Starlight is configured using environment variables. The following are supported environment variables:
Name | Default | Description |
STARLIGHT_INFORMER_NAMESPACE | playground | The Kubernetes namespace from which the EventSubscription CRD is being polled |
STARLIGHT_FEATURE_PUBLISHER_CHECK | true | Enable ownership verification for published events |
STARLIGHT_HEADER_PROPAGATION_BLACKLIST | x-spacegate-token,authorization,content-length,host,accept.,x-forwarded.,cookie | A list of headers that will not be forwarded in the published event |
STARLIGHT_ISSUER_URL | http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/default | The issuer(s) that are trusted by Starlight |
STARLIGHT_DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT | integration | The default environment that is used for multi-tenancy |
STARLIGHT_PUBLISHING_TOPIC | published | The Kafka topic where events will be published |
STARLIGHT_PUBLISHING_TIMEOUT_MS | 5000 | The timeout used when publishing events to Kafka |
STARLIGHT_KAFKA_BROKERS | kafka:9092 | The Kafka broker that is used for publishing events |
STARLIGHT_KAFKA_TRANSACTION_PREFIX | starlight | The transaction-prefix that is used for publishing events |
STARLIGHT_KAFKA_GROUP_ID | starlight | The Kafka consumer group that is used for publishing events |
STARLIGHT_KAFKA_LINGER_MS | 5 | How long the Kafka waits for other records before transmissing the batch (Reference) |
STARLIGHT_KAFKA_ACKS | 1 | How often the events needs to be acknowledge by Kafka |
STARLIGHT_KAFKA_COMPRESSION_ENABLED | false | If events send to Kafka should be compressed |
STARLIGHT_KAFKA_COMPRESSION_TYPE | none | The compression type used to compress events |
STARLIGHT_FEATURE_SCHEMA_VALIDATION | false | Enable schema validation for published events |
ENIAPI_BASEURL | localhost:8080 | Base URL of the SchemaStore endpoint (used for polling event schemas) |
ENIAPI_REFRESHINTERVAL | 30000 | How often new schemas will be polled from the SchemaStore |
IRIS_ISSUER_URL | | The issuer that is used to retrieve a token when calling SchemaStore endpoint |
CLIENT_ID | foo | Client ID that is used to retrieve a token when calling SchemaStore endpoint |
CLIENT_SECRET | bar | Client secret that is used to retrieve a token when calling SchemaStore endpoint |