The main function of the Starlight component is to enable the publishing of individual events. Event publishers can interact with the component by sending a POST request to the endpoint with the value /events. This allows event publishers to send events to Horizon, where the events are routed to the appropriate consumers of the event type.
When the endpoint is called, the Starlight component checks whether the realm from the token matches the environment to ensure authentication. Then the corresponding event is validated and the payload is searched for the eventType. To ensure that the given payload does not exceed the maximum payload size, this is also validated.
If all validations are successful and this does not lead to an exception and an unwanted statusCode, the publishTask starts.
The publishTask starts with the validation of the eventType if the publisherCheck is enabled. It checks whether the eventType has been properly exposed and whether a subscriber/consumer exists for the corresponding eventType. If this is not the case, the Starlight component returns a 202 Accepted statusCode. Otherwise, the publisher is validated with the eventType to ensure that the eventType is only used by the publisher for which it is authorized.
The next step is to trigger a schema check when the function is activated. The schema check starts with validating the publisherId and checking the schema of the eventType. If the schema is valid, the json event is validated with the json schema. If this fails, a 400 BadRequest is returned. Otherwise, the schemaValidation is canceled and the event is provided with a timestamp.
If checkEventTypeOwnerShip and schemaValidation have been successfully completed or disabled and the event has been timestamped, the publishEventMessage is created. The status of the message is set to PROCESSED and the specified http filter is applied. After that, Starlight tries to write the event with the status PROCESSED into the kafka. If this works, the publishTask is finished and the event is marked as produced. If writing to the kafka failed, an exception check is performed and the exception is written before the event is also marked as produced.
Furthermore, similar to all other components in Horizon, the Starlight component incorporates logs, tracing, and metrics to document its functionalities and performance metrics.
graph TD;
%% Start of the process
Start[Event Provider publish an event]
Start --> CheckRealm{Does the realm <br> from the token matches <br> the environment?}
CheckRealm -->|Yes| CheckEvent{Is event valid?}
CheckRealm -->|No| Unauthorized[Send 401 Unauthorized statusCode]
style Unauthorized stroke:#FF0000,stroke-width:2px
CheckEvent -->|Yes| CheckPayload{Check payload size }
CheckEvent -->|No| BadRequest[Send 400 BadRequest statusCode]
style BadRequest stroke:#FF0000,stroke-width:2px
CheckPayload -->| Payload size to large | PayloadTooLarge[Send 413 Payload Too Large statusCode]
style PayloadTooLarge stroke:#FF0000,stroke-width:2px
CheckPayload -->| Could not serialize payload | BadRequest
CheckPayload -->| Is valid | PublishTask[PublishTask]
style PublishTask stroke:#FFFF00,stroke-width:2px
PublishTask --> MarkEvent[Mark event as produced]
flowchart TD
subgraph PublishTask [Publish Task]
style PublishTask stroke:#FFFF00,stroke-width:2px
Start_PublishTask --> PublisherCheck{Verify if <br> publisherCheck is <br> enabled}
PublisherCheck -->| Enabled | CheckEventTypeOwnerShip[CheckEventTypeOwnerShip]
style CheckEventTypeOwnerShip stroke:#FFA500,stroke-width:2px
CheckEventTypeOwnerShip --> | If publisher matches eventType | SchemaValidationCheck{Is schema validation enabled?}
PublisherCheck -->| Disabled | SchemaValidationCheck
SchemaValidationCheck -->| Enabled | SchemaValidation(Is schema validation <br> enabled?)
style SchemaValidation stroke:#0000FF,stroke-width:2px
SchemaValidation --> | Invalid publisherId/ schema <br> for eventType or event match the schema | AddTimeToEventIfAbsent(Set timestamp for published event)
SchemaValidationCheck -->| Disabled | AddTimeToEventIfAbsent
AddTimeToEventIfAbsent --> CreatePublishedEventMessage[Create PublishedEventMessage]
CreatePublishedEventMessage --> FilterHttpHeader(Filter HTTP-Header of event Message)
FilterHttpHeader --> SendToKafka{Send statusMessage <br> to Kafka}
SendToKafka -->| Success | Success[Send PROCESSES statusMessage]
SendToKafka -->| Payload size too large | PayloadTooLarge_2[Send 413 Payload Too Large statusCode]
SendToKafka -->| Other exception | GatewayTimeout[Send 504 Gateway Timeout statusCode]
style PayloadTooLarge_2 stroke:#FF0000,stroke-width:2px
style GatewayTimeout stroke:#FF0000,stroke-width:2px
flowchart TD
subgraph CheckEventTypeOwnerShip [CheckEventTypeOwnerShip]
style CheckEventTypeOwnerShip stroke:#FFA500,stroke-width:2px
Start_CheckEventTypeOwnerShip --> CheckEventTypeExposure{Is the event type <br> exposed and <br> subscribed to?}
CheckEventTypeExposure -->| Yes | CheckPublisherPermission[Check publisher matches eventType]
CheckEventTypeExposure -->| No | Accepted[Send 202 Accepted statusCode]
style Accepted stroke:#9f6,stroke-width:2px;
CheckPublisherPermission -->| Yes | SchemaValidationCheck(Is schema validation <br> enabled?)
CheckPublisherPermission -->| No | Forbidden[Send 403 Forbidden statusCode]
style Forbidden stroke:#FF0000,stroke-width:2px
flowchart TD
subgraph SchemaValidation [SchemaValidation]
style SchemaValidation stroke:#0000FF,stroke-width:2px
Start_SchemaValidation --> CheckPublisherId{Is publisherId <br> valid?}
CheckPublisherId -->| No | SetTimestamp(Set timestamp for published event)
CheckPublisherId -->| Yes | CheckSchemaForEventType{Is schema for <br> event type <br> valid?}
CheckSchemaForEventType --> | Yes | CheckEventMatchSchema{Does the <br> event match <br> the schema?}
CheckSchemaForEventType --> | No | SetTimestamp
CheckEventMatchSchema -->| Yes | SetTimestamp
CheckEventMatchSchema -->| No | BadRequest[Send 400 BadRequest statusCode]
style BadRequest stroke:#FF0000,stroke-width:2px