Please refer to the following tags in the meantime
Component Version Starlight 4.0.1 Galaxy 4.0.2 Comet 4.0.1 Polaris 4.0.3 Vortex 1.4.2 Pulsar 4.0.0
This guide describes how to install Horizon using k3d
. It is intended for development and testing purposes only.
Warning: Do not use it for installation on productive environments!
Important: This guide uses non-productive example passwords for simplification, please change them accordingly!
If you do not know what k3d is, please refer to the k3d documentation.
By following this quickstarter guide line by line, you will obtain an running instance of Horizon that you can use to try out the software.
This guide has been written for and tested with k3d version v5.6.0, k3s version v1.27.4-k3s1, kubernetes version v1.27.4, and Helm version v3.14.1 on Microsoft Windows 10 (x64) with Docker Desktop version 4.28.0.
Microsoft Windows 10 (x64) or later
Docker Desktop installed
At least 6 GB free RAM recommended
If needed, limit the memory usage of Docker Desktop when creating/adjusting the
:[wsl2] memory=6GB
CLI package manager:Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression
Install required tools via
package manager:scoop install k3d helm yq openssl
This will install:
: A yaml processing CLI utilk3d
: Used for easily creating a new Kubernetes cluster locallyhelm
: Used for installing software (here: Horizon) in the Kubernetes cluster
Create a new directory as workspace on your local machine:
New-Item -Path horizon -ItemType Directory; Set-Location -Path horizon
Clone the following repositories:
git clone git clone git clone --branch 4.0.1 git clone --branch 4.0.2 git clone --branch 4.0.1 git clone --branch 4.0.3 git clone --branch 1.4.2 git clone --branch 4.0.0
For this guide we will use a k3s
Kubernetes cluster which will install by using k3d
works slightly differently to Minikube. For example, it uses the Traefik Ingress Controller instead of an Ingress Controller based on Nginx. This detail will become relevant later when we want to replace the default self-signed certificate of the loadbalancer.
Initialize a new Kubernetes cluster:
k3d cluster create horizon-playground -p "443:443@loadbalancer" -p "80:80@loadbalancer" --agents 2
Create a new kubeconfig file for the new cluster:
k3d kubeconfig get horizon-playground > $env:userprofile\horizon-playground.kubeconfig
Set the new kubeconfig as default:
$env:KUBECONFIG = "$env:userprofile\horizon-playground.kubeconfig"
Install an ingress dns for resolving ingress URLs within the cluster:
kubectl apply -f kubectl apply -f .\pubsub-horizon\resources\ingress-dns.yaml
Special thanks to Tom Lawton who created this rewrite of minikube-ingress-dns which works with any Kubernetes cluster.
Customize the CoreDNS configuration:
In order to point CoreDNS to our Ingress DNS for resolving any request with *.test host, we must customize the CoreDNS configuration.
Basically, it is sufficient to add a similar entry as follows:
test:53 { errors cache 30 forward . <Cluster IP of kube-ingress-dns service> }
You can easily prepare such a configuration by running the following Powershell commands, which will also set the correct cluster IP of the Ingress DNS:
$clusterIP = kubectl get -n kube-system service/kube-ingress-dns -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}" $yamlFile = ".\examples\coredns-custom.yaml" $yamlContent = Get-Content $yamlFile $yamlContent -replace "<Cluster IP of kube-ingress-dns service>", $clusterIP | Set-Content $yamlFile
Finally, install the custom CoreDNS configuration:
kubectl apply -f .\examples\coredns-custom.yaml -n kube-system
After that the CoreDNS should reload itself. You can verify it by using the following command:
kubectl logs -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns
Create a new "platform" namespace in the cluster:
kubectl create namespace platform
Since some of the Horizon components will later establish a secure connection to the IDP, a self-signed CA certificate with the common name (CN) *.test
must be created first, which will be imported later into the truststore of the individual Horizon components.
This step is particularly important if, as in this case, we are installing the Open Telekom Integration Platform locally and are not using a registered domain with a valid ROOT CA certificate.
Create a private key first:
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private.key
Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR):
openssl req -new -key private.key -out wildcard.test.csr
Create a self-signed wild-card certificate for *.test:
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in wildcard.test.csr -signkey private.key -out wildcard.test.crt
Make sure to set
for the common name (CN) when asked. Any other question can be skipped (answered with.
). -
Configure the Traefik proxy to use the new certificate:
kubectl create secret tls tls-secret --cert=.\wildcard.test.crt --key=.\private.key -n platform kubectl apply -f .\pubsub-horizon\examples\traefik-tlsstore.yaml -n platform
Install Kafka:
helm install horizon-kafka oci:// -f .\pubsub-horizon\examples\kafka-sample-values.yaml -n platform --version 26.11.4
Verify ready status of Kafka
while (1) {kubectl get sts horizon-kafka-controller -n platform; sleep 5}
The command above will be executed every 5 seconds. It can take a few minutes until Kafka is ready.
Install MongoDB:
helm install --set auth.rootPassword=topsecret horizon-mongodb oci:// -n platform --version 7.8.1
Verify ready status of MongoDB
while (1) {kubectl get sts -l -n platform; sleep 5}
The command above will be executed every 5 seconds. It can take a few minutes until MongoDB is ready.
Start a new process for port-forwarding the MongoDB service to your local machine:
Start-Process kubectl -ArgumentList "port-forward -n platform service/horizon-mongodb-mongodb-sharded 27017:27017"
Note: A new terminal will popup. Do not close it unless you want to terminate the port-forwarding. Let's continue in the original Poershell terminal
Initialize the database and create required indices:
mongosh -u root -p topsecret --file .\pubsub-horizon\examples\init-database.js
Install required Horizon custom resource definitions (CRDs):
kubectl apply -f .\pubsub-horizon\resources\crds.yaml
Install required ServiceMonitor CRD:
kubectl apply -f
- Install required Horizon headless services:
kubectl apply -f .\pubsub-horizon\resources\services.yaml -n platform
Copy the wildcard certificate previously created to the necessary places:
cp wildcard.test.crt .\pubsub-horizon-starlight\cacert.crt cp wildcard.test.crt .\pubsub-horizon-comet\cacert.crt cp wildcard.test.crt .\pubsub-horizon-polaris\cacert.crt cp wildcard.test.crt .\pubsub-horizon-pulsar\cacert.crt
Note: This step is not necessary for every application, but only for the applications that communicate with the IDP
Build all Horizon images (this can take a few minutes):
docker build --build-arg="BUILD_ENV=with_cacert" -t horizon-starlight:latest -f .\pubsub-horizon-starlight\Dockerfile.multi-stage .\pubsub-horizon-starlight docker build -t horizon-galaxy:latest -f .\pubsub-horizon-galaxy\Dockerfile.multi-stage .\pubsub-horizon-galaxy docker build --build-arg="BUILD_ENV=with_cacert" -t horizon-comet:latest -f .\pubsub-horizon-comet\Dockerfile.multi-stage .\pubsub-horizon-comet docker build --build-arg="BUILD_ENV=with_cacert" -t horizon-polaris:latest -f .\pubsub-horizon-polaris\Dockerfile.multi-stage .\pubsub-horizon-polaris docker build --build-arg="BUILD_ENV=with_cacert" -t horizon-pulsar:latest -f .\pubsub-horizon-pulsar\Dockerfile.multi-stage .\pubsub-horizon-pulsar docker build -t horizon-vortex:latest -f .\pubsub-horizon-vortex\Dockerfile .\pubsub-horizon-vortex
Import the images into the Kubernetes cluster (this can take a few minutes):
k3d image import -c horizon-playground k3d image import -c horizon-playground k3d image import -c horizon-playground k3d image import -c horizon-playground k3d image import -c horizon-playground k3d image import -c horizon-playground
If you have not yet installed an identity provider in the cluster, you can do so at this point by installing Iris:
Install the IDP
Clone the required repositories:
git clone git clone
Build the image:
docker build -t iris_keycloak:latest -f .\identity-iris-keycloak-image\Dockerfile.multi-stage .\identity-iris-keycloak-image
Import the image into the cluster:
k3d image import -c horizon-playground
Required for k3d/k3s: Set the StorageClass name to "local-path":
yq -i '.postgresql.persistence.storageClassName = \"local-path\"' .\identity-iris-keycloak-charts\values.local.yaml
Install the IDP:
helm upgrade -i -n platform -f .\identity-iris-keycloak-charts\values.local.yaml iris .\identity-iris-keycloak-charts\
Add a new entry to your
file, so that the IDP can be accessed from the host system: iris.test
Note: This needs administrative rights.
Follow the instruction of the Configure the identity provider section.
Create another new client with the name "eventstore". You may use the import client feature to import the client configuration below:
{ "clientId": "eventstore", "name": "eventstore", "surrogateAuthRequired": false, "enabled": true, "alwaysDisplayInConsole": false, "clientAuthenticatorType": "client-secret", "secret": "N25V3loiXgc8USBmoX0AVXmnb3gIs0N6", "redirectUris": [], "webOrigins": [], "notBefore": 0, "bearerOnly": false, "consentRequired": false, "standardFlowEnabled": false, "implicitFlowEnabled": false, "directAccessGrantsEnabled": false, "serviceAccountsEnabled": true, "publicClient": false, "frontchannelLogout": false, "protocol": "openid-connect", "attributes": {}, "authenticationFlowBindingOverrides": {}, "fullScopeAllowed": false, "nodeReRegistrationTimeout": -1, "protocolMappers": [ { "name": "Client Host", "protocol": "openid-connect", "protocolMapper": "oidc-usersessionmodel-note-mapper", "consentRequired": false, "config": { "user.session.note": "clientHost", "id.token.claim": "true", "access.token.claim": "true", "": "clientHost", "jsonType.label": "String" } }, { "name": "Client IP Address", "protocol": "openid-connect", "protocolMapper": "oidc-usersessionmodel-note-mapper", "consentRequired": false, "config": { "user.session.note": "clientAddress", "id.token.claim": "true", "access.token.claim": "true", "": "clientAddress", "jsonType.label": "String" } }, { "name": "Client ID", "protocol": "openid-connect", "protocolMapper": "oidc-usersessionmodel-note-mapper", "consentRequired": false, "config": { "user.session.note": "clientId", "id.token.claim": "true", "access.token.claim": "true", "": "clientId", "jsonType.label": "String" } } ], "defaultClientScopes": [ "web-origins", "client-origin", "profile", "roles", "email" ], "optionalClientScopes": [ "address", "phone", "open-telekom-integration-platform", "offline_access", "microprofile-jwt" ], "access": { "view": true, "configure": true, "manage": true } }
Of course you can also change the secret, but for the sake of simplicity we recommend leaving it as it is for this non-productive installation of Horizon.
Create a new
file where the secret for "eventstore" client is properly set to the value configured in the step before:yq -i '.global.commonHorizon.iris.clientSecret = \"default=N25V3loiXgc8USBmoX0AVXmnb3gIs0N6\"' .\pubsub-horizon\examples\horizon-nonprod.yaml
Install Horizon
helm upgrade -i -n platform -f .\horizon-nonprod.yaml horizon .\pubsub-horizon-helm-charts\horizon-all
Install Insomnium, a privacy-focused open-source tool for testing APIs:
scoop bucket add extras scoop install extras/insomnium
Clone Cosmoparrot echo service:
git clone
Build the Cosmoparrot image:
docker build -t cosmoparrot:latest -f .\pubsub-horizon-cosmoparrot\Dockerfile .\pubsub-horizon-cosmoparrot
Import the Cosmoparrot image into the cluster:
k3d image import -c horizon-playground
Install Cosmoparrot:
kubectl apply -f .\pubsub-horizon-cosmoparrot\manifest\deployment.yaml -n platform
Port-forward Horizon Starlight:
Start-Process kubectl -ArgumentList "port-forward -n platform service/horizon-starlight 8080:8080"
Just like before, you must first create a new client, but this time not for internal systems, but for the event provider and event consumer.
In this example, we will keep it simple, which is why the event provider is also the event consumer - so you will only need to create one client.
- Create a new client within the "default" realm with the name "ecommerce--billing--order-processing". You can easily import examples/example-client.json for this step. It also contains a password that we will use later.
Apply the example subscription:
kubectl apply -f .\pubsub-horizon\examples\example-subscription.yaml -n platform
This will create a new subscription for the eventType "orders.v1" and the consumer "ecommerce--billing--order-processing". The callback URL points to the internal Kubernetes service URL "http://cosmoparrot.platform:8080/callback" (our echo seervice).
Start Insomnium
Important: Make sure to disable certificate validation in Insomnium during this test, since the CA certificate used for https://iris.test is still a self-signed one. You can do so by navigating to
Application -> Preferences
and untick the option "Validate certificates during authentication". -
Create a new
HTTP request for the URLhttp://localhost:8080/v1/nonprod/events
OAuth 2
as auth type. -
Client Credentials
as grant type. -
For the access token URL use: https://iris.test/auth/realms/default/protocol/openid-connect/token
Set "ecommerce--billing--order-processing" as client ID.
Set "75DdRxQpcWUMKpAajw5OmSW8U3CnXg2p" as client secret.
Add the following JSON body:
{ "id":"b5882acc-e40e-47c4-b767-079d310f1ec0", "source":"http://apihost/some/path/resource/1234", "specversion":"1.0", "type":"orders.v1", "datacontenttype":"application/json", "dataref":"http://apihost/some/api/v1/resource/1234", "data":{ "orderNumber":"123" }, "dataschema":"http://apihost/schema/definition.json" }
Make sure to use a new UUID for the
field (=event ID) everytime yo make a request.Tip: You can use the internal
(v4) function of Insomnium to generate a proper UUID for theid
field. -
Execute the request, you should see a
HTTP response code
- Verify the callback request reached the event consumer by viewing the logs of Cosmoparrot:
kubectl logs -l app=cosmoparrot -n platform