TotalNanoseconds]] + _days_ × nsPerDay.
1. If abs(_result_) > maxTimeDuration, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. Return Normalized Time Duration Record { [[TotalNanoseconds]]: _result_ }.
@@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@
It divides the total number of nanoseconds in the normalized time duration _d_ by _divisor_.
- 1. Assert: _divisor_ ≠ 0.
+ 1. Assert: _divisor_ ≠ 0.
1. NOTE: The following step cannot be implemented directly using floating-point arithmetic when 𝔽(_d_.[[TotalNanoseconds]]) is not a safe integer. The division can be implemented in C++ with the `__float128` type if the compiler supports it, or with software emulation such as in the SoftFP library.
1. Return _d_.[[TotalNanoseconds]] / _divisor_.
@@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@
1. Let _result_ be ℝ(_one_) - ℝ(_two_).
- 1. Assert: abs(_result_) ≤ maxTimeDuration.
+ 1. Assert: abs(_result_) ≤ maxTimeDuration.
1. Return Normalized Time Duration Record { [[TotalNanoseconds]]: _result_ }.
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@
1. If _d_.[[TotalNanoseconds]] < 0, return -1.
@@ -1677,7 +1677,7 @@
1. Assert: _largestUnit_ is *"nanosecond"*.
1. NOTE: When _largestUnit_ is *"millisecond"*, *"microsecond"*, or *"nanosecond"*, _milliseconds_, _microseconds_, or _nanoseconds_ may be an unsafe integer. In this case, care must be taken when implementing the calculation using floating point arithmetic. It can be implemented in C++ using `std::fma()`. String manipulation will also give an exact result, since the multiplication is by a power of 10.
1. If IsValidDuration(0, 0, 0, _days_, _hours_, _minutes_, _seconds_, _milliseconds_, _microseconds_, _nanoseconds_) is *false*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
- 1. Return CreateTimeDurationRecord(_days_ × _sign_, _hours_ × _sign_, _minutes_ × _sign_, _seconds_ × _sign_, _milliseconds_ × _sign_, _microseconds_ × _sign_, _nanoseconds_ × _sign_).
+ 1. Return CreateTimeDurationRecord(_days_ × _sign_, _hours_ × _sign_, _minutes_ × _sign_, _seconds_ × _sign_, _milliseconds_ × _sign_, _microseconds_ × _sign_, _nanoseconds_ × _sign_).
@@ -1753,7 +1753,7 @@
1. Assert: The value in the "Category" column of the row of whose "Singular" column contains _unit_, is ~time~.
1. Let _divisor_ be the value in the "Length in Nanoseconds" column of the row of whose "Singular" column contains _unit_.
1. Let _total_ be DivideNormalizedTimeDuration(_norm_, _divisor_).
- 1. Set _norm_ to ? RoundNormalizedTimeDurationToIncrement(_norm_, _divisor_ × _increment_, _roundingMode_).
+ 1. Set _norm_ to ? RoundNormalizedTimeDurationToIncrement(_norm_, _divisor_ × _increment_, _roundingMode_).
1. Return the Record {
[[NormalizedDuration]]: ? CreateNormalizedDurationRecord(0, 0, 0, _days_, _norm_),
[[Total]]: _total_
@@ -1832,13 +1832,13 @@
1. If _unit_ is *"year"*, then
1. Let _years_ be RoundNumberToIncrement(_duration_.[[Years]], _increment_, *"trunc"*).
1. Let _r1_ be _years_.
- 1. Let _r2_ be _years_ + _increment_ × _sign_.
+ 1. Let _r2_ be _years_ + _increment_ × _sign_.
1. Let _startDuration_ be ? CreateDateDurationRecord(_r1_, 0, 0, 0).
1. Let _endDuration_ be ? CreateDateDurationRecord(_r2_, 0, 0, 0).
1. Else if _unit_ is *"month"*, then
1. Let _months_ be RoundNumberToIncrement(_duration_.[[Months]], _increment_, *"trunc"*).
1. Let _r1_ be _months_.
- 1. Let _r2_ be _months_ + _increment_ × _sign_.
+ 1. Let _r2_ be _months_ + _increment_ × _sign_.
1. Let _startDuration_ be ? CreateDateDurationRecord(_duration_.[[Years]], _r1_, 0, 0).
1. Let _endDuration_ be ? CreateDateDurationRecord(_duration_.[[Years]], _r2_, 0, 0).
1. Else if _unit_ is *"week"*, then
@@ -1851,18 +1851,18 @@
1. Let _untilResult_ be ? DifferenceDate(_calendarRec_, _weeksStart_, _weeksEnd_, _untilOptions_).
1. Let _weeks_ be RoundNumberToIncrement(_duration_.[[Weeks]] + _untilResult_.[[Weeks]], _increment_, *"trunc"*).
1. Let _r1_ be _weeks_.
- 1. Let _r2_ be _weeks_ + _increment_ × _sign_.
+ 1. Let _r2_ be _weeks_ + _increment_ × _sign_.
1. Let _startDuration_ be ? CreateDateDurationRecord(_duration_.[[Years]], _duration_.[[Months]], _r1_, 0).
1. Let _endDuration_ be ? CreateDateDurationRecord(_duration_.[[Years]], _duration_.[[Months]], _r2_, 0).
1. Else,
1. Assert: _unit_ is *"day"*.
1. Let _days_ be RoundNumberToIncrement(_duration_.[[Days]], _increment_, *"trunc"*).
1. Let _r1_ be _days_.
- 1. Let _r2_ be _days_ + _increment_ × _sign_.
+ 1. Let _r2_ be _days_ + _increment_ × _sign_.
1. Let _startDuration_ be ? CreateDateDurationRecord(_duration_.[[Years]], _duration_.[[Months]], _duration_.[[Weeks]], _r1_).
1. Let _endDuration_ be ? CreateDateDurationRecord(_duration_.[[Years]], _duration_.[[Months]], _duration_.[[Weeks]], _r2_).
- 1. Assert: If _sign_ is 1, _r1_ ≥ 0 and _r1_ < _r2_.
- 1. Assert: If _sign_ is -1, _r1_ ≤ 0 and _r1_ > _r2_.
+ 1. Assert: If _sign_ is 1, _r1_ ≥ 0 and _r1_ < _r2_.
+ 1. Assert: If _sign_ is -1, _r1_ ≤ 0 and _r1_ > _r2_.
1. Let _startDate_ be ! CreateTemporalDate(_dateTime_.[[Year]], _dateTime_.[[Month]], _dateTime_.[[Day]], _calendarRec_.[[Receiver]]).
1. Let _start_ be ? AddDate(_calendarRec_, _startDate_, ! CreateTemporalDuration(_startDuration_.[[Years]], _startDuration_.[[Months]], _startDuration_.[[Weeks]], _startDuration_.[[Days]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)).
1. Let _endDate_ be ! CreateTemporalDate(_dateTime_.[[Year]], _dateTime_.[[Month]], _dateTime_.[[Day]], _calendarRec_.[[Receiver]]).
@@ -1878,19 +1878,19 @@
1. Let _endInstant_ be ? GetInstantFor(_timeZoneRec_, _endDateTime_, *"compatible"*).
1. Let _endEpochNs_ be _endInstant_.[[Nanoseconds]].
1. If _sign_ is 1, then
- 1. If _startEpochNs_ > _destEpochNs_ or _destEpochNs_ ≥ _endEpochNs_, throw a *RangeError* exception.
- 1. Assert: _startEpochNs_ ≤ _destEpochNs_ < _endEpochNs_.
+ 1. If _startEpochNs_ > _destEpochNs_ or _destEpochNs_ ≥ _endEpochNs_, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Assert: _startEpochNs_ ≤ _destEpochNs_ < _endEpochNs_.
1. Else,
- 1. If _endEpochNs_ ≥ _destEpochNs_ or _destEpochNs_ > _startEpochNs_, throw a *RangeError* exception.
- 1. Assert: _endEpochNs_ < _destEpochNs_ ≤ _startEpochNs_.
- 1. Assert: _startEpochNs_ ≠ _endEpochNs_.
+ 1. If _endEpochNs_ ≥ _destEpochNs_ or _destEpochNs_ > _startEpochNs_, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Assert: _endEpochNs_ < _destEpochNs_ ≤ _startEpochNs_.
+ 1. Assert: _startEpochNs_ ≠ _endEpochNs_.
1. Let _progress_ be (_destEpochNs_ - _startEpochNs_) / (_endEpochNs_ - _startEpochNs_).
- 1. Let _total_ be _r1_ + _progress_ × _increment_ × _sign_.
+ 1. Let _total_ be _r1_ + _progress_ × _increment_ × _sign_.
1. NOTE: The above two steps cannot be implemented directly using floating-point arithmetic. This division can be implemented as if constructing Normalized Time Duration Records for the denominator and numerator of _total_ and performing one division operation with a floating-point result.
- 1. Assert: 0 ≤ _progress_ < 1.
+ 1. Assert: 0 ≤ _progress_ < 1.
1. If _sign_ < 0, let _isNegative_ be ~negative~; else let _isNegative_ be ~positive~.
1. Let _unsignedRoundingMode_ be GetUnsignedRoundingMode(_roundingMode_, _isNegative_).
- 1. Assert: abs(_r1_) ≤ abs(_total_) < abs(_r2_).
+ 1. Assert: abs(_r1_) ≤ abs(_total_) < abs(_r2_).
1. Let _roundedUnit_ be ApplyUnsignedRoundingMode(abs(_total_), abs(_r1_), abs(_r2_), _unsignedRoundingMode_).
1. If _roundedUnit_ is abs(_r2_), then
1. Let _didExpandCalendarUnit_ be *true*.
@@ -1942,12 +1942,12 @@
1. Let _daySpan_ be NormalizedTimeDurationFromEpochNanosecondsDifference(_endEpochNs_, _startEpochNs_).
1. Assert: NormalizedTimeDurationSign(_daySpan_) = _sign_.
1. Let _unitLength_ be the value in the "Length in Nanoseconds" column of the row of whose "Singular" column contains _unit_.
- 1. Let _roundedNorm_ be ? RoundNormalizedTimeDurationToIncrement(_duration_.[[NormalizedTime]], _increment_ × _unitLength_, _roundingMode_).
+ 1. Let _roundedNorm_ be ? RoundNormalizedTimeDurationToIncrement(_duration_.[[NormalizedTime]], _increment_ × _unitLength_, _roundingMode_).
1. Let _beyondDaySpan_ be ? SubtractNormalizedTimeDuration(_roundedNorm_, _daySpan_).
- 1. If NormalizedTimeDurationSign(_beyondDaySpan_) ≠ -_sign_, then
+ 1. If NormalizedTimeDurationSign(_beyondDaySpan_) ≠ -_sign_, then
1. Let _didRoundBeyondDay_ be *true*.
1. Let _dayDelta_ be _sign_.
- 1. Set _roundedNorm_ to ? RoundNormalizedTimeDurationToIncrement(_beyondDaySpan_, _increment_ × _unitLength_, _roundingMode_).
+ 1. Set _roundedNorm_ to ? RoundNormalizedTimeDurationToIncrement(_beyondDaySpan_, _increment_ × _unitLength_, _roundingMode_).
1. Let _nudgedEpochNs_ be AddNormalizedTimeDurationToEpochNanoseconds(_roundedNorm_, _endEpochNs_).
1. Else,
1. Let _didRoundBeyondDay_ be *false*.
@@ -1980,7 +1980,7 @@
1. Let _norm_ be ! Add24HourDaysToNormalizedTimeDuration(_duration_.[[NormalizedTime]], _duration_.[[Days]]).
1. Let _unitLength_ be the value in the "Length in Nanoseconds" column of the row of whose "Singular" column contains _smallestUnit_.
1. Let _total_ be DivideNormalizedTimeDuration(_norm_, _unitLength_).
- 1. Let _roundedNorm_ be ? RoundNormalizedTimeDurationToIncrement(_norm_, _unitLength_ × _increment_, _roundingMode_).
+ 1. Let _roundedNorm_ be ? RoundNormalizedTimeDurationToIncrement(_norm_, _unitLength_ × _increment_, _roundingMode_).
1. Let _diffNorm_ be ! SubtractNormalizedTimeDuration(_roundedNorm_, _norm_).
1. Let _wholeDays_ be truncate(DivideNormalizedTimeDuration(_norm_, nsPerDay)).
1. Let _roundedFractionalDays_ be DivideNormalizedTimeDuration(_roundedNorm_, nsPerDay).
@@ -1993,7 +1993,7 @@
1. Let _remainder_ be _roundedNorm_.
1. If LargerOfTwoTemporalUnits(_largestUnit_, *"day"*) is _largestUnit_, then
1. Set _days_ to _roundedWholeDays_.
- 1. Set _remainder_ to remainder(_roundedFractionalDays_, 1) × nsPerDay.
+ 1. Set _remainder_ to remainder(_roundedFractionalDays_, 1) × nsPerDay.
1. Let _resultDuration_ be ? CreateNormalizedDurationRecord(_duration_.[[Years]], _duration_.[[Months]], _duration_.[[Weeks]], _days_, _remainder_).
1. Return Duration Nudge Result Record { [[Duration]]: _resultDuration_, [[Total]]: _total_, [[NudgedEpochNs]]: _nudgedEpochNs_, [[DidExpandCalendarUnit]]: _didExpandDays_ }.
@@ -2026,7 +2026,7 @@
1. Let _smallestUnitIndex_ be the ordinal index of the row of whose "Singular" column contains _smallestUnit_.
1. Let _unitIndex_ be _smallestUnitIndex_ - 1.
1. Let _done_ be *false*.
- 1. Repeat, while _unitIndex_ ≤ _largestUnitIndex_ and _done_ is *false*,
+ 1. Repeat, while _unitIndex_ ≤ _largestUnitIndex_ and _done_ is *false*,
1. Let _unit_ be the value in the "Singular" column of in the row whose ordinal index is _unitIndex_.
1. If _unit_ is not *"week"*, or _largestUnit_ is *"week"*, then
1. If _unit_ is *"year"*, then
@@ -2052,7 +2052,7 @@
1. Let _endEpochNs_ be _endInstant_.[[Nanoseconds]].
1. Let _beyondEnd_ be _nudgedEpochNs_ - _endEpochNs_.
1. If _beyondEnd_ < 0, let _beyondEndSign_ be -1; else if _beyondEnd_ > 0, let _beyondEndSign_ be 1; else let _beyondEndSign_ be 0.
- 1. If _beyondEndSign_ ≠ -_sign_, then
+ 1. If _beyondEndSign_ ≠ -_sign_, then
1. Set _duration_ to ! CombineDateAndNormalizedTimeDuration(_endDuration_, ZeroTimeDuration()).
1. Else,
1. Set _done_ to *true*.
@@ -2182,16 +2182,16 @@
1. Let _ms1_ be _duration_.[[Milliseconds]].
1. Let _mus1_ be _duration_.[[Microseconds]].
1. Let _ns1_ be _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]].
- 1. Let _y2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Years]].
- 1. Let _mon2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Months]].
- 1. Let _w2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Weeks]].
- 1. Let _d2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Days]].
- 1. Let _h2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Hours]].
- 1. Let _min2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Minutes]].
- 1. Let _s2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Seconds]].
- 1. Let _ms2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Milliseconds]].
- 1. Let _mus2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Microseconds]].
- 1. Let _ns2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Nanoseconds]].
+ 1. Let _y2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Years]].
+ 1. Let _mon2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Months]].
+ 1. Let _w2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Weeks]].
+ 1. Let _d2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Days]].
+ 1. Let _h2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Hours]].
+ 1. Let _min2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Minutes]].
+ 1. Let _s2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Seconds]].
+ 1. Let _ms2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Milliseconds]].
+ 1. Let _mus2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Microseconds]].
+ 1. Let _ns2_ be _sign_ × _other_.[[Nanoseconds]].
1. Let _largestUnit1_ be DefaultTemporalLargestUnit(_y1_, _mon1_, _w1_, _d1_, _h1_, _min1_, _s1_, _ms1_, _mus1_).
1. Let _largestUnit2_ be DefaultTemporalLargestUnit(_y2_, _mon2_, _w2_, _d2_, _h2_, _min2_, _s2_, _ms2_, _mus2_).
1. Let _largestUnit_ be LargerOfTwoTemporalUnits(_largestUnit1_, _largestUnit2_).
diff --git a/spec/instant.html b/spec/instant.html
index 04157b1a0c..3a84790dcf 100644
--- a/spec/instant.html
+++ b/spec/instant.html
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds ( _epochMilliseconds_ )
1. Set _epochMilliseconds_ to ? ToNumber(_epochMilliseconds_).
1. Set _epochMilliseconds_ to ? NumberToBigInt(_epochMilliseconds_).
- 1. Let _epochNanoseconds_ be _epochMilliseconds_ × ℤ(106).
+ 1. Let _epochNanoseconds_ be _epochMilliseconds_ × ℤ(106).
1. If IsValidEpochNanoseconds(_epochNanoseconds_) is *false*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. Return ! CreateTemporalInstant(_epochNanoseconds_).
@@ -225,13 +225,13 @@ Temporal.Instant.prototype.round ( _roundTo_ )
1. If _smallestUnit_ is *"hour"*, then
1. Let _maximum_ be HoursPerDay.
1. Else if _smallestUnit_ is *"minute"*, then
- 1. Let _maximum_ be MinutesPerHour × HoursPerDay.
+ 1. Let _maximum_ be MinutesPerHour × HoursPerDay.
1. Else if _smallestUnit_ is *"second"*, then
- 1. Let _maximum_ be SecondsPerMinute × MinutesPerHour × HoursPerDay.
+ 1. Let _maximum_ be SecondsPerMinute × MinutesPerHour × HoursPerDay.
1. Else if _smallestUnit_ is *"millisecond"*, then
1. Let _maximum_ be ℝ(msPerDay).
1. Else if _smallestUnit_ is *"microsecond"*, then
- 1. Let _maximum_ be 103 × ℝ(msPerDay).
+ 1. Let _maximum_ be 103 × ℝ(msPerDay).
1. Else,
1. Assert: _smallestUnit_ is *"nanosecond"*.
1. Let _maximum_ be nsPerDay.
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Temporal.Instant.prototype.equals ( _other_ )
1. Let _instant_ be the *this* value.
1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_instant_, [[InitializedTemporalInstant]]).
1. Set _other_ to ? ToTemporalInstant(_other_).
- 1. If _instant_.[[Nanoseconds]] ≠ _other_.[[Nanoseconds]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _instant_.[[Nanoseconds]] ≠ _other_.[[Nanoseconds]], return *false*.
1. Return *true*.
@@ -390,12 +390,12 @@ Temporal.Instant range
The maximum value is ℤ(nsMaxInstant), where
- nsMaxInstant = 108 × nsPerDay = 8.64 × 1021
+ nsMaxInstant = 108 × nsPerDay = 8.64 × 1021
where the number of nanoseconds per day is
- nsPerDay = 106 × ℝ(msPerDay) = 8.64 × 1013
+ nsPerDay = 106 × ℝ(msPerDay) = 8.64 × 1013
The minimum value is ℤ(nsMinInstant), where
- nsMinInstant = -nsMaxInstant = -8.64 × 1021
+ nsMinInstant = -nsMaxInstant = -8.64 × 1021
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@
1. Assert: The value in the "Category" column of the row of whose "Singular" column contains _unit_, is ~time~.
1. Let _unitLength_ be the value in the "Length in Nanoseconds" column of the row of whose "Singular" column contains _unit_.
- 1. Let _incrementNs_ be _increment_ × _unitLength_.
+ 1. Let _incrementNs_ be _increment_ × _unitLength_.
1. Return ℤ(RoundNumberToIncrementAsIfPositive(ℝ(_ns_), _incrementNs_, _roundingMode_)).
@@ -589,11 +589,11 @@
1. If _operation_ is ~since~, let _sign_ be -1. Otherwise, let _sign_ be 1.
1. Set _other_ to ? ToTemporalInstant(_other_).
1. Let _resolvedOptions_ be ? SnapshotOwnProperties(? GetOptionsObject(_options_), *null*).
- 1. Let _settings_ be ? GetDifferenceSettings(_operation_, _resolvedOptions_, ~time~, « », *"nanosecond"*, *"second"*).
+ 1. Let _settings_ be ? GetDifferenceSettings(_operation_, _resolvedOptions_, ~time~, « », *"nanosecond"*, *"second"*).
1. Let _diffRecord_ be DifferenceInstant(_instant_.[[Nanoseconds]], _other_.[[Nanoseconds]], _settings_.[[RoundingIncrement]], _settings_.[[SmallestUnit]], _settings_.[[RoundingMode]]).
1. Let _norm_ be _diffRecord_.[[NormalizedTimeDuration]].
1. Let _result_ be ! BalanceTimeDuration(_norm_, _settings_.[[LargestUnit]]).
- 1. Return ! CreateTemporalDuration(0, 0, 0, 0, _sign_ × _result_.[[Hours]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Minutes]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Seconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Milliseconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Microseconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Return ! CreateTemporalDuration(0, 0, 0, 0, _sign_ × _result_.[[Hours]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Minutes]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Seconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Milliseconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Microseconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
1. If _duration_.[[Months]] is not 0, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. If _duration_.[[Weeks]] is not 0, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. If _duration_.[[Years]] is not 0, throw a *RangeError* exception.
- 1. Let _norm_ be NormalizeTimeDuration(_sign_ × _duration_.[[Hours]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Minutes]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Seconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Milliseconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Microseconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _norm_ be NormalizeTimeDuration(_sign_ × _duration_.[[Hours]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Minutes]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Seconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Milliseconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Microseconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
1. Let _ns_ be ? AddInstant(_instant_.[[Nanoseconds]], _norm_).
1. Return ! CreateTemporalInstant(_ns_).
diff --git a/spec/intl.html b/spec/intl.html
index b3016ea69e..402e163bd4 100644
--- a/spec/intl.html
+++ b/spec/intl.html
@@ -631,11 +631,11 @@
- 1. Let _dateTimeFormat_ be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(_newTarget_, *"%Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype%"*, « [[InitializedDateTimeFormat]], [[Locale]], [[Calendar]], [[NumberingSystem]], [[TimeZone]], [[HourCycle]], [[DateStyle]], [[TimeStyle]], [[DateTimeFormat]], [[TemporalPlainDateFormat]], [[TemporalPlainYearMonthFormat]], [[TemporalPlainMonthDayFormat]], [[TemporalPlainTimeFormat]], [[TemporalPlainDateTimeFormat]], [[TemporalInstantFormat]], [[BoundFormat]] »).
+ 1. Let _dateTimeFormat_ be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(_newTarget_, *"%Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype%"*, « [[InitializedDateTimeFormat]], [[Locale]], [[Calendar]], [[NumberingSystem]], [[TimeZone]], [[HourCycle]], [[DateStyle]], [[TimeStyle]], [[DateTimeFormat]], [[TemporalPlainDateFormat]], [[TemporalPlainYearMonthFormat]], [[TemporalPlainMonthDayFormat]], [[TemporalPlainTimeFormat]], [[TemporalPlainDateTimeFormat]], [[TemporalInstantFormat]], [[BoundFormat]] »).
1. Let _requestedLocales_ be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(_locales_).
1. Set _options_ to ? CoerceOptionsToObject(_options_).
1. Let _opt_ be a new Record.
- 1. Let _matcher_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"localeMatcher"*, ~string~, « *"lookup"*, *"best fit"* », *"best fit"*).
+ 1. Let _matcher_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"localeMatcher"*, ~string~, « *"lookup"*, *"best fit"* », *"best fit"*).
1. Set _opt_.[[localeMatcher]] to _matcher_.
1. Let _calendar_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"calendar"*, ~string~, ~empty~, *undefined*).
1. If _calendar_ is not *undefined*, then
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@
1. If _numberingSystem_ cannot be matched by the type Unicode locale nonterminal, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. Set _opt_.[[nu]] to _numberingSystem_.
1. Let _hour12_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"hour12"*, ~boolean~, ~empty~, *undefined*).
- 1. Let _hourCycle_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"hourCycle"*, ~string~, « *"h11"*, *"h12"*, *"h23"*, *"h24"* », *undefined*).
+ 1. Let _hourCycle_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"hourCycle"*, ~string~, « *"h11"*, *"h12"*, *"h23"*, *"h24"* », *undefined*).
1. If _hour12_ is not *undefined*, then
1. Set _hourCycle_ to *null*.
1. Set _opt_.[[hc]] to _hourCycle_.
@@ -704,10 +704,10 @@
1. Set _formatOptions_.[[<_prop_>]] to _value_.
1. If _value_ is not *undefined*, then
1. Set _hasExplicitFormatComponents_ to *true*.
- 1. Let _formatMatcher_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"formatMatcher"*, ~string~, « *"basic"*, *"best fit"* », *"best fit"*).
- 1. Let _dateStyle_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"dateStyle"*, ~string~, « *"full"*, *"long"*, *"medium"*, *"short"* », *undefined*).
+ 1. Let _formatMatcher_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"formatMatcher"*, ~string~, « *"basic"*, *"best fit"* », *"best fit"*).
+ 1. Let _dateStyle_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"dateStyle"*, ~string~, « *"full"*, *"long"*, *"medium"*, *"short"* », *undefined*).
1. Set _dateTimeFormat_.[[DateStyle]] to _dateStyle_.
- 1. Let _timeStyle_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"timeStyle"*, ~string~, « *"full"*, *"long"*, *"medium"*, *"short"* », *undefined*).
+ 1. Let _timeStyle_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"timeStyle"*, ~string~, « *"full"*, *"long"*, *"medium"*, *"short"* », *undefined*).
1. Set _dateTimeFormat_.[[TimeStyle]] to _timeStyle_.
1. If _dateStyle_ is not *undefined* or _timeStyle_ is not *undefined*, then
1. If _hasExplicitFormatComponents_ is *true*, then
@@ -735,18 +735,18 @@
1. Else,
1. Let _needDefaults_ be *true*.
1. If _required_ is ~date~ or ~any~, then
- 1. For each property name _prop_ of « *"weekday"*, *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"* », do
+ 1. For each property name _prop_ of « *"weekday"*, *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"* », do
1. Let _value_ be _formatOptions_.[[<_prop_>]].
1. If _value_ is not *undefined*, set _needDefaults_ to *false*.
1. If _required_ is ~time~ or ~any~, then
- 1. For each property name _prop_ of « *"dayPeriod"*, *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"*, *"fractionalSecondDigits"* », do
+ 1. For each property name _prop_ of « *"dayPeriod"*, *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"*, *"fractionalSecondDigits"* », do
1. Let _value_ be _formatOptions_.[[<_prop_>]].
1. If _value_ is not *undefined*, set _needDefaults_ to *false*.
1. If _needDefaults_ is *true* and _defaults_ is either ~date~ or ~all~, then
- 1. For each property name _prop_ of « *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"* », do
+ 1. For each property name _prop_ of « *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"* », do
1. Set _formatOptions_.[[<_prop_>]] to *"numeric"*.
1. If _needDefaults_ is *true* and _defaults_ is either ~time~ or ~all~, then
- 1. For each property name _prop_ of « *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"* », do
+ 1. For each property name _prop_ of « *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"* », do
1. Set _formatOptions_.[[<_prop_>]] to *"numeric"*.
1. Let _formats_ be _resolvedLocaleData_.[[formats]].[[<_resolvedCalendar_>]].
1. If _formatMatcher_ is *"basic"*, then
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ Internal slots
[[LocaleData]].[[<_locale_>]].[[nu]] must be a List that does not include the values *"native"*, *"traditio"*, or *"finance"*.
- [[LocaleData]].[[<_locale_>]].[[hc]] must be « *null*, *"h11"*, *"h12"*, *"h23"*, *"h24"* ».
+ [[LocaleData]].[[<_locale_>]].[[hc]] must be « *null*, *"h11"*, *"h12"*, *"h23"*, *"h24"* ».
[[LocaleData]].[[<_locale_>]].[[hourCycle]] must be one of the String values *"h11"*, *"h12"*, *"h23"*, or *"h24"*.
@@ -845,27 +845,27 @@
1. If _required_ is ~date~, then
- 1. Let _requiredOptions_ be « *"weekday"*, *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"* ».
+ 1. Let _requiredOptions_ be « *"weekday"*, *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"* ».
1. Else if _required_ is ~time~, then
- 1. Let _requiredOptions_ be « *"dayPeriod"*, *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"*, *"fractionalSecondDigits"* ».
+ 1. Let _requiredOptions_ be « *"dayPeriod"*, *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"*, *"fractionalSecondDigits"* ».
1. Else if _required_ is ~year-month~, then
- 1. Let _requiredOptions_ be « *"year"*, *"month"* ».
+ 1. Let _requiredOptions_ be « *"year"*, *"month"* ».
1. Else if _required_ is ~month-day~, then
- 1. Let _requiredOptions_ be « *"month"*, *"day"* ».
+ 1. Let _requiredOptions_ be « *"month"*, *"day"* ».
1. Else,
1. Assert: _required_ is ~any~.
- 1. Let _requiredOptions_ be « *"weekday"*, *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"*, *"dayPeriod"*, *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"*, *"fractionalSecondDigits"* ».
+ 1. Let _requiredOptions_ be « *"weekday"*, *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"*, *"dayPeriod"*, *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"*, *"fractionalSecondDigits"* ».
1. If _defaults_ is ~date~, then
- 1. Let _defaultOptions_ be « *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"* ».
+ 1. Let _defaultOptions_ be « *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"* ».
1. Else if _defaults_ is ~time~, then
- 1. Let _defaultOptions_ be « *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"* ».
+ 1. Let _defaultOptions_ be « *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"* ».
1. Else if _defaults_ is ~year-month~, then
- 1. Let _defaultOptions_ be « *"year"*, *"month"* ».
+ 1. Let _defaultOptions_ be « *"year"*, *"month"* ».
1. Else if _defaults_ is ~month-day~, then
- 1. Let _defaultOptions_ be « *"month"*, *"day"* ».
+ 1. Let _defaultOptions_ be « *"month"*, *"day"* ».
1. Else,
1. Assert: _defaults_ is ~zoned-date-time~ or ~all~.
- 1. Let _defaultOptions_ be « *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"*, *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"* ».
+ 1. Let _defaultOptions_ be « *"year"*, *"month"*, *"day"*, *"hour"*, *"minute"*, *"second"* ».
1. If _inherit_ is ~all~, then
1. Let _formatOptions_ be a copy of _options_.
1. Else,
@@ -935,18 +935,18 @@
1. Let _locale_ be _dateTimeFormat_.[[Locale]].
1. Let _nfOptions_ be OrdinaryObjectCreate(*null*).
1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOptions_, *"useGrouping"*, *false*).
- 1. Let _nf_ be ! Construct(%Intl.NumberFormat%, « _locale_, _nfOptions_ »).
+ 1. Let _nf_ be ! Construct(%Intl.NumberFormat%, « _locale_, _nfOptions_ »).
1. Let _nf2Options_ be OrdinaryObjectCreate(*null*).
1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nf2Options_, *"minimumIntegerDigits"*, *2*𝔽).
1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nf2Options_, *"useGrouping"*, *false*).
- 1. Let _nf2_ be ! Construct(%Intl.NumberFormat%, « _locale_, _nf2Options_ »).
+ 1. Let _nf2_ be ! Construct(%Intl.NumberFormat%, « _locale_, _nf2Options_ »).
1. If _format_ has a field [[fractionalSecondDigits]], then
1. Let _fractionalSecondDigits_ be _format_.[[fractionalSecondDigits]].
1. Let _nf3Options_ be OrdinaryObjectCreate(*null*).
1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nf3Options_, *"minimumIntegerDigits"*, 𝔽(_fractionalSecondDigits_)).
1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nf3Options_, *"useGrouping"*, *false*).
- 1. Let _nf3_ be ! Construct(%Intl.NumberFormat%, « _locale_, _nf3Options_ »).
- 1. Let _tm_ be ToLocalTime(ℤ(ℝ(_x_) × 106)_epochNanoseconds_, _dateTimeFormat_.[[Calendar]], _dateTimeFormat_.[[TimeZone]]).
+ 1. Let _nf3_ be ! Construct(%Intl.NumberFormat%, « _locale_, _nf3Options_ »).
+ 1. Let _tm_ be ToLocalTime(ℤ(ℝ(_x_) × 106)_epochNanoseconds_, _dateTimeFormat_.[[Calendar]], _dateTimeFormat_.[[TimeZone]]).
1. Let _patternParts_ be PartitionPattern(_pattern_).
1. Let _result_ be a new empty List.
1. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]] } _patternPart_ of _patternParts_, do
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@
1. Else if _p_ is *"fractionalSecondDigits"*, then
1. Assert: _format_ has a field [[fractionalSecondDigits]].
1. Let _v_ be _tm_.[[Millisecond]].
- 1. Set _v_ to floor(_v_ × 10( _fractionalSecondDigits_ - 3 )).
+ 1. Set _v_ to floor(_v_ × 10( _fractionalSecondDigits_ - 3 )).
1. Let _fv_ be FormatNumeric(_nf3_, _v_).
1. Append the Record { [[Type]]: *"fractionalSecond"*, [[Value]]: _fv_ } to _result_.
1. Else if _p_ is *"dayPeriod"*, then
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@
1. Assert: _format_ has a field [[<_p_>]].
1. Let _f_ be _format_.[[<_p_>]].
1. Let _v_ be the value of _tm_'s field whose name is the Internal Slot column of the matching row.
- 1. If _p_ is *"year"* and _v_ ≤ 0, set _v_ to 1 - _v_.
+ 1. If _p_ is *"year"* and _v_ ≤ 0, set _v_ to 1 - _v_.
1. If _p_ is *"month"*, set _v_ to _v_ + 1.
1. If _p_ is *"hour"* and _dateTimeFormat_.[[HourCycle]] is *"h11"* or *"h12"*, then
1. Set _v_ to _v_ modulo 12.
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@
1. If _count_ > 2, then
1. Let _tens_ be _codePoints_[_count_ - 2].
1. Let _ones_ be _codePoints_[_count_ - 1].
- 1. Set _fv_ to CodePointsToString(« _tens_, _ones_ »).
+ 1. Set _fv_ to CodePointsToString(« _tens_, _ones_ »).
1. Else if _f_ is *"narrow"*, *"short"*, or *"long"*, then
1. Let _fv_ be a String value representing _v_ in the form given by _f_; the String value depends upon the implementation and the effective locale and calendar of _dateTimeFormat_. If _p_ is *"month"*, then the String value may also depend on whether _format_.[[day]] is present. If the implementation does not have a localized representation of _f_, then use the String value of _v_ itself.
1. Append the Record { [[Type]]: _p_, [[Value]]: _fv_ } to _result_.
@@ -1106,8 +1106,8 @@
1. If SameTemporalType(_x_, _y_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. Let _xFormatRecord_ be ? HandleDateTimeValue(_dateTimeFormat_, _x_).
1. Let _yFormatRecord_ be ? HandleDateTimeValue(_dateTimeFormat_, _y_).
- 1. Let _tm1_ be ToLocalTime(ℤ(ℝ(_x_) × 106)_xFormatRecord_.[[EpochNanoseconds]], _dateTimeFormat_.[[Calendar]], _dateTimeFormat_.[[TimeZone]]).
- 1. Let _tm2_ be ToLocalTime(ℤ(ℝ(_y_) × 106)_yFormatRecord_.[[EpochNanoseconds]], _dateTimeFormat_.[[Calendar]], _dateTimeFormat_.[[TimeZone]]).
+ 1. Let _tm1_ be ToLocalTime(ℤ(ℝ(_x_) × 106)_xFormatRecord_.[[EpochNanoseconds]], _dateTimeFormat_.[[Calendar]], _dateTimeFormat_.[[TimeZone]]).
+ 1. Let _tm2_ be ToLocalTime(ℤ(ℝ(_y_) × 106)_yFormatRecord_.[[EpochNanoseconds]], _dateTimeFormat_.[[Calendar]], _dateTimeFormat_.[[TimeZone]]).
1. Let _format_ be _dateTimeFormat_.[[DateTimeFormat]].
1. Let _format_ be _xFormatRecord_.[[Format]].
1. Assert: _format_ is equal to _yFormatRecord_.[[Format]].
@@ -1139,8 +1139,8 @@
1. If _fractionalSecondDigits_ is *undefined*, then
1. Set _fractionalSecondDigits_ to 3.
1. Let _exp_ be _fractionalSecondDigits_ - 3.
- 1. Let _v1_ be floor(_tm1_.[[Millisecond]] × 10_exp_).
- 1. Let _v2_ be floor(_tm2_.[[Millisecond]] × 10_exp_).
+ 1. Let _v1_ be floor(_tm1_.[[Millisecond]] × 10_exp_).
+ 1. Let _v2_ be floor(_tm2_.[[Millisecond]] × 10_exp_).
1. Else,
1. Let _v1_ be _tm1_'s field whose name is _fieldName_.
1. Let _v2_ be _tm2_'s field whose name is _fieldName_.
@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@
1. Set _x_ to TimeClip(_x_).
1. If _x_ is *NaN*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
- 1. Let _epochNanoseconds_ be ℤ(ℝ(_x_) × 106).
+ 1. Let _epochNanoseconds_ be ℤ(ℝ(_x_) × 106).
1. Let _format_ be _dateTimeFormat_.[[DateTimeFormat]].
1. Return Value Format Record {
[[Format]]: _format_,
diff --git a/spec/mainadditions.html b/spec/mainadditions.html
index 8d28c2ff9a..650f0b6016 100644
--- a/spec/mainadditions.html
+++ b/spec/mainadditions.html
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ The Year-Week Record Specification Type
Mathematical Operations
- The notation “_x_ modulo _y_” (_y_ must be finite and non-zero) computes a value _k_ of the same sign as _y_ (or zero) such that abs(_k_) < abs(_y_) and _x_ - _k_ = _q_ × _y_ for some integer _q_.
+ The notation “_x_ modulo _y_” (_y_ must be finite and non-zero) computes a value _k_ of the same sign as _y_ (or zero) such that abs(_k_) < abs(_y_) and _x_ - _k_ = _q_ × _y_ for some integer _q_.
The mathematical function remainder(_x_, _y_) produces the mathematical value whose sign is the sign of _x_ and whose magnitude is abs(_x_) modulo _y_.
Mathematical functions min, max, abs, remainder, floor, and truncate are not defined for Numbers and BigInts, and any usage of those methods that have non-mathematical value arguments would be an editorial error in this specification.
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ Date.prototype.toTemporalInstant ( )
1. Let _dateObject_ be the *this* value.
1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_dateObject_, [[DateValue]]).
1. Let _t_ be _dateObject_.[[DateValue]].
- 1. Let _ns_ be ? NumberToBigInt(_t_) × ℤ(106).
+ 1. Let _ns_ be ? NumberToBigInt(_t_) × ℤ(106).
1. Return ! CreateTemporalInstant(_ns_).
diff --git a/spec/plaindate.html b/spec/plaindate.html
index db410f31b2..6292a2ab19 100644
--- a/spec/plaindate.html
+++ b/spec/plaindate.html
@@ -483,9 +483,9 @@ Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.equals ( _other_ )
1. Let _temporalDate_ be the *this* value.
1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_temporalDate_, [[InitializedTemporalDate]]).
1. Set _other_ to ? ToTemporalDate(_other_).
- 1. If _temporalDate_.[[ISOYear]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOYear]], return *false*.
- 1. If _temporalDate_.[[ISOMonth]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOMonth]], return *false*.
- 1. If _temporalDate_.[[ISODay]] ≠ _other_.[[ISODay]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _temporalDate_.[[ISOYear]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOYear]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _temporalDate_.[[ISOMonth]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOMonth]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _temporalDate_.[[ISODay]] ≠ _other_.[[ISODay]], return *false*.
1. Return ? CalendarEquals(_temporalDate_.[[Calendar]], _other_.[[Calendar]]).
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@
1. Assert: IsValidISODate(_y2_, _m2_, _d2_).
1. Let _comparison_ be CompareISODate(_y1_, _m1_, _d1_, _y2_, _m2_, _d2_).
- 1. If _sign_ × _comparison_ = 1, return *true*.
+ 1. If _sign_ × _comparison_ = 1, return *true*.
1. Return *false*.
@@ -867,14 +867,14 @@
1. Let _weeks_ be 0.
1. If _largestUnit_ is *"week"*, then
1. Let _candidateWeeks_ be _sign_.
- 1. Set _intermediate_ to BalanceISODate(_constrained_.[[Year]], _constrained_.[[Month]], _constrained_.[[Day]] + 7 × _candidateWeeks_).
+ 1. Set _intermediate_ to BalanceISODate(_constrained_.[[Year]], _constrained_.[[Month]], _constrained_.[[Day]] + 7 × _candidateWeeks_).
1. Repeat, while ISODateSurpasses(_sign_, _intermediate_.[[Year]], _intermediate_.[[Month]], _intermediate_.[[Day]], _y2_, _m2_, _d2_) is *false*,
1. Set _weeks_ to _candidateWeeks_.
1. Set _candidateWeeks_ to _candidateWeeks_ + sign.
- 1. Set _intermediate_ to BalanceISODate(_intermediate_.[[Year]], _intermediate_.[[Month]], _intermediate_.[[Day]] + 7 × _sign_).
+ 1. Set _intermediate_ to BalanceISODate(_intermediate_.[[Year]], _intermediate_.[[Month]], _intermediate_.[[Day]] + 7 × _sign_).
1. Let _days_ be 0.
1. Let _candidateDays_ be _sign_.
- 1. Set _intermediate_ to BalanceISODate(_constrained_.[[Year]], _constrained_.[[Month]], _constrained_.[[Day]] + 7 × _weeks_ + _candidateDays_).
+ 1. Set _intermediate_ to BalanceISODate(_constrained_.[[Year]], _constrained_.[[Month]], _constrained_.[[Day]] + 7 × _weeks_ + _candidateDays_).
1. Repeat, while ISODateSurpasses(_sign_, _intermediate_.[[Year]], _intermediate_.[[Month]], _intermediate_.[[Day]], _y2_, _m2_, _d2_) is *false*,
1. Set _days_ to _candidateDays_.
1. Set _candidateDays_ to _candidateDays_ + _sign_.
@@ -999,7 +999,7 @@
It returns a String representation of _y_ suitable for inclusion in an ISO 8601 string, either in 4-digit format or 6-digit format with sign.
- 1. If _y_ ≥ 0 and _y_ ≤ 9999, then
+ 1. If _y_ ≥ 0 and _y_ ≤ 9999, then
1. Return ToZeroPaddedDecimalString(_y_, 4).
1. If _y_ > 0, let _yearSign_ be *"+"*; otherwise, let _yearSign_ be *"-"*.
1. Let _year_ be ToZeroPaddedDecimalString(abs(_y_), 6).
@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@
1. Assert: IsValidISODate(_year_, _month_, _day_) is *true*.
1. Let _intermediate_ be BalanceISOYearMonth(_year_ + _years_, _month_ + _months_).
1. Set _intermediate_ to ? RegulateISODate(_intermediate_.[[Year]], _intermediate_.[[Month]], _day_, _overflow_).
- 1. Set _days_ to _days_ + 7 × _weeks_.
+ 1. Set _days_ to _days_ + 7 × _weeks_.
1. Let _d_ be _intermediate_.[[Day]] + _days_.
1. Return BalanceISODate(_intermediate_.[[Year]], _intermediate_.[[Month]], _d_).
@@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@
1. Assert: CalendarMethodsRecordHasLookedUp(_calendarRec_, ~date-add~) is *true*.
1. If _options_ is not present, set _options_ to *undefined*.
- 1. If _duration_.[[Years]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Months]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Weeks]] ≠ 0, then
+ 1. If _duration_.[[Years]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Months]] ≠ 0, or _duration_.[[Weeks]] ≠ 0, then
1. Return ? CalendarDateAdd(_calendarRec_, _plainDate_, _duration_, _options_).
1. Let _overflow_ be ? GetTemporalOverflowOption(_options_).
1. Let _norm_ be NormalizeTimeDuration(_duration_.[[Hours]], _duration_.[[Minutes]], _duration_.[[Seconds]], _duration_.[[Milliseconds]], _duration_.[[Microseconds]], _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@
1. Set _other_ to ? ToTemporalDate(_other_).
1. If ? CalendarEquals(_temporalDate_.[[Calendar]], _other_.[[Calendar]]) is *false*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. Let _resolvedOptions_ be ? SnapshotOwnProperties(? GetOptionsObject(_options_), *null*).
- 1. Let _settings_ be ? GetDifferenceSettings(_operation_, _resolvedOptions_, ~date~, « », *"day"*, *"day"*).
+ 1. Let _settings_ be ? GetDifferenceSettings(_operation_, _resolvedOptions_, ~date~, « », *"day"*, *"day"*).
1. If _temporalDate_.[[ISOYear]] = _other_.[[ISOYear]], and _temporalDate_.[[ISOMonth]] = _other_.[[ISOMonth]], and _temporalDate_.[[ISODay]] = _other_.[[ISODay]], then
1. Return ! CreateTemporalDuration(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).
1. Let _calendarRec_ be ? CreateCalendarMethodsRecord(_temporalDate_.[[Calendar]], « ~date-add~, ~date-until~ »).
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@
1. Let _destEpochNs_ be GetUTCEpochNanoseconds(_other_.[[ISOYear]], _other_.[[ISOMonth]], _other_.[[ISODay]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).
1. Let _dateTime_ be ISO Date-Time Record { [[Year]]: _temporalDate_.[[ISOYear]], [[Month]]: _temporalDate_.[[ISOMonth]], [[Day]]: _temporalDate_.[[ISODay]], [[Hour]]: 0, [[Minute]]: 0, [[Second]]: 0, [[Millisecond]]: 0, [[Microsecond]]: 0, [[Nanosecond]]: 0 }.
1. Set _duration_ to ? RoundRelativeDuration(_duration_, _destEpochNs_, _dateTime_, _calendarRec_, ~unset~, _settings_.[[LargestUnit]], _settings_.[[RoundingIncrement]], _settings_.[[SmallestUnit]], _settings_.[[RoundingMode]]).
- 1. Return ! CreateTemporalDuration(_sign_ × _duration_.[[Years]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Months]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Weeks]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Days]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).
+ 1. Return ! CreateTemporalDuration(_sign_ × _duration_.[[Years]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Months]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Weeks]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Days]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).
diff --git a/spec/plaindatetime.html b/spec/plaindatetime.html
index 73e5cb47a8..3ccc12b842 100644
--- a/spec/plaindatetime.html
+++ b/spec/plaindatetime.html
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
- Temporal.PlainDateTime objects can represent points in time within 24 hours (8.64 × 1013 nanoseconds) of the Temporal.Instant boundaries.
+ Temporal.PlainDateTime objects can represent points in time within 24 hours (8.64 × 1013 nanoseconds) of the Temporal.Instant boundaries.
This ensures that a Temporal.Instant object can be converted into a Temporal.PlainDateTime object using any time zone.
@@ -921,9 +921,9 @@
1. Assert: IsValidISODate(_year_, _month_, _day_) is *true*.
1. If abs(ISODateToEpochDays(_year_, _month_ - 1, _day_)) > 108 + 1, return *false*.
1. Let _ns_ be ℝ(GetUTCEpochNanoseconds(_year_, _month_, _day_, _hour_, _minute_, _second_, _millisecond_, _microsecond_, _nanosecond_)).
- 1. If _ns_ ≤ nsMinInstant - nsPerDay, then
+ 1. If _ns_ ≤ nsMinInstant - nsPerDay, then
1. Return *false*.
- 1. If _ns_ ≥ nsMaxInstant + nsPerDay, then
+ 1. If _ns_ ≥ nsMaxInstant + nsPerDay, then
1. Return *false*.
1. Return *true*.
@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@
1. Let _yearString_ be PadISOYear(_isoYear_).
1. Let _monthString_ be ToZeroPaddedDecimalString(_isoMonth_, 2).
1. Let _dayString_ be ToZeroPaddedDecimalString(_isoDay_, 2).
- 1. Let _subSecondNanoseconds_ be _millisecond_ × 106 + _microsecond_ × 103 + _nanosecond_.
+ 1. Let _subSecondNanoseconds_ be _millisecond_ × 106 + _microsecond_ × 103 + _nanosecond_.
1. Let _timeString_ be FormatTimeString(_hour_, _minute_, _second_, _subSecondNanoseconds_, _precision_).
1. Let _calendarString_ be ? MaybeFormatCalendarAnnotation(_calendar_, _showCalendar_).
1. Return the string-concatenation of _yearString_, the code unit 0x002D (HYPHEN-MINUS), _monthString_, the code unit 0x002D (HYPHEN-MINUS), _dayString_, 0x0054 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T), _timeString_, and _calendarString_.
@@ -1278,7 +1278,7 @@
1. Assert: ISODateTimeWithinLimits(_y1_, _mon1_, _d1_, _h1_, _min1_, _s1_, _ms1_, _mus1_, _ns1_) is *true*.
1. Assert: ISODateTimeWithinLimits(_y2_, _mon2_, _d2_, _h2_, _min2_, _s2_, _ms2_, _mus2_, _ns2_) is *true*.
- 1. Assert: If _y1_ ≠ _y2_, and _mon1_ ≠ _mon2_, and _d1_ ≠ _d2_, and LargerOfTwoTemporalUnits(_largestUnit_, *"day"*) is not *"day"*, CalendarMethodsRecordHasLookedUp(_calendarRec_, ~date-until~) is *true*.
+ 1. Assert: If _y1_ ≠ _y2_, and _mon1_ ≠ _mon2_, and _d1_ ≠ _d2_, and LargerOfTwoTemporalUnits(_largestUnit_, *"day"*) is not *"day"*, CalendarMethodsRecordHasLookedUp(_calendarRec_, ~date-until~) is *true*.
1. Let _timeDuration_ be DifferenceTime(_h1_, _min1_, _s1_, _ms1_, _mus1_, _ns1_, _h2_, _min2_, _s2_, _ms2_, _mus2_, _ns2_).
1. Let _timeSign_ be NormalizedTimeDurationSign(_timeDuration_).
1. Let _dateSign_ be CompareISODate(_y2_, _mon2_, _d2_, _y1_, _mon1_, _d1_).
@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@
1. Set _other_ to ? ToTemporalDateTime(_other_).
1. If ? CalendarEquals(_dateTime_.[[Calendar]], _other_.[[Calendar]]) is *false*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. Let _resolvedOptions_ be ? SnapshotOwnProperties(? GetOptionsObject(_options_), *null*).
- 1. Let _settings_ be ? GetDifferenceSettings(_operation_, _resolvedOptions_, ~datetime~, « », *"nanosecond"*, *"day"*).
+ 1. Let _settings_ be ? GetDifferenceSettings(_operation_, _resolvedOptions_, ~datetime~, « », *"nanosecond"*, *"day"*).
1. Let _datePartsIdentical_ be *false*.
1. If _dateTime_.[[ISOYear]] = _other_.[[ISOYear]], and _dateTime_.[[ISOMonth]] = _other_.[[ISOMonth]], and _dateTime_.[[ISODay]] = _other_.[[ISODay]], then
1. Set _datePartsIdentical_ to *true*.
@@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@
1. Let _calendarRec_ be ? CreateCalendarMethodsRecord(_dateTime_.[[Calendar]], « ~date-add~, ~date-until~ »).
1. Let _resultRecord_ be ? DifferencePlainDateTimeWithRounding(_dateTime_.[[ISOYear]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMonth]], _dateTime_.[[ISODay]], _dateTime_.[[ISOHour]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMinute]], _dateTime_.[[ISOSecond]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMillisecond]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMicrosecond]], _dateTime_.[[ISONanosecond]], _other_.[[ISOYear]], _other_.[[ISOMonth]], _other_.[[ISODay]], _other_.[[ISOHour]], _other_.[[ISOMinute]], _other_.[[ISOSecond]], _other_.[[ISOMillisecond]], _other_.[[ISOMicrosecond]], _other_.[[ISONanosecond]], _calendarRec_, _settings_.[[LargestUnit]], _settings_.[[RoundingIncrement]], _settings_.[[SmallestUnit]], _settings_.[[RoundingMode]], _resolvedOptions_).
1. Let _result_ be _resultRecord_.[[DurationRecord]].
- 1. Return ? CreateTemporalDuration(_sign_ × _result_.[[Years]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Months]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Weeks]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Days]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Hours]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Minutes]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Seconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Milliseconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Microseconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalDuration(_sign_ × _result_.[[Years]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Months]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Weeks]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Days]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Hours]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Minutes]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Seconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Milliseconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Microseconds]], _sign_ × _result_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
@@ -1401,8 +1401,8 @@
1. Let _duration_ be ? ToTemporalDurationRecord(_temporalDurationLike_).
1. Set _options_ to ? GetOptionsObject(_options_).
1. Let _calendarRec_ be ? CreateCalendarMethodsRecord(_dateTime_.[[Calendar]], « ~date-add~ »).
- 1. Let _norm_ be NormalizeTimeDuration(_sign_ × _duration_.[[Hours]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Minutes]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Seconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Milliseconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Microseconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
- 1. Let _result_ be ? AddDateTime(_dateTime_.[[ISOYear]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMonth]], _dateTime_.[[ISODay]], _dateTime_.[[ISOHour]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMinute]], _dateTime_.[[ISOSecond]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMillisecond]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMicrosecond]], _dateTime_.[[ISONanosecond]], _calendarRec_, _sign_ × _duration_.[[Years]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Months]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Weeks]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Days]], _norm_, _options_).
+ 1. Let _norm_ be NormalizeTimeDuration(_sign_ × _duration_.[[Hours]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Minutes]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Seconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Milliseconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Microseconds]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _result_ be ? AddDateTime(_dateTime_.[[ISOYear]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMonth]], _dateTime_.[[ISODay]], _dateTime_.[[ISOHour]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMinute]], _dateTime_.[[ISOSecond]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMillisecond]], _dateTime_.[[ISOMicrosecond]], _dateTime_.[[ISONanosecond]], _calendarRec_, _sign_ × _duration_.[[Years]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Months]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Weeks]], _sign_ × _duration_.[[Days]], _norm_, _options_).
1. Assert: IsValidISODate(_result_.[[Year]], _result_.[[Month]], _result_.[[Day]]) is *true*.
1. Assert: IsValidTime(_result_.[[Hour]], _result_.[[Minute]], _result_.[[Second]], _result_.[[Millisecond]], _result_.[[Microsecond]], _result_.[[Nanosecond]]) is *true*.
1. Return ? CreateTemporalDateTime(_result_.[[Year]], _result_.[[Month]], _result_.[[Day]], _result_.[[Hour]], _result_.[[Minute]], _result_.[[Second]], _result_.[[Millisecond]], _result_.[[Microsecond]], _result_.[[Nanosecond]], _dateTime_.[[Calendar]]).
diff --git a/spec/plainmonthday.html b/spec/plainmonthday.html
index 945ce77fa0..903a15af56 100644
--- a/spec/plainmonthday.html
+++ b/spec/plainmonthday.html
@@ -166,9 +166,9 @@ Temporal.PlainMonthDay.prototype.equals ( _other_ )
1. Let _monthDay_ be the *this* value.
1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_monthDay_, [[InitializedTemporalMonthDay]]).
1. Set _other_ to ? ToTemporalMonthDay(_other_).
- 1. If _monthDay_.[[ISOMonth]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOMonth]], return *false*.
- 1. If _monthDay_.[[ISODay]] ≠ _other_.[[ISODay]], return *false*.
- 1. If _monthDay_.[[ISOYear]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOYear]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _monthDay_.[[ISOMonth]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOMonth]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _monthDay_.[[ISODay]] ≠ _other_.[[ISODay]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _monthDay_.[[ISOYear]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOYear]], return *false*.
1. Return ? CalendarEquals(_monthDay_.[[Calendar]], _other_.[[Calendar]]).
diff --git a/spec/plaintime.html b/spec/plaintime.html
index 3b53cfdcbb..5448ac310a 100644
--- a/spec/plaintime.html
+++ b/spec/plaintime.html
@@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ Temporal.PlainTime.prototype.equals ( _other_ )
1. Let _temporalTime_ be the *this* value.
1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_temporalTime_, [[InitializedTemporalTime]]).
1. Set _other_ to ? ToTemporalTime(_other_).
- 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISOHour]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOHour]], return *false*.
- 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISOMinute]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOMinute]], return *false*.
- 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISOSecond]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOSecond]], return *false*.
- 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISOMillisecond]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOMillisecond]], return *false*.
- 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISOMicrosecond]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOMicrosecond]], return *false*.
- 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISONanosecond]] ≠ _other_.[[ISONanosecond]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISOHour]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOHour]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISOMinute]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOMinute]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISOSecond]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOSecond]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISOMillisecond]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOMillisecond]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISOMicrosecond]] ≠ _other_.[[ISOMicrosecond]], return *false*.
+ 1. If _temporalTime_.[[ISONanosecond]] ≠ _other_.[[ISONanosecond]], return *false*.
1. Return *true*.
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ Time Records