Inspired by Lisp, DataToolkitCore
comes with a method of completely transforming
its behaviour at certain defined points. This is essentially a restricted form
of Aspect-oriented programming. At certain declared locations (termed “join
points”), we consult a list of “advise” functions that modify the execution at
that point, and apply the (matched via “pointcuts”) advise functions
Each applied advise function is wrapped around the invocation of the join point, and is able to modify the arguments, execution, and results of the join point.
~DataCollection~s, ~DataSet~s, and ~AbstractDataTransformer~s are advised at two stages during parsing:
- When calling
on theDict
representation, at the start of parsing - At the end of the
function, callingidentity
on the object
Serialisation is performed through the tospec
call, which is also advised.
The signatures of the advised function calls are as follows:
fromspec(DataCollection, spec::Dict{String, Any}; path::Union{String, Nothing})::DataCollection
fromspec(DataSet, collection::DataCollection, name::String, spec::Dict{String, Any})::DataSet
fromspec(ADT::Type{<:AbstractDataTransformer}, dataset::DataSet, spec::Dict{String, Any})::ADT
Both the parsing of an Identifier
from a string, and the serialisation of an Identifier
to a string are advised. Specifically, the following function calls:
The reading, writing, and storage of data may all be advised. Specifically, the following function calls:
load(loader::DataLoader, datahandle, as::Type)
storage(provider::DataStorage, as::Type; write::Bool)
save(writer::DataWriter, datahandle, info)
using Markdown content = Any[] const AdviseRecord = NamedTuple{(:location, :parent, :invocation), Tuple{LineNumberNode, <:Union{Expr, Symbol}, Expr}} function findadvice!(acc::Vector{AdviseRecord}, expr::Expr; parent=nothing) if expr.head == :macrocall && first(expr.args) == Symbol("@advise") !isnothing(parent) || @warn "Macro @$(expr.args[2]) has no parent function" push!(acc, (; location=expr.args[2], parent, invocation=expr.args[end])) else if isnothing(parent) && expr.head == :function parent = if first(expr.args) isa Expr first(first(expr.args).args) else first(expr.args) end elseif isnothing(parent) && expr.head == :(=) && first(expr.args) isa Expr && first(expr.args).head == :call parent = first(first(expr.args).args) end findadvice!.(Ref(acc), expr.args; parent) end end findadvice!(acc, ::Any; parent=nothing) = nothing alladvice = Vector{AdviseRecord}() for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir("../../src") for file in files file == "precompile.jl" && continue @info "Analysing $file for advise" path = joinpath(root, file) expr = Meta.parseall(read(path, String); filename=path) findadvice!(alladvice, expr) end end AdvItem = NamedTuple{(:line, :parent, :invocation), Tuple{Int, Union{Expr, Symbol}, Expr}} advbyfunc = Dict{Symbol, Dict{Symbol, Vector{AdvItem}}}() atypes = first.(getfield.(getfield.(alladvice, :invocation), :args)) |> unique afiles = getfield.(getfield.(alladvice, :location), :file) |> unique for atype in atypes advs = filter(a -> first(a.invocation.args) == atype, alladvice) advbyfunc[atype] = Dict{Symbol, Vector{AdvItem}}() for (; location, parent, invocation) in advs if !haskey(advbyfunc[atype], location.file) advbyfunc[atype][location.file] = Vector{AdvItem}() end push!(advbyfunc[atype][location.file], (; line=location.line, parent, invocation)) end end push!(content, Markdown.Paragraph([ "There are ", Markdown.Bold(string(length(alladvice))), " advised function calls, across ", Markdown.Bold(string(length(unique(getfield.(getfield.(alladvice, :location), :file))))), " files, covering ", Markdown.Bold(string(length(advbyfunc))), " functions (automatically detected)."])) push!(content, Markdown.Header{3}(["Arranged by function"])) for fname in sort(keys(advbyfunc) |> collect) instances = advbyfunc[fname] nadv = sum(length, values(instances)) push!(content, Markdown.Header{4}([ Markdown.Code(String(fname)), if nadv == 1 " (1 instance)" else " ($nadv instances)" end])) list = Markdown.List(Any[], -1, false) for file in sort(keys(instances) |> collect) details = instances[file] sublist = Markdown.List(Any[], -1, false) for (; line, parent, invocation) in details push!(sublist.items, Markdown.Paragraph( ["On line ", string(line), " ", Markdown.Code(string(invocation)), " is advised within a ", Markdown.Code(string(parent)), " method."])) end push!(list.items, Any[ Markdown.Paragraph([Markdown.Italic(last(splitpath(String(file))))]), sublist]) end push!(content, list) end push!(content, Markdown.Header{3}(["Arranged by file"])) advbyfile = Dict{Symbol, Vector{AdvItem}}() for (; location, parent, invocation) in alladvice if !haskey(advbyfile, location.file) advbyfile[location.file] = Vector{AdvItem}() end push!(advbyfile[location.file], (; line=location.line, parent, invocation)) end for file in sort(afiles) instances = advbyfile[file] push!(content, Markdown.Header{5}([ Markdown.Code(last(splitpath(String(file)))), if length(instances) == 1 " (1 instance)" else " ($(length(instances)) instances)" end])) list = Markdown.List(Any[], -1, false) for (; line, parent, invocation) in instances push!(list.items, [Markdown.Paragraph( ["On line ", string(line), " ", Markdown.Code(string(invocation)), " is advised within a ", Markdown.Code(string(parent)), " method."])]) end push!(content, list) end Markdown.MD(content) |> string |> Markdown.parse