Before using this library you have to initialize it using your KeyId
Initialization needs to happen only onces during your application's lifetime:
class MyApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
ShopWidget.init(keyId = "your-key-id-goes-here", isTestMode = true)
indicates whether to use development or production API. To get a development keyId
you need to download Tezro-dev version and retrieve them from there.
Integrating TezroPayButton
to your view:
Customize the button (currently only through code, xml attributes will be available in future updates):
tezroPayButton.apply {
buttonLabel = "1 USD"
isAutomaticRedirectEnabled = true
isQRCodeEnabled = false
isSilentUpdate = false
paymentQRLabel = "Scan this QR and pay!"
Follow this Link to read more about these properties
Implement TezroPayButton.TezroPayButtonDelegate
to listen to events:
override fun onRequestOrderInit() {
//Indicates that user has clicked but no order data was provided
orderId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
name = "Test order ${Random().nextInt()}",
amount = "1",
currency = Order.Currency.USD,
confirmAmountUrl = "",
expiryDate = Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 100000),
photos = listOf(""),
attributes = listOf(Attribute("Color", "Red"))
override fun onLoadingOrderStart() {
//Called after `tezroPayButton.initOrder`, indicates that loading order has started
showToast("Creating order...")
override fun onNewOrderDataLoaded(order: Order) {
//Called when loading order finishes, this is a suitable place to check for new status
when(order.status) {
Order.Status.CREATED -> TODO()
Order.Status.EXPIRED -> TODO()
Order.Status.CONFIRMED -> TODO()
Order.Status.DELIVERED -> TODO()
Order.Status.RECEIVED -> TODO()
Order.Status.DISPUTED -> TODO()
override fun onLoadingOrderError(error: Error) {
//Called when loading order fails, show error to the users
showToast("Something went wrong $error...")
Assign it to your button using:
tezroPayButton.delegate = myDelegateImplementation
To update button data when users come back to your app, call this in your onResume
override fun onResume() {
You can manually set orders to this button using:
tezroPayButton.order = myOrder
This is suitable if you want load your data using our JVM implementation while respecting your architecture rules.
is an open class, all methods and properties are open so you can extend it and customize it the way it suits you.
class CustomTezroButton(
context: Context,
attributeSet: AttributeSet
) : TezroPayButton(context, attributeSet) {
uses XML resources for styles, colors and size. You can override these resources to customize your button within your resources.