CURRENT STATUS: Code is no longer maintained because another repository was found with wider functionality and options, see:
- Siraj Raval's code for SC2 demos
- New modified code based on the pysc2 API to work with Raw Interface
- Added observation_raw() method in to get observation in raw format and ready to access
- Added isAvailable() method in to check if specific action is available for current state
- Added transform_raw() method in to setup raw actions
- Added cmd_raw_unit(), cmd_raw_map(), cmd_raw_quick(). cmd_raw_autocast() in to setup raw_commands, including setting up in ArgumentTypes and Functions.
- Updated Functions, ArgumentTypes, Arguments, etc.
- Generalized usage of raw actions and observations - Currently can send actions and receive observations for almost all possible actions.
- Created method raw_obs() that returns an observation in the form of a dictionary, containing all the important information that an agent could use to interact with the raw interface, such as unit tags, 2D map positions, etc.
- Add calls to cmd_raw_unit() in actions_modified, in the list FUNCTIONS
- Fix run_loop_modified and figure out how to read multiple action requests in one step call
- Figure out how to make several agents get selected and appended to the unit_tags list of an ActionRaw, such that they can all perform the same action