Buildpack configuration can be overridden with an environment variable matching the configuration file you wish to override minus the .yml
extension and with a prefix of JBP_CONFIG
. The value of the variable should be valid inline yaml. For example:
Configure the buildpack to use Liberty profile beta:
cf set-env myApplication JBP_CONFIG_LIBERTY '[version: 2015.+]'
Configure the buildpack with a custom set of Liberty profile features (for WAR and EAR files only):
cf set-env myApplication JBP_CONFIG_LIBERTY '[default_config: {features: [jsp-2.2, websocket-1.1]}]'
Configure the buildpack to use OpenJDK 8:
cf set-env myApplication JBP_CONFIG_OPENJDK '[version: 1.8.+]' cf set-env myApplication JVM openjdk
Disable Spring Auto Reconfiguration:
cf set-env myApplication JBP_CONFIG_SPRINGAUTORECONFIGURATION '[enabled: false]'
The environment variables can also be specified in the applications manifest.yml
file. See the Environment Variables documentation for more information.